Jan 2012 Advocate

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  • 8/3/2019 Jan 2012 Advocate










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    Looking forSuperman?Illinois features one of its many

    supermen, superwomen as

    teacher of the yearpage 3










    NEA RA delegate elections andnomination forms pages 7-15

  • 8/3/2019 Jan 2012 Advocate


    AdvocateIEA Advocate, Volume 8, Issue 3, Jan. 2012. The

    Advocate is published five times annually by the Illinois

    Education Association-NEA. Send correspondence to:

    [email protected] or IEA Department of Communi-

    cations, 100 East Edwards Street, Springfield, IL 62704-

    1999. The IEA-NEAAdvocate(ISSN #1540-482X) is the

    official publication of the Illinois Education Association-

    NEA as a benefit of membership. A non-member sub-

    scription is available at $10 per year. Periodicals postage

    paid at Springfield, IL.

    The Illinois Education Association-

    NEAs mission is to effect excellence

    and equity in public education and to

    be THE advocacy organization for allpublic education employees.

    Cinda KlicknaPresident

    Kathi GriffinVice President

    Al LlorensSecretary-Treasurer

    Audrey SoglinExecutive Director

    Charles McBarronDirector of Communications

    Bob RayMedia Relations Director

    Sarah AntonacciCommunications Specialist

    Mark RitterbuschGraphic Designer

    Denise WardAdministrative Assistant

    Linda RiceSecretary

    Christina WilliamsSecretary

    Postmaster:Send address corrections to Illinois Education Association , attn: membership processing, 100East Edwards, Springfield, IL 62704-1999

    IEA will urge policymakers to spend atleast one day in a school to learn whatgreat things are happening.

    IEA members will attend candidate rec-ommendation meetings, since electing pro-education candidates is the only way toensure the passage of policies that willstrengthen public education.

    IEA members, in even greater numbers,will use their voices and contacts to buildsupport for public education and the unionamong influential groups in their commu-nities such as the local chambers ofcommerce.

    IEA will continue to show leadershipon proposals that will improve educationfor students while working to ensure thatthe men and women working in our

    schools are treated fairly and compensatedaccordingly.

    Let's make this the greatest year everfor our students and ourselves!

    Happy New Year!No doubt the usual res-olutions lose weight,

    exercise more, keep intouch with friends have been made. Hereare some resolutionsfor our organization:

    IEA will continue tofight to make certain that the pension sys-tems remain strong and able to pay thebenefits earned by our members.

    In 2012, IEA will continue to bring it tothe attention of reporters/editorial boardswhen they base stories and editorials onfalse information or assumptions.

    IEA leaders and staff will continue tolobby legislators to enact laws impacting

    education based on what is best for stu-dents, not on ideology.

    IEA will remind those who would takeaway our collective bargaining rights thatunions created the American middle classand they are crucial to our country'sdemocracy.


    The NEA Attorney Referral Program provides

    members with legal advice on personal mat-

    ters. Each eligible member is entitled to two

    30-minute consultation sessions free duringeach membership year.

    And if you need additional legal help, the NEA

    Attorney Referral Program lets you get that

    help at rates below participating attorneys

    usual fees.

    Visit www.ieanea.org login to the mem-

    bers only area to see a full list of partic-

    ipating firms and areas of coverage available

    as a benefit of your IEA membership.

    The NEA Attorney Referral Program

  • 8/3/2019 Jan 2012 Advocate


    Josh Stumpenhorst, the Illinois StateBoard of Educations 2012 Teacher of theYear, has a story like that of many otherteachers.

    As a kid, when people would ask himwhat he wanted to be when he grew up, healways said he wanted to be a teacher. Hebelieves its a calling. He believes he be-came a teacher because he had goodteachers.

    But the way he goes about teaching isanything but traditional.

    Stumpenhorst, Mr. Stump for short,is not the type of teacher who standsin front of the room with a book and lec-tures. Hes not a big fan of homework. Hebelieves in student-driven learning. Heblogs (at Stump The Teacher) and hes afan of twitter.

    His students use a green screen toshoot special effects for videos. Theyvebrought historical characters to life usingmouth-moving software. And, hes apt tostand to the side as his sixth graders holdin-depth discussions about lessons.

    Ive always been of the opinion thatevery kid learns at his own rate. They allhave different talents and skills and tech-nology provides a way to tap into those,said Stumpenhorst, who is also a basket-ball and track coach.

    Look at doctors. If theyre not usingthe most recent technology, the most re-

    cent methods, theyre failing. Teachers arethe same, he said. If youre doing thesame thing in your 29th year of teachingas your first, theres a problem.

    In a recent sixth grade language artsclass at Lincoln Junior High School inNaperville, Stumpenhorst split his classinto two circles, an inner circle and anouter circle. The inner circle had a discus-sion about a story in a literature book. Theouter circle sat with laptops and had a vir-tual discussion simultaneously.

    He makes all the classwork we do fun.Hes not strict at all. He knows how to in-clude a lot of the latest technology, whichmakes it fun, said Cassandra Minter, oneof Stumpenhorsts students.

    Though hes not strict, the students

    seem to behave beautifully.Hes not strict, but hes a nice guy andyou feel a natural urge to get his approvalbecause he seems like someone youd wantto have as a friend. Hes got that good auraaround him, said fellow sixth graderNathan Bryk.

    Stumpenhorst started his blog and histwitter account (@stumpteacher) abouttwo years ago after attending a conferencewhere other successful teachers talkedabout how they were using the technology.

    I figured there must be somethingto it.

    A year or so ago, Stumpenhorst bloggedabout an innovation day that theyd heldat school, a day where students spent thewhole day learning about their passion. Ifit was ballet, they spent the day choreo-graphing a dance. If it was WWII bomberplanes, the day revolved around the topic.

    The idea caught the eye of fellow blog-ger and author Daniel Pink. Pink wroteabout it. After that exposure, Stumpen-horsts blog and twitter account got thou-sands of new followers and he helped

    teachers around the world organize similarinnovation days at their schools.

    At any given time of the day, I could tellyou whats going on in a classroom inFlorida or Australia. If its here, or half wayaround the world, I dont care, as long as

    its helping children.Currently, hes working on a project withthree other US teachers where they aresending eyeglasses around the world. Stu-dents in those countries take the glasses,much like a Flat Stanley project, to their fa-vorite spots and write about why the spotsare special, opening Stumpenhorsts class-room to a whole new set of experiences.

    Jay Pape is Stumpenhorsts friend andfellow track coach. Pape said Stumpen-horsts openness to learn, to reevaluate andto assess what hes doing and to start againif needed set him apart. Its a skill hes

    brought to teaching, training his cowork-ers and to coaching.When he teaches us, he will let us get

    our hands on new technology. He doesntjust lecture us. He gives people in-dependence to figure thingsout on their own, Papesaid. When he coaches,he allows them to try,to fail and to reassess andhe works with everyone ontheir individual strengths.

    Stump, the teacher

    J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 / 3

    Exclusive at


  • 8/3/2019 Jan 2012 Advocate


    As she marched along with more thana thousand students, colleagues, and com-munity members, assistant professorAnita (A.J.) Barrett couldnt see the frontof the line and she couldnt see the back.

    But she could hear the voices of morethan 1,000 supporters and so could theSouthern Illinois University Board ofTrustees, who had gathered privately onthe Carbondale campus. Marchers sur-rounded their meeting place, chanting,Give us back our teachers! or We wanta contract!

