Jaime V. Ongpin Foundation, Inc. Annual Report FY2014-15

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  • 7/24/2019 Jaime V. Ongpin Foundation, Inc. Annual Report FY2014-15


  • 7/24/2019 Jaime V. Ongpin Foundation, Inc. Annual Report FY2014-15


    Message from the


    Lubo, Kibungan, BenguetPhoto | Carazon P. Sajonas

    This fiscal year marked the start of our 5-year strategic plan effective until 2019. We consistently implementedprograms in the hope that we can make our vision of self-reliant communities a reality. As we close this fiscal year,it is time to look at what we have accomplished during the period.

    ECOLOGICAL ENHANCEMENT.The protection of our natural environment remains to be one of our main prioritiesas we continuously roll out initiatives to sustain our remaining ecological resources to preserve it for futuregenerations.

    Because of our experience in watershed protection, we gained the trust of the USAID for the implementation of ournew project titled, Defending and Protecting the Amburayan River through Good Governance and Active PeoplesOrganization Participation. Funded through our NGO partner Gerry Roxas Foundation, the project capitalizeson collaborative multi-stakeholder efforts to improve the condition of the river. This lead to the organization ofthe Amburayan River Council composed of the local government unit (LGU), indigenous peoples organizations,the business sector, government agencies and academe from three provinces and twelve municipalities in theCordillera Administrative and Ilocos Region. They formalized their commitment to the project and underwentvarious capacity building activities to ensure these goals are attained in the next few years.

    For the Saving Mount Purgatory project, we conducted activities that focused on an information, educationand communication (IEC) campaign and, capacity building activities during the period. The ecotourism andforest management plan was also drafted and is currently being reviewed by the Bokod municipal council. Onceapproved, the plan will become the basis for all implementing actions, strategies and ecotourism guidelines forMount Purgatory. Ecotourism is sought as the key preserving Mount Purgatorys biodiversity.

    We continued to serve the communities in Zambales province with the Building the Capacities of AES Philippines

    Foundation Communities on Sustainable Water System Management project. More than the aim to make waterreach every household is to create awareness among community members on the importance of watershedprotection. The construction of a level 2 intake tank from the water source to communal tap stand in BarangayPinagrealan, Candelaria was completed this year.

    ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT. Anchored on the principle of helping people help themselves, JVOFIs microfinanceprogram allows communities to have access to economic resources so they could enhance their income-generatingactivities. We continued to offer loans, savings and microinsurance services to enterprising women who desire toimprove the quality of their life, thus promoting economic development.

    This year, we partnered with the Melbourne Microfinance Initiative (MMI) for the possible fulfillment of ourexpansion to more rural areas in Benguet and La Union. The partnership will cover the development of a duediligence report to determine potential investment opportunities within the areas as well as the developmentand implementation of a formal recruitment and training program for new JVOFI loan officers. MMI is a studentsociety guided by experts that strives to achieve significant social impact within the University of Melbourne andthe global community

  • 7/24/2019 Jaime V. Ongpin Foundation, Inc. Annual Report FY2014-15


    through the promotion of microfinance.

    As of June 2015, the cumulative amount of loans released by the Foundation since the start of its microfinanceprogram in 2001 was Php 522,036, 249 and its repayment rate was 99.94%. The year end loan portfolio was at Php17,570,321 with repayment rate of 99.87% and past due accounts PAR rate of 2.37%. Active clients totalled 1,852and borrowers 1,541 during the period.

    JVOFI uses the Progress out of Poverty Index (PPI) to measure the social impact of its microfinance program.This internationally accepted tool used in the microfinance industry suggests poverty likelihood based on ten

    (10) indicators: the number of household members and children below 15 years old attending school; the typeof house, cooking fuel, and toilet facility; and the assets owned. A PPI score of zero means that a householdis extremely poor. PPI scores of 572 client respondents for the years 2013 and 2014 showed that 41.43% hadimproved PPI scores; while 42.83% clients had decreased PPI scores and, 15.73% had the same PPI scores. Theincreased PPI scores was due to an increase in assets while decreased PPI scores among clients was mostly due tothe increase in the household members between the ages of 0-14 years.

