By @mahesha999 THE JSP LIFE CYCLE The life cycle of a JSP page can be split into four phases: translation, initialization, execution, & finalization. Initialization i. After the translation phase, the JSP engine loads the generated class file and create an instance of the servlet with the help of servlet container (catalina for Tomcat) and the JSP page implementation servlet. ii. A single instance of the servlet loaded into the memory is used to service all requests for the JSP page. iii. After the JSP implementation servlet class is loaded, the container initializes the servlet instance with a call to an initialization method jspInit(). Execution i. Once the JSP implementation servlet has been initialized, the web container makes a separately threaded call to the _jspService() method for each request to the JSP page. ii. The _jspService() method provides all the functionality for handling a request & returning a response to the client. Note: All the scriptlets and expressions end up inside this method, in the order in which they were declared inside the JSP page. Notice that JSP declarations & directives aren’t included inside this method because they apply to the entire page, not just to a single request, and therefore exist outside the method. The _jspService() method may not be overridden in the JSP page. Finalization i. When the page implementation servlet is about to be destroyed because of reasons, such as the server being low on memory and wanting to free up some resources, or most commonly, the servlet container is shutting down or being restarted, The servlet container calls the method jspDestroy(). ii. After this method has been called, the servlet can no longer serve any requests. iii. This method can be implemented via a JSP method declaration, to release or close application-level resources (opened inside the jspInit() method) when the servlet is shutting down. How the Web server processes JSP requests. i. The web server needs a JSP container (jasper in Tomcat) to process JSP pages. The JSP container is responsible for intercepting requests for JSP pages. ii. To process all JSP elements in the page, the container first turns the JSP page into a JSP page implementation class which takes the form of the servlet. This produces .java file. iii. The conversion is pretty straightforward; all template text is converted to println() statements and all JSP elements are converted to Java code that implements the corresponding dynamic behavior. iv. The container then compiles the servlet class to produce .class file. Until this it is called as Translation phase. Translation i. When a request is first made for a JSP page, the JSP engine (jasper for Tomcat) examines the JSP file for its correct format & syntax. ii. If the syntax check is successful, the JSP engine translates the JSP page into its page implementation class, which takes the form of a standard Java servlet. iii. After the page’s implementation servlet has been created, it will be compiled into a class file by the JSP engine and will be ready for use. iv. Each time a container receives a request, it first checks whether the JSP file has changed since it was last translated. If it has, it’s retranslated so that the response is always generated by the most up-to-date implementation of the JSP file.

Java Server Pages (JSP) Basics

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JSP Lifecycle, directives and implicit objects

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Page 1: Java Server Pages (JSP) Basics

By @mahesha999

THE JSP LIFE CYCLE The life cycle of a JSP page can be split into four phases:



execution, &


Initialization i. After the translation phase, the JSP engine loads the generated class file and create an instance of the servlet with the help of

servlet container (catalina for Tomcat) and the JSP page implementation servlet.

ii. A single instance of the servlet loaded into the memory is used to service all requests for the JSP page.

iii. After the JSP implementation servlet class is loaded, the container initializes the servlet instance with a call to an initialization

method jspInit().


i. Once the JSP implementation servlet has been initialized, the web container makes a separately threaded call to the

_jspService() method for each request to the JSP page.

ii. The _jspService() method provides all the functionality for handling a request & returning a response to the client. Note: All the scriptlets and expressions end up inside this method, in the order in which they were declared inside the JSP page. Notice that JSP declarations & directives aren’t included inside this method because they apply to the entire page, not just to a single request, and therefore exist outside the method. The _jspService() method may not be overridden in the JSP page.

Finalization i. When the page implementation servlet is about to be destroyed because of reasons, such as the server being low on memory and

wanting to free up some resources, or most commonly, the servlet container is shutting down or being restarted, The servlet

container calls the method jspDestroy().

ii. After this method has been called, the servlet can no longer serve any requests.

iii. This method can be implemented via a JSP method declaration, to release or close application-level resources (opened inside

the jspInit() method) when the servlet is shutting down.

How the Web server processes JSP requests. i. The web server needs a JSP container (jasper in Tomcat) to process JSP pages. The JSP container is responsible for

intercepting requests for JSP pages.

ii. To process all JSP elements in the page, the container first turns the JSP page into a JSP page implementation class which

takes the form of the servlet. This produces .java file.

iii. The conversion is pretty straightforward; all template text is converted to println() statements and all JSP elements are

converted to Java code that implements the corresponding dynamic behavior.

iv. The container then compiles the servlet class to produce .class file. Until this it is called as Translation phase.

