Newsletter January 2011 The Staples Church of Christ is hosting a lock-in style weekend for junior & senior high youth on January 21 & 22 “The Diet Coke of Life” The cost is $5.00 per person EVENTS HAPPENING AROUND THE STATE MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR THIS YEAR’S Minnesota Christian Convention “Becoming MORE Than What You Are” Friday & Saturday, April 1 & 2 at the St. Cloud Civic Center, St. Cloud, MN Vern is serving as this year’s president Gene Appel, of Eastside Christian Church, in Fullerton, CA, is the guest speaker. The next regular MCEA board meeting will be January 11th, 11:00 a.m. at Redwood Falls. Pine Haven Christian Assembly will hold it’s annual meeting on Saturday, Jan. 15th, 10:00 a.m. at Valley Christian Church, Apple Valley. Sno-Feast for all Jr & Sr high youth February 11 & 12 hosted by the Kimball Church of Christ Please let Vern know by Jan. 15th if you’re interested in attending either one of these events. Saturday, Feb. 19th 5:00 pm Moose Club, Skyline Mall Cost: $13.00 per person

January newsletter

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Upcoming events for the month of January

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The Staples Church of Christ is hosting a lock-in style weekend for

junior & senior high youth on

January 21 & 22 “The Diet Coke of Life”

The cost is $5.00 per person



Minnesota Christian Convention

“Becoming MORE Than What You Are” Friday & Saturday, April 1 & 2 at the St. Cloud Civic Center, St. Cloud, MN

Vern is serving as this year’s president Gene Appel, of Eastside Christian Church,

in Fullerton, CA, is the guest speaker.

The next regular MCEA board meeting will be January 11th,

11:00 a.m. at Redwood Falls.

Pine Haven Christian Assembly will hold it’s

annual meeting on Saturday, Jan. 15th,

10:00 a.m. at Valley Christian Church,

Apple Valley.

Sno-Feast for all Jr & Sr high youth

February 11 & 12 hosted by the

Kimball Church

of Christ

Please let Vern know by Jan. 15th if you’re interested in attending either one of these events.

Saturday, Feb. 19th 5:00 pm Moose Club, Skyline Mall Cost: $13.00 per person

January 2011 Serving Schedule

Congratulations to Jacob & Kari Weitzel on the birth of their

baby girl, Melody Marie. She was born Dec. 13th weighing 9 lbs. 9 oz. Proud grandparents are Rick & Kellie Weitzel and great-grandma, Bev. Also congrats to Jordan Knudsen on his graduation from Northwestern College on Dec. 17th. He earned his degree in criminal justice.

Christian Workers will meet on Jan. 4th at 6:00 pm. Devotion: Pam. Hostesses: Rose and Grace. Communion preparation for January: Kathy and Pam. Our next fellowship dinner is set for January 9th. The new booklets have been placed in the mailboxes. Extra copies are available.

New phone directories will be published in January. Please contact the church office with changes or updates you may have.

Another year has gone by and its again time for the annual meeting which means reports are due in the office by Sunday, January 16th. The list is on Kim’s door. The annual

meeting will be held Sunday, Feb. 13th following the morning worship service.

The 4x4 groups will continue meeting in January. If you are interested in being part of this small group fellowship please contact the church office.

A huge thank you to Vern for writing this year’s Christmas program and to Marsha for directing it. Also, to those helping the children with their parts and at the rehearsals. The performance was great!

A thank you card was received from Bev Weitzel following her recent illness.

Dar Dolph was nominated as deacon and he has accepted the offer. All other leadership positions remain the same as last year.

PRAYER REQUESTS... • Vern & Pam to sell their house in SD • Continued prayers for Eleanor, LeRoy Schocker’s sister, cancer • Bev, health concerns • Sue Foss, test results, strength • Paul Toft, Jeanne’s brother-in-law, cancer PRAYERS OF PRAISE... • For the beautiful events surrounding this Christmas season - Live Nativity, the Christ-mas program, and the Candlelight Service.

