Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica · rhizome is also stimulated to produce green growth if it is near or on the surface. Therefore the success of the treatment will be determined

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Page 1: Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica · rhizome is also stimulated to produce green growth if it is near or on the surface. Therefore the success of the treatment will be determined


Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica)


Page 2: Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica · rhizome is also stimulated to produce green growth if it is near or on the surface. Therefore the success of the treatment will be determined




Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica)

Other names: Also known as Polygonum cuspidatum by Japanese and American

authors but, following Meissner's 1856 classification, as Fallopia japonica in


For ID guides and more information:




Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica)

Cover photo © H. Zell (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Photo of vine © [email protected] (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Version 1: August 2018

Page 3: Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica · rhizome is also stimulated to produce green growth if it is near or on the surface. Therefore the success of the treatment will be determined




Ecology and impact of Japanese Knotweed

Japanese Knotweed is the most damaging terrestrial weed in Britain and the

IUCN lists it amongst the top 100 invasive species of global concern. This

species causes a huge amount of economic and environmental harm, including

damaging buildings and infrastructure, increasing the risk of flooding and

outcompeting our native species. Japanese Knotweed is thought to cost Britain

at least £165m every year (Williams et al. 2010) and has nearly doubled its

distribution in the last 20 years.

Effective management: summary

Japanese Knotweed is not an easy plant to control for several reasons. Firstly, it

can proliferate from fragments as small as a little finger nail. In riparian areas,

high water flows disperse fragments of the plant downstream where new

colonies form. Secondly, is extremely resilient to a range of conditions and

herbicides. Thirdly, it has an extensive underground rhizome system that can

sustain the plant in a dormant state for years (observations suggest rhizome can

stay alive for more than 20 years.), even when top growth is removed.

The success of the species has been partially attributed to its tolerance of a very

wide range of soil types, pH and salinity. Its rhizomes can survive temperatures

of −35 °C (−31 °F) and can extend 7 meters (23 ft) horizontally and 3 meters (9.8

ft) deep, making removal by excavation extremely difficult.

Regeneration from this dormant state can be triggered by a change in site

conditions or more often by site disturbance, which is commonly the case on

riverbanks. With these issues in mind, often treatment needs to be repeated for

long-term control to be achieved and long-term monitoring is essential.

Japanese Knotweed may take two or three years to show significant signs of the

control efforts working, although with two or more treatments per year results

can be faster. The effectiveness of the control work can be seen in the strength,

Page 4: Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica · rhizome is also stimulated to produce green growth if it is near or on the surface. Therefore the success of the treatment will be determined



Effective management: summary (cont)

colour and form of the Japanese Knotweed as it regenerates, tending to

produce less dense stands, that do not grow very high and have dwarf features.

Again, it is important to continue monitoring sites even after apparent success

as Japanese Knotweed can lay dormant for several years before regenerating.

Where possible, it is useful to disturb sites where Japanese Knotweed has

apparently been controlled as the disturbance can activate dormant roots which

can then be treated as before to kill off any remnants.

When planning Japanese Knotweed management, it is best to use a

multifaceted and adaptive approach. Try to select control methods that reflect

the available time, funding, and labour of the participants, the land use goals, as

well as the values of the community and landowners. Management will require

dedication over a number of years and should allow for flexibility in method as


Non-chemical methods for the control of Japanese Knotweed can take up to 10

years to eradicate the weed and often may fail to achieve eradication. Great care

needs to be taken with the cut material to avoid further spread. Non-chemical

methods are generally suited to low populations in small areas but present

problems of disposal of plant fragments. Although there are potentially

successful mechanical or manual control options for small patches of Japanese

Knotweed, landscape level projects and larger sites will likely require integrating

herbicide into the control strategy.

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Cutting or Mowing

Wherever possible Japanese Knotweed should be cut with a single clean cut

near the base of the stem. Use a cutting method that prevents fragmentation

of the stem. Avoid flail mowing, strimming or similar methods that fragment

the stem and rhizomes. Stems can regenerate from nodes, or fragments of

nodes. If cut stem is dried until it is crisp and brown it can be burnt or

disposed of as an inert waste. If stems have been pulled up, they will have

fragments of Knotweed crown still attached at their base. This is highly

regenerative and will regrow, even after the stem has dried. Avoid pulling

stems. Cutting will need to be done at least 4 times per year or every 2-4

weeks during the growing season if it is the only method of control. Cutting

annually may take up to 10 years to achieve death of the plant.

Plant material accumulated by this technique will need appropriate disposal.

Disposal of cuttings should be done on site either by composting or burning (a

licence is required). Stems should be dried on a layer of polythene to prevent

rooting and once they become dark brown in colour they cannot regenerate.

Dried cut stems can then be safely composted. Pulled stems, which will include

crowns, are not suitable for composting. When burning pulled stems, ensure

that the crown is in the centre of the fire and is thoroughly combusted. See the

section on “Disposal” for more information.

Method: Manual cutting of canes, using a hook or brush cutter.

Potential equipment requirements (excluding PPE): Brush-cutter, hook, fork.

Vehicle & trailer if not disposing at site.

Most suitable situation for method: Generally used to clear an area prior to

chemical treatment of regrowth. Not recommended as a sole method of

treatment, as it generates potentially infectious waste and would need to be

performed annually for many years to provide control. Suitable for volunteer




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Efficacy: Good, but canes must be disposed of carefully. Cutting is preferably a

prelude to spraying.

