Artist Joe Mac Kechnie is a signature member of the Pastel Society of America, Northwest Watercolor Society, Northwest Pastel Society, and the Puget Sound Group of NW Artists. He is a member of the Portrait Society of America, the Oil Painters of America and has served as president of the Eastside Association of Fine Arts and president of the Puget Sound Group of NW Artists. Joe teaches art workshops locally and in Europe. Joe has artworks in several local galleries in the Seattle area and Alaska. And he has had artworks in the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio and the National Arts Club, Grand Gallery in New York, NY. Joe has won many local and national art Mareth was born in Maine in 1946 but spent her growing-up years in Idaho and Utah. As a very small child, she pored over the illustrations in the family encyclopedias and began drawing pictures of the costumes, landscapes and people of foreign countries. From her love of nature, she created detailed drawings of the flora and fauna of the Boise National Forest where she spent her summers. Ruth Melichar, an exceptional artist and caring wildlife preservationist, mentored Mareth during her teenage years in Idaho.  This woman understood and spoke her language – that of drawing and painting.  Because of Ruth’s encouragement and valuable input into her life, Mareth decided at an early age she would be an artist. However, after graduating from the University of Washington with a BA in Art History, followed by a stint in the Peace Corps in Micronesia, she raised a family and pursued a research/ speaking career. Travel to 23 countries in the ensuing 34 years The Northwest Watercolor Society Newsletter January-February 2015 January Program – Mareth Curtis-Warren February Program – Joe Mac Kechnie Upcoming Membership Meetings January 27 • Mareth Curtis-Warren | February 24 • Joe Mac Kechnie St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church • 6:45 Social Hour • 7:15 Meeting Continued on page 4

January Program – February Program – Mareth Curtis-Warren Joe … · 2018-08-08 · Joe was born in Petersburg Alaska and raised in the Pacific Northwest. As an engineering graduate

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Page 1: January Program – February Program – Mareth Curtis-Warren Joe … · 2018-08-08 · Joe was born in Petersburg Alaska and raised in the Pacific Northwest. As an engineering graduate

Artist Joe Mac Kechnie isa signature member of thePastel Society of America,Northwest WatercolorSociety, Northwest PastelSociety, and the Puget SoundGroup of NW Artists. He is amember of the PortraitSociety of America, the OilPainters of America and hasserved as president of theEastside Association of FineArts and president of the

Puget Sound Group of NW Artists. Joe teaches art workshopslocally and in Europe. Joe has artworks in several localgalleries in the Seattle area and Alaska. And he has hadartworks in the Butler Institute of American Art inYoungstown, Ohio and the National Arts Club, Grand Galleryin New York, NY. Joe has won many local and national art

Mareth was born inMaine in 1946 but spent hergrowing-up years in Idahoand Utah. As a very smallchild, she pored over theillustrations in the familyencyclopedias and begandrawing pictures of thecostumes, landscapes andpeople of foreign countries.From her love of nature, shecreated detailed drawings ofthe flora and fauna of the

Boise National Forest where she spent her summers. Ruth Melichar, an exceptional artist and caring wildlife

preservationist, mentored Mareth during her teenage years inIdaho.  This woman understood and spoke her language –that of drawing and painting.  Because of Ruth’sencouragement and valuable input into her life, Marethdecided at an early age she would be an artist. However, aftergraduating from the University of Washington with a BA inArt History, followed by a stint in the Peace Corps inMicronesia, she raised a family and pursued a research/speaking career. Travel to 23 countries in the ensuing 34 years

The Northwest Watercolor Society Newsletter

January-February 2015

January Program –Mareth Curtis-Warren

February Program –Joe Mac Kechnie

Upcoming Membership MeetingsJanuary 27 • Mareth Curtis-Warren | February 24 • Joe Mac Kechnie

St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church • 6:45 Social Hour • 7:15 Meeting

Continued on page 4

Page 2: January Program – February Program – Mareth Curtis-Warren Joe … · 2018-08-08 · Joe was born in Petersburg Alaska and raised in the Pacific Northwest. As an engineering graduate

I hope every -one had a won der fulholiday season. I hope Santabrought you thatnew studio youasked for!

Isn’t winterwonderful?Think how muchfun this past

couple of months have been. Snow,freezing weather, power outages, frozenwindshields, school delays, trafficnightmares, mountain pass closures,broken water pipes and dead carbatteries just to name a few. It is almostlike living in Alaska. We only have a fewhours of daylight during the wintermonths.

I do want to concentrate on what isgood about winter. Thanksgivingdinner with friends and family,Christmas with grandchildren whenthey open presents, fantastichomemade candy and goodies, visitingwith neighbors and singing carols.Friends helping each other whenneeded, wonderful Christmas cards andhomemade gifts, and spending timewith loved ones. It doesn’t get anybetter than that! It’s really all aboutfamily and friends.

In early December, I was contactedby Richard Wray, whose mother,Miriam Wray, was a longtime memberof NWWS. She had passed awayrecently, and one of her requests wasthat her art books be donated toNWWS. Richard brought her books tomy studio, and I had the pleasure ofsorting through them. There are at least75 books, most of them hardcover. Atour Board Meeting we discussed thebest thing to do with these books, and itwas decided to have a big sale at ourJanuary 2015 meeting, so please cometo our meeting in January, and take alook at these wonderful art books (whodoesn’t need another art book?) Theywill be for sale at a reasonable price.Our very own Mareth Warren will bethe artist giving a demo, and I can’t waitto see her.

In other news, we continueplanning our 75th Anniversary

2 · January-February 2015

President’s Message · Shirley Jordan

Northwest Watercolor Society

P.O. Box 50387Bellevue, WA 98015-0387


President:Shirley Jordan425-890-9289

Vice-President:Char Haugen206-282-1813

Corresponding Secretary:Seiko Konya


Recording Secretary:Evette Norton425-442-5928

Treasurer:Peggy Meyers425-869-0783

Attorney:Darek Linke

[email protected]

Newsletter Editor:Jeff Waters

[email protected]

Newsletter deadline for theMarch-April editionis February 10, 2015

E-mail your items [email protected]

(Subject line: NWWS or Hot Press)

Please send newmemberships/changes

of address to:Peggy MeyersP.O. Box 50387

Bellevue, WA [email protected]

Please send all bills to:Peggy MeyersP.O. Box 50387

Bellevue, WA 98015-0387

celebration and Convention. TheresaGoesling and Cindy Briggs have beenworking non-stop. I want to thank themand everyone working behind thescenes for all the hard work.

Our Open Exhibition is going to beheld at the Washington StateConvention Center in July 2015. Theprospectus is online, and you can enterthrough our website. The deadline toenter is February 7, 2015, and you canenter two paintings! Jurors will beAlvaro Catagnet and Judy Morris.

