The Messenger firsT bapTisT hunTsville this sunday knowing, loving, serving Christ...together this sunday knowing, loving, serving Christ...to- FIRST THOUGHTS David Hull, Pastor Sunday, January 16, 2010 Second Sunday after Epiphany Sermon: “Unopened Gifts” 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 First Fellowship 8:15 a.m. Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sanctuary Worship 10:30 a.m. Anthem - Great is Thy Faithfulness (arr.Harlan) Music led by Amanda Allen Solo by Jane Orton Evening Activities Foundations for Life Classes Pastor’s Class “Worship”--5:00-6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Led by Dr. David Hull Financial Peace University--4:00-6:00 PM in the Parlor. Facilitated by Hunter and Alison Hoskins “Let’s Talk About Marriage!”--4:00-6:00 PM in room 111. Facilitated by Pam McDaniel and other couples as special guests Women’s Bible Study--4:00-6:00 PM in room 107. “Here & Now ...There & Then: A lecture series on Revelation”-11 week Beth Moore DVD study facilitated by Toni Cassidy & Toni Morgan Oh The Places We Will Go: Biblical Geography--in room 108. Facilitated by Heinrich DuBose- Schmitt Mental Illness and Families of Faith--4:00 PM in room 141. Facilitated by Eugenia Graves and Sherron Culpepper Rite of Passage Parenting: Four Essential Experiences to Equip Your Kids for Life, by Walker Moore. Room 229. Led by Jamie Mackey and other staff Youth Choir--Sundays at 5:00 PM in the Choir Room Children’s Bible Drill--Grades 4 - 6 in rooms 225 & 226. Led by Debbie Howard For more information visit www.fbchsv.org/foundationsforlife Volume 62 / Week Number 2 / January 13, 2011 Hospitality often involves the welcoming of guests. During the next month we will have three wonderful opportunities to do this very thing. Well-known folks have been invited to lead events in our church. Now you will have an opportunity to invite people that you know to join us for these events. Let me tell you what we have planned. David and Claudia Arp are leading experts in marriage enrichment. They will be with us on January 21-22 for a program with the intriguing title of “Ten Great Dates for Empty Nesters.” More information is on the back of this newsletter. Does this sound like something that you would enjoy? Join us for the event and invite a couple to come along with you. Carl Hurley is called “America’s Funniest Professor.” He has been with us before, and he is coming again. The night is February 10. See the information on the back of the newsletter. In particular, see the special deal about buying a ticket and then getting one free to invite a friend to come with you. Tickets go on sale this Sunday. We expect a great crowd for this program, so get your tickets now and start inviting your friends to join you for a night of fun and laughter. Do you know the name John Rosemond? Open up your newspaper and you will see his regular column on parenting. He will be with us on Sunday, February 27, for a parenting seminar during the afternoon. This will be a wonderful way for us to reach out to the community through the teaching of this well-known expert in parenting. In addition to the afternoon seminar, we are most fortunate that John Rosemond will be preaching for us in both morning worship services on that day. What a big day for touching our community this will be! I encourage you to begin sharing the word now about this event. “Be our guest.” It is great having these guest leaders coming to us over the next few weeks. Now, let’s get the word out and invite guests to join us for these special events.

January 12, 2011 Messenger

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Page 1: January 12, 2011 Messenger

The MESSENGER (USPS 591-280) is published weekly except the week of Christmas by

First Baptist Church, 600 Governors Drive, Huntsville, AL 35801. Periodical postage

paid at Huntsville, Alabama 31801-5178. POSTMASTER send change of address to THE

MESSENGER, 600 Governors Drive, Huntsville, AL 35801.

office: 256-428-9400

weekend minister on call: 256-428-9457

24-hour prayer line: 256-428-9460

The Messengerfbchsv.org

firsT bapTisT hunTsville

this sunday

knowing, lov ing, serv ing Christ...together

First Baptist Church

600 Governors Drive

Huntsville, AL 35801

this sunday

k nowing, loving, ser v ing Christ...to-

FIRST THOUGHTS David Hull, Pastor

Sunday, January 16, 2010Second Sunday after Epiphany

• Sermon: “Unopened Gifts”

1 Corinthians 1:1-9

• First Fellowship 8:15 a.m.