2 9 16 23 30 Communion Dave A Justin Kendall Bob S Jerry Offering prayer Justin Kendall Bob S Jerry Dave A Outside Usher LeRoy/Nathan Bob N/Wayne Scott/Vern S LeRoy/Ben Troy/Nathan Smalls Bob/Diane Rebecca/Rigel Cindy A/Faith Sheila/Tyler Grace/Marissa Communion prep Instruments Marsha & Sandy Video Projection Debra Sound System Ken Worship Team Kelli, Rick, Steve Greeter/welcome Ben & Kathy Back-up greeters: Rose & Kim

Pam & Kathy


General fund balance 11-1-10........... 7,529.44 Receipts............................................ 8,952.53 Disbursements ................................. 9,694.78 General fund balance 11-30-10......... 6,787.19 Total all funds................................. 38,422.52 Average attendance: Sunday school ............57 Average attendance: Morning worship .........95

SUMMARY OF THE DECEMBER COUNCIL MINUTES Meeting called to order by Steve at 7:45 pm. Vern opened the meeting with a devotion & prayer. Dave will bring the devotion for the January meeting. Minutes of the November meeting were read and approved. Minister's Report: 1) A desktop computer was purchased for Vern’s office. 2) The Tribune printed articles about Vern’s new ministry with the church and the Live Nativity. Elders' Report: 1) Elder/deacon selection process discussed. 2) MN Christian Convention discussed. 3) Candlelight Communion service will be on the 23rd. 4) Elder’s bible study will be “Biblical Eldership”. 5) The need for an office computer was talked about. 6) Church family needs discussed. 7) The MCEA’s change in leadership was discussed. Haitian Ministries Report: Good month but yearly total is significantly behind last year. Treasurer's Report: Quarterly insurance was paid which contributed to a slightly down month. Trustees' Report: Four new exterior outlets were installed on the SW corner of the gym. Deacons' Report: 1) 140 attended the Thanksgiving dinner. 2) Christmas bags will be filled Sat., Dec. 18. 3) New Year’s Eve party is being planned. 4) Early planning for February Banquet on the 19th at the Moose. Old Business: 1) A new vacuum cleaner was purchased. 2) Mower discussion. New Business: 1) Checking into a net to serve as a gym divider to keep flying basketballs away from diners. 2) Bob N. motioned and Bob H. seconded to waive the IPT’s December fee as a Christmas gift. Carried. Ken made a motion to adjourn, Ben seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm with prayer. Ken Fiscus, board secretary

Focus on Our Families JESUS OF NAZARETH

I don't know the exact date of my birth, or even the year. That may seem odd to you, but in my day we didn't celebrate birthdays and no one paid much attention to such things. I can tell you this much however, my birth was expected and talked about for a long time before it occurred, in fact, it had been prophesied about for centuries.

I was born just outside of the great city of Jerusalem, in the little community of Bethlehem. This is the city of King David, and I was born there because he is my ancestor. Some of my earliest memories are of my mother quietly telling, and retelling the wonderful events that surrounded my birth. My father, Joseph, the carpenter from the city of Nazareth in Galilee, sat me down when I was seven years old to explain that, although he loved me as his son, and would always be a father to me, my true father was in heaven. He explained that I was different from all the other boys, but this was something I already knew. He told me that he didn't know exactly what the future might hold for me, but that God had told him it would be both glorious and difficult. In my heart I knew that this was also true.

Joseph raised me as would any proud father. He made sure I went to school at the synagogue every school day. The teachers had a difficult time accepting my presence. It was hard for them because I already knew the scriptures front to back, and would correct them when their teachings were mistaken. I suppose it isn't easy to receive instruction from an eight year old.

After school each day I would meet my father Joseph in our carpentry shop. He taught me how to shape and join the wood. We made tables and chairs, tools and toys, anything and everything that could be constructed from wood. I loved the smell of the sawdust and the feel of the wood against my hands. It was a joyous time of hard work and simple accomplishment.

On Sabbath days I was often called upon to read and speak about the scriptures. Some would nod their heads in agreement at the teachings, but others would refuse to listen, rejecting the truths delivered by “a school boy.”

