Top Produc*vity Boos*ng Finance Apps for 2015

Jeff Ramson on Boosting your Productivity

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Productivity boosting App guide put together by New York entrepreneur Jeff Ramson.

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Page 1: Jeff Ramson on Boosting your Productivity

Top  Produc*vity  Boos*ng  Finance  Apps  for  2015  

Page 2: Jeff Ramson on Boosting your Productivity

One  of  the  great  benefits  of  mobile  compu*ng  is  the  ability  to  calculate  costs,  income,  finances  and  do  accoun*ng  on  the  move.  Here  are  five  mobile  apps  that  help  you  manage  your  finances.  

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Budget  Book  The  simple  fact  this  app  requires  no  Internet  connec*on  immediately  puts  it  at  the  top  of  the  list.  Budget  Book  allows  you  to  get  different  views  of  the  same  data  and  to  organize  your  financial  sta*s*cs  into  both  tables  and  charts  to  get  a  beKer  picture  of  your  money  situa*on.  

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Venmo  Touted  by  Forbes  as  the  “crown  jewel”  of  finance  apps,  Venmo  allows  you  to  *e  your  credit  card  and  bank  account  to  your  device,  then  send  payments  through  your  address  book  directly  to  another  user’s  bank  account.  This  is  PayPal  on  a  rocket  sled,  except  as  of  this  wri*ng  it  is  iOS  only.  

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Wikinvest  Por3olio  Manager  This  one  is  also  an  iOS  only  app,  but  the  ability  to  import  your  en*re  porSolio  and  then  track  it  on  a  mobile  device  is  really  way  too  good  to  be  true.  Combined  with  the  ability  to  track  market  news  and  a  price  tag  of  free  and  you  have  a  clear  winner.  Computers,  and  most  especially  mobile  computers,  have  always  had  the  poten*al  to  improve  an  investor’s  ability  to  maintain  a  moment-­‐by-­‐moment  watch  on  their  porSolio  and  to  iden*fy  under-­‐performing  investments.  Apps  like  Wikinvest  are  precisely  the  kinds  of  technologies  that  help  realize  the  promise  of  individual  inves*ng  with  beKer  and  more  capable  tools.  

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Mint  This  app  has  been  around  forever.  Mint  was  the  original  website  +  app  combina*on  that  demonstrated  what  was  possible  with  a  mobile  finance  app.  Mint’s  apps  allow  you  to  combine  account  details  with  budgets  and  track  both  simultaneously.  It  also  connects  to  your  bank,  credit  cards  and  other  accounts  so  you  can  get  up-­‐to-­‐the-­‐second  data  on  your  accounts.  

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Manilla  This  is  a  bill-­‐paying  app,  and  aside  from  having  a  direct  electronic  account  with  each  of  your  u*lity  and  vendor  companies,  there  is  no  faster  or  more  convenient  way  to  stay  on  top  of  what  you  owe,  to  whom  and  when.  Bill  paying  is  one  of  those  problems  computers  were  invented  to  solve,  aand  the  Manilla  app  is  proof  the  solu*on  doesn’t  have  to  be  expensive  or  cumbersome.  

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While  mobile  apps  are  not  a  solu*on  to  poor  money  management,  they  are  excellent  tools  when  combined  with  a  sound  plan  and  a  disciplined  approach  to  good  financial  principles.  

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This  post  was  reformaKed  for  distribu*on.    To  read  more  content  from  Jeff  Ramson,  please  visit  hKp://jefframson.com