Constraints: Time-consuming, and requires good access.

Timescale: Cutting between June – Oct, preferably as a prelude to spaying

When to manage Japanese Knotweed with manual cutting

Jan Feb Marc


April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Mechanical (cont)

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Method: Grazing by horses, donkeys, sheep and goats can keep the Japanese

Knotweed in check provided previous dead growth is removed.

Potential equipment requirements (excluding PPE): Access to livestock and

possibly fencing to restrict their movements.

Most suitable situation for method: In areas where reduction of knotweed,

rather than eradication, is the aim. Likely to be used in conjunction with other


Efficacy: Grazing is not an eradication tool but is helpful in suppressing the

plant and reducing spread.

Constraints: Grazing animals can poach and erode the ground as well as spread

plant fragments, so they need to be managed carefully to ensure that they are

suppressing the plant and not causing further spread. Disturbance can speed

up knotweed regeneration, so lighter animals, such as sheep or goats may the

best livestock option, if they will cause less erosion.

Timescale: Animals prefer the young shoots as they emerge in the spring and

after about June the stems become rather woody.

When to use grazing animals to control Japanese Knotweed

Jan Feb Marc


April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Mechanical (cont)

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Stand-alone digging as a management option is included here, as it is a viable

management choice, but not suitable for most sites. This option is most

commonly used on large, flat development sites where the costs and

disturbance caused by the process are mitigated by the potential gains and

the expediency of the solution. It involves digging down and removing all root

material and all soil including a 2m halo of soil around the furthest extent of

the rhizome system using a registered contractor.

Digging (to be done in combination with herbicide spraying)

Site trials have shown that combining digging and spraying treatment is

effective in reducing the time needed for chemical control. Great care is

needed with this method to avoid spreading plant material. The aim of the

treatment is to break up the rhizome, which stimulates leaf production and

therefore makes the plant more vulnerable to herbicide treatment. The

rhizome is also stimulated to produce green growth if it is near or on the

surface. Therefore the success of the treatment will be determined by the

amount of rhizome that is brought to the surface layer.

Method: The majority of Japanese Knotweed rhizome exists in the upper layers

of topsoil. An excavator can be used to scrape surface crowns and rhizomes

into a pile. Exposed ground can then be cultivated to at least 50cm deep,

depending on the depth of the bulk of the rhizome, turning the piled material

and respreading it over the cultivated area. This process stimulates the

rhizome to produce a higher density of stems, which makes it more vulnerable

to herbicide treatment. It has been seen that subsequent herbicide treatment

has achieved significantly better rates of control.

Potential equipment requirements (excluding PPE): Excavator, equipment for

herbicide treatment

Mechanical (cont)

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Most suitable situation for method: Larger areas that can be accessed with an

excavator. In this situation, it would be inappropriate to dispose of treated

material under a waste exemption. Soil can be reused on-site, in localised

areas that would facilitate herbicide treatment if regrowth were to occur.

Efficacy: Whilst this disturbance technique (in conjunction with chemical

control) may have the potential to eradicate Japanese Knotweed infestations,

it cannot guarantee it.

Constraints: This technique will only work in when carried out with chemical

treatment. Soil can become compacted if driven over or worked when it is wet.

This reduces rainwater infiltration, which increases runoff and may spread

Japanese Knotweed across the site and into watercourses. Compacted soils are

also less likely to encourage the regrowth needed for treatment

Timescale: Dig the soil during the winter, taking care not to compact wet soil,

and treat regrowth during the spring and summer.

Mechanical (cont)

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Root Barrier Membranes

Various root barrier membranes are available which claim to prevent Japanese

Knotweed penetrating. A root barrier membrane is only as good as the way in

which it has been laid. It is essential that there is expert supervision when the

root barrier membrane is supplied. It is important that the suppliers of root

barrier membranes can advise the designing architect of potential problems

and supervise installation.

Method: Root barrier membranes are currently used in a number of ways:

Cell formation

Protecting structures and hard surfaces

Preventing horizontal spread

Protecting services, etc.

The methodology for installing the root barrier membranes will depend which

of those 4 functions you are aiming to achieve. This methodology is detailed

in Appendix 1

Potential equipment requirements (excluding PPE):

It is essential that a good root barrier membrane is sourced. A root barrier

membrane physically protects a structure or clean soil. The root barrier

membrane used for this method must be made of a material that is fit for

purpose. It should be made of a material that can be:

a) used without damage;

b) provided in large sizes, to minimise the need for seals;

c) sealed securely;

d) remain intact for at least 50 years;

e) resist UV damage if it is exposed to sunlight.

Mechanical (cont)

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Japanese Knotweed will tend to break through holes or joins in the fabric, so it

is essential that the integrity of the root barrier membrane is maintained, and

there is a minimum number of seams. Ideally, root barrier membrane material

should consist of a single sheet. You must ensure that root barrier membranes

containing leachable chemicals do not pollute streams and groundwater.

Given that Japanese Knotweed rhizome may remain dormant for at least 20

years, it is important that a root barrier membrane carries a guarantee well

beyond that time. A manufacturer’s guarantee of at least 50 years is


Most suitable situation for method: This type of methodology is normally used

on large scale development sites

Efficacy: There is little information available on the efficacy of this approach,

but as it is used widely in large scale infrastructure projects, it is presumably

quite effective

Constraints: Expensive, time-consuming, requires expert advice and help with

installation. This method likely to only be worthwhile carrying out on a large


Timescale: There is little information available on the optimal timescale for this

type of management.