    SPECIAL PROJECTS.JVOFI continued to implement PMFTCs Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs witha more active partnership since 2008. With PMFTC providing overall direction and the Foundation translatingthese into programs and projects, the company approved nine proposals prepared by the Foundation with a total

    grant of Php 59.91M during the fiscal year.

    The CSR programs primarily aimed to promote development in the communities where the company operatesparticularly in the areas of health, education, environment and livelihood through charitable and non-charitableprojects. It also covered activities that entailed capacitating communities on disaster preparedness and, raisingawareness against child labor.

    During the recently concluded 2015 International Business Awards (IBA), PMFTCs Program for the Poor (PFP),Community Management Fund (CMF) and Child and Community-Based Interventions to Eliminate Child Labor inTobacco (C2C) received the Bronze Stevie Award for the Best Corporate Social Responsibility Programs of the Yearcategory in Asia, Australia and New Zealand. In addition, the Child Labor Prevention and Improving the Lives ofPMFTC farmers in the Ilocos Region and Occidental Mindoro (ALP) project received the Bronze Stevie Award forHealth, Safety & Environment Program of the Year category in Asia, Australia and New Zealand. The awards furthermotivated us to become more dedicated to our mandate.

    NEXT DIRECTION.Next year, we will be implementing new projects that will further broaden the horizons of ourexperience. We are delighted that the World Food Programme (WFP) partnered with JVOFI for another phase ofthe previously implemented project entitled Capacity Building Support to the Government of the Philippines onDisaster Preparedness and Response. This project will allow communities in Benguet to become disaster resilientsince it is the second most disaster prone province in the Philippines.

    The Philippine Tropical Forest Conservation Foundation (PTFCF) also approved our proposal for the third yearimplementation of the Saving Mount Purgatory Project, allowing us to further ensure that protection andconservation efforts will be sustained by our partners in Bokod municipality.

    On the other hand, a new program will be added as one of PMFTCs corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs-- the BRIDGE Scholarship. The project aims to provide financial assistance to poor but deserving students who arewilling to pursue agriculture-related courses in response to the declining workforce and demand of professionalsin the sector.

    Undeniably, we have again accomplished a lot but we gratefully acknowledge that behind every success are our

    donors and partners with their unwavering support. We recognize them for having entrusted to us their projectswhich propelled us to achieve excellence in everything that we could. We hope that we will continue to join forcesin responding to the calls of our communities towards desirable change!

    As we approach our 35th founding anniversary, we remain focused on our goals with enthusiasm and vigor. Thenext year will be a celebration of another milestone, a result of our relentless efforts towards ensuring a legacy ofsustainability for future generations.

    We close the fiscal year by reminding ourselves of that mission set forth by our founder, Jaime Velayo Ongpin whoaptly said, If we pull together as a nation, our dream of prosperity and dignity for every Filipino can be fulfilled.


    Chairperson President

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    Mt. Purgatory, Bokod, BenguetPhoto | Carazon P. Sajonas

    Goal:Enable communities toconserve, develop, and manage

    their ecological resources using newtechnologies and micro-utilities.


    Defending and Protecting the Amburayan River through Good Governance and

    Active Peoples Organization Participation. The Amburayan River flows throughthree Philippine provinces, namely: Benguet, La Union and Ilocos Sur. It is a source oflife for it irrigates the farmers fields and serves as home to various aquatic resourceslike fresh-water fishes, shrimps and algae. Its protection is, thus, vital for sustaining theneeds of future generations.

    One project goal is to designate the river as a Water Quality Management Area(WQMA). This is a strategy to ensure protection of the river by setting in place amanagement structure and having a common plan for the river. First, it entailed a studyin 2015 to determine the current state of the river as a springboard for identifying,through a participatory process, the appropriate measures for protecting it.