    The next day, they got it.After a weeklong strike that began at

    12:01 a.m., Nov. 3, on their 491st day ofwork without a contract, faculty returnedto classrooms on Nov. 9 with a tentativeagreement that fairly acknowledged theirconcerns around educational quality andjob security. Days earlier, three other

    unions, representing non-tenure track fac-ulty, graduate assistants, and civil serviceemployees all had reached agreements aswell, narrowly averting their own strikes.

    I had three thoughts when we got ourlanguage, said Kristi Brownfield, vicepresident of GA United, whose unit cameto a tentative agreement at about midnighton Nov. 3. First was, I want to go to bed!The second thought was, I am really gladI dont have to go on strike. But then thethird thought was, Well, even if my localisnt on strike, were also on the picketline.

    This isnt so much a story about astrike as it is a story of solidarity. Each ofthe four unions, despite their varying in-terests in job-specific issues like distancelearning, shared the same goal as they ap-proached the bargaining table: The qual-ity of education at SIUC. And, even afterthe three unions settled and the faculty as-sociation could not, the four united unionsstayed strong together.

    I woke up the next morning and I waslike, Oh crap. I had to cross their picket

    line to get to my 11 oclock class andI cried when I did it, recalls Barrett, thepresident of the Non-Tenure Track FacultyAssociation, whose members were legally

    mandated to report to work after settlingtheir own contract. (Barrett turned rightaround that day with her journalismstudents, telling them that the picket linewould represent their days reportingassignment!)

    And the four unions never felt alone.Even as SIUC administrators scurried todelete pro-faculty comments from the uni-versitys official Facebook page, savvy stu-dents quickly set up an alternative sitewhere they and their parents couldrepost such things as, I am an alum and Iam proud to have been taught by a faculty

    willing to stand up for quality education.Administrators also claimed that everyclass would go on with replacement edu-cators, but students complained via so-cial media sites that an administrator whowalks into a classroom, takes attendance,and then asks them to sit quietly for thenext hour was hardly an educator.

    For faculty, the big issue was neversalary. They were most concerned with is-sues of educational quality like, for ex-ample, class-size limits in online distance

    education courses. In the end, pushed tonegotiate in good faith by their striking fac-ulty, administrators finally addressedthose issues, said faculty union president

    Randy Hughes. Control over how acourse is delivered is retained by faculty,he said, and, at the same time, those stu-dents will be counted in student-to-facultyratios.

    For graduate students, a big issue washealth care. This fall, Brownfield testifiedto SIUC Board of Trustees that her pre-scribed medication for multiple sclerosiswould cost $1,700 under the terms of thehealth insurance plan provided to her andher classmates by the university. I am nottaking that medication, she told them.

    Now, the new contract requires SIUC to

    comply with Obamas new Affordable CareAct by 2013, and a task force of studentsand GA United representatives will meetwith the university to also consider op-tions around dependent care and out-of-pocket maximum outlays.

    I hope never to have to do this again,said Brownfield. But, she added, It was avery empowering experience, especiallyfor our students.

    Story courtesy of the National EducationAssociation.


    SIUCemployeesunite, fight,

    win supportof students,fair contracts

  • 8/3/2019 Jan 2012 Advocate


    Many school districts across Illi-nois are legitimately struggling toprotect quality education at a

    time of severe financial shortage. But wheninaccurate budget projections unnecessar-ily threaten quality school programs, IEAlocal associations are obligated to takeaction.

    Thats exactly what the Rockford Edu-cation Association (REA) did earlier thisyear.

    Last January, Rockford school officialsannounced that a $41 million budget short-fall would result in massive cuts in theschool system. The lack of adequate fundswould necessitate nine school closings,massive layoffs of teachers and schoolstaff, deep program cuts and total restruc-turing of popular athletic programs.

    With assistance from the IEA ResearchDepartment, REA officials determined thatthe administrations budget projections

    were terribly wrong literally off by tensof millions of dollars. Rockford schoolswere not facing a financial shortfall. In fact,the district had a budget surplus. But howto convince a school board that wasrelying on figures produced by its ownadministration?

    Our district was being devastatedby unnecessary cuts that were hurtingstudents, parents, teachers, support staffand the entire community, said KarenBieschke, the current REA president whowas then serving as vice president of thelocal. The board was being led to believe

    it had a $41 million budget deficit. We knewit wasnt true.Former REA President Molly Phalen

    (now retired) and Bieschke initially arguedthe REAs case that the financial projec-tions were wrong directly with the schoolboard. But that proved ineffective. So theREA took the bold and innovative step ofoffering to pay in full for a complete out-side audit of the school districts finances,an analysis to be conducted by a neutraland professional accounting firm with no

    connection to theschool district or theREA. The associationannounced its offer topay for the audit at apress conference at-tended by a multitudeof local media. Favor-able newspaper edito-rials, positive commen-tary and enthusiasticpublic support for theREAs offer followedsoon thereafter.

    Phalen said getting the board to agree tothe outside accounting firm wasnt easy.

    Though the public was also skeptical of theschool administrations financial projections,the school board was reluctant to have anoutside accounting firm examine schooldistrict projections. But the REA contin-ued to make its case to the community andthe media.

    We argued that this was the only wayto provide the public with truth, trust andtransparency in the financial projections,Phalen said. The REA was willing to payfor every single dime of the professional

    The REA was willing

    to pay for every single

    dime of the professional

    audit. The school districthad nothing at risk except

    some sensitive egos. Thats

    a small price to pay to find

    out the truth, and the com-

    munity recognized it.

    REA President Karen Bieschke holds the independent audit

    report. REA efforts working with an outside accounting firm

    uncovered a much brighter financial picture for Rockford


    J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 / 5

    REA-funded audit bringstruth, trust and transparencyto financial projections

    audit. The school district had nothing atrisk except some sensitive egos. Thats asmall price to pay to find out the truth, andthe community recognized it.

    With public pressure mounting, theschool board soon accepted at least a partof the REAs offer. It authorized a neutralaccounting firm to take a limited look atthe school districts finances, focusing ononly three areas: revenue from state aid,

    corporate personal property replacementtax and benefit expenditures.In late February the accounting firm an-

    nounced its conclusions. The school dis-trict had made more than $22 million inerrors just in the three areas examined. Asthe accounting firm has continued its workin the school district, financial projectionshave gone to a $22 million surplus from a$41 million shortfall.

    As Bieschke explained, the work of theREA in bringing in the outside firm hasntsaved all the schools scheduled for clos-ing or all the school programs, but it has

    uncovered a far brighter financial picturefor Rockford schools.We just couldnt stand by when we

    knew the administrations projections wereso wrong, she said. Our efforts savedquality programs, saved classes and teach-ers for students, and at least helped pre-vent some cuts that otherwise would havebeen even deeper and more hurtful. Iteventually cost the association about$10,000 to do it, but well have a betterschool district to show for it.

  • 8/3/2019 Jan 2012 Advocate


    Briefsspring by Beavers Pond Press, which follows Peter as hisstory continues to evolve in different ways with new twists.The books focus on bullying and Belden Boy is currently be-ing used in her districts fifth grade literacy program. And,she is working on an Ask Peter pilot program where fifthgraders could ask Peter questions about what he would do intheir situation when theyre being bullied. For more informa-tion, go to www.beldenboy.com.

    # Rena Pate of Danville has written a book called, When Do

    Dandelions Become Weeds? A Guide to Teaching ProblemSolving in the Primary Classroom. The book teaches inno-vative ways to work problem solving into the classroom us-ing activities and ideas of high interest to them to encouragemath success. Its available as a paperback or a download atLulu.com.

