J i t1 RESIDENTS OFFICE j I3EREA KY 1 X I BEREA PUBLISHING CO INCORPORATED STANLEY FROST Manager Exttmlat the fodoflet at Irene JCy m Keonit don vtaUmattfr XI Five cento a copy BEREA MADISON COUNTY KENTUCKY 23 1000 Ope Dollar a year No 266 r 1 i BIT er w I 1 r- te the nigh before anu house Not a weat Is a e mo e + Old San as d hoofsw Co cltl as 1 onee HIS th He brings f e U S h- H4ktops at u 1a ap 1 And Irlgg a tt ° t tut just as he todo t A straa el t And eze gooFi ye The stranger lifts p ed These toyayou er our IanN Are whoUy illegal er fa The lawswe a And you t go rdtfl Isbald i- Dont try to evade tt oon tru torte A smuggler you11 be tn a gloom of ill Poor Sante was taken ebacli by URs news t rye been doing this for these hundrr th of years rye been bringing gladness to is andtd bbys Stand I eras lh etr dolls and their toys bIn Alasl a mo A a fj e- Setzed I S could cease Est They gyv to mf t htm And that a res by th s day The st gs ty end m u wayed t w tariff had NEWS OF THE WEEP Cook Declared a FakirZelaya Quits In Nlcarague Big Railroad Strlkel ThreatenedPrice of ¬ Places Belgian King DeadI plo were killed and as many more seriously Injured by a train wreck near Charlotte N C lost week Tho train ran oft a high trestle and tho victimsI wore caught in the ruins ot which were crushed to kindling wood toy tho fall Some were pinned under water by tho wreckage KING LEOPOLD DEAD Leopold King of tho Bollgans and ot tho Congo Free State died last week after a rather lingering illness Ho had reign t cd longer than almost any In Europe and his reign had boen one of great prosperity for his own I country His rule of tho Congo Fred Stato had however resulted in name ¬ lose barbarities against the helpless natives and personally ho was exceed ¬ ingly immoral I ZELAYA RESIGNS Zelaya as was expected has resigned from tho presidency ot Nicaragua and is now trying to have his best friend olectedI to his place Tho revolt agal aya became so strong that this seamed tho only way for him to save his life The rebels aro not satisfied with the man ho has chosen as his successor and It is quite likely that the rebel- lion ¬ will go on I WHEAT GOING UPThero has bean a continuous rico in tho price of wheat on tho big exchanges and it is now standing nearly 120 in Chicago This moans that there is again likelihood of high prices for flour and bread and that the corn crop is likely to be drawn on for tho feeding of ninny who will bo unable to buy wheat flour- TIIREATEN BIG STRIKE Tho trainmens unions ot seventyfive ot the railroads east of tho Mississippi have voted to demand an increase in wages for the now year and will strike it this is refused Such aI strike at this time would bo a calam j ity to the whole country gen has reported on Dr Cooks records t and says that they do not prova that I ho ever reached tho Polo It Is also Reported that a committee is about to ropor tha ho failed to climb Alt Continued on Fourth rage Jt tJ1 c fifl t THE CITIZEN Devoted to the Interests of the ouDtain People IVol rr sleigh halt Whatsthts4 Santastry eiway Because neverL monarch- y comImltteQ THE MESSIAH Splendid Rendering of Great Ora torio Presented in Chapel Tuesday NightChicago Soloists Supple- ment Work of Local Society Triumph for Mr Rigby Tim most successful rendering ot lIandela Oratorio of the Messiah over heard In Bcrea was that given Tues- day ¬ night in tho Chapel under the direction of Mr Rlgby by tho lIar monla Society four soloists from Chi cago and the College Orchestra The audience was the largest which has andI work done The oratorla as rendered was more nearly complete than ever before hero and In all ways tho work was the best over done in Berea Too much praise cannot be given Mr Rlg ¬ by for the work and skill which ho has put into the training of tho chorus and the orchestra both of which owe their increasing ability to him almost if not entirely as much as to their own hard work Lovers of music in Boron certainly owe to Mr rugby more than can cosily be stated If ho soloists were as follows Mrs John D Bootes Soprano Miss Zoq Ullrich Contralto Mr Wm Griswold Smith Tenor and Mr George Nelson Holt Basso Thor were by long odds tho best that have ever been heard In tho Messiah here and their work merits nothing but praise Especially enjoyable was the rendering of tho solo Rejoice Oh Yo Daughters of ZIon by bra Bootes The solo has seldom been attempted hero because of its difficulty and her singing waa clear accurate and thoroly enjoyable Her volco Is particularly fitted for tho solo 1 Know That My Redeemer Ltveth and nothing tuner than her rendering of this has over boon heard hero She has a splendidly clear lyric soprano with fine breath control and tho artistic finish of her work Is del- ightful Miss Ullrich tho contralto was best In tho Bold Ho Was Des- pised ¬ and Rejected of Men Hor work was accurate and her enunciation and depression wore excellent Berea au dloncoa are always partial to bass and the solos ot Mr Holt gave every opportunity for tho gratification of this taste to the utmost lie sings with the assurance of an artist Ills full resonant tonos