The Workshops registration periodfor Alvaro Castagnet and Judy Morris isopen. The registration forms are nowavailable on our website atwww.nwws.org. Also available on ourwebsite is the Registration form for ourConvention being held in downtownSeattle at the Crown Plaza hotel. A blockof rooms has been set aside for us. Itwill be fun.

In the meantime, paint when youcan as much as you can.

Shirley JordanNWWS President

Page 3: January Program – February Program – Mareth Curtis-Warren Joe … · 2018-08-08 · Joe was born in Petersburg Alaska and raised in the Pacific Northwest. As an engineering graduate

January-February 2015· 3


Severalwell-knownartists whoproducewonderfulpaintings of a

particular subject, have told me thatthey never intended to specialize. It justhappened. They painted one, usually atthe request of a friend or patron. Otherssaw it and requested a slightly differenttake. Suddenly, they were the go-topainter of dancers or crows.

Enter the elephants. The RotaryChristmas party was at our home lastyear. They decided to hold a “WhiteElephant Exchange”, where you select awrapped gift from the pile or steal onealready claimed by another. Each giftcan only change hands twice.

Of course, I had to paint a whiteelephant. He who chose it, hid it andrefused to trade, claiming he had “lost”it. The rush was on. The elephant in thewater, Morning Ablutions, is this year’shidden gift.

Editorial · Jeff Waters

The charging elephant was boughtby a young man whose mother wasactually charged by an elephant inAfrica. He wouldn’t let me out of theroom until I agreed to sell it.

The large, white, standing elephantsold at a Rotary meeting.

I have now painted and sold severalelephants. I didn’t paint to sell butsimply for my own pleasure.

Perhaps the current zoocontroversy plays into this althoughthat has never been my motivation. I’msimply fascinated by these magnificent,intelligent creatures. I took numerouselephant photos in South Africa.

Is your work becoming known for aparticular subject? Do you sell them?Send me a jpeg of your specialty.

Northwest Watercolor Society

Call to Artists

Be part of NWWS’s 75th Diamond Anniversary

Celebration in 2015

International Open Exhibition – Entry Deadline 2/7/15, 6 pm

NWWS Exhibition— 7/1 to 9/30/15 , Washington State Convention Center in Downtown Seattle

Artists’ Convention

NWWS Show Jurors & Workshop Instructors Judy Morris & Alvaro Castagnet

75th Open prospectus and event registration

online 11/15/14.


Judy Morris

Alvaro Castagnet


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Rotary Elephant – Morning Ablutions

Bull Elephant

Charging Elephant

Bull Elephant Opus 2

Page 4: January Program – February Program – Mareth Curtis-Warren Joe … · 2018-08-08 · Joe was born in Petersburg Alaska and raised in the Pacific Northwest. As an engineering graduate

4 · January-February 2015

January Program | Continued from page 1

February Program | Continued from page 1

planted a wealth of images inher artist’s mind.

It was not until 2002 shetook steps to realize herdream of being a fulltimeartist. Mareth is a student ofCharles Reid, Ted Nuttall,William Hewson andCatherine Gill, from whomshe has gained much valuedinstruction, encouragementand friendship.  From the

faces of Inuit children to the secluded beaches of Micronesia;from the snowy streets of urban Belarus to dust-swept hills ofBahrain; from poor farmers on tea plantations of Indonesia tosurvivors of Auschwitz; from the coastal scenes to the craggymountains of her Northwest home region, Mareth is bringingtreasured images to the fore and expressing her art withpassion and zeal.  She paints from her studio in Seattle,Washington.

awards and has been featured in Southwest Art magazine,American Art Collector magazine and Strokes of Genius.

“In recent years myadvancement in fine art hasbeen focused on developingmy skills in drawing andpainting through practice andteaching. For me, art is alanguage for making visiblemy creative visions. My goalis to continue to expand myunderstanding of artistictechniques so they becomethe natural tools for self-expression and storytelling.The world provides me with

an infinite source of inspiration. Everything I see are potentialsubjects for my art through the mediums of graphite, ink,pastel and paint. My purpose is to isolate, depict and capturethe essence of a subject or scene. I seek qualities that areelusive, difficult to depict and portray. Painting for me isabout sharing my view as I witness and savor the visualmoment.”

Joe was born in Petersburg Alaska and raised in thePacific Northwest. As an engineering graduate of theUniversity of Washington, Joe has worked as a computernetwork design engineer in the Seattle area for many years.Following retirement, Joe has pursued a career in fine art.

www.jlmackechnie.com www.internationalpleinairworkshops.com

Miriam Wray’s Books For SaleIn early December, I was contacted by Richard Wray,whose mother, Miriam Wray, was a longtime member ofNWWS. She had passed away recently, and one of her

requests was that her artbooks be donated toNWWS. Richard broughther books to my studio.

There are at least 75 artbooks, most of themhardcover. They aremostly Watercolor, butthere are a few ondrawing, and someacrylics. At our board

meeting we discussed the best thing to do with thesebooks, and it was decided to have a big sale at our January2015 meeting. So please come to our meeting in January,and take a look at these wonderful books (who doesn’tneed another art book?) They will be for sale at areasonable price. So please come and take a look,hopefully find one or two that you just have to have! Seeyou there.

Shirley Jordan

Page 5: January Program – February Program – Mareth Curtis-Warren Joe … · 2018-08-08 · Joe was born in Petersburg Alaska and raised in the Pacific Northwest. As an engineering graduate

January-February 2015· 5

NWWS: What kind of places will youpick to paint?

AC: Seattle is a fantastic city to paint. Ihave a variety of subjects that I’d like topaint. People know me for gravitatingtowards street scenes. Buildings, thewaterfront, neighborhoods. I like to bedriven around the city for promising

spots. People here get used to [thescenery]. I was here many years ago andI’m rediscovering it. It’s a gorgeous cityto paint.

I come to the shades. I look at thelight of the day. The tree tops. I look forshapes, corners, awnings, signs. It’s verybroad. I succumb to the hustle andbustle of things – people, taxis – thatappeals to me more than other subject.

NWWS: Do you pick your locationsahead of time?

AC: I choose a subject to paint on thespot. How I feel at that particularmoment; how I react to it. I turn a lovelycorner. I say that’s gorgeous and its 4o’clock in the afternoon. I come backthe next morning and look at thesubject differently.

I am with people, and people arewaiting for my subject to be painted,demonstrated. I walk with them andlook at suitable subjects. I’m also awareof people needing to be in the shade.When the sun is bouncing on the white

paper, you need to be in the shade.The thing is, when you accumulate

so many years of painting, you realizeyou don’t need to walk 7, 10 or 20blocks to find a subject to paint. Thereare no bad subjects. I can find a subjectmatter quick and easy. I can paintanywhere.