    # Brian Cox, also of Danville, has written 7 Knights, a present-day thriller that spans the globe and encompassessecret societies, terrorists bent on Global Jihad and amodern Underground Railroad. It is available as a paper-back or e-book on Amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com,tatepublishing.com and other online retailers. Or, go towww.7knights.tateauthor.com for more information.

    IEA Student Program reaches out togive Broadview school a makeover

    Lindop School in Broadview has a whole new look thanks to theIEA Student Program and the 60 volunteers who descended upon the

    school for an extreme makeover.This falls Outreach to Teach, which took place Oct. 8, focused onthe elementary school that was in need of some sprucing up.

    Volunteers painted the interior of the building in its school col-ors, shades of blue and orange, updated the paint on railings and thepavement on the playground and completed a variety of landscap-ing projects outside.

    Members of the student program, the communities, faculty andstaff at the school, IEA retirees and IEA officers all worked togetherto complete the projects so that when students arrived back toschool after the weekend, they arrived to a complete makeover.

    Dedreion Buckner is a fourth grade teacher at her hometownschool.

    I thought this would be a great experience and a way to give

    back to my kids. My students are great and they will be excitedwhen they come out for recess and come down these hallways,she said. Its awesome we have (IEA) students who are willing topitch in and help us out and that theyre volunteering.

    Matt Hiser, vice chairman of the IEA SP, said that working with allthe other volunteers was a special experience, but thatthe project was worth even more to him and otherstudents.

    It shows kids we care. Its not just about mak-ing their school look nice but that we chose thisschool and it makes them feel special. Its been areally great experience to come out here.


    Two IEA members were awarded $5,000 and two others wereawarded $2,000 Learning and Leadership grants from the Na-tional Education Association foundation.

    Laurie Scarpelli andMarianne Rakoczy from Lake Louise Ele-mentary School in Palatine were awarded $5,000 to develop Musicand Digital Storytelling to Support Literacy. They will teach studentsto create digital stories with animation and eBooks applications onthe iPad2. Using a nursery rhyme framework, each digital story willinclude pictures, written text, student-performed piano accompa-niment and sung text. The books will be shared with younger stu-dents to promote greater interest in reading and music.

    Amy Benac of Rockridge CUSD #300 in Reynolds will participatein comprehensive training of the Orton-Gillingham methodology, aresearch based approach to learning what has been proven to ben-efit students who struggle with reading, spelling and writing activ-ities and be able to better help her special education students withtheir reading skills.

    Eric Jones of Bartlett High School in Bartlett will attend the Amer-ican Association for the Advancement of Sciences Project 2061 inWashington. He will then share that information with colleagues inhis school district. And as chair for the science team of the Alliancefor College Readiness, a partnership between Elgin Community Col-lege and 11 local high schools, Jones will develop assessment strate-gies to be shared among the schools.

    IEA Board of Directors endorsesOccupy movement

    The board ofdirectors for the Illinois Education Association is of-ficially on record in support of the Occupy movement.

    The resolution calling for the state's largest education employees'union to endorse the efforts of the Occupy Wall Street move-

    ment was passed on a voice vote during the November meeting ofthe IEA Board of Directors.

    The motion to pass the resolution of support was introduced bySuburban Higher Education representative Beverly Stewart andseconded by NEA Director Terrie Tudor.

    The non-partisan Occupy movement formed during the summer,beginning with the occupation of New Yorks Wall Street district.Since then, there have been Occupy events and demonstrations incities around the nation and the world.

    The Occupy movements goals of eco-nomic equality and justice clearly align withthe goals of IEA and our 131,000 members,said IEA President Cinda Klickna.

    IEA members writing,publishing great works

    Three IEA members are promotingbooks theyve written, one based on his-tory but with modern themes, one on prac-tical classroom advice and one thriller.

    # Pat Harte Naus, author of Belden Boy the Adventures ofPeter McDugal (featured in the spring 2010 Advocate andavailable on Amazon.com), follows up her original historicalfiction book with My Sometimes Pal, being published this

    Exclusive at


  • 8/3/2019 Jan 2012 Advocate


    Theres no time like the present to seriously consider becoming a delegate tothe National Education Association Representative Assembly (NEA RA).

    The most important part of being a member of an association like the Illinois Education As-sociation is the ability to have ones voice heard on a variety of issues that affect the work-ing conditions of school employees and learning environments of students across this nation.

    One of the most effective ways to accomplish this is to become a delegate to the NEA RA.This assembly is one of the largest democratically elected deliberative bodies in the worldwhen it is seated, and the debates on educational issues are a true reflection of what eachmember experiences in his or her community.

    To become a part of such an important, exciting and influential assembly, follow these steps:

    1. Note the deadlines above for submitting required paperwork.

    2. Fill out the required form on page 18 of this issue and send it via certified mail to theIEA before the stated deadline.

    3. Notify your local president, region council chairperson, and any other leaders in yourarea that you are running to be a delegate. Solicit their support and tell them to spread

    the word.

    4. If you are a minority, and we strongly encourage minorities to run, be sure to notify IEA

    minority caucus chairpersons so that they can assist you in gathering votes across the


    5. Make sure you are aware of the issues that are facing us nationally and talk about your

    desire to influence the debate with all IEA members you encounter. Check the IEA

    (www.ieanea.org) and NEA (www.nea.org) websites for issues of importance.

    6. Make sure people in your local know you are running and that they VOTE when the time


    Is it your turn to represent our state?

    IEA SPRINGTIME ELECTION INFORMATIONCentral Section Retiree Council Member:

    Eligibility: All IEA-NEA retired members from Chapters 4, 5, 9, 14, 15, 16, 19,20, 21, 22, 23, 27 and 28 are eligible to participate in the election for this position.

    Nomination: All retired nominees must use the Retired Nomination Form.

    Educational Support Professional Council:

    Vacancies: Member (4 positions 3-year term) and Member (1 position 1-yearterm)

    Eligibility: All IEA-NEA members who are employed as Educational Support Pro-fessionals in a school district and/or combination of school districts are eligibleto participate in the election for the above positions.

    Educational Support Professional Southern/Central Representative/NEA RA StateDelegate:

    Educational Support Professional Southern/Central Alternate/NEA RA SuccessorDelegate:

    Eligibility: All IEA-NEA members in Regions 1-14, 45, 47, 48 and 62 are eligibleto participate in the election for the above position.

    Educational Support Professional Northern/Central Alternate/NEA RA SuccessorDelegate (1-year term):

    Eligibility: All IEA-NEA members in Regions 15-25, 37, 38, 40, 44, 49, 51, 53, 54,

    60, 61, 63, 65 and 66 are eligible to participate in the election for the above position.Educational Support Professional Suburban Alternate/NEA RA Successor Delegate(2-year term):

    Eligibility: All IEA-NEA members in Regions 26-36, 39, 41, 42, 43, 46, 50, 52, 55,56, 57, 58, 59, 64 and 67 are eligible to participate in the election for the aboveposition.

    Higher Education Council:

    Vacancies: Vice-Chairperson/NEA RA Successor Delegate and Member (2positions)

    Eligibility: All IEA-NEA members who are employed in institutions of higher edu-cation are eligible to participate in the election for the above positions.

    Higher Education Northern/Central/Southern Representative/NEA RA State Delegate:

    Higher Education Northern/Central/Southern Alternate/NEA RA Successor Delegate:

    Eligibility: All IEA-NEA members in Regions 1-22, 44, 45, 47, 48, 51, 61 and 62are eligible to participate in the election for the above position.

