Larios, Hugo F., Esq Hugo F Laios aw, PLLC 3110 SRural Road, Ste101  Tempe, 85282 US Deprtment f tie Executive Oce Immigration Review Board ofImmigration Appeals ce of the Clek 5 /7 lebrg Pike, Si Fas Cd Vinia OHS/ CE ic e of Chief Couns e - TUS P Box 25158 Phoenix, 85002 Nae: RUIZESTRADA, JESUS IVAN A 095-129-850 Date of this notice 7/11/2013 csed s a cpy f he Boad's decso ad de he above-eeeced case. csue P Mb: C A G A J y Rg Sceely, D c t Doa Ca Chef Cek uca k Cite as: Jesus Ivan Ruiz-Estrada, A095 129 850 (BIA July 11, 2013)

Jesus Ivan Ruiz-Estrada, A095 129 850 (BIA July 11, 2013)

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Larios, Hugo F., EsqHugo F Laios aw, PLLC3110 SRural Road, Ste101 Tempe, 85282

US Deprtment f tie

Executive Oce Immigration Review

Board ofImmigration Appealsce of the Clek

5 /7 lebrg Pike, Si Fas Cd Vinia

OHS/CE ice of Chief Counse - TUSP Box 25158Phoenix, 85002


Date of this notice 7/11/2013 

csed s a cpy f he Boad's decso ad de he above-eeeced case.


P Mb:C AG A Jy Rg 


D ctDoa Ca 

Chef Cek



Cite as: Jesus Ivan Ruiz-Estrada, A095 129 850 (BIA July 11, 2013)

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U.S eptent f tie Decso of te Bord o mmtio AppelsExecutive Oce r Immigraton Revew

Fll Chch, Vga 0

Fe: A095 29 850 Tucson,








Mahew W KaufmanSeor Aoe

JUL 1 ! 203

 Noce Sec 23(a)(2)(A)(), &N Ac 8 USC § 122(a)(2)(A)()] Convced of crme nvolvg moral rpude


The responde a nave ad czen o Meco appeals om an Immgaon udge'sOcober 11, 2011 decso ndg ha hs Augus 2009 covcon r mone lauderng under secon l 3237(B)() o he Azoa code s a crme volv mora urpude, ad reders hmremovabe under he abovecapoed chage snce he commed whn 5 ears of hsadmsso o he Ued Saes Te record wl be remanded r her proceedngs conssenwih hs order

We revew an Igraon udges cual deenaons, ncudg credbdeernaons, r cear eor See 8 CFR 1003 (d)(3)() Te Board uses a de ovosandad o revew r quesons o aw dscreo, judgme ad al oher ssues appeas omdecsons ofmmgrao Judges See 8 CFR § 10031 (d)(3)()

Pursuan o he record o covco, nclud he pea ageemen, mue order and heranscrp o e respondens pea (Eh 1) he Imgraon udge und ha he respondesconvcon arses uder secon 3-23 (B)() o he Arzona saues (J a 8) As o hsdscr ca rao o car or sc a greem" a asged Augus 4, 2009 b boh pares ndcas ha he respode was chaged uder aended cou oe" o voag er aa, scos 13-1001 3-231?(B)(1) ad (E) of heArzoa Revsed aues See Eh 11

1 We noe ha ( ) seco 13-100 o he Azoa Revsed Saues reaes o aemp(2) seco 3-23 (E) o he Arzoa Rvsed Saues caeorzs he rspoes covco

Coued )

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A095 129 850

Setion 3-2317()(1) of the Aiona Revised Sttes provides that a person is guilty of money laundering in the seond degree if the person does any of the lowing: [aquires or mantans an interest in ansats, transrs anspots reeives or oneas the existene or nare of raketeering proeeds knoing or having reason to kno that they ae the proeeds of 

an oense" See Ari Rev Stat § 3237()( )

Ameded ount one traks the statutoy anguage, exept that it adds aer te wordoense" a phrase speiing that he oense at issue in the respondents ase was o wit Saleof Coaine" See Exh 1 (Plea Aeement) The respondent ped guilty to his harge asreeted in the August 4 2009 transript of the Change of Pea" See Exh 1. his transriptalso reets the respodents admissions to the underying ts as reeted in the statesevidene" ie that the respondent was obseed at his plae of eployment thowing items over a fene, was en und to have ore than ten pakets of oaine i his poket, and thenadied that he was aemptig to se the oaie See Exh 11 (Change of Plea at 0). herespondent also admitted atempting to se ertain items om the salvage business r whih hewas working Id at 11

