! ;i H vc i." " t ",r Hi TAKIKF ItEVISION. Synopsis of llio Senate Sulistl-Inl- for (ho Mills 1IIII. Totnl Reduction Futlmatod by tho Commlttoo, $75,000,000. Sujar, $27,759,000; Fres List, $6,500,000; Tobacco, $24,500,000; Alcohol In ths Arts, $7,000,000; Olher Re- - ductlont In Ihs Cuttoms, $8,000,000. r p n or tub mtu WAniVGTo -- Tho SfinMo Finance fVmimllU'e't substitute furlbe MitU tariff bill i mtKHllr an ontlra revision of Urn tariff sche- dules and tbs administrative feature of tbe present law, rropoJl the rccs-ctn.c- at of all sneh features as in tbe oylatim uf tu majority of Iht committee ought no! to br changed Tlit foLowfntfftjnopMcoiitAiut .ill the changes, as compared with the present la, tbe retrsby the law bolnj jlvcn la nirerdkcset, ltb (except when the article is not cnu. ru rated In existing law), The following are the additions to the free Hit t Acorns r diwd or utd uM. II try in, sulphate of. or btrytcsunmvmin turod. Itees v. flock and pamphlets, pnntM exclusiv- ely In lanuarca olbcr than KnglMi, llranls, plan flit, laces, etc., for ornamenting hats. ItrHUci, nw or manufactured, Ilulb or bulbous rootsnot edible, Chlckory root, raw. dried or nmlrlcd, but unprouniL Goal stuck or cu m. Owl tar, crude Curling stono handle Our runt. Zunte or other dried, Dandelion roots, raw, dried or undried, but unground Eggs and yolk. Feathers and downs of all kind, crudo andunrnflnufacluiTiL Jute. Juto butts. Msn-111- Uimlc &iM cnu, Sunn. All oVr textile Brasses or fibrous, eubttane-cs- , unmanu tne lured o undressed. Fro- - matting, known a Chinese matting. Oreao nnl oils such ai a- -i commonly mod tu ojp making or mine drawing, etc. Hiimitn hn(r. raw, uncirar.ed nnd not drawn. Mineral waters, not specially cnu merated Moiastcs, testing not abve flfty-sl- decrees. Olive oL for manufacturing or mo. lhanlral purpose Vut oil, or till a ts, Otura, crj Jo or unmanufactured, fur smoieirui. I'otash, cruda carbonate. Potash, caustic or hydrate. Potash, nitrate of. or saltpeter. Pot oh, sulphato of, IV t ash, chlorate of. Rags all not enumerated, llomp ecf. Rape seed. Sponges. 8 nd. Tar and piuh of wood. Tur-pe- n tin". Fresh fish romnln on the free list, but with the following Important rcenntion 'Kxcept vhufroroaor picked In Ice or other lie, rrc-pr- td ly any process for preservation." Fish rmcred by ibis except on arc clnted with oiber fori'tffn caught preacrved fish at one-hal- f rent a pounJ, In the prcacnt law 1 MIItDVLB AND NANCrACTCnES Or (Thn classification o! wool 1 tlial of ths pres nt law Wools of iho first nnd icond class and all bnlrof the alpaca coat and other like animals, 11 cent per pound (I'HoSOc.) Wools of the third class, exceeding In va'uc tels cnl per pound, cetits pr jtound, (It TopsluUnff and all other aitc. composed holly or u prt of wool or worsted, llcrnts per pound. All wools and hair vt tic alpaca, goat or other anlmils, h'chlivo lren rdianccd by nn process of manufacture beyond the washed or scouretl not otherwise enumerated or prorided for Iti this act, shall bo subject H the sonndulip ns are fmposetl upon m mufacturrs of woil not epcelally enuniTatcd or provided for In this DC. Woolen cloths, shatv'a and all manu fac- te its of wool not cnunicr-U- d valued at not exceeding 0 cents p?r pound. Si cents per pound, nnd in addltf jn thereto 2i per cent ad Yntorcm, (VL cents t!t!a 35 nnd 40 per cent) A bore 40 cents and not excedlnc CO cents per pound, B centa pr pound and 40 per cent, ad vn'orcm fttand 40centsand.tSand40per cent.) AlKtto CO cents per pound, 0 cents per pound and 40 per rent, nd valorem Flannels, bl.nn-kc- bals. etc , mined at abore CI cnts per pttund Wcrnls per pound nnd 10 irccnt ad m'orom (i cnts and 35 per cent, and 35 cents and 40 per cnt ) Women's and chil- dren's dress Roods, Itallsn cloths, ete , tnido pnrt of wool nnd valaed at sot 15 cents per square yard, 8 cents persq'iare yard, 40 rr cent ad vAlwrem t5 c nts itod per ernt), eontatnln; an admix turc of kllU nnd In wh ch (Ilk Is not tho cutiipo-taei-.t material of chief talue. and not otherwise provided, 11 cents per squaro yard, and In thereto 40 per centum ad valorem (5 cents and 35 per cnt and 7 cents and 4J per cent , to rn'ue ) Provided that ull goods of the character enumerated or desenbed In this parjrij, clcthy: CTCT fiur Oi.i.vr tr square yard, shall par a duty of 4) cents per Ioundan140pcrcent. ad valorem (Scents and 4) per cent.) Woman's and children's dress roods, Italian c'o'hs ond composed wholly of wool, lie per square yard and 4Q per cent, ad vslorem rioe nnd'5 percent) All such jftxnK with selv j,es made wholly or la part of other rnnterlnls, nnd atlsucb roods In which threads made wholly or In part of ovher material hare liven Introduce 1 for the purpose of chaag In Un classification for duty, lie per iqaaro jard 40 pr centum alvalorem (e and 40 per cant) Provided, that a'l such good w rlhJnir over four ounces per square yard shall piy a duty of 40c per pound and 4) per fr.nL ad Yiilorrm Clothing ready mado not rnumer ate.V all ds made cc knitting frames and all pile fabrics, composed wholly or In part of woo', juaduup cr menufactxred wholly or In pirt,40c psrpouolanJ 45 per cent, ad valorem HOud35por cent,) Cloaks, dolmans, Jsckets. tc , oictpl knUwils fcomK)sea wnollyorln pi.lo? wool, mad up wholly or In part) i3e wr pound aj.d 45 jtcr cent ad ralor-- n (15c and 4i jor nt ) Krd'ess blts or felt for paper or rruillug mhtne. 20-p-er roinl and 80per tent i- -l aWem iH and 5 per cent. ) cnrmu.EK-srGA- n, All ii3r not abovo thirteen Dutca standard Inm'or 1nk lottoms syrups of enne jnlce or f e i ce ruclada, concentrated mclada, frcn 'i rorcentrnted molnie testing by polnri- - nnt alove 5deg, per round iiw luivn no ior every addlttLnal degree fbown tiy iviiirlsroiie, additlornl nw 4'rtc) A'UU'sm alntenTneei!rtepn and tut iN)Ten'ribrixteen ISc (now3T5I0c) A'l supers cb ve number lxtecn, andnot above l.u nbe twenty ISffnowV AUuicanalioi nurclr twenty Se (nofra'te). MaIa. lect- in aNtre rc dg , 4o po gallon (now V) S'igir Cindy and all confectionery. Jnc'iilfng rhoco IVe c nfcct.o ior madv wholly or In part of r va eU t JJ. or lc a pound and on t uars nfier Wing n fired when tint'und, colored or In anT way adulterated 5e per pound (nowSo nrdl(V Olieoscor grapo sugar, !ic (?) per ct'i l (hi va'orem). UEVENCE. The I itoriiJrcunue section, so fir at It re Utcatc tcbzx a prutidrs Uiai after the 1st of l'ubrunry, JHcc;, manufacturer, yt c'rirs shall pay ft srrei d tax of threo dol'nrs annually. The tax on ull cigars, cheroou, nnd all cigarettes v v lyhing mor j thau throo jo jnA rMr tbsssnd, wflch siiall lo raanufactu-cJorsol- d aiter'that diti sha'lbeflMpcrtUu.id. and on cigar-tt- welsh.cg less than three pounds w the thousand fifty cents psr thousand, and said tax slutllbopaid by thomanuf-cture- r It rcnoals all laws rotrfc Ing the disposition of tobicco by farmars and and all laws Imwjsint? 'mpi un ana snuff, ftnd special tUCirceulivdbrlaMrtfthonAMh inaqurnvtunn of tod Uoairr In leaf tobacco, tvsnU ur.Vr n Wl Wbreoi d,Uti In romn- - t.cUiTGd UbttCCQ. snuff and ck'nn. nw.MUr. ,. t bare), luuff utiu cigars, anl manufacturers of suutf It provides for a on n I original and unbroken packages 1m M by manufacturers nr dealers at ti'o llniv tin repeal go Into of! jt (1st I'ebru-srvthrt- It nlto ietcal all .awsiiwltiug. re- st I'tinyorngaKllngthernindiacture, salo or oftobaccoor spuff A'cnlml lobe used In tho industrial arts Is rtll vclfro.u tho payment or on internal prnvlslun Is made for bonded alco-l- warthouse. nnd saftiruards aio provided (igninst fraud, Ttcro pro'ilblt'on against the use or any dtl tel spirits upon which the Internal reenuo tns has not I ceii pnMhnhc manufacture of tinrlurta propr clary articles wines, liquors crllals, titter or other olcolcl c compounds v li.cli are uve 1 or sold as beverages. raiLnuiic In l)lnT and collecting the duty on Iron oro rn ded action shall le made from tho weight of th rro on account of moisture which may bo chemirsliy nr physically tn nblucd therewith. Uouitd nnd square (ton not less than three fitarter-lnch- , nine tenths cent pr pound (now oie cenlt Hat les thin one inch wide or !etmn tbree-eighil- n Inch thick j round iron, I' lhan tlircr-quarl- Inch nnd not less lhan seen sixteenth inch In diameter, and square Iron less than three-quarte- r Inch square, one cent (row 1 1 10 cent). Round Iron in coils and roJslss than seven sixteenth of an inch r, and bars or shapes of rolled iron not seiiiUly enumerated, 1 1 10 cent (now 1 210 cint). Cast-iro- pipe nine-tent- cent (now one cent) Cast Iron vessels, plates, hand Irons, tad irons, etc., not speclallyenumeratcd, 1 2 Mc per piund (nowise). Castings of malleable Iron uncnumerated, IVe (1100, lion or steel anchors, wrought iron for ships, forging of lrrn and strel weighing C5 pounds or more, 1 f lOo (now 2c)j axles, it (now V'Jci. blark-smltb- hammers, 3140 (now ff'iei. beams pinlers uud building forms, V 1 JOc (now P4cj lolieror other plate Irou or steel, cxiept lue plat(s, not thinner than No. ID wj patio vsluidat 2o per i)und rr les. le er pound, alovf '4eand not abotoSc, I 10o;ntHtu3curid HI vboe4r, above found not .Ukjvoic, tc lftjre?e and not abuvr Mu 1 MOc, alote l'e nl not tibove lie, Vio above He 41 per svut id vUnm (uw all IMc)( provtdsd, thst all plate Iron or steel thlpitfr than No. 10 wire gauge shall pay duty as iron or stee! plates, llnller and other tubes, 8W P runJ (now 3? andUe). Holts, Sc (ne li ' CbiV,5S less than three fourths Inch 'nuiametef, lBJwj between thre9fourthsandtsrfeeifcins,l(nci lessthan three plghlhs, 8c now e. c and 2Sc) rorglngsoflronanlil' fpccially enumerate t, 8 3 10c (nowi'i IIeporband Iron between Nos. 10 andW 1W per Pjund (now 1 1 l0c)t thinner that N w lZlPf (now 1 (ProvldcU that band Iron or iImi t(A iti.n n.. a- - ...n, in a more tnan the duty imposed on the hocpfr in which It is made. Nails-C- ut lo rer pouni (now IU' nails longer than iwro Inehei lnd Tluc J0; ' Tc per iound (now4c)i ltenone two liiihea, S,c (now 4c), Ilailwsl r r ilron an.d stcol, and made In part vt Iron and ' toe rails and punchod iron u" tk flft rail, T MOc per pound (now rsriin from II per ton to JllOe per pound Railway flsh plate, leperpo dmowisei; sheet iron or stol thinner than N 'A PW per pound (now 50 por cent. adva.oretn spikes, nuts, washers and horse she , 1 10e per pound (now tc) j cogged ingots, b.oomi and blanks for wheels, lc (nowKe). Thcctatsincatlnnof w!e.m changed as follows: A duty of MOc per pv isimiosed on all slies not smaller than Kw C a"J valued at 3c or less per pound, and on iv ' or atetl, flat, with ribs for fencing, value J st So or less. On allsliesof Iron and steel wrs the duty i re- duced o per pound, execjt i re It Is smaller than Na C, where the duty u unchanged. It Is also provided that wire vnlurJ wore than lOo a pound shall pay a duty of n t Jess than 45 per cent, ad valorem. Files between 0 and 14 InchM, II t)perdoien; over 14 Inches, ti (now 91 SO snd U In steel Ingot, blooms In Habs bands, saw plates, plates, shafts, mold) at d nuttngs, the classincallon which now ber at values of 4c per pound, with duties rangirt from45ier cent, ad valorem to 3Uc per pound is carried on down to values of one per cent rr pound, and the following rates are propoH Valued at one cent per pound or less, five Itsths of one cent per pound between one cent and one and four-tent- cent six tenths of nascent per pound i tween one and four-ten- rent and one and eight tenths cent eirtir tcthi of one cent per pound, between one and Cght tenths cent and two and one cent par rud; fcet-x- es tTrs ssi :rc u ,; ud lutre cents, one nnd two-tent- cent per pound, be- tween three cents wed four cents one and six tenths cent per pound, between four cent and seven cents, two cents rer