NWWS: How long is a demo whenyou find that spot that suddenlyspeaks to you?

AC: If the weather is sunny and I candry off my paper in the sun for the firststep undercoat in 10-15 minutes, totalwithin 45 minutes.

NWWS: Could you tell us more aboutyour process?

AC: There are two very differentprocesses. Once you do a drawing and,you’re happy with what you’re going topaint, the first step is the under coat. Icover the whole paper with an undercoat wash. It’s the easy one – justdropping color on the paper. That’s all itis. Anybody can do it. The onlyrequirement is you’re dropping colorswith a certain strategy that gives you adirection; you’re not painting atrandom.

After that’s dried, the second step isthe one you put in all the lost and foundedges, all the values; you create apainting that has a spirit, an emotion toit – all the things that are difficult toachieve – and all at once.

NWWS: What tools do you need whenyou’re on location?

AC: On location I need my easel, mypalette, brushes, paper, bowl andpencils, water and a sponge. I don’thave an eraser because I’m an infallible

Spontaneity and Passion Drive Alvaro Castagnet’s Plein Air Workshopsby Sarah Love

In celebration of the 75th Anniversary, Alvaro Castagnet, world renowned watercolor artist from Uruguayand one of the jurors for the International Open Exhibition, will have a Plein Air workshop July 6 – 10, 2015.This past April, Alvaro was in Seattle for a three-day workshop at Seattle University when he sat down withmembers of the 75th committee to chat about his methods and what to expect. Mr. Castagnet is an affable andgracious artist. He brings his passion for painting into his conversations. It’s easy to laugh around him withhis infectious humor and to learn about his artistry. Following is the interview that may answer some of yourquestions. And be ready to sign up for the plein air workshop.

Continued on page 6

Page 6: January Program – February Program – Mareth Curtis-Warren Joe … · 2018-08-08 · Joe was born in Petersburg Alaska and raised in the Pacific Northwest. As an engineering graduate

6 · January-February 2012

drawer. (AC laughs.) Everything goes into my bag. It’s

nice, easy and light. You don’t need toend up with back pain or shoulder painfrom a too heavy bag. My aluminum tri-pod is excellent. I don’t think it weighseven a kilo (2.2 lbs).

NWWS: Do you paint in all weatherconditions?

AC: Nearly. I mean if it was rainingheavily I would get some drops of wateron my painting. (AC goes on to tell thestory of filming his DVD in Paris underheavy rain conditions with an umbrellabeing held up, microphones, camerasand a deadline without rehearsal time.)Yes, I did paint under very toughconditions. Actually it was one of myfavorite paintings. That goes to show,sometimes under pressure.

NWWS: What does a typical one-week workshop look like in terms ofprogression for an artist?

AC: I don’t teach formulas for painting.

I do not teach short cuts. Painting wellis hard work. [You] go through lots ofexperiments and experimentation andhave in mind to work things out.Eventually you end up with your ownfingerprint in art. You end up with yourown way of seeing the world andexpressing your own technique. Trialand error. Accumulating experience andknowledge and then you develop yourown path into the medium.

People come with ideas that in thecontext of five days I’ll end up paintinglike this famous artist. I’m not talkingjust about myself, I’m talking aboutanybody. When you join a workshop itis about picking up a seed that you takeinto your brain. You need to water it inorder to flourish and grow. The way towatering that is by lots of painting onyour own. From a workshop withanyone you pick up things that he does,says, in color blending and whateverelse. That doesn’t mean because youjoined this workshop you’re going to bepainting great. In the process of doing

the workshop in five days – five days isabsolutely nothing – [if you’re thinking]of transforming from an artist into aprofessional one, it cannot be done. It’sa formula for failure.

NWWS: What do you want yourstudents to take away from yourworkshop?

AC: I want my students to come withhumbleness. I come humble to teach.Humble means away from egocentrismand this thinking, I paid a fee, I needvalue for money. I’m prepared to giveyou my very best. [I would like artists to]have a great openness to art. To acceptand take on board whatever I amproviding them as knowledge. Thefunny thing, when I sense the person islike this I walk an extra mile to helpthem. I do my very best to teach themas much as I can. It’s amazing.

Art is a totally different disciplinethan logic. It’s poetic. It’s an illusion.You need to think in an abstractfashion. You got to be abstract.

Signature Show a BeautyThe NWWS Signature Show held at the Schack Art center in Everett from Nov. 20 – Dec. 27, 2014 was quite a

beautiful show. The reception on Nov. 20 was well attended and lively. Awards of Artistic Merit were given to SeikoKonya, Sandy Langford, Molly Murrah, Carla O’Connor, Fumiko Kimura, and Richard McDiarmid.

The Edmonds Community College showed their glass, wood and ceramics along with our art, a win-win forattendees during the holiday season.

As usual, a hearty thanks to our volunteers, Charlette Haugen as show chair, computer gurus Debbie Haggman,Molly Murrah, and Cheri Connell, Sarah Love for PR, and our many people helping with check in, pick up and thereception, award procurers Molly LeMaster and Jolene Sanborn, to the anonymous jurors who selected the artists forawards, to the award donors, and to Carie Collver and her staff at the Schack Art Center.

Left to right – Genny Rees, Nancy Axell, Seiko Konya,Molly Murrah

Left to right – Molly Murrah, Marcia Giant, Charlette Haugen,Ann Breckon

Page 7: January Program – February Program – Mareth Curtis-Warren Joe … · 2018-08-08 · Joe was born in Petersburg Alaska and raised in the Pacific Northwest. As an engineering graduate

75th Diamond Anniversary Celebration

Alvaro Castagnet Plein Air Workshop REGISTRATION FORM

N o r t h w e s t W a t e r c o l o r S o c i e t y

July 6–10, 2015 — Registration Begins December 1, 2014


TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Crowne Plaza - Seattle, Regatta Bar & Grill Lounge, 2nd Floor 1113 6th Avenue (Corner of 6th & Seneca) Seattle, WA 98101 206-464-1980

REGISTRATION: Open December 1, 2014 Limit 25 participants

TUITION: $595 for NWWS members $695 for non-members

CANCELLATION: All cancellations subject to $50 cancellation fee. If cancellation is received after June 1, 2015, deposit is forfeited unless space can be filled from the waiting list.