The miation Judge und hat the statutory setion under whih the respondent wasonvited did not present a ategorial rime of mora turpitude due to the t that the sienter"requirement is written in the disuntive, ie knows or has reason to know" See IJ at  78oever, due to the respondents tua admissios, as reeted in the plea transript, eImmiation Judge ud that the respondent "clearly kew that his ondut demosated hewas aquiring or maintainng an interest in trasatio [si trasfering, ransporting, reeiving,or onealing the existene of the nature of raketeering proeeds, knoig hat they were theproeeds of an oense, to wit, sale of oaine" See J at 8 (emphasis added) he migrationJudge und that this indiated hat the respondent was onvited of money aundering, knowingthat the oense o whih the proeeds were derived was the sale of oaine J at  9

While we nd o ause to disurb the Immigration Judges analysis of te reord of onvition r the purpose of deteining hether e respondents onvition invoved herequisite evel of siente," as disussed by the Atoey Genera i Matter of SlvaTrevino, 2 &N De 687 (AG  2008), we nd that ther proeedings are neessary to lari te basison whih he Imigration Judge deteined that the Ariona staute at issue reahes the type of reprehensible ondut neessary r a nding that an oense invoved ora tupitude

as a ass 3 ony, and (3) other setios of the Ariona ode were rerened in the amededout oe but hese are not at issue i t aeal

2 Te mmigration Judge idiated tat he reord of onvitio, iluding the iitialinditent, as we as he plea agreeent, and the minute ey, and aly the ange of plearansipt" was oered into evidee by the Department of Homeand Seuriy and is Exhibit 11(alhoug the douments are not mared)

 2Cite as: Jesus Ivan Ruiz-Estrada, A095 129 850 (BIA July 11, 2013)

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95 ·129 85

In is regrd he mmiion Judge ces he DHs brief led below in suppo of heremovl chrge r he proposiion e Bord hs und oney lundering o be crieinvolving morl rpiude where e oense involves he excnge of monery insrumens re known o be proceeds of ny crmn conduc wi he nen o concel ose proceeds" .J. 6. See Matte of Tejwan 24&N Dec. 97, 9899 BI 27. In Matte of Tejwan supa

we ndiced h regardless of wheer he underying crme involved orl pide, henen o conce" he proceeds of he crie nvolved morl uude. Id 98-99 We lsocused on he c h rmive cs o concel crmin civiy and impede lw enrceen hve been und o be crmes involving orl urpiude." I 98 (tng Matte ofRobes 24 I&N Dec 22 26 BI 26 sprsion of felony under 8 .C. § 4 is creinvolving orl urpiude becuse e knowng concelmen of he omission of federfeony ws ierenly bse or vile nd conrry o he cceped rle or orliy d he duiesowed beween persons or o sociey n generl"

We nd h he mmgron Judge's lyss d ppen relince on Matte of Tejwan supa rises quesions reqire rend n hs cse peccly, he conduc he cener of Mate of Tejwan supa was he exchnge of money insruens h re known o be heproceeds of y crimnl conduc wh he nen o conce hose proceeds." Matte of Tejwan

 supa 99. he operive specs of he New York sue ssue n h cse were heexchnge nd he nen o concel he proceeds, ie., condc h hd, is be he go of imped[ing w enrcemen" nd obsrucing] con of depen of goveen." Id 98 We noed h his condc ws hereny decepive." d 99. uch crmes of concelmen" hve been und o nvolve orl urpide s recognied by e ned esCort of ppels r he Nn Circi. See RobesUea v Hode 678 F.3d 72, 7 (9h Cir212 (vaatng Matte of Robes supa) (dsnguishing crimes wih inen o conce omcries requirng mere knowedge of lony"

owever, he Immigrion Judge's lyss does no cus on he exen o whic he ronsue ssue here nvolved conceen, decei, d he impedng of lw enrcemencions. Rher he Imiion Judge's nlysis ppers o nd deque he c h hesue rges concelmen  among othe tngs d concldes h he respondens oenselike h in Matte of Tejwan supa ws urpidinous Ye his nlysis is indeqe becusehe ron sue lso reches person who cquires or nins n neres n, rnscs,ransfers rspos, receives o oneas he exsence or nre of rckeeering proceedsknowng or hvng reson o know h hey are he proceeds of n oense." r Rev. § 132317(B( . Therere even f we ssue he responden ced knowingly quesionsill would se s o wheher nowngy mnining n ineres in" or receivng" suchrckeeering proceeds woud nvolve or urpiude. he Igron udge dd no ook o he

