JavaScript – Object Basics By Satyen

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  • 8/7/2019 JavaScript Object Basics By Satyen


    By: Satyen Pandya

    [email protected]

    JavaScriptJavaScript Object BasicsObject Basics

  • 8/7/2019 JavaScript Object Basics By Satyen




    Object-Oriented Terminology

    Early v/s. Late Binding

    Types ofObjects

    Defining Classes & Objects

    Modifying Objects

    [email protected]

  • 8/7/2019 JavaScript Object Basics By Satyen


    ObjectObject--Oriented TerminologyOriented Terminology


    ECMA-262 defines Object as an unordered collection of

    properties each of which contains a primitive value,

    object or function

    Fourbasic features ofOOP:

    1. Encapsulation

    2. Aggregation

    3. Inheritance

    4. Polymorphism

    [email protected]

  • 8/7/2019 JavaScript Object Basics By Satyen


    Early versus Late BindingEarly versus Late Binding


    Binding the method whereby an objects interface is

    bound to an object instance

    Early Binding Properties and methods are defined for

    an object before it is instantiated

    Late Binding The compiler/interpreter doesnt know

    what type of object is being held until runtime

    ECMAScript doesnt support early binding

    ECMAScript uses late binding for all variables

    [email protected]

  • 8/7/2019 JavaScript Object Basics By Satyen


    Types of ObjectsTypes of Objects


    Three types of objects can be used/created :

    1. Native Objects

    2. Built-in Objects

    3. Host Objects

    [email protected]

  • 8/7/2019 JavaScript Object Basics By Satyen


    Types of Objects (Contd)Types of Objects (Contd)


    Native Objects : any object supplied by an ECMAScript

    implementation independent of the host environment

    All the native objects includes a list ofbuilt-in functions

    and properties

    They includes :Array EvalError RangeError SyntaxError

    Boolean Function ReferenceError TypeError

    Date Number RegEcp URIError

    Error Object String

    [email protected]

  • 8/7/2019 JavaScript Object Basics By Satyen


    Types of Objects (Contd)Types of Objects (Contd)


    Built-in Objects : Object which is present at the start of

    execution of ECMAScript program

    It is already instantiated

    ECMA-262 defines only two objects :

    1. Global

    2. Math Global includes functions like, isNan(), isFinite(), parseInt(),

    parseFloat(), etc.

    - properties like, undefined, NaN, Infinity, Constructors for

    all Native Objects

    Math includes functions like, max(), min(), ceil(), round(),

    floor(), etc.

    - properties like, E, LN10, LOG2E, LOG10E, PI, SQRT1_2,


    [email protected]

  • 8/7/2019 JavaScript Object Basics By Satyen


    Types of Objects (Contd)Types of Objects (Contd)


    Host Objects : any object that is not a native

    All BOM and DOM objects are host objects

    [email protected]

  • 8/7/2019 JavaScript Object Basics By Satyen


    Defining Classes & ObjectsDefining Classes & Objects


    Classes can be defined same as function

    We can define class in different ways :

    1. Factory paradigm

    2. Constructor paradigm

    3. Prototype paradigm

    4. Hybrid constructor/prototype paradigm

    5. Dynamic prototype

    6. Hybrid factory paradigm

    [email protected]

  • 8/7/2019 JavaScript Object Basics By Satyen


    Modifying ObjectsModifying Objects


    Objects can be modified by using prototype property

    We can modify object in different ways :

    1. Creating a new method

    2. Redefining an existing method

    3. Very late binding

    [email protected]

  • 8/7/2019 JavaScript Object Basics By Satyen


    Thank youThank you

    By: Satyen Pandya

    [email protected]