Indicate abundant re ¬ serve power and his work was a con Htant pleasure Mr Smith especially I Continued ou fourth page I I 1 I Children lKinfJJ Jt VV r A CHRISTMAS THOUGHT Always men have sought happiness Generation after genera tion thru war and politics and art and wealth they have worked but for thousands of years they failed There might be for a while PhilosophyI same gave nor strength And the writings left ftvmthoae old days breathe only the spirit of a great longing or of despair For the men sought wrongly Happiness was looked for from those thimgs which please the senses Those who were able tried all that wealth could command and eye and ear taste and touch brain and nerve were seduced and flattered and indulgedwithout stint But each pleasure left on passing only an after taste of bitternesst Thou way was secret came from one whose share of pleasure was the smallest And He did not teach happiness nor promise it His rule was iron hard Forget yourself Caro for others Seek nothing but to bo allowed to serve Sure lysaid those wise seekers after happiness this man is crazy and no one can follow out such foolish teaching The cost will be too great But some were that foolish And soon the wise men were astonished to eee that these foolish persons were happy as the wise men were not Tho foolish persons might not and often didnot have any of the things which men had always sought Still they were happy And as others tried tho same kind of life they too became happy Happiness was rare in those days and this caused much talk A happy life was about the first prominent mark of the followers of Christ And thus it was found that the much desired happiness could not be won by going directly after it but that it comes to each mon only as he gives of himself unselfishly for others I suppose the God that made man intended it to be that wayso that us men became wise they would also become good But at any rate men are so made that every selfish pleasure that can be devised grows after a while not only worthless but bitter and sickening Nothing that is selfish will give lasting comfort or leave a happy memoryonly unselfishness Cbristslid not come to bring happiness He bad moroimpor ¬ tant buisnoss Butthe happiness camo with him and it is here yet for any one who will seek it io the right way And so this winter I am wishing my friends a Merry Christmas in more words than usual because I hope that each will have at least a little of this real happinessEach can have it No one but yourself can prevent for it de ¬ pends on what you yourself do But also no one can givejt to you Your dearest friend or richest is helpless And there is no one of you too poor to earn this happiness or too sick or helpless In whatever place among whatever people you may spend the Day there will be many chances to apply the rule tho rule of Christs life the rule which does not promise happiness but gives it the rule of service and kindness And it you look about for chances they will be Forget yourself and as you give so shall it be given to you again And so I wish each one a Merry Christmas a real Christmas that will live long after the day dies a Christmas that will give to those about you more of the blessings which Christ came to spread a Christmas which will bring to you that happiness which men have always sought a Christmas somewhat worthy of Him whose name it bears OUR CHRISTMAS NUMBER The Joy ot Christmasthat Is the TholCIUzen till yourself with tha spirit of tho day enjoy the stories laugh over the Jokes read tho poems It Is all worth whileAnd there Is a llttlo news from the workadny world left over Into the Christmas week The Washington lot ¬ ter Is here this week as good as us ¬ ual Next week there will bo nono for Congress goes homo over Christ- mas ¬ But then they will begin egafn Also there Is other important news 1 I this week Among other things we have a letter from a school teacher on tho teaching of arithmetic Next week Prof Lewis will comment on thisA good many people seem to bo having trouble with our problems They are stingers allrlght somo of them but they can all be solved Keep It up there Is a chance for every one Wo are planning to otter a prize for the one who sends in the most correct solutions next year Watch this paper next week for an announcement Not a Criterion Never Judge a mans kicking ability by the size of his feet t ij The Time May Come j t- t j iI WHEN a Bankers good word in your favor will be a great helpYtoJyou r l r WHEN that time comes if youare Ito- r business with this Hank you may be assured of our friendly i f r k J IF you are not already a customer we give you an invitation to bank here f t1 THE service we render our patronsi will make it of advantage to you > t t 4 Berea Bank Trust Co f ESTABLISHED W H Porter Pres Isaacs Vice W Stephens Cashier I r WASHINGTON LETTER Congress Really At WorkReport of Agreement Between Cannon Al drich and TaftCorporation L- Icense Scheme To The Front Other Big News Washington D December 18 1909 Congress has boon treating Washing ton to a curious spectacle this week It has been at work before Christmas for