    After the signing of the Project Partnership Agreement by the 87 partners, watersampling within the river tributaries was done over a 10-month period starting May

    2015 to February 2016. The collected water samples will be analyzed for chemical andmineral contents. In addition, Community Engagement Tree Planting Activities resultedin the plantation of 13,150 tree seedlings. When fully-grown, these seedlings will helpreplenish the water that flows to Amburayan River and prevent soil erosion.

    Building the Capacities of AESPF Communities on Sustainable Water System

    Management. Water as a basic commodity should be made available in everyhousehold. However, not all communities have access to abundant water supply andsuffer from distressful effects of water shortage.

    AES Philippines Foundation Inc. (APPFI) partnered with JVOFI for improving thequality of life among communities through the provision of community-based watersystems.

    With the desire of the community members to end their plight on water issues, thesuccessful construction of the intake tank in Barangay Pinagraelan in Zambales was theresult of their collective efforts when they did most of the manual labor.

    As narrated by Flynn Ayugat, JVOFI GIS and Visibility Officer, the men carried steelpipes and bags of cement, crossing rushing rivers and steep hills to reach the site. The

    women formed lines and passed stones that would make up the walls of the infrastructure

    and the children helped in any small way they could .

    87partners signed ProjectPartnership AgreementsCreation of Water QualityManagement TechnicalWorking Group

    13,150 seedlingsplanted in 12municipalities

    151partners trainedon developmentof InformationManagement andDecision Support System

    Saving Mount Purgatory.The Saving Mount Purgatory Project was implementedby the Jaime V. Ongpin Foundation with the support of the Philippine Tropical ForestConservation Foundation Inc. (PTFCF). The project aimed to strengthen capacitieson forest governance and ecotourism for a sustained protection, management, and

    conservation of the Mount Purgatory Ecotourism Area.Mount Pulag is popularly known as the gateway to Mount Pulag, the secondhighest mountain in the Philippines. The site is classified as a mossy forest and abreathtaking view of the Benguet Mountains can be seen from its peak. Variousspecies of flora and fauna still thrive on Mount Purgatorys chilly atmosphere.Ecotourism is considered the best strategy to sustain the sites natural wonder.

    For the community and visitors to understand the relationship betweentheir culture and their natural resources, various information, education, andcommunication (IEC) campaigns and, capacity building activities were conducted.This included the distribution of coffee table books and fliers; installation of peaksignages and biodiversity profiles within identified boundaries of Mount Purgatory;conduct of slogan making contest; and conduct of trainings on basic life support,mountain search and rescue, paralegal, and exposure to organic farming and

    homestay practices.With the forged partnership with the Bokod Local Government, a municipal

    ordinance was adopted imposing the collection of fees for the site.

    34ABADEG, MTC members& partners underwent basicfirst aid and basic life support,and mountain search rescue

    training and team buildingactivity. 69participants attended

    IEC on paralegal andenforcement of Nationallaws.

    8slogan signage installedalong barangay roads,school and residentialareas of barangay Karao,Ekip, Poblacion, Pito andBobok- Bisal.

    500 pieces coffee tablebook produced

    1000 brochures produced

    Construction of level2 intake tank andinitial installation ofpipes in BarangayPinagraelan,Zambales

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    Goal:Expand the credit programto assist impoverished households

    improve their incomes.


    Donabel Albino

    Mrs. Donabel Albino is a resident of Tawang, La Trinidad, Benguet. She is married to Mr. SandyAlbino and they are blessed with a daughter (Shanelle). She was in the business of buying andselling vegetables in her own stall for 10 years at La Trinidad Trading Post. She has been a JVOFI-Microfinance client since 2005.

    With an initial loan of Php 5,000 (until she increased it to Php 77,000), she was able to expandher business and managed to buy her family a house and lot.

    She now employs four workers for her enterprise. Aside from these, she extends financial

    assistance to farmers affected by typhoons in order for them to recover for their livelihood.Mrs. Donabel serves as the leader of the Roadside group at the Trading Post.// Written by DanteFrias

    Mr. Jonathan Nathan Samidan is a resident of Atok Trail, Baguio City. He is married to Mrs.Marlyn Samidan, a public school teacher, and they are blessed with three children.