The Unied Ses Cour of ppels r  he hrd Crc vced hs decson n unpublished order 349 ed. ppx 79 (3d Cir. 29, bu e resonng remins indng s ohe Bord nd r cses rising in oher crcuis.

4 n RobesUea v Hode supa e inh Crc noed h he rione" cenrl o heholdng n Matte of Tejwan supa.e., h rmive concelmen of crime invovesuduen behvorws no ssue

3Cite as: Jesus Ivan Ruiz-Estrada, A095 129 850 (BIA July 11, 2013)

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A09 129 80

record of concton to determne whether the charge and the respondents admssons establshthe leel of concealment decet and attempt to obsuct law enrcement that was at the core of our decson n Maer o/Tewan supra We also note that the mmgraton udge dd not haethe benet of RoblesUrrea v. Holder supra, dscussed aboe

Accordngl we nd that remad of the record s requred r rther ct-ndng andanalss as to the questons dscussed aboe e llowng order wll be entered

ORDER: e record s remanded r rther proceedngs consstent wth ths order�ORTHEl

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Fe: 09-9-80 Ocoer , 0

he Mer of





HRES Seco 7 () () (D) () of e mmgro d Noly c (N}: le who, fer dmssoor dusme s ae, lwfuly dmed for ermae resdece o codo bs uderSeco 6 or 6 (} of he Ac, whose saus h ee ermed uder such resecve eco


Seco 7 (} () (A) () of he mmgro ad Noay Ac (N} ae who hs eecovced of a crme volvg mor urudecommed wh fve years fer dmsso for

 whch seece of oe yer or oger my emoed

 PLAONS  Moo o erme




 Reode a du male le, ve ad cze

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of Meco, who was ace o remova roceedgs he

ssuace of a Noce o Aear daed Seemer , 009  ha

 ocume  was served uo he resoe o Seemer , 009,

a has ee ae o he recor of roceedgs

 A a revous hear hrough wre eadgs,

resoe ame aegaos , , , ad 4 o he Noce o

 Aear, ad dee aeaos , 6, a , as we as oh

charges of removay

 he overme ha cause o ay rouce a

offer o he our a adoa chargg ocume whch roved

o e oa moo  ha docume was marke o evece as

Exh A; however, s o eg cosere for a uroses

oher ha o carfy he whdrawa of cera aegaos a

aoa charges efoe he our ha ocume caes

ha aegao o he Noce o Aear, whch s ha he

resoes saus was ermae o Decemer 4, 006, ecause

 he fae o fe a a me maer was whraw

 herefore, havg whraw ha aegao he overme aso

cae ha he chare uder Seco 7 (a) () (D) () woud

aso e whraw, as woud have ee here mosse

o f ha charge was correc whe he aegaos sag

 was wdraw

 he overme dd roduce a aoa charge o

he mx,  however, uer Seco (a) () () () of he Ac,

ha resode, afer amsso, had ee covce of a

 A099- 80 Ocoer , 0

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ggved feo, offese eg o c ffckg of

cooed suce Howeve he oveme hs so

 whdw h chge d heefoe eveyhg o he

docume hs ee whdw ehe o o wg  Ad

heefoe he docume s moo efoe he ou

 he oy queso he ou hs o decde s whehe

he esode hs ee covced of cme vovg mo

uude commed wh fve es of hs ecevg sus ofdmso o he ed Ses s wfu eme ede

ddo o Ehs d A he ou w oe

h he ecod ocudes Eh d 3, whch e oce of

 heg d dco esode ws eesed o hs ow

ecogce Eh 4 s coy of he oce of he fg

of he Noce o Ae s we h evous efeeced

o of ecogzce d he evous Eh he Noce o


Eh he ecod s moo o coue whch

 ws  ged d Eh 6 e he esode's we


Eh 7 s he esodes ef suo h

he esodes covco s o due o emov offese d

he ou w gve ge we o hs h docume he

esode ses h suo of he ego, he

Deme hs sumed ] dcme [] e

geeme [c] ou- smed ey d dsoso fo

 A095-29850 3 Ocoe 0

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ad d] rascrs o resodes lea colloqu or the Pma