the first Who In the memory living men The work has not been very serious but it has been work and Congress will be In Just that much better condition to do real business at ter It gots back here after Jan 1 Se- veral ¬ appropriation bills have been taken up and progress has been made with them and what Is known as the Esch bill has been passed Also the Senate has taken up considerable work notably a plan for providing relief Bta tlons In the mining districts to aid the miners who may be Imprisoned as the result of accident The Important news of the week I If It Is true la that another agreement has been made between Taft Cannon and Aldrich The agreement Is said to be that tho latter gentlemen will as- sist ¬ the President In passing the law providing for Federal licenses for cor ¬ porations doing an interstate business with the government having great power over tho corporations to which I tho licenses are Issued The la said also to Include IlgrEementI Taft will not take sides A and will not expect too much in other ways from them This corporation license scheme hast retormIers to have it passed without any success The plan Is that the Government will I Issue licences to all corporations whlc do any business crossing state lines and will Imvo tho power to refuse such licenses In case that too corpora- tion ¬ I applying for one does not suit It will have the power to look into i crooked methods of business and to prevent watering of otock so that tho possession of a license will be quite a guarantee of purity as the food law guarantee is But it is not I at all proposed to make the license compulsory so that there aro likely to be several corporations which will decide that they had rather be rich than pure and we may find that tho license keeps the good corporations good but does not interfere with tho bad ones However it will be Just as well to watt for the details of the new law which are npw being work ¬ ed out before trying to form any very definite opinion on the matterI The more serious question which is wellunderstood nvora reform legislation thru by be ¬ ing friends with A than by fight i Ing them They are said to have made a certain promise to him and tho Important thing is this THEY 11DE insurgents insurglng some real good may come out of the session after all Continued Fourth rage Knowledge Is power and the way to keep up with modernc knowledge is to read a good xr newspaperfc DECEMBER accordingly multiplied iJ 1 j t- I + transacting consideration t fiJt 1901f Andrew P J C of C on IN OUR OWN STATE Wants McCreary for Governor Child Burned to DeathNo Hope for Kellner GirlBurley Society Wins Injunction Suit on Appeal TRIES TO KILL TWO Tom Work ¬ i man living near Catlottsburg lasta week fatally cut his fatherinlaw and slashed his wife all because she asked him to lend her his knife to pare an apple I will give you all the knife 1 you want ho answered and began his bloody work Ho Is supposed to t be Insane BOOM FOR McCREARY Tho Cadiz Record a live Democratic paper edited by H R Lawrence who de ¬ tooted Dick Miller of Madison Countyt for Speaker a couple of Legislatures ago has come out in a strong editor- Ial ¬ boosting Sen McCreary for Gover ¬ nor Of course we do not want a Dem¬ ocratic governor from anywhere but it there is going to be one Mr AlcCrearyf would bo hard to beat for a and It would bo quite a ConsolatiOn have the honor for old Madison CHILD BURNED Two year old Walter Wells jiving near Richmond war burned to death Thursday after- noon by falling luto a grate It doest seem as it tho frequency of accidentsI of this kind ought to warn parents to take some precaution to see their own little ones are not cond thatt to a horrible death thru their lessnesst BURLEY WINS The Court of Appeals has roversed the decision of Judge Denton who appointed a recei- ver ¬ for tho Burley Tobacco Society Tho exact grounds of the reversal are not clearly otatod but the decision says that tho appointment was pro mature LITTLE HOPE LEFTHope has about been abandoned by the friends ot little Alma Kellner the Louisville girl who was kidnapped or lost ton days ago Not a single clue as to what has happened to her has been obtain ¬ ed and her friends are in dsepalr BILLY CROMWELL DEAD Wil ¬ liam Cromwell for many years clerk of the Kentucky Senate and well know to many generations of law makers died suddenly Saturday at his home In Frankfort STATE HOUSE INJUREDAn ac ¬ kcidontal tho new State House on Saturday broke many windows but it is believ ¬ ed that no permanent injury has been done CARDS OF THANKS We desire to thank the good people if Berea and vicinity for their hospitality and contributions when I ve lost all our belongings by fire + recently Respectfully Mr and Mrs A J Johnston Jt To tho friends who have shown i their kindness in a material way slnoor our loss by fire of all our goodsand wearing apparel we wish to express our heartfelt gratitude Not only for the help but also for their words ot encouragement and sympathy Very sincerely Mr Chas Robinson and family Brain Grows Tho brain of tho loso weight at 40 Lighterr female starts ten i

