FEBRUARY Friday 1| WORLDWIDE Pray that Christians everywhere would be prepared for the burden of persecution and that the church would grow around the world. Pray for Open Doors to be able to assist more churches. Saturday 2 | AUSTRALIA Pray that more churches in Australia would seek to engage with the persecuted church. Pray that many hearts would be stirred to give thanks to God and pray for the persecuted. Sunday 3 |COLOMBIA Pray for teams who provide healthcare to those who are denied or otherwise unable to get access. Praise God for the opportunity this presents. Monday 4 | COLOMBIA Open Doors provides trauma counselling to those who have suffered for their faith in Jesus. Pray for the people receiving support as well as counsellors. Tuesday 5 | COLOMBIA Pray for the training Open Doors provides for former rebels who are now Christians. Many still struggle to move on from the violent lives they used to live. Wednesday 6 | BANGLADESH Pray for the Christians among the Rohingya people. They have faced tough persecution in the past and many are still secret believers. Thursday 7 | BANGLADESH Pray for women’s groups and women’s MBB^^ training. Pray that God would continue to grow these women into effective disciples. Friday 8 | BANGLADESH Many impoverished believers living in the North Bengal region are vulnerable at this time of year due to the extreme cold. Pray that they will have sufficient shelter and food at this time. Saturday 9 |NORTH KOREA Pray for ‘Mrs Shelter’ who operates an Open Doors safe house in Northeast China. Her work is dangerous, but she serves North Korean refugees with much love. Sunday 10 | NORTH KOREA Pray for Christian radio broadcasts into North Korea. These broadcasts are important in strengthening the church and can be the only biblical training some believers ever get. Monday 11 | NORTH KOREA Pray for the Christians in labour camps. January is a very cold month in North Korea. Thank the Lord for His secret church, behind barbed wire. Tuesday 12 | CENTRAL ASIA Pray for pastor Babur* who has been threatened with violence by the secret police. Pray for wisdom and protection in whatever God asks him to do next. Wednesday 13 | CENTRAL ASIA Instability caused by Islamic extremist groups has made the situation dangerous for Christians. Pray they would able to continue meeting together. Thursday 14 | KYRGYZSTAN Batima* was beaten for her faith very badly but has almost recovered. Pray for the process of recovering her documents as her relatives confiscated them. Friday 15 | TURKMENISTAN Amina’s* brother severely beat her when she told her family she had become a Christian. He is currently away for military service, pray God would open his eyes to his sin. Saturday 16 |PAKISTAN Many churches continue to request prayer for safety in their meetings due to attacks in the past. Pray God would keep His people in churches safe. Sunday 17 | INDIA Pray for pastors who encounter issues with Hindu extremists attempting to prevent church services. Pray this intimidation would not stop them preaching. Monday 18 | INDIA Pray for the region of India that borders Myanmar where there are tensions that could escalate into violence. Pray for the safety of minority Christians living there. Tuesday 19 | CHINA “The biggest challenge is that we cannot just live here and serve God,” shares Joyce,* a church planter. Pray for Joyce and her husband as they set up a business so they can remain in China. Wednesday 20 | CHINA Areas in China with large Muslim populations are heavily monitored by the government and unusual meetings reported. Pray MBBs^^ will be able to continue meeting. Thursday 21 | BHUTAN Travel in Bhutan can be difficult with poor roads, pray for safety of Open Doors partners and local believers as they travel to meet with one another. Friday 22 | BHUTAN “Divorce in Bhutan is increasing, even among Christian homes,” says Padma.* Pray for a biblical understanding of marriage for young and married believers. Saturday 23 | MYANMAR Praise God for successful Sunday school teacher training that took place recently. One participant said, “The Monday 1| SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES Hard-line Muslims have been plotting to seize Christian- owned properties as a result of Bangsamoro Basic Law#. Pray that MBBs^^ would be wise in their words and actions. Tuesday 2 | INDONESIA Pray this year would be a better year for believers in Indonesia, that tensions would decrease and the government would uphold the rights of minorities, including the Christians. Wednesday 3 | INDONESIA Praise the Lord as new staff members are coming forward in Indonesia. Pray that they, with existing staff, will make an impact for persecuted Christians across the country. Thursday 4 | MALAYSIA Pray for the secret believers in the country who have to move around constantly and often consider fleeing altogether. Friday 5 | MALAYSIA Pray that the church would be sensitive to God’s calling on their lives and bring about the kingdom in the midst of the political instability. Saturday 6 | BRUNEI Many feel conflicted between the great commission and the enforcement of Sharia Law, making evangelism illegal. Pray for wisdom and safety as believers share their faith. Sunday 7 | BRUNEI As many new believers keep their faith a secret it is difficult to spiritually mature. Pray that both mentors and mature believers would persist in teaching. Monday 8 | MALDIVES Democracy, human rights and rule of law are all deteriorating. Pray that God would bring about His plan for the nation and open many doors to His gospel. Tuesday 9 |MALDIVES Pray that a hunger to know God would develop in the hearts of many Maldivians. Evangelists in the country ask us to pray for a breakthrough. Wednesday 10 | TUNISIA Since becoming a Christian, Seliman* has lost his wife, child and home. Pray that he will be able to stand firm as a Christian, and be reunited with his family. Thursday 11 | TUNISIA Saida* became a Christian after reading the Bible. Soon after, she discovered some of her relatives were also reading the Bible. Praise God that many are coming to know Him. Friday 12 | LIBYA A year ago today, 21 Egyptians were beheaded on a beach. Pray for their families still in mourning. Pray for the families of the many others who have been killed by IS^. Saturday 13 | LIBYA Pray that the fighters of IS^ throughout the Middle East would see the light of Christ and change their ways. Sunday 14 | ALGERIA Pray that the government would come to see that Christians are not a threat to society and pray they would abolish anti- conversion laws. Monday 25 | IRAQ Many Christians are displaced and living in IDP** camps. Pray for these Christians to persevere and that they may one day return home. trip to and from the venue was rough but well worth the journey”. Sunday 24 | MYANMAR Continue praying for the Buddhist parties who exercise a firm grip on Myanmar’s government. Pray that Myanmar’s influencers would know Jesus Christ. Monday 25 |SRI LANKA Pray for Pastor Dayaratne and Sister Mala who are fighting a legal battle to take back custody of several neglected children after their orphanage was shut down. Tuesday 26 |SRI LANKA Christians often face difficulties in legal proceedings as officials are often corrupt and courts far from impartial. Pray that Christians will receive an equal standing in legal disputes. Wednesday 27 |LAOS Kevin* is on the run for his faith because he has brought many souls to Christ. Pray that he and his family will remain safe while on the run. Thursday 28 | LAOS Last year a pastor in Luang Prabang area was killed, pray that believers would be safer this year. Pray for peace between Christians and Buddhists. Friday 29 |VIETNAM Police have installed a camera outside the house of a pastor, pray that people would not be intimidated by this and still come to his home. Saturday 30 | VIETNAM The government is re-introducing the ‘friendly neighbour program’ encouraging people to report their neighbour’s actions. Pray this would not be used against believers. Sunday 31| SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES Pray that the upcoming presidential elections would prompt people to ask questions of Bangsamoro Basic Law#. JANUARY