HOTEL ROOM RATES: The Crowne Plaza–Seattle is offering a limited number of discounted rooms for our 75th Diamond Anniversary Celebration participants. You can make your room reservations here:


ABOUT ALVARO CASTAGNETA member of many prestigious watercolor societies around the world, such as the American Watercolor Society (AWS) and Australian Watercolor Institute (AWI), Álvaro Castagnet is a gifted internationally renowned watercolorist, well-traveled

and lauded for his expressive style and ability to capture the very soul of the location he paints.

Born in Montevideo, Uruguay, Álvaro’s

paintings grace the walls of many private and corporate collections across the globe and his works have been recognized with top honors in esteemed international art competitions.

According to Álvaro, “My style has been described as passionate, spontaneous, flamboyant and powerful. I am an expressive painter; always exploring and pursuing a strong interpretation of light effects. I enjoy stretching the boundaries of traditional art, and the medium, trying my hardest to do it with honesty and integrity. Portraying the abstract side of life is the driving force of my work.”

Traveling the world exhibiting, demonstrating, lecturing and judging, Álvaro is also a

successful author. Often contributing to acclaimed international art publications worldwide, his latest book, Painting with Passion: Beyond Technique, is a sold out bestseller.

Álvaro’s artwork and products can be viewed at www.alvarocastagnet.net

This “rain or shine” plein air workshop is your opportunity to get unique art instruction from a world famous artist! Reserve your space – sign up today!


For general information, call Che Lopez at 425-349-0876 or email [email protected]

For registration information, call Molly Murrah at 425-822-6552 or email [email protected]

Registration Form for Alvaro Castagnet Workshop — July 6–10, 2015Name __________________________________________________________________

Address _________________________________________________________________

City/State/Zip ____________________________________________________________

Phone __________________________________________________________________

Email ___________________________________________________________________

$595 NWWS Member $695 Non-member

A $100.00 deposit must accompany this registration form.Balance is due by June 1, 2015. All payments in US funds.

Mail to: NWWS WorkshopP.O. Box 50387

Bellevue, WA – 98015-0387

Questions? Email [email protected]

Workshop registrations will be accepted in the order they are received. You will be notified upon acceptance or if you are put on our waiting list.

Page 8: January Program – February Program – Mareth Curtis-Warren Joe … · 2018-08-08 · Joe was born in Petersburg Alaska and raised in the Pacific Northwest. As an engineering graduate

8 · January-February 2015

Catherine Gill

Watercolor: Mix It Up!Principle of Ooze – AMixed Media LandscapePresentation Workshop Description:This mixed media landscapepresentation focuses on creatingplayful and dynamic landscapepaintings using layers of wetwatercolor and chalk pastel on wetpaper. Employing the strengths ofboth media, the fluidity and

transparency of watercolor and the line work, intensity and opacity ofpastel, Catherine will create a painting that is fluid, transparent andlively, with strong line work and color. The playfulness and creativityof this combination allows the artist to make marks that are dynamicand fun. This fast and fun process allows the pastel to “ooze” into thewetness of the watercolor. 

About Catherine Gill:Catherine Gill has lived and worked in the Pacific Northwest for 30years. She paints on location in watercolor, oil, and pastel, and is also aprintmaker. Catherine teaches painting and printmaking in her studioin Seattle, as well as throughout the United States and many othercountries. Her artwork has been exhibited nationally and throughoutthe world.

Catherine is co-founder of Art Partners International, dedicated tobringing together artists and art of different cultures. She is a memberof Northwest Watercolor Society, Women Painters of Washington,Plein Air Painters of Washington, Seattle Print Arts and Print Arts NW. 

Her book on landscape painting, Powerful Watercolor Landscapes,with writer Beth Means, was released by Northlight/F&W PublicationsJanuary 2011. Her work can also be found in Art Journey America:Landscapes (F&W) Kipp, December 2011.

Short instructions videos are available on her website, and justreleased are two new DVDs, available mid November, all throughCandy Corn Productions.

Catherine’s work and current list of workshops and videos can beviewed on her website: www.catherinegill.com

Che Lopez

Painting the Portraitwith Watercolor SticksWorkshop Description:What are watercolor sticks?Watercolor sticks can be drawn andpainted with. They were designed tobe full of pigment and color, and aremuch like painting with wet paint. Inthis mini-workshop we will paint froma model, and I will demonstrate myapproach to painting with sticks.Sticks are a very versatile medium –

from light washes to opaque color they can do it all. I will teach youthe three techniques I developed for painting portraits usingwatercolor sticks.

A supplies list will be available on the NWWS website in May 2015.

About Che Lopez:Che is a Signature Member of Northwest Watercolor Society, and heconsiders himself a painter who can paint in every medium, howeverhis medium of choice is watercolor. Che is a graduate of CornishCollege of the Arts, has worked as a traditional animator, and in weband graphic design. Presently Che is a stay at home dad, full timeartist and he also teaches classes at the Kirkland Arts Center, inKirkland, WA.

Che’s work can be viewed on his website: www.artofche.com

Christine Hanlon,Winsor & NewtonSpecialist

Watercolor Pure andSimpleWorkshop Description:For artists working in watercolor, thislively and entertaining hands-onseminar looks at the history,techniques, and materials that spellsuccess when working in this mostlegendary of mediums. Discover

which pigments granulate, why some colors stain, and the ideallandscape color palette. Learn about color permanence and lightfastness. Why do we have Rough, Cold Pressed and Hot Pressedpapers? What colors best capture natural light? What is gouache andcan it be used with transparent watercolors? What are the threebenchmarks for fine water media brushes? What is the best way tocare for your brushes and finished paintings?

Winsor & Newton Artists’ Water Color offers a range of 96 uniquecolors and a wide array of mediums to help artists alter and enhancethe characteristics of their work. The new Desert Collection limitededition colors will be shown along with the brand new professionalwatercolor markers and sticks. The goal is to have fun while learningabout your materials.

All attendees will be eligible for a special drawing for free materials!

About Christine Hanlon:Christine Hanlon is a painter/teacher who lives in Bandon by the Sea,Oregon after relocating from the San Francisco Bay area in 2012. Shehas taught graduate level painting and drawing classes at theAcademy of Art University in San Francisco since 1997, and teachesprimarily in the online cyber campus for the past 7 years. Since 1998,

In each Hot Press through the May/June issue, NWWS will befeaturing professionals who will present mini workshops

during our 75th Convention July 11 and 12, 2015

75th DiamondAnniversary Convention

Page 9: January Program – February Program – Mareth Curtis-Warren Joe … · 2018-08-08 · Joe was born in Petersburg Alaska and raised in the Pacific Northwest. As an engineering graduate

January-February 2015· 9

business of teaching and painting, the day to day management of aworkshop, their painting manual, journals and art from theirsuccessful painting tours in much of Europe, Canada, and the US.You’ll also learn how you can save time and money with theirautomated Make Every Day A Painting spreadsheet. Q&A will follow,an informational handout provided, and products available forpurchase.