pound: between let en cents and ten cents, two and eight-tenth- s cents per pound. ttwcen ten cents and thirteen cents, three ad one-ha- cents per pound; above thirteen cents, 43 per cent, ad alorem. Cross-cu- t saws, cents per linear foot; mill pit and drag saw s not over nine Inches ide, 8 cents; over nine Inches wide 13 cents (now s, 10 nnd 15 cents) Copper ore me per poun l(now. f 4e).OM cop- per for rcmanufjcturo ani composition metal lVetnow8 Copper p'ats. Ingots and other forms not enumerated ? bow 4c), Table and ether knlvesTalued at net mom than cne dollar pr doz? n COo per dnxen; cue and three do lars, boe; between three and eight do11r tl more than eight dollar' f3, and noon all WpT cent, ad valorem additional (now 35 pr o -- L d valorem); pen knhes, knife blads, razors 30o per dozen bladea and S3 pr cent, ad valorem (now W per cent an valorem). GoM loaf t: ier package now f I 5a Hollow wire Se a pcrd (now ac). Lead sheets, pipes and sheet 2 o er pound (now 3c); double-barrelle- d bne loadlrg shotcuns 110 each ard r per c- r ad valorem (now A5 percent! K tk lore v per pound (now I5c). Nickel matte 10 (now I5t Quicksilver 6c per pound (now 10 per cent ad al jremL Wood screw more than tfolncbos In length. Bo per pound between one and two Inches, ?c (now Co and Pc half Inrh and less. Ho (now I2ck Cut tack, brads an I sprigs notrxreod-In- g sixteen ounces to the thousand, Seper thousand (nowSct. exeeediig sixteen "ounces SUe per thousand now Set Typometat le per pound now 00 per cent. ad va'cretci new tyie, S3 per cent, ad valorem Zinc boek or pig, le per pound (now l'Jel xlnc for remanufaetcre le (nowiHe). It Is provided that artlr m not specially enamerattl madu from sheet iron or steet shall pay a duty ro lower thsn that Imposed on the material from which they are made. scuencLnr todcco ncAiu, etc. CIg-ir- cigarettes and cheroots, ti.3) per pound (now 13 SO) if any portion of any to- bacco iXi parted In any pncka;e or in bulk shall be suitable for wrappers, the r a tire quantity of tobacco ccnUlnod In such imiortatlon shall be dutiable. If not stemmed, at "5c per pound; If stemmed, at tl pr pound. Leaf Lbacco. all other than that suitable for wrappers, unmanufactured ar t not stemmed, SO centa per pound stemmed t centa (now 35). KnKUUIE D r.ARTHKtWAHE ZI CtUSSWARE. Common Irown esrtheuwsrc, 1 percent ad valorem (now S5 percent ad ralfam); china, porcelain, prlsn and bisque, er cent, ad valorem (now W per cent ai cm); plain white, V) per cent ad valorem (net 33 per cent nd va orem). AH other earthen, stone, or ro kery ware, white, glazed or edged, and other aanufactnre coiiiKedof earthy or mineral i hstanee. W percent ad valorem (now eSpernt ad valo- rem) , tiles and brick, other than f re brick, or- namented or glazed, and eceanstlc 43 per cent ad valorem (now ranging from to per rnt ad valorem to 23 pr cent ad valorem), fire brick, not glazed or decorated f LtS a tea (now so per cent) , glazed or decorated, 46 per cent ad va lorem (new class). Gas retorts, f3 each (new class In the gloss schedule the class Sratlon of cyl- inder and crown, polished. 10 ty 13 inches Is consolidated with that of 10 by 21 tnche at 4 cents per square foot Tho gemral classifica- tion of glass Is greatly changed but, with the exception of the following provisions, the du- ties remain as in existing? lawj Plain green, and eelerrd, raoldelor pressed and plain flint ond pme g19 rVf teldlng not less than one pint and demtjoens aid and other plain molded or pnsej green and colored and flint or lime c';im ware, not specially enumerated or provide f r in this net, one cent per pound. Plain rree n and col rred molded or pressed, and y aia flint ond lime pint bottles and vials hoi "n; t than rnr pint, en and Due-hal- f cent per pot'nd. All articles enumerated m tho prrreJiDg para- graph if filled, and not othcrwue i rvvidcd for. and the contents are subject to an ad vamrfm rate of duty or to a rate of duty ba?d upon tho value, tho vulue of such bottles, vials, or other vcstvls shall be added to the val le cf tho con- tents for the ascertainment of the dutiable value of the latter; but if filled and not other- wise prodded for and the contents are not sub- ject to an ad valorem rate of datr or to rate of duty baaed on the value, or are free of duty, such bottles, vials, or other vessels shall pay In addition to the duty, if any on Uieir con- tents, tho rates of duty preserved in the pre- ceding paragraph. (Piovlded, that no articles manuiuiiuitiHroiuiflbvsutftiTiMd in the pre- ceding paragraph, shaVl pay a Ies rolo of duty than forty per centum nd valorem j OUssand glass ware of aUkiods,nr Including plate glass, silvered or looking class p. ate ami cylinder crown, orcoinuion window .tx, nUcn cut engrated, or otherwise crnoia ted, aad LiiJ lull curs, nolesoredjng tnitze one hundred and fourty four square Inches, C per cectuir ad valort.ni. 6CIIEUCLX I WOODAKD WOODCX MTARUt This section is re enacted entire with tbs fol lowing additions! Fawed board, planks, deals and blocks, or posts of mahogany rosewool, fatluwood, gren- - allila. or otter cabinet wood,Aftecn ier cent 4 valorem Veneering and brier rust or tr'-e-r wudand similar wood unmaaufsetirM, or not further manufactured than cut Into forms or shapes suitable for the articles r!rj which th-- are to be converted, twenty percent, ad valorem aciirbVf.K C'tton thread, varns, warpi or warp yarn (not wound upon spools), valued utoier rSocnd not exceeding 40c per po nd, IHc por pound (15c); over c anl not emecdlucWK1, CTc per pound (VOt ourNc ond not cxceediniCic. sc per pound (Sii) Cotton cloth not bleached dyed, colored, etc., and not exteedlngMthreads to the square Inch, xcpersqua'Cjard (5'jrj if hlcrchcd.SJi i3!$i); If dyed colon d etr JcttSc). Cotton cloth notbiesch'd dyed, colored, etc, rxreodins Viand not exc c tg Ot lhreada.1 40 t i. if b'caeiied 1 c. u ri; if dyed, 4 ,1 p .vded, that on all cotton cloth not ex dlnfc u hundred threads, notbleaihed djed etc .i ted atocr61scents peryant; bleached, va'iif.iat overOeenly, and ded, colored etc, wined at over II cents there shall be paid a duty nf 35 p'r ecnt ad valorem (now rang ing from m to 4Ji per sqtute j anl). J All cotton colheiceedirgixlnndnotcxcrfrt Ing VO thread to the square (Dch, not bleached, del etc., valued atover : cents per sqimre jard. b'mshed valued a over tn cents per squarojaro fljed tolurr stained, painted or printed valued at over u, cents per iquarv yard, their ahaii tie pud tditycf 4t) icrceol ad valorem Cotton cio'h not bleat bed, dyed, colored, ete, exceedinrlViandnot rxcedingftOOthreads.a), cents ierspiatfiir(l .it ir i eiched, 414 cents (4)felyrd t Inrod eic lt (.tuts (5)1 provided that on au m ton cMh r, eillng IM nnd not exceeding ciu threads, not bleached, dyed eolored, ett ralued al ovrr h centa per square yard bleat ixdviiuedntovei mcenls per square yard. djri looted otc, unted or printed, tatuniat per vjuaro yrd, there shall bo pdtd a duty of 43 ppr cent, ad valorem Cotton, .in nntbleirhed dyed, colored, etc., enxeiinj. 0 threads 4', u isper iquaie yard i1),ifbi. ii d, &itir,u )S, tf dysd, colored, ir .l-- ctnti im f Onsloemniis. hove snd half hose composdof tcitoaer tit a mtisbis nvr5tlt l 9 exceeding 13 per dozen palre.60 cents per dozen pairs and CO per cent ad valorem (40 per cent) On cotton 1mic, clothing and wearing ap- parel of cotton, not enume rated, 40 per cent ad valorem (13 and 40 per cent) Hamburg edgings, embroideries or Inserting of cotton, 43 cents per pound, and 13 er eeut ad valorem (Id per cent) Plushes velvots, velveteen, and all pile fab rics composed of cotton, 10 cent per f quare yard and SO per cent, ad valorem (40 per centl fciixnuM j n.AX, ntur AioltiTaT Hemp, K0 per ton (tX ) Cables or cordage and twine, tneb d ng Mod-h- twine, composed wholly ef mar-ill- orslml grass, 14 cent perpounfcttW to 3H per pound) Manufactures of flax, hemp, lute, valued nt 5 conts per pound or less, 8 cents per pound (0 percent); valued ebovcacsnts psr pouad, 40 pcrcont ad vslorem (M to 40 per cent.) Ilrown and bleaehM llnn cloth containing not leas than 100 threads to ths square inch, 33 percent ad valorem. On laces and cmbroldsrU of flax, nU and cotton, not enumerated, to per cent, ad valorem (30 per cent) On collars and cuffs for men wear composed entirely of eatton, IS cents per dozen pieces and Uperccst. &va:&rein, cvuipvdtu u or tn part of linen, SO cents per dozen pln.es and S3 lorccnt ad valorem. Ragging or cotton valued at not more than 8 centa per pound, Ii cent per ruud (W. Oilcloth for floors, 10 cents per aquansjard aud 13 per cvnU ad valorem (40 per cent) ecncDCLE n wood and woobk aub. The schedule is re enacted entire, with the following additions! , Sawed boards, planks, deal ard blocks or posts of mahognny, rosewood, sstlnwood, frandilla or olher cabinet wood, 13 per cent nd valorem. (linger ale, beer, lemonade, soda water and other aerated waters In rlatn green or colored molded or pressed glass bottles contalngnot more lhan V pint, S3 cents per dozen; contain Ing more than li pint rY cents per dtnen (but no separate duty shall be aseed on the not ties); If Imported otherwle lhan In plain green or eolored, molded or pressed glass bottlosor In such bottles containing more than Pi pint each, 30 cents por gallon (W percent.), and la the last cave Dm bott1s or other coverings shall be assessed as If empty, CKt?rt2 c rnovwoxa. Animals alive Horses and mules, f?0 a bead enow W per cent ad valorem)! cattle more than ona year old, Ii per head (now xO per cent ad valorem) ; hogs and sheep. We (uot at per cent ad valorem). Roans per bashet -- o (now 13 per cent, nd va lorem) Reans, peas and mushroom, prepared or preserved, sic per gallon (nowftlptrcent ad alorem). Cabbages, to each (now 10 per cent ad valorem) Chicory root burnt or roasted. le per pound (now t , ground or granulated In rolls or wtherwtse prepared, USc. Oocoa butter oreoeoabuttenne 3Wo (now SO per cent). In dclloa root and acorn, prepared, and other arti- cles used as coffee or substitute not specially vuuuieratrd, IHc per round (now fl. Kxtract of meat all not specially provided for, 35o per iound (now 30 percent, ad valo- rem) , fluid extract of meat, 15e per pound (no SO ercent ai valorem). Fruits Grapes lo a pound. (nowCOpercout) Oranges, lemons or limes, lu packages of ca pactty of IV cubio foot or less, 10c per package, demons now ICo and orange lOo a twx ex ceedlng 1U and not exceeding J'4 cubio feet, COo (lemons now 30o orungrs COci excecdingx1 and rot exceeding 3 cubic feet, 4ta (now t6o per barrel), exceeding 5 cubic feet for every add! tlonol foot or fractional part thereof (e ;in bulk 1160 per I,fisl (unw CO per cent ad vivlorom, lemons ti per 1,(XA orange ft CO per 103) Ginger or ginger root preerved In sugar or otherwise, and cilron preserved orcandio-l- , 4e per pound row 35 per cent ad valorem) Or nge peel nnd lesica pe;t preserved or can died, So per pound. Fish Maekeret p'ckled or saltd, lo pr peiund (now t2prbarrelt; herrings, pickled or sailed &o (now II per barrel) t salmon, pickled. Ic per pound (now IV per barrel) i other f.sh pickled. In barrels le a pound (now fS a bar. re!) Cars or packages made of tin or other ma tcrlal containing fish of any kind admitted free of duty under any existing law or treaty, ex ceodiur one quart, Pe for each additional quart or fractional part in addition to tha pres- ent rate. Hops lOeapound W Macaront vermaeel 1 and other similar prep rations Coper ound. Milk, preserved or condensed, 3o per pound (CO per cent ). Spices, ground or powdered, not specially provided for, 4c per pound (3) Filterts and walnuts So per pound (3). Nuts not enumerated H0(C Peas in bulk, barrels or sacks, 10c bushel (CO percent ); split peas COo bushel (a) percent). peas In eirtons, papers cr small packages, ,ae per pound (CO per cent) Rico, cleaned, leper pound (CUeJ uncleaned rice and rice flour and meal v,c pound (lVc ou 1 CO per cent respectively); broken rice c pound (IWe). Castor beans 35c bushel (31)). Starch Ce per pound (Cc). Vegetables of all kinds preserved, Inoludlng pickles and sauces, 33 por cent (30 and 35). hCiiEDirtj; a cnrwiCAiA Ac'ds Acetic below 147 derree. 