By Charles Ray Harper James Harvey Nuckles born Dec. 12, 1840 on the Bluestone River Mercer Co. WV He also lived at Burks Garden Taze- well Co. VA. In the civil war was a mem- ber of Jenkins Brigade, company A 8th Vir- ginia Calvary, Smyth Dragoons Sgt. Black- smith. With Gen. Albert G. Jenkins till his death in 1864, then with Gen. Tiger John McCauseland was with him when they burned Chambersburg Penn In retaliation for raids by union in the south. James Harvey Nuckles was the son of Elijah Nuckles (1813-1885) and Mary Elizabeth (Polly) Carter (B- 1816) and grandson of John Nuckles Jr. (B- 1775). Son of John Nuckles Sr. (B- 1754). Both he and Jr. died in Tazewell Co. VA son of Thomas Nuckolls (1731-1815). son of William "The Patriot" Nuckolls (1710- 1793). James Harvey Nuckles- joined the confederate Calvary Sept. 1, 1861 at camp Arbuckle VA by Capt. Thompson. Period-till end of war. James Harvey married Emerline Terry (1841-1882), 2nd wife raised children, was the 1st wife's best friend Belle Nip- per (1855- 1914). Emerline was daugh- ter of Thomas terry (1814-1843) and Adeline Carter who died in 1846, lived (Continued on page 2) JAMES HARVEY NUCKLES ABNER PAGE NUCKOLS (Cont from previous Issue) Nuckols, a native of Short Pump in Henrico County said he grew up not far from (retiring Goochland County Supervisor) Earl Henley. He attended Westhampton High School and graduatied from Virginia Poly-technic Institute and State Uni- versity when he was 20. He served during WWII in the US Army and obtained the rank of captain. He moved to hanover Co in 1950 with his wife, Elsie. They have 3 sons, Forest C, Wayne P and Kenneth; a daughter Elaine Nuckols Mallory and seven grandchildren. Nuckols has supported “clean” in- dustry for Hanover and noted that businesses estab- lished in the county during his tenure include Crushed Stone, Kings Dominion, Bear Island and Best Products Co, Inc mail order office in Ashland. He plans to stay active in county affairs through his representation on the Hen- rico Mutual Fire Ins Co, board, the Hanover Advisory Board for United Virginia Bank, and the Hanover County Unit of the Virginia and National Fram Bureau. He also is a dea- con and treasurer at Elon Baptist Church in Hewlitt, where he has been a member since 1951 Special points of inter- est: Odd Occupations Pg 5 Unknown Marriage Connection Pg 7 Cemetery Records Pg 6 James Harvey Nuckles 1,2,3 New Membership 3 Financial Statement 3 Unknown Connections 4 House at Springfield Farm 4 Society Membership 5 Inside this issue: NUCKOLLS NEWS NUCKOLLS WORLDWIDE KINDRED SOCIETY Volume 3 Issue 4 December 2003

JAMES HARVEY NUCKLES - Nuckolls Worldwidenuckollsworldwide.com/newsletters/Images/newsletter - 2003-12.pdf · Ashland. He plans to stay active in county affairs through his representation

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Page 1: JAMES HARVEY NUCKLES - Nuckolls Worldwidenuckollsworldwide.com/newsletters/Images/newsletter - 2003-12.pdf · Ashland. He plans to stay active in county affairs through his representation

By Charles Ray Harper James Harvey Nuckles born Dec. 12, 1840 on the Bluestone River Mercer Co. WV He also lived at Burks Garden Taze-well Co. VA. In the civil war was a mem-ber of Jenkins Brigade, company A 8th Vir-ginia Calvary, Smyth Dragoons Sgt. Black-smith. With Gen. Albert G. Jenkins till his death in 1864, then with Gen. Tiger John McCauseland was with him when they burned Chambersburg Penn In retaliation for raids by union in the south. James Harvey Nuckles was the son of Elijah Nuckles (1813-1885) and Mary Elizabeth (Polly) Carter (B- 1816) and grandson of John Nuckles Jr. (B- 1775). Son of John Nuckles Sr. (B- 1754). Both he and Jr. died in Tazewell Co. VA son of Thomas Nuckolls (1731-1815). son of William "The Patriot" Nuckolls (1710-1793). James Harvey Nuckles- joined the confederate Calvary Sept. 1, 1861 at camp Arbuckle VA by Capt. Thompson. Period-till end of war. James Harvey married Emerline Terry