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Friday 1| WORLDWIDE Pray that Christians everywhere would be prepared for the burden of persecution and that the church would grow around the world. Pray for Open Doors to be able to assist more churches.

Saturday 2 | AUSTRALIA Pray that more churches in Australia would seek to engage with the persecuted church. Pray that many hearts would be stirred to give thanks to God and pray for the persecuted.

Sunday 3 |COLOMBIA Pray for teams who provide healthcare to those who are denied or otherwise unable to get access. Praise God for the opportunity this presents.

Monday 4 | COLOMBIA Open Doors provides trauma counselling to those who have suffered for their faith in Jesus. Pray for the people receiving support as well as counsellors.

Tuesday 5 | COLOMBIA Pray for the training Open Doors provides for former rebels who are now Christians. Many still struggle to move on from the violent lives they used to live.

Wednesday 6 | BANGLADESH Pray for the Christians among the Rohingya people. They have faced tough persecution in the past and many are still secret believers.

Thursday 7 | BANGLADESH Pray for women’s groups and women’s MBB^^ training. Pray that God would continue to grow these women into effective disciples.

Friday 8 | BANGLADESH Many impoverished believers living in the North Bengal region are vulnerable at this time of year due to the extreme cold. Pray that they will have sufficient shelter and food at this time.

Saturday 9 |NORTH KOREA Pray for ‘Mrs Shelter’ who operates an Open Doors safe house in Northeast China. Her work is dangerous, but she serves North Korean refugees with much love.

Sunday 10 | NORTH KOREA Pray for Christian radio broadcasts into North Korea. These broadcasts are important in strengthening the church and can be the only biblical training some believers ever get.

Monday 11 | NORTH KOREA Pray for the Christians in labour camps. January is a very cold month in North Korea. Thank the Lord for His secret church, behind barbed wire.

Tuesday 12 | CENTRAL ASIA Pray for pastor Babur* who has been threatened with violence by the secret police. Pray for wisdom and protection in whatever God asks him to do next.

