Jeremy is slightly overweight. Calculations will reveal that he will not gain a huge amount of weight over the next month if his current eating habits continue. However, Jeremy's poor food choices, his moderately high cholesterol, and his family history of heart disease all impact the need for a modified nutrition and health plan .. BMI was approximately 30 and BMR and TDEE depended on your activity factor. Be comfortable with these calculations! Trisha is not consuming enough calories a day to support her energy expenditure. She will continue to lose weight over the next month. Her BMI already classifies her as underweight. She makes some wise food choices, however, she will need to increase her overall caloric intake as well as add in some healthy carbohydrates to maintain a healthy weight. She also needs to watch her iron consumption as she is anemic. This patient provides a good talking point about the development of eating disorders. Trisha is not anorexic, but she does exhibit many of the behaviors that could lead to an eating disorder. BMI was approximately 17 and BMR and TDEE depended on your activity factor. Be comfortable with these calculations! Hans is consuming too many calories in a given day and he is not getting enough exercise. If he continues on his current eating pattern, he will continue to gain weight. He is an obese young man and he wants a nutritionist to help him design a plan to help him safely lose weight. BMI was approximately 26. BMR and TDEE depended on your activity factor. Be comfortable with these calculations!

Jeremy is slightly overweight. Calculations willmallorylehrportfolio.weebly.com/uploads/1/6/4/7/... · weight. He is an obese young man and he wants a nutritionist to help him design

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Jeremy is slightly overweight. Calculations willreveal that he will not gain a huge amount ofweight over the next month if his current eatinghabits continue. However, Jeremy's poor foodchoices, his moderately high cholesterol, and hisfamily history of heart disease all impact theneed for a modified nutrition and health plan ..BMI was approximately 30 and BMR and TDEEdepended on your activity factor. Be comfortablewith these calculations!

Trisha is not consuming enough calories aday to support her energy expenditure. Shewill continue to lose weight over the nextmonth. Her BMI already classifies her asunderweight. She makes some wise foodchoices, however, she will need to increaseher overall caloric intake as well as add insome healthy carbohydrates to maintain ahealthy weight. She also needs to watch heriron consumption as she is anemic. Thispatient provides a good talking point aboutthe development of eating disorders. Trishais not anorexic, but she does exhibit many ofthe behaviors that could lead to an eatingdisorder. BMI was approximately 17 andBMR and TDEE depended on your activityfactor. Be comfortable with thesecalculations!

Hans is consuming too many calories in agiven day and he is not getting enoughexercise. If he continues on his currenteating pattern, he will continue to gainweight. He is an obese young man and hewants a nutritionist to help him design a planto help him safely lose weight. BMI wasapproximately 26. BMR and TDEEdepended on your activity factor. Becomfortable with these calculations!


Client Name: Jeremy Brown

Activit 3.2.4: PLTW Nutrition - Client Re ort for Jerem Brown

Health History (including any specific health goals):Jeremy is a 24-year-old law student at the local university. A competitive swimmer throughout college,Jeremy has always been in good health. Now that his schedule has become so hectic, he has limited timefor exercise other than walking to class. He eats most meals outside of the house and admits to snackingand drinking caffeinated beverages to stay up to study.

The patient describes a family history of heart disease in both his mother and his father. His father takesmedication for both high blood pressure and cholesterol and his mother has had angioplasty to open ablocked artery in her heart. His uncle on his mother's side developed Type" diabetes at age 40. There isno family history of cancer.

Recent lab work revealed that Jeremy's LDL cholesterol is 130 and his HDL cholesterol is 45. Hisaverage blood pressure was 135/85.

Jeremy feels sluggish and he is looking for ways to improve his quality of life. He wants an assessment ofhis current health and he would like recommendations for how he can integrate exercise and healthyeating habits back into his busy schedule.

Height: 6' 2" Weight: 235 Ibs _

BMI: \ , 2>22:.$ yYl IO(P. Eli1 \t\~• Calculate Jeremy's BMI based on his height and weight and describe the implications of this

number. Take Jeremy's athletic history into account.I

BM\= IQ(P5Q1L ~ ~ ~j;l.21 Y\C1/rYl'[\ ,g232 rnJL 3,34 '1-.S0Q44 .-.~----.:1J


Activity Level: BMR and TDEE (Output):Jeremy reports going to the campus pobi about once a week for a 30-45 minute swim. He walks to classeach day, but his apartment is not far from the main law buildings or the library. Jeremy spends 4-5 hoursa night at the library studying or writing. About once a month, he meets his father to play golf. They play18 holes, but use a golf cart to maneuver around the course. I

I• Com ute Jeremy's BMR. ) { t: Y 1\'\ J«Len:;;;; (0·5+ (i5nSl<w)-t(5.003t\-\ - (p·TI:J1'l n) -- J<'-'(010·:; 1 ll~;1')/10(, .:fI4))rl3'OO3/ IlIZ .3'l)) - (u T75(21)) j = C;Z/~({;(O·5 t \tt(j5.LP(P1~ t q\4·q1~(v4 - ICP2.(P

• Discuss the activity factor used in the Harris-Benedict Equation and calculate TDEE,

Food Intake (Input):Jeremy completed a food diary fer one week. Analysis of his food choices revealed the following results:

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