    Central Ethnic-Minority Representative/NEA RA State Delegate (1 year term):

    Central Ethnic-Minority Alternate/NEA RA Successor Delegate (1 year term):

    Eligibility: All IEA-NEA members in Regions 8, 9, 12-18, 44, 51, 61 and 62 are el-igible to participate in the election for the above position.

    Suburban Ethnic-Minority Representative/NEA RA Delegate:

    Suburban Ethnic-Minority Alternate/NEA RA Successor Delegate:

    Eligibility: All IEA-NEA members in Regions 26-34, 36, 39, 41, 43, 46, 50, 52, 55,56, 57, 58, 59 and 67 are eligible to participate in the election for the above position.


    1. Nominations will be accepted if received in the IEA-NEA president's office byFebruary 22, 2012. These nominations are to be filed by CERTIFIED MAIL.Candidates may state on the form, in 100 characters or less, what their qual-ifications are for the position. (STUDENT DELEGATE NOMINEES MUST USETHE STUDENT DELEGATE NOMINATION FORM AND RETIRED NOMINEES

    MUST USE THE RETIRED NOMINATION FORM.) Note: The 100 characterlimit on statements will be strictly followed. Candidate statements will be mailedwith the ballots.

    2. Sample ballots will be sent out to all candidates and IEA-NEA board membersby March 7, 2012.

    3. Names shall appear on the ballots in order as determined by lot.

    4. Challenges regarding the ballots must be received by March 14, 2012 byCERTIFIED MAIL.

    5. Ballots shall be sent by bulk mail no later than March 28, 2012. They must bereturned to the IEA-NEA Headquarters, 100 East Edwards St., Springfield, IL62704, no later than 11:59 p.m. on April 25, 2012, in the official ballot enve-lope, one ballot per envelope. Ballots received other than in the official ballotenvelope shall be considered spoiled.

    6. Results shall be tallied or certified by the State Elections Committee on April27, 2012 at the IEA-NEA Headquarters Building in Springfield. Candidates shallbe notified of the results by May 4, 2012.


    State Delegate(s) for NEA RA:

    IEA-NEA members who plan to run for election as State Delegates to the 2012 NEARepresentative Assembly, to be held June 30- July 5, 2012 in Washington, D.C. shouldnote the following:

    Eligibility:To be voted on by all members.

    1. Ethnic-Minority members are encouraged to run for these delegate positionsand take an active role in the governance of the organization.

    2. Members eligible to run as local delegates are also encouraged to indicate in-terest, participate in the local nominating process, and seek delegate positionsin local secret-ballot elections.

    Retired Delegate(s) for NEA RA:

    Eligibility:All IEA-NEA retired members are eligible to participate in the above

    election.Nomination:All retired delegate nominees must use the Retired NominationForm.

    Student Delegate(s) for NEA RA:

    Eligibility: All IEA-NEA student members are eligible to participate in the aboveelection.

    Nomination:Only student members who are enrolled for a minimum of twelve(12) semester hours may be nominated. All student delegate nominees mustuse the Student Delegate Nomination Form.

    Council of Retirees:

    Vacancies:Chairperson/NEA RA State Delegate, Vice-Chairperson/NEA RA Suc-cessor Delegate and Member (1 position)

    Eligibility:All IEA-NEA retired members are eligible to participate in the election ofthe above positions. Nomination:All retired nominees must use the RetiredNomination Form. J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 / 7

  • 8/3/2019 Jan 2012 Advocate


    Membership identification number or social security number:

    Region: Address:

    City: State: Zip:

    Home Phone: ( ) School Phone: ( )

    Cell Phone: ( )

    Fax: E-mail:

    K State Delegate to NEA RA

    K ESP Council Member (3 year term)

    K ESP Council Member (1 year term)

    K ESP So./Central Representative

    K ESP So./Central Alternate

    K ESP No./Central Alternate (1 year term)

    K ESP Suburban Alternate (2 year term)

    K Higher Ed. Council Vice-Chairperson

    K Higher Ed. Council Member

    K Higher Ed. No./Cent./So. Representative

    K Higher Ed. No./Cent./So. Alternate

    K Central Ethnic-Minority Representative

    K Central Ethnic-Minority Alternate

    K Suburban Ethnic-Minority Representative

    K Suburban Ethnic-Minority Alternate

    Please type or print your name below exactly as you wish it to appear on the ballot. INCLUDE SPACES AND PUNCTUATION.ONLY ONE CHARACTER PER BOX.



    (This form may be duplicated.)


    Please type or print your candidate statement in the space provided below. ONLY ONE CHARACTER PER BOX. SPACES

    AND PUNCTUATION COUNT AS CHARACTERS. Candidate statements are limited to 100 characters or less. Statements

    must not include an exhortation to vote for the candidate and must be nonpromotional, factual and objective.

    Spring election nomination form(Indicate position sought)

  • 8/3/2019 Jan 2012 Advocate


    Membership identification number or social security number:

    Former Region: Retired Chapter:


    City: State: Zip:

    Home Phone: ( ) Cell Phone: ( )

    Fax: E-mail:

    K Retired Delegate to NEA RA

    K Retiree Council Chairperson

    K Retiree Council Vice-Chairperson

    K Retiree Council Member

    K Central Section Retiree Council Member

    Please type or print your name below exactly as you wish it to appear on the ballot. INCLUDE SPACES AND PUNCTUATION. ONLY


    Please type or print your candidate statement in the space provided below. ONLY ONE CHARACTER PER BOX. SPACES AND

    PUNCTUATION COUNT AS CHARACTERS. Candidate statements are limited to 100 characters or less. Statements must not

    include an exhortation to vote for the candidate and must be nonpromotional, factual and objective.



    (This form may be duplicated.)

    J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 / 9

    Retiree nomination form(Indicate position sought)

  • 8/3/2019 Jan 2012 Advocate


    Please type or print your name below exactly as you wish it to appear on the ballot. INCLUDE SPACES AND PUNCTUATION.ONLY ONE CHARACTER PER BOX.



    1999.(This form may be duplicated.)

    Please type or print your candidate statement in the space provided below. ONLY ONE CHARACTER PER BOX. SPACES

    AND PUNCTUATION COUNT AS CHARACTERS. Candidate statements are limited to 100 characters or less. Statements

    must not include an exhortation to vote for the candidate and must be nonpromotional, factual and objective.

    Membership identification number or social security number:

    Region: Student Chapter:


    City: State: Zip:

    Home Phone: ( ) Cell Phone ( )

    Fax: E-mail:

    Student Signature Name of College/University

    TO BE COMPLETED BY REGISTRARS OFFICE:The above-named student is enrolled for a minimum of 12 semester hours.