(1841-1882), 2nd wife raised children, was the 1st wife's best friend Belle Nip-per (1855- 1914). Emerline was daugh-ter of Thomas terry (1814-1843) and Adeline Carter who died in 1846, lived

(Continued on page 2)


ABNER PAGE NUCKOLS (Cont from previous Issue)

Nuckols, a native of Short Pump in Henrico County said he grew up not far from (retiring Goochland County Supervisor) Earl Henley. He attended Westhampton High School and graduatied from Virginia Poly-technic Institute and State Uni-versity when he was 20. He served during WWII in the US Army and obtained the rank of captain. He moved to hanover Co in 1950 with his wife, Elsie. They have 3 sons, Forest C, Wayne P and Kenneth; a daughter Elaine Nuckols Mallory and seven grandchildren. Nuckols has supported “clean” in-dustry for Hanover and noted that businesses estab-

lished in the county during his tenure include Crushed Stone, Kings Dominion, Bear Island and Best Products Co, Inc mail order office in Ashland. He plans to stay active in county affairs through his representation on the Hen-rico Mutual Fire Ins Co, board, the Hanover Advisory Board for United Virginia Bank, and the Hanover County Unit of the Virginia and National Fram Bureau. He also is a dea-con and treasurer at Elon Baptist Church in Hewlitt, where he has been a member since 1951

Special points of inter-est:

• Odd Occupations Pg 5 • Unknown Marriage Connection Pg 7 • Cemetery Records Pg 6

James Harvey Nuckles 1,2,3

New Membership 3

Financial Statement 3

Unknown Connections 4

House at Springfield Farm 4

Society Membership 5

Inside this issue:























Volume 3 Issue 4

December 2003

Page 2: JAMES HARVEY NUCKLES - Nuckolls Worldwidenuckollsworldwide.com/newsletters/Images/newsletter - 2003-12.pdf · Ashland. He plans to stay active in county affairs through his representation

(Continued from page 1) in Tazewell Co. VA. Thomas was son of Rev. war pa-triot Joseph Terry (1769-1859). James Harvey and Emeline's children were- 1- Jo-sephine Alley of KY, 2- Mary Alley of VA, 3- Mrs. An-nie Potter of OH, 4- James H. Jr (H) Grundy VA, 5- John B. Nuckles M Elly Moore, Charleston WV, 6- Charles E. lived Roane Co., 7- George W. killed in line of duty Coeburn VA police sgt., 8- Jetta Emerline 1882-1926 M. WM Balch, 9- William Edward Nuckles 1870-1953 M- Mary Virginia Moore 1877-1957 sister to Ellly Moore. Daughter of Levi Moore 1841-1930 (lived Given, Rockcastle Jackson Co. WV) and Margaret Wolfe 1845-1922. Daughter of Abraham Wolfe 1811-1904 and Emily Boswell 1813-1868. William Ed. Nuckles (1870-1953) founded the Nuckles family of Putnam County WV. He helped found the Barnett chapel and cemetery, on Fishers ridge near Liberty, Putnam County WV. James Harvey Nuckles went out for a bread, and never came back for 4 years after the war. Joining the 8th Calvary Sept. 1, 1861 as a Blacksmith. On the night of Nov. 10, 1861 Jenkins with 700 men made a surprise attack upon the regiment of the 9th WV infantry. Of the 150 men, only those escaped who fled or conceded themselves at the outset and Gen. Albert G. Jenkins cap-tured all their papers rolls, books, etc. Aug. and Sept. of 1862, Gen. Jenkins performed his most brilliant military exploit, a raid into western Vir-ginia and Ohio. Major general William W. Loring sent him out with his orders and 550 cavalrymen, ordered to sweep around the northwest by the Cheat Valley, and destroyed the Baltimore and Ohio railroad and fall upon the rear of the enemy in the Kanawha Valley about Sept. 8. Gen. Jenkins left the salt Sulphur Springs in Mon-roe Co. Aug. 22, 1862. Marched through the Great Sewell settlement of Pocahontas Co., over the mountain, and down the headwaters of Tygarts river valley. He had expected to surprise Beverly, but hearing that it had been heavily reinforced, the General decided not to make the attack. They had a brief encounter with the enemy at Huntsville, where 6 union scouts were cap-tured. They crossed Rich Mountain by a trail leading through 30 miles of wilderness. Gen. Jenkins finally emerged with speed and entered the Buckhannon River valley. Gen. Jenkins 8th Calvary took Buckhannon, where several thousand small arms were took. After taking the town my great great grandfather James Har-vey Nuckles and the rest of the 8th VA Calvary cast