    Bacause it was difficult for his wife to attend loan releases and other microfinance activities;

    she was replaced by her husband in 2006. With an initial loan of Php 5,000 (now Php 79,000),Nathan was able to buy a passenger taxi that he drives it for income. Later, he realized thatthere are other opportunities for transport services so he added one unit for school serviceand another for a van for hire business. He never stopped innovating his business so theyadded water delivery service since potable water is scarce in their area.// Written by Gilbert T.

    Jonathan Samidan

    Client Stories

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    Lagonoy, Camarines SurPhoto | Laurence Patrick Floresca

    Goal:Enhance the capacity of theFoundation to generate resources.


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    Irrigation is a serious concern in the

    municipality of Buguias, Benguet where

    agriculture is the primary source of

    livelihood. This encouraged more than

    fty community members from Barangay

    Natubleng and the Municipality of Buguias

    to participate in the tree planting activity

    held in Natubleng, Buguias, Benguet last

    August 28, 2015.

    Almost 1,000 trees were planted near the

    Lamut creek, a tributary of the Amburayan

    River. This will serve to increase the water

    volume of the river which irrigates many

    agricultural lands in the upstream and


    Through Reforestation and River Protection- Flynn S. Ayugat

    A local farmer balances more than 50kilograms of cabbages while navigatingthe slippery banks of Lamut creek, theprimary source of irrigation in the area.//Flynn S. Ayugat


    Empowering Communities

    in Managing Rural Water


    In many rural areas of Candelaria,

    Zambales, water is a luxury. Families

    who can afford drinking water spend 400to 500 pesos every month buying from

    small purifying stations. This is a heavy

    expense for the underprivileged majority

    in Barangay Pinagrealan and Lauis

    whose incomes are heavily dependent on

    seasonal work. Many have no choice but

    to subsist on the limited tap water which a

    resident describes as yellowish and dirty.

    The local government of Candelaria

    operates a centralized system that provides

    water for all of its barangays, but the water isnot plentiful or clean enough for the needs of

    the households it supplies. AES Philippines

    Power Foundation, Inc. (APPFI) partnered

    with JVOFI in providing a community-based

    water system for barangay Pinagrealan and

    Lauis. This was enthusiastically welcomed

    by the communities who have struggled with

    water shortage for so long.

    The communitys involvement shall ensure

    that this project shall mobilize people

    through their desire to uplift their living

    condition. It shall go beyond the provision

    of a water system by raising awareness on the

    importance of watersheds and protecting the

    Lauis river basin.

    Hopeful BeginningsCandelaria is a rice-growing municipality

    and farming rice is a deeply interdependent

    activity. It takes a community to create

    elaborate irrigation canals and it takes

    cooperation to synchronize the ooding

    of the elds that allow rice to be grown in

    standing water.

    This profoundly ingrained culture of

    cooperative labor was not lost when the

    community came together to construct the

    intake tank which would collect water from

    a mountain spring and take it to the homes

    and families of Barangay Pinagrealan and

    Lauis. The men carried steel pipes and bags

    of cement, crossing rushing rivers and steep

    hills to reach the site. The women formedlines and passed stones that would make

    up the walls of the infrastructure and the

    children helped in any small way they could.

    It was not easy work but the community

    persisted, hopeful in the knowledge that only

    good things will come from their hardship.

    downstream areas.

    The activity is part of a series of tree planting

    activities hosted by JVOFI which aims to

    plant at least 13,000 trees every year for three

    years in the provinces of Benguet, Ilocos Sur

    and La Union. The trees planted will serve

    to reforest Amburayan Rivers watersheds,

    stabilize its riverbanks, lter pollutants and

    reduce ood hazards.

    Protecting and Defending the Amburayan

    River Basin and Watershed through

    Good Governance and Active Peoples

    Participation is a project funded by the

    USAID through the Gerry Roxas Foundation

    ALP 1, C2C contribute to decline in child labor incidence- Ivan P. Layag

    A decrease in the number of child labor

    incidence was recorded based on a survey

    to determine the impact of PMFTC-

    funded projects, ALP 1 and C2C, Summer

    School for 2015.