About Theresa Goesling and Cindy Briggs:NWWS Signature Members, Theresa Goesling and Cindy Briggs havebeen leading successful painting workshops internationally since2001. They collectively began their careers as managing art directors,working for fortune 500 companies. In the millennium, they eachtransitioned from the corporate world into the fine art world. Theirpaintings have been recognized regionally and worldwide throughjuried exhibitions including AWS, NWS, galleries, museums andpublications, including; SPLASH and Best of Watercolor America.Through their business, Make Every Day A Painting Workshops, LLC,they have created opportunities to teach and sell their productsworldwide. By invitation they have taught painting with a featuredNational Geographic Traveler Company, Holland America Cruise Line,and numerous other international workshop companies and artcenters. Whether in the studio or en plein air, they share their passionfor water-media and travel with their students by organizing tours,regionally and internationally. Daniel Smith Artists’ Materials hasendorsed their watercolor painting styles and color mastery skills intheir catalogues, stores, on their social media and company website.Their rich palette can magically transform your paintings fromtransparent to opaque watercolors, or vice versa.

Theresa’s and Cindy’s artwork can be seen on their joint website:www.makeeverydayapainting.com

Theresa’s work can also be seen at: www.theresagoesling.com

Cindy’s work can also be seen at: www.cindybriggs.com

Jeff Waters

Seattle Plein Air PaintOutWorkshop Description:Join Hot Press editor, Jeff Waters –experienced plein air painter – on apaint out excursion in Seattle for twohours of painting enjoyment. Bringminimal supplies, your camera, andyour enthusiasm. We will meet at thehotel at 11:00 am on July 12.

About Jeff Waters:Jeff Waters has been painting for ten years. He is active in theEvergreen Association of Fine Arts, and is past president and currentnewsletter editor for the Northwest Watercolor Society. He wasselected to paint the official portraits of the new Snoqualmie City Halland the new Snoqualmie Community Center. He teaches for theMetropolitan Park District and Bellevue College.

Jeff loves to travel and often goes on “walkabout” throughout thesouthwest or across the country, stopping to paint whatever catcheshis eye. He has traveled to many foreign countries and recentlyenjoyed a two-month painting tour of Europe with his wife, Carol.

Jeff can be reached by email at [email protected]

she has been conducting seminars about paint and color for Winsor &Newton as part of the Fine Art Collective, formerly known as the ArtistOutreach Program in Northern CA and now in the Pacific Northwest.She loves inspiring other artists with her hands on sharing of colorand art materials as much as she loves painting. Her workincludes award winning maritime oils and urban landscapes as wellas plein air watercolors. 

Christine’s artwork can be seen on her website:www.christinehanlon.com

Deanne Lemley

Successfully Workingfrom Sketches Paintedon LocationWorkshop Description:My presentation is to take a sketchpainted in the field and translate it toa larger painting in the studio.

The difficulty in painting from life isthat it’s not truly possible to capturethe “moment” when it takes hours tocomplete a sketch in the field. What

the impressionist is always hopeful of doing is creating the illusionthat the sketch 1) “fell off your hand”, 2) looks spontaneous, 3) iscomposed well, 4) appears believable as to the time of day andseason in which it was painted, 5) is accurately drawn, 6) has beautifulcolor relationships (in key), 7) fits in a frame you already have in yourstudio and 8) sells, or better yet, wins an award! Probably the mostimportant component of your painting, however, is “emotionalcontent”, the quality that makes it unique and special to you.

About Deanne Lemley:Deanne Lemley has been pursuing art nearly all of her life, beginningwith taking shoelaces from her high top shoes and making shapes onthe floor. As a child without TV, radio and books were very stimulatingto her imagination, and she had the benefit of parents whoencouraged her to follow her natural abilities. Her rewards have beenmuch more than monetary… she has never lacked in life’s necessities,friends, family or good health. As her Russian mentor, Sergei Bongart,used to say, “You can be idiot and paint, but must be healthy idiot!”

Deanne’s artwork can be seen on her website:www.deannelemley.com

Theresa Goesling andCindy Briggs

Paint! Travel! Teach!Workshop Description:Have you ever dreamed of paintingand traveling, but just can’t swing itfinancially? What if you could get yourexpenses, and painting and teachingcompensated for? If you areintrigued… this mini-workshop is foryou! From start to finish, TheresaGoesling and Cindy Briggs, owners ofMake Every Day A Painting

Workshops, LLC, will share their process for setting up internationaland regional painting workshops, from their method for researchingpainting sites and accommodations, setting the adjustable currencybudget, advertising/promoting the event through online media,creating a contract, invoicing your customers and how to use PayPalto ease the signup process. The team will share their thoughts on the

Page 10: January Program – February Program – Mareth Curtis-Warren Joe … · 2018-08-08 · Joe was born in Petersburg Alaska and raised in the Pacific Northwest. As an engineering graduate

10 · January-February 2015

75th Annual International Open Exhibition ProspectusJuly 1 – September 30, 2015

In honor of our 75th year, in 2015 NWWS will host only one major exhibition and an Artists’ Convention in July.

IMPORTANT DATES Convention Dates: July 10-12, 2015)





About Judy Morris

N o r t h w e s t W a t e r c o l o r S o c i e t y

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Page 11: January Program – February Program – Mareth Curtis-Warren Joe … · 2018-08-08 · Joe was born in Petersburg Alaska and raised in the Pacific Northwest. As an engineering graduate

January-February 2015· 11


◊ PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: Failure to meet ANY of the below conditions will result in disqualification of your entry in the exhibition. Failure to meet the conditions outlined in either of the first two bulleted items shown will also result in the artist becoming ineligible to enter into any future NWWS exhibitions.

◊ Artists must be 18 years or older.

◊ Entries must be original works of art, entirely the work of the entrant. Digital images, prints, art work produced in a class or workshop, likenesses of other artists’ works including photos, or other published source or reference material not attributable to the artist, will not be permitted.

◊ Artists may not substitute another work for an accepted work, nor withdraw that work once it is accepted.

◊ Entries must have been executed within the last two years and not exhibited in any previous NWWS juried exhibition.

◊ Entries must be water media paintings on natural or synthetic paper or paperboard. No stretched canvas or clayboard will be accepted. Computer generated work will not be accepted.

About Álvaro Castagnet

A member of many prestigious watercolor societies around the world, such as the American Watercolor

Society (AWS) and Australian Watercolor Institute (AWI), Álvaro Castagnet is a gifted internationally renowned watercolorist, well-traveled and lauded for his expressive style and ability to capture the very soul of the location he paints.

