January 2019 January 2019 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] We welcome the Candidates for 2020! Please see Pages 4 and 5 for Candidates Photos and Bios. We are pleased to announce the slate of candidates running for the 2020 election for the MountainBrook Village Board of Directors. There are three open positions. The eligible candidates who have submitted their applications are listed below in alphabetical order: Chris Bukovac Janet Christopherson Charles Jensen Deborah Moore Audrey Morganegg The 2020 Annual Membership Meeting of the MountainBrook Village Association will be held on Wednesday, March 4, 2020, at 10:00 am in the Superstition Center. Notice of Meeting and online voting instructions will be sent in late January 2020 via US mail to all homeowners of record; voting will commence on January 30, 2020. All formal and informal Meet and Greets with the candidates will be announced at a later date. Alexandra Willingham Assistant Manager FirstService Residential Ryan Ahern World Champion Pianist Backed by his Red Hot 8-piece Contemporary Orchestra Saturday, January 18 th Superstition Center 7:00pm Tickets $25 DON’T MISS THE COMEDY & MUSIC OF Bernie & Red Friday, January, 31 2020 7:00pm Tickets $12.00 Superstition Center

January 2019 · January 2019 January 2019 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] We welcome the Candidates for 2020! Please see Pages 4 and 5 for Candidates Photos

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Page 1: January 2019 · January 2019 January 2019 mountaineer@mbvaz.org info@mbvaz.org webteammbvaz@.org We welcome the Candidates for 2020! Please see Pages 4 and 5 for Candidates Photos

January 2019

January 2019

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

We welcome the Candidates for 2020!

Please see Pages 4 and 5 for Candidates Photos and Bios.

We are pleased to announce the slate of candidates running for the 2020 election for the MountainBrook Village Board of Directors. There are three open positions.

The eligible candidates who have submitted their applications are listed below in alphabetical order:

• Chris Bukovac

• Janet Christopherson

• Charles Jensen

• Deborah Moore

• Audrey Morganegg

The 2020 Annual Membership Meeting of the MountainBrook Village Association will be held on Wednesday, March 4, 2020, at 10:00 am in the Superstition Center.

Notice of Meeting and online voting instructions will be sent in late January 2020 via US mail to all homeowners of record; voting will commence on January 30, 2020.

All formal and informal Meet and Greets with the candidates will be announced at a later date.

Alexandra Willingham Assistant Manager FirstService Residential

Ryan Ahern

World Champion Pianist

Backed by his Red Hot

8-piece Contemporary Orchestra

Saturday, January 18th

Superstition Center 7:00pm

Tickets $25



Bernie & Red

Friday, January, 31 2020


Tickets $12.00

Superstition Center

Page 2: January 2019 · January 2019 January 2019 mountaineer@mbvaz.org info@mbvaz.org webteammbvaz@.org We welcome the Candidates for 2020! Please see Pages 4 and 5 for Candidates Photos


Mountaineer January 2019

The December Board Meeting was held on Monday, De-

cember 23, 2019 a day early due to the Holidays. The

Board approved the following:

• $1000.00 in seed money for the MBV Band for the

January 26, 2020 Winter Concert

• 2020 Board Workshop and Board Meeting Schedule

• Four Coy Landscaping invoices for a total of

$10,089.00 for clearing brush and debris from back

yard walls in preparation for wall painting.

• The purchase of one set of pool handrail covers in the

amount of $1,906.87

• $6,700.00 for Andes Engineering to complete a design

for the inlet drop structure and recommendations relat-

ing to the Wildcat detention basin (lovingly called the

Wildcat Pond).

• Tasked Building and Grounds to prepare a scope of

work for the construction of berms north of South Di-

amond Cholla Court.

• Instructed Bill Duncan of Duncan-Coor Architects to

submit the drawings for the West Campus Culvert

project to Pinal County, obtain approval and permits

in preparation to obtain bids.

• $3,400.00 for Coy Landscaping to address erosion

issues on the Mountaingate Drive center island, and

by filling the channel on the southwest side of Moun-

taingate Drive.

• Received the MountainBrook Building Audio Visual

Capability Matrix detailing the equipment and capa-

bilities in each of the campus buildings.

Two tasks were issued by the Board earlier this month.

The first task was to the Planning Committee to begin

evaluation of potential upgrades to our swimming pools

and spa. This will be done using focus groups to gather

user input. The task asks the committee to pay attention to

possibly changing the steps in the East pool and to evalu-

ate other potential safety issues.

The second task was assigned to two Board members:

Jack Guthrie and Janet Swaim. The task is to research the

feasibility of having the County take ownership of the

streets in Shadow Ridge I and Shadow Ridge II. This will

include looking at historical data and previous efforts as

well as meeting with appropriate county officials.

Board Highlights Submitted by Janet Christopherson

Caring Corner Sandy Collard, Caring Corner Chairman

Illness: Lyle Brewer, IWIII Bud Wolf, DW8 Gary Collard, EW In Memory: Janet Lafrate, IWII Fran Permian,IWII Ann Stulik, DF31 Burt Weisner,ER28 If you should hear of someone who has passed away or is ill,

please email [email protected] or call or text Sandy Collard

at 480-227-7271. Thank you.

Come Dance With Us by Lynnel Cochrane

With the That's Amore/ Valentine's Dinner Dance in February, our next dance will be a Blar-ney Stone/ St. Patrick's Day themed event on Friday, March 13. If you were not able to attend the New Year's Eve celebration, you are in luck! The dynamic band Outside the Line will be returning for St. Patty’s Day with a top-notch night of merrymak-ing, music and possibly some mischievous antics. Mark your calendars now, as tickets go on sale Wednesday, February 5.

Page 3: January 2019 · January 2019 January 2019 mountaineer@mbvaz.org info@mbvaz.org webteammbvaz@.org We welcome the Candidates for 2020! Please see Pages 4 and 5 for Candidates Photos


Mountaineer January 2019

Chris Bukovac Public Service positions include: Devel-oper/Director of Pueblo Girl Scout Neighborhood (over 800 scouts, 3

years); Kyrene School District School Board of Directors (4 years); Gold Can-yon Business Association Board

(President, 8 years); Evangelical Luther-an Church of America Church Councils in Ohio, Texas and Arizona; MBV Com-

munications Committee (Chair, 3 years); MountainBrook Village Board of Direc-tors, (2 years). Self Employed, CEO-

Conquering Computers, 19 years in business. Every homeowner must be represented when decisions are made on

behalf of the HOA. I am honored to do the best possible work for the protection, maintenance and enhancement of Moun-

tainBrook Village.

Janet Christopherson I have served on the Board for the past

two years, the first year as Vice Presi-dent and liaison to the Buildings and Grounds Committee and the second as

President and liaison to the Planning Committee. Prior to that, I spent two years on the Budget and Finance Com-

mittee. I led the Board’s Strategic Plan-ning effort in 2018 and have worked with the other board members to achieve

elements of that plan. Additionally, I have helped write and enact several poli-cies and processes. I look forward to

another term during which I will work diligently to meet the needs of the com-munity.

Chuck Jensen

I was instrumental in starting a Vol-

unteer Emergency Medical Service and served as a volunteer EMT for 20 years. Police academy training

and service in the sheriff’s Depart-ment gave me the experience I needed to work with the public and

become an experienced problem solver that led to my 40-year career as Safety Manager at Caterpillar. I

like being involved in MBV to make it more appealing to all our residents and to attract new resi-

dents. I currently am a steering member on the Budget and Finance Committee. I believe that my peo-

ple skills will be beneficial to the BOD

2020 Board


Page 4: January 2019 · January 2019 January 2019 mountaineer@mbvaz.org info@mbvaz.org webteammbvaz@.org We welcome the Candidates for 2020! Please see Pages 4 and 5 for Candidates Photos


Mountaineer January 2019

Deborah Moore Operated my own financial plan-ning, investment, insurance and in-

come tax preparation business for 26 years with two full time employees, retired June 2019, volunteered as

leader and on executive for local Boy Scouts group, served as Direc-tor for women’s shelter, raised four

successful independent children, married to Robert Dias. Mountain-Brook renter 2 years then purchased

home in 2015.