    ALP 1 stands for Child Labor Prevention

    and Improving the Lives of PMFTC

    farmers in the Ilocos Region and Occidental

    Mindoro and C2C- Child and Community-

    Based Interventions to Eliminate Child

    Labor in Tobacco.

    Both programs benetted 1,300 children

    of tobacco contracted farmers and farm

    workers, 328 of whom served as respondents

    of the survey. They were enrolled in forty-two

    schools covering Ilocos, La Union, Misamis

    Oriental and Occidental Mindoro.

    The survey generally aimed to determine the

    inuence of the implemented projects to the

    involvement of children in tobacco farming.It included questions that will particularly

    ask them of the lessons learned and their

    willingness to participate in tobacco farming.

    Results showed that 294 or 94% of the

    children said that they stopped doing tobacco-

    related farm activities after attending the

    activities of ALP 1 and C2C Summer

    School. The remaining respondents however

    admitted that they remained doing the same

    farm activities.

    In addition, most of the respondents said

    that they are now being discouraged by

    their parents to do tobacco farming tasks.

    Meanwhile, part of other PMFTC projects is

    the conduct of dialogues and communication

    campaigns among tobacco farmers for them

    to become aware of the anti-child laborcampaign.

    ALP 1 and C2C Summer School program

    included learning and developmental

    activities for children of PMFTC farmers and


    - Flynn S. Ayugat

    Community members of Barangay Pinagraelan, Zambales carried needed materials like pipesand bags of cement while crossing rushing rivers and rolling hills before reaching the sitewhere the intake tank will be constructed.//Photo by Corazon P. Sajonas


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    Michelle P. Angwani (10)Project Coordinator

    Lawrence Patrick FlorescaProject Coordinator


    Keren Jae B. CadwisingProject Officer

    Judy Ann M. Cadiao (11)Community Organizer

    Noe N. ParochaCommunity Organizer

    Kaecy P. TanasCommunity OrganizerGeorge U. CastillonCommunity OrganizerCoradyn P. Ateo-anCommunity Organizer


    Marieyah Rovienne A. LaconsayProject Coordinator

    Marian Guille G. RimpilloProject Coordinator


    Lorna B. BagawiProject Officer

    Roger P. CalarananProject Officer

    Kris G. PalupidanProject Coordinator


    Ana Liza M. DaogasProject Officer


    Babble Mae M. Gorio

    Helpline Coordinator


    Cherry C. BalolangPersonnel & Admin. Coordinator

    Evelyn B. DaguioProject Aide

    Teresa KatigbakProject Aide

    Geraldine SongcuanProject Aide

    Susan P. Parocha (4)Project Aide

    Rogelio R. CariasoDriver

    Ray Bryan C. OlesioDriver


    Gilbert T. ImperialBranch Officer, Baguio

    Dante T. FriasBranch Officer, La TrinidadJudith F. Lawagan (5)

    SPM Auditor/Internal AuditorFidel Y. Awas Jr.

    Loan OfficerJayson P. Pascua

    Loan OfficerCezar G. Caluza

    Loan OfficerRyan B. Victorio

    Loan OfficerAmielyn H. Fernandez (6)