aside their shotguns, and armed themselves with hand-some new rifles and otherwise supplied the units with supplies and horses (fresh ones). They arrived in Wes-ton WVa on August 31, 1862, the 6th West Virginia rest. escaped into the fog, leaving only a few men. They destroyed all the public property and the telegraph of-fice. They captured Glenville on Sept. 1, 1862 and from which he drove the Federal guard with a single round of fire (at Buckhannon they destroyed the remain-der of 5000 stands of arms and ordinance stores, and clothing in large quantities) on Sept. 2, at Spencer court house Roane Co. they surprised and captured colonel J.C. Rathbone and his entire command, the eleventh WV regiment. The General paroled his prisoners and rode on to Ropley W.Va. There he found a defenseless pay-master from whom he took funds to the amount of $5525. Here great great grandfather, searching for mounts came up on the place he settled later, The town of Given Jackson Co W.Va. just outside Ripley, he fell in love with this land. Moving with his men on to Ra-venswood he rested his men there and on the evening of September 4 forded the Ohio River with approx. 200 men (including my g.g. grandpa J.H. Nuckles) he sent the rest to Pt. Pleasant. Gen. Jenkins account- "The ex-citement as we approached the Ohio shores was intense, and their anxiety to be the first of the companies to reach the soil of the invaders all order was lost and it became a race to the shoals. In a short time all were over, and the command reformed on the crest of a gentle eminence and the banners of the southern confederacy floated over the soil of the invaders. As the flag un-furled in the splendors of an evening sun, cheers on cheers rose up from the men, enthusiasm was at a high pitch. We then rode toward Racine Ohio. The people along the road begged for their homes to be spared from the horrors of warfare." The General assured the people that many of his soldiers were homeless and their fami-lies in exile, because of such warfare in VA. But we are not barbarians but a civilized people. The men were amazed at the scattered support they received from the local residents for the southern cause. The southern cavalry arrived in Racine Ohio by 9 in the evening, and captured the town, along with arms, supplies, and a few federal and home guards. The only casualties, was when they shot a deaf and dumb man, who could not hear an order to halt. He died, 2 others wounded. After taking about 25 horses, the Rebels treed to re-cross the Ohio river at Wolf's bar below Racine. A union sympa-thizer may have tried to drown the Confederates by

(Continued on page 3)

Page 2



Page 3: JAMES HARVEY NUCKLES - Nuckolls Worldwidenuckollsworldwide.com/newsletters/Images/newsletter - 2003-12.pdf · Ashland. He plans to stay active in county affairs through his representation


GWEN WILLIAMS 56 Michelle Dr NW, Rainsville, AL 35986 [email protected] Descends from Elizabeth Nuckolls and William Pope. Elizabeth a daughter of Nathaniel Nuckolls and first wife Martha Towler. SANDY WILLIAMS 22 Rock Haven Ct, Galena, MO 65656 [email protected] Descends from Amelia Gwyn Nuckolls d/o Clark Nuckolls and Rosamond Hale. Amelia married Bal-lard Ephraim Ward Wythe Co, VA

BARBARA ANN MOYERS JONES 618 W Texas, Healdton, OK 73438

Her Connection is Anna Belle Nuckols, the daugh-ter of James F Nuckols and Susan F White, grand-daughter of David Knight Nuckols and Philadel-phia Robinson. Anna Belle was born Sept 9, 1869 in Barren Co, KY and died May 10, 1939 in Mar-shall Co, Halsford, OK.. She married George R (pr Riley) Chaney July 31,1887 in Barren Co, KY with consent of her mother. This leads us to believe that her father James died prior to 1887. Barbara can be reached at [email protected]