    Signature Date and Seal


    NEA RA student delegate nomination form

  • 8/3/2019 Jan 2012 Advocate


    REGION 4 continued REGION 12 continued REGION 16 continued

    REGION 1

    Mail Ballots: 02-28-12Return by: 03-13-12To: PO Box 504, BentonElection: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Carterville IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-20-12Return by: 04-03-12To: PO Box 504, BentonElection: 03-28-12Time: School Hours

    Place: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Carterville IEA Office

    REGION 2

    Mail Ballots: 02-28-12Return by: 03-13-12To: PO Box 203, CartervilleElection: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4:45 pmPlace: Carterville IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-20-12Return by: 04-03-12To: PO Box 203, Carterville

    Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4:45 pmPlace: Carterville IEA Office

    REGION 3

    Mail Ballots: 03-07-12Return by: 03-29-12To: PO Box 6004, EffinghamElection: 03-22-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-29-12Time: 6 pmPlace: Effingham IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 04-10-12Return by: 04-25-12To: PO Box 6004, EffinghamElection: 04-18-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-25-12Time: 6 pmPlace: Effingham IEA Office

    REGION 4

    Mail Ballots: 02-28-12Return by: 03-13-12To: PO Box 301, MascoutahElection: 03-07-12Time: School Hours

    Place: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Schiappas, OFallonRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-20-12Return by: 04-03-12To: PO Box 301, MascoutahElection: 03-28-12Time: School Hours

    Place: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Schiappas, OFallon

    REGION 5

    Mail Ballots: 02-28-12Return by: 03-13-12To: The UPS Store, PMB 243

    17 Junction DriveGlen Carbon, IL 62034

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Edwardsvil le IEA Off iceRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-20-12Return by: 04-03-12To: The UPS Store, PMB 243

    17 Junction DriveGlen Carbon, IL 62034

    Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Edwardsvil le IEA Off ice

    REGION 6

    Mail Ballots: 02-28-12Return by: 03-13-12To: PO Box 973, EdwardsvilleElection: 03-07-12Time: School Hours

    Place: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Edwardsvil le IEA Off iceRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-20-12Return by: 04-03-12To: PO Box 973, EdwardsvilleElection: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Edwardsvil le IEA Off ice

    REGION 7

    Mail Ballots: 03-06-12Return by: 03-21-12To: PO Box 6004, Effingham

    Election: 03-14-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-21-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Effingham IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 04-03-12Return by: 04-18-12To: PO Box 6004, EffinghamElection: 04-11-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-18-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Effingham IEA Office

    Run-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-20-12Return by: 04-03-12To: PO Box 223, RushvilleElection: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-03-12Time: 5:01 pmPlace: Rushville IEA Office

    REGION 13

    Mail Ballots: 02-27-12Return by: 03-12-12To: PO Box 1151, PekinElection: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-13-12Time: 5:30 pmPlace Peoria IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-20-12Return by: 04-03-12To: PO Box 1151, PekinElection: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-04-12Time: 5:30 pmPlace: Peoria IEA Office

    REGION 14

    Mail Ballots: 02-28-12Return by: 03-13-12To: PO Box 62, Normal

    ISU NTT FA (only)Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Bloomington IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-19-12Return by: 04-10-12To: PO Box 62, Normal

    ISU NTT FA (only)Election: 04-04-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-11-12Time: 4 pmPlace Bloomington IEA Office

    REGION 15

    Mail Ballots: 02-28-12Return by: 03-13-12To: PO Box 843, StreatorElection: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 7 pmPlace: IEA RA Run-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-20-12Return by: 04-03-12To: PO Box 843, StreatorElection: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Morris IEA Office

    REGION 16

    Mail Ballots: 02-28-12Return by: 03-13-12To: PO Box 10683, PeoriaElection: 03-07-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-14-12

    Time: 5:30 pm

    Place: Peoria IEA Office

    Run-Off (If Necessary)

    Mail Ballots: 03-20-12

    Return by: 04-03-12

    To: PO Box 10683, Peoria

    Election: 03-28-12Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-04-12

    Time: 5:30 pm

    Place: Peoria IEA Office

    REGION 17

    Mail Ballots: 02-27-12

    Return by: 03-12-12

    To: PO Box 128, Galesburg

    Election: 03-06-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-13-12

    Time: 6 pm

    Place: Hammers General

    Feed Store,

    394-L Plaza, Galesburg

    Run-Off (If Necessary)

    Mail Ballots: 03-19-12

    Return by: 04-02-12

    To: PO Box 128, Galesburg

    Election: 03-27-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-03-12

    Time: 6 pm

    Place: Hammers General

    Feed Store,

    394-L Plaza, Galesburg

    REGION 18

    Election: 03-07-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-13-12

    Time: 4:30 pm

    Place: Moline IEA Office

    Run-Off (If Necessary)

    Election: 03-28-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-04-12

    Time: 4:30 pm

    Place: Moline IEA Office

    REGION 19

    Mail Ballots: 02-28-12

    Return by: 03-13-12

    To: PO Box 1075, Sterling

    Election: 03-07-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-14-12

    Time: 5:15 pm

    Place: Sterling IEA Office

    Run-Off (If Necessary)

    Mail Ballots: 03-20-12

    Return by: 04-03-12

    To: PO Box 1075, Sterling

    Election: 03-28-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-04-12

    Time: 5:15 pm

    Place: Sterling IEA Office

    Local elections for delegates to the2012 National Education Associa-tion Representative Assembly arescheduled in the following regionsas listed. In the event of an emer-gency school closing on the dateof the election, the election willbe conducted on the first day backto school. It might be a good ideato include language to this effecton your election materials.


    REGION 8

    Mail Ballots: 02-28-12Return by: 03-13-12To: PO Box 7586, ChampaignElection: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 5:30 pmPlace: Champaign IEA Office

    Run-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-20-12Return by: 04-03-12To: PO Box 7586, ChampaignElection: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 5:30 pmPlace: Champaign IEA Office

    REGION 9

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 5 pmPlace Champaign IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)

    Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Champaign IEA Office

    REGION 10

    Mail Ballots: 02-24-12Return by: 03-19-12To: PO Box 2241, DecaturElection: 03-14-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-21-12Time: 6 pmPlace Decatur IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-28-12Return by: 04-16-12To: PO Box 2241, DecaturElection: 04-11-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-18-12Time: 6 pmPlace: Decatur IEA Office

    REGION 11

    Election: 03-13-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4:20 pmPlace: L iberty Dr ive IEA Off iceRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 04-10-12

    Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-11-12Time: 4:20 pmPlace: L iberty Dr ive IEA Off ice

    REGION 12

    Mail Ballots: 02-14-12Return by: 03-07-12To: PO Box 223, RushvilleElection: 02-29-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-07-12Time: 5:01 pmPlace: Rushville IEA Office

    J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 / 11

  • 8/3/2019 Jan 2012 Advocate


    REGION 20

    Mail Ballots: 02-28-12Return by: 03-13-12To: PO Box 1075, SterlingElection: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Sterling IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)

    Mail Ballots: 03-20-12Return by: 04-03-12To: PO Box 1075, SterlingElection: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Sterling IEA Office

    REGION 21

    Mail Ballots: 02-27-12Return by: 03-15-12 NoonTo: PO Box 1804, RockfordElection: 03-09-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-15-12Time: 2:30 pm

    Place: Rockford IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-23-12Return by: 04-16-12 NoonTo: PO Box 1804, RockfordElection: 04-11-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-16-12Time: 2:30 pmPlace: Rockford IEA Office

    REGION 22

    Mail Ballots: 02-27-12Return by: 03-12-12To: PO Box 625, RochelleElection: 03-06-12Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-13-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Rockford IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-20-12Return by: 04-03-12To: PO Box 625, RochelleElection: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Rockford IEA Office

    REGION 23

    Mail Ballots: 02-17-12Return by: 03-12-12To: PO Box 147, Cr ystal LakeElection: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-13-12Time: 3:30 pmPlace: Crystal Lake South H .S .Run-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-16-12Return by: 04-10-12To: PO Box 147, Cr ystal LakeElection: 04-04-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-11-12Time: 3:30 pmPlace: Crystal Lake South H .S .