Wednesday 13 | CENTRAL ASIA Instability caused by Islamic extremist groups has made the situation dangerous for Christians. Pray they would able to continue meeting together.

Thursday 14 | KYRGYZSTAN Batima* was beaten for her faith very badly but has almost recovered. Pray for the process of recovering her documents as her relatives confiscated them.

Friday 15 | TURKMENISTAN Amina’s* brother severely beat her when she told her family she

had become a Christian. He is currently away for military service, pray God would open his eyes to his sin.

Saturday 16 |PAKISTAN Many churches continue to request prayer for safety in their meetings due to attacks in the past. Pray God would keep His people in churches safe.

Sunday 17 | INDIA Pray for pastors who encounter issues with Hindu extremists attempting to prevent church services. Pray this intimidation would not stop them preaching.

Monday 18 | INDIA Pray for the region of India that borders Myanmar where there are tensions that could escalate into violence. Pray for the safety of minority Christians living there.

Tuesday 19 | CHINA “The biggest challenge is that we cannot just live here and serve God,” shares Joyce,* a church planter. Pray for Joyce and her husband as they set up a business so they can remain in China.

Wednesday 20 | CHINA Areas in China with large Muslim populations are heavily monitored by the government and unusual meetings reported. Pray MBBs^^ will be able to continue meeting.

Thursday 21 | BHUTAN Travel in Bhutan can be difficult with poor roads, pray for safety of Open Doors partners and local believers as they travel to meet with one another.

Friday 22 | BHUTAN “Divorce in Bhutan is increasing, even among Christian homes,” says Padma.* Pray for a biblical understanding of marriage for young and married believers.

Saturday 23 | MYANMAR Praise God for successful Sunday school teacher training that took place recently. One participant said, “The

Monday 1| SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES Hard-line Muslims have been plotting to seize Christian-owned properties as a result of Bangsamoro Basic Law#. Pray that MBBs^^ would be wise in their words and actions.

Tuesday 2 | INDONESIA Pray this year would be a better year for believers in Indonesia, that tensions would decrease and the government would uphold the rights of minorities, including the Christians.

Wednesday 3 | INDONESIA Praise the Lord as new staff members are coming forward in Indonesia. Pray that they, with existing staff, will make an impact for persecuted Christians across the country.

Thursday 4 | MALAYSIA Pray for the secret believers in the country who have to move around constantly and often consider fleeing altogether.

Friday 5 | MALAYSIA Pray that the church would be sensitive to God’s calling on their lives and bring about the kingdom in the midst of the political instability.

Saturday 6 | BRUNEI Many feel conflicted between the great commission and the enforcement of Sharia Law, making evangelism illegal. Pray for wisdom and safety as believers share their faith.

Sunday 7 | BRUNEI As many new believers keep their faith a secret it is difficult to spiritually mature. Pray that both mentors and mature believers would persist in teaching.

Monday 8 | MALDIVES Democracy, human rights and rule of law are all deteriorating. Pray that God would bring about His plan for the nation and open many doors to His gospel.

Tuesday 9 |MALDIVES Pray that a hunger to know God would develop in the hearts of many Maldivians. Evangelists in the country ask us to pray for a breakthrough.

Wednesday 10 | TUNISIA Since becoming a Christian, Seliman* has lost his wife, child and home. Pray that he will be able to stand firm as a Christian, and be reunited with his family.

Thursday 11 | TUNISIA Saida* became a Christian after reading the Bible. Soon after, she discovered some of her relatives were also reading the Bible. Praise God that many are coming to know Him.

Friday 12 | LIBYA A year ago today, 21 Egyptians were beheaded on a beach. Pray for their families still in mourning. Pray for the families of the many others who have been killed by IS^.

Saturday 13 | LIBYA Pray that the fighters of IS^ throughout the Middle East would see the light of Christ and change their ways.

Sunday 14 | ALGERIA Pray that the government would come to see that Christians are not a threat to society and pray they would abolish anti-conversion laws.

Monday 25 | IRAQ Many Christians are displaced and living in IDP** camps. Pray for these Christians to persevere and that they may one day return home.

trip to and from the venue was rough but well worth the journey”.

Sunday 24 | MYANMAR Continue praying for the Buddhist parties who exercise a firm grip on Myanmar’s government. Pray that Myanmar’s influencers would know Jesus Christ.

Monday 25 |SRI LANKA Pray for Pastor Dayaratne and Sister Mala who are fighting a legal battle to take back custody of several neglected children after their orphanage was shut down.

Tuesday 26 |SRI LANKA Christians often face difficulties in legal proceedings as officials are often corrupt and courts far from impartial. Pray that Christians will receive an equal standing in legal disputes.