14c per pound; above 147 degrees, 4o per pound (now Ce and lOo respectively). lioracle. Be per pound (now 10). Chromic, lOe (now l5o) Tannic, Ox (now Ji). Aleoholie perfumery, t2 ier gallon and C3c ad valorem (now to por gallon and 30 percent ) Alizarine assistant 3c pr pound (now C3 per cent) Ammonia, carbonate. Uc per pound (now IX) per cent), muriute of, lie (now 10 per cent.); sulphate of, (now CO per cent) Rlue vltrtoL Co per pound (now tc). Camphor, refined, 4c (now Sc.) Hydraulic cement In packages, 6cper lW, tnbulk, Tc (now CO por cent ad valorem In each case) Chalk, prepared, pre- cipitated, French and rod, lo pVr pound (now to per cent) Chloroform, . ovuim enow tor). OibaH, oxide. 40o (now W) per ont ) Collodion, BOo (now Men Collodion In sheets, c (fOo), CoIlMlion In tinlshod or partly tlnltbed articles, 40c per pound and C5 per cent (now n)o and S3 per cent) Etilphurlo ether and spirits of ni- trous ether, 9)o (now oOo and 3e). Rutyiio ether and other fruit ethers and oils, f 1 V5 jkt pound (now tCSO per pound and 14 an ounewj. Ucenumerated ether, 73? (now 11). Extracts of logwood and otherdyowond,eitracts cf sumac, extracts of hemlock and other barks, such as are commercially used for dyeing or taani".? not especially enumerated or provided for In this act, 1 cent a pound (now 10 cents and CO per cent m valorem) Gelatine glue and isln glass, under 7 cents a poanS, HS cent, over 7 cents, S3 per cent s d valorem (from 2) per cent to 30 per cent). Glycerine, unrefined, specific gravity 1S5 or lr, Iteui h i una to, Kenned 4i cents (3). Indigo extracts ii cent carmlned ;0cent (iiow jwr enl ) Writing Ink, to casks, bottles or Jugs, holdinj; a pint or more, 40 cents a gallon; less than a plntMeents. otherwise than In casks, bvttles or ug-- 0 ens a gallon. Ink powders, printer' and al other Ink rw fpeHMy enimrjtd, 0 rrr ert M all 30 per cent). Iodine, rcsub'lmcd, 30 cent. L pound (4 1 cents). Icdofonn ll "0 s pound tfCi Leads Aettate of, white, Mia a pound , brown, 9)ic; orange mineral, 3ao (now Cc,4o and 3a respectively). Licor'ce, extracts of, 3o. a pound (now 74c) Magnos'n. carbonate of, medicinal, 4c a poond; calclncd,8 (3c. nnd 10c,, respcctttcl)). Mor phla aad all salts, 00. an ounce (now fl ) om-C'S- tor, Wc. n gallon 0(i ). Ood liver, 15c. (nowttiperornt). Croton, 30o (now 50c I Cottonseed 0 fa) OHve salad, t&c,(tm ) Seal, whale and other flsh olt 61 (now C3 er cent ) Paints and eolnrv HlUM, Rcrlla, Prussian Chinese and all others containing feirtcranlde. of Iron, 6c pr pound (in? peroent and t3 per cent )Blanc"Fjxe, lie. (now 5 percent) Yil low, green and other chromic colore, 4Va (ii per cent) Ostrc, sienna, umbor earths, dry, Ue. per iound (',( ) Ultra marina blue, tVJo (5c.) Wahb1u, to tUiuIng ultramirln9, 3o per pound (CO por cbnt.) Vermillion red or quicksilver colois, ICe. (C3 percent ) I'laster rarls, giound or calcined, I1.M per ton (CO per emu. Medicinal prrpanvtloni known as essences, extracts, Inc tiding proprietary preparations of whuh nlcotud Is the romponent part, 40c poumKW ) Mfdleinalpreiuratlons, mixtures, muellspc, pUsters, pill, otc., of which alcohol Is not n cornK)net.t rnrt, in iH-- cent ad valorem (now Horn 15 to W) per urn .) hniitontuc, fl a pound (U Caslilosinp, 1UC per pound (JO per cent k hnlplmr ittliietl lu rlls. IS per ton bubllined, or (lowers of, liu u ton (110 and tOQ ro sictlvely ) Vuruibes, Includlnit ao culled gold slzo or Japan, 40 per cent, nd vn'orrrn, nnd on spinl varntshes, for the alcohol eotitulncd thrr-iln- . ti pert-'allo- nddiuont) (ranging from 40 per cer toll 3i per gallon und 40 per cent rciiHX'ir. m oiks, iAprn, etc. Rooks, photograph, maps, ete., not 'I'lriT ated, C5 percent (JOand Vt per cent Paper envelope. V5c per 1 'W (C5 percent and 15 pet cent ) Manufactures of paper not enumerated .3 per cent (ft and 13 per cent.) Surface coated papers, cardboards, albuminized nnd papers, lllhographlo prints from rltherslont nr arinc tound or unbound (except Illustrations in nnted books), and all tirtlclc produced utiterm whole or In part by lltho graphic process, H3 per rent nd valorem. Pln ing cards, b)c icr rack tld) per cent) Tho last forts-thre- pages of the bill contnb itsudmlnlsuaiivo features, which are similar U thnso cents tied m the undervaluation bill as n passed tho benato during the Foity ninth 0)fi Kress. According lo the estimates made by the ccm mlttcc the bll provides for a total reduction o about I'dO oc 0 made up approximately as to lows hugar. 7;:oinr, freo list, f')300.(0i tobacco (inter nl uoit.ic), fii,fATr)0O, aloohul in the arts, I7UM0O), other reductions Incus 101ns, t5,tU0UO Tub boy who i "brought up byhmdf' conaldera thj pith of oatly Ule sliprry oari-X)r- Aiaa4(u. THE WAGES QUESTION. Why Labor Can Not Get Rich by Increas- ing Its Ilurdens. Jliq loftdor of tho HojmbUcnn cam-)nln- n hits nnnouncexl thut tho tariff question la merely n question of whith- er Amoricnn lnlxr shall rccolvo hifih or low WBffes, '! will not," ho snul, stop to nrguo tho question upon nny othor basis." Then takinp; oMosanchu setts ns tho most conspicuous oxumplo of tho benefits of protection to labor, ho proceeded to compnro hor labor situation, not with that of Germany or some othor high-tari- ff country, "but with that of "freo-trad- o England." In order to mako tho comparison as favor-abl- o ns poss&blo to tho protection the- ory ho Ignored his own report as Sec- retary ol State, wherein h ahovved that tho apparently larger pay in was duo to It? superior cf flolonoy iw oonipured with tho pay and enlclency of labor In England, nnd tried to figure out tho benefiU of protection from rv Juggling contrast of tho savings-bank- s returns. Now It happens that Mr. Carroll I). Wright, tho highest Mnssnchuectt au- thority on labor statistics, investigated this very quwtlon of tho effects of tho tariff on wages in Maannchusett in 1883, and ns Chief of the Massachu- setts Rureau of Labor embodied in hts report for 1884 a series of elabornfo tnbles showing tho wages paid In ninety different Industries during nine different periods from 1860 to IcSO. In 16C0 wo woro working under tho low tariff of 18 IG; In 1880 under tho hiluqt tariff wo over had. Yet here iryint Mr. Wright's table show nbouY nnd wngosin ten leading Indus- tries of Massachusetts In 18C0 a com- pared with 1830: 1NDUSTRT. ?S J L III il I WO 10 A 1810 Roots and shoes 3 fii n 111.42 Carpets 0) 3 87 tl l,u no in ing w s si u sea Cottons o T 37 .41 6.W V a ft) H 11. T7 leather CO 0.R3 ) 10.(1 I nens and lutes..., , 33 ? tf 4 M Paper 30 S IT !i! 8.M Mlks cn Hi; ii s.li Worsteds TO S.56 tv fl.to Avcrsge all goods . . 4$ 7 43l tt, a, 13 UTicso figuros show that th only material incroaso of wages foLwlng an Incrcoso of tho tariff was in cottons, and that p rob-abl- attributable to organization on the part of tho mill hand. As for tho other nine industries wages actually foil In seven of them, and n average Increase of 100 per cent. In tho rate of duties was followed by a decreaso of 73 centa in the average weekly wages of the whole ten. How much more of tho wage earn- er's pay was absorbed In tho increased cost of articles consumed by him It is difficult to compute with ncjracy. Rut if he studies Mr. Wright's table with nn eyo to tho low wno paid in protected Germany as compared with low tariff England, ho will plainly see that labor can not get rich by Increas- ing the taxes that labor has to fay. SL Louis rost' Dispatch, NOTES AND COMMENTS, Ominous Rurchard's Ticket -- RR ISON AXD MO R' 1 Tho throo It's onco moro! V. r. Star. Tho Republican party l only ono of reminiscence. It is bohind the ago. It llvo to retard tho progress and growth of tho tountry by keoping It In narrow channels. Cltvcland Plain Dealer. Tho absoluto duty of limiting tho raU of tariff chargos to the neow-titlo- s of a frugal and economical ad- ministration of tho Government souro te be perfectly plulm President Ctevt-- fond s Letter of AcotpUnet. It Is said that the loading Re- publicans in Now York aro bottirg ' heavily on llnrrltton. This means that various csthualastio Democrats will bo richer niter the result is an- nounced. Atlanta Constitution. Wo still hear from Thur rutin oc- casionally, but Levi 1. Morton has not had a word to say sinco ho withdrew from tho directory of the Canadian Pa- cific and shaved off his English whiskers. St. Louis Vost'Dispatcu A little wh'c and a little coon, A little Chinese served too soon, A little lie and a little dirt, A little Rlalne and a bloody shirt, A little whisky free of tax. Dear blankets, clcthlng, wool and flax, A hesvy tax on workln;men These are the thine s to boost la Ren. Danville rress. It is tho constitutional right cf every American cltlren, In office or out, to subscribe to what ho darn pleased, and tho more Democratic officeholders that send in their mites to Mr. Charles J. Cnnda, treasurer, V) West Twenty-nint- h street, tho mer- rier. iV. r. Sun. It is a groat mistake to suppose that the consequences which followed the continued withdrawal and hoard- ing by tho Government of tho curroncy of tho people aro not of immediate im- portance to tho mass of our citizens nnd only concern thoo engaged In largo financial transactions. Presi- dent Cleieland$ tetter of Acceptance. The Deraocratla party is the party of the plain people. Its mission is to govern for tho general wclfnro. Its cornorstftnn Is thut tho humhiost citizen is entitled to tho same liberty and tho samo protection as the most oxalted. It therefore, wants all tho plain people, without regard to nno or color, lo endure forever, that It may prosorvo frco government, and that It may strlko down ovcry monopoly or other powerful cnglno of despotism and oppression. KvansvilU Courier. A Campaign of Documents. It is to bo a campaign of thought, tho Democrats said at tho very open- ing of tho present canvass, and they have kopt tholr word. Tho literary bureau system of campaigning, inau- gurated (o successfully by Mr. 