(Continued from page 2) leading them into deep water. The General crossed the river by steamboat. They then rejoined the rest of the regiment near Pt. Pleasant, ending the day long raid into Ohio. 10 months later Gen. Morgan would lead the sec-ond and final Confederate invasion of Ohio. Gen. Jenkins took pride in treating the citizens with consideration. Gen. Loring pronounced the expedition a great success. They destroyed most of the railroad (B & O) had marched over 500 miles mostly in hostile lines and captured and paroled 300 prisoners of war; a 1000 enemy casualties, reclaimed of 40 thousand square miles of territory for the Confederate government, destruction of many guard Garrisons and the records of Wheeling and federal Gov. seizure and destruction of over 5000 stands of small arms, 1 canon, and lots of stores, and ad-vance of over 20 miles into Ohio, where humane war-fare won many people to the confederacy. On his way back he came through Buffalo and the Hurricane area in Putnam Co. On March 18, 1863 Gen. Jenkins started with a part

of the 8th G.G. grandfather was with him to Hurricane bridge March 27, 1863. He arrogantly ordered the union guard to surrender. A fight of 5 hours came to an end when Gen. Jen-kins withdrew, and on March 30, 1863 surprised the Garrison at Pt. Pleasant although he succeeded in driving the men back into the courthouse, he lacked the equipment to adequately dislodge them. After a few hours Jenkins withdrew and crossed the Kanawha river at Red House Shoals and made there way back to Princeton W.Va. Gen. Albert Jenkins was killed at Dublin May 24, 1864 at Battle of Cloyds Mountain. James Harvey Nuckles was put with the rest of the 8th under Gen. "Tiger" John McCauseland. James Harvey Nuckles was with Gen. McCauseland and the 8th Calvary when they burned Chambersburg PA July 30, 1864. Damages- Yankee list 266 residences and businesses burned 98 barns and stables, 173 miscellaneous structures be-ing burnt. Damages 1,600,000 dollars. James Harvey Nuck-les never was pardoned or surrendered and spent the rest of his life in hiding in Jackson Co. WV. He died a Christian Dec. 2, 1927 on Nuckles farm at Given Jackson Co. WV.

Subscriptions (1/2) 175.00 Photo Web Site 40.00 Office Supply, paper, ink, 229.79 Postage & Death Certs 75.33 Cost of Mini Books 85.10

Total 605.22

BALANCE 12/30/2002 1750.59

DUES 317.00


TOTAL $2,186.24 Less Costs (605.22)BALANCE $1,581.02

Page 3


James Harvey Nuckles (Cont)


Page 4: JAMES HARVEY NUCKLES - Nuckolls Worldwidenuckollsworldwide.com/newsletters/Images/newsletter - 2003-12.pdf · Ashland. He plans to stay active in county affairs through his representation

Today, despite neglect, this hall-parlor style house has retained much of the original wood-work, wainscoting and chair rails on the first floor and still has beautifully carved mantels. The basement and foundations are of Roman style stone masonry and the chimneys feature scored stonework on the exterior. Dr. Davis B Wyatt bought the property from the heirs of Myrtle Gordon in 1980 and he is presently re-storing the house. Reprinted with permission Copywrite 1983 Hanover County Historical So-ciety Wadsworth Publishing Co

The house at Springfield Farm was built around 1825 by William H Nuckols and his wife Eliza S. Cocke Nuckols. It is located on

Route 611 between Rockville and Vontay and originally contained 360 acres, which sloped down to Mill Creek. The will of Eliza Nuckols was probated September 14, 1881 in Hanover County. The ownership of the farm passed to her son, R Julian Nuckols, and wife Ida Belle, and after his death, to his children. This wife, the will stated, had done a fine job managing Springfield and should remain doing so. By November 1900, the property had passed to Mary Olivia Nuckols Hope, wife of T B Hope, through Mary 's father Julian and brother, Cla-rence. Hanover County Will Book Four shows that Mary Hope left the dwelling and 50 acres to her niece, Myrtle Gordon, in 1936.