Mechanical (cont)

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It is essential that a competent and qualified person carries out the

herbicide treatment. Contractors must have the appropriate National

Proficiency Tests Council (NPTC) certification. They must follow the

instructions on the herbicide label and wear appropriate protective

equipment. Only certain herbicides are allowed near water, and approval

must be obtained from The Environment Agency before using these.

Other permissions and health and safety requirements may need to be

considered. For more information, please see the “Health and Safety”

and “Legislation” sections.


Chemical control is the most successful treatment for controlling Japanese

Knotweed as it kills the extensive rhizome system. However, complete control

will seldom be achieved in one season. It is necessary to repeat herbicide

treatment for at least three years before Japanese Knotweed stops regrowing.

Herbicide alone is not sufficient to eradicate Japanese Knotweed. Lack of

regrowth is not evidence that the Japanese Knotweed is no longer alive.

Disrupting the rhizome by disturbing the soil is likely to result in substantial

regrowth. It is also important to select the appropriate product together with

the method of application for the individual situation.

The only herbicide recommended to use for the control of Japanese Knotweed

in England is glysophate. This is also the only active herbicidal ingredient

allowed to be used near any water body in England, including rivers, streams

lakes and ponds. The biactive formulations of glyphosate are generally

regarded as the most suitable. Efficacy is greatly increased with use of the

adjuvant Codacide Oil (@ 1 l/ha per Glyphosate @ 6 l/ha in 400 litres of


Glyphosate is a translocated herbicide, which means the plant carries the

herbicide down to its rhizome. Contact herbicides may appear to kill the

leaves and shoots of Knotweed, but unless the herbicide is translocated down

to the rhizome the plant will regrow. Glyphosate will kill the non-target plants

Use of a weed wiper or spot treatment with a hand lance can increase the


Page 13: Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica · rhizome is also stimulated to produce green growth if it is near or on the surface. Therefore the success of the treatment will be determined



selectivity of this herbicide. Fitting the hand lance with a guard can direct the

spray to the target more accurately. Glyphosate can also be directly injected

into the stem. Timing is essential for chemical management of Japanese

Knotweed as it is an incredibly resilient plant capable of withstanding a

significant amount of prolonged herbicide control. The most effective time to

apply glyphosate is from July to September (or before cold weather causes

leaves to discolour and fall). Spring treatment is acceptable, but less effective.

Avoid the flowering period to protect bees and other pollinating insects.

It is important that the Japanese Knotweed is monitored regularly after it has

been sprayed for any signs of regeneration following the previous treatment –

sometimes Japanese Knotweed will turn black and wither away right down to

the base of the stem and other times it will simply wilt slightly before

recovering and continuing to grow. Glysophate is not effective during the

winter dormant stage of Japanese Knotweed as it requires living foliage to

take up the active ingredient.


Glyphosate is usually sprayed onto the foliage of knotweed. Beware of drift on

to non-target plants and lawns. Select the appropriate nozzle (deflector or

even flat fan) and pressure (1 bar). If there are concerns about the risk to

other plants, use a weed wiper to apply the herbicide. Note that weed wipers

are labour intensive. Do not apply herbicide if rain is imminent or if it is windy.

The treatments also need time to be transported into the plants, therefore,

select a day when the weather is likely to be dry for at least 6 hours after

treatment. Spraying both top and underside of leaves improves control.

1) Spraying Young Growth

Method: Glyphosate @ 6 l/ha treatment of young (preferably < 1m) growth,

either by weed wipe or knapsack sprayer.

Potential equipment requirements (excluding PPE): Knapsack sprayer,

preferably with a long-lance

Chemical (cont)

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Efficacy: Moderate

Constraints: In order to use herbicides and spraying equipment, training and

certification is required (see Health and Safety section), which can be

expensive, or even impractical in a volunteer work setting.

When to manage young growth of Japanese Knotweed with glyphosate

2) Spraying Mature Growth

Method: Glyphosate @ 6 l/ha treatment of mature growth, either by weed

wiper or knapsack sprayer.

Potential equipment requirements (excluding PPE): Knapsack sprayer,

preferably with a long-lance

Most suitable situation for method: Large dense infestations, during the initial

stages of long-term treatment. Encouraging good sward growth reduces the

risk of erosion, so this method is usually replaced by control methods with less

non-target damage

Efficacy: Good, particularly just after flowering but before autumn senescence

Constraints: In order to use herbicides and spraying equipment, training and

certification is required (see Health and Safety section), which can be

expensive, or even impractical in a volunteer work setting

When to manage mature growth of Japanese Knotweed with glyphosate

Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Chemical (cont)

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Stem Injection

Method: Glyphosate as a ten to one solution, applied into a stem, freshly cut

just beneath a node. Dye or food colouring can be added to indicate treated

stems. Herbicide can also be applied to intact stems using stem-injection

applicators. Apply to flowering stems for best results. Regrowth will be

unsuitable for further stem treatments because of the reduced stem diameter,

therefore, follow up injection with spot treat using a knapsack sprayer.

Potential equipment requirements (excluding PPE): Adapted backpack sprayer

or stem injection equipment.

