Jefferson County Public Schools Louisville, KY Dr. Sharon Davis Norm Terry

Jefferson County Public Schools Dr. Sharon Davis Norm Terry

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Jefferson County Public Schools Louisville, KY

Dr. Sharon Davis Norm Terry

}  Louisville is today most well known for the Kentucky Derby, the widely watched first race of the Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing.

JCPS at a Glance }  Students: 98,000+ }  Exceptional Child Education Students, K-12: 12,500+

}  Schools: 90 elementary, 24 middle, 21 high, 20 other learning centers

}  Teachers: 6,000+

}  Teachers holding a master's degree or higher: 83 percent

}  Average years of experience per teacher: 11.6

}  Parent Teacher Association membership: 59,000+

} Courses at most JCPS high schools are organized around one of five Professional Career Themes that offer advanced college and career preparation.

}  Provide information about the Plan for Achieving Student Success (PASS) Program.

} Describe how this program provides support for graduation and provides support for drop-out prevention.

}  Transition of students with disabilities from high school to postsecondary adult life is one of the most stressful of life transitions.

}  In all areas of adult life, young adults with

disabilities do not fare as well as their peers without disabilities.

}  National and state statistics reveal that adults with disabilities have higher rates of unemployment and poverty and lower incomes.

}  Finding employment opportunities related to student interests

}  Parent/Guardian/Family involvement in transition activity planning

}  Keeping students in school

}  Looking ahead to life after school and developing meaningful postsecondary goals

} At risk for dropping out } Years left in school }  Length of time needed for students to acquire, maintain and generalize skills.

} Need for targeted instruction

• Student & Parent Survey • Student Interview • Counseling • Student/Parent/Teacher Transition Meeting

• Person Centered Planning • Assessment • Transition/IEP Meeting • Individual Learning Plan

}  Preparing student and parent to assume responsibility.

}  Linking students and parents with opportunities and experiences.

}  Identifying interests, preferences, and needs.

}  Identifying possible post-school outcomes.

}  Developing a coordinated set of activities.

}  Providing Access to Community Transition (PACT)

} Work Transition Program (WTP)

} Vocational Opportunities in Community Environments (VOICE)

} Community Based Instruction (CBI)

} Career Opportunities through Vocational Exploration (COVE)

}  Plan for Achieving Student Success (PASS)

PASS is a district-wide initiative for the case management of Exceptional Child Education (ECE) student progress toward JCPS graduation requirements as well as for support of dropout prevention.

}  The purpose of the PASS Program is to increase the number of ECE students graduating from high school and making a successful transition to adult life.

}  The goal of the PASS Program is to serve as a tool to promote school involvement, school completion and dropout prevention.

PASS Program

PASS Facilitators

Transition Liaisons

Training Funding

}  Target and work with ECE students not on track for graduation

}  Develop long range career plans }  Document planning on student’s Individual

Learning/Transition Plan }  Ensure that ECE students develop Self-

Advocacy Strategies that help them become active participants in the creation and implementation of these plans

}  Connect with community resources to ensure transition to adult life

}  Serve two to three high schools }  Serve students through the PASS Program

}  Serve students through the COVE Program

}  Provide drop-out prevention measures through “Check & Connect” initiative

  §  Individual Learning Plans (ILP) §  Transition Programs & Services §  Partnership with Office of Vocational Rehabilitation & Other Agencies

Individual Learning Plans (ILP)

}  Case management of ECE student progress toward JCPS graduation requirements

}  Service learning opportunities and activities }  Postsecondary education/employment }  Career awareness/exploration/education }  Referral to JCPS transition programs }  Dropout intervention strategies (home visits,

parental contact, individual guidance, academic contracts, behavior contracts 

}  Site Visits } Mock Interviews } Resume Writing }  Parent Night } Career Fair } Home Visits } Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Orientation

} Transition Meetings

PASS Program

PASS Proposal Plan of Action for

Serving Students at Individual School

Training & Funding

Provided by District to Implement

Plan of Action

ECE Student Transition

Needs Assessed at

Individual Schools

}  Quarterly training/consultation sessions are held for PASS Facilitators and Transition Liaisons.

}  Sessions focus upon the high school graduation requirements and ways to help students achieve these, the transition process, transition resources, interagency collaboration, career awareness/exploration/education and post school adult living.

PASS Funding

Extra Service Time---Duties Beyond the School Day


Site Visits to Postsecondary


} Funding for stipends or extra service

} Transition liaisons serving no more than 3 schools

} Support meetings for technical support and transition training

}  Focus On Community Outcomes

}  Interagency Collaboration

}  Individualized Method

}  Family and Support Network

}  Office of Vocational Rehabilitation }  Seven Counties Services, Inc }  Commission for Children w/Special Health Care

Needs }  Career and Technical Education }  Kentucky Special Parent Involvement Network }  Protection & Advocacy }  Center for Accessible Living }  Disability Resource Center @ U of L

  Beyond High School Office of Vocational Rehabilitation http://www.ovr.ky.gov

Get a Life! Human Development Institute

University of Kentucky http://www.hdi.uky.edu   Building Your Future Seven Counties Services, Inc. http://www.sevencounties.org

• Beginning at the eighth grade or by age 14, the Individual Education Program (IEP) should include a statement of transition service needs in the Present Level of Performance.