Audrey Morganegg My husband and I moved to MountainBrook 18 years ago as full time

residents. I am currently a Board Direc-tor, serving as Secretary the first year. I am liaison to the Activity Committee.

Prior to being elected to the Board, I served on the Planning Committee and was chair for Design and Décor. I was

on the design team for the Sunset reno-vation. My organizational skills have been very helpful while serving our

community and I enjoy researching all matters. My goal as a Director is to lis-ten to the community in making deci-

sions to make MountainBrook the best community to live in.

OR Voting Ballot


Page 5: January 2019 · January 2019 January 2019 mountaineer@mbvaz.org info@mbvaz.org webteammbvaz@.org We welcome the Candidates for 2020! Please see Pages 4 and 5 for Candidates Photos


Mountaineer January 2019

Sometimes we forget and sometimes new owners don’t know.

So, here is a quick FYI

Is It A Jungle Behind Your House?

We’ve had quite a bit of late winter rains and now the hills are

abundant with flowers, the trees are blooming and raining

down yellow blossoms everywhere. And of course, the weeds

alongside your house are getting knee high. What to do?

Coy Landscaping will spray the weeds, trim those dead or

overhanging branches, and pick up tree and shrub debris in the

Common Areas behind and beside your house.

If you would like to have areas addressed, come to the Activity

Office and fill out a Common Area Landscaping Work Or-

der Request. If you are asking for work on a specific tree in a

Common Area, please get the tree number from the plaque

attached to the tree and reference it on the form. The forms are

in the self-serve area in the lobby (on the counter below the

TV), complete the form then leave it with the front desk. If

you fill in a detailed explanation of what area needs work, it

can be communicated better to the Landscaping Company.

Your Common Area Landscaping Request is entered into the

MBV Work Order system then sent over to the Landscaping

Company. You need to fill out the form in order to start the

process, no phone messages please.

Please be patient, as Coy Landscaping maintains the campus

grounds daily, all of the MountainBrook Village common are-

as and washes, as well as working on major corrective and

improvement projects.

If you have weeds or branches to be removed and your home is on a Golf Course, you’ll need to contact the Golf Course to

have them clean up the area. MBV doesn’t own any golf

courses, so we can’t assign clean-up work to them, so our Landscaping Company doesn’t maintain the golf course areas.

MountainBrook Theatre News Karleen Huffman, Theatre Publicity

Did you think the holidays were behind you? That you’d seen the last of a Thanksgiving feast or heard enough family gossip? Well just for you, there’s another Thanksgiving holiday looming February 20-23.

The MountainBrook Theatre group, and co-producers Becky Anderson and Lois Morrison, are proudly pre-senting ‘A Nice Family Gathering’ by Phil Olson. This more contemporary play centers on the Lundeen family as they gather for their first Thanksgiving since the pa-triarch died. At the gathering, Dad comes back as a ghost with a mission to tell his wife he loved her, some-thing he neglected to do in the 41 years of their mar-riage. The problem is she can’t see or hear him; the trouble begins when she invites a date to join the family for dinner.

Co-directed by Merry Brennan and Pat Hardie, the play will be performed four nights, Thursday, February 20 through Sunday, February 23, 7:00 PM, in the Supersti-tion Center. By popular demand, all performances will feature seating at round tables of 8; you are encouraged to bring your own snacks and beverages.

Tickets will be sold in two phases: Starting Wed., Janu-ary 22 for two weeks (until Feb. 5), tickets will ONLY be sold to MountainBrook residents. You may purchase from 1 to 8 tickets (an entire table) but be aware that all must be MBV residents and that you must have the names, addresses and phone numbers for each ticket bought. This ensures that MountainBrook residents get

first priority. Phase two of ticket sales starts Wed., Feb-ruary 5 and is open to your invited friends and family who live outside of MountainBrook; however, these tickets still must be purchased by a MountainBrook resi-dent. Tickets may be purchased at the MountainBrook office.

We love to get new people involved and would encour-age anyone who has ever had an interest in live theatre to lend a hand and discover the fun and satisfaction you get from becoming part of a production family. Just look at our producer Becky: three years ago, she agreed to help backstage with props, got bitten by the theatre bug, and this year, she’s our producer. Or what about Mike Melichar? He started out as a curtain puller, the next year he got the part of the fly catching ex-butler in You Can’t Take It With You, and last year was indis-pensable as ‘the person in charge of the smoke ma-chine’. Each production has different needs, that’s what makes it fun!! If any of these piques your interest, con-tact either producer by text, Becky Anderson at (612) 385-6121 or Lois Morrison at (317) 753-7639.

Again, A Nice Family Gathering February 20-23, 7:00 PM, Superstition Center. Tickets go on sale to Moun-tainBrook residents January 22, general sales open Feb-ruary 5.

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MountainBrook Village

Artist of the Month

On Exhibit in Library

Hello, my name is Mary O’Brien. Once I re-

tired, I finally felt I had more time to be creative and ex-

periment with design and found MountainBrook Village

definitely the place to be.

I have had many craft hobbies over the years including

basket weaving, quilting, knitting, but most recently have

enjoyed making nail and string art through the positive

and negative space using remnants of old dock boards;

another is interchangeable pendant jewelry using primari-

ly buttons and charms. My husband, Dan, and I also make

wine. I design the wine labels using the art form


Pottery is another medium I enjoy working in because of

the natural materials and combinations of glazes and the

surprise that awaits me when the pieces come out of the

kiln. I work with both wheel throwing and hand building.

Last year I started painting with acrylic paints and love to

work with light/shading and movement. I prefer to work

in the abstract, but I have also enjoyed focusing on bright

color representation of realism.

Finally, I also enjoy interior design. We live on a lake in northern Minnesota in the summertime. My husband and I

built a small craftsman style cottage (by hand!) that others have described as “cute” – exactly what I was expecting!

Mountaineer January 2019

MOUNTAINBROOK BAND CONCERT submitted by Sally Lackey

Our own outstanding MBV band will perform their win-ter concert on Sunday, January 26th at 3:00 under the direction of Gary Browning, Dawn Parker and Dave Richardson; all great conductors.

When Johnny Comes Marching home from Red Rock Mountain in the Summertime, and tells his Mamas and Papas about seeing Heaven’s Light on the Great Loco-motive Chase across America the Beautiful and doing the Jitterbug with Henry Mancini, they all are awed at What A Wonderful World we live in.

So, there you have it, a glimpse into our winter concert. Tickets are $10 and available at the office or door.

If you haven’t been to a concert, I encourage you to at-tend as the MBV band is made up of many professional players, as well as those like me, who just played in pub-lic school and didn’t touch their instrument for 30 years. So, come and listen, then dust off that instrument in the closet and join us.

“That’s Amore”

Valentine’s Party

& Silent Auction

Friday, February 14th

Tickets - $25pp

Dinner Served @ 5pm Dinner by AZ Premier Catering

Dancing 6:30-9:30pm

Music by The Reflectones

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Mountaineer January 2019

MountainBrook Travel Group

Explore the 9th Annual AZ Balloon Classic and Dinner In Goodyear Saturday, January 25th.

DESERT GLOWS is one of their most popular attended events. A field full of illuminated, tethered, hot air balloons will glow in time to music.