JCy Keonit vtaUmattfr Devoted of People IVolnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt75tb0xqk43/data/0412.pdf · Dont try to evade tt oon tru torte ... NEWS OF THE WEEP ... presidency ot Nicaragua and

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Exttmlat the fodoflet at Irene JCy m Keonitdon vtaUmattfr

XI Five cento a copy BEREA MADISON COUNTY KENTUCKY 23 1000 Ope Dollar a year No 266

r 1i





te the nigh before anu houseNot a weat Is a e mo e +

Old San as d hoofswCo cltl as 1 oneeHIS thHe brings f e U S


H4ktops at u 1aap1 And Irlgg a tt °ttut just as he todo t

A straa el tAnd eze gooFi yeThe stranger lifts p ed

These toyayou er our IanNAre whoUy illegal er


The lawswe aAnd you t go rdtfl Isbald i-

Dont try to evade tt oon tru torteA smuggler you11 be tn a gloom of ill

Poor Sante was taken ebacli by URs news

t rye been doing this for these hundrr th of yearsrye been bringing gladness to is andtd bbysStand I eras lh etr dolls and their toys

bInAlasl a mo A a fj e-

SetzedI S could cease Est

They gyv to mf t htm

And that a res by th s dayThe st gs ty end m u wayed t

w tariff had


Cook Declared a FakirZelaya QuitsIn Nlcarague Big Railroad StrlkelThreatenedPrice of ¬

Places Belgian King

DeadIplo were killed and as many moreseriously Injured by a train wreck nearCharlotte N C lost week Tho trainran oft a high trestle and tho victimsIwore caught in the ruins otwhich were crushed to kindling woodtoy tho fall Some were pinned underwater by tho wreckage