Born in Montevideo, Uruguay, Álvaro’s paintings grace the walls of many private and corporate collections across the globe and his works have been recognized with top honors in esteemed international art competitions.

Collage or other media may be used, but the aqueous medium must constitute 80% or more of the work. All collage materials must be original designs executed on water media paper.

◊ Entries must be framed, matted and have a professional appearance. Paintings must be ready for hanging with wire and protected under Plexiglas. Plexiglas is required for all paintings. No saw tooth hangers are permitted. All paintings must be matted with a visible 2” minimum mat. Mats must be white or off-white only, and thin colored liners are acceptable.

◊ Framed size cannot be more than 44” in either dimension and displayed image size cannot be less than 10” in either dimension.

◊ Entries must be for sale and priced with the intent to sell. Once entered, the price of your painting cannot be changed. A commission of 25% will be deducted from sales. All paintings will hang for the duration of the exhibit. Any painting sold within 30 days after the closing of the exhibit as a result of having been exhibited in the 2015 Open Exhibition must pay the 25% commission to NWWS.

◊ Utmost care will be taken in handling artwork; NWWS and/or its representatives

According to Álvaro, “My style has been described as passionate, spontaneous, flamboyant and powerful. I am an expressive painter; always exploring and pursuing a strong interpretation of light effects. I enjoy stretching the boundaries of traditional art, and the medium, trying my hardest to do it with honesty and integrity. Portraying the abstract side of life is the driving force of my work.”

Traveling the world exhibiting, demonstrating, lecturing and judging, Álvaro is also a successful author. Often contributing to acclaimed international art publications worldwide, his latest book, Painting with Passion: Beyond Technique, is a sold out bestseller.

Álvaro’s artwork and products can be viewed at www.alvarocastagnet.net


Judy will teach a studio workshop at the Crowne Plaza-Seattle, July 6–10, 2015, 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.


Alvaro will teach a plein air workshop in Seattle from July 6–10, 2015, 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Tuition for either workshop is $595 for NWWS members and $695 for non-members. Registration will begin November 15, 2014. More information is available, including hotel accommodations, along with a downloadable registration form at the NWWS website: www.nwws.org

Workshop Co-Chairs:

Call Marcia Giant at 206-799-4654 E-mail: [email protected]

OR call Molly Murrah at 425-822-6552 E-mail: [email protected]

will not be responsible for damage or loss from any cause.

◊ ALL ACCEPTED work MUST be hand delivered or shipped to Phoenix Art Restoration, 17712 15th Ave NE, Shoreline, WA 98155 by the deadline of June 22, 2015. (WSCC requires all paintings to be delivered by one agent only.) Instructions will be included with your acceptance packet. All shipped paintings require a $40 handling fee. All hand delivered paintings require a $20 handling fee. Note: As previously stated, all paintings must use Plexiglas for this exhibition.


◊ NWWS will accept two images per artist, but only one entry will be juried into the exhibition if selected. If you enter two paintings, they must be entered TOGETHER on ONE entry form. A check box under your first entry, when checked, will display a second set of fields for your next painting’s details. Also, when uploading your painting image(s) you must WAIT for the first image upload to finish before you continue filling out and/or submitting the form. A small thumbnail of your painting will show next to the filename when the upload is complete.

Page 12: January Program – February Program – Mareth Curtis-Warren Joe … · 2018-08-08 · Joe was born in Petersburg Alaska and raised in the Pacific Northwest. As an engineering graduate

12 · January-February 2015






You are now ready to enter the show! Please return to www.nwws.org and follow the online entry instructions.

75th Diamond Anniversary Celebration

N o r t h w e s t W a t e r c o l o r S o c i e t y

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For general questions about the exhibition, acceptance and delivery processes, please contact one of the Exhibition Co-Chairs:

Call Theresa Goesling at 425-802-3487 or Cindy Briggs at 541-420-9463You can email either co-chair at [email protected]

For questions about the entry process only, please contact the Exhibition Digital Curator,Che Lopez at [email protected] or 206-349-0876





Page 13: January Program – February Program – Mareth Curtis-Warren Joe … · 2018-08-08 · Joe was born in Petersburg Alaska and raised in the Pacific Northwest. As an engineering graduate

75th Diamond Anniversary Celebration

Judy Morris Workshop — REGISTRATION FORM

N o r t h w e s t W a t e r c o l o r S o c i e t y

July 6–10, 2015 — Registration Begins December 1, 2014


DATES: July 6-10, 2015

TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Crown Plaza–Seattle 1113 6th Avenue (Corner of 6th & Seneca) Seattle, WA 98101 206-464-1980

REGISTRATION: Open December 1, 2014 Limit 25 participants

TUITION: $595 for NWWS members $695 for non-members

CANCELLATION: All cancellations subject to $50 cancellation fee. If cancellation is received after June 1, 2015, deposit is forfeited unless space can be filled from the waiting list.

HOTEL ROOM RATES: The Crowne Plaza–Seattle is offering a limited number of discounted rooms for our 75th Diamond Anniversary Celebration participants. You can make your room reservations here:



Judy Morris earned B.S. and M.S. degrees in art education from Southern Oregon University, and taught art at South Medford High School for thirty years before retiring to become a full time watercolorist. For 20 years Morris has been a popular juror and workshop teacher throughout the country

and in Canada, Mexico, England, Switzerland, France, Italy and Japan.

Her paintings have received more than fifty national and regional awards

and have been included in exhibitions throughout the country, most recently those sponsored by the American Watercolor Society, the National Watercolor Society, and the Transparent Watercolor Society of America. She was one of 15 American artists invited to be included in the 2011 Taiwan International Watercolor Exhibition, and is currently one of 32 American artists represented in the Shenzhen International Watercolor Biennial, in Shenzhen, China.

Judy has had numerous feature articles in national and international publications including INTERNATIONAL ARTIST MAGAZINE and L’ART DE L’AQUARELLE. She has been a member of the Watercolor Society of Oregon since 1980 and is a signature member of

the American Watercolor Society (AWS), National Watercolor Society (NWS), the Transparent Watercolor Society of America (TWSA), and the Northwest Watercolor Society (NWWS).

Judy’s artwork can be seen on her website: www.judymorris-art.com.

This studio workshop is your unique opportunity to get art instruction from a world famous artist! Reserve your space – sign up today!


Call Marcia Giant at 206-799-4654 or email [email protected]

For registration information, call Molly Murrah at 425-822-6552 or email [email protected]

Registration Form for Judy Morris Workshop — July 6–10, 2015

Name __________________________________________________________________

Address _________________________________________________________________

City/State/Zip ____________________________________________________________

Phone __________________________________________________________________

Email ___________________________________________________________________

$595 NWWS Member $695 Non-member

A $100.00 deposit must accompany this registration form.Balance is due by June 1, 2015. All payments in US funds.