• Sunday School 9:15 a.m.

• Sanctuary Worship 10:30 a.m. Anthem - Great is Thy Faithfulness (arr.Harlan) Music led by Amanda Allen Solo by Jane Orton

Evening Activities

• Foundations for Life Classes












Volume 62 / Week Number 2 / January 13, 2011

Family MattersWELCOME NEW MEMBERSJohn and Jaime Mathison202 Goldsmith StreetHuntsville, AL 35801

CHRISTIAN SYMPATHYWinifred and Frances Jones in the loss of his brother, Ed Jones

Ladies LuncheonSunday, January 23 immediately

following the 10:30 service

Cost: $7.00

Tickets will be on sale Sundays and Wednesdays from Jan 2 – Jan 16

For more information contact Kimberly Collette at 256-830-8168

You’re invited to share in laughter with “America’s Funniest Professor”

Carl HurleyFebruary 10, 2011

6:30-7:00 p.m. FBC Big Band

7:00-8:00 p.m. Carl Hurley

Tickets go on sale January 16 to church members. $5 BUY ONE GET ONE FREE!

Use your free ticket to invite a friend, family member, or neighbor who may be

new to church.

Tickets go on sale to the public January 24th. $5.00

Fellowship ClubFriday, January 14, 10:00 a.m.

Myra Haythorn will be speaking on Ukraine Mission Trip

First time guests contact Kay Gover for reservations.

Living Well First Baptist ChurchJanuary 11- February 15

Take Charge, Feel Better! “I was tired. My pain was my boss. It was telling me what I could and couldn’t do. LIV-ING WELL Workshop put me back in charge. Now I have the energy to do the things that matter. I put life back in my life.” A free, six-week LIVING WELL Workshop for people with ongoing health conditions will be offered at First Baptist Church on Tuesday from January 11-February 15, 9-11:30. To register or to receive more information, call Adult Ministry Office at 256-428-9403


10 GREAT DATES for Empty NestersJanuary 21-22, 2011

Marriage Enrichment for Baby BoomersTickets: $25 couple which includes

Food, Book, and Seminar

Claudia Arp and David Arp, MSW, a husband-wife team, are founders and directors of Marriage Alive International, a ground-breaking ministry dedicated to providing resources

and training to empower churches to help build better marriages and families. The Arps are conference speakers, columnists, and authors of over 30 books including the 10 Great Dates series, No Time for Sex and the Gold Medallion Award-winning The Second Half of Marriage. Frequent contributors to print and broadcast media, the Arps have appeared as marriage experts on NBC “Today” CBS “This Morning”, Public Television and Focus on the Family. Their work has been highlighted in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. David and Claudia have been married for over 40 years and live in Northern Virginia. Visit their website at www.marriagealive.com. To Sign up contact the Adult Ministry Office at 256-428-9403

Hospitality often involves the welcoming of guests. During the next month we will have three wonderful opportunities to do this very thing. Well-known folks have been invited to lead events in our church. Now you will have an opportunity to invite people that you know to join us for these events. Let me tell you what we have planned.

David and Claudia Arp are leading experts in marriage enrichment. They will be with us on

January 21-22 for a program with the intriguing title of “Ten Great Dates for Empty Nesters.” More information is on the back of this newsletter. Does this sound like something that you would enjoy? Join us for the event and invite a couple to come along with you.

Carl Hurley is called “America’s Funniest Professor.” He has been with us before, and he is coming again. The night is February 10. See the information on the back of the newsletter. In particular, see the special deal about buying a ticket and then getting one free to invite a friend to come with you. Tickets go on sale this Sunday. We expect a great crowd for this program, so get your tickets now and start inviting your friends to join you for a night of fun and laughter.

Do you know the name John Rosemond? Open up your newspaper and you will see his regular column on parenting. He will be with us on Sunday, February 27, for a parenting seminar during the afternoon. This will be a wonderful way for us to reach out to the community through the teaching of this well-known expert in parenting. In addition to the afternoon seminar, we are most fortunate that John Rosemond will be preaching for us in both morning worship services on that day. What a big day for touching our community this will be! I encourage you to begin sharing the word now about this event.

