Jan 13 Herald

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  • 8/13/2019 Jan 13 Herald


    Jan3, 2011

    Volume XXXXIX,No 1

    the Herald

    Inside this issue:

    Lants Lines 2

    Christian Educator 3

    Church Happen-ings


    Annual Congregational Meeting of the church will

    be on Sunday, January 27th following morning

    worship service. The report booklets will be

    available for pick-up on Sunday, January 20th.

    Go forth in joy and

    proclaim to the world

    that you do know Jesus,your Lord and salva-

    tion! Emmanuel. God

    is with us!

    Come to the Stable was presented on Sunday, December 16. 35 children and

    youth (with 3 unable to attend) and 7 adults brought the message of Jesus birthand salvation to the congregation. Thank you to Amanda Davis and AmandaMang for their direction, Amanda Tramel and Jean Shutt for costumes and props,Nancy Cobb Lippens and Julie Haan for music leadership and John Moulton for

    his trumpet fanfares.

  • 8/13/2019 Jan 13 Herald


    Page 2the Herald

    Thanks for the tasty cookiesthe Deacons made.

    John & Leah Ramer

    Thank Yous

    To the church family:

    Thank you so much for the generous Christmas gift.

    We are so grateful for your love and support. Blessings to

    each of you for the new year.

    Lant, Scott, Cheryl, Mark, Jonathan, Alvin, Gayle, Aman-

    da and Sarah

    [Jesus said,] Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock,

    and the door will be opened for you. (Luke 11:9 NRSV)

    Lets reframe that. These are the words that I heard so often in my seminary training. The ideabehind them is that an insight or an activity can take on a different look, depending on the contextin which it is viewed. Just as I am amazed when a piece of art that Amanda has purchased at an artfair comes alive when she replaces its original frame with a nicer one that brings out the qualities ofthe painting, so I am sometimes surprised how reframing experiences or actions can make me see

    them differently.

    As the New Year rolls in, we often joke about our resolutions. For example, I saw a cartoon theother day about a man who was making his resolutions on December 27. His friend congratulatedhim on getting to his resolutions early. Nope, said the man, these are my resolutions for this

    year; maybe I can keep them for several days! In spite of our best intentions, we often find that

    our resolutions have relaxed or disappeared before the year is more than a few weeks old.

    But what would happen if we reframed those resolutions? Same words, but instead of calling

    them resolutions, what if we called them prayers. Suddenly, that puts them in a new light. Forone thing, we are less likely to add trivial things to our lists if we involve God in the list-making.Also, when our resolutions become prayers, we are encouraged to ask first whether they are withinwhat God would want for our lives (Your will be done). Most importantly, when we pray for self-improvement within the will of God, we can be sure that we are not alone in our efforts. The Ho-ly Spirit keeps reminding us of the resolutioneach time we prayand then gives us courage andconfidence that we can do it. God wants each of us to develop and grow in faith, hope, and love.

    Why wouldnt God help us when we resolve to do it?A personal note: I am so deeply grateful for the way each of you contributed to a meaningful Ad-vent and a joyous Christmas in our church. The decorations, the music, the help with buildingmaintenance, the programs with children, the food (!)everything worked together for a worship-ful and happy season. Amanda and I are grateful, too, for your many cards and other expressions ofgood will during the holidays. Our church staff, as always, is moved by your generous Christmas

    gifts. Thank you! And God bless you, one and all.

    Lants Lines

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    Page 3

    Volume XXXXIX,

    CHRISTIAN EDUCATION REPORT Cheryl Moles, Christian EducatorPlease plan to stay after worship for a while on Sunday, January 6 to help unhang the greens.The holiday decorations will be packed away on Epiphany. This job always goes quickly and the helping

    hands are appreciated.

    2012 was The Year of the Bible at Central Presbyterian Church! We are finished!! Congratula-tions to those that read the whole Bible and to those that are still workingdont quit now!. The dis-cussion group for the December readings will be Wednesday, January 2 at 6:45 pm at the

    church. Come with discussion questions and comments!

    Parents Night Out/Kids Night Inis Friday, JANUARY 11. Childcare will be provided from 5:30

    9:00 pm with supper served. Please notify the church office if your child(ren) will be attending.

    Sunday Schoolmeets every Sunday at 9:30 am. There are classes for all ages with child care availa-ble from 9:15 to 11:45 am. Sunday School will not meet on December 30. A new adult class on par-

    enting will begin on January 13.

    Childrens Worshipfor children ages 4 years through 1st grade is held following the Childrens Mo-

    ment time in worship. It is led by Donna Paul-Bonham or Cheryl Moles and meets in room 202.

    T3EM Supper and Childcarewill resume on January 15 and all commissions and committees will be


    The family prayer groupmeets on Mondays at the church. Come at noon for lunch. The sharing of

    joys and concerns begins at 12:30 pm followed by prayer.

    The Lenten Serieswill be on Sundays, Feb. 17 through March 24 from 5:15 to 7:30 pm (supper, wor-ship and classes). Adults will use an excellent book and video by biblical scholar, N. T. Wright, Sur-prised by Hope,that reveals the amazing full scope of what Gods Word has to say about the world tocome and the world that is. Children will be learning Gods Surprises and the youth will have their

    youth group meeting. Childcare will be provided.

  • 8/13/2019 Jan 13 Herald


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    Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m.

    Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.

    Rev. Lant B. Davis, Pastor

    Scott Paul-Bonham, Parish Associate

    Cheryl Moles, Christian Educator

    Sarah Kelsheimer, Church Secretary

    that is also being workedon at her church in Arizo-na. Come on Monday,

    January 7th, to learn moreabout this project. Bring a

    sack lunch.

    Womens Bible Study

    The Womens Bible Study

    will meet on January 22 at10:00 a.m. Unit 5 fromPsalms (Interpretation Bible

    Studies)by Jerome F. D.Creach will be discussed.More information on thelocation will follow in the

    Sunday bulletin.

    Womens Book Club

    The Womens Book Clubwill be taking a winterbreak this month. If youwould like to get ahead onnext months reading, ANurtual Woman by Carole

    King will be discussed.

    Monday Stitchers

    Do you like fun and fellow-ship? The Monday stitch-ers have an opportunityfor you to help on a mis-sion project and join in thefellowship while sewing.Nancy McKee has giventhe group a project calledLittle Dresses for Africa

    Church Happenings

    Central Presbyterian Church

    Next Herald


    Jan. 20, 2013