Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing

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  • 8/8/2019 Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing



    Student number: 10566721



    - Concept o P3 project / Infuence on

    concept o pavilion.

    - One Dot Zero project summary

    - Developing the concept- Anthropometric data

    - Connection o cubes

    - Computer render o system in use

    - Laser Cutting / Folding methods

    - Implementation o olding

    Jason Bruge/ WINDWALL / P3- Concept behind Windwall

    - Equipment

    - Components

    - Circuit boards / Setting up / Testing

    - Building the Windwall


    - SSL Workshop / Setting up

    - Installation at the BFI

    PROCESSING- Sotware/Processing

    - Use in architecture

    - Daniel Hirshmans Strays

    - Jason Bruge / Veuve Clicquot

    - Audrino board

    - Use with processing

  • 8/8/2019 Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing


  • 8/8/2019 Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing


  • 8/8/2019 Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing


    Example o processing showing concept behind an

    interactive design projectHere you can see that

    this visual representa-

    tion is or 1 person

    (represented by the

    grey circle as the

    mouse cursor). When

    you move the mouse/

    grey circle across the

    screen one part to an-

    other a ripple eect is

    created. This emulatesthe lights reaction to

    one person moving

    across the interative


    This demonstration

    shows the reaction

    that is created when

    two people are inront

    o the panel. Much

    like the reaction whenthere is one person a

    ripple is created, but

    here the second per-

    sons ripple is created

    horizontal creating a

    cross-hatched reac-


    This demonstration

    shows the reaction

    when three people

    walk inront o the

    panel. Based on where

    the people move trails

    o light ollow the

    peoples movement

    and create a diagonal


    Processing used in


    Jason Bruge created a temporary interactive design at the Design Indaba in South Arica.

    IThe piece was designed, built and installed in the main conerence area as an interactive

    wall surace. The concept was a surace o light that responded as a person walked, initiat-

    ing a moment o surprise. This allowed visitors to reconsider their movements and provide

    a moment o pause and play in their journey that would normally be uninterrupted and


    Design Indaba 2008

  • 8/8/2019 Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing


  • 8/8/2019 Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing


  • 8/8/2019 Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing


    Processing code:

    Example o use with Arduino

    The scope o processing and the amount o dierent things it has to

    oer is pretty large. On the last page Daniel made a visual represen-

    tation that showed his concept and was interactive. Processing alsoallows the user to (as shown to the let) control

    The screenshot to the let show how to make an Arduino board turn

    on and o an LED or one second. As you can see to the let the green

    text allows the user to write an explanation without it becoming code.

    This makes the code so much more approachable or a designer, i you

    shared it to another person they could ollow what happens by the

    description adjacent to the code.

    This is one o a ew reasons why processing is used so much.

    Above you can see in process-

    ing the Arduino is listed

    In the picture below you can

    see the user connecting the

    laptop to the arduino board to

    upload the code to the proces-

    sor on board.

  • 8/8/2019 Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing



    DS04 Students 2D graphics

    Processing - Grid

    DS04 Students 2D graphics

    A program will be written by

    Daniel rom Jason Bruges that

    divides the graphic in grids and

    displays on the LED lights

    Audrino board - process the program

    into real time

    Circuit boards powers and con-

    veys data to the ans

    Fans are placed equally on a grid that

    is mounted on a rame made.

    While the wind is generated the ans will

    light up based upon the people inront,where the wind is generated and the peo-

    ple inront (see picture the top picture)

  • 8/8/2019 Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing


    1 - Here you can see the tool tray that kept a lot o the pieces

    that were to be soldered on to the chip boards.

    2 - Screwdrivers and wooden boards were made or connect-

    ing the two parts o the ans.

    3 - Wire cutters were used to cut the connectors that are to be

    connected to the an.

    4 - Soldering k it and solder ready to solder the chip boards.

    Also you can see the clamps used to hold the boards up

    steadily as soldering requires both hands.

    5 - Large clamps were used time to time

    6 - Large ans not really used in construction, but to test theans on the grid once they were installed.

    7 -Glue guns

    8 - Fans need to be used when soldering as the umes are

    toxic. Some o the soldering irons came with them attached.

    Below is a Macbookpro which has processing on it.


    1 2





    6 8

  • 8/8/2019 Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing



    1: Here you can see the boards used beore most o the components

    were soldered on.

    2: Picture o the boards with all the components soldered and work-


    3: Here you can a pile o the an base pieces. This bit connects to an-

    other part o the an Ive labelled here 4. This part is basically the bit that

    connects the ans to the grid

    4: This is the part with the motor and the LED are situated. Once a an is

    placed on the motor-turning piece it will work once the wind is caught.

    6: Here you can see the connectors that were to be placed on the ribbon

    wires eatured in picture 7.

    7: The ribbon wire had to be stripped at dierent intervals to reach all

    the ans. The ribbons would support all the ans in a vertical row.

    At the bottom would be the circuit boards eatured in picture 1.

    These would then connect to the audrino boards.





  • 8/8/2019 Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing




    Beore we started soldering the circuit boards that Daniel ordered we

    had to practice on this board which had hundreds o holes that emu-

    lated the soldering experience.

    Here is a picture o me soldering the diodes to the practice board.

    Once we were conortable and daniel had checked up on our solder-

    ing we started soldering the chipboards that would deal with power-

    ing up the ans.

    This is a picture o the actual base chipboard that was used to con-

    nect the ans to receive signals rom the audrino board and also to

    power the ans.

    Here is a picture o me soldering the diodes to the practice board.

    Once we were conortable and daniel had checked up on our solder-

    ing we started soldering the chipboards that would deal with power-

    ing up the ans.