Mail to: NWWS WorkshopP.O. Box 50387

Bellevue, WA – 98015-0387

Questions? Email [email protected]

Workshop registrations will be accepted in the order they are received. You will be notified upon acceptance or if you are put on our waiting list.

Page 14: January Program – February Program – Mareth Curtis-Warren Joe … · 2018-08-08 · Joe was born in Petersburg Alaska and raised in the Pacific Northwest. As an engineering graduate

14 · January-February 2015

NWWS on Facebook

Did you know NWWS has a Facebook page? For those unfamiliar with it, Facebookis an online advertising and communication website. Along with other websites you may

use or have heard about, like Twitter or Instagram, it is considered “social media.” The Facebookpage for NWWS is a great place to look for upcoming show opportunities, meeting reminders,member news, current exhibits, and even new products. It also helps us promote our patrons &contributors to a wider audience. To find us, log into Facebook and search for “NorthwestWatercolor Society.” Once there, click “like.” That’s all there is to it! Once you have done this, NWWSupdates will be shared with you through your news feed. We hope you will find our Facebook pagea useful way to connect with the NWWS artists.

Page 15: January Program – February Program – Mareth Curtis-Warren Joe … · 2018-08-08 · Joe was born in Petersburg Alaska and raised in the Pacific Northwest. As an engineering graduate

January-February 2015· 15

Member NewsSandy Haight was juried into the 6thAnnual Signature AmericanWatermedia Exhibition (SAWE) at theFallbrook Art Center, Fallbrook, CAfrom Feb 8, 2015 to March 22, 2015.  Thejuror is Stephen Quiller.

Kathy Collins’ solo show opens inFebruary at Tsuga Fine Art, 10101 MainSt, Bothell. Kathy show her Northwestwatercolors as well as her colorfulnew collage work. OpeningReception:  Friday, Feb. 20, 5-8 pm.

Joe Mac Kechnie’s entry, Running onAir was accepted into this year’s PastelSociety of America’s 42nd Annual OpenExhibition and has earned him thePastel Society of New Hampshire Awardand elevated him to a SignatureMember in the PSA. This is Joe’s third

acceptance into this prestigiousnational exhibition. Each year thisnational exhibition draws in over 1200entries from artists from all over theUSA of which approximately 180paintings are juried into the show. Fromthe group of accepted entries, 62received awards this year. The show“Enduring Brilliance!” is hanging at TheGrand Gallery, National Arts Club, 15Gramercy Park South, New York, NY,September 2 - September 27, 2014.

Joe Mac Kechnie, Running on Air

Kathy Collins – Late Event

Often I am asked, “How do youpaint light in your work?” Well, theanswer is almost frustratingly simple. “Idon’t.” “The light is already there:waiting for me on the blank sheet ofpaper. All I have to do is paint therelative darkness of shades andshadows to allow that light to haveexpression - to let it really shinethrough.” 

I like to think of painting inwatercolor as a “subtractive” process. Bythat I mean, we start off with themaximum amount of light available andalready “painted” for us by theuntouched white sheet of the paperitself. We then set about subtractingsome of it by the addition of shapes andareas of darker value. So it is thejuxtaposition, the dialogue betweenthese values in the final painting thatgive the work its expression andidentity.

In almost all my work, it is easy tospot some area that has been leftcompletely untouched - a bit of the purewhite of the paper shining through.Often this area is offset by the proximityof the darkest dark in the same work.There is a tension and a dramaticexpression to be had there. Also, I tendto break down my work into three basicshapes of value: “light”, “dark”, and“mid-tones”. These abstract shapes ofvalue can be arranged in countlessways, but if clearly and simplyarticulated, will almost always result ina work that is more dynamic andexpressive than one in which only oneor two values are seen. 

Like most artists, I love color. I oftensay I can’t go into an art supply storewithout “adult supervision” because Iwill want every tube of paint on everyshelf! But I urge my classes and myselfto keep our palettes as simple aspossible - and to work more in valuethan in color. No amount of beautifulcolor can save a work if the values aretoo consistent and unvaried - or worse -when the light is lost. For this reason, Ialso encourage the completion of small,quick “value composition” studiesbefore the final painting begins. Theseare not always necessary, butsometimes help remind us of the

dominant importance of a dynamiccomposition of values. And moreimportantly, they remind us of wherethe light must be saved. For once thelight in a watercolor painting is gone,the work begins to die, and it is all butimpossible to get it back. 

In music - it is the space betweenthe notes that set the rhythm andidentity of the final piece. The silencesare as important to musical expressionas are the actual sounds of theinstruments. It is just the same inpainting. It is the “negative” shapes thatgive voice and expression to the

“positive”. Without the dark, the lighthas no voice. And so, the areas of a workthat are left unpainted are at least asimportant and powerful as those areasthat are.

In my painting “Interior -Cathedral of Girona; Spain” - as inmost all my others - I am exploring the“stories of light”. I try to provide acompelling “path of light” to drawviewers in and allow them to imaginethemselves inside my paintings. There,they can begin to tell their own stories- whatever those may be.


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16 · January-February 2015

Editor’s Contest – Colorful GraysI requested paintings using colorful grays as described in the last editorial.

1st Place - JoAnn Amundson –Magnificent use of colorful grays. This isprecisely what I had in mind.

3rd Place - James McFarlane – Excellentcomposition with the figure in one of thefour key intersections. Note the reflectionsin the windows and the spatter texture onthe sidewalk.

Editor’s Contest – Paint an ElephantPaint an elephant! Remember that part of a subject can often be more dramaticthan all or it. Send a jpeg image of at least 300 dpi to [email protected] “Editor’s Contest” on the subject line. See the editorial in this issue.

I’ve attached a photo I took in South Africa. The baby at the far left becamemired in the mud. Several got behind him and pushed him up on dry land. Youwill find many elephant photos on the internet for inspiration.

2nd Place - James McFarlane –Red Umbrella. Nice use of colorfulgrays with bright red offset.

Judy Morris andAlvaro CastagnetWorkshopsRegistration forms for the Judy Morrisand Alvaro Castagnet workshops arenow posted on our website,www.NWWS.org. Applications will beaccepted on a first come, first servedbasis determined by the postmarkdate. Fee for NWWS members is $595,non-members is $695. Please sendyour registration form and a $100deposit to NWWS Workshop, P.O.Box 50387, Bellevue, WA 98015-0387. Sign up now… these workshopswill fill up fast!