'J ilden in 1870, has boon carried out more thoroughly nnd effectually this year than evor before. Tho Natlonul Cam- paign Commlttoo hai sent out 4,250,-00- 0 documents already, and Is sending out from 100,000 to 1M),000 moro a day. When, In addition to this, tho docu- mentary work done by tho sub and Stato committees aro consldorod It Is sufo to say that ovory voter In the country has received ono or moro po- litical papers, showing why ho shoulij vote for Cleveland. With all those facts and arguments before them, with tho numerous publications allowing whit tho Democrats huvo dono for tho country and what thoy propose to do, no misrepresentations or falsehoods of tho Republicans can havo tho slightest offrot, Thoiu is no rhanco of tho campaign being turned on mine or inolovntit issmih, with tho flood nt documents now pouring over the oun tryi A'. Q, 2tMiDtmt?Qruti rvlaiifaa-ir-nt-i B92asaSeS MsL. arafSfJaaliJ PROTECTION'S COST. rift-ure- a That Tell Nurprlslna; Story of the r.tTeet ur TarltT Lvs. Perhaps tho most extraordinary feat-ur- o of tho situation concornlng tho tariff llos in tho clroumstanco that few Hoplo havo any idoa of Uio amount of its burden, even tariff reformers usual- ly confining themselves to moro gen- eralities concerning it Wo know what our military and naval establishments cost, what wo pay for pensions, and what wo appropriate for rivers and harbors. It Is always open to any citizen, in or out of Congress, to object to tho amounts expended fdr any of theso purposes. Hut tho nmount which wo expend for tho support of certain favored Industries in this country Is nn absolutely unkown quantity. Not only aro tho groat majority of intel ligent persons utterly ignorant of this amount, but It frequently happens thu.i writers for tho press, whoftei special business it Is to treat theje questions, proceod upon an entirely false basis in estimating it. Tho customs duties collected In tho year ending Juno 30, 1 687, amounted to 21 1,000,000. Hut this docs not In any way monsuro the cost which tho nation incurs in supporting Its pro tooted Industries. It eloes not, iodeed form any part of thAt cost Thcia J14,000,000-- If, for tho sake of sim- plicity in tho argument, wo Ignore tho ojctstonce of n surplus are expended for tho goncral purpose of the Govoni-me- nt They ha o to bo collected some- how, and whether oufctdma duties aro tho best way or not Is n question of general fluent policy. It Is true thftt protoctlvo dutlos are apt to boar moro heavily on tho poor than on tho rich, unless chloily confined to articles of luxury; It Is true, also, that thoy aro open to tho objection of being difficult to alter without disturbance tp Indus- try and trndo, which is a serious to a tax; but theso points have nothing lo do at leant directly with tho question wo aro now considering, vlz.i How much Is tho country paying to encourage tho protected Industries! It Is tho money which net or roaches the Treasury, but Is paid out by con sumers In tho high prices of domostlo articles, that constitutes the ox pen so of protection. Though it would bo impossible to estimuto tho nmount of this tax with any degreo of accuracy, a cloar recognition of its nature ts suff- icient to show that the aggregate must be stupendous. Ict u take a tinglo Item, that of steel rails; the simplicity and uniformity of this article render- ing comparison of prices and quanti ties comparatively cany and reliable. Tho "Statistical Abstract" of tho United States for 1387 gives the follow-In- g figures of Importation nnd of homo production of steel rails for tho last twelvo months covered by it Importa- tion (forbear ending Juno !10, lt87), 77,000 tons; homo production (year ending December 31, 1835), 1,579,000 ton. Tho duty on stool rails was (and ts) 17 ior ton, so that tho cus- toms rtvonuo from this nrtiolo was about f l,otV9,C"JV. inasmuch as a quantity of foreign rails wai lmportod, upon which It was possiblo to pay the duty nnd still to sell them In competition with domestic rails, it ts plain that the price here must havo been somothlng liko!7 higher than wo should have had to pay for foreign rails in tho absence of tho duty. Reckoning tho ejcceM at only (1 however and a comparison of HritUh and American price erurrent for Ihn year shows that this is well within the mark wo have In this slnglo Item a bounty or about ? -- 'I.OuV.uoo paid In a single year to tho sto! rail tnanufacN urcs alone. Something over a has been paid into tho Treasury for tho expenses of tho twv-pl- e'i Government; twenty times as much has been given away to the sloel rail men, and has entered Into the cost of our rallwas, to ho a pvrmancnt charge on farmers and merchants and the community generally. Xatioru ii. m - The Political Issue. Hy crying frco trade tho Republicans hoped to create n ntampede, and, In l!yH), carry tho election In n panic. Instead, they find that tho purioofl of tho Dumocntllu party aro embodied in a carefully drawn bill, a bill which I)( mocraU aro ablo and willing to d; a bill such as Grant and Garfield and Arthur urged Congrdi to pass, nnd which can bo understood oven by men llttlo informed concerning publlo affairs. Tho Republican' Imvo no bill, hut they hato a platform, drawn to tho Democratic inuaMiro on eery issue. Instead of lowering tho tarlfT nnd removing Its Irregularities and in equalities, thoy propose to ndvnncn taxation nnd preserve vvry protective feature by givo tho pcoplofrcowhUky. Tho Democrats favor a tariff aver- aging 40 por cent. Tho HcpubllcunM dumnnd prohibitory duties. Tho Democrat nsk for freer Impor- tation of necessaries of life. In order to limit tho powers of tho trusts. The Republicans Inslut on increasing duties, thus checking Impotts and the power of tho trusts. The Democrats put wool on tho freo list In order to encnurngo an oxport trudo In woolun manufactures. Tho Republicans denounce freo raw material.. The Democrats demand a reduced tariff on clothing. Tho Republicans offer frco whisky. AT, K, 7rW .I m m Official Labor Statistics. In 1883 Carroll D. Wright, chief of tho MassachuscttH Labor Rureau, con. ducted n searching Investigation of tho question of wnges In Masaneihu-set- t, tho results of which he gave to tho world in a series of olahorato tablos contained in his annual report for 1684. Mr. Wright Is an accepted authority the world ovor In tills field of Investigation. From his tablos uluo leading industries, with which tariff legislation has most busied Itself since 1880 aro sclectod, and tho wages paid in each under tho low and high tariffs of 1860 nnd 1880 respectively, aro com pared as follows: MVeWy Itfrovi, lUDCBTItT, JW0. Carpets,, ..,.,. ..,., .1 ti ia W87 Clothing . ... . hm N HI Coltous ..,.., . s ro 7 87 Furniture ... . 11 77 0M Leather . loi U t.i Linens and jute . 4 rj 4 M l'aper . . . 8 01 H 17 HUks . ft 01 5 b? Worsteds .. , .. ., .. 0 10 After twenty-eig- ht yearn of high taxation to fostor American Indus- tries ' tho farmers still furnish 75 por cent, of all our exports and tho manu- facturers only twenty per cent. And tho prlro of tho fanners' products Is lovolcd down In tho old world market, while ull ho buys la enhanced Incest by taxes lo lionp up a Niirplu for th pd itlclnns to spend, No wonder tho grapgsn aro kicking. Y i World A Claim to Human Gratitude. Charlotte Corday, tho sad-face- tender-hearte- d peasant girl of Xormnny, made great history by ene desperate actt Hlckcncd by tho snturnalla of tho Trctich roolutton, and moved to desperation as Robeplerro nnd Marat were lending tho flower of Franca to ths guillotine, she de- termined that she would put an end lo Marat a bloody reign. Alurat had demanded two hundred thou- sand vkniras for the guillotine I Ho proposed to kill oft th enemies of tho Revolution to make It perpetual! Horrlblo thoimhtl No wonder It fired tlu) blood of this maldl Gaining access to bis closely-guarde- quartets by n subterfuj, she found him la his bath, even then Inexorable and giving' ivrtlfim illntt1iM frt further kliintthlMr t Ho asked her ths names of ths lulmtoid deputies who had taken refuge in Caen. Htio told him, utkl he wrovi them down. Thnt l.s wolll Refore a week Is over they shall nil bo brought to tho guiltoUnn " At the words, Charlotte drew from her tosom.the knife, and pluugod It with su crnatural force up to tbs hUt la the heart of Marat "Come to mo, my dear friend, como te mo," cried Marat, and expired uuder ths blow! In the Corcoran gallery at Washington la a famous ulntlng of Cliarlotte, represented aa behind the prison bars the day before ber execution It Is a thrilling, sad picture, full of sorrow for her suffering counlry,aud of unconquer- able hate for her country's cnomloi. Wluta lesson in this traclo tnryl Two bund i rJ, nay, five hundred thousand pw. plo would Marat htvo saenflced to his un holv pisslon of power I Methods uroquttoas murderous nnd as men. and thoy uurabcr tholr victims by tho mtlllous. Thtiimgoof history Is full of murders by authority ami by mistaken Ideas I lu the practice of medicine alone how many huu-dre- of millions havo boeu allowed to die and as many mora kilW by unjusUiUblo btgt.ttry nndby butiRlingi Ilut the npo Is bettering. Men and meth- ods uro Improving. A few years ago It was worth ones profcssunal hfo to advise or permit tho use of a proprietary medicine, y thero an not two physicians in uny town in this country who dj nut regular- ly prescribo somo form of proprietary rem edyt II H Warner, f.imed alt over the world as tho disooveror of Warners safe cur, began huutingup the old remedies of the lg Cabin days t ufter long and i client ho aucceodod In securing some of the most valuable, among fanily rexrda, und caUexHhcji Warner s Ig Cabin remedies tho aimpUs preparations of runts, leu ve, txilsarus and herbs which were th9 aundbra of our tfraudmoth-ers- . Thee atmwc, old fashtoucd ear spirilla, hops anJ bmbti, Cuuh and consumption and other remedies lure struck a popular chord and aro in extra-ordinar- y dem.md all over tho Und. Ttiey am not tho untried uud imaginary remexllcs of soma dtbstor chemist tutrntuu making money, but llio long-vHix- prtneiples of the whu.-t- i for generations kept cur ancestor In perfect health, put forth for tho PliH iiuuianity eiyono who is Known all over tho world as aphilanlhrop ata lover of his f'llow man,"tvhne na-n- is u guaran let) of th- -t hii;he-i- t ataadant of oxcoUonca Tho preparalsona are of iKxided and known influence ovc disease, uud as In the hands of our grandmothers they raised up tho sick, cm red the Lime, and bound up tho wound of death, so In their new form but ohlea ower a Log Cabin roracdlea, thev are sum lo prove th "healing of tho s " Omlay did theworM an Incalculable aery ic? in ndlmg i'rano f tr.a bigulol nnd murderoua Marat, just as this man Is doing humanity a tornee by rolntroduoing to the world tht simpler and better methods cf our ancestors. Peres are) duty free, so that a woman past thiity oan tell the date of her birth or out, just as she pleases. Mrs. HAfDs-O- h. Ikoowt It la easr say "dim l lot t theiu read trash," but how doyen know lust what books to put Into iqo nanus mi your ffinsi l ou certainly haena more time than Lyt you always aeemtoknowpiactly Ue rlgbt thing tod? Kkixxd Well, Karah, tn tnta InsUnco, I crt my InforaiaUuu from lktnortr$ Monthly Aiverina ll.ay are now pjbtlsk liiff aonie capital arttnles on the subject ef MUadtne for ll!rie.M aad nw that ou apeak of It, I will let yeu Ints a IttUi secret. Yen always say that I am so well upon the matUers uf the day, and I realty think I am; yet the fact la I only ft Urn's t read ujy way arinei but wnsa 1 hare la. lshed It, Iknaw sratty much what is rolne on. In lm4rrV thy tie seem to OOYr thl t round on all subjects that eaok rnemor of my la Interested in. Why! John Is sa anxloua each month fer It to arrtve at I am. Tnx most effecttvo sort of joint discus atcn Is the Mud that la conducted larrcly with tho elbow joint Mart at the Starting Tnlns, Dyspepaia, In ft C4o of nervousness which ta rvfbtvu9iy due to n mental cause or dcep-soau- organic malady Ordinary nerv nuaoasa can not i ovcreximo by sedatives They may platte, but ran not cure It. oiiuiuiaia uigcsuon wun Jiusyncr a nwm ach Hitters and relief aeon fellow v Uso this Ienipn remedy also In malarial disease, bihousneaa, ronatlpaUoQ, rheumatism, kid- ney complaint. - Quits a paradox that la a land of the free so many Americans should Covet bonds. JVdnieic'tf Iwjutttr. FUr.El A Fresrs (Jiasa, Oval Front, Nickel or lierry Cigar Caso. lltn cuajcts o.lt. It. VT, Tanhu. A Co ,ChkKO Whsy aatoo'rf falls to pay a dlvMend the holder loses Ids intcresL Ttmtun StAUmin. Tub 1 nib Ho Awards tho 1'alm to Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar for coughs, like' Toothocho Drops Cure in ono minute. CosrciT, like any other seat, should be sat on -- ltK OErrRUT Mediclnura, Cincinnati, mrs long, nerve, throat dtsemes Send for book. A nirrn In bnnk is like a ros- - bceauto It matures by f jlllng dew . ... ...i i A ikkjk od tho I.Ivcr, Its diseases and treat rr,uiilriM.a. Aw. Ur. huuforel, rat Uway,r. Y. Motto for a suricon-pro- bo bono pub iico. Iraciictod with Horn Kyos uso Dr. laaso Thompson's Eyo Wator. urugglsU sell iL'J.V THE MARKETS. Cincinnati, Oct 9 LIVi:STOCK-Cat- tle Cornuionll W ( 2 m Cltolco but e hers 1W 't 135 IIUUH-Coiuni- on s IO (I 5 4) (J ood packers 3 (A (J. A 0 KIIhKI'-eJo- od to choice.. . SCO W 4 n LAMMH-Oo- m1 to choico 4 r a ft 9 I KOUM-ram- ity M. 70 ($ 5 31 UUAIN-Whcat- -Xo a red.. bt 1 15 No 3 red 'tlli Corn No. mlicd .... 