Thanks to Free Spirit Travel, we will have “reserved” front row seats for the show.

• Pickup time 3 pm, • Dinner at Ruby’s Barbecue with chicken, ribs, and brisket • Show Time

• Return by 9 pm.- $99.

How can you beat round trip motor coach transportation with admission to the first day of pro play at the

PHOENIX OPEN , January 30th? (No struggles to find a parking spot.)

• Pickup time 8am.

• Lunch on your own • Return at 3:30pm.- $99

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7am L/I Aerobics-MPR 7am Hiking 7am L/I Aerobics-MPR 7am & 9am Pickleball 7am L/I Aerobics-MPR

8am Pottery-FA 7am Pickleball 7am & 9am Pickleball 8am– Straight Poker SS 8am Hiking

8am-RR Tennis 8am– Straight Poker SS 8am-RR Tennis 8AM Water Aerobics 8am Pottery-FA

9am Pilates-MPR 8am Ceramics-FA 8AM Water Aerobics 8am Ceramics-FA 8am RR Tennis

9am Ladies Bible Study MR 8am-RR Tennis 8am Pottery-FA 8:30AM Hand Toe Foot SS 8:30 Yoga MPC

9:30am T’ai Chi-SS 9am Coffee & News-SC 8:30AM Hand Toe Foot SS 9am Pilates -MPR

9:30am Bocce Ball 10am Natl Mah Jongg-SS 8:30 Yoga MPC 9:30am Tai Chi-SS 9am Ornt Mah Jongg-MR

9:30am Co-ed Bible Study-

SS 10am Knitting-MR 9:30am Bocce Ball 10:00 Balance Class MPC 9:30am Bocce Ball

10:00 Balance Class MPC 12:15pm TX Hold’em-SS 10am Men’s Tennis 12:15pm TX Hold’em-SS 10am Mixed Dbls Tennis

10am Ladies Tennis 10:30am Wellness Class-MPR 10am Nat’l Mah Jongg-SS

12:15pm TX Hold’em-SS 1pm Duplicate Bridge SS 12:15pm TX Hold’em-SS 10am Mexican Train-PV

1pm Ladies Bridge-SS 1pm Co-Ed Pinochle-SS 12:30 Belly Dancing MPC 1pm Mixed Bridge-SS 12:15pm TX Hold’em-SS

1pm Canasta-SS 1pm Ornt Mah Jongg-SS 1pm Natl Mah Jongg-SS 12:15pm L D Bridge-MR

1pm Natl Mah Jongg-SS 1pm Men’s Bridge SS 1pm Ornt Mah Jongg-SS 1pm Canasta-SS

1pm Woodcarving-OAC 1pm Village Voices 1pm Wii Bowling-MPR

3:30pm Bocce Ball 1pm Nat. Mah Jongg SS 1pm Band Rehearsal SC

4pm Whine & Cheese-SC 5pm Social-SC 1pm Game Day-SS 6:30pm Pinochle-SS

6:00pm Bingo SC 6:30pm Darts-MPR 2pm Cribbage –SS

7pm Card Bingo-MR


6am Lap Swim 7am Pickleball Superstition Center - SC 6am Lap Swim

8am Adult Swim 8am– Straight Poker SS Sunset - SS 8am Aquacise

10am-2pm Adult & Children 3+ 8:00am Deep Water Aerobics Mesquite Room - MR 10am TX Hold’em-SS 9am Aquacise

2pm Adult Swim 8am Pottery-FA Fired Arts - FA 1pm Ornt MahJongg-SS 10am Adult Swim

4:30-6:30pm Adult & Children

3+ Palo Verde Room - PV

10am Co-ed Water Aero-


6:30pm Adult Swim Multi-Purpose Room -

MPR 2:30pm Water Volleyball

Arts & Crafts - OAC 4:30pm Adult Swim

MountainBrook Village Weekly Activities

Activities & Classes are offered by residents. Please contact group leaders for information. Their phone numbers can be found in the Activities and Clubs section.

A complete list of activities is available on the MBV website.

Page 9: January 2019 · January 2019 January 2019 mountaineer@mbvaz.org info@mbvaz.org webteammbvaz@.org We welcome the Candidates for 2020! Please see Pages 4 and 5 for Candidates Photos


MBV Events

January 18th (Sat)-Superstition

Ryan Ahern - World Champion Show Pianist & his Red Hot Contemporary 8- Piece Orchestra

Doors open 6:30 pm. Show starts 7:00 pm. Numerous reviews concur that Ryan Ahern is a piano 'super talent', who is considered to be one of the most capti-vating and amazing solo piano artists. As his show unfolds, he and his 8-piece orchestra, strive to offer every genre and style of music; it is a something for eve-ryone in this incredible music experi-ence. You will hear boogie woogie foot stompers, powerful melodic Oscar win-ning movie themes, contemporary spins on 50s and 60s Rock and Roll, music from Queen and even Ray Charles.

Reserved Table Seating Tickets $25.00 pp Tickets on Sale Now

January 24 (F) - Superstition

Chuck Pitts – Welcome Back to the West Doors open 6:30 pm. Show starts 7:00 pm

We are pleased to have our own talented MBV resident Chuck Pitts accompanied with his synthesized music, for an even-ing of easy listening music and dancing. While he has asked for western themed table decor, he will be singing a wide variety of pop, country and familiar songs. Pull on your jeans and mosey on down for a relaxed evening of entertain-ment.

Reserved Table Seating Tickets $10.00 pp Tickets on Sale Now

Winter Band Concert - Supersti-tion

1/25 Rehearsal Concert (Sat) Tickets $5 pp

Winter Band Concert 1/26 (Sun) Tickets $10 pp

Doors Open 2:30 pm Concert 3:00pm

Ticket s on Sale Now

January 31 (F) - Superstition

Bernie & Red Laugh Out Loud Comedy & Music Doors open 6:30 pm. Show starts 7:00

Due to popular demand Bernie & Red will be performing for us again. A true "Variety Show". Their cheeky British comedy will be heavily featured again, along with hits from the 50's thru the 70's. This show will be all different from last year, Bernie will be featuring a tribute to the Johnny Carson "Carnac" character and Red will once again fea-ture a couple of her show-stopping bal-lads.

Reserved Table Seating Tickets $10.00 pp Tickets on Sale Now

February 8 (Sat)- Superstition

Stan Foster Welcome to the Island Doors open 6:30 pm. Show starts 7:00

This is a MBV Theme Party with Island/Vacation Music

Stan is an accomplished performer who is returning to MBV with a new tropical themed show celebrating the sun, sand and surf music of Jimmy Buffet, Jan and Dean, Bob Marley and a variety of other familiar singers and groups. His visual, big screen images accompanying the songs are sure to help transport you to memories of your favorite beach desti-nation without the sand in your shoes!

Reserved Table Seating Tickets $10.00 pp Tickets on Sale Now

February 14 (Sat) - Superstition

Valentines Dance/ Dinner & Silent Auction

Doors open 4:30 pm

Enjoy Az. Premier Catering 3 course Dinner Buffet and the ambience and excitement of our Annual MBV Artist Silent Auction for the Apache Junction Highschool Art Department. Bring cash or checks for that special gift you are wanting to purchase and take to your table for your sweetheart that night.

Live Music by a new band at MBV called The Reflections; playing fun time pop, rock and country music from 6:30-9:30pm

Reserved Table Seating Tickets $25.00 pp Ticket sales start 1/15

2/20 (Thurs), 12/21 (Fri), 12/22 (Sat), 12/23 (Sun) - Superstition

4 Nights of Theater- “A Nice Family Gathering”

The story about a man who loved his wife so much, he almost told her ...