Translation i. When a request is first made for a JSP page, the

JSP engine (jasper for Tomcat) examines the JSP

file for its correct format & syntax.

ii. If the syntax check is successful, the JSP engine

translates the JSP page into its page

implementation class, which takes the form of a

standard Java servlet.

iii. After the page’s implementation servlet has been

created, it will be compiled into a class file by the

JSP engine and will be ready for use.

iv. Each time a container receives a request, it first

checks whether the JSP file has changed since it

was last translated. If it has, it’s retranslated so

that the response is always generated by the most

up-to-date implementation of the JSP file.

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By @mahesha999

v. The translation is done for only first request. Later, for each request , the JSP container checks if the JSP file has been changed

since it was last translated. If it has, then only it is retranslated.

vi. The user requesting a JSP page may notice a slight delay, since the translation phase takes a bit of time. This can be avoided by

pre-compiling JSP pages.

vii. After the translation, the JSP container loads the generated class file and create an instance of the servlet with the help of servlet

container (catalina for Tomcat).

viii. Then, the container initializes the servlet instance with a call to an initialization method jspInit().

ix. Once the JSP implementation servlet has been initialized, the web container makes a separately threaded call to the

_jspService() method for each request to the JSP page.

x. This method provides all the functionality for handling a request & returning a response to the client.

xi. When the page implementation servlet is about to be destroyed because of reasons, such as the server being low on memory and

wanting to free up some resources, or most commonly, the servlet container is shutting down or being restarted, The servlet

container calls the method jspDestroy().

xii. After this method has been called, the servlet can no longer serve any requests.

JSP ELEMENTS There are three types of JSP elements we can use:


action, &


Directives i. Directives are instructions to the JSP container regarding page properties, importing tag libraries, and including content within

a JSP that remains the same between requests. Because directives are instructions rather than in-out processes, they cannot

produce any output via the out stream.

ii. There are three types of directives:

page directives

include directives

taglib directives

iii. All three directive types must be declared between <%@ and %> directive delimiters and take the following form: <%@ directive {attribute="value"}* %>

iv. All directives should be placed at the top of the JSP page; however, the include directive is an exception.

The page Directive <%@ page ... %>

The page directive specifies attributes for the page, such as session tracking, error page, and buffering requirements. All the

attributes are optional, because the essential ones have default values, shown in bold. <%@ page language="java"


import="package.class, package.*, ..."





info="Sample JSP to show tags"




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By @mahesha999

TYPE; charset=CHARSET|

text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"






The include Directive <%@ include ...%>

Includes a static file at translation time, adding any JSP in that file to this page for runtime processing.

<%@ include file="relativeURL" %>

The taglib Directives <%@ taglib ...%>

It import the tag library, containing custom actions, that is used in the page <%@ taglib {uri="/tagLibraryURI" | tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/dirname"

prefix="tagPrefix" %>

prefix Indicates a uniquely identifiable string, which is used in the <prefix:tagname> declaration to identify the

particular tag in use.

Tagdir Indicates this prefix is to be used to identify tag extensions installed in the WEB-INF\tags directory or a


Scripting Elements i. JSP scripting elements allow us to add small pieces of code (typically Java code) in a JSP page, such as an if statement to

generate different HTML depending on a certain condition.

ii. Thus, it enables dynamic content generation.

iii. Like actions, they are also executed when the page is requested.

iv. Scripting elements can be classified into the following categories:





Expression language expressionsd

Comments <%-- comment --%>

They are used for explaining any complicated logic & for some documenting wrok.

Syntax: <%-- This is a JSP comment --%>

Scriplets <% ... %>

It enclose Java code (on however many lines) that is evaluated within the generated servlet’s _jspService() method to

generate dynamic content Syntax: <%

// Java code


Example: <%

User user = (User)request.getAttribute("User");

if (user != null) {


Welcome, you have successfully logged in!




Expressions <%= ... %>

It return a value by evaluating a regular Java expression as a String to the page. The result of Java expression must be a

string or be convertible to a string; otherwise, an exception will be raised during the translation phase or at runtime.

Syntax: <%= expression %>

Example: <h1>Welcome Back : <%= user.getName() %></h1>

Declarations <%! ... %>

It is used to declare instance variables and methods in the JSP page, which will be available to subsequent scriptlets and

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By @mahesha999

expressions and so on for reference. Since these variables & methods are instance members, they are placed in JSP page

implementation servlet outside the _jspService() method. Syntax: <%! declaration;


Example: <%! String message; %>

<%! String message = "variable declared"; %>

<%! public String showMessage() { return message; } %>

<%! Date now = new Date(); %>


private int calculate(int a, int b) {




Standard action elements i. Action elements typically perform some action based on information that is required at theexact time the JSP page is requested

by a browser.

ii. An action can, for instance, access parameters sent with the request to do a database lookup. It can also dynamically generate

HTML, such as a table filled with information retrieved from an external system. <jsp:useBean>

The <jsp:useBean> tag checks for an instance of a bean of the given class and scope. If a bean of the specified class exists, it

references it with the id; otherwise it instantiates it. The bean is available within its scope with its id attribute.