Wednesday 27 |LAOS Kevin* is on the run for his faith because he has brought many souls to Christ. Pray that he and his family will remain safe while on the run.

Thursday 28 | LAOS Last year a pastor in Luang Prabang area was killed, pray that believers would be safer this year. Pray for peace between Christians and Buddhists.

Friday 29 |VIETNAM Police have installed a camera outside the house of a pastor, pray that people would not be intimidated by this and still come to his home.

Saturday 30 | VIETNAM The government is re-introducing the ‘friendly neighbour program’ encouraging people to report their neighbour’s actions. Pray this would not be used against believers.

Sunday 31| SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES Pray that the upcoming presidential elections would prompt people to ask questions of Bangsamoro Basic Law#.



*Name has been changed for security purposes ** IDP - Internally displace people ^ IS – The self-proclaimed Islamic State ^^ MBB – Muslim Background Believer # Bangsamoro Basic Law – Sharia Law in Bangsamoro ~ Boko Haram – an Islamic extremist group

Open Doors Australia PO Box 6237 Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 (02) 9451 2999 I [email protected] www.opendoors.org.au

Information provided by Open Doors and World Watch Monitor sources.Information correct at time of printing.


W H A T I S I T L I K E T O F O L L O W J E S U S I N T H E 5 0 M O S T D A N G E R O U S C O U N T R I E S ?

R E S O U R C E S R E L E A S E D - 1 F E B R U A R Y

• M A P •

• H A N D B O O K O F P R A Y E R •

• C O U N T R Y P A C K S •

W W W . O P E N D O O R S . O R G . A U

2 0 1 6


Tuesday 16 | IRAQ Pray for the many church workers and volunteers as they are working long hours in very difficult conditions.

Wednesday 17 | IRAQ Pray for those who are driving Christians out of Iraq, that their hearts would be changed and that they would have encounters with the one true Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Thursday 18 | SYRIA Thank God for those who feel called and have chosen to stay and serve in this difficult time. Pray for their continued safety.

Friday 19 |SYRIA With millions displaced, provision in winter can be even more difficult. Pray the church will be able to provide for the needs of the vulnerable.

Saturday 20 | LEBANON The situation in Lebanon is tense; a quarter of the population are refugees and people are worried about security. Pray for God to bring peace and be a great comforter in this time.

Sunday 21 |LEBANON Pray for the small churches all over the country who are under resourced, yet continue to share the grace of God with people living in utter despair.

Monday 22 | IRAN Christmas can be a difficult time for Christians with many raids on homes by security officials. Pray church members would feel safe, bold and unafraid of meeting together.

Tuesday 23 | IRAN Praise God that the gospel continues to be shared on TV and radio in a nation that is so difficult to reach.

Wednesday 24 | ISRAEL AND PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES It can be difficult for the children of believers when they are the only Christians in a village. Pray these children would not feel isolated and would develop friendships.

Thursday 25 | ISRAEL AND PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES Pray that Christians would not get caught up in tension and fighting within Israel. Pray Christians would be an example of peace.

Friday 26 |CAMEROON Boko Haram~ has attacked many border villages. Pray that God would strengthen churches in these areas and that Christians would respond to persecution with love.

Saturday 27 | CAMEROON Many families fleeing Boko Haram~ have been separated, pray for children whose parents are missing or killed.

Sunday 28 | NIGERIA The conditions for displaced people in Maiduguri are very difficult, pray that the needs of those in temporary camps would be met.

Monday 29 | NIGERIA Many people’s homes and villages have been destroyed by Boko Haram, pray that the violence will end soon and people will be able to rebuild in peace.

Tuesday 1 | NIGERIA 11,000 churches have been closed and destroyed in Northern Nigeria. Pray that they will be able to reopen and congregations able to meet together.

Wednesday 2 | CHAD Mariam is from a Muslim family and is regularly threatened because of her faith. Pray for protection and comfort from God.

Thursday 3 | ETHIOPIA Many feel pressure to conform to cultural traditions and practices over the gospel. Pray the church would be able to exist within the culture without compromising the Message.

Friday 4 | ETHIOPIA “People hate me and tell me to leave Jesus, but that will not happen because I have seen His mercy.” Pray for Belen* who has lost much but still trusts in God.

Saturday 5 |ETHIOPIA Praise God that several believers were released from prison after being arrested in August, no charges could be found against them.

Sunday 6 | TANZANIA Pray for God’s protection to go before the church. Late last year there was an arson attack in one area where several churches have been destroyed in the past.

Monday 7 | TANZANIA Previous attacks have only fanned evangelistic zeal in Tanzania. Praise God that this is the case and pray for their continued joy in serving God.