Join us for a hilarious night of laughs, causal but reserved table seating.

Bring a snack and beverage to enjoy!

Doors open 6:30pm Curtain Opens 7:00pm

Reserved Table Seating Tickets $10.00 pp Ticket sales start 1/22

Why do you press harder on the buttons of a remote control when you know the batteries are dead?

Page 10: January 2019 · January 2019 January 2019 mountaineer@mbvaz.org info@mbvaz.org webteammbvaz@.org We welcome the Candidates for 2020! Please see Pages 4 and 5 for Candidates Photos

Ladies Bridge (Year Around)

Meets every Monday at 1:00 in the Sunset Room. Potluck at noon on the first Monday of the month. Sign up one week ahead and walk-ins are welcome. We pay 50 cents for small prizes. Questions call Barbara Osborn @ 480-982-9408. Winners this month were: Sandra Mueller, Jacquie Italiano, Susan Olsen and Marilyn Peterson.

Mixed Bridge (Year Around) Both couples and singles, no partner necessary. We meet every Thursday at 1pm in the Sunset Center. You can sign up one week in advance and walk-ins are welcome. Call Jim McClure, 480-983-5203

Duplicate Bridge (Year Around) Meets the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month in the Mesquite Room 12:30pm to 4pm. Bring a partner and $3 each for cash prizes. Suzy Cavoto, 847-302-4806

Canasta (Year Around) Come join us. We play every Monday and Friday from 12:45pm – 4pm in Sunset. Call JoAnn Skow at 671-3298 questions.

Hand, foot and toe (Canasta) (Year Around)

We play every Wed. and Thursday at 9am to noon in the Sunset Room. This card game is easy to learn, and we will be happy to teach you the game. Interested call Joan Archer at 480-288-0891

Texas Hold’em (Year Around) Texas Hold'em is played in the Sunset Center daily. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday both men and women play12:00pm until 3:00pm. On Tuesday and Thursday ladies only play.12:30 until 3:00pm. Interested ? Call Jim Welch @480-212-2209.

Deep Water Aerobics (Year Around) Wednesday and Saturday 8am East Pool. Bring a noodle.

Pinochle Report (Year Around) by Barb Hofmeister

The Thursday evening group starts to gather in the main room of the Sunset center about 6:30 and play begins at 7 p.m. If you would like to learn the game or brush up, please call me at 602-284-6379 and I will meet you there at 6 pm and we will have a class and practice before play starts. We are a fun and very friendly group. Highest scorer in November was Doug Duddle-ston with 607. Other high scorers were Ray Mauzy 590, Rich Huseman 583, Bonny Neilsen 580 and John Beitzel 578. Every-one is welcome and we do play for rewards. We pay $2 to play and all the money is returned to the top winners.

The Tuesday Daytime Pinochle group is now open for men and women and meets at 1:00 PM in the Gold Room of the Sun-set center. We are a friendly group and welcome new members. Contact Sharon Hanson at 480-415-0859 if you have any ques-tions.

Tuesday National Mah Jongg (Year Around)

The Tuesday Mah Jongg group welcomes anyone and everyone to join us in the beautiful Sunset Room. You can play in the mornings around 9:30, afternoons at 12:30, or bring a lunch and play all day! We use the National Mah Jongg League card and rules. You are also welcome to come and observe the game any-time and see how interesting and challenging Mah Jongg can be. We promise to make it a fun time for all. We hope to put to-gether lessons for beginners or new players soon. For any ques-tions about the game or lessons, please call Janie at 480-258-2336.

Low Impact Aerobics and More (Year Around) We are here year round! Come join us for low impact aerobics in the MPR from 7-8am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Joann J. 983-9620.

The Abrams’ Men’s Golf (Year Around) The Abram’s Men Golf Group Plays Wednesday mornings at MountainBrook Golf course. Players of all skill levels, or lack of, are welcome. Group rates and cash games. Contact Lonnie @ 972-352-9654 or [email protected].

Famous Cooney Men's Golf League (Year Around) Plays every Monday morning at MountainBrook Golf Course. We have group rates. Chet Haines at 671-1066 or email [email protected]

Classes, Groups &Clubs • 150 words or less email to the Mountaineer at:

[email protected].

• All Classes, Groups & Clubs are responsible for submit-ting information when leaving and returning for the sea-sons

• All Classes, Groups & Clubs are responsible for any updates throughout the season.

• Using the email address [email protected] will also notify the office and the website of any changes applicable to Classes, Groups & Clubs

Mountaineer January 2019

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Oriental Mah Jongg (Year Around) Oriental MahJongg meets twice a week on Sundays and Wednesdays in the Sunset Room! We contribute $5 each time. We can play with 3 to 5 players per table, so everyone is welcome. If you have no knowledge of the tiles, we can teach you and we have sheets with the tile names to refer to. It's easy. We meet at 12:50 to draw chips to see who we play with. Please join us. Kathy 530-263-1188

Tennis Talk (Year Around) by Carol and Marilyn

Wishing everyone a very Healthy and Happy New Year. Our Winter/Spring Tennis season is in full swing. Any questions? Contact Alice Reuter for Monday Ladies, Diana Hager for Tues-day Ladies, John Scharrer for Wednesday Men's and Deb Thompson for Friday Mixed Doubles. Don't forget Round Rob-in! Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8 - 10 am. The Winter Tournament will be January 16, 17 and 18 with the Tennis Din-ner on Sunday, January 19. Sign-up sheets will be posted on the Tennis Board near the courts. Please come out and have some fun. See you on the courts! Q: Why is tennis a noisy game? A: Because each player raises a racket.

Pickleball News (Year Around) by Elisa Howard

Happy 2020 to all MBV picklers! In last month’s Mountaineer, there was an article about the MBV Planning Committee’s re-port titled “HOA Community Survey–Executive Summary”. This report surveyed 11 local HOA communities to “provide the Board with information that could be considered for future in-vestment and other opportunity areas.” Pickleball courts were a major part of this report, along with parking and the swimming pools. Although our club had no input into this report, it’s heart-ening to see that the MBV board recognizes the importance of this valuable amenity, as well as the need to keep pace with nearby retirement communities. This protects all residents’ in-vestments in their homes here. The board members of the pick-leball and tennis clubs are working together to make sure all players have plenty of time for play, and believe it is in our col-lective best interest to encourage and support ALL court players.

Knitting (Year Around) Welcome to knitting! We are a group that meets every Tuesday at 10am in the Mesquite Room. We welcome all levels of knit-ters and even people who think they might like to learn how to knit. We offer help in understanding patterns and learning new stitches. Feel free to join us any Tuesday morning, meet our knitters, and decide if the Knitting Group appeals to you. If you have any questions, please call Judi at 314-435-1552.

Book Discussion by Peggy Malsom (Year Around)

When would I, as a wife and mother, risk my life and my child’s life to save a stranger? That question is at the very heart of The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah, January’s book selection. The book is three stories in one: (1) women in the French Resistance (2) downed airmen who escaped occupied France (3) women who hid and rescued Jewish children. The question becomes: Would you step up? Would you risk your life and that of your family? Would you become a hero? You are invited to join us for Books and Bubbly on Wednesday, January 8 at 2 o’clock in the Mesquite Room for this sure-to-be-lively discussion.

MBV Ceramics and Glass Arts (Year Around) New and interesting Glass and Ceramics projects continue to be in the Fired Arts Studio. Sign-up sheets with pictures of the pro-jects are available in the office. Be sure to look for the tab la-beled “Ceramics” in the binder labeled “Classes” to sign up. Classes are limited to 12 unless otherwise noted. The Tuesday/Thursday schedule is as follows: Tuesday afternoons are re-served for Ceramics with instructors available; Thursday morn-ings the studio is open to all techniques unless a class is sched-uled; Thursday afternoons are open to all techniques. During the Winter Season, Tuesday mornings are reserved for Bottle Slumping and Glass Fusion.