Most suitable situation for method: Smaller infestations, or sites that are

sensitive to non-target herbicide damage due to organic, water quality,

sensitive area constraints, or even prone to wind. Areas in which there is a

grass sward in close proximity, such as areas of dispersed Japanese Knotweed

colonisation. This method can be also be used to treat small stands,

particularly by water, new invasions and to tidy up escapes from eradication

control programmes. This is also a useful method where public opinion

precludes foliar applications.

Efficacy: In a study by Delbart et al. 2012, injection was found to be the most

efficient treatment of managing knotweed infestations when compared to

spraying and mechanical control. This view is also backed up by other studies

(Ford, 2004; Hagen and Dunwiddie, 2008).

Constraints: In order to use herbicides and spraying equipment, training and

certification is required (see Health and Safety section), which can be

expensive, or even impractical in a volunteer work setting. Stem injection can

be labour intensive. Only larger stems can be injected, which may reduce

efficacy. Needle breakage and bending can be commonplace and clean-up

time (such as leaky needles, canisters and guns) can be considerable as well,

all of which incurs more cost.

When to manage Japanese Knotweed with stem injection

Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Chemical (cont)

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CABI have been researching the possibility of using natural control methods to

curb the onslaught of Japanese Knotweed in the UK since 2000. There has

been some success with psyllid bugs (Aphalara itadori) during past trials,

though more limited success getting the psyllids to overwinter in the UK.

Research and trials are ongoing (including as part of the RAPID LIFE Project).

During the original survey work a leafspot fungus (Mycosphaerella sp.) was

observed, with damage on knotweed very commonly seen all over Japan. Its

potential as a biocontrol agent was assessed alongside a rust fungus (Puccinia


The rust was rejected after failing the rigorous safety testing procedure, but

the leafspot showed promising impact and safety. However, the decision was

made to focus research efforts on the psyllid, on which more progress had

been made. Thanks to DEFRA funding, the research on the leafspot has

resumed and CABI aim to finish the safety testing of this potential agent


Biocontrol will not cause complete eradication of Japanese Knotweed in

Britain. The psyllid will put natural pressure on it if it establishes successfully

in Great Britain, but it will not make it disappear altogether. It The ultimate aim

of CABI’s project is to turn the weed from a destructive and expensive

environmental burden, into a more manageable plant which poses less of a

threat to economic interests and biodiversity.

For more information please see: www.cabi.org/japaneseknotweedalliance


Page 17: Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica · rhizome is also stimulated to produce green growth if it is near or on the surface. Therefore the success of the treatment will be determined



Due to legislation (see “Legislation” section), you care must be taken with

disposal of Japanese Knotweed.

More information on this can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/




First, check with the local council that burning Japanese Knotweed onsite is

allowed. Controlled burning of stem, rhizome and crown material can be used

as part of the programme to control Japanese Knotweed. This means the

material is less likely to survive and there is less material to bury or dispose of

off-site. Cut and dry Japanese Knotweed canes on-site before burning them.

Crowns and surface rhizome raked from the surface with tines can also be

burned or taken to landfill. Burning will not reliably kill rhizome or crowns, as

in its native area, Japanese Knotweed grows on volcanic ash and around hot

fumaroles. There are different rules for businesses (which includes farmers)

which can be found at the link listed above.

Bury on Site

You must inform your local area office Environment Management Team at

least one week before the burial.

Soil containing Japanese Knotweed material and burnt remains of Japanese

Knotweed may be buried on the site where it is produced to ensure that you

completely kill it. It is advisable to apply a non-persistent herbicide such as

glyphosate at least once to reduce the growth of infective material. Material

cannot be buried during that period of activity. Burying material treated with a

persistent herbicide may contaminate groundwater. If you are in doubt

whether the herbicide is still active, consult the supplier or the contractor who

applied it. Material on-site must be buried at least 5m deep. Cover the

Japanese Knotweed material with a root barrier membrane layer before

infilling to 5mdeep with inert fill or topsoil.


Page 18: Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica · rhizome is also stimulated to produce green growth if it is near or on the surface. Therefore the success of the treatment will be determined



Where on-site burial is used, it is strongly advised that the location is

accurately mapped and recorded to prevent potential disturbance and re-

infestation, and that any future land owners are advised of its position.

Japanese Knotweed is likely to survive for many years, depending on how

effective the treatment was before it was buried. It is essential that it is not

buried where landscaping, installing services, erosion from a watercourse or

subsequent development will disturb it.

Bund Method

Where local conditions means burial is not an option, it may be possible to

create a bund. Before carrying out this method, it is advisable to consult with

the Environment Agency.

A bund is a shallow area of Japanese Knotweed contaminated soil, typically

0.5m deep. The bund can either be raised on top of the ground or placed

within an excavation to make the surface flush with the surrounding area. The

purpose of the bund is to move the Japanese Knotweed to an area of the site

that is not used. This ‘buys time’ for treatment that would not be possible

where the Japanese Knotweed was originally located.

The construction of the bund is critical, especially if it is likely to be deeper

than 0.5m. The aim is to concentrate the rhizome into the upper surface of the

bund, where it will grow and be controlled by herbicide. If rhizome is buried

deeply, it will become dormant inside the bund and regrow when the

apparently clean soil is used for landscaping on the site.

There are many factors to consider before building a bund for this purpose,

such as location, position and depth, whether a root barrier membrane and/or

local planning authority approval is required. All of these questions can be

answered by the Environment Agency before carrying out work.