KING LEOPOLD DEAD LeopoldKing of tho Bollgans and ot tho CongoFree State died last week after arather lingering illness Ho had reign

t cd longer than almost anyIn Europe and his reign had boenone of great prosperity for his own I

country His rule of tho Congo FredStato had however resulted in name ¬

lose barbarities against the helplessnatives and personally ho was exceed ¬

ingly immoral I

ZELAYA RESIGNS Zelaya aswas expected has resigned from thopresidency ot Nicaragua and is nowtrying to have his best friend olectedIto his place Tho revolt agalaya became so strong that this seamedtho only way for him to save his lifeThe rebels aro not satisfied with theman ho has chosen as his successorand It is quite likely that the rebel-lion


will go on I

WHEAT GOING UPThero hasbean a continuous rico in tho priceof wheat on tho big exchanges andit is now standing nearly 120 inChicago This moans that there isagain likelihood of high prices forflour and bread and that the corncrop is likely to be drawn on for thofeeding of ninny who will bo unableto buy wheat flour-

TIIREATEN BIG STRIKE Thotrainmens unions ot seventyfive otthe railroads east of tho Mississippihave voted to demand an increase inwages for the now year and willstrike it this is refused Such aIstrike at this time would bo a calam j

ity to the whole country

gen has reported on Dr Cooks records

t and says that they do not prova that I

ho ever reached tho Polo It Is alsoReported that a committee is aboutto ropor tha ho failed to climb Alt

Continued on Fourth rage

JttJ1 c


THE CITIZENDevoted to the Interests of the ouDtain People




Whatsthts4Santastry eiway

Because neverL




Splendid Rendering of Great Oratorio Presented in Chapel TuesdayNightChicago Soloists Supple-ment Work of Local SocietyTriumph for Mr Rigby

Tim most successful rendering otlIandela Oratorio of the Messiah overheard In Bcrea was that given Tues-



night in tho Chapel under thedirection of Mr Rlgby by tho lIarmonla Society four soloists from Chicago and the College Orchestra Theaudience was the largest which hasandIwork done

The oratorla as rendered was morenearly complete than ever beforehero and In all ways tho work wasthe best over done in Berea Toomuch praise cannot be given Mr Rlg ¬

by for the work and skill which ho

has put into the training of thochorus and the orchestra both ofwhich owe their increasing ability tohim almost if not entirely as muchas to their own hard work Loversof music in Boron certainly owe toMr rugby more than can cosily bestatedIfho soloists were as follows Mrs

John D Bootes Soprano Miss Zoq

Ullrich Contralto Mr Wm GriswoldSmith Tenor and Mr George NelsonHolt Basso Thor were by long oddstho best that have ever been heardIn tho Messiah here and their workmerits nothing but praise Especiallyenjoyable was the rendering of thosolo Rejoice Oh Yo Daughters ofZIon by bra Bootes The solo hasseldom been attempted hero becauseof its difficulty and her singing waaclear accurate and thoroly enjoyableHer volco Is particularly fitted fortho solo 1 Know That My RedeemerLtveth and nothing tuner than herrendering of this has over boon heardhero She has a splendidly clear lyricsoprano with fine breath control andtho artistic finish of her work Is del-ightful Miss Ullrich tho contraltowas best In tho Bold Ho Was Des-


and Rejected of Men Hor workwas accurate and her enunciation anddepression wore excellent Berea audloncoa are always partial to bassand the solos ot Mr Holt gave everyopportunity for tho gratification ofthis taste to the utmost lie sings withthe assurance of an artist Ills fullresonant tonos Indicate abundant re¬

serve power and his work was a conHtant pleasure Mr Smith especially I

Continued ou fourth page I


lKinfJJJt VV r


Always men have sought happiness Generation after generation thru war and politics and art and wealth they have worked butfor thousands of years they failed There might be for a whilePhilosophyIsame gavenor strength And the writings left ftvmthoae old days breatheonly the spirit of a great longing or of despair