Syntax: <jsp:useBean id="name"

scope="page|request|session|application" typeSpec/>

where typeSpec ::= class="className" |

class="className" type="typeName" |

type="typeName" class="className" |

beanName="beanName" type="typeName" |

type="typeName" beanName="beanName" |


Example: <jsp:useBean id="date"




Gets a property value from a JavaBeans component and adds it to the response for inclusion in the page.

Syntax: <jsp:getProperty name="name" property="propertyName" />

Example: <h2>Today's Date is <jsp:getProperty

name="date" property="date"/></h2> <jsp:setProperty>

Sets the property of the bean referenced by name using the value.

Syntax: <jsp:setProperty name="anotherBeanName"



where propertyExpression can be any of the following: property="*" JavaBean properties will be set with the

value of the matching request parameter property="propertyName" Sets the specified property with value of

matching request parameter property="propertyName"

param="parameterName" Specifies the parameter name to use in

setting this property property="propertyName"

value="propertyValue" Sets the property to the specified value.

Example: <jsp:setProperty name="beanName"

property="property" value="value"/>

<jsp:setProperty name="beanName"

property="*" />

<jsp:setProperty name="beanName"



<jsp:setProperty name="beanName"

property="property" />


Includes the response from a servlet or JSP page during the request processing phase

Syntax: <jsp:include page="relativeURL" [flush="true|false"] />

or <jsp:include page="relativeURL" flush="true">

<jsp:param name="parameterName"




Example: <jsp:include page="includedPage">

<jsp:param name="userName"

value="Dan" />


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page can be the result of a request-time expression.

flush determines whether the output buffer will be flushed

before including the specified resource. The default value is "false".

jsp:param specifies additional request parameters that is passed to

the included page


It forwards the client request to a static resource, which can be an HTML file, a JSP page, or a servlet class in the same context as

the page.

Syntax: <jsp:forward page="relativeURL" />

or <jsp:forward page="relativeURL" >

<jsp:param name="parameterName"

value="parameterValue" />


Example: <jsp:forward page="/pages/login.jsp">

<jsp:param name="userName" value="Dan" />



It is used within the body of <jsp:forward>, <jsp:include>, & <jsp:plugin> to supply extra name-value parameter pairs.

<jsp:param name="parameterName" value="parameterValue" />

JSP IMPLICIT OBJECTS All JSP scripting elements have access to a number of useful objects that are provided by the JSP container and are known as

implicit objects. Each of these implicit objects are classes or interfaces as defined by either the Servlet or JSP specifications

request i. It is reference to an instance of the javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest interface.

ii. The request object provides access to all the available information about the user request (such as request parameters and

headers) & may be used in exactly the same way that the HttpServletRequest parameter is used in the service()

method of a servlet.

iii. Example: <h2>Hello <%=request.getParameter("userName")%>, Have a nice day!</h2>

response i. The response object is a reference to an instance of the javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse interface.

ii. It contains the methods for setting headers and the status code, and adding cookies. It also provides methods related to session


out i. It represents an instance of the javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter class that can be used to write character data to the

response stream in a similar manner to that seen by the java.io.PrintWriter class.

ii. The methods provided by the JspWriter such as print() & println() can be used to write text to the body of the response

page i. The implicit page object references an instance of the JSP’s page implementation class and is declared of type Object.

ii. The page object is rarely used in scripting elements and simply serves as a link between the JSP page and its implementing


application i. The implicit application object provides a reference to the javax.servlet.ServletContext interface that represents the

entire web application.

ii. This object holds references to other objects that more than one user may require access to, such as a database connection pool

shared by all application users.

iii. It also contains log( ) methods you can use to write messages to the container's log file.

pageContext i. The pageContext variable contains a reference to an instance of the class named javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext.

ii. It provides methods for accessing references to all the other objects and attributes for holding data that is shared between

components in the same page.

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session i. The session variable allows you to store & retrieve the client's session data, managed by the server.

ii. It's assigned a reference to an instance of a class that implements the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession interface, which

provides access to session data as well as information about the session, such as when it was created and when a request for the

session was last received.

exception i. It is a reference to an instance of class java.lang.Throwable.

ii. The exception object is available only in error pages and contains information about a runtime error.

config i. The config object simply provides the JSP developer with access to the javax.servlet.ServletConfig object that is used

by the web container to configure the JSP page.

ii. The ServletConfig interface is most commonly used to provide access to any initialization parameters

Variable name Java type

application javax.servlet.ServletContext

config javax.servlet.ServletConfig

exception java.lang.Throwable

out javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter

page java.lang.Object

pageContext javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext

request javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

response javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse


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By @mahesha999