James Watson Politics

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  • 8/8/2019 James Watson Politics


    James Watson

    Professor Natalia Suit

    Intro to Cultural Anthropology (R50-F10C)

    31 October, 2010

    Politics: A General Overview

    There is probably not a subject on Earth that causes more dispute than the subject

    of politics. (The only other subject that would possibly even be close would be the

    subject of religion.) Everyone has an opinion concerning politics or political systems, and

    it seems that they always feel very strongly about their opinion. Discussions about

    politics can quickly become heated as opposing groups feel absolutely certain that their

    side is right. I was recently in a discussion with my grandma, who was actually reared as

    a Democrat. (She now proudly announces her lack of political affiliation.) She explained

    to me how she used to feel toward Republicans (The sole competition to Democrats in

    the U.S. political system). She actually said, I thought that Republicans werent good

    people. If you were a Republican, you were a bad person. Her statement assuredly

    portrays the dividing potential of differing political ideologies.

    Politics is defined by Farlexs online dictionary as the art or science of

    government or governing, especially the governing of a political entity, such as a nation,

    and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs. In laymans terms,

    politics has to do with how a nation is ran (or governed). With that said, I will discuss

    what I believe is the most important factor of differing political systems--how much or

    how little the government is involved in peoples lives. There are those who favor

    minimal government and then there are those are comfortable with a more involved

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    government. The latter would be referred to as invasive by those who are oppose it. The

    former might be described as loose or irresponsible by those who disagree with it.

    Obviously, a societys particular political system affects its residents greatly. In

    my opinion, if individuals reside in a political system where one leader or group has a

    great amount of control, they typically will not enjoy as many individual rights as

    individuals that live in culture where authority is more spread out. Some political systems

    that are defined by power being held by only a few people (or one group) and where the

    state has great power over the lives of individuals are socialists and communist systems.

    On the other hand, democracies and republics (most likely a mixture) are systems of

    government that are known to spread power throughout their populace and give their

    residents the ability to make most choices (individual liberties). Personally, I strongly

    prefer the spreading of power, thus not allowing it to rest in the hands of only a few. Lord

    Action warned of the danger of only a one (or a few) holding all the power, when he

    stated that Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely (The

    Quotation Page).

    The political system of the Untied States has traditionally been that of

    minimalized government as Americans tend to greatly value individual liberties.

    However, this has little by little changed over the years. When Franklin D. Roosevelt

    become president in 1933, America was in a Great Depression. He attempted to fix the

    problem by creating numerous government work programs. Some feel that his presidency

    was great success, offering moral for discouraged Americans and bringing the United

    States out of depression. However, many of those who favor small government believe

    that it was F.D.R.s presidency that initially opened the socialist can of worms in

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    America. Other presidents also contributed to the growth of Americas government.

    Lyndon B. Johnson and Jimmy Carter did much that enlarged the scope of the U.S.

    welfare system, which, in turn, created a greater dependency on the government. This

    dependency on government seems to create a taste in those who are dependent for an

    even larger government. Recently, the American government has continued to

    mushroom in size as political leaders attempt to be the solution for every problem. Big

    versus small government is an ongoing, intense debate in America as proponents of both

    views feel strongly about their positions. Of course, as is obvious; this is also an ongoing

    universal debate.

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    Works Cited

    Lord Action Quotes. The Quotations Page. 2010. 31 Oct. 2010.


    Politics. The Free Dictionary by Farlex. 2010. 31 Oct. 2010.