MBV Pottery Club (Year Around) Check out the lighted windows of the Fired Arts Center on the way to the pool or fitness facility. All of the displayed art has been made by your friends and neighbors. Our club’s mission is to promote and support MBV residents in the pursuit of artistic expression in the art and craft of pottery. Volunteer instructors conduct half-day introductory, intermediate and advanced clas-ses, in an open, welcoming environment. Pottery Club hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Stop by and take a tour of the studio to see if pottery is something you would like to try. Our class schedule will be released November 1, and class sign-ups will begin on January 1, either in person or by email. Annual membership in the club is $40 and classes are $20. The funds generated keep the studio supplied with glazes and specialized tools. Questions? Contact Pierce McIntosh at 480-244-7080, or email at [email protected].


Busy place, our library. We've been blessed with many new donated books and puzzles. If you like puzzles, we have some-thing for everyone -500, 750 , 1000 pieces and every subject imaginable. There's animals, scenery, flora and fauna. There's even one 2000-piece puzzle. It must be the size of Connecticut when it's finished. And there's always a puzzle in progress un-der the window to stop and work on. If you do happen to find a puzzle missing a piece, please make note of that on the box when returning. We trust they are all there when donated - nope, we don't count to be sure. So, when the weather is chilly and you're tired of reading, come get a puzzle.

Supper Club (Year Around) Ruth Parker

And, so begins a new year for Supper Club. Our group is grow-ing and, as always, the more the merrier! As in years before, Supper Club meets the second Saturday evening of the month, January through October, with the potluck meeting in Novem-ber. The menus have been chosen and many of them are the "best of" years past. Good eating then, good eating now! So, don't miss out on all the good cheer and good eats Join now while it's half price. Just kidding there is NO price to join, just a desire to experience all the fun and food. All it takes is a call to Ruth Parker or Pat Patt. We're in the book.

Whine and Cheese for the Ladies (Year Around) Meets every Monday at 4:00pm for the ladies, in the Supersti-tion Center. Just bring $1.00, your beverage of choice and sit and enjoy the cheese and crackers that are there to enjoy. Call Nancy Bilensky @ 480-982-3686

Mountaineer January 2019

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Social Hour (Year Around) Every Tuesday night year ‘round, there’s a long standing, very popular, free MountainBrook event in the Superstition Center. Residents gather at 5:00 PM to enjoy an evening out with old and new friends. The LAST Tuesday of the month is a POT-LUCK which is meant to be a full meal. The fare on “regular” Tuesdays could be classified as snacks/appetizers or desserts. As always BYOB. Tableware provided. The Chairperson main-tains a schedule of weekly volunteers to ‘Host’ the Social Hour. These volunteers set up the food tables, organize the food as it arrives, make the welcome announcements with a little clean up afterwards. Don’t be afraid. There are usually others who join in helping. Please consider joining the group on a Tuesday night; singles and couples are welcome. We try to keep an eye out for new faces and welcome them to join a table of ‘veterans’.

MBV Veterans Group (Year Around)

Are you a military veteran? Did you know we have an informal group of veterans here in MountainBrook that meets in the Mes-quite Room every 3rd Monday of the month at 1600 hours. Our next meeting is Monday the 20th of January. Our main goal is to put out information and the sharing of information that is benefi-cial to the veteran with regards to getting their VA benefits, a rating or a rating increase. We stress that getting registered in the VA system is the most important thing a veteran can do. If you’re interested in having a little social time with other veter-ans, hearing more about your VA benefits and where to go for help why not try one of our meetings. If you’d like more infor-mation about the group and what we do, call Dennis Malsom, 425-315-6035.

Helping Hands (Year Around) by Loretta Milton

We are a group of volunteers who live in MBV and help our residents on a temporary basis. We have been assisting with medical transportation, grocery shopping and caregiver support for many years. We also have a list of medical equipment and child care equipment for loan. There is a card holder in the of-fice with resident’s names and numbers for you to contact. If you would like additional information, please call Loretta Milton and leave a message at 480-474-9958.

Democratic Women of MBV (Year Around)

Democratic women of MBV will meet at 3 PM on the first and third Thursday of the month. We will meet in the Mesquite room. Any woman who is interested is welcome to join us. If you consider yourself progressive, independent, liberal or demo-cratic, this is a group you will enjoy.

Wii Bowling (Year Around) Every Thursday at 1:00 PM in the MPR Enjoy friendship with fellow Wii Bowlers.

Ladies Bible Study (Seasonal) Inviting all ladies to join us in a Bible study beginning October 21 at 9:00 am in the Mesquite Room. Please call Sandy at 480 227-7271 if you have any questions.

Bible Study Class (Seasonal) Did you ever ask yourself: Who Am I? What Am I? Why am I? What does Scripture say regarding topics such as: Overcom-ing Depression, Anger, Verbal/Emotional Abuse, Manipulation, Handling Stress, etc. If you are interested in answers to any of the above questions and in receiving more in-depth information about God's Word, this FREE non-denominational weekly Bible Study Class is for you! Classes being on Nov. 4th in the Sunset Room A from 9am-11am. If interested and any questions should be directed to Howard Schneider: cell: 262-573-4288, email [email protected]

MBV Republicans (Seasonal) (GCR) Meets the 2nd Saturday of the Month – September – April 9AM – 11:30AM, Sunset Center. Meet & Greet starts at 9AM, with coffee & treats, the first guest speaker begins at 9:30AM. We are a social group of like-minded Republican Conservatives. Our Club consists of MountainBrook Residents. Call Pam Burks, GCR Chairman, 480-214-5555, for more information and a list of guest speakers

Coed Water Aerobics (Seasonal)

If you like to exercise to music come join us in the West pool at 10:00 Monday through Thursday. No equipment needed. Ques-tions please call or text Ann Rasmussen at 651-249-6958 or email at [email protected]

MountainBrook Democrats (Seasonal) Mountain Brook Democrats will resume meeting on the fourth Saturday of the month from 10-12 in the multi purpose room starting January 25th. We welcome like-minded Independ-ents as well.

Music at Sunset (Seasonal) Welcome Back musicians, singers, and listeners! Announcing our winter schedule for our monthly music get togethers in the Sunset Room from 6-9 pm on the following Wednesday eve-nings. Bring your voices, instruments and/or clapping hands and join in the music fun! Nov 27, Dec 18, Jan 22, Feb 26, Mar 25, & Apr 22 in the Sunset room 6 to 9 PM BYOB - Everyone is Welcome! For more information: Call Greg Anderson@ 612-385-5986 or Rick Robbins@ 518-755-8792

Pilates (Seasonal) If you are interested in improving your breathing, spinal align-ment, strengthening your deep abdominal muscles, and invigor-ating your mind and spirit, then Pilates is for you! Men and women of all levels are welcome. Classes are Monday and Thursday 9 am in MPR. Bring a mat with you. Contact Jan Grant 605-929-8719.

Mountaineer January 2019

Seasonal CGnCs

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Mountaineer January 2019

MBV Hiking (Seasonal) There are four weekly opportunities to hike with fellow resi-dents and friends:

• All Levels, Tuesday – 7:00AM hike to Silly Mountain from Sunset Center parking lot and back, returning in time for 9:00 coffee and news at Superstition Center.

• Level 1, Wednesday – Hike of 2 hours in/out on gentle terrain with elevation gains up to 500ft.

• Level 2, Friday - Hike of 3 hours in/out on varied terrain with elevation gains up to 1500ft.