    Loan OfficerRomeo P. Garcia

    Loan OfficerIsagani F. Estrada

    Loan Officer

    Cheryl Ann MabliLoan Officer

    Giovanni B. OttoLoan Officer

    Robert C. Cayado Jr.Loan Officer

    Dixon D. DodonLoan Officer



    Lorelie C. AlmandresProject Officer


    Karl Mico D. AlanguiProject Officer

    Corazon C. SajonasProject Officer

    Jeffrey H. Javier (7)Project Officer

    Flynn V. AyugatGIS/ Visibility & Communications Officer

    Sayrha Fe A. GayaCommunity Development Coordinator

    Gian Carl V. Peredo (8)Community Development Coordinator

    Phoebe Ann S. KisimCommunity Development Coordinator

    Claide A. Sukil-apBookkeeper


    Jocelyn Awas (9)Project Officer

    Joan P. BencioProject Officer


    Cherryl L. BalaodanProject Officer


    Maria Rosario R. LopezExecutive Director

    Rhoda Fe. D. BuenavistaProgram Manager, Ecological Enhancement

    Ester C. LiberatoProgram Manager, Special Projects

    Jovilyn C. Alcedo (1)Program Manager, Microfinance

    Lily Ann C. MaranesProgram Manager, MicrofinanceRaul Bonifacio B. Bandonill

    Finance Manager


    Hazel G. Bandas (2)Development Communications Specialist

    Ivan P. LayagDevelopment Communications Specialist


    Cheryl J. AgpadGeneral Accountant

    Anna Melissa A. AntolinTreasury Assistant

    Chester B. WayasProject Accountant

    Elizabeth P. Pascua (3)Bookkeeper

    Emilia B. FriasBookkeeper

    Lorna P. BayanganBookkeeper

    Roxanne PadillaBookkeeper

    Clarisse Mae Gaudia


    (1) resigned effective March 16, 2015

    (2) resigned effective April 30, 2015

    (3) end of contract on April 30, 2015

    (4) resigned effective June 30, 2015

    (5) resigned effective August 11, 2015

    (6) resigned effective August 30, 2015

    (7) resigned effective April 22, 2015

    (8) resigned effective September 11,


    (9) resigned effective May 30, 2015

    (10) resigned effective May 30, 2015

    (11) resigned effective May 15, 2015

    Managers and Staff

    Rey Dean D. Salvosa


    Daniel Z. Urquico


    Corazon S. De La Paz


    Vice- Chairperson

    Ernest C. Leung


    Peter Rey Bautista


    Artemio F. Disini


    Ma. Isabel G. Ongpin

    TrusteeRenato S. Rondez

    Corporate Secretary

    Dennis T. Quinto


    Dennis R.Belmonte

    Trustee** resigned May 15, 2015

    Members of the Board

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    Guided by the principle of holistic development, JVOFI shall helpcommunities build their capacity to uplift their quality of life, throughprograms that preserve ecological integrity & enable access to economicresources.

    The Jaime V. Ongpin Foundation, Inc. was established on 17 December1980 as the corporate social arm of the Benguet Corporation. Originallycalled the Benguet Corp Foundation, its creation was inspired by the lateJaime V. Ongpin, the companys first Filipino president, who envisioned thedevelopment of self-reliant communities.The Foundation was initially tasked to attend to the needs of dependentsof company employees which were not directly related to the Companysbusiness but nonetheless equally important to maintaining a productiveworkforce. The Foundations mandate later extended to the neighboringcommunities to enable them to transform into self-reliant communities thatwould continue to thrive even when the companys mines cease to operate.

    Mr. Ongpin joined the Benguet Corporation in 1962 and became presidentin 1974. He is credited with introducing corporate social responsibility asa major concern from top management down to the ranks. This was laterinstitutionalized when he formed the Foundation in 1980. He joined thecabinet of President Corazon Aquino in 1986 as the Minister of Finance. He

    later returned to private life and a few months after his death in 1987, theBenguet Corp Foundation was renamed in his honor.

    The Foundation became financially independent from the Company in1997 and operates in partnership with local and foreign donors, business,government agencies, other NGOs and peoples organizations. JVOFI is anon-stock, non-profit organization duly registered with the Securities andExchange Commission. It is a certified donee institution until 2017 by thePhilippine Council for NGO Certification and the Bureau of Internal Revenue.The Foundation adopts a Strategic Area Management Approach. Thefollowing core programs are being implemented by the Foundation.

    Enterprise Development Ecological Enhancement Resource Management Internal Capacity Building


    Association of FoundationsMicrofinance Council of the Philippines, Inc.Philippine Council on NGO CertificationPartnership of Philippines Support Service Agencies


    Baguio City Development CouncilBaguio Regreening MovementBenguet Province Development CouncilBenguet Province Environment & Natural ResourceCouncilBenguet Province Peace and Order CouncilCordillera Network of Development NGOs and POsDepartment of Environment and Natural ResourcesDepartment of Social Welfare and DevelopmentIlocos Sur Development CouncilLa Trinidad, Local Development CouncilRegional Cooperative Development Council


    Aboitiz Foundation Inc.