18 Oats-N- o. tnUed ll)p No 9 tl r$ HAY frfme to choico . Gilt f.l lOHACLO-Mediu- m Leaf... 10 ti) wll n (Jod Ieaf .,,. nio ftistrt PIUiVIblONfe lork-Mlk- S... ,16(0 UISK5 I.nnl- - 1'rlrno steam . . u m IIUrrKR-Choi- ce Dairy 13 a is l'llina to Choice Creamery 17 fta 31 Ari'LKS-lrlm- e, perbbl... 75 Cfl 1 ( I'OTATOKb-l'crh- bl i a dl I 75 NHW YOHIf, Kl.OUIt-.Sl- ato and Western . 4 11 GUAIN-Wheat-N- o.1 hard red. a 1 40 No i red I is ta 1 IS'l Corn-N- o. 3 tidied Mlf cj fit iia- - niixr vq rOltir-- Ne Mesa , WI7 00 LAUU-Wesl- ern Hteam. , Oil M FLOUR- - Wisconsin "inter 5 75 Gl ft 00 UKA1N-Wheat- -No 3 red 1 iMj?t 1 Ifl'i No SLbleviffobprlnff... ...- - 1 toftf 1 lr.' CVirn No. 3 ....... fa 4u Oats-- No 3 (a cnij rORK-M- css ...15BOhWH LAUD Steam fjio ik) HAI.TIMOItll FLOUR- - Family 8 fO " 3 ttV UKAIN No.il T. I lo 1 d x MiJ tniViVTiMUCtl - ro ;ii HOOK eW O 75 INIANAIOLia UKAIN-Wheat-- No 2red...., tf i jo u Ca Oats-Ml- etd (& W? LOUIHV1LM1. KLOUR-- A No, 1 3 75 UHAIN-Wheat.-- No Srwd..... P"1 Ml e;ornMiia'i 1(1 Uata-Ml- iod H 31111 1'OIIK Iss., Ol) ftl LAHD-Hlca- n,it ,d Proof Setter Than Assertion, trao roots nnd herbs romeeRes, which wojk liverybody prniscs t.ont "'.' n .. . ..nmi-- i, tini,. ""I'.w"""" " , - r SUPERIOR UUWDQtlTWZWZZx . twrVirCKtfci !' KyL U 1 1 1 VRi WlT ' riIW2MJI U H J HX5f sleik VTfff7LCjSUSBBBBBjTMss.vinTlA z1fBBm)JP a twJWSkMIWmJ.Jm j . VJUWV With such proof as tho following letter I from W IL Dean, of So, 2re8ovonUiatroeL yew York, It U not newsanry to mako tho uanertion that AM coat's ronovs ' Plastkhs euro luuibttgo. Mr. lKau snysi I Homo ten days a o I waa Uken with a! very violent pam la tho small of my baric i was so aovere that I could hardly i breathe; ovcry movement caused great f Otfonr. I flnollv fiHitid nuttt wnslundintm. ' llng entirely helpless, a friond sent to uruimipn nnu goi two allcock's i)kocs msTKRi; these were Viclt warmed aud applied to my back, one hItovo the other, i In half nn hour, to my great delight and I runirise, I found the pain began lo abate,, Iitnohourslwaa able to walk out audi ntirnd to my business, tho pain being ah t etgono. Next day I was all right but I C ntlnued wrarinirthotdastertt furs I i t n woman wno saw inn iirji tuaKO, i 1 slnoo then the men have attended to Li it sort nf lhlnty fk,t,ii iv.il )m l "" " i S Jacobs oRj For Stablflmen P Stockmen, raiaaauTnr sividt xioir4 roa sous AMD CaTTLS tUSSi.lt cents Cnts.qwelllncs, Rrulsas, Sprains, Calls. Htralns. Ikmnnais, Sllffnass, Crakd lUsU, Scralcltvs. Cnntnsellans, rlssh Wounds, HtttUKhalt. Sor lliroat, lUtrnnr. CMle. Mliltlntr, Toll l.vll, f IituU, Tutpnrs Splints Itlng-bon- and Kvln In It rarly atitfea. Apply s. Jareb Oil In areordaqca whU the directions wllU eU bottle. ThaCharUsA, VoUr C,llltfi., M4. Diamond VroCura rOR DYttPKFSIA. ATT AU. tTOMACS TSOffSLM SSCK ASl ttsittiius aw StMk BtatHft, im, el. 4IIM OvltMtsllM. VsUsms ftftOT hS, r4 Kisltf is SU UhM s4 lMrSt ISO, siW U tirTfuiMi 4 ut ys At tcto wJ I!1 vr ri Ay ssi7 en I msU (5 N4M l Oj) 4a J, MW J alr fireUyjwalsieip lHCCHARlKSA.V0IIlltCO. liHUBsrs.Wi, I' CYv cVCL , ' WX-- V' X m ,r . 1 FO . nr: . vl c0NSUMP Tlu' It has ivnnanentlycurekl TrtotAM of i --- pronoun od lv denier bio lew. If oa Laepreinnnt'r.n itmp b tn- - atih aa ( tich Uifli ultv f 1'rn.i uio Ai , dniri de iv t uo Vis s (t ur. oh isi Mini tmu liatolr lr IrugtUU ta (3ikiA. itt's Pills Regulate The Bowels. i t Ivrtiraa deraupea Ihi wlitilo ay tcm nuil ti dlaen. aiirti Sick Headache, Djipr psla, Fevers, Kidney Diacaaos, Bilious Colic, Mftlaila, etc In 1 1' 1111 )irmure regular Imlill nf ImmI, und kmiI tjlg;luu, nlllxiHf whit It, imi osio ran euloy (u lienliti. Sold Evorywhoros For One Gent ! S d iur addrra ou a postal rant tA i Tw Mm Thohx Fks U, Trentou, J at they will iwni'l you sain plea ami c4r-r- u of the llurk Tlwrn Keicii)g H it tl tst in tle world Vr nperlor lo Any Otlir r.,? v e consider the Iek TMrn is far a rior to any other barb wire wo havo aeon, and think any frw - ing at it woeM cbio to the satmcou i. stea Y AT Usmkih lUnkm Ky. OUR 14 KT.'T' ROLD $38 1 WATCH PAYABLE $1.00 PER WEEK 8 our improved dub Ssfom, Tw 4 mr 10 4 it Vi II Jg4 man to . l rJuW srti tH ta pAsv f.a M I itfia, WaIiLqui. DrlsnU, ftsfltferd, A IUfrleOf CvOiiaWfUl Attarf Una !mI, ItelUbfe .ItfirNT AX ANTIIM la hphw VTrU M fall parUfalar. NAFGELE WATCH JEWELRY CO. naiMlri mt I lab Bfftvra ! tUta WaUhes 20 NovtTH Otm St Phiiaoclhmia '! Vail tkT f m. f d Gcmmon Sense Cure ronCATARHK.HAYriVift, C it Atlhnt nrrtiwhitls ai4 aildisraftrsuf (il1ead Tbroat aad I urics e nunutmt cur t txcintieJ a r netrat rfnt rurvs "Imt ill lavr renrtllr lad llwH IUrtdHchCNr4 In 11 ve S.tlnutrs. ftcut m r Sft lfif 1 III A I. Y J can t curei u le slret'c. rtadli for pe'iufatlnranr tr4 f f l A, llltiteratai book slat n ox en nrfaiiJ of the llrvl. Ijirvat and ll i f are all ilifeetrt 1 (it i Md'K ar-'- M rereirl "t H ebt tiam l uuns irNKri UK CO Afliate'.,Uacatfa. srsiasfals rMiiartfiw liAON8lrg) HOTGUN aa tf?ldLffSaW vjX 131 Tm( uA. ( fcfc- - fcL SflBJE!aSaaB2ada!aSsV I . I te rtttlrc liu nMU, i, ,,- - ; r.j.'itt.r. rno. l s.k. i f,fui. . uA ,.(, ,,ik;,ttu.i(Ur P,1v41a AwflMil wVa vV V.. rsrtksr's Msadard liitsttaadhair St U CJhJrA.AA fl v&..u!T:.Tf: jV afaBBatfLPlx. STfAl idirssi A, H. VARCfOUIl A MH, Tork, I'a. rsis s ps mi MWf t r, ?. CATARRH I ffml Ely's Cream Balm awl Gold in Head KLYHIun.M Warren ri,.K.f lrrcurad or no rriAiiot. Aim PATENTS 1 radn Marts, i tfrlrnr( I1th. rit isrtrer m jjfc r FATitM LAW hpr. AdJrs ) T. riTOi:hAl.n, at ban 1411 V htrect, Aatll.NUtUN, 1. U ItlDinriril ,rf a. ;m trtM. l- &- SOPA B ryanf I.SaiirtlluN Ixm Gawks nro fast go- ing out of style as faalilon able residences, Ing C'ab-Jn- a . will, however, i.lways hfivn a olaco In Ainoricail history, as thoy wire tho iiiotpiomliint foaturoof our country's early wwlal life. Tho plonocrs were fitrong.rnped, healthy. Warner's Log Cnbln lough 'and finaiitimt1mi remedy Is a repro ftlduction of ono of tho best cf tho old m mm THX $m iHtmmtrmbh Ailment (0rth0tfrmtrh nnd lre(cf(e f .JM?n'f,l,"a in faHMil jrer,nl i;fRrt'e JfeweJUI Jyenl in nil j51iMer th AtQtnnth ami 4l((l'""- - VT r Writ 11. 1). Tnsl rw lnwan onanf tbnstoinath. when stwy'wDf "V rcjcctcl I hate wvcV K iiwi?, flVlllSj ClMAStM. I.coftOJ'VVrt of trie very lst iwm ihm pnjcuin cx : : assist him In rarryliif through his put" IfY' rccoivryi end i value Mi tho atcrstsree of rhlhUU.(ltutrinK llnAtrlortdrrh. llntiIa. a J U wntrrv. V'esptikfrom ciperiepre vhettwo say thai thelMrcitfAMlnsal'M 1 bothaafeond nitii-timi-a. it L.. ttrn tn thn matkfet for man if y.ra,nniih largely Incrvaslnruh4 show tbaS fanny &tbemhavfnuiid Hkervolta nttntdui lu use. " The thridtan I rltort. A'.r. s r Medlrmsi Kew! Istrsnux. llsisr?, hkhlsslinplynididestraetrrumseryamtH Htir irmwili itf vrhrat. Is lineicY-llcd- . and 11 t'Uy the rlrtNiMHU Dtarrmo preparatlod for laralhtf, for the anul, and for th fxj 1, 1 Mrxnt ALU a ist u has lrii before the jmbbd for many year, and Is no nanll a tl taniUrd preparation. Hie ns ran IV ms doubt lihattbbUduetolt.untrorinlrsupvrKjroualltr, land thu euceesjfiu reaultai'btaJiied vrllh ttbl all casos where a rreprrd fK?d Ii r"iuUvd- - MJsjihirtfrtne Aftr.HJ 'on,A(J. 9 V. Vjtnitrw Mott, UU I ton,MauMTni Miraooisx. Nsw lurk - Ulwre s tiumv rous HMlatnatarf rQuhnunted.andallba itmrndticrenU. 'rue lurKiilal.(IUA!it I u,' in my lands, weina to b all that Is cLslrno.! for It, und rttrlnr has bnuirht me la rtlronltt UMsibr4ltJ speeisl lTvtertlas) are I nd tea tot-I- n Infantum 4liaasea It las tTOed very rfflca clous, and I always Oirn.1 lis use vrneuaonus U be nir wayied " ... The lirre untold tnoiranas or laranf a nave tenaatrd ry JurtaUr Onsst?M,att 1 rarrful mot hers aro loud In ihetr prat of thlawcll known food and pbamaeutj cap mis. y r !, in end it -- J .ImCiffcm. iMrcpiAt. tlnMH U bUhly rpcummendeO irerinpnv 'tans, and man families btfi beartnfl ia nytolta raluUIity forthepnrpfect far bi li l rrw nbed J bn Vm X Kms. Sjw vyik4are the af etits f cr Ifitt jnry Ii latfeM by ail UrjirnisU. jJUi- --jtu ,,,; r RADWAYO TiieGreatLiveran-lSloinac- Remgdy ti ly-rt- f fa i rlers laesr u t Hi P ir. Nr f 'ii" I f Si it r l(ft e i jtj e ',.. n rt ' h o.rt , tr I tu ' f s. i i ' o i .eta i i ifia I U ai (ra lif i i ' a u ex IttlMTAI't I'll J- - r rr. ,; ,(n a u u k ka.M.ejh-,,k1- r MwA S aiaf s m I f OK HEADACHE, lfi..r 'tt-- r It . !! tt st f i as Ote t i i it t e I Miitt ut t urt- a. i t irasiwrsi as - t " l,r"Ve ' '? f t tTpief ralt.t 4 nt i he l reiLifa iiau I Jk.l HV iWS' r art h n H J lnt Irl4 4r4 If f lfc" a,,1SeS. l(rti'Urr , H.tfaMol w II i. . r ifi i in lha fi n it $ r rrviiaK ", Mainf.r imI1m g t t" S imi riBiif seneatifa wl.cft tr- a flfi faxtnr ImumikI ti?t K l ' W i W rw the F'BtM I tr a id (HiM laM la t'j l4 iMHrfMiri i I IVfKti At u A h f ifc)rhitt fmmm - - A - ,5, t Bl A- aUO da hntH" VSfT'ef twlbtr VWh a ua .,wf II lliu Si m i'is.i.h iii rr lkMi1n f all lb i nmmi'4 (' rdvr ft .. 1 . . i . t . IMI UillU tl.H S., N 113 w t n ) s IW ImI raat - tiki w ! it i 'J imiukI i- - i a ' a f r It lts AS 11 H -- u,oi.r,UUW.it I II ' a v a MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY, Aey ak raend la e re ad I aa Mlad waadvrlat enrd Mpklna' MkMi ,!. VhftIy Hallka arltArtal tjilrmi, ltrr riiil,Mbfl Sir ftaareme nrt flrnl arfMraaltlaarrtMtnilrMffl. iT.p. wiii.' pier r Wm. e,iuaMW, if.j4U a - m Ain aasa SirMlflir 1 !, tfca jpr at V" !, . Hklrr,. IU ' rik (rUn J4m4. lMHere rrir.tS ililit, Rifl iriTj Ir( x lAizrit xi:rasAtv ft. triiiiTiii rtrsi TheDUrKUn'OUlUEts Issued March and Hep!., each year. It Is an eucy Ol of useful Inlor for alt who pur- - ohaae tho luiurles or th Of life. We caJi clothe you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary rrrliancea to ride, walk, dan.e, sleep, cat, Hah, hunt, xrart. go to church, or stay at home, and In various laea,' anil quantities. Just flfruro cut wht ! required to do ail these thins QHfSTsiv zzi ycu ess riiis stair ostiuYueo? tho value of the 2JUYKKB ouiui:, lthiah wtu b nt upon receipt of 10 cents to pay pMaae. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. UM14 Ulohlcan Avenue, Chtoao, IU. HALF RATES to nn: - bV i saBrssaej si rTii- R- "I'm Farming Regions WEST, SOUTHWEST, NORTHWEST. rrrart-TiT- -r l en yeerTlfbal aWrts r S.sTlaTU.utaiiata Atti. &. II it- eaicaf. pv tit rn wall. Full 4rlilUn FREE UanJt'tNfii Tailor trtrnp ul lru tuning. iHH)Ut Ae.O. tint ansii.O. , 9r MM" wrj F " MJ.W A DAY. Hamrlcsvotthfl.aO VBtll i ti.tundtf lit kdi,i.tu "ilia IJtll HHAHjitra sitliv asiahuLOta to , ii4i, aua. tUla fart tMf vmmtm ttN. uruoriCqrsd. Ksw JfUio-l- . GANGES sntrrrt JaLnfiLCmtiaattLO, llri atuuna fM f U tlbanw ta4 taakt km ata' wtiUnt f ai thta ! rOttnf ata.laiStwMl4 Wfcf eMtl.MtSI issa. Twtrssa. AaiiM, isvsa c,Avfia,M4iAa, axtiAxa iiusrArsatNtW.iMitir IjnUC ,nuT h4kWtplng-,rrrinMaihlp,ArIt- nURVC mile, ffkorttiani tc thnnniftilv taiultl bjrmai Litruurt rr- -. aaissi'SHiiesut, u.vi,s.i. n knife. bwk IfiflHCERw" llni. CluctDnsiL ubl ir.. WIIITIMi TO Alvr.UTIBKKV'.tAilT tala I Ut feu ew tiw AdverilaatBeuA to UJ iwce. 3 TO MAKE " " Z7JZJZ 7 s wawllyj fes. - tn- - Z .- -- n.,is u ea. rsuusi.ics. KRWIsHiia1 A DPI ICIOUS BISCUIT ASIC YOUTl ClliOClCll I'OU DWIGHFS "COW BRAND" SODA AND TAKE NO OTUKU. & Straiton Chicago Business College! ,?il,lJ7W0.,NBT,TUTB find CNGLIBH TRAININQ 80HOOU Mha Ml A.lsaillS snl Itit ZjVa.l.C3luav'X XIV rX'CI'l WOllIiDI ts MntlMKy, adtrsMU.Mi IIUVAflT sew,l'rrltn,CStiMIJ'