• Level 3, Thursday – Hike of 5 to 7 hours and 6 to 15 miles on varied terrain with elevation gains up to 2500ft. There may be sections that include steep uphill and downhill, including loose rocks and boulders.

Levels 1 & 2, optional stop at a local eatery after the hike. For level 3, bring your own lunch and eat on the trail. Level 3. Sign up for these hikes at the office so you can be added to the weekly mailing of scheduled hikes and meeting location for carpooling. Questions, call or email Keith at 480-288-4338 or [email protected]

Aerobics for the Mind/Me and My Music 2020 (Seasonal), W. Paul Cechovic

Date Presenter Subject

2/1/2020 Kent Volkmer Pinal Cnty Atty.

2/15/2020 TBA TBA

3/7/2020 ElSayed/Schoneberger Biomimicry ASU

4/4/2020 Carl Kuehn Building Hot Rods

4/18/2020 Dr. Liz Buch Professor of Flute

All events are in the Sunset Room at MBV

Bocce Ball (Seasonal) If you want to make new friendships, have fun and hear laughter, then come to the Bocce Ball Courts on any Monday. Wednesday or Friday from 9:30a.m. to 11:30a.m. You need not be experienced to play. For additional information: Call Carol Adkins (303) 881-4857.

Bingo (Seasonal) Bingo has started and would like to invite all residents and anyone who would like to come for a night of fun and a chance to win money. Bingo is every Monday night and starts at 6:30PM Cost is $10 plus $1.00 for the special game. Join us in the fun at MBV in the Superstition building. Contact Joan Archer if you have any questions at 480-288-0891

Line Dancing (Seasonal) Come join Ann and Jan for a fun filled 2 hours of "Dancing to the Music". New classes start January 7 in the multi-purpose room. New Beginners begin at 1:30pm, and from 2-4 every-one else will join in. Our goal is to keep it simple so everyone who wants to dance can dance with us. Classes will continue thru April. For information, call Jan Pitts 256-218-1765.

Men’s Bridge (Seasonal) Men’s Bridge meets every Wednesday, starting at 1:00 in the Sunset Center. We welcome new players. You can expect a lot fun. For more information, call John Rowe 480-982-7078.

Hour Glass Belly Dance Class (Seasonal) Fun, Fitness and Femininity! Experience the beautiful art-form of Raqs Sharqi, the Dance of the East. With the basics of belly dance, we will use our curves to create mesmerizing and body strengthening moves. Not only is belly dance easy on the joints and good for the spine it is also for any age, shape or dress size Music of the Middle East inspires our moves as we first learn the art of isolation and then practice simple combinations. And no, you do not have to show your belly! Comfortable leggings, T shirt and socks are recom-mended. Bring a lightweight scarf or piece of fabric large enough to tie around your hips. We meet in the Ocotillo Cen-ter /Wednesdays 12:30-1:30 pm / beginning Nov. 13 Walk-ins welcome each week. Call or text Barbara at 414-573-8126 or email [email protected]

Ethnic Supper Club (Seasonal) Attention All Foodies! Ethnic Supper Club is starting a new season. Members find interesting Ethnic Restaurants through-out the Valley and everyone is then invited to attend. Drive on your own or carpool with friends. Depending on the size of the restaurant and the group, there might be a cutoff in the number that can attend. Dinner dates are the 1st Thursday of each month, January through May. If you are interested in joining the group, or if you have other questions about Ethnic Supper Club, please contact our coordinator, Pat Patt at 708-990-3153 or send an email to [email protected]

Beading & Jewelry Group (Seasonal)

The Beading & Jewelry Group meets monthly on the first Tuesday from 1:00 - 3:00 pm, November 2019 - May 2020. We meet in the Ocotillo Arts & Crafts Room (OAC) across from the Fired Arts building. Anyone can attend. Bring your own beads and supplies or use mine at cost. Instruction in designing rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings. Make fun jewelry for your family and friends. Call Celeste Parcell at 415-225-6848 for details.

Stamping Up with Carol (Seasonal)

The monthly all occasion card classes will be on Thursdays. The dates are January 12th, January 16th, February 13th, March 12th, April 16th and May 14th. The classes are in the Ocotillo Arts & Craft Room at 1:00. The cost of the class is $16.00. You will create 4 all occasion cards using Stampin Up products. This is an ideal class for new stampers to experi-enced stampers. All products provided except for adhesive & scissors. The sign-up sheet will be in the office for the next class until the Saturday before. If you need to sign up after that or have any questions, please contact me. I can be reached at 708-612-9112 or email at [email protected].

Nine & Wine Golf Group (Seasonal) 2:00 p.m. Mountain Brook Golf Course. Contact Carmen Portenzo 480-299-7797

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Mountaineer January 2019

North East Potluck

Sunday, January 26, 2020 in the Sunset Room will be the next North East Potluck. Doors open at 5:30 and Dinner at 6PM. There will be a $2.00 fee per person to cover dessert, coffee, and paper products and utensils. BYOB. Sign up will be in the Activity Office. Indicate if you will be bringing a main dish, side dish or a vegetable dish. Please be aware of how many have signed up for which food items - what is still needed? Questions? Jeanne Gerber. 781-292-0988

Pacific Northwest Potluck Sunday, February 9, 2020 from 4:00pm to 6:30’ish! You are welcome to what we are now calling the “Pacific Northwest Potluck”. It will be held in the Sunset Room. Anyone who lives in, has lived, or has been to and loves the Pacific North-west, you are welcome! Please join us to meet new friends and enjoy a fun social event. Social time (BYOB) will start at 4:00. Potluck begins at 5:00. We will need appetizers, main dishes, and salads. Dessert will be provided! Sign up in the Activity Office, and at that time please check to see what is needed most so we aren’t overwhelmed with one particular item. Bring an adequate amount to share, along with your own serving utensils. A fee of $2.00pp will be collected at the door for dessert, coffee/tea, and paper products. Questions or suggestions - contact Elaine Dowell 360-333-8044 or Pam Kitchener 425-478-8896

Michigan Pot-Luck Party

Calling all Michiganders to note the following: The Michigan Pot-Luck party has been scheduled for February 16, 2020 in the Sunset Room. Social Hour begins at 5 pm, followed by dinner at 6 pm, and Entertainment at 7:00pm. Tickets must be purchased in advance at $5 per person. Tickets go on sale at “Coffee and News” on Tuesdays from January 7 through Feb-ruary 11. You can also sign up in the office. For Questions call Sue at 480-982-8117 or 989-859-1724. See you in the Sunset Room rain or shine!

North Dakota / South Dakota Potluck and Party

Calling all Dakotans and guests for a get together on Thurs-day, February 6, 2020. Event will be held at the Superstition Center with social hour beginning at 5:30 pm (byob), a pot-luck dinner will follow at 6:00pm with dinner music by "Southern Drawl" until 7:00pm when the mood will change to dance music!! All varieties of music will be available so get your request list ready. Sign up in office to bring dish of your choice. There will be a $3/person charge at the door to cover expenses. The ND/SD committee has gathered lots of great prizes and are committed to making this a really great social event!! We are looking forward to seeing all alumni and wish to extend a special invite to all the new Dakotans that have moved into MBV this past year. Any questions call Linda at (701) 202-6038

Did your Trail to Arizona start in Colorado, Nebraska, Montana or Wyoming ?

Then Don’t be in the Outhouse!

Save the Date for a Western BBQ Social and Potluck Dinner

February 9th, 2020 (Sunday), Superstition Center, 4:30 p.m. Social with the Dinner Bell ringing at 5:30 p.m. Tickets will go on sale in January 2020. Come kick up your boots and savor some western hospitality with your State Partners old and new! This Year’s Organizers are Holly & Terry Warth. Email: [email protected] Holly 308-293-0676 Terry 402-480-4540.