    Benguet LaboratoriesEmbraceDepartment of AgricultureDepartment of Environment and Natural ResourcesDepartment of HealthDepartment of Interior and Local Government

    Department of Public Works and HighwaysDepartment of TourismGerry Roxas Foundation Inc.National Commission on Indigenous PeoplesNational Economic Development AuthorityNational Irrigation AdministationNational Power CorporationNational Water Resources BoardPhilippine Tropical Forest Conservation FoundationUniversal Leaf Philippines, Inc.

    PARTNER ACADEMEBenguet State UniversityDon Mariano Marcos Memorial State UniversityUniversity of BaguioUniversity of the CordillerasUniversity of Northern PhilippinesUniversity of the Philippines- Baguio


    Ambassador Waterworks AssociationAssociation of Bokod Adventure Guides

    Banayoyo Reforestation Tobacco Growers Association, Inc.Barangay Sengngat Ecological SocietyBatasan Tobacco Farmers and Bamboo Growers Assoc.Bayabo Producers CooperativeBeckel Neighborhood Multipurpose CooperativeBitabian Producers Cooperative

    Camanggaan, Barbar, Nagsupotan Farmers CooperativeCorrooy Tobacco Farmers CooperativeG. Del Pilar Reforestation & Tobacco Growers CreditCoop.Galimuyod Farmers & Reforestation Coop.Irisan Community Environmental MultipurposeCooperative, Inc.La Curva, Camburay and San Isidro B amboo GrowersAssoc.La Trinidad Strawberry Multipurpose CooperativeLidlidda Reforestation Tobacco Farmers Association,Inc.Magbay, Bayotbot and Mabini Bamboo Growers Assoc.Manoot Farmers Marketing Coop.Murtha Tobacco and Bamboo Growers AssociationNorthern La Union Tobacco Farmers Association, I nc.Pilar Reforestation & Tobacco Farmers Credit Coop.Pitogo, Aguas, Rizal, Malawaan Farmers Coop.Poblacion Atok Community OrganizationSan Emilio MultiPurpose CooperativeSan Emilio Reforestation & Tobacco Growers CreditCoop.

    Sta.Cruz Reforestation Tobacco Growers Association,Inc.San Manuel Producers CooperativeSinamar Producers CooperativeTamac Reforestation & Tobacco Farmers Credit Coop.

    VisionResilient communities nurturing their environmental capital, harnessingtheir spirit of cooperation and enterprise and helping alleviate poverty--ensuring a legacy of sustainability for future generations.

    1: Programs

    a. Enterprise Development

    Goal: Expand the credit program to assist impoverished householdsimprove their incomes.

    b. Ecological EnhancementGoal: Enable communities to conserve, develop, and manage theirecological resources using new technologies and micro-utilities.

    2: Resource MobilizationGoal: Strengthen the capacity of the Foundation to generate and track


    3: Staff Retention & Board Succession

    Goal: Develop stable, highly qualified and motivated workforce thatactively delivers the organizations mandate.

    4: Communication

    Goal: Promote information and communication exchange among JVOFI& its stakeholders to achieve positive impact of programs as well as meetthe Foundations goals and objectives.






    Key Result Areas


    National & International Affiliations

  • 7/24/2019 Jaime V. Ongpin Foundation, Inc. Annual Report FY2014-15


    JVOFI Project SitesDonors

    PMFTC Inc.

    AES Philippines Foundation Inc.

    Philippine Tropical ForestConservation Foundation


    Telephone:446-2843; Telefax:424 5090

    Mobile Nos: +639209175293; +63917860950;

    Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

    Website: www jvofi org

    Jaime V. Ongpin Foundation Inc.

    Find us at:288 Lower East Kennon Road, Camp 7, Baguio, City, Philippines