Disposal (cont)

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Disposal to Landfill

An alternative method is disposal to landfill. Japanese Knotweed is classed as

‘controlled waste’ and as such must be disposed of safely at a licensed landfill

site according to the Environmental Protection Act (Duty of Care) Regulations

1991 (see “Legislation”). Soil containing rhizome material can be regarded as

contaminated and, if taken off a site, must be disposed of at a suitably

licensed landfill site and buried to a depth of at least 5 m. More information

on this can be found at the link at the beginning of the “Disposal” section.

After Disposal

Once Japanese Knotweed has been successfully eradicated the from the site,

the area will be exposed and vulnerable to soil erosion and further invasion. To

reduce the likelihood of further invasion, it is recommended that the area be

brought into regular use. If the infested area was a natural area, building a

strong plant community is recommended.

This can be done in several ways. Firstly, establishing a strong grassland

community will protect the land. Secondly, begin with establishing a native

grassland community that can be used as a stepping stone community before

proceeding to restoration with tree and shrub species. This may be a preferred

option as some invasive plants, such as giant hogweed, are intolerant of

shade. Establishing wooded areas may prevent invasion from such species.

Thirdly, bring the land into crop rotation.

Rudenko and Hulting (2010) recommend the following:

Grass mixtures should be sown at high densities.

Mixtures should be competitive, create dense swards and have good

growth following cutting.

Some recommended mixtures include: Dactylis glomerata, Festuca rubra

(50:50), Lolium perenne, Festuca rubra, Poa pratensis (12:35:53)

Note that it can take several years to a restore a site and prevent it from being

re-infested with Japanese Knotweed, Skinner et al. (2012) details some of the

challenges associated with this kind of restoration.

Disposal (cont)

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Pulling up individual plants by hand is only useful in a minority of cases, such

as when treating small or new infestations where only a few stems have

established. This is only an effective method of control if it is carried out

continually over a number of years on small or newly established stands. This

is not an effective type of management in most situations. In particular, if

pulled, the highly fecund crown will likely be attached to the base of the cane

and could result in the spread of the plant. As this method is labour intensive,

could easily fragment the plant and cause spread, this method is not


Covering Using Tarpaulin/Geotextile

This method has been used in the past, with the thought that blocking out the

light will reduce growth of Japanese Knotweed. There is little empirical

evidence available on the efficacy of this method. Anecdotally, it has been said

that using tarpaulin can produce worthwhile results on the condition that the

sites are subjected to regular and relatively time-consuming monitoring and

upkeep. It is also stressed that the maintenance work on the tarpaulin must be

accompanied by additional management efforts.

As there is little empirical evidence available on the efficacy of this method,

Japanese Knotweed is known to grow through tarpaulin and covering would

have little effect on the plant’s rhizome, this method is not recommended.


Saline Shock Treatments

Following field trials (Rouifed et al., 2012), saline shock treatments are thought

not to be a feasible management technique in natural environments for

Japanese Knotweed, as this plant can tolerate fairly high salinity and the

method was not sufficient to prevent plant regeneration.

Ineffective control

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Other Herbicides

Several other herbicides have been used historically to control Japanese

knotweed such as 2,4‐D amine. Apart from glysophate, at present no other

herbicides are recommended due the effects they on the surrounding

environment and new legislation reflects this, making it very difficult to use

these chemicals.

Composting as a form of disposal

Japanese knotweed will survive composting and therefore this method of

disposal is not advisable. Japanese knotweed must only be buried, burnt or

disposed of in accordance with Environment Agency advice.

More information on this can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/



Ineffective control

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Once escaped in the wild, fragmentation and dispersal of Japanese Knotweed,

(Fallopia japonica) can result from a variety of management and recreational

activities. As this species is difficult to eradicate, raising awareness and

practicing good biosecurity is key to effective management and preventing

further spread. For guidance on this, please follow the Check, Clean, Dry

guidance in the link below:


In order to manage Japanese Knotweed successfully at a landscape level,

conducting outreach to private landowners and the broader community, as

well as recruiting volunteers, is important. Educating people in your

community about what Japanese Knotweed looks like and the devastating

effects that it can have will help to increase reports of new infestations, which

are easier to manage when they first occur.

If possible, (particularly if it is a publically used site), it is best to cordon off the

infested area and put up a restricted access sign to avoid dispersing the plant.

As a general rule, the area of infestation is 7m horizontally from the nearest

growth of Japanese Knotweed that can be seen. To determine exactly how far

the rhizomes have spread, a series of test pits should be dug and examined.

Ideally, a Japanese Knotweed management plan can be developed and tailored

for the site.

The following document gives advice on biosecurity to prevent the spread of

Japanese Knotweed offsite and around the site. This document is aimed at the

property industry, but is relevant for a variety of settings and other invasive

species as well:



Preventing spread

Page 23: Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica · rhizome is also stimulated to produce green growth if it is near or on the surface. Therefore the success of the treatment will be determined




Appendix 2 discusses the legislation covering the handling and disposal of

Japanese Knotweed in detail. It also includes legal definitions, such as the

definition of “in or near water”. This section broadly covers the most

important concepts and is not exhaustive. If you are in any doubt, contact

the Environment Agency or SEPA before carrying out any activities. You

could be fined up to £5,000 or be sent to prison for up to 2 years if you

allow contaminated soil or plant material from any waste you transfer to

spread into the wild.