1900 Henrico Co, Richmond City, Marshall Ward pg 99

Emma J Nuckols, age 50, widow, 7 children, 5 liv

Gilbert E, son, 32, single, VA

C Leroy, son, 23, Single Emma B Rudd, 30, dau, M1x, M2y no ch

Lelsie E Rudd, Son In Law, 30 Martha W Bowles, mother, 74, VA widow, 7/4(ch)

Fitzhugh L Bowles, 34, brother, single, VA

Not able to locate in 1900

1880 Henrico Co, Fairfield, VA –pg321 June 10th

William B Nuckols, 28, VA—Occ Huckster Emma J, wife, 20 VA Gilbert, son, 2 VA

Emma J, dau, 9m born Aug

(LDS indexed this family as Nickols. Census page clearly indicates Nuckols)

1880 Henrico Co, Richmond, VA –pg 321 James M Bowles, 58, VA

Martha W, wife, 44, VA

Lena, dau, 9

Fitzhugh L, son, 4, VA

Page 4




Page 5: JAMES HARVEY NUCKLES - Nuckolls Worldwidenuckollsworldwide.com/newsletters/Images/newsletter - 2003-12.pdf · Ashland. He plans to stay active in county affairs through his representation


David Nuckols– President– [email protected]

Bruce Nuckols—V-Pres—[email protected]

Sandi Koscak—Sec/Treas– [email protected]

Judy Lowe — Board Member—[email protected]

Carol Nuckols– Archivist—[email protected]

Billye Archunde—[email protected]

Carolyn Baker—[email protected]

Reita Childers—[email protected]

Ada-Clark Davis—[email protected]

Bill Davis—[email protected]

Doris Dell—[email protected]

Sue Goforth—[email protected]

Jack Ledbetter—[email protected]

Melinda Lockner — [email protected]

Clarence Nuckols — [email protected]

Hubert Nuckolls — [email protected]

Frank Nuckols — [email protected]

J W Healy — [email protected]

William Nuckols — [email protected]

Suellen Watkins — [email protected]

George Hunsaker — [email protected]

Charles Harper — [email protected] Mark Knuckles — [email protected] Charles Nuckols — [email protected] John Blake — [email protected] Wesley Nuckles — [email protected] Susan Smith — [email protected] Ken Jones — [email protected] Gerald Fisher — [email protected] Grace Underhill — [email protected] Vickie Kruse — [email protected] Mary Stoval — [email protected] April Jeanerette — [email protected] Jerry Stout — [email protected] Jackie Maurer — [email protected] Elsie Koch — [email protected] Kenneth Nuckolls — [email protected] Sandra Nuckolls Church — [email protected] Steven Knuckles — [email protected]

Accumptant—Accountant Almoner—Giver of charity to the needy Amanuensis– Secretary or stenographer Artificer– A soldier mechanic who does repairs-Bailie—Baliff Baxter—Baker Bluestocking—Female Writer Boniface — Keeper of an Inn Brazier — One who works with brass Brewster — Beer Manufacturer Brightsmith — Metal Worker Burgonmaster—Mayor Caulker—One who fills up cracks in ships or windows or seems to make them water tight by using tar or oakum-hemp fiber produced by taking old ropes apart. Chaisemaker — Carriage Maker Chandler—Dealer or trader, one who makes or sells candles; retailer of groceries, ship supplier Chiffonnier — Wig Maker Clark—Clerk C l e r k — C l e r g y m a n ; c l e r i c Clicker—The servant of a salesman who stood at the door to invite customers ; one who received the matter in the galley from the compositors and arranged it in due form ready for printing; one who makes eyelet holes in boots using a machine which clicked. Cohen — Priest Colleir — Coal Miner Colporteur — Peddler of Books Cooper — One who makes or repairs vessels made of staves and hoops sush as casks, bar-rells, tubs, etc. Cordwainer—Shoemaker, originally any leather worker using leather from Cordova in Spain. (Continued next issue)

Page 5


Page 6: JAMES HARVEY NUCKLES - Nuckolls Worldwidenuckollsworldwide.com/newsletters/Images/newsletter - 2003-12.pdf · Ashland. He plans to stay active in county affairs through his representation


BLOUNT COUNTY, TN - Clarks Grove Cemetery

Cora Nuchols Kidd May 27, 1888 Dec. 4, 1958 Agnes Nuchols Mitchell June 22, 1896 May 14, 1972 Andrew Jackson Nuchols July 16, 1856 May.7, 1947 Sophronia E. Steele Nuchols Jan.1, 1857 Jan. 11, 1946