For the men sought wrongly Happiness was looked for fromthose thimgs which please the senses Those who were able triedall that wealth could command and eye and ear taste and touchbrain and nerve were seduced and flattered and indulgedwithoutstint But each pleasure left on passing only an after taste ofbitternesstThou way was secret came from onewhose share of pleasure was the smallest And He did not teachhappiness nor promise it His rule was iron hard Forget yourselfCaro for others Seek nothing but to bo allowed to serve Surelysaid those wise seekers after happiness this man is crazy andno one can follow out such foolish teaching The cost will be toogreat But some were that foolish And soon the wise men wereastonished to eee that these foolish persons were happy as the wisemen were not Tho foolish persons might not and often didnothave any of the things which men had always sought Still theywere happy And as others tried tho same kind of life they toobecame happy Happiness was rare in those days and this causedmuch talk A happy life was about the first prominent mark of thefollowers of Christ

And thus it was found that the much desired happiness couldnot be won by going directly after it but that it comes to each mononly as he gives of himself unselfishly for others Isuppose the God that made man intended it to be that wayso thatus men became wise they would also become good But at any ratemen are so made that every selfish pleasure that can be devisedgrows after a while not only worthless but bitter and sickeningNothing that is selfish will give lasting comfort or leave a happymemoryonly unselfishness

Cbristslid not come to bring happiness He bad moroimpor ¬

tant buisnoss Butthe happiness camo with him and it is here yetfor any one who will seek it io the right way And so this winterI am wishing my friends a Merry Christmas in more words thanusual because I hope that each will have at least a little of this real

happinessEachcan have it No one but yourself can prevent for it de ¬

pends on what you yourself do But also no one can givejt to youYour dearest friend or richest is helpless And there is no one ofyou too poor to earn this happiness or too sick or helpless Inwhatever place among whatever people you may spend the Daythere will be many chances to apply the rule tho rule of Christslife the rule which does not promise happiness but gives it the ruleof service and kindness And it you look about for chances theywill be Forget yourself and as you give so shall it begiven to you again

And so I wish each one a Merry Christmas a real Christmasthat will live long after the day dies a Christmas that will give tothose about you more of the blessings which Christ came to spread aChristmas which will bring to you that happiness which men havealways sought a Christmas somewhat worthy of Him whose name itbears


The Joy ot Christmasthat Is the

TholCIUzentill yourself with tha spirit of tho

day enjoy the stories laugh over theJokes read tho poems It Is all worth

whileAndthere Is a llttlo news from the

workadny world left over Into theChristmas week The Washington lot¬

ter Is here this week as good as us¬

ual Next week there will bo nonofor Congress goes homo over Christ-mas


But then they will begin egafnAlso there Is other important news


I this week Among other things wehave a letter from a school teacheron tho teaching of arithmetic Nextweek Prof Lewis will comment on

thisAgood many people seem to bo

having trouble with our problemsThey are stingers allrlght somo ofthem but they can all be solvedKeep It up there Is a chance forevery one Wo are planning to ottera prize for the one who sends in themost correct solutions next yearWatch this paper next week for anannouncement

Not a CriterionNever Judge a mans kicking ability

by the size of his feet



The Time May Comej t-



WHEN a Bankers good word inyour favor will be a great helpYtoJyou r


r WHEN that time comes if youare Ito-

r business with this Hankyou may be assured of our friendly i f r


IF you are not already a customerwe give you an invitation to bank here f


THE service we render our patronsiwill make it of advantage to you >



Berea Bank Trust Co f


W H Porter Pres Isaacs Vice W Stephens Cashier




Congress Really At WorkReport ofAgreement Between Cannon Al

drich and TaftCorporation L-

Icense Scheme To The FrontOther Big News

Washington D

December 18 1909

Congress has boon treating Washing

ton to a curious spectacle this week

It has been at work before Christmasfor the first Who In the memoryliving men The work has not beenvery serious but it has been workand Congress will be In Just that much

better condition to do real business atter It gots back here after Jan 1 Se-



appropriation bills have beentaken up and progress has been madewith them and what Is known as theEsch bill has been passed Also theSenate has taken up considerable worknotably a plan for providing relief Bta

tlons In the mining districts to aidthe miners who may be Imprisonedas the result of accident