• Beginning at the eighth grade or by age 14, the Individual Learning Plan (Individual Graduation Plan) is developed including a multi-year course of study.


}  Beginning at age 16, the IEP should include a

statement of transition services, including any interagency linkages.

}  Beginning with the IEP that is in place at age 16, the IEP should include measurable post secondary goals for education or training, employment, and as needed, independent living.

}  One year before reaching the age of 18, information is provided regarding individual rights under special education law.


The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation and Jefferson County Public Schools work collaboratively to provide student support for education/training, employment, supported employment and independent living.

Every student has an individualized plan for transition. Through this collaborative effort, students receive case management of transition services beyond high school.

}  Student tries hand at welding during a PASS Program site visit to Knight School of Welding.

Knight School of Welding 920 W Hill Street, Louisville, KY 40208

PASS Program visit to ATA College where there were hands on activities for students.

Sullivan University Louisville Campus National Center for Hospitality Studies 3101 Bardstown Road Louisville, Kentucky 40205

Individual Learning Plan Plan for the Future, Plan for Success!!!

The ILP Homepage is the central point from which students can access all of the features and functions available in the ILP.

Schools can send messages to students. Schools can also add links to related online career, education, and community resources.

The My Documents section of the ILP allows students to store files such as essays and presentations, letters of reference, and scanned artwork.

The ILP is fully integrated with the Career Cruising career guidance system.

Students can save their results from the Career Matchmaker interest inventory.

Students are asked about their likes and dislikes in a variety of areas, such as working with children, being interested in law, working outdoors.

Students receive a list of 40 career suggestions ranked in order of suitability.

Students can bookmark individual careers and colleges that they are interested in and record their thoughts about each.

Career and college names link directly to detailed profiles so students can access information quickly and easily.

Students can document the career planning and development activities in which they have participated, including job shadowing, attending career or college fairs, internships and co-op placements.

The list of available activities has been customized for Kentucky. It is also tailored for middle school and high school students.

In the Organizations & Activities section, students can detail the structured extracurricular activities in which they participate.

The Hobbies & Interests section allows students to record the informal or independent activities that they enjoy.

Students can document their community service learning experiences, including the number of hours they have completed and the name of their reference or supervisor.

Related files, such as a letter of reference or timesheet, can be uploaded and linked to particular records.

Students can also enter their work experience in the same fashion.

The Education Plan allows students to record the high school courses they have taken, are taking now, or plan to take in the future.

Schools can use this section to help students create a course schedule that meets their career and educational goals. Data from the Education Plan can also be used to forecast course demand.

School courses are linked to Kentucky valid course codes to allow reporting at the school, district, and state level.

The Learning Services section of the ILP allows students to record details about learning options or programs that they participate in, both inside and outside of school. This could include Gifted and Talented programs, limited English proficiency options, private tutoring, and other services.

The ILP also includes a Resume Builder, which takes information students have already entered and helps them create a customized resume.

Students can select a variety of styles and can select the order in which the sections appear, allowing them to create chronological, functional or combined format resumes.

The resume can be printed from a web browser or exported as a Word, text, or html file.

ILP Completion Standards clearly define the objectives and expectations for students.

With the ILP Completion Status Bar, students can view requirements and track their progress towards meeting those specific objectives.

Completion Standards help ensure that students keep their ILPs up to date. Each year students must review and revise the required sections of their ILP and reflect on the changes they have made to achieve completion.

ILP Completion Standards are set on a grade by grade basis. The ILP is a progressive experience for students as they build their plan over time.

}  The PASS Program includes an initiative to provide dropout prevention measures. It is called Check & Connect.

}  Students that have withdrawn from high school are contacted by PASS Program staff to see what support the student/family might be willing to receive.

}  Increase the number of ECE Graduates

}  Increase the number of ECE students with successful postsecondary outcomes

} Decrease the number of ECE Dropouts

}  Increase meaningful transition experiences and opportunities for students with disabilities

}  Increase connections with community resources to ensure transition to adult life for students with disabilities

The Plan for Achieving Student Success will continue to provide students with the support necessary to navigate the maze of transition.


Norm Terry (PASS Program) [email protected]

Exceptional Child Education Student Name ________________________________

Transition Documentation Checklist School ______________________________________ Date of ARC __________________________________ ARC Chairperson ______________________________ Complete transition requirements #1-6 in preparation for and during the annual review meeting for students age 14 or in the eighth grade (whichever occurs first). Complete transition requirements #1-11 in preparation for and during the annual review meeting for students age 15 and older. Complete transition requirement #12, Summary of Performance, during the final year for students graduating with a diploma, certificate of attainment or exceeding the age eligibilty requirements. Form Date Completed ARC Notice _______________ 1. Student’s name is listed on the notice to the meeting. ARC Notice _______________ 2. “To discuss post secondary transition needs and/or services” is checked on the notice as one of the reasons for the meeting. Conf. Summary _______________ 3. If in attendance, the student signed the Conference Summary Form. A (Section VI) statement is written on the the Conference Summary Form to describe how

the student participated in the meeting.