Minnesota Potluck – Sunday, 2/13/20, 3:30 to 8:30 in the Superstition Center – mark your calendars. It’s the largest MountainBrook Pot-luck! Social time (BYOB) at 3:30. Dinner at 4:30 with mu-sic. Drawings at 5:30 with great dancing music following the drawings. As usual, there will be many Minnesota gift draw-ings and local door prizes. Anyone who lives in Minnesota and/or is a friend of a Minnesota resident is welcome to at-tend. Everyone is encouraged to “wear their Gopher State gear.” You will have a choice of bringing either a main dish, salad, or a dessert at the time of purchasing a ticket. Remem-ber to bring an adequate amount to share. The tickets are $8.00 and will be sold only at Tuesday morning Coffee & News. Questions regarding the Potluck, call Diane Vollmers - 320-815-3216 or Pamela Togstad - 952-220-1527. We are looking forward to seeing you all at the “Great Minnesota Get Together.”


Theme: Western Night (Cowboys, Cowgirls & Indians)

Date: Sunday, March 1, 2020. Social at 4 pm, Dinner at 5 pm. Mesquite/Palo Verde (by the pool). $5.00 per person. Menu: Tri Tip, baked beans, potato salad, corn, coffee, desserts, BYOB. Sign up and pay at Coffee & News on Tuesdays and Wine and Cheese on Mondays. OR make reservations with Bill Bolton at (707) 287-8505 or Barb Butler at (515) 987-3041. Deadline: February 26, 2020, so we can purchase food.

State Potluck Time is Coming — The Moun-

taineer Staff wants to remind everyone sending in

State Potluck information that we can only accept

150 words or less and no pictures. Please send your

email to :

[email protected] - Thank you

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Mountaineer January 2019



SUNDAY MARCH 1, 2020 Calling all Canadians living in MountainBrook and their guests!! Please join us on Sunday, March 1, 2020 at the Sunset Center for our annual Canadian Potluck Party starting at 5:30 pm. Tickets will be $5.00 to cover the costs and must be pur-chased in advance of the event. Please contact Alex or Gayleen for tickets at: Alex Blais: Ph. (780) 542-0032 or Gayleen Blais: Ph. (780) 621-0729. Everyone is required to bring a dish to share: either a main, vegie, salad, or appetizer. No need to bring plates, cutlery, napkins or ice, but you will need to bring your own beverage and cup. We will supply the dessert along with Tim Horton's decaf coffee! If you would like to donate to the raffle gift table, please let Alex or Gayleen know when you purchase your tickets. It's a fun event that usually sells out, so get your tickets asap!

Mountaineer January 2019

Submitted by Chuck Jensen, S. Marble Drive

Four Peaks in the snow covered Mazatzal Mountains —December 28, 2019

Snow covered Montana Mountain taken from Gold Canyon Golf Resort 12/29/2019

Submitted by Chuck Jensen, S. Marble Drive

No wonder its cold,

we are surrounded

by snow ! !

Page 16: January 2019 · January 2019 January 2019 mountaineer@mbvaz.org info@mbvaz.org webteammbvaz@.org We welcome the Candidates for 2020! Please see Pages 4 and 5 for Candidates Photos

For Sale

TV Antenna: CLEARSTREAM 4MAX HDTV Indoor/Outdoor $50 Paul 480-671-7067 [email protected]

Sew and embroidery machine: 15000 Jahome. Excellent condition, low stitches. Top of the line and ex-tras. $4989. 480-671-7581.

Craftsman Air Compressor 165 PSI: Low Maintenance-Oil Free. 17 HP. 33 Gallon. Only used for sand-blasting glass. $150. 480-671-9828. RIDIG Tile Saw: R4030 7 in. 6500 RPM. 120 V ~60 Hz, 9 A. Only used for glass cutting. $150. 480-671-9828.

King HB/Frame $325 Solid Oak Victorian, King Sheets/BS $75. King Mattress/Box Springs make offer. M-F 10:00-5:00 Shelvy 480-474-1313 [email protected]

For Rent

Furnished: 2BR / 2BA, totally reno-vated, Arizona Room – Patio, phe-nomenal views. No smoking/pets. 30 Day Min. Available February 1st, 2020. 612-964-5194.


We will house sit your home. Fre-quent visits and always after every rain and wind storm. Call Chuck/Diana 630-546-4018.

PET SITTING: I’d love to care for your pet(s) while you’re away. Please call for details and visitation. Nancy C. 480-474-1200.

Have a flat tire on your golf cart? Same day repair. Annual check-ups, repairs, updating, or questions. Call Chuck 630-546-4018

Medicare questions? Need help? Call 480-686-4653.

Need computer help? I fix them and can coach you. Chris/Conquering Computers 480-577-4309.

Need help with caring for a loved one? Cheri CNA. 480-982-8312.

Handy Woman. Afraid to let just any man into your home to help with household needs? Call me first. Jesi-ka 480-980-0548.

Experienced Cat Companion: Daily visit includes feeding, clean up, and playtime. I make cat toys too. Low Rates. Celeste 415-225-6848.

Cleaning: Carpet & Upholstery Dry- foam carpet cleaning. Pick up available for area rugs. Senior dis-count. Joe 480-288-5012

It's holiday decorations time: Call me to help you, I even do outside lights! Call Jesika 480-980-0548

Income Tax Preparation: Retired Accountant. Save big over H&R Block and local CPA offices. At your home if you desire. Bob 480-241-0681.


Helping Hands in need of infant and childcare equipment from those will-ing to loan to their neighbor. Log in the Activity Office. 480-474-9958.

Helping Hands in need of volunteers willing to transport clients to the doc-tors or shopping. Available? Call 480-474-9958.

Wanted: Aluminum flat or box utili-ty trailer smaller than a car hauler. Keith 612-532-1112.



• One free ad of 20 words or less, for 30 days for MBV residents only.

• Must be resubmitted each month.

• Classified ads are to be submitted to the MountainBrook Activity Office or emailed

• Ads may be subject to editing.

• Rental ads must meet CC&R Guide-lines (i.e., 55+ & 30 day minimum).

• Deadline for all ads is the 25th of the month

Business/commercial ads for residents and nonresidents are available for purchase from Ray’s Printing.

Mountaineer January 2019


Need knows no specific time of year Recently the office received a letter addressed to one of our Committees from the Food Bank of the Gold Canyon United Methodist Church, thanking them for their donation of assorted foods & expressing their gratefulness in their support of the Pantry’s mission. The letter quoted the following statistics: “Through No-vember 2019, the Food Bank of CGUMC served 11,793 individuals & 3,752 families, helping the Food Bank meet the needs of many in our extended community.”

Committee Chair “Although we were all rushing around before Christmas, many of our team brought their bags of food items to the meeting; others even brought bags after the meeting concluded! I was delighted to deliver the donations the day after our meeting & the staff at the Food Bank was sincerely grateful. Since need knows no specific time of year, perhaps the Committee can do this again in late spring 2020! Thanks to all!”

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Diana Jensen, Editor; Marilee Pritchard, Classi-fieds; Pam Burks, Business Articles; Sandy Collard, Caring Corner; Various Proofreaders and Consultants.

*Articles 500 words or less & all photos (no

DVDs) should be emailed to :

[email protected]

MBV personal ads, (i.e., for sale, for rent, wanted) can

be emailed or left at the office. MBV resident/

commercial ads must be placed through Ray’s Printing.



*Mountaineer articles and photos may have to be

edited or eliminated as space allows.