The Important news of the week I

If It Is true la that another agreementhas been made between Taft Cannonand Aldrich The agreement Is said tobe that tho latter gentlemen will as-


the President In passing the lawproviding for Federal licenses for cor¬

porations doing an interstate businesswith the government having greatpower over tho corporations to which I

tho licenses are Issued Thela said also to Include IlgrEementI

Taft will not take sidesA and will not expect too much in

other ways from themThis corporation license scheme hast

retormIersto have it passed without any successThe plan Is that the Government will


Issue licences to all corporations whlcdo any business crossing state linesand will Imvo tho power to refusesuch licenses In case that too corpora-



applying for one does not suitIt will have the power to look into i

crooked methods of business and toprevent watering of otock so thattho possession of a license will bequite a guarantee of purity as thefood law guarantee is But it is not I

at all proposed to make the licensecompulsory so that there aro likelyto be several corporations which willdecide that they had rather be richthan pure and we may find that tholicense keeps the good corporationsgood but does not interfere with thobad ones However it will be Just aswell to watt for the details of thenew law which are npw being work ¬

ed out before trying to form any verydefinite opinion on the matterI

The more serious question which is

wellunderstoodnvora reform legislation thru by be ¬

ing friends with A than by fight i

Ing them They are said to havemade a certain promise to him andtho Important thing is this THEY

11DEinsurgents insurglng some real goodmay come out of the session after all

Continued Fourth rage

Knowledge Is power and theway to keep up with moderncknowledge is to read a good xrnewspaperfc











fiJt1901fAndrew P J






Wants McCreary for GovernorChild Burned to DeathNo Hopefor Kellner GirlBurley SocietyWins Injunction Suit on Appeal


man living near Catlottsburg lastaweek fatally cut his fatherinlaw andslashed his wife all because she askedhim to lend her his knife to pare anapple I will give you all the knife 1

you want ho answered and beganhis bloody work Ho Is supposed to t


Cadiz Record a live Democratic paperedited by H R Lawrence who de¬

tooted Dick Miller of Madison Countytfor Speaker a couple of Legislaturesago has come out in a strong editor-Ial


boosting Sen McCreary for Gover¬

nor Of course we do not want a Dem¬

ocratic governor from anywhere but itthere is going to be one Mr AlcCrearyfwould bo hard to beat for aand It would bo quite a ConsolatiOnhave the honor for old Madison

CHILD BURNED Two year oldWalter Wells jiving near Richmondwar burned to death Thursday after-noon by falling luto a grate It doestseem as it tho frequency of accidentsIof this kind ought to warn parentsto take some precaution to seetheir own little ones are not condthattto a horrible death thru theirlessnesstBURLEY WINS The Court ofAppeals has roversed the decision ofJudge Denton who appointed a recei-ver


for tho Burley Tobacco SocietyTho exact grounds of the reversal arenot clearly otatod but the decisionsays that tho appointment was promature

LITTLE HOPE LEFTHope hasabout been abandoned by the friendsot little Alma Kellner the Louisvillegirl who was kidnapped or lost tondays ago Not a single clue as to whathas happened to her has been obtain ¬

ed and her friends are in dsepalrBILLY CROMWELL DEAD Wil¬

liam Cromwell for many years clerkof the Kentucky Senate and well knowto many generations of law makersdied suddenly Saturday at his homeIn Frankfort

STATE HOUSE INJUREDAn ac¬kcidontaltho new State House on Saturdaybroke many windows but it is believ ¬

ed that no permanent injury has beendone


We desire to thank the good peopleif Berea and vicinity for theirhospitality and contributions when I

ve lost all our belongings by fire +


Mr and Mrs A J Johnston Jt

To tho friends who have shown itheir kindness in a material way slnoorour loss by fire of all ourgoodsand wearing apparel we wishto express our heartfelt gratitudeNot only for the help but also fortheir words ot encouragement andsympathy

Very sincerelyMr Chas Robinson and family

Brain GrowsTho brain of tho

loso weight at 40 Lighterrfemale starts ten