Sueror our However, oe o hese documes dcate tha

resode  was covced or moe lauderg arsg rom a

corolled susace oese  Whe deermg wheher a

oese cosues a crme volvg moral turude, we rs

looked ol o he laguage o he satue o the covco o

deerme wheher he oese costutes a crme volvg

 moral urude ad he resode quoes aylor  v ted

States, 49 S 7 (990)

 Resodet coues ha ad ol he laguage

of he saute covcto s amguous he we al he

 moded caegorcal aroach, where documes o he record o

covco ma e suted d Fall, he record o

covcto does o resolve he qur, he we ma look eod

he record o covco  Maer o Slva- revo, 4 & Dec

687 (A 008)

he (sa) case, the laguage o the staue s

clearl ad uambguousl o a crme volvg moral turude

 hus, ecause der he caegorcal aroach, he staue uder

 whch resode was covced s uamguousl o a crme

volvg moral turude, he Dearme has aled o meet s

 urde o rovg resodes removalty

ousel has ee gve he ooru to elaorate o

ha wh oral argume, ad has doe so very well

ht 8 he record s roo o he resodets

 A09980 4 Ocoer , 0

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ongong marrage and Exhbt 9 are he docuens.

hb 10 s the Governen's bref on ateped

 oney launderng s a CIMT and on age 4 begns is

analyss.  The Governent says n Maer of Crsoval Slva-

 Trevno supra he Atorney General promulgated a new framework

for use when deernng whether convcons for a cre

nvolvng  moral trpide (a CIMT) . In order to be a CIT under

the Ac he cre s nvolve boh reprehensble conduct and

soe degree of scener whether a pecfc nen

delberaeness wllfulness or recklessness." SlvaTrevno


 To ake tha deernaton he Imgraon Jude us

frs mae a caegorcal assessen of he crmnal statue

(or crnal acs) o see f at he te of he alen's reoval

 proceedng any actal (as opposed to hyohetcal) case exss

n whch rrelevan crmnal staute was appled o conduc ha

dd no nvove oral turde. Id 697.

DuenasAlvarez 549 US. 183 193 (2007) ]

[Cng Gonzalez  v.

If the staute had no been so applied n any case

(ncldn he alen's own case) he adjudcaor can reasonably

conclde tha al convictons nder the saue may

caegorclly be reated a ones nvolvng oral urpude.

Id 697.

 The Governmen goes on o ce he change of plea

transcrpts page 9 hrogh 1 whch he Cour has addressed n

 A092980 5 Ocober 20

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cour  The Depare assers tha parcpang a

ansaco ha volves he proceeds of an offense volvng

he aep or acal sale of a acoc dug, cocane, and

knowng ha he asacto s ended o hde he esence

o are of he cocane sale proceeds s epehensble codc

ndvdal nenoally akes affave seps o conceal

he  proceeds of cnal codc acs n a nheely decepve

 a ne, and pas he Goveet ably o deec and coa

cnal acvy  The Goveret the ces ha he Boad of

Imgaon Appeals has proved ha oney landeg s a ce

nvolvng  oal trpde, and efes he or o see Mater of

Tejwani, 24 & Dec 97 (BIA 2007}, fndng ha oey

laderg volves he echage of oneay nsres ha

are kown o be poceeds of ay cnal condc wh he ent

o conceal hose poceeds are caegocally a cre volvng

 oal urpde

Ehbt the record ae he docuens he

Governe has sbed o sppo he covcon ad hey

nclde, of cose, he nal dcen, as well as he plea

ageeen, ad he nue enry, and fnally he change of plea


 To deere wheher esponden's ofese qalfes as

a cre volvng oral rpde the or apples he

 ehodology adoped by he Atorney Geneal n Maer of Slva

 Tevo, sa In ha decson, he Aorney Geeal held

 A095- 29850 6 Ocobe , 20

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a a re nvovng ora rpde s a re a nvoves

 boh reprehensbe ond and soe for of sener weer

spef nen deberaeness wfness or rekessness."