When I was in my teens my father Joseph died. Being the oldest of my mother's children I was suddenly in charge of the family's carpentry business. For the next 15 years I lived in Nazareth, ran the shop, taught and corrected at the synagogue, and waited. I waited for the day my true Father would tell me it was time to begin. When the time was right to lead and to guide, to heal and help, to teach and to warn. I waited for the day when the time would be right for my true purpose on this earth to be fulfilled.

When that day came there was a bit of sadness as I left Nazareth and my family, but that was soon replaced by pure determination. I have always known what my real purpose was. I have always known it would be far from easy. I have always known the voice of my Father, and that my life on this earth was to be spent in a new kind of construction. I would give my life to construct a bridge, one that would span the distance from earth to heaven. Only the last span would be made from wood, the rest would be constructed from obedi-ence, courage, pain, and blood. My Father and I built the bridge together and every inch has been a labor of love. Every inch founded on the Father's desire to create a way to bring his children home.

Finally the day came for the bridge to be finished, and the last span was built and put into place. As I said this last span was built from wood, and nails, and blood. As I was fastened to that cross, once again I would feel the wood against my skin. I closed my eyes against the pain and remembered Joseph's carpentry shop, and the smell of fresh sawdust.

Although the bridge has been long since finished, my time is far from over. Once again, much like those years in Nazareth, I am waiting. I am waiting for the day when the Father says that my time has once again come. I'll walk the bridge that day, and with great joy I will bring my family home.

Now, obviously this information is written in a style that would indicate these are the very words of Jesus. However, this is only the literary style. We don’t know the actual date of Joseph’s death and some of the other details are more speculation than historical fact. Our hope is that these thoughts might bring you a bit closer to Jesus the person as we prepare to serve Him in this New Year.

VERN’S VIEW As we enter the New Year I think appropriate questions for all of us would be: What is the substance of your dreams? What is the desire of your heart? What is the hope of your spirit? What is the vision that claims you? I am sure that we all have our own list of answers to these questions, and I suppose that it would be natural for those answers, and even the questions to undergo change from time to time. I know that our lives must be defined by goals, for without them we tend to drift from day to day, perhaps encouraging failure, and most certainly neglect-ing what is needed to see success. Paul said to the Philippians in chapter 3, verse 12: “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heaven-ward in Christ Jesus.’ The realty is that we are all “works in progress.” We are all sojourners on the road, heading for a glorious future provided for us through the grace of Jesus. I would challenge you today to consider the real goals, short term and long term that will make your life work and move you toward success, becom-ing more of what God wants you to be. None of us can say that we have already obtained the goals we have dreamt of, that is why they are called dreams. Still, well considered and thoughtfully placed goals for your personal and spiritual life will help to keep you on track, inching forward towards glory. To be a better parent, or husband/wife, friend or sibling, or to be a better person, any and all in the name of Jesus, would be worthy goals. Set your sights, dream your dreams, pray without ceasing, and push on, take hold of that for which Christ Jesus has taken hold of you!

CHURCH OF CHRIST 1705 SE Marshall Albert Lea, MN 56007

MINISTER: Vern Harris

Office 507-373-0814 Cell 320-248-1842 [email protected]

ELDERS: Dave Anderson 402-6000

Steve Borge 391-4333 Bob Snow 684-2010


809-861-7069 [email protected] OFFICE MANAGER:

Kim Storvick 507-373-1533

[email protected] WEBSITE:


Dreams for a New Year By Vern Harris

I want to dance like David, Singing his praise to the Lord; I want to preach like Peter, Impossible to hold back the Word; I want to wait like Moses, Forty years like a watch in the night; I want to trust like Joshua, Knowing the Lord is there in my fight; I want to plan like Esther, Calling on God to prevail; I want to see like Stephen, Only God’s glory revealed; I want to think like Solomon, The greatest of wisdom that’s known; I want to harvest like Paul, Gathering in all that is sown; I want to weep like Mary, Her tears both of joy and of grief; I want to stand up like Lazarus, The cause of unending belief; I want to dance like David, Rejoicing for all to behold.