“Be our guest.” It is great having these guest leaders coming to us over the next few weeks. Now, let’s get the word out and invite guests to join us for these special events.

Bob and Elaine Miner in the loss of her brother, George Mayfield.

Clifton and Rosa Sisco in the loss of his aunt, Bessie Tipton.

Page 2: January 12, 2011 Messenger


ministry calendar

knowing, lov ing, serv ing Christ...together

MISSIONS AND OUTREACH Mike Pearce, Minister of Missions and Outreach

RECREATIONChris Sims, Christian Life Center Coordinator

CHILDREN’S MINISTRIESCindy Russell, Minister to Children

Wednesday Night Dinner MenuWednesday, January 19


Corn MuffinsCrackersDessert



STEWARDSHIP REPORT Unavailable due to inclement weather

ATTENDANCEUnavailable due to inclement weather


A thank you note has been received from Pat Rice. It has been placed on the bulletin board across from the church office.

A new semester of Grief Share is beginning soon. If you are going through the grief of losing a loved one, you are invited to attend.When: Tuesday evenings starting on January 18 at 6:30. Where: Patio Room

Blood Profiles Once again, the CLC will be partnering with

Huntsville Hospital to offer you the opportunity to have a blood work up

administered at a reduced cost. These will occur in the month of February. Watch for more details over the next few


Thank you Lee Nast

Lee Nast, the CLC’s fitness coordinator, is leaving after 17 years with this ministry. She has been integral in coordinating aerobics and other fitness opportunities and in

the life of the CLC. If you see her, offer your words of gratitude for her service over the past years.

Serving the City Projects

Our Serving the City Weekend will be earlier this year and will be carried out over the time frame of Wednesday, March 30 through Sunday, April 3. This will allow more participants, some projects that may take more than one day, and the oppor-tunities for families to plan around sports and other activities.

We always like to see if you have ideas for projects that we can take on during STC. Due to the early date for our service days we must have your suggestions to one of the Serving the City leaders or to the church office by Wednesday, January 19th. This allows us to research the possibility of the project and the resources needed. Please see Andy Crocker or Mike Pearce if you have questions.

Sign up Sundays for Serving the City will be February 20, 27, March 6 and 13. Please mark you calendar.

Medical Missions Conference – Willowbrook Baptist Church – Saturday, January 22 from 9:00 to 2:30.

First Baptist Church has been heavily involved in medical missions for decades. This conference will be a good opportunity to learn how to expand and increase the impact of medical missions both here in our area and around the world. Per-haps God is leading you to help organize a medical mission effort. Whether you are medically trained or just interested in missions this conference will be helpful.

Our own Dr. Jerry Graham will be leading one of the break-out sessions. You may register by calling Willowbrook at 256.883.0907 or by email to www.willowbrook.org/registration.asp. See Mike Pearce or Charlene Graham for more information.

Drivers are still needed for our guest cart. Serve in one of two shifts: an 8:30 to 9:15 shift or after the Sanctuary Service until 11:50 only once a month. Contact Mike Pearce at 256-428-9448 for more information.

How to Save Your Family: A Resolution with Purpose Ask yourself, "Which relationship in my life needs the most improvement?" And then, ask the all-important follow-up question: "What can I do to make things better?" Make a commitment to do one concrete thing, on a regular basis, that will improve the relationship. For example, a friend of mine used to complain about her rocky relationship with her 15-year-old daughter. Their only real conversations were tense ones, usually centered around curfews, schoolwork, clothes, and cell phone use. What could my friend do to truly connect with her daughter? She invited her to start having weekly frappuc-cino dates to talk about non-confrontational topics. It was a concrete resolution powered by an incredibly strong moti-vation---love. Keeping the commitment allowed her to really listen to her daughter and to strengthen their bonds over time, laying a better foundation for tougher conversations. A year later, she looked back and saw the power of that New Year's resolution: theirs was a relationship transformed. Similarly, some parents find it very difficult to parent a child whose temperament or interests are very different from their own. A driven, fast-thinking dad might find himself rou-tinely exasperated with---and critical of--an indecisive or timid child. What kind of a resolu-tion might help that relationship? Offer a daily word of encouragement. Make an effort each day to notice—and verbally affirm--the child's small steps to overcome his fears. Even resolutions aimed at the most practical details of daily life---like getting organized or being on time—work better with a relationship-based motivation. For example, a wife whose chronic lateness irritates her husband to no end might commit to setting a reminder alarm (giving 30 minutes warning) every time she enters a new commitment on her smart phone's calendar. Resolutions are tested by time. What spells the difference between success and failure is the strength of our motivations. And there's no greater motivation than to improve our relationships with those we love. Psychologists say that the only way to change a relationship is to change our-selves. Love the person enough to take the first step, and in so doing, turn a generalized wish ("I wish my husband and I communicated better") into concrete steps ("I will commit to asking him about his day first when we reconnect at the end of the day.") Life is about relationships. And building those relationships is one of the most important things we can do. So this year, why not make a resolution rooted in purpose? It's a good place to start.

