Jeopardy Chapter 1 and 2 Business Organization Ethics The Business Cycle Leadership and motivation Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q

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This type of company controls the entire production of a Certain good or service

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Jeopardy Chapter 1 and 2 Business Organization Ethics The Business Cycle Leadership and motivation Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy This type of company controls the entire production of a Certain good or service What is a monopoly These skills help managers Understand how different Parts of a business relate to One another. What are Conceptual Skills If a manager ensures the basic needs Of heating, lighting, and wages are Met before addressing higher level Needs of safety and security, she is Utilizing this theory of management What is Abraham Maslows Hierarchy of Needs This theory of management shows a Deeper concern for the well-being Of the employees by working and Making decisions as groups What are Japanese Management Practices This management practice almost cost Henry Ford his company as It kept him from allowing anyone To make even the most mundane Of decisions What is Centralization This term refers to any group that Engages in economic activity (wealth exchanged for goods and/or services) What is a firm High government fees, heavy regulation, Lack of privacy and a lack of control Are all disadvantages of this type of firm What is a Corporation This type of partnership allows every Partner to participate in management, While also leaving every partner Responsible for the debt incurred. What is a General Partnership This is a way of organizing and Representing a companys assets with the goal of raising investments, or Capital What are Shares This type of firm is organized in a Very democratic manner, sometimes SO democratic that nothing gets done. What is a co-operative Financial reporting, political activities, product Safety and employment practices are some, though Not nearly all, of the things THIS is designed to articulate What is a Code of Ethics This refers to the obligation of businesses to take care of the society around Them. What is Social Responsibility This occurs when an employee has responsibilities Or loyalties to more than one employer allowing For the possibility of a situation in which the Employee will be forced to break the trust of one of His or her employers. What is a conflict of interests Firms will often engage in this activity In order to put on a positive face for The communities they operate in What is Charity and/or Philanthropy This management practice of the Early days of business didnt Give a dang about employees Happiness or well-being. What is Profit Maximization This portion of the business cycle Is an extended slump, at least two Quarters (six months) in length What is a recession Positive developments like innovation or Marketing can cause this phase in an Industrys business cycle What is an expansionary phase Negative things like incompetence, Lack of innovation, or scandal can cause an industrys supply to do THIS, attempting to meet the demand What is Shrink A drastic expansion of an industry Is also known as this What is a boom Every industry is different but they All have these two things in common When it comes to their business cycles What are periods of expansion And contraction This type of leadership occurs When one person makes all the Decisions regardless of employee opinion What is Autocratic leadership This theory of motivation suggests that Positive and negative consequences Can teach employees how to behave Though the positive rewards work the best What is Reinforcement Theory These factors in Herzbergs theory of motivation are mainly negative factors, taken for granted until some- thing goes wrong. What are Hygiene Factors This management style is usually Championed by those who dont Want to be in a position of authority And consequently, usually do a poor Job of being in charge. What is Laissez-Faire Leadership McClellands approach to motivation Assumes that employees are different People who are usually looking for either An opportunity to achieve something new, A certain level of power, or THIS What is affiliation Final Jeopardy The movie that probably only 3 people watched Two weeks ago defined THIS as a country Importing more than they export. Final Jeopardy Answer What is a trade deficit!!!!