JavaScript Adding active content to websites

JavaScript Adding active content to websites. Goals Understand structure of JavaScript Understand rules of coding Add active content to WebPages Add functions

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Page 1: JavaScript Adding active content to websites. Goals Understand structure of JavaScript Understand rules of coding Add active content to WebPages Add functions


Adding active content to websites

Page 2: JavaScript Adding active content to websites. Goals Understand structure of JavaScript Understand rules of coding Add active content to WebPages Add functions


Understand structure of JavaScript Understand rules of coding Add active content to WebPages Add functions to WebPages

Page 3: JavaScript Adding active content to websites. Goals Understand structure of JavaScript Understand rules of coding Add active content to WebPages Add functions


Programming language to add interactive content to pages

Validate forms Utilize cookies Control browser functions Inform users

Page 4: JavaScript Adding active content to websites. Goals Understand structure of JavaScript Understand rules of coding Add active content to WebPages Add functions


Script should be placed in the <head> section of the page

JS is not HTML, you will need to make the browser aware of the code by using <script> tag <script type="text/javascript"> and


Page 5: JavaScript Adding active content to websites. Goals Understand structure of JavaScript Understand rules of coding Add active content to WebPages Add functions


Rules End each line with a semicolon ; Text must be enclosed in quotes “ “ JS is case sensitive

Upper and lower case letters are NOT the same

JS is incredibly sensitive to mistakes, be extremely cautious!

Page 6: JavaScript Adding active content to websites. Goals Understand structure of JavaScript Understand rules of coding Add active content to WebPages Add functions


<script>document.write("Welcome to my world!!!");</script>

This will write Welcome to my world!!! In your page

Not so exciting, but this can be used to write code to your page, creating massive pages with little coding

Page 7: JavaScript Adding active content to websites. Goals Understand structure of JavaScript Understand rules of coding Add active content to WebPages Add functions


JS uses variables in order to store data and execute code

JS is case sensitive Upper case and lower case are seen

differently Myvariable <> myvariable

<>MyVariable Use same syntax throughout

Page 8: JavaScript Adding active content to websites. Goals Understand structure of JavaScript Understand rules of coding Add active content to WebPages Add functions


Popup boxes Not popup windows, that is a breach of

netiquette Alert Confirm Prompt

Page 9: JavaScript Adding active content to websites. Goals Understand structure of JavaScript Understand rules of coding Add active content to WebPages Add functions


Alert Used to inform user of something important

Confirm Used to confirm information, typically to

redirect user to acceptable page Prompt

Used to gain information from user for use in document

Page 10: JavaScript Adding active content to websites. Goals Understand structure of JavaScript Understand rules of coding Add active content to WebPages Add functions


Alert Alert(“text goes here”)

Confirm Confirm(“text goes here”)

Prompt Prompt(“text goes here”, “default value”)

Page 11: JavaScript Adding active content to websites. Goals Understand structure of JavaScript Understand rules of coding Add active content to WebPages Add functions


Confirms are typically written as if statements If statements are standard programming

when a choice needs to be made If OK is selected TRUE is registered If CANCEL is selected FALSE is registered

Prompt boxes are typically used to store information in a variable

Page 12: JavaScript Adding active content to websites. Goals Understand structure of JavaScript Understand rules of coding Add active content to WebPages Add functions

JavaScript Variable

Place to store information for later use Example

Username=prompt(“Enter Name”, “Name”); Document.write(“Welcome” +username +“!”);

2nd example name=“my first name”; myname=tom; Document.write(myname);

Page 13: JavaScript Adding active content to websites. Goals Understand structure of JavaScript Understand rules of coding Add active content to WebPages Add functions


Use the equal sign (=) to assign a value to a variable Variable can be used for input, output

and mathematical operations To compare variable, use a double

equal sign (==)

Page 14: JavaScript Adding active content to websites. Goals Understand structure of JavaScript Understand rules of coding Add active content to WebPages Add functions


Other comparing operators

!= Not equal

< Less than

> Greater than

<= Less than or equal to

>= Greater than or equal to

Page 15: JavaScript Adding active content to websites. Goals Understand structure of JavaScript Understand rules of coding Add active content to WebPages Add functions


If statements if (condition) {action1} else {action2}

Exampleif (confirm("Are you home?")) {alert("Welcome Home")}else{alert("Go Away!")};

If statements can also be “nested”if (confirm("Are you home?")) {alert("Welcome Home")}else{if (confirm("Do you want to come in?"))

{alert("Welcome to your new home!")}else{alert("Go Away!")};};

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Logical Operators AND ( && ) Both conditions must be true

if (condition && condition) {action}

OR ( || ) Either condition must be true

if (condition || condition) {action}

NOT ( ! ) Inverts result of condition

if (!(condition)) {action}

Page 17: JavaScript Adding active content to websites. Goals Understand structure of JavaScript Understand rules of coding Add active content to WebPages Add functions


Functions Pre-set event that allows a script action to take

place on or after specific event JS events will happen as soon as the page

loads unless written in a functionfunction myfunction(){ alert(“Welcome Home!”);}

Later in the page<form name=“myform”><input type=“button” value=“Press Once”onclick=“myfunction()”></form>

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General formfunction functionname(variable1,



JS for actual function;


Page 19: JavaScript Adding active content to websites. Goals Understand structure of JavaScript Understand rules of coding Add active content to WebPages Add functions


Events JS actions are referred to as events

Page 20: JavaScript Adding active content to websites. Goals Understand structure of JavaScript Understand rules of coding Add active content to WebPages Add functions


onmouseover and onmouseout are mainly used in animating buttons Can only be used in conjunction with <a>

tags Idea for use

Create simple images (buttons, arrows, words) for links

onclick will cause an action to happen with user action

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Animated Buttons Two steps

onmouseover onmouseout

Animation can only be applied to links

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Loops Causes an action to happen a pre-

determined amount of times Two types

For While

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For Used when you know exactly how many

times an action should happen While

Used to do an action until some requirement is met

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For for (variable=startvalue; variable<=endvalue;

variable=variable+incrementfactor) {JS goes here}

Helpful for writing large HTML tables that require user input Idea: prompt box to define variable, for to give

specific range of data

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Whilewhile (variable<=endvalue)

{JS goes here}

Also helpful for large tables, better suited when user input is not needed

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Break Stops a loop at a specific pointif (value==0) {break};

Continue A skip in a loopfor (value=-50; value<=50; value=value+1)

{if (value==0) {continue};document.write((100/value)+"<br>");}

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Array Automatically define large amount of







value=new Array;for (number=1; number<=100; number=number+1){ value[number]=number*10};

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The name of the array, new Array, is critical Array must be capitalized