The Environment Agency or SEPA can be contacted for advice on the

disposal of waste containing Japanese Knotweed and the use of herbicides

near water. In England and Wales, for carrying out herbicide operations near

watercourses (<5 m from the water’s edge) or where you think it may

impact water quality, there is a requirement to obtain written approval from

the Environment Agency, (in Scotland it is SEPA).

Japanese Knotweed is listed under Schedule 9 to the Wildlife and

Countryside Act 1981 with respect to England, Wales and Scotland. As such,

it is a prosecutable offence to plant or otherwise cause this species to grow

or spread into the wild.

Japanese Knotweed is also covered by the Environmental Protection Act

(Duty of Care) Regulations 1991. Under this legislation, any plant material of

these species, and any soil contaminated with them, is classed as “controlled

waste”. This means that it must be disposed of safely at a licensed landfill

site according to the Environmental Protection Act (Duty of Care)

Regulations 1991.

Japanese Knotweed is not, as often thought, a notifiable weed. SEPA/ The

Environment Agency does not have an obligation to control it. Furthermore,

if it is present on your land, you are not legally obliged to remove/control it,

but you should try to ensure it does not spread.

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Legislation (cont)

Document by SEPA that covers general knotweed management and

specifically legislation in Scotland:

https://www.sepa.org.uk/media/154142/onsite_mangaement_of_ -


Links to other resources on legislation of INNS:




Health and Safety

Consider the following when using chemicals:

make sure anyone spraying holds a certificate of competence for herb-

icide use or works under direct supervision of a certificate holder

Take all reasonable precautions to protect the health of people and


carry out a Control of Substances Hazardous to Health assessment

get permission from Natural England if the area is protected, for exam-

ple sites of special scientific interest

get permission from the Environment Agency if the plants are near


The reality of control work for Japanese Knotweed means that it is neces-

sary to use herbicides and spraying equipment. Anyone carrying out this

work must be trained and certified to do so. Please note that a certificate

of competence is required to buy and use professional herbicides and to

apply such treatments to commercial, agricultural and horticultural premis-


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Health and Safety (cont)

Use of glyphosate requires AqHerb01 approval and NPTC PA1 & PA6 quali-


Application to use herbicides in or near water

City & Guilds Level 2 Principles of Safe Handling and Application of Pesti-

cides (PA1)

City & Guilds Level 2 Award in the Safe Application of Pesticides using Pe-

destrian Hand Held Equipment

Health and Safety Executive Code of Practice for Plant Protection Products

Useful resources and guidance on health and safety when planning a pro-

ject working with invasive species is available on the GBNNSS website:


Page 26: Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica · rhizome is also stimulated to produce green growth if it is near or on the surface. Therefore the success of the treatment will be determined



Scientific Papers and Reviews

Delbart, E., Mahy, G., Weickmans, B., Henriet, F., Crémer, S., Pieret, N.,

Vanderhoeven, S. and Monty, A., 2012. Can land managers control Japanese

Knotweed? Lessons from control tests in Belgium. Environmental management,

50(6), pp.1089-1097.

Ford, S., 2004. Cut and inject herbicide control of Japanese Knotweed Fallopia

japonica at Rocky Valley, Cornwall, England. Conservation Evidence, 1, pp.1-2.

Hagen, E.N. and Dunwiddie, P.W., 2008. Does stem injection of glyphosate

control invasive knotweeds (Polygonum spp.)? A comparison of four methods.

Invasive Plant Science and Management, 1(1), pp.31-35.

Kabat, T.J., Stewart, G.B., and Pullin, A.S. (2006). Are Japanese Knotweed

(Fallopia japonica) control and eradication interventions effective? Systematic

Review No. 21. Centre for Evidence-Based Conservation, Birmingham, UK.

Rouifed, S., Byczek, C., Laffray, D. and Piola, F., 2012. Invasive Knotweeds are

highly tolerant to salt stress. Environmental management, 50(6), pp.1027-1034.

Rudenko, M. and Hulting, A., 2010. Integration of chemical control with

restoration techniques for management of Fallopia japonica populations.

Management of Biological Invasions, (1), pp.37-49.

Skinner, R.H., Van Der Grinten, M. and Gover, A.E., 2012. Planting native species

to control site reinfestation by Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica).

Ecological Restoration, 30(3), pp.192-199.

Williams, F., Eschen, R., Harris, A., Djeddour, D., Pratt, C., Shaw, R.S., Varia, S.,

Lamontagne-Godwin, J., Thomas, S.E. and Murphy, S.T., 2010. The economic

cost of invasive non-native species on Great Britain. CABI Proj No VM10066,



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Other Documents

Brook Lyndhurst (2015) Local Action Groups for Managing Invasive Non-Native

Species: A research review for Defra. http://www.nonnativespecies.org/


CABI (2017) Progress with Weed Biocontrol projects: CABI in the UK. https://


Control of freshwater invasive species. SERIES, S.O.C.E. ONEMA. The National

A g e n c y f o r W a t e r a n d A q u a t i c E n v i r o n m e n t s .


Environment Agency (2006) The Knotweed Code of Practice: managing

Japanese knotweed on development sites. Environment Agency.



Environment Agency (2010) Managing invasive non-native plants in or near

fresh water, http://www.nonnativespecies.org/downloadDocument.cfm?