*Editor will edit for proper content when necessary

Any changes to this page - - - please email : [email protected]


Board of Directors Last Tuesday 9:45am-SC

Activities Committee Second Monday 9:00am MR

Architectural Committee Alt. Thursdays 9:30am PV

Budget & Finance Thursday. before BOD 2:00pm PV

Buildings & Grounds First Tuesday 12:30pm PV

Communications Committee First Thursday 9:00am LCR

Planning Committee Second Monday 2:00pm MR

Committee Chairs Second Wednesday 1:00pm LCR

Board Workshop Tuesday before BOD 9:45am SC

For Your Convenience

Janet Christopherson, President……….…. (651) 341-3648

Janna Lea Olm, Vice President ……..……. (480) 620-2752

Janet Swaim, Secretary ………………….… (509) 594-0022

Tami Tack, Treasurer, Non-Director …..… (480) 982-8299

Peter Cavoto, Director ………………..…... (847) 989-1564

Chris Bukovac, Director…………….….….. (480) 577-4309

Jack Guthrie, Director ……………….……. (402) 405-5857

Audrey Morganegg, Director …………...… (480) 671-3507

Mountaineer Editor - Diana Jensen ….…... (630) 546-4018

Activity Office ……………………….….….. (480) 983-5555

Lifestyle Director - Jennifer McGraw …..... (480) 983-5555

Community Manager - …... (480)

Alex Willingham - Asst. Mgr/Covenants .... (480) 983-5555

Fairway Vista Mgt - Wendy Burton…..…. (480) 983-1010

Pinnacle Vista Mgt - Wendy Burton……... (480) 983-1010

Activities Committee - Claudia Vaughan .. (480) 983-3425

Architectural Committee - Janet Swaim…. (509) 594-0022

Budget & Finance Committee - Tami Tack (480) 982-8299

Building & Grounds - Larry England …… (480) 474-9180

Communications - Greg Anderson ……… (612) 385-5986

Planning Committee - Bill Yeager, ………. (480) 773-2788

Caring Corner - Sandy Collard ……....….. (480) 227-7271

Activities and Clubs

Mountaineer January 2019

Aerobics of the Mind Paul Cechovic (480) 288-6976

Aquacise (8 am) Caryl Lang (480) 288-4799

Aquacise (9 am) Isolde (480) 671-1439

Artist of the Month LeAnn Juenemann (480) 982-5423

Astronomy Bill Frazer (480) 983-7440

Band Donna Read (480) 671-9828

Billiards/Pool Dick Brennan (480) 983-8168

Bingo Bob/Joan Archer (480) 288-0891

Bocce Ball Carol Adkins (303) 881-4857

Book Discussion Peggy Malsom (425) 327-0811

Bowling (Tues) Janice Ratcliff (480) 671-0141

Bridge, Duplicate Randy Ratcliff (480) 671-0141 Bridge, Ladies Barb Osborn (480) 982-9408

Bridge, Men’s John Rowe (480) 982-7078

Bridge, Mixed Jim McClure (480) 983-5203 Canasta JoAnn Skow (480) 671-3298

Caring Corner Sandy Collard (480) 227-7271

Ceramics and Glass Art J. Christopherson (651) 341-3648

Chess Bill Vallicella (480) 288-6727

Darts John Kloosterman (480) 288-2388

Game Day Penny Broadley (480) 474-1126

Genealogy Rick Peters (480) 980-7131

Hand, Foot, Toe Joan Archer (215) 237-6189

Helping Hands Loretta Milton (480) 474-9958

Hiking Keith Charpentier (480) 288-4338

Jewelry/Crafts Celeste Parcell (415) 225-6848

Knitting (Tues) Judi Clinite (314) 435-1552

Hand, Foot, Toe Joan Archer (215) 237-6189

Library Ruth Parker (253) 278-2759

Line Dancing Jan Pitts (256) 218-1765

Low Impact Aerobics Joann J. (480) 983-9620

Mah Jongg (Mon-N) Sharon Penrod (602) 320-2278

Mah Jongg (Tue-N) Judy Bieganski (480) 671-8363

Mah Jongg (Wed&Sun-O) Kathy Kirkpatrick (530) 263-1188

Mah Jongg (Thurs-O) Carol Perez (303) 588-3041

Mah Jongg (Thurs-N) Gail Street (605) 949-4534

Mah Jongg (Fri-N) Ginny Rauguth (480) 288-0579

MBV Pottery Club Pierce McIntosh (480) 244-7080 MBV Democrats Lisa Abbott (480) 347-7736

MBV Republicans Pam Burks (480) 214-5555

Mexican Train Carol Perez (303) 588-3041

Pickleball Bud Morrison (317) 407-9786

Pilates Jan Grant (605) 929-8719

Pinochle Barb Hofmeister (602) 284-6379

Pinochle, Tue. Co-Ed Sharon Hanson (480) 415-0859

Poker Ken Amundsen (480) 671-1643

Quilters Superstition Mt. Alice Watkins (480) 671-8663

Social Hour Audrey Morganegg (480) 671-3507

Softball 55/65 Myles Ginther (480) 298-3761

Stampin Up w/Carol Carol Cramer (708) 612-9112

Supper Club Pat Patt (708) 990-3153

Tai Chi Lovena Warren (480) 671-7444

Tennis Carole Austin (480) 603-6300

Texas Hold’em Jim Welch (480) 212-2209

Village Players Kathy Buelow (480) 227-8524

Village Voices Kristina Evans (541) 788-8965

Water Volleyball Dawn Wagner (480) 982-0108

Website Chris Bukovac (480) 577-4309

Whine & Cheese Nancy Bilensky (480) 982-3686

Wii Bowling William Sandell (623) 698-9600

Wine Club Paul Cechovic (480) 288-6976

Woodcarving Wesley Stevens (480) 982-3809

Yoga Elfrieda Rost (602) 363-0108

Page 18: January 2019 · January 2019 January 2019 mountaineer@mbvaz.org info@mbvaz.org webteammbvaz@.org We welcome the Candidates for 2020! Please see Pages 4 and 5 for Candidates Photos


Mountaineer January 2019

Village Voices

Christmas/Cookie Exchange Party

Golf Cart Winners

Elf Zienna and Elf Dawn

A Hershey Kiss

to get your day started

@ Coffee and News

1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place

Page 19: January 2019 · January 2019 January 2019 mountaineer@mbvaz.org info@mbvaz.org webteammbvaz@.org We welcome the Candidates for 2020! Please see Pages 4 and 5 for Candidates Photos


Mountaineer January 2019

Making Spirits Bright!

That’s what your Gold Canyon Lions

had the Pleasure of doing! By: Pam Burks

Gold Canyon Lions decided to change their Christmas agenda this year and at their Holiday lunch meeting on 12/19/19 at the Gold Canyon Golf Resort, participated in a Santa Work-shop….And Oh what fun we had making Candy Cane Reindeer to brighten up the spirits of the residents at Mariposa Point of Mesa, Assisted Living/Memory Care. We distributed over 70 Candy cane Reindeer and chocolate kisses!

It seems whenever you give of yourself the joy comes back to you 10-fold.

If anyone wants information regarding Mariposa Point, and all they have to offer their residents, contact Pam Burks 480-214-

Want to be a Lion and share in the fun? Call Larry Bartoszek, Membership Chairman, 847-571-8702, or Pam Burks, Lion President, 480-214-5555.

Save the Date! Gold Canyon Lions Presents

a Masquerade Ball

Presented By: The Utah Ballroom Dance Company

Sunday, March 8, 2020

MountainBrook Village

BYOB, Dancing, Show, Contests, Prizes, Raffles,

Free Photo Booth

Bring an Appetizer to share with your table

$25 per person

Doors open at 5pm

Tickets go on sale starting in February

at Coffee & News