Id . 7o 6 and s .

Frherore he orney Genera deerned ha f

a ases a have a reasonabe probaby" of beng

 proseed nder sae of onvon nvoves a rese

repreensbe ond" and sener " en e offenseuafes aegora as a re nvovng ora rpde

 nowsandng e eorea possby" a soe non

rpdnos res od aso be proseed nder he sae

sae. Id 697- 69 [ong Gonzaez v. Dena- varez 549

U. S. 3 93 (2007) ]

In a ase e Cor has o agree w he

onson a rzona revsed sae 3237 does no

onse a aeora re invovng ora rpde.  B

e Cor s hen deerne weer e Deparmen of Hoeand

Sery has sbed sffen evdene for e Cor o

deerne under he odfed aegora anayss wheher e

respondens onvon was based pon rpdnos ond.

 Te Deparen of Hoeand Sery has sbed o e Cor a

ransrp of e pea proeedngs and e Cor s abe o

sae a deernes a e eeens of e sae a

reponden was aey onved of he Cor s abe o

sae ha s abe o fy ndersand e eeens of e

052950 7 Oober 20

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te oney was gong to e te proceeds of cocane sellng He

also adtted tat e was workng n te salage sness and

an eployer saw on deotape tossng tngs oer a fence

fro  were e was workng  And t was deterned fro tat

due to fnacal dffcltes e was sellng tngs fro te

 usness alog wt agges of coke.  Tus ts Cort as no

quals n fndng tat te respondent was concted of oney

landerng knowng tat te offense fro wc te proceeds were  eng dered was sale of cocane And terefore te

Court fnds tat te offense constttes a cre nolng oral

turptde nder te law

 Ts at ts pont n te te Court wll ake te

followng fndngs and te folowng conclusons of law.

On Septeer 2 2009 n te Pa Conty Speror

Court n Tcson Arona te respondent was concted for te

ofense of attepted oney landerng n te second degree a

class 4 felony wc was cotted on or aot Deceer 7

2004 n olaton of Arzona resed statute 3237))e)

and sentenced to for years proaton egnnng on Septeer 2


 Te Court fnds tat for tat offense a sentence of

one year or longer cold ae een posed d terefore te

Cort akes te cocluson of te law tat te respondent

 ang ecoe a peranent resdent on Ferary 3 2004 and

 ang cotted ts offense on Deceer 7 2004 as  een

09529850 9 Octoer 20

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conice of a cime inoling moal upiue commie wihin

fie yeas afe aission fo which a senence of one yea o

onge may be impose

 The Co fins ha he offense of which he

esponen was conice une Aizona eise saue 3-

237b}}E} consiues a cime inoing moal upiue

 An heefoe he Cou issues he folowing oe:


 THEREORE IT IS ORDERED ha he chage une Secion

237a}2} A} i of he Immigaion an Naionaiy Ac shal be


 THOAS ICHL OLEYnie Saes Immigaion uge

 A9298 Ocobe 2

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Fle:  095129850 ctobe 1 201

In the atte of



CHARGES Secton 37a 1 of the Immgaton and Natonaty Act IN alen who afte admssono adjsment as an alen, lawfly admtted fo pemanen esdence on a condtonal bass ndeSecton 16 o 216a of the ct, whose stats has  been temnated nde sch espectve sectonIHN

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7/28/2019 Jesus Ivan Ruiz-Estrada, A095 129 850 (BIA July 11, 2013)

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7/28/2019 Jesus Ivan Ruiz-Estrada, A095 129 850 (BIA July 11, 2013)

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I hereby certify that he attached proceeing before JUDGE

THOMAS MICHAEL O'EARY, n the matter of:




is an accurae verbaim transcript of he recording as provide

y he Execive Office for Immigration Review an hat his is

he original transcrip hereof for he file of he Exective

ffice for Immigraion Revew.

CAMILLE G MILLER {Transcriber)


NOVEMBER 30, 20(Compeion Date)