Example of Participation Statement Student was present and participated in discussion relative to transition planning.

OR Conf. Summary _______________ 4. If not in attendance, the student participated through surveys, interviews, (Section VI) ILP/IGP, etc. (as applicable). A statement is written on the the Conference Summary Form to describe how the student participated in the meeting.

Example of Participation Statement Student was not present; however, interests and preferences were discussed based on student survey and current Individual Learning Plan.

IEP _______________ 5. Transition needs are described on the IEP in the Present Levels statement including: strengths, needs, and impact of disability. At least one category (instruction, related service, community experience, development of employment and other post school adult living objectives, and if appropriate,

acquisition of daily living skills and provision of a functional vocational evaluation) is addressed in the statement. Include transition assessment data in the Present Levels statement.

Examples of Transition Needs Statements (Present Levels): Student has mastered the basic concepts of addition and subtraction, however is unable to calculate quickly due to a math disability. Career Matchmaker results indicate that the student would like to be a truck driver. He/she will need instruction in calculator skills to prepare for this career. (Instruction)

Student reads on grade level but often misses information given in class due to poor notetaking skills. He/she misses needed information which impacts ability to study. This student needs instruction in notetaking and study skills in order to be successful for the goal of attending college as indicated on the student survey. (Instruction)

Student is able to acquire skills taught directly in the classroom but is unable to generalize the skills to other settings. He/she will participate in Community Based Instruction to promote generalization of skills in work and social settings. This will support the student’s interest of working in a pet store as indicated on the student survey.

(Community Experience)

Revised 7/2010

Reminder: Annual review of IEP must be held within 365 days.

ILP/IGP _______________ 6. A. Individual Learning Plan (ILP) or Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) (for Course of Study Form Alternate Assessment students) including the multi-year course of study is Conf. Summary completed. All ECE students must have a completed ILP/IGP on file (Section I & Section VI) in blue ARC chairperson folder.

B. A copy of the ILP/IGP and multi-year course of study is printed out and filed in the student’s blue ARC chairperson folder for discussion at the annual review. A statement is written on the Conference Summary Form to document discussion of the ILP/IGP and the multi-year Course of Study.

Example of documentation on Conference Summary Form (Section I): Check boxes for Individual Learning Plan (ILP) and for Multi-Year Course of Study


Example of Statement on Summary Form (Section VI):

Committee reviewed and discussed the Individual Learning Plan/Individual Graduation Plan and the multi-year course of study. Student is on track for completion of coursework leading to a diploma (certificate, if appropriate).

IEP _______________ 7. Postsecondary goals are written on the IEP that cover two areas; education/training and employment and as appropriate, a third goal as needed for independent living. Postsecondary goals should be measureable (can the goal be counted?) and intended to occur after graduation. Examples of Postsecondary Goals: Postsecondary Goal---Education Upon completion of high school, John’s goal is to enroll in courses at Jefferson Community College.

Postsecondary Goal---Employment Upon completion of high school, Roland’s goal is to become a welder.

Postsecondary Goal---Independent Living Upon completion of high school, Julia’s goal is to independently prepare for work each day, including dressing, making her bed, making her lunch, and accessing transportation.

IEP _______________ 8. Activities/strategies for needed Transition Services are listed on the IEP. Examples of Activities/Strategies: Completion of coursework leading to a diploma (certificate) Referral to Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Consent _______________ 9. Consent for Invitation/Release of Information was obtained prior to the notice Invitation/Release to the ARC meeting if a representative of an outside agency was invited to of Information the ARC meeting. (Annually beginning at age 15) OR

Documentation was provided for cases where an outside agency was not appropriate or child’s IEP did not include transition services that required another agency.

IEP _______________ 10. Annual goals are written to support postsecondary goals. IEP _______________ 11. Formal and/or informal, age-appropriate transition assessments are used to Present Level Statement determine postsecondary goals (Career Matchmaker, surveys, inventories, interviews, etc.) See Present Level examples provided for checklist item #5. SOP Form _______________ 12. Summary of academic achievement and functional performance is completed

For students graduating with a diploma, certificate of attainment or exceeding the age eligibilty requirements. The district shall provide the student with a summary of the child’s academic achievement and functional performance, which shall include recommendations on how to assist the child in meeting the child’s postsecondary goals. A copy remains in the blue ARC Chairperson’s Folder.

Complete this form for each annual review and return it to Norm Terry, ECE 4th Floor/VanHoose Education Center. ARC Chairperson ____________________________________________ Date _________________________________________ School _____________________________________________________ Revised 7/2010