Integrated Pest Management in Nature Conservation Handbook, Scottish

Natural Heritage, 2014. https://www.nature.scot/integrated-pest-management-


Property Care Association (2014) Code of Practice for the Management of

Japanese Knotweed. Version 2.7. https://www.property-care.org/wp-content/



SEPA (2008) Technical Guidance Note: On-site management of Japanese

Knotweed and associated contaminated soils. Version 1.5. https://

w w w . s e p a . o r g . u k / m e d i a / 1 5 4 1 4 2 / o n s i t e _ m a n g a e m e n t _ o f _ -


References (cont)

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Sarat, E., Mazaubert, E., Dutartre, A., Poulet, N. and Soubeyran, Y. (Eds). (2015)

Invasive alien species in aquatic environments. Practical information and

management insights. Vol. 2 Management Insights. https://pipap.sprep.org/



Soll, J. (2004) Controlling Knotweed in the Pacific Northwest, The Nature

Conservancy. https://www.invasive.org/gist/moredocs/polspp01.pdf

Tweed Forum (n.d.) Tweed Invasives Project The long-term control of Giant

Hogweed and Japanese Knotweed: A case study of the Tweed and practical

steps to establishing and delivering a successful, long-term control strategy.











noxious-weeds/weed-identif ication/invasive-knotweeds/japanese-


References (cont)

Page 29: Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica · rhizome is also stimulated to produce green growth if it is near or on the surface. Therefore the success of the treatment will be determined



Websites (cont)







Thanks to the GB NNSS, the Environment Agency and Local Action Groups. For

advice and input

References (cont)

Page 30: Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica · rhizome is also stimulated to produce green growth if it is near or on the surface. Therefore the success of the treatment will be determined


RAPID is a three year EU funded LIFE project led by the Animal and Plant Health

Agency (APHA), with Natural England and Bristol Zoological Society as key part-

ners that piloting innovative approaches to Invasive Alien Species (IAS) manage-

ment in freshwater aquatic, riparian and coastal environments across England. The

project is supported by a number of further Technical Partners.

Where To Go For More Information







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Appendix 1: Methodology for Different Root

Barrier Membrane Functions

A) Cell Formation: Putting the Root Barrier Membrane in Place

In some situations where burial is the preferred disposal method but it is not

possible to bury Japanese knotweed to 5m (see section 5.4), it may be com-

pletely encapsulated into a root barrier membrane cell. These cells may be

placed under buildings, within cellar voids or in places that will not be dis-

turbed. It is important that the deeds of the property show where these cells

are located, to avoid damage in the future that could be caused, for example,

by trenching to lay services. To avoid damage after it has been installed, the

upper ‘cell’ surface must be covered with a capping layer, at least 2m deep.

Depending where it is located, the cell is quite often used in the landscape

and trees planted within the capping layer.

How to do it:

Calculate volume required and excavate site, allowing for 2m depth of


Protect the integrity of the root barrier membrane with a layer of sand

and provide shutter ply supports for the edge of the cell.

Put root barrier membrane in place, allowing enough material along the

edges to eventually provide a seal.

Protect the root barrier membrane from tyre damage with a layer of sand.

Fill the cell with the knotweed infested soil. No other material, contami-

nants, or wastes should be included.

Make sure that dedicated vehicles are used and cleaned properly after

they have been used. Haulage routes must be protected.

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B) Protecting structures and hard surfaces

Where there is a chance that Japanese knotweed rhizome is still living within

the soil and there are plans to construct buildings in these areas, there are a

number of ways root barrier membranes are used: 1. Before development, in-

fested areas are sealed horizontally with the root barrier membrane. Care

must be taken that laying the root barrier membrane does not affect the con-

dition of the building or structure, especially on sloping ground. 2. Root barri-

er membranes are built into the structures to prevent Japanese knotweed en-

tering the building or laid horizontally underneath the paved surface, road or

car park.

As Japanese knotweed could create ‘heave’ and cause initial fractures to con‐

crete floors or a paved surface, it is important that a pliable surface is laid be-

tween the concrete and the root barrier membrane. This would allow the Jap-

anese knotweed to grow without stressing the concrete. Care must also be

taken to protect the services entering the building. When doing surface seal-

ing, it is important to think about peripheral protection Make sure the root

barrier membrane is sealed properly around pillars and other structures.

How to do it:

Protect the integrity of the root barrier membrane and prevent damage

from ‘heave’ with a layer of sand.

Put the root barrier membrane in place.

Apply another layer of sand over the surface of the root barrier mem-


Lay final floor surface.

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C) Preventing horizontal spread

Carefully using a vertical root barrier membrane has been used to prevent the

horizontal growth of Japanese knotweed. This is usually used against uncon-

trolled infestations from neighbouring properties. Vertical root barrier mem-

branes are also often used around the edge of cuts, as a precaution against

regrowth from any residual rhizome. Vertical root barrier membranes can of-

ten be most conveniently used when reinforced by a plywood frame. If it is

not known how deep the rhizome has spread, vertical root barrier membranes

should be used to 3m deep as a standard.

How to do it:

Excavate a trench, making sure that all the knotweed is contained.

Put the root barrier membrane in place.

Support the root barrier membrane with shutter ply and backfill the


Make sure that the presence of the root barrier membrane is recorded

and is not disrupted by future developments and landscaping.

D) Protecting services, etc.

