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Jessica Stevenson

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Jessica Stevenson

Humanities 101

August 10, 2015

Mr. Ross Chapmen

The unexamined life

In The Apology of Socrates, he has been accused of corrupting the young

and not recognizing the gods of who they actually are. During The Apology

Socrates is making a speech in the trail to prove he himself is no guilty of these

charges. It is not an actually apology like we think of now a days, in ancient

Greece it means a defenses and argument. He must plead a good one or it is

death for him.

Socrates believed that being a wise man was not so important and that he

was being charger for saying so. He believed that the people of Athens believed

that money, riches, and status meant everything. Yet tho Socrates also believed

that it wasn’t true that the people of Athens believed that money, riches, and

status meant everything. He believed being a good person and a humble person

was more important. The people of Athens didn’t agree with his thoughts at all.

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They do not want him to the youth this at all. The Athenians believe that if it

spread to the youth that he would rain the Athens youth. Socrates did not believe

he would ever destroy Athens youth by his beliefs. This is why he was letting

everyone know this. He believed that living a simple life and being a good person

was worth living.

If he was unable to do so to be spared of his life he did not want to live. He

didn’t want to liv a life that was preventing him from being a good person who

lives without riches, money, and possessions. He wants to be able to live a

humble life and show others that’s what a life worth living is. He also wants the

Athens citizens to know that if they do him they will never have another citizen

like him. He wants them to realize that he was sent to them to show them a

better way of living.

Socrates didn’t believe he deserved to die for his beliefs but he also did not

want to live if he were not allowed to his beliefs either. This shows that a man’s

life is not worth living if he cannot live his life the way he believes is the proper

way. Socrates was not corrupting the young Athenians for they have been the

only ones who would listen to him and actually accept his difference in they way

he believed you should life. He can teach them many things to life then the god’s

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and the goddess could every teach them. They would all know they have a choice

and this is there life. In conclusion I do not believe that Socrates meant any harm

to any person when he was spreading his thoughts, hopes, and beliefs. I defiantly

do not believe he was corrupting the young in anyway because those were they

only ones who would listen to him.