Janet McDonald - Service Leadership

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  • 7/27/2019 Janet McDonald - Service Leadership


    Ich Dien

    Service LeadershipAssociate Professor Janet McDonaldSchool of Arts and Communication USQ

  • 7/27/2019 Janet McDonald - Service Leadership


    if you want to build a ship, dontdrum up the people to gather wood,divide the work and give orders[management]. Instead, teach themto yearn for the endless immensity ofthe sea [leadership].

    Antoine de Saint-Exupery,

    20th C French novelist and aviator

  • 7/27/2019 Janet McDonald - Service Leadership


    Harry S Trumango ahead and show me

  • 7/27/2019 Janet McDonald - Service Leadership


    Ich Dien: I Serve/I Show

    Leadership: through serving theclient/organisation, I model manifestthe culture that can transformprojects and people; envision thestory

    Management: let me show you howto serve, investment of others (morethan collaboration) and evangelism

    (creating believers/symphony) Vision: clarity, reality, empathy,

    consistency, innovation, connection,acknowledgement, overcoming low

    expectations, tell the story

  • 7/27/2019 Janet McDonald - Service Leadership


    Seth Godins

    The Icarus Deception, 2012

    Icarus was told not to fly too close the sun, nor too low

    to the sea: the industrial economy has created a

    culture where we are afraid to stand up, stand out,rather, we settle for low expectation.

    The fearless agent of change isnt waiting for a miracle; shes

    building alliances and gaining stepwise support in and

    orderly approach to making the change she seeks (201-202)

  • 7/27/2019 Janet McDonald - Service Leadership


    No Capes Leadership Self-declared leaders rarely lead

    (sometimes they are killed by

    friendly fire); isolate and die

    Leadership: an attitude, not a title, it

    emerges and everyone can do it

    Change agency; not for the faint-hearted (better to be sorry than sad

    you didnt), play it

    Design the process: evaluate during,

    take feedback onboard: strategy,action, evidence, strategy..

    No as a process to yes: rules of

    improvisation - ACCEPT

  • 7/27/2019 Janet McDonald - Service Leadership


    Trust is precious and easily wasted, and guessing is a

    lousy foundation for future progressSeth Godins Blog 16 July 2013 (http://sethgodin.typepad.com/)

    The Industrial Economy:

    Profit, wealth for a few


    Physical labour


    Fear of failure, scarcity

    Dominance, stability,

    command, control,

    conformity, compliance

    The Connection Economy

    Emotional labour: meaning

    between people

    Opening up selves; vulnerability

    Give up control over the


    Abundance of choice,

    knowledge and connection

    Connection begins with dignity:

    humanising service

    Change-able, threshold-seeker

  • 7/27/2019 Janet McDonald - Service Leadership


    6 Senses that increase humanity,

    change-ability, and relationshipsDaniel PinksA Whole New Mind: why right-brainers will

    rule the future (2005)

  • 7/27/2019 Janet McDonald - Service Leadership


    The PhilosopherSit above, sit within: cultural

    recognisanceDiagnose and seek understanding

    Seek out thresholds

    Shut up, go back to strategicbasics:

    What is core business

    What are core actions/behaviours

    Which lines are not crossedPractice benevolence: give it, heal

    it; no quid pro quo

    Its not a democracy, but it is a


  • 7/27/2019 Janet McDonald - Service Leadership


    The Invisible AvengerDesignated driver: invisibly deploy

    strategy, enable othersGive away your ego: make your

    employer/clients the beneficiary

    of your implementations

    Give up control of outcomes: set the

    process so that others can invest

    and own results - get the

    CONNECTIONS right and the rest

    will follow

    Doing the dishes: saying thanks and

    converting goodwill into sustained

    loyalty and benevolence

  • 7/27/2019 Janet McDonald - Service Leadership


    The AlchemistThe converter, the translator of

    potential into goldTransmutations: cultural shift,

    grounding the philosophy intoreality

    Translate change: connect thedisconnected

    Manage up, down, across: preparethe support team (the

    songbook/the story)Factor in lead-up time and

    catastrophes; invent and utiliseconstraints to create focus

  • 7/27/2019 Janet McDonald - Service Leadership


    What if they find out Im a fraud?How can you be found fraudulent if

    you manifest a genuine desire toserve (at the service of others,

    not yourself)?

    Be genuine; admit your mistakes

    and fixes

    Be vulnerable: get it wrong, wear

    it, practice getting it right, get it

    right, tell the story, convert togold!

    Leadership can feel like failure; but

    culture change takes tenacity

    and clarity