Rebecca Hagelin outlines her vision for parenting in 30 Ways in 30 Days to Save Your Family. www.howtosaveyourfamily.com.

Staff NewsWelcome to Kristi Taylor who recently joined our church staff as Ministry Assistant to the Pastor and Associate Pastor. She and her husband, Randy, along with their

children, are dedicated members of our church family. Kristi has been employed by the Madison Baptist Association for the past ten years where she has been a bookkeeper/accountant. She is very well qualified for the job with an eye for detail, a love for people

and ministry at FBC. Kristi began her duties Monday, January 3. She will be in the office Monday through Thursday. As you see Kristi around the church, welcome her to

the staff family of FBC!

Sunday, Jan. 16FirstFellowship/FH 8:15AMSundaySchool 9:15AMSanctuaryWorship/Sanct. 10:30AMUnitedOstomy/241 2:00PMStephenMinistry/118 3:00PMTrusteeSafetyComm./115 4:00PMYouthHandbells/329 4:00PMFoundationsforLife/Parlor,111,114,141 4:00PMFoundationsforLife/107,108,229PastorsClass/FH 5:00PMYouthChoir/CR 5:00PM

Monday, Jan. 17LetterWriting/242 9:00AMHallelujahChoir/CR 10:30AMHCCA/CR,241.242 4:00PMADK/CLC 5:00PMBSFClasses/Parlor,Chapel,3rdFloor 5:00PMCODA/140 6:30PM

Tuesday, Jan. 18Tues.Morn.Intercess./242 7:00AM“PutLifeBack”/118 9:00AMBethMooreBibleSt./342 9:00AMMinisterialStaffMtg/Parlor 9:00AMGen.StaffMtg/Parlor 10:30AMMusicStaff/Parlor 1:00PMBSFSeminars/342 6:00PMGrief Share/CLC 6:00 PMForum/118 6:30 PMBoy Scout Trp. 70/ 343 6:30 PMAdult Handbells/329 7:00 PM

Wednesday, Jan. 19Young Musicians Handbells/329 4:15 PMSupper/FH 4:45 PMM & M/2nd, 3 rd Floors 5:00 PMTrustees/117 5:30 PMPrayer Meeting/FH 5:45 PMY.A. M&M/107 5:45 PMLiftoff/309-310 6:00 PMOrchestraReh./Sanct. 6:00PMSanctuaryChoir/CR 7:00PMPersonnel/Parlor 7:00PM

Thursday, Jan. 20MomsinTouch/Parlor 8:00AM

FirstFellowshipBandReh/FH 6:30PM

Friday, Jan. 21BSFLeaders/Parlor 4:30AMEmptyNestersConf./FH 6:00-9PM

Saturday, Jan. 22EmptyNestersConf./FH 7:00AM-12PM

Library Hours Sunday 9-9:15 AM | 10:10-10:45 AM | 11:40-12:00 PMTuesday 10:00 AM-12:00 PMWednesday 4:00-5:00 PM

Page 3: January 12, 2011 Messenger


ministry calendar

knowing, lov ing, serv ing Christ...together

MISSIONS AND OUTREACH Mike Pearce, Minister of Missions and Outreach

RECREATIONChris Sims, Christian Life Center Coordinator

CHILDREN’S MINISTRIESCindy Russell, Minister to Children

Wednesday Night Dinner MenuWednesday, January 19


Corn MuffinsCrackersDessert



STEWARDSHIP REPORT Unavailable due to inclement weather

ATTENDANCEUnavailable due to inclement weather


A thank you note has been received from Pat Rice. It has been placed on the bulletin board across from the church office.