    REGION 24

    Election: 03-06-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-06-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Elgin IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-13-12Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-13-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Elgin IEA Office

    REGION 25

    Election: 03-21-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-21-12Time: 3pm - 5 pmPlace: Westfield/ECCRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 04-05-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-05-12Time: 3 pm - 5 pmPlace: Westfield/ECC

    REGION 26

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Matteson IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Matteson IEA Office

    REGION 27

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School Hours

    Place: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Matteson IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Matteson IEA Office

    REGION 28

    Election: 03-06-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-08-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Matteson IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-20-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-23-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Matteson IEA Office

    REGION 29

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Lombard IEA Office

    Run-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Lombard IEA Office

    REGION 30

    Mail Ballots: 02-24-12

    Return by: 03-10-12To: PO Box 206, Tinley Park Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-12-12Time: 6:30 pmPlace: Via Bella, LaGrange, ILRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-20-12Return by: 04-02-12To: PO Box 206, Tinley Park Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Ideal School, Countryside, IL

    REGION 31

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-12-12Time: 4:30 - 6:30 pmPlace: Lombard IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-02-12Time: 4:30 - 6:30 pmPlace: Lombard IEA Office

    REGION 32

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School Hours

    Place: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4 pmPlace: West Suburban IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-21-12Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-28-12Time: 4 pmPlace: West Suburban IEA Office

    REGION 33

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4:30 pm

    Place: Lombard IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Lombard IEA Office

    REGION 34

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4:15 pm

    Place: Palatine IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4:15 pmPlace: Palatine IEA Office

    REGION 35

    Election: 03-12-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-12-12Time: 3:30 pmPlace: Schaumburg District OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 04-05-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-05-12Time: 3:30 pmPlace: Schaumburg District Office

    REGION 36

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12

    Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Skokie IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Skokie IEA Office

    REGION 37

    Election: 03-23-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-30-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Skokie IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 04-16-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-23-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Skokie IEA Office

    REGION 38

    Election: 03-08-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-15-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Libertyville IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 5 pm

    Place: Libertyville IEA Office

    REGION 39

    Election: 03-06-12Time: School HoursPlace: WorksiteFinal Tally: 03-13-12Time: 5 pmPlace: West Suburban IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-20-12Time: School HoursPlace: WorksiteFinal Tally: 03-22-12Time: 5 pmPlace: West Suburban IEA Office

    E L E C T I O N S F O R D E L E G A T E S T O T H E 2 0 1 2 I E A - N E A R E P R E S E N T AT I V E A S S E M B L Y

    REGION 40

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 5 pmPlace: West Suburban IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-21-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-26-12Time: 5pmPlace: West Suburban IEA Office

    REGION 41

    Election: 03-01-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-07-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: School BuildingsRun-Off (If Necessary)

    Election: 03-14-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-21-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: School Buildings

    REGION 42

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-14-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Palatine IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-04-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Palatine IEA Office

    REGION 43

    Election: 03-07-12

    Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4:30 - 5:30 pmPlace: Home BuildingsRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 04-04-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-11-12Time: 4:30 5:30 pmPlace: Home Buildings

    REGION 44

    Mail Ballots: 02-28-12Return by: 03-13-12To: PO Box 504, BradleyElection: 03-07-12

    Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 8 pmPlace: IEA RARun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-20-12Return by: 04-03-12To: PO Box 504, BradleyElection: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 6 pmPlace: 453 S. Cleveland,


    REGION 29 continued REGION 34 continued


  • 8/3/2019 Jan 2012 Advocate


    REGION 45

    Mail Ballots: 02-28-12Return by: 03-13-12To: PO Box 91, Glen CarbonElection: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Edwardsvil le IEA Offi ceRun-Off (If Necessary)

    Mail Ballots: 03-20-12Return by: 04-03-12To: PO Box 91, Glen CarbonElection: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Edwardsvil le IEA Offi ce

    REGION 46

    Election: 03-01-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-08-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Lombard IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-22-12

    Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-29-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Lombard IEA Office

    REGION 47

    Mail Ballots: 02-28-12Return by: 03-14-12To: PO Box 7063, SpringfieldElection: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4:15 pmPlace: L iberty Dri ve IEA Offi ceRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-20-12Return by: 04-03-12To: PO Box 7063, SpringfieldElection: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4:15 pmPlace: L iberty Dri ve IEA Offi ce

    REGION 48

    Mail Ballots: 02-16-12Return by: 03-06-12To: PO Box 1525, Mt. VernonElection: 03-01-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-07-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Mt. Vernon IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-15-12Return by: 03-29-12To: PO Box 1525, Mt. VernonElection: 03-23-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-30-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Mt. Vernon IEA Office

    REGION 49

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-12-12

    REGION 54

    Mail Ballots: 03-05-12Return by: 03-21-12To: PO Box 469, Cherr y ValleyElection: 03-14-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-21-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Rockford IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 04-16-12Return by: 05-09-12To: PO Box 469, Cherr y ValleyElection: 05-02-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 05-09-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Rockford IEA Office

    REGION 55

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-13-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Matteson IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-28-12Time: School Hours

    Place: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-03-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Matteson IEA Office

    REGION 56

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4pmPlace: Matteson IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Matteson IEA Office

    REGION 57

    Mail Ballots: 02-24-12Return by: 03-12-12To: 900 Ogden Ave.,

    PMB 194,Downers Grove

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-12-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Lombard IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-13-12Return by: 03-28-12To: 900 Ogden Ave.,

    PMB 194,Downers Grove

    Election: 03-21-12

    Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-28-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Lombard IEA Office

    REGION 58

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-13-12Time: 4:15 pmPlace: Lombard IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-28-12Time: School Hours

    Place: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4:15 pmPlace: Lombard IEA Office

    REGION 59

    Mail Ballots: 02-24-12Return by: 03-10-12To: PO Box 1018, LaGrange ParkElection: 03-07-12Time: School Hours

    Place: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-12-12Time: 6:30 pmPlace: Villa Bella, LaGrangeRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-20-12Return by: 04-02-12To: PO Box 1018, LaGrange ParkElection: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Ideal School, Countryside

    REGION 60

    Mail Ballots: 02-22-12Return by: 03-15-12To: PO Box 55, Grayslake, ILElection: 03-09-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-16-12Time: 7 pmPlace: IEA RA Run-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-19-12Return by: 04-04-12To: PO Box 55, Grayslake, ILElection: 03-30-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-05-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Libertyville IEA Office

    REGION 61

    Election: 03-01-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-06-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Plainfield Law Enforcement

    CenterRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-20-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-27-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Plainfield South H.S.

    REGION 62

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-12-12Time: 7 pmPlace: Bloomington IEA Of ficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-04-12Time: 7 pmPlace: Bloomington IEA Of fice

    REGION 63

    Election: 03-02-12Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-08-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Elgin IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Elgin IEA Office

    REGION 64Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: School BuildingsRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: School Buildings

    REGION 65

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School Hours

    Place: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Bednarcik Junior HighRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-21-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-28-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Bednarcik Junior High

    REGION 66

    Mail Ballots: 02-28-12Return by: 03-13-12To: PO Box 7336, Libert yvilleElection: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Libertyville IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-20-12Return by: 04-03-12To: PO Box 7336, Libert yvilleElection: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Libertyville IEA Office

    REGION 67

    Mail Ballots: 02-16-12Return by: 03-05-12To: P.O. Box 246, ChicagoElection: 02-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-06-12Time: 3 pmPlace: Chicago IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-13-12Return by: 03-27-12To: P.O. Box 246, ChicagoElection: 03-21-12Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-28-12Time: 3 pmPlace: Chicago IEA Office

    E L E C T I O N S F O R D E L E G A T ES T O T H E 2 0 1 2 I E A - N E A R E P R E S E N T AT I V E A S S E M B L Y

    REGION 49 continued REGION 63 continuedREGION 58 continued

    Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Libertyville IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)

    Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-02-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Libertyville IEA Office

    REGION 50

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Hubble Middle SchoolRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 04-04-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-11-12Time: 4 pmPlace: West Suburban IEA Office

    REGION 51

    Mail Ballots: 02-28-12Return by: 03-13-12To: PO Box 209, Morris

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Morris IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-20-12Return by: 04-03-12To: PO Box 209, MorrisElection: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Morris IEA Office

    REGION 52

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-14-12Time: 5 pmPlace: West Suburban IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-23-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-30-12Time: 5 pmPlace: West Suburban IEA Office

    REGION 53

    Mail Ballots: 02-28-12Return by: 03-13-12To: PO Box 548, Burlington


    Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Elgin IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-20-12Return by: 04-03-12To: PO Box 548, BurlingtonElection: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Elgin IEA Office

    J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 / 13

  • 8/3/2019 Jan 2012 Advocate


    REGION 7

    Mail Ballots: 03-06-12

    Return by: 03-21-12

    To: PO Box 6004, Effingham

    Election: 03-14-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-21-12

    Time: 4:30 pm

    Place: Effingham IEA Office

    Run-Off (If Necessary)

    Mail Ballots: 04-03-12

    Return by: 04-18-12

    To: PO Box 6004, Effingham

    Election: 04-11-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-18-12

    Time: 4:30 pm

    Place: Effingham IEA Office

    REGION 9

    Election: 03-07-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-14-12

    Time: 5 pm

    Place Champaign IEA Office

    Run-Off (If Necessary)

    Election: 03-28-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-04-12

    Time: 5 pm

    Place: Champaign IEA Office

    REGION 17

    Mail Ballots: 02-27-12

    Return by: 03-12-12

    To: PO Box 128, Galesburg

    Election: 03-06-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-13-12

    Time: 6 pm

    Place: Hammers General

    Feed Store,

    394-L Plaza, Galesburg

    Run-Off (If Necessary)

    Mail Ballots: 03-19-12

    Return by: 04-02-12

    To: PO Box 128, Galesburg

    Election: 03-27-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-03-12

    Time: 6 pm

    Place: Hammers General

    Feed Store,

    394-L Plaza, Galesburg

    REGION 18

    Election: 03-07-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-13-12

    Time: 4:30 pm

    Place: Moline IEA Office

    Run-Off (If Necessary)

    Election: 03-28-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-04-12

    Time: 4:30 pm

    Place: Moline IEA Office

    REGION 19

    Mail Ballots: 02-28-12

    Return by: 03-13-12

    To: PO Box 1075, Sterling

    Election: 03-07-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-14-12Time: 5:15 pm

    Place: Sterling IEA Office

    Run-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-20-12

    Return by: 04-03-12

    To: PO Box 1075, Sterling

    Election: 03-28-12

    Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-04-12

    Time: 5:15 pm

    Place: Sterling IEA Office

    REGION 24

    Election: 03-06-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-06-12Time: 5 pm

    Place: Elgin IEA Office

    Run-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-13-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-13-12

    Time: 5 pmPlace: Elgin IEA Office

    REGION 27

    Election: 03-07-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-14-12

    Time: 4:30 pm

    Place: Matteson IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)

    Election: 03-28-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12

    Time: 4:30 pm

    Place: Matteson IEA Office

    REGION 28

    Election: 04-17-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-19-12

    Time: 4 pm

    Place: Matteson IEA Office

    Run-Off (If Necessary)

    Election: 05-08-12

    Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 05-10-12

    Time: 4 pm

    Place: Matteson IEA Office

    REGION 29

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Lombard IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Lombard IEA Office

    REGION 30

    Mail Ballots: 02-24-12Return by: 03-10-12To: PO Box 206, Tinley Park Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-12-12Time: 6:30 pmPlace: Via Bella, LaGrangeRun-Off (If Necessary)

    Mail Ballots: 03-20-12Return by: 04-02-12To: PO Box 206, Tinley Park Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 5 pmPlace: Ideal School, Countryside

    REGION 31

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-12-12Time: 4:30 6:30 pmPlace: Lombard IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-28-12

    Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-02-12Time: 4:30 6:30 pmPlace: Lombard IEA Office

    REGION 33

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Lombard IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4:30 pm

    Place: Lombard IEA Office

    REGION 34

    Election: 03-07-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-14-12

    Time: 4:15 pm

    Place: Palatine IEA Office

    Run-Off (If Necessary)

    Election: 03-28-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-04-12

    Time: 4:15 pm

    Place: Palatine IEA Office

    REGION 38

    Election: 03-08-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-15-12

    Time: 5 pm

    Place: Libertyville IEA Office

    Run-Off (If Necessary)

    Election: 03-28-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-04-12

    Time: 5 pm

    Place: Libertyville IEA Office

    REGION 41

    Election: 03-01-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-07-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: School BuildingsRun-Off (If Necessary)Election: 03-14-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-21-12Time: 4:30 pmPlace: School Buildings

    REGION 46

    Election: 03-01-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-08-12

    Time: 4:30 pm

    Place: Lombard IEA Office

    Run-Off (If Necessary)

    Election: 03-22-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-29-12

    Time: 4:30 pmPlace: Lombard IEA Office

    REGION 48

    Mail Ballots: 02-16-12

    Return by: 03-06-12

    To: PO Box 1525, Mt. Vernon

    Election: 03-01-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-07-12

    Time: 4:30 pm

    Place: Mt. Vernon IEA Office

    Run-Off (If Necessary)

    Mail Ballots: 03-15-12

    Return by: 03-29-12

    To: PO Box 1525, Mt. Vernon

    Election: 03-23-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-30-12

    Time: 4:30 pm

    Place: Mt. Vernon IEA Office

    REGION 49

    Election: 03-07-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-12-12

    Time: 4:30 pm

    Place: Libertyville IEA Office

    Run-Off (If Necessary)

    Election: 03-28-12

    Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-02-12

    Time: 4:30 pm

    Place: Libertyville IEA Office

    REGION 53

    Mail Ballots: 02-28-12

    Return by: 03-13-12

    To: PO Box 548, Burlington

    Election: 03-07-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings


    REGION 1

    Mail Ballots: 02-28-12Return by: 03-13-12To: PO Box 504, BentonElection: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Carterville IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-20-12Return by: 04-03-12To: PO Box 504, Benton

    Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Carterville IEA Office

    REGION 3

    Mail Ballots: 03-07-12Return by: 03-29-12To: PO Box 6004, EffinghamElection: 03-22-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-29-12Time: 6 pmPlace: Effingham IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 04-10-12

    Return by: 04-25-12To: PO Box 6004, EffinghamElection: 04-18-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-25-12Time: 6 pmPlace: Effingham IEA Office

    REGION 5

    Mail Ballots: 02-28-12

    Return by: 03-13-12

    To: The UPS Store, PMB 243

    17 Junction Drive

    Glen Carbon, IL 62034

    Election: 03-07-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4 pm

    Place: Edwardsville IEA Off ice

    Run-Off (If Necessary)

    Mail Ballots: 03-20-12

    Return by: 04-03-12

    To: The UPS Store, PMB 243

    17 Junction Drive

    Glen Carbon, IL 62034

    Election: 03-28-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Edwardsville IEA Off ice

    The following regional councils

    will be holding elections for:

    Chairperson/NEA RA State Dele-

    gate, Vice-Chairperson/NEA RA

    Successor Delegate and Ethnic-

    Minority Region Council Represen-

    tative. In the event of an emer-

    gency school closing on the

    date of the election, the election

    will be conducted on the first

    day back to school. It might be a

    good idea to include languageto this effect on your election



  • 8/3/2019 Jan 2012 Advocate


    Final Tally: 03-14-12

    Time: 4:30 pm

    Place: Elgin IEA Office

    Run-Off (If Necessary)

    Mail Ballots: 03-20-12

    Return by: 04-03-12

    To: PO Box 548, Burlington

    Election: 03-28-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12

    Time: 4:30 pm

    Place: Elgin IEA Office

    REGION 56

    Election: 03-07-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-14-12Time: 4pmPlace: Matteson IEA OfficeRun-Off (If Necessary)

    Election: 03-28-12Time: School HoursPlace: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 04-04-12Time: 4 pmPlace: Matteson IEA Office

    REGION 57

    Mail Ballots: 02-24-12

    Return by: 03-12-12

    To: 900 Ogden Ave.,PMB 194,

    Downers Grove

    Election: 03-07-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School BuildingsFinal Tally: 03-12-12

    Time: 4:30 pm

    Place: Lombard IEA Office

    Run-Off (If Necessary)

    Mail Ballots: 03-13-12

    Return by: 03-28-12

    To: 900 Ogden Ave.,

    PMB 194,

    Downers Grove

    Election: 03-21-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-28-12

    Time: 4:30 pm

    Place: Lombard IEA Office

    REGION 59Mail Ballots: 02-24-12

    Return by: 03-10-12

    To: PO Box 1018, LaGrange Park

    Election: 03-07-12

    Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-12-12Time: 6:30 pmPlace: Via Bella, LaGrangeRun-Off (If Necessary)Mail Ballots: 03-20-12

    Return by: 04-02-12

    To: PO Box 1018, LaGrange Park

    Election: 03-28-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-04-12

    Time: 5 pm

    Place: Ideal School, Countryside

    REGION 60

    Mail Ballots: 02-22-12Return by: 03-15-12

    To: PO Box 55, Grayslake, IL

    Election: 03-09-12Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-16-12

    Time: 7 pm

    Place: IEA RA

    Run-Off (If Necessary)

    Mail Ballots: 03-19-12

    Return by: 04-04-12

    REGION 57 continuedREGION 56 continued REGION 59 continued REGION 60 continued

    To: PO Box 55, Grayslake, IL

    Election: 03-30-12Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-05-12

    Time: 5 pm

    Place: Libertyville IEA Office

    REGION 63

    Election: 03-02-12

    Time: School HoursPlace: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 03-08-12

    Time: 5 pm

    Place: Elgin IEA Office

    Run-Off (If Necessary)

    Election: 03-28-12

    Time: School Hours

    Place: School Buildings

    Final Tally: 04-04-12

    Time: 5 pm

    Place: Elgin IEA Office


    Statewide discussions regarding the 2012-2013 IEA budget will be held in January. Plan to attend a meet-ing in your area. For specific locations and times, go to www.ieanea.org. This is your opportunity to hearfirsthand the results of the budget survey that was distributed to all members this fall and to offer addi-tional input. A final budget proposal will be presented and voted upon at the 2012 IEA Representative

    Assembly in March. All meetings begin at 6:30 p.m.


    Notification of IEA

    Student Program

    2012-2013 Open





    Political Activist (two positions)

    Public Relations Coordinator

    Elections for these openpositions will take place at the

    Spring Student ProgramConference on Saturday, March31, 2012 in Bloomington. Fordescriptions of the roles andresponsibilities of these openpositions, please review the

    IEA Student Program Bylaws.

    Questions may be directedto Meredith Byers, IEA

    Student Program Director, [email protected] orMichael Ruggless, IEA Student

    Program 2011-2012Chairperson,

    at [email protected]


    Jan. 30, 2012 Bloomington Vickie Mahrt/Brian Booth

    (Monday) Edwardsville Sallie Clark/Anthony Jeffries

    Lombard (Cook Co.) Frank Brooks/Tim Crawford

    Matteson Kevin McCleary/Mike Lamb

    Moline Kelly Everding/Charlie McBarron

    Rockford Cindy Ludden/Oliver Jones

    Rushville Cheryl Horne/Mitch Roth

    Skokie Cathy Borge/Paul Klenck

    Jan. 31, 2012 Decatur Cheryl Horne/Mitch Roth

    (Tuesday) Elgin Scott Moore/Mike Lamb

    Libertyville Al Llorens/Paul Klenck

    Lombard (DuPage Co.) Cathy Borge/Anthony Jeffries

    Mt. Vernon Sallie Clark/Mary Jane Morris

    Sterling Kelly Everding/Charlie McBarron

    West Suburban Cindy Ludden/Tim Crawford

    Feb. 1, 2012 Carterville Sallie Clark/Mary Jane Morris

    (Wednesday) Champaign Vickie Mahrt/Paul Klenck

    Chicago (Higher Ed) Frank Brooks/Oliver Jones

    Effingham Cheryl Horne/Brian Booth

    Morris Kevin McCleary/Mike Lamb

    Palatine Scott Moore/Anthony Jeffries

    Peoria Kelly Everding/Tim Crawford

    Springfield Cinda Klickna/Randy Welch

    Feb. 2, 2012 General Membership Webinar

    (Thursday) Make-up day, if necessary

    J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 / 15

    REGION 53 continued

  • 8/3/2019 Jan 2012 Advocate


    Thats what the IllinoisEducation Associationis striving for. Help usreach our 3-1(g) goal.

    NEA and IEA are committed to achieving eth-nic-minority delegate representation at the NEA Rep-

    resentative Assembly (NEA RA) that is at least equalto the proportion of identified ethnic-minority pop-ulations within the state.

    For Illinois, that adds up to about 36 percent.IEA has consistently sent a delegation to NEA RA

    with strong ethnic minority representation, but shortof the proportion of ethnic minorities in the statespopulation. If 121 additionalmembers who iden-tify as ethnic minorities were elected as delegatesto the annual NEA RA, IEA would reach our goal.

    IEA encourages all members, including eth-nic-minority members, to consider becoming a

    delegate.Members are encouraged to place their names innomination for any or all of the delegate seats listedat right. Members may run both as state and localdelegates. If elected for both seats, you can laterdecide which credentials to claim.

    State nomination procedures

    All members will be notified in the Decem-ber/January ADVOCATE that open nomina-tions will be accepted. Written nominationsmust consist of the name, region, address,section, position sought and must be sent tothe IEA-NEA presidents office by certifiedmail. Members may nominate themselves.Nominees may submit a candidate statementof no more than 100 characters to bemailed out with the ballots. (Statements mustnot include an exhortation to vote for thecandidate and must be non promotional,factual and objective).

    # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

    The 2012 NEA RA will take place in Washington, D.C. June 30-July 5


    An organization thatreflects

    The 2012 NEA RA will take place in Washington, D.C. June 30-July 5

    Send to: Presidents Office,

    IEA-NEA, 100 East Edwards Street,

    Springfield, IL 62704-1999

    Local nomination procedures

    At least six weeks prior to the election date, no-tice of nominations must be distributed in anymanner reasonably calculated to reach all mem-

    bers in time to permit members enough time toinclude the name of the nominee and local,

    the name of the nominator and local, andthe written consent of the nominee. Nomina-tion forms will be received at least three

    weeks prior to the election date.The number of seats will be based on the

    number of members in your local association.IEA recommends that members nominate them-

    selves well before the deadline to rectify any deliv-

    ery problem. See nomination forms for more details.

    16 / Advocate

    Exclusive at