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January-February 2015· 17

Member Links on the NorthwestWatercolor Society Website

Add traffic to your website with a link on the NWWSwebsite. Members can publish an image, an artist’sstatement plus their website link for a $10 initial set upand $25 per year fee. An application form is available onthe NWWS website under Membership/Join select theMember Links option.  Renew now for July 2014-June2015. Questions? Please contact Cheri Connell [email protected].  


Steve Rogers’ 2015 WorkshopsVero Beach Art Club. Vero Beach, FL. March 31 - April 2, 2015.Contact Karen Leffel-Massengill, 772-263-6061.email: [email protected].

Texas Watercolors Society Workshop, San Antonio, TX. April14-16, 2015 Contact Carol E. Hatch, 210-681-9679

Southwest France – near Village of Puy l’Eveque - June 22through July 1, 2015 (leave July 2) - “Watercolor Adventure withJanet & Steve Rogers” Domaine du Haut Baran. 

Southwest France Second Week – near Village of Puy l’Eveque -July 2 through July 9, 2015 (leave July 10)

Contact Janet at 386-441-4930 or cell 386-451-8441. [email protected] [email protected], or visitwww.watercolorsbyrogers.com. The website for the Domaine duHaut Baran is www.hautbaran.com.

San Diego Watercolor Society. San Diego, CA. May 11-14, 2015.Contact Denise Tverdoch, [email protected].

Dillman’s Bay Resort Workshop.  Lac du Flambeau, WI. Aug. 23-29, 2015.  Contact Denny Robertson, 715-588-3143.Website: www.dillmans.com

Woodinville Garden Club - Call for ArtistsTour of Gardens Promotional Artwork - July 18, 2015. DigitalSubmissions due February 2, 2015. Digital submissions (lowresolution JPEGs) of original art from Northwest artists whoare willing to donate their work, if selected, to be used as thepromotional icon of our 2015 campaign. The selected artworkimage with artist credit will be used on our official 2015 tourposter, postcard, ticket brochure, web site and in media press.The original artwork itself will be raffled off as part of theclub’s fundraising efforts during a reception at Molbak’sfollowing the tour. Digital images of your artwork should beemailed to Susan Brown at [email protected] no laterthan February 2, 2015. Include your name and contactinformation along with the title, dimensions and medium ofeach submission. Cash award - $150.00. Susan Brown at 425-444-5336 - email [email protected].

From last month’s program. John Ringen and Mae Bentley.

The Northwest Watercolor Foundation is anonprofit arm of the Northwest WatercolorSociety. One of the purposes of the Foundationis to foster the love of art in young people. TheFoundation awards small grants up to $50 perperson for reimbursement of supplies for artprograms paid by teachers in the area schools.  Pass the word on about this program to a schoolor teacher near you. There is a $200 per schoolannual limit. The awards are made at thediscretion of the Foundation board from theapplications received. Visit the NWWS websitefor more information or contact Charlene [email protected].

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18 · January-February 2015

floating pepper does from a drop of dishsoap. It was magical!

We had not one disturbance thewhole day!

I feel that somehow I shouldcopyright this sign, but for now I will letit go. Use it and watch the magichappen!

Keep your brush wet!Eric


Several weeks ago I taught a pleinair class on the Long Beach Peninsulawhere I live. I told my students the firstday that since this was my firstexperience of teaching plein air class fora full week in my hometown, there areprobably going to be some unexpectedsurprises. Little was I prepared for theone particular surprise that awaited me.

It is not that I have not taughtextensive plein air classes, it is just thatthey have all been, up to this point, inforeign countries, and most frequentlyin Portugal, France and Italy.

When painting in those countries,frequently we would attract a smallcrowd of onlookers. Of course, beforelong questions are asked, or commentsare made on the success of ourpaintings from their viewpoint. Sincenone of us speak the native language ormaybe I might say “No hablo Frances”,the crowd would soon disperse and wecould continue with our work.

Unfortunately, here in the states wecannot feign that we do not speak thelanguage, so we found ourselvesunwillingly engaged in conversationswith non-paying onlookers that we soonwished we could avoid. I don’t knowhow many times I have had to stoppainting to listen about someone’s aunt

who also paints, or to be asked if I haveever heard of a friend who is an artist,which is followed by me uncomfortablysaying “No”.

I do not know why we artists arelike magnets in collecting crowds, andwhy onlookers feel we need to beengaged with them conversationally.Painting takes as much concentration asplaying a competitive chess match, andyet those same onlookers wouldprobably not feel comfortableinterrupting a game to tell about theiraunt who also plays chess. Maybe it isjust that we painters look like we arejust out having fun and not working, ormaybe simply everybody likes toassociate themselves with an artist, as ifwe are vicariously fulfilling theirdreams. Or maybe we are just havingsuch a great time, that we must surelywant company!

At times I have had to tell a motherand daughter, as they came running upto me and began talking, that I simplycould not visit right now, I had to keepfocused. There are other techniquesthat might be suggested, such as puttingon headphones (they might be silent)and pretend that no one can be heardvia sign language. Or unwittinglyflicking a wet brush occasionally in thedirection of the crowd to keep them atbay. I also have tried painting with myback up against a tree or wall so that mypainting is inaccessible. I also onceheard that Jamie Wyeth, who is sure togather attention, has painted fromwithin a refrigerator box. It seems thatmight get rather hot unless it is a coolday.

Well, on the second to the last dayof class, I told my wife, Ann, that wehave been disturbed everyday of theweek by well meaning, but curiousonlookers, and a change is needed. Thisis the sign we posted on a rock the lastday at Beard’s Hollow, a fabulous beach.

We were not bothered at all! Iwatched as carloads of familiesunloaded near our staked out spot, andlike little balls of iron they drewmagnetically towards us. Once theyread the sign, they dispersed like

Wiegardt on Watercolor

Box 1114 · Ocean Park, WA 98640(360) 665-5976

[email protected]

American Watercolor Society2012 Gold Medal of Honor


2015 for the Northwest5/13-15—Getting Started

6/8-12—Secrets of Painting Loose8/10-14—Watercolor Plein Air Workshop11/16-20—Creating an Area of DominanceFrom the Watercolor Store & School of Painting



VISIT OUR WEBSITE!www.ericwiegardt.com and the new ARTISTS’CONNECTION located under WorkshopsAvailable: DVDs, Books, Art Supplies

Original Paintings, Giclees Prints & Lithographs


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January-February 2015· 19

Page 20: January Program – February Program – Mareth Curtis-Warren Joe … · 2018-08-08 · Joe was born in Petersburg Alaska and raised in the Pacific Northwest. As an engineering graduate




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Northwest Watercolor SocietyP.O. Box 50387

Bellevue, WA 98015-0387