    When soldering we had to make sure that ater each circuit board was

    done that we checked each solder closely so that it doesnt circuit.

    What this basically means is that in the check you had to look closely

    to see i the solder touched other parts o the circuit, causing it not towork.

    Here you can see that this part o the circuit board involved somebody

    cutting up the diode pieces

  • 8/8/2019 Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing




    Chipboard createdTo check the boards ater they had been soldered with the components

    in place it was important to test that they work, otherwise non op-

    erational boards would be put onto the grid and a vertical line o ans

    would not light up.

    To do this Daniel wrote a simple test in processing. This test ment thati the circuit worked it would light up a special test panel which had a

    series o LEDs. When the soldered board is placed within the test circuit

    i all the solders are done correctly then the LEDs will light up, as you can

    see in the bottom right picture.

    Every circuit board needs to be checked beore being placed to avoid

    any complications later.

    Let to right:

    I the circuit board

    doesnt work however it

    wont light up it shows

    the circuit boards sol-

    dering needs to be

    checked and adjusted,

    as shown in the let


    I the circuit boards

    work then the LEDs

    light up, as shown in the

    picture opposite.

  • 8/8/2019 Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing



    Here a student is connecting the base o the ans to the motors

    Here is a picture o several students soldering the wire connectors to the

    body o the an.

    Connectors or the an and circuit boards are cut to size and pressed togeth-

    er in a clamp.

  • 8/8/2019 Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing


    Here you can see the audrino con-

    nected to the circuit-boards, connect-

    ed to the ans via the wiring.

    This is a very important picture as you

    can see everything here working and

    how they are connected.

  • 8/8/2019 Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing


  • 8/8/2019 Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing



    FANS AND AEOLIAN TOWERHere you can see several

    pictures o the Wind Mall

    ready or the One Dot Zeroevent.

    Ater testing to see i it

    was working it was given

    the clearance ready to be


    Here you can see some o

    the results I have captured

    with my camera. In thepicture directly to the let

    you can see the large an is

    generating wind in the bot-

    tom right part o the grid.

    As a result only you can see

    loose circle showing the

    more intense part and the

    lights dimmer where the

    wind is less.

    In the bottom pictures

    you can see the grid being

    displayed or a selective

    audience showing dier-

    ent patterns based on what

    graphic was shown.

    I have also shown pictures

    o P3 or that evening, it

    seems red was the colour o


  • 8/8/2019 Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing



    Here are pictures o the tower that was to hold 1200+ wind-to-light ans outside o the BFI Southbank.

    In the picture directly above you can see the base on which the tower was to be placed. The even distribution is

    to ensure the tower doesnt all over in the wind or or whatever reason. In all the pictures above you can see a

    spacerame type o construction is created to disperse the load o the tower. In the picturs above you can see

    that the ramework is hend together at several positions.

    In the top let you can see the holes on which the crane will attach to the tower to

    pull it o the ground and descend it onto the base shown here.

    The picture to the ar right shows the length o the tower to be erected. It is very

    tall and will be higher than the bridge adjacent to the the BFI allowing multiple

    views o the ans.

  • 8/8/2019 Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing


    Above you can see

    the template ex-

    ample. Unortunately

    the mesh that was

    delivered was the

    wrong size as you

    can see to the right,

    thereore additional

    to the work o con-

    necting the ans to

    the mesh we also had

    to bend open holes

    or them using pliars.

    This small error made

    the task so long and

    caused the schedule

    to change rom one

    day work to two days

    o work. Here you can see two o westminster students along with Jason Bruges people trying to work out and assemble the ans

    to the mesh.

    Once we arrived at the SSL workshop there was in excess o 800

    ans ready to be made. Here is a box o the bottom part o the

    ans that needed to be adjusted.

    The wind guide on the back o the component was not need-

    ed and needed to be cut o as they were to be placed against

    mesh. To do this we used pre-cut holding slots and a scalpel.

    Once all the wind guides were cut o we needed to connect that component

    the propellor component with the base component. To do this we had to

    screw open the top part, connect it with the bottom and screw it back in.

  • 8/8/2019 Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing



    From top let to bottom right:

    The aeolian tower was sectioned o on site rom the

    public and connected to the crane to lit.

    Beore it was li ted the constructors connected the

    crane to the tower, made sure it was sae and then

    they started moving the tower across.

    There was wheels attached to the bottom o the tower

    so that the could move across the foor as the other

    end was being lit up by the crane.

    The constructors used a loosely built step/wall system

    o wooden planks to stop the wheels, then cause the

    tower to rise as the crane pulled it up. Once the crane

    was now o the ground the workers started taking the

    wheels o.

    Once the wheels were o the workers kept an eye on

    the bottom o the tower, guiding it physically i need-

    ed with a connected piece o rope. I presume this was

    also to stop it swaying.

    From here the tower was moved into position with su-

    pervisors keeping an eye on it rom the bridge above.

  • 8/8/2019 Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing


    Here you can see the same constructors about to connect

    the base o the tower to the top.

    Now that the tower is in place the workers make sure it slots

    in properly

    Here you can see the worker starting to tighting

    Using the rope as a guide and slow movement rom the

    crane driver the tower slowly descended into position.

    Both constructors guide the bottom o the tower in place

    and give eedback to the crane operator

    Both workers screw the bolts in position to make sure that

    the tower is secured. In the picture below to the let you can

    see him hammering in a bolt to secure the two pieces.

    To the right are two pictures o the crane and the tower.

    In the rst one you can see a man has been ascended on a

    platorm to disconnect the crane now it is in position. In the

    second you can see tower is completely detached and the

    crane is moving away.


  • 8/8/2019 Jason Bruges Windwall - P3 Interactive Installation / Processing