A new semester of Grief Share is beginning soon. If you are going through the grief of losing a loved one, you are invited to attend.When: Tuesday evenings starting on January 18 at 6:30. Where: Patio Room

Blood Profiles Once again, the CLC will be partnering with

Huntsville Hospital to offer you the opportunity to have a blood work up

administered at a reduced cost. These will occur in the month of February. Watch for more details over the next few


Thank you Lee Nast

Lee Nast, the CLC’s fitness coordinator, is leaving after 17 years with this ministry. She has been integral in coordinating aerobics and other fitness opportunities and in

the life of the CLC. If you see her, offer your words of gratitude for her service over the past years.

Serving the City Projects

Our Serving the City Weekend will be earlier this year and will be carried out over the time frame of Wednesday, March 30 through Sunday, April 3. This will allow more participants, some projects that may take more than one day, and the oppor-tunities for families to plan around sports and other activities.

We always like to see if you have ideas for projects that we can take on during STC. Due to the early date for our service days we must have your suggestions to one of the Serving the City leaders or to the church office by Wednesday, January 19th. This allows us to research the possibility of the project and the resources needed. Please see Andy Crocker or Mike Pearce if you have questions.

Sign up Sundays for Serving the City will be February 20, 27, March 6 and 13. Please mark you calendar.

Medical Missions Conference – Willowbrook Baptist Church – Saturday, January 22 from 9:00 to 2:30.

First Baptist Church has been heavily involved in medical missions for decades. This conference will be a good opportunity to learn how to expand and increase the impact of medical missions both here in our area and around the world. Per-haps God is leading you to help organize a medical mission effort. Whether you are medically trained or just interested in missions this conference will be helpful.

Our own Dr. Jerry Graham will be leading one of the break-out sessions. You may register by calling Willowbrook at 256.883.0907 or by email to www.willowbrook.org/registration.asp. See Mike Pearce or Charlene Graham for more information.

Drivers are still needed for our guest cart. Serve in one of two shifts: an 8:30 to 9:15 shift or after the Sanctuary Service until 11:50 only once a month. Contact Mike Pearce at 256-428-9448 for more information.

How to Save Your Family: A Resolution with Purpose Ask yourself, "Which relationship in my life needs the most improvement?" And then, ask the all-important follow-up question: "What can I do to make things better?" Make a commitment to do one concrete thing, on a regular basis, that will improve the relationship. For example, a friend of mine used to complain about her rocky relationship with her 15-year-old daughter. Their only real conversations were tense ones, usually centered around curfews, schoolwork, clothes, and cell phone use. What could my friend do to truly connect with her daughter? She invited her to start having weekly frappuc-cino dates to talk about non-confrontational topics. It was a concrete resolution powered by an incredibly strong moti-vation---love. Keeping the commitment allowed her to really listen to her daughter and to strengthen their bonds over time, laying a better foundation for tougher conversations. A year later, she looked back and saw the power of that New Year's resolution: theirs was a relationship transformed. Similarly, some parents find it very difficult to parent a child whose temperament or interests are very different from their own. A driven, fast-thinking dad might find himself rou-tinely exasperated with---and critical of--an indecisive or timid child. What kind of a resolu-tion might help that relationship? Offer a daily word of encouragement. Make an effort each day to notice—and verbally affirm--the child's small steps to overcome his fears. Even resolutions aimed at the most practical details of daily life---like getting organized or being on time—work better with a relationship-based motivation. For example, a wife whose chronic lateness irritates her husband to no end might commit to setting a reminder alarm (giving 30 minutes warning) every time she enters a new commitment on her smart phone's calendar. Resolutions are tested by time. What spells the difference between success and failure is the strength of our motivations. And there's no greater motivation than to improve our relationships with those we love. Psychologists say that the only way to change a relationship is to change our-selves. Love the person enough to take the first step, and in so doing, turn a generalized wish ("I wish my husband and I communicated better") into concrete steps ("I will commit to asking him about his day first when we reconnect at the end of the day.") Life is about relationships. And building those relationships is one of the most important things we can do. So this year, why not make a resolution rooted in purpose? It's a good place to start.

Rebecca Hagelin outlines her vision for parenting in 30 Ways in 30 Days to Save Your Family. www.howtosaveyourfamily.com.

Staff NewsWelcome to Kristi Taylor who recently joined our church staff as Ministry Assistant to the Pastor and Associate Pastor. She and her husband, Randy, along with their

children, are dedicated members of our church family. Kristi has been employed by the Madison Baptist Association for the past ten years where she has been a bookkeeper/accountant. She is very well qualified for the job with an eye for detail, a love for people

and ministry at FBC. Kristi began her duties Monday, January 3. She will be in the office Monday through Thursday. As you see Kristi around the church, welcome her to

the staff family of FBC!

Sunday, Jan. 16FirstFellowship/FH 8:15AMSundaySchool 9:15AMSanctuaryWorship/Sanct. 10:30AMUnitedOstomy/241 2:00PMStephenMinistry/118 3:00PMTrusteeSafetyComm./115 4:00PMYouthHandbells/329 4:00PMFoundationsforLife/Parlor,111,114,141 4:00PMFoundationsforLife/107,108,229PastorsClass/FH 5:00PMYouthChoir/CR 5:00PM

Monday, Jan. 17LetterWriting/242 9:00AMHallelujahChoir/CR 10:30AMHCCA/CR,241.242 4:00PMADK/CLC 5:00PMBSFClasses/Parlor,Chapel,3rdFloor 5:00PMCODA/140 6:30PM

Tuesday, Jan. 18Tues.Morn.Intercess./242 7:00AM“PutLifeBack”/118 9:00AMBethMooreBibleSt./342 9:00AMMinisterialStaffMtg/Parlor 9:00AMGen.StaffMtg/Parlor 10:30AMMusicStaff/Parlor 1:00PMBSFSeminars/342 6:00PMGrief Share/CLC 6:00 PMForum/118 6:30 PMBoy Scout Trp. 70/ 343 6:30 PMAdult Handbells/329 7:00 PM

Wednesday, Jan. 19Young Musicians Handbells/329 4:15 PMSupper/FH 4:45 PMM & M/2nd, 3 rd Floors 5:00 PMTrustees/117 5:30 PMPrayer Meeting/FH 5:45 PMY.A. M&M/107 5:45 PMLiftoff/309-310 6:00 PMOrchestraReh./Sanct. 6:00PMSanctuaryChoir/CR 7:00PMPersonnel/Parlor 7:00PM

Thursday, Jan. 20MomsinTouch/Parlor 8:00AM

FirstFellowshipBandReh/FH 6:30PM

Friday, Jan. 21BSFLeaders/Parlor 4:30AMEmptyNestersConf./FH 6:00-9PM

Saturday, Jan. 22EmptyNestersConf./FH 7:00AM-12PM

Library Hours Sunday 9-9:15 AM | 10:10-10:45 AM | 11:40-12:00 PMTuesday 10:00 AM-12:00 PMWednesday 4:00-5:00 PM

Page 4: January 12, 2011 Messenger

The MESSENGER (USPS 591-280) is published weekly except the week of Christmas by

First Baptist Church, 600 Governors Drive, Huntsville, AL 35801. Periodical postage

paid at Huntsville, Alabama 31801-5178. POSTMASTER send change of address to THE

MESSENGER, 600 Governors Drive, Huntsville, AL 35801.

office: 256-428-9400

weekend minister on call: 256-428-9457

24-hour prayer line: 256-428-9460

The Messengerfbchsv.org

firsT bapTisT hunTsville

this sunday

knowing, lov ing, serv ing Christ...together

First Baptist Church

600 Governors Drive

Huntsville, AL 35801

this sunday

k nowing, loving, ser v ing Christ...to-

FIRST THOUGHTS David Hull, Pastor

Sunday, January 16, 2010Second Sunday after Epiphany

• Sermon: “Unopened Gifts”

1 Corinthians 1:1-9

• First Fellowship 8:15 a.m.

• Sunday School 9:15 a.m.