Jacobs oRj $m - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85052141/1888-10-12/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · Otura, crjJo or unmanufactured, fur smoieirui. I'otash, cruda carbonate

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Synopsis of llio Senate Sulistl-Inl-

for (ho Mills 1IIII.

Totnl Reduction Futlmatod by thoCommlttoo, $75,000,000.

Sujar, $27,759,000; Fres List, $6,500,000;Tobacco, $24,500,000; Alcohol In ths

Arts, $7,000,000; Olher Re- -

ductlont In Ihs Cuttoms,


r p n or tub mtuWAniVGTo -- Tho SfinMo Finance

fVmimllU'e't substitute furlbe MitU tariff billi mtKHllr an ontlra revision of Urn tariff sche-

dules and tbs administrative feature of tbepresent law, rropoJl the rccs-ctn.c- at of allsneh features as in tbe oylatim uf tu majorityof Iht committee ought no! to br changed TlitfoLowfntfftjnopMcoiitAiut .ill the changes, ascompared with the present la, tbe retrsby the

law bolnj jlvcn la nirerdkcset, ltb(except when the article is not cnu.

ru rated In existing law),The following are the additions to the free

Hit t Acorns r diwd or utd uM. II try in,sulphate of. or btrytcsunmvmin turod. Itees

v. flock and pamphlets, pnntM exclusiv-ely In lanuarca olbcr than KnglMi, llranls,plan flit, laces, etc., for ornamenting hats.ItrHUci, nw or manufactured, Ilulb or bulbousrootsnot edible, Chlckory root, raw. dried ornmlrlcd, but unprouniL Goal stuck or cu m.Owl tar, crude Curling stono handle Ourrunt. Zunte or other dried, Dandelion roots,raw, dried or undried, but unground Eggs andyolk. Feathers and downs of all kind, crudoandunrnflnufacluiTiL Jute. Juto butts. Msn-111-