BRADLEY COUNTY, TN Murray Cemetery

LAW, Tom Nuchols b.May 12,1908; d.Mar 13,1963

Chattanooga National Cemetery Chattanooga, Hamilton County, TN

Nuckolls, Erma R, b. 07/10/1893, d. 12/19/1978, Plot: BB 533, bur. 12/20/1978, Nuckolls, Milton F, b. 07/03/1894, d. 10/01/1960, CPL MED DEPT DETACHMENT CARLSTROM FIELD, ARCADIA, FL, Plot: BB 534, bur. 0/04/1960 Nuckolls, Robert William, b. 05/26/1926, d. 01/15/1999, US Army Air Corps, SGT, Res: Chatta-nooga, TN, Plot: DD 0 1330, bur. 01/19/1999


Raines, Eura Mai Nuckolls16 Jun 1896-26 Nov 1913 d/o Mr. & Mrs. R.L. Nuckolls w/o H.D. Raines Raines, Henry McDonald 1886-1941 h/o Eura Mai Nuckolls Raines


Ingram, George T. 10 Oct 1851-4 Oct 1923 h/o Priscilla Nuckolls Ingram m 31 Dec 1879 Ingram, Priscilla Nuckolls 21 Jul 1859-11 Sep 1951 w/o George T. Ingram Nuckolls, Bertha A. Sherwood 20 Aug 1888- 3 Apr 1915 w/o William C. Nuckolls Nuckolls, Hortense 27 Feb 1910- 10 Nov 1981 Nuckolls, Imogene 7 Jan 1917-20 Sep 1935 Nuckolls, Leonard S. 24 Nov 1910-21 Aug 1920 s/o W.C. & Bertha Nuckolls Nuckolls, Louella Burkhead 7 Jan 1886-20 Feb 1971 w/o Luther E. Nuckolls Nuckolls, Luther E. 5 Jan 1885-11 Apr 1940 h/o Louella Burkhead Nuckolls Nuckolls, William C. 9 Apr 1882-19 Nov 1947 h/o Bertha A. Sherwood Nuckolls m 31 Jan 1906

Wesleyanna Cemetery, McMinn County, Tennessee


Page 7: JAMES HARVEY NUCKLES - Nuckolls Worldwidenuckollsworldwide.com/newsletters/Images/newsletter - 2003-12.pdf · Ashland. He plans to stay active in county affairs through his representation

Benefits included in your membership to the Nuckolls Worldwide

Kindred Society

• 4 Newsletters annually

• Password to the secure website with hundreds of family photos

• Discounts on books and Cd’s offered for sale by the Society

• Free research on ANY of your family names. (No need to be

Nuckolls) . Includes census records from 1790 thru 1930. News-

papers, marriages, cemeteries, obituaries, land records, etc.

If you have not joined the discussion list, do it today. Send an email

to [email protected] and put “Subscribe” in sub-

ject line.

903 N Riverside Dr Truth or Consequences, NM 87901


known) Both of these marriages were in Vernon County Nevada.

The only family in the area at this time is John Lewis Nuckolls. John Lewis died in 1917.

Jackson Nuckols may be his son because in the 1900 Census his wife says she has 3 children and all three are living, but only one son is listed in the household. However, Jackson (or Andrew Jackson) Nuckols cannot be found in 1900 1910 or 1920 or 1930

This connection came from Vivian Markley [email protected]

Elizabeth Nuckols mar-ried Robert Brown Ble-vans in Nevada Co, MO. There is only one Nuck-ols family in the area in 1900, and it seems she does not connect. She is found in the 1900 census with her 2 sons. Robert B Blevan b 7/1851, wife Eliza N born 3/1869, MO NC NC md 1 year 2 chil-dren, 2 living. Her two

sons are named as stepsons. William R Knuckles b 9/1892, and Howard H Knuckles 9/1893. They were born in MO, but they dont know where their father was born. A search was made in Missouri for 1880 and no child named Elizabeth age 10. Jackson Nuckols married a sister of Robert Ble-vans named Margaret Ann Blevans.(Date un-


Phone: 505-894-3111 Email: [email protected]


Researching Nuckolls, Nuckols, Knuckles, Nuchols, Nuckles