If services or other small-scale structures need to be constructed in areas in-

fested with Japanese knotweed, it is often more cost effective to protect the

integrity of the structure within a root barrier membrane rather than subject

the entire area to a full scale Japanese knotweed management plan. It is es-

sential that any soil contained by the root barrier membrane, in proximity to

the drain or structure, is free from knotweed. The surrounding infestation can

then be controlled using herbicides over a period of time.

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Appendix 2: Managing Japanese Knotweed -


Legislation covering the handling and disposal of knotweed includes the fol-


The Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986

Requires any person who uses a pesticide to take all reasonable precautions

to protect the health of human beings, creatures and plants, safeguard the en-

vironment and in particular avoid the pollution of water. For application of

pesticides in or near water approval from the Environment Agency should be

sought before use.

Section 14(2) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (WCA 1981)

This document states that “…if any person plants or otherwise causes to grow

in the wild any plant which is included in Part II of Schedule 9, he shall be

guilty of an offence.” Japanese knotweed is one of the plants listed in Sched-

ule 9. Anyone convicted of an offence under Section 14 of the WCA 1981 may

face a fine of £5,000 and/or 6 months imprisonment, or 2 years and/or an un-

limited fine on indictment.

The Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA 1990)

This contains a number of legal provisions concerning “controlled waste”,

which are set out in Part II. Any soil or plant material contaminated with Japa-

nese knotweed that you discard, intend to discard or are required to discard is

likely to be classified as controlled waste. The most relevant provisions in the

EPA are in section 33 (1a) and (1b). These create offences to do with the de-

posit, treating, keeping or disposing of controlled waste without a permit.

Section 33 (1)(c) makes it an offence to keep, treat or dispose of controlled

waste in a manner likely to cause pollution of the environment or harm to hu-

man health. Section 34 places duties on any person who imports, produces,

carries, keeps, treats or disposes of controlled waste. Waste must be handled

responsibly and in accordance with the law at all stages between its produc-

tion and final recovery or disposal.

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Waste must be transferred to an authorised person, in other words a person

who is either a registered carrier or exempted from registration by the Waste

(England and Wales) Regulations 2011 (Waste Regulations). A waste trans-

fer note must be completed and signed giving a written description of the

waste as per regulation 35 of the Waste Regulations. This must be sufficient to

enable the receiver of the waste to handle it in accordance with their own duty

of care. Failure to comply with these provisions is an offence.

The Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005 (HWR 2005)

These contain provisions about the handling and movement of hazardous

waste. Hazardous wastes are defined by reference to regulation 6 of the HWR

2005. A waste is a hazardous waste if it is listed as a hazardous waste in the

List of Wastes Decision as well as the List of

Waste (England) Regulations 2005. The Secretary of State is also able to de-

cide if a particular batch of waste is to be determined as hazardous.

Schedule 3 of the HWR 2005 includes a list of properties that render waste

hazardous. Annex I, II and III of the Hazardous Waste Directive also provides

further guidance on what constitutes hazardous waste. Consignment notes

must be completed when any hazardous waste is transferred. They must in-

clude details about the hazardous properties and any special handling re-

quirements. If a consignment note is completed, a waste transfer note is not

necessary. Untreated Japanese knotweed is not classed as hazardous waste,

but material containing knotweed which has been treated with certain herbi-

cides, may be classified as hazardous waste.

The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010

(EPR) includes reference to the ‘Exercise of relevant functions’ in Schedule 9,

paragraph 4. These objectives are derived from Article 13 of the European

Waste Framework Directive. These objectives state that necessary measures

shall be taken to ensure that “…waste management is carried out without En-

dangering human health, without harming the environment and, in particular

without risk to water, air, soil, plants or animals; without causing a nuisance

through noise or odours; and without adversely affecting the countryside or

places of special interest.”

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Exemptions from the need for a permit are available in some circumstances,

and are set out in Schedule 2 and 3 of the EPR. Exempt waste operations must

comply with the general rules governing operations and must register with

the relevant authority.

The above legal provisions have consequences for a range of people, includ-

ing anybody involved in the management or disposal of knotweed. For exam-

ple knotweed which is cut down or excavated and removed from a develop-

ment site must be transferred to an authorized person, and correctly de-

scribed. It must be disposed of appropriately, as advised by the Environment

Agency. If you are going to bury knotweed on a development site you will

need to consult the Environment Agency first to make sure that the material

does not contain any other contaminant that may affect the quality of

groundwater. If you pollute the environment or cause harm to human health

you may be prosecuted.

Anyone who uses a herbicide must ensure that they do not pollute the water

environment and the use of herbicides in or near water requires approval from

the Environment Agency. If any waste soil or knotweed is sent for landfill ei-

ther before or after any treatment, it must go to a landfill that is authorized to

receive it. It is not an offence to have Japanese knotweed to grow onto other

people’s property, it may be regarded as a private nuisance under common

law, but this would be a civil matter.

‘In or near water’ includes ‘drainage channels, streams, rivers ponds, lakes, res‐

ervoirs, canals and dry ditches’. It also covers control of vegetation growing

on banks or areas immediately adjacent to water bodies. If you intend to use a

herbicide within 5m of water, or if your treatment may impact water quality,

you should contact us beforehand.

Wherever there is a risk of contaminating a watercourse, choice of herbicides

is limited to formulations of glyphosate that are approved for use near water.

Not all herbicides that contain these active ingredients are suitable to use in

or near water. You must refer to the label to make sure that the product you

intend to use is approved for use in or near water.