Uimlc &iM cnu, Sunn. All oVrtextile Brasses or fibrous, eubttane-cs- , unmanutne lured o undressed. Fro- - matting, knowna Chinese matting. Oreao nnl oils such aia- -i commonly mod tu ojp making or minedrawing, etc. Hiimitn hn(r. raw, uncirar.ed nndnot drawn. Mineral waters, not specially cnumerated Moiastcs, testing not abve flfty-sl-

decrees. Olive oL for manufacturing or mo.lhanlral purpose Vut oil, or till a ts,Otura, crjJo or unmanufactured, fur smoieirui.I'otash, cruda carbonate. Potash, caustic orhydrate. Potash, nitrate of. or saltpeter. Potoh, sulphato of, IV t ash, chlorate of. Rags allnot enumerated, llomp ecf. Rape seed.Sponges. 8 nd. Tar and piuh of wood. Tur-pe- n

tin".Fresh fish romnln on the free list, but with

the following Important rcenntion 'Kxceptvhufroroaor picked In Ice or other lie, rrc-pr- td

ly any process for preservation." Fishrmcred by ibis except on arc clnted withoiber fori'tffn caught preacrved fish at one-hal- f

rent a pounJ, In the prcacnt law 1


(Thn classification o! wool 1 tlial of ths presnt lawWools of iho first nnd icond class and all

bnlrof the alpaca coat and other like animals,11 cent per pound (I'HoSOc.) Wools of thethird class, exceeding In va'uc tels cnl perpound, cetits pr jtound, (It TopsluUnff andall other aitc. composed holly or u prt ofwool or worsted, llcrnts per pound. All woolsand hair vt tic alpaca, goat or other anlmils,

h'chlivo lren rdianccd by nn process ofmanufacture beyond the washed or scouretl

not otherwise enumerated or prorided forIti this act, shall bo subject H the sonndulipns are fmposetl upon m mufacturrs of woil notepcelally enuniTatcd or provided for In thisDC. Woolen cloths, shatv'a and all manu fac-

te its of wool not cnunicr-U- d valued at notexceeding 0 cents p?r pound. Si cents perpound, nnd in addltf jn thereto 2i per cent adYntorcm, (VL cents t!t!a 35 nnd 40 per cent)A bore 40 cents and not excedlnc CO cents perpound, B centa pr pound and 40 per cent, advn'orcm fttand 40centsand.tSand40per cent.)AlKtto CO cents per pound, 0 cents per poundand 40 per rent, nd valorem Flannels, bl.nn-kc-

bals. etc , mined at abore CI cnts perpttund Wcrnls per pound nnd 10 irccnt adm'orom (i cnts and 35 per cent, and 35cents and 40 per cnt ) Women's and chil-dren's dress Roods, Itallsn cloths, ete ,tnido pnrt of wool nnd valaed at sot

15 cents per square yard, 8 centspersq'iare yard, 40 rr cent ad vAlwrem t5c nts itod per ernt), eontatnln; an admixturc of kllU nnd In wh ch (Ilk Is not tho cutiipo-taei-.t

material of chief talue. and not otherwiseprovided, 11 cents per squaro yard, and In

thereto 40 per centum ad valorem (5 centsand 35 per cnt and 7 cents and 4J per cent ,

to rn'ue ) Provided that ull goods ofthe character enumerated or desenbed In thisparjrij, clcthy: CTCT fiur Oi.i.vr trsquare yard, shall par a duty of 4) cents perIoundan140pcrcent. ad valorem (Scents and4) per cent.) Woman's and children's dressroods, Italian c'o'hs ond composed wholly ofwool, lie per square yard and 4Q per cent, advslorem rioe nnd'5 percent) All such jftxnKwith selv j,es made wholly or la part of otherrnnterlnls, nnd atlsucb roods In which threadsmade wholly or In part of ovher material hareliven Introduce 1 for the purpose of chaagIn Un classification for duty, lie periqaaro jard 40 pr centum alvalorem (e and40 per cant) Provided, that a'l such goodw rlhJnir over four ounces per square yard shallpiy a duty of 40c per pound and 4) per fr.nL adYiilorrm Clothing ready mado not rnumerate.V all ds made cc knitting frames and allpile fabrics, composed wholly or In part ofwoo', juaduup cr menufactxred wholly or Inpirt,40c psrpouolanJ 45 per cent, ad valoremHOud35por cent,) Cloaks, dolmans, Jsckets.tc , oictpl knUwils fcomK)sea wnollyorln

pi.lo? wool, mad up wholly or In part) i3ewr pound aj.d 45 jtcr cent ad ralor-- n (15c and

4i jor nt ) Krd'ess blts or felt for paper orrruillug mhtne. 20-p-er roinl and 80pertent i--l aWem iH and 5 per cent. )

cnrmu.EK-srGA- n,All ii3r not abovo thirteen Dutca standard

Inm'or 1nk lottoms syrups of enne jnlceor f e i ce ruclada, concentrated mclada,frcn 'i rorcentrnted molnie testing bypolnri- - nnt alove 5deg, per roundiiw luivn no ior every addlttLnal degree

fbown tiy iviiirlsroiie, additlornl nw4'rtc) A'UU'sm alntenTneei!rtepn andtut iN)Ten'ribrixteen ISc (now3T5I0c)A'l supers cb ve number lxtecn, andnot abovel.u nbe twenty ISffnowV AUuicanalioinurclr twenty Se (nofra'te). MaIa. lect-in aNtre rc dg , 4o po gallon (now V) S'igirCindy and all confectionery. Jnc'iilfng rhocoIVe c nfcct.o ior madv wholly or In part of r

va eU t JJ. or lc a pound and on t uarsnfier Wing n fired when tint'und, colored orIn anT way adulterated 5e per pound (nowSonrdl(V Olieoscor grapo sugar, !ic (?) perct'i l (hi va'orem).

UEVENCE.The I itoriiJrcunue section, so fir at It re

Utcatc tcbzx a prutidrs Uiai after the 1st ofl'ubrunry, JHcc;, manufacturer, yt c'rirs shallpay ft srrei d tax of threo dol'nrs annually. Thetax on ull cigars, cheroou, nnd all cigarettesv v lyhing mor j thau throo jo jnA rMr tbsssnd,wflch siiall lo raanufactu-cJorsol- d aiter'thatditi sha'lbeflMpcrtUu.id. and on cigar-tt-

welsh.cg less than three pounds w thethousand fifty cents psr thousand, and said taxslutllbopaid by thomanuf-cture- r It rcnoalsall laws rotrfc Ing the disposition of tobiccoby farmars and and all laws Imwjsint?'mpi un ana snuff, ftnd

special tUCirceulivdbrlaMrtfthonAMhinaqurnvtunn of tod Uoairr In leaf tobacco,tvsnU ur.Vr n Wl Wbreoi d,Uti In romn- -t.cUiTGd UbttCCQ. snuff and ck'nn. nw.MUr. ,.t bare), luuff utiu cigars, anl manufacturers ofsuutf It provides for a onn I original and unbroken packages1m M by manufacturers nr dealers atti'o llniv tin repeal go Into of! jt (1st I'ebru-srvthrt-

It nlto ietcal all .awsiiwltiug. re-st I'tinyorngaKllngthernindiacture, salo or

oftobaccoor spuffA'cnlml lobe used In tho industrial arts Is

rtll vclfro.u tho payment or on internalprnvlslun Is made for bonded alco-l-

warthouse. nnd saftiruards aio provided(igninst fraud,

Ttcro pro'ilblt'on against the use or anydtl tel spirits upon which the Internal reenuotns has not I ceii pnMhnhc manufacture oftinrlurta propr clary articles wines, liquorscrllals, titter or other olcolcl c compoundsv li.cli are uve 1 or sold as beverages.

raiLnuiicIn l)lnT and collecting the duty on Iron oro

rn ded action shall le made from tho weight ofth rro on account of moisture which may bochemirsliy nr physically tn nblucd therewith.

Uouitd nnd square (ton not less than threefitarter-lnch- , nine tenths cent pr pound (nowoie cenlt Hat les thin one inch wide or!etmn tbree-eighil- n Inch thick j round iron,I' lhan tlircr-quarl- Inch nnd not less lhanseen sixteenth inch In diameter, and squareIron less than three-quarte- r Inch square, onecent (row 1 1 10 cent). Round Iron in coils androJslss than seven sixteenth of an inch r,

and bars or shapes of rolled iron notseiiiUly enumerated, 1 1 10 cent (now 1 210cint). Cast-iro- pipe nine-tent- cent (now onecent) Cast Iron vessels, plates, hand Irons,tad irons, etc., not speclallyenumeratcd, 1 2 Mcper piund (nowise). Castings of malleableIron uncnumerated, IVe (1100, lion or steelanchors, wrought iron for ships, forging oflrrn and strel weighing C5 pounds or more,1 f lOo (now 2c)j axles, it (now V'Jci. blark-smltb-

hammers, 3140 (now ff'iei. beamspinlers uud building forms, V 1 JOc (nowP4cj lolieror other plate Irou or steel, cxieptlue plat(s, not thinner than No. ID wj patiovsluidat 2o per i)und rr les. le er pound,alovf '4eand not abotoSc, I 10o;ntHtu3curidHI vboe4r, above found not .Ukjvoic,tc lftjre?e and not abuvr Mu 1 MOc, alotel'e nl not tibove lie, Vio above He 41 persvut id vUnm (uw all IMc)( provtdsd, thst

all plate Iron or steel thlpitfr than No. 10 wiregauge shall pay duty as iron or stee! plates,llnller and other tubes, 8W P runJ (now 3?andUe). Holts, Sc (ne li ' CbiV,5Sless than three fourths Inch 'nuiametef, lBJwjbetween thre9fourthsandtsrfeeifcins,l(ncilessthan three plghlhs, 8c now e. c and2Sc) rorglngsoflronanlil' fpcciallyenumerate t, 8 3 10c (nowi'i IIeporbandIron between Nos. 10 andW 1W per Pjund(now 1 1 l0c)t thinner that N w lZlPf (now1 (ProvldcU that band Iron oriImi t(A iti.n n.. a-- ...n, in a more tnanthe duty imposed on the hocpfr in which It ismade.

Nails-C- ut lo rer pouni (now IU'nails longer than iwro Inehei lnd Tluc J0; 'Tc per iound (now4c)i ltenone twoliiihea, S,c (now 4c), Ilailwsl r r ilron an.dstcol, and made In part vt Iron and 'toe rails and punchod iron u" tk flft

rail, T MOc per pound (now rsriin from IIper ton to JllOe per pound

Railway flsh plate, leperpo dmowisei;sheet iron or stol thinner than N 'A PW perpound (now 50 por cent. adva.oretn spikes,nuts, washers and horse she , 1 10e per pound(now tc) j cogged ingots, b.oomi and blanks forwheels, lc (nowKe).

Thcctatsincatlnnof w!e.m changed asfollows: A duty of MOc per pv isimiosedon all slies not smaller than Kw C a"J valued at3c or less per pound, and on iv ' or atetl, flat,with ribs for fencing, value J st So or less. Onallsliesof Iron and steel wrs the duty i re-

duced o per pound, execjt i re It Is smallerthan Na C, where the duty u unchanged. It Isalso provided that wire vnlurJ wore than lOo

a pound shall pay a duty of n t Jess than 45 percent, ad valorem.

Files between 0 and 14 InchM, II t)perdoien;over 14 Inches, ti (now 91 SO snd U

In steel Ingot, blooms In Habs bands, sawplates, plates, shafts, mold) at d nuttngs, theclassincallon which now ber at values of 4cper pound, with duties rangirt from45ier cent,ad valorem to 3Uc per pound is carried on downto values of one per cent rr pound, and thefollowing rates are propoH Valued at onecent per pound or less, five Itsths of one centper pound between one cent and one and four-tent-

cent six tenths of nascent per pound i

tween one and four-ten- rent and one andeight tenths cent eirtir tcthi of one cent perpound, between one and Cght tenths cent andtwo and one cent parrud; fcet-x- es tTrs ssi :rc u ,; ud lutrecents, one nnd two-tent- cent per pound, be-

tween three cents wed four cents one and sixtenths cent per pound, between four cent andseven cents, two cents rer pound: betweenlet en cents and ten cents, two and eight-tenth- s

cents per pound. ttwcen ten cents andthirteen cents, three ad one-ha- cents perpound; above thirteen cents, 43 per cent, ad

alorem.Cross-cu- t saws, cents per linear foot; mill

pit and drag saw s not over nine Inches ide, 8

cents; over nine Inches wide 13 cents (now s,10 nnd 15 cents)Copper ore me per poun l(now. f 4e).OM cop-

per for rcmanufjcturo ani composition metallVetnow8 Copper p'ats. Ingots and otherforms not enumerated ? bow 4c),

Table and ether knlvesTalued at net momthan cne dollar pr doz? n COo per dnxen;

cue and three do lars, boe; betweenthree and eight do11r tl more than eightdollar' f3, and noon all WpT cent, ad valoremadditional (now 35 pr o -- L d valorem); penknhes, knife blads, razors 30o per dozenbladea and S3 pr cent, ad valorem (now W percent an valorem).

GoM loaf t: ier package now f I 5aHollow wire Se a pcrd (now ac). Lead

sheets, pipes and sheet 2 o er pound (now3c); double-barrelle-d bne loadlrg shotcuns110 each ard r per c- r ad valorem (nowA5 percent! K tk lore v per pound (now I5c).Nickel matte 10 (now I5t Quicksilver 6c perpound (now 10 per cent ad al jremL

Wood screw more than tfolncbos In length.Bo per pound between one and two Inches, ?c(now Co and Pc half Inrh and less. Ho (nowI2ck Cut tack, brads an I sprigs notrxreod-In- g

sixteen ounces to the thousand, Seperthousand (nowSct. exeeediig sixteen "ouncesSUe per thousand now Set

Typometat le per pound now 00 per cent.ad va'cretci new tyie, S3 per cent, advalorem

Zinc boek or pig, le per pound (nowl'Jel xlnc for remanufaetcre le (nowiHe).

It Is provided that artlr m not speciallyenamerattl madu from sheet iron or steetshall pay a duty ro lower thsn that Imposed onthe material from which they are made.

scuencLnr todcco ncAiu, etc.CIg-ir- cigarettes and cheroots, ti.3) per

pound (now 13 SO) if any portion of any to-

bacco iXi parted In any pncka;e or in bulk shallbe suitable for wrappers, the r a tire quantity oftobacco ccnUlnod In such imiortatlon shall bedutiable. If not stemmed, at "5c per pound; Ifstemmed, at tl pr pound.

Leaf Lbacco. all other than that suitable forwrappers, unmanufactured ar t not stemmed,SO centa per pound stemmed t centa (now 35).KnKUUIE D r.ARTHKtWAHE ZI CtUSSWARE.

Common Irown esrtheuwsrc, 1 percent advalorem (now S5 percent ad ralfam); china,porcelain, prlsn and bisque, er cent, advalorem (now W per cent ai cm); plainwhite, V) per cent ad valorem (net 33 per centnd va orem).

AH other earthen, stone, or ro kery ware,white, glazed or edged, and other aanufactnrecoiiiKedof earthy or mineral i hstanee. Wpercent ad valorem (now eSpernt ad valo-rem) , tiles and brick, other than f re brick, or-

namented or glazed, and eceanstlc 43 per centad valorem (now ranging from to per rnt advalorem to 23 pr cent ad valorem), fire brick,not glazed or decorated fLtS a tea (now so percent) , glazed or decorated, 46 per cent ad valorem (new class).

Gas retorts, f3 each (new classIn the gloss schedule the class Sratlon of cyl-

inder and crown, polished. 10 ty 13 inches Isconsolidated with that of 10 by 21 tnche at 4cents per square foot Tho gemral classifica-tion of glass Is greatly changed but, with theexception of the following provisions, the du-ties remain as in existing? lawj

Plain green, and eelerrd, raoldelor pressedand plain flint ond pme g19 rVf teldlngnot less than one pint and demtjoens aid

and other plain molded or pnsej greenand colored and flint or lime c';im ware, notspecially enumerated or provide f r in thisnet, one cent per pound. Plain rree n and colrred molded or pressed, and y aia flint ondlime pint bottles and vials hoi "n; t thanrnr pint, en and Due-hal- f cent per pot'nd. Allarticles enumerated m tho prrreJiDg para-graph if filled, and not othcrwue i rvvidcd for.and the contents are subject to an ad vamrfmrate of duty or to a rate of duty ba?d upon thovalue, tho vulue of such bottles, vials, or othervcstvls shall be added to the val le cf tho con-tents for the ascertainment of the dutiablevalue of the latter; but if filled and not other-wise prodded for and the contents are not sub-ject to an ad valorem rate of datr or to rate ofduty baaed on the value, or are free of duty,such bottles, vials, or other vessels shallpay In addition to the duty, if any on Uieir con-tents, tho rates of duty preserved in the pre-ceding paragraph. (Piovlded, that no articlesmanuiuiiuitiHroiuiflbvsutftiTiMd in the pre-ceding paragraph, shaVl pay a Ies rolo of dutythan forty per centum nd valorem j

OUssand glass ware of aUkiods,nr Includingplate glass, silvered or looking class p. ate amicylinder crown, orcoinuion window .tx, nUcncut engrated, or otherwise crnoia ted, aadLiiJ lull curs, nolesoredjng tnitze one hundredand fourty four square Inches, C per cectuir advalort.ni.


This section is re enacted entire with tbs following additions!

Fawed board, planks, deals and blocks, orposts of mahogany rosewool, fatluwood, gren- -

allila. or otter cabinet wood,Aftecn ier cent4 valoremVeneering and brier rust or tr'-e-r wudand

similar wood unmaaufsetirM, or not furthermanufactured than cut Into forms or shapessuitable for the articles r!rj which th-- are

to be converted, twenty percent, advalorem

aciirbVf.KC'tton thread, varns, warpi or warp yarn

(not wound upon spools), valued utoier rSocndnot exceeding 40c per po nd, IHc por pound(15c); over c anl not emecdlucWK1, CTc perpound (VOt ourNc ond not cxceediniCic. scper pound (Sii)

Cotton cloth not bleached dyed, colored, etc.,and not exteedlngMthreads to the square Inch,xcpersqua'Cjard (5'jrj if hlcrchcd.SJi i3!$i);If dyed colon d etr JcttSc).

Cotton cloth notbiesch'd dyed, colored, etc,rxreodins Viand not exc c tg Ot lhreada.1 40t i. if b'caeiied 1 c. u ri; if dyed,

4 ,1 p .vded, that on allcotton cloth not ex dlnfc u hundred threads,notbleaihed djed etc .i ted atocr61scentsperyant; bleached, va'iif.iat overOeenly, andded, colored etc, wined at over II centsthere shall be paid a duty nf 35 p'r ecnt advalorem (now rang ing from m to 4Ji per sqtutej anl). J

All cotton colheiceedirgixlnndnotcxcrfrtIng VO thread to the square (Dch, not bleached,del etc., valued atover : cents per sqimrejard. b'mshed valued a over tn cents persquarojaro fljed tolurr stained, painted orprinted valued at over u, cents per iquarvyard, their ahaii tie pud tditycf 4t) icrceolad valorem

Cotton cio'h not bleat bed, dyed, colored, ete,exceedinrlViandnot rxcedingftOOthreads.a),cents ierspiatfiir(l .it ir i eiched, 414 cents(4)felyrd t Inrod eic lt (.tuts (5)1 providedthat on au m ton cMh r, eillng IM nnd notexceeding ciu threads, not bleached, dyedeolored, ett ralued al ovrr h centa per squareyard bleat ixdviiuedntovei mcenls per squareyard. djri looted otc, unted or printed,tatuniat per vjuaro yrd, thereshall bo pdtd a duty of 43 ppr cent, ad valorem

Cotton, .in nntbleirhed dyed, colored, etc.,enxeiinj. 0 threads 4', u isper iquaie yardi1),ifbi. ii d, &itir,u )S, tf dysd, colored,ir .l-- ctnti im fOnsloemniis. hove snd half hose composdof

tcitoaer tit a mtisbis nvr5tlt l 9

exceeding 13 per dozen palre.60 cents per dozenpairs and CO per cent ad valorem (40 percent)

On cotton 1mic, clothing and wearing ap-

parel of cotton, not enume rated, 40 per cent advalorem (13 and 40 per cent)

Hamburg edgings, embroideries or Insertingof cotton, 43 cents per pound, and 13 er eeutad valorem (Id per cent)

Plushes velvots, velveteen, and all pile fabrics composed of cotton, 10 cent per fquareyard and SO per cent, ad valorem (40 per centl

fciixnuM j n.AX, ntur AioltiTaTHemp, K0 per ton (tX )Cables or cordage and twine, tneb d ng Mod-h-

twine, composed wholly ef mar-ill- orslmlgrass, 14 cent perpounfcttW to 3H per pound)

Manufactures of flax, hemp, lute, valued nt5 conts per pound or less, 8 cents per pound (0percent); valued ebovcacsnts psr pouad, 40

pcrcont ad vslorem (M to 40 per cent.)Ilrown and bleaehM llnn cloth containing

not leas than 100 threads to ths square inch, 33

percent ad valorem.On laces and cmbroldsrU of flax, nU and

cotton, not enumerated, to per cent, ad valorem(30 per cent)

On collars and cuffs for men wear composedentirely of eatton, IS cents per dozen pieces andUperccst. &va:&rein, cvuipvdtu u ortn part of linen, SO cents per dozen pln.es and S3

lorccnt ad valorem.Ragging or cotton valued at not more than

8 centa per pound, Ii cent per ruud (W.Oilcloth for floors, 10 cents per aquansjard

aud 13 per cvnU ad valorem (40 per cent)ecncDCLE n wood and woobk aub.

The schedule is re enacted entire, with thefollowing additions! ,

Sawed boards, planks, deal ard blocks orposts of mahognny, rosewood, sstlnwood,frandilla or olher cabinet wood, 13 per cent ndvalorem.

(linger ale, beer, lemonade, soda water andother aerated waters In rlatn green or coloredmolded or pressed glass bottles contalngnotmore lhan V pint, S3 cents per dozen; containIng more than li pint rY cents per dtnen (butno separate duty shall be aseed on the notties); If Imported otherwle lhan In plain greenor eolored, molded or pressed glass bottlosorIn such bottles containing more than Pi pinteach, 30 cents por gallon (W percent.), and lathe last cave Dm bott1s or other coverings shallbe assessed as If empty,

CKt?rt2 c rnovwoxa.Animals alive Horses and mules, f?0 a bead

enow W per cent ad valorem)! cattle more thanona year old, Ii per head (now xO per cent advalorem) ; hogs and sheep. We (uot at per centad valorem).

Roans per bashet -- o (now 13 per cent, nd valorem) Reans, peas and mushroom, preparedor preserved, sic per gallon (nowftlptrcent ad

alorem). Cabbages, to each (now 10 per centad valorem) Chicory root burnt or roasted.le per pound (now t , ground or granulated Inrolls or wtherwtse prepared, USc. Oocoa butteroreoeoabuttenne 3Wo (now SO per cent). Indclloa root and acorn, prepared, and other arti-cles used as coffee or substitute not speciallyvuuuieratrd, IHc per round (now fl.

Kxtract of meat all not specially providedfor, 35o per iound (now 30 percent, ad valo-rem) , fluid extract of meat, 15e per pound (noSO ercent ai valorem).

Fruits Grapes lo a pound. (nowCOpercout)Oranges, lemons or limes, lu packages of capactty of IV cubio foot or less, 10c per package,demons now ICo and orange lOo a twx exceedlng 1U and not exceeding J'4 cubio feet,COo (lemons now 30o orungrs COci excecdingx1and rot exceeding 3 cubic feet, 4ta (now t6o perbarrel), exceeding 5 cubic feet for every add!tlonol foot or fractional part thereof (e ;in bulk1160 per I,fisl (unw CO per cent ad vivlorom,lemons ti per 1,(XA orange ft CO per 103)

Ginger or ginger root preerved In sugar orotherwise, and cilron preserved orcandio-l- , 4e

per pound row 35 per cent ad valorem) Ornge peel nnd lesica pe;t preