June 28, 2012 Houston, Texas Janet Sinclair, P. E. Executive Director PODS Association, Inc.

Janet Sinclair, P. E.oilandgasstandards.org/dl_folder/SLC_Forum_28062012... · 2020. 6. 30. · 123&Member&Companies&as&of&December&31,&2011& PODS(Associaon(Industry(Collaboraon

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  • June 28, 2012 Houston, Texas

    Janet Sinclair, P. E. Executive Director PODS Association, Inc.

  • Outline  

    •  What is PODS? •  The Association

    •  The Members

    •  Industry Collaboration •  SLC Points of Intersection

  • What  is  PODS?  

    The PODS Pipeline Data Model is a highly-scalable database architecture Pipeline

    Operators use to integrate lifecycle asset data with geospatial information in a

    vendor-neutral platform.

    PODS is a voluntary standard, collaboratively developed and maintained by pipeline

    industry members.  

  • Usage  of  PODS  

    •  Onshore & Offshore •  Gathering & Transmission

    •  Regulated and Unregulated

    •  Gas & Liquids •  In the U. S. and Internationally

  • “PG&E  had  no  defini/ve  view,  or  a  single  master  source  of  informa/on,  rela/ng  to  each  of  their  pipeline-‐related  assets.  This  informa/on  is  distributed  across  the  organiza/on  in  localized  silos  of  informa/on,  that  are  oBen  unconnected,  poorly  catalogued  with  liDle  referen/al  integrity  between  the  various  collec/ons.”    

    San  Bruno  

  • Data  in  PODS  

  • •  As-Built Pipeline and Equipment Specifications

    •  Taps, Tees, Bends, Fittings, Valves

    •  Meters •  Coatings •  Component Details •  Cathodic Protection

    Facilities •  Compressor Stations

    Data  in  PODS  

  • •  Pump Stations •  Tanks •  Depth of Cover •  Construction Records •  Physical Inspections •  Close Interval Survey •  Soil Conditions •  CP Inspections •  Inline Inspections •  Metal Loss •  Corrosion Readings

    Data  in  PODS  

  • •  MAOP/MOP Rating •  HCA Segments •  Work Orders •  Maintenance •  Repairs •  Replacements •  Relocations •  New Installations •  Asset Ownership •  Links to Documents

    Data  in  PODS  

  • •  ROW Inspections •  Offline Events •  Land Owners •  Boundaries •  Structures •  Above Ground Markers •  Road / Railroad Crossings •  3rd Party Pipeline Crossings •  Utility Crossings •  One Call Tickets •  Surveillance Activities

    Data  in  PODS  

  • Why  use  PODS?  

    •  Comprehensive •  GIS-neutral •  Not proprietary •  Inexpensive

    •  Flexible •  Widely adopted •  Proven •  Supported by an active association and

    user community

  • •  Mapping •  Integrity Management •  Engineering Analysis •  Risk Assessment •  Emergency Planning •  Spill Modeling •  Maintenance Planning •  Data Round-tripping •  Public Awareness  

    Other  Business  Ac:vi:es      Supported  by  PODS  Data  

    •  Hydraulic Modeling •  System Optimization •  Regulatory Reporting •  Business Development •  Strategic Planning •  Tax Accounting •  Pipeline Design and

    Construction •  Training

  • PODS  Associa:on  

    Mission Statement To develop and support open data storage and interchange standards to meet the specific data management needs of the pipeline industry.

    •  PODS Technical Committee began meeting in 1998. •  PODS Association incorporated in 2000. •  PODS became a 501 (C)(6) organization in 2004.

  • PODS  Associa:on  

    Data  Modeling  Team  

    Administra:on  Team  

    Research  &  Development  


    ESRI    Geodatabase  


    Release    Coordinators  

    PODS  Technical  CommiHee  

    PODS  Execu:ve  Director    

    Janet  Sinclair,  P.  E.  

    Ron  Brush  New  Century  SoBware  

    ScoD  Moravec  Eagle  Info.  Mapping  

    Jeff  Allen  Coler  &  


     Rob  Brook    PG  &  E  


    Mike  King  BP  

    President  Paul  Herrmann  Chevron  

    Vice  President  Elizabeth  Ziemer  


    Secretary  Tim  Willms  Boardwalk  

    Treasurer  Kenneth  Greer  CenterPoint  

    Board  TC  Liaison  Dan  Palazzolo  Williams  

    PODS  Board  of  Directors  

     JW  Lucas  

     Enterprise  Products  


  • PODS  Associa:on  

    Government  Agencies  Industry  Associa/ons  

    Service  Providers  

    Pipeline  Operators  

    PODS  Membership  by  Type  123  Member  Companies  as  of  December  31,  2011  

  • PODS  Associa:on  




    Canada  China  

    Colombia   France  

    Germany   Greece   India  Indonesia  

    Kazakhstan  Norway  

    Russia   Turkey  

    Ukraine  United  Arab  Emerates  

    United  Kingdom  

    United  States  

    PODS  Membership  by  Loca/on  123  Member  Companies  as  of  December  31,  2011  

  • PODS  Associa:on  

  • Industry  Collabora:on  

    •  PODS GDM Work Group to assess the value and feasibility of integrating the Gas Distribution Model (originally developed by GTI) into the PODS Data Model.

    •  PODS – IPLOCA Work Group to develop Data Standards for New Construction of Onshore and Offshore Pipelines.

    •  PODS participation in the OGP Work Group to develop an industry guidance document for interface between pipeline data models and the Seabed Survey Data Model (SSDM).

  • SLC  Points  of  Intersec:on  

  • SLC  Points  of  Intersec:on  •  Find the Lowest Common

    Denominator •  Mission •  Focus

    •  Determine Areas of Overlap •  Define the interfaces. •  Clearly communicate this to the industry.

    •  Become more Efficient •  Share resources. •  Leverage existing standards. •  Collaborate on new efforts.

  • Learn  more  about  PODS  

    Janet Sinclair, P. E.

    [email protected] 801-583-1013 866-460-PODS