• Sanctuary Worship 10:30 a.m. Anthem - Great is Thy Faithfulness (arr.Harlan) Music led by Amanda Allen Solo by Jane Orton

Evening Activities

• Foundations for Life Classes












Volume 62 / Week Number 2 / January 13, 2011

Family MattersWELCOME NEW MEMBERSJohn and Jaime Mathison202 Goldsmith StreetHuntsville, AL 35801

CHRISTIAN SYMPATHYWinifred and Frances Jones in the loss of his brother, Ed Jones

Ladies LuncheonSunday, January 23 immediately

following the 10:30 service

Cost: $7.00

Tickets will be on sale Sundays and Wednesdays from Jan 2 – Jan 16

For more information contact Kimberly Collette at 256-830-8168

You’re invited to share in laughter with “America’s Funniest Professor”

Carl HurleyFebruary 10, 2011

6:30-7:00 p.m. FBC Big Band

7:00-8:00 p.m. Carl Hurley

Tickets go on sale January 16 to church members. $5 BUY ONE GET ONE FREE!

Use your free ticket to invite a friend, family member, or neighbor who may be

new to church.

Tickets go on sale to the public January 24th. $5.00

Fellowship ClubFriday, January 14, 10:00 a.m.

Myra Haythorn will be speaking on Ukraine Mission Trip

First time guests contact Kay Gover for reservations.

Living Well First Baptist ChurchJanuary 11- February 15

Take Charge, Feel Better! “I was tired. My pain was my boss. It was telling me what I could and couldn’t do. LIV-ING WELL Workshop put me back in charge. Now I have the energy to do the things that matter. I put life back in my life.” A free, six-week LIVING WELL Workshop for people with ongoing health conditions will be offered at First Baptist Church on Tuesday from January 11-February 15, 9-11:30. To register or to receive more information, call Adult Ministry Office at 256-428-9403


10 GREAT DATES for Empty NestersJanuary 21-22, 2011

Marriage Enrichment for Baby BoomersTickets: $25 couple which includes

Food, Book, and Seminar

Claudia Arp and David Arp, MSW, a husband-wife team, are founders and directors of Marriage Alive International, a ground-breaking ministry dedicated to providing resources

and training to empower churches to help build better marriages and families. The Arps are conference speakers, columnists, and authors of over 30 books including the 10 Great Dates series, No Time for Sex and the Gold Medallion Award-winning The Second Half of Marriage. Frequent contributors to print and broadcast media, the Arps have appeared as marriage experts on NBC “Today” CBS “This Morning”, Public Television and Focus on the Family. Their work has been highlighted in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. David and Claudia have been married for over 40 years and live in Northern Virginia. Visit their website at www.marriagealive.com. To Sign up contact the Adult Ministry Office at 256-428-9403

Hospitality often involves the welcoming of guests. During the next month we will have three wonderful opportunities to do this very thing. Well-known folks have been invited to lead events in our church. Now you will have an opportunity to invite people that you know to join us for these events. Let me tell you what we have planned.

David and Claudia Arp are leading experts in marriage enrichment. They will be with us on

January 21-22 for a program with the intriguing title of “Ten Great Dates for Empty Nesters.” More information is on the back of this newsletter. Does this sound like something that you would enjoy? Join us for the event and invite a couple to come along with you.

Carl Hurley is called “America’s Funniest Professor.” He has been with us before, and he is coming again. The night is February 10. See the information on the back of the newsletter. In particular, see the special deal about buying a ticket and then getting one free to invite a friend to come with you. Tickets go on sale this Sunday. We expect a great crowd for this program, so get your tickets now and start inviting your friends to join you for a night of fun and laughter.

Do you know the name John Rosemond? Open up your newspaper and you will see his regular column on parenting. He will be with us on Sunday, February 27, for a parenting seminar during the afternoon. This will be a wonderful way for us to reach out to the community through the teaching of this well-known expert in parenting. In addition to the afternoon seminar, we are most fortunate that John Rosemond will be preaching for us in both morning worship services on that day. What a big day for touching our community this will be! I encourage you to begin sharing the word now about this event.

“Be our guest.” It is great having these guest leaders coming to us over the next few weeks. Now, let’s get the word out and invite guests to join us for these special events.

Bob and Elaine Miner in the loss of her brother, George Mayfield.

Clifton and Rosa Sisco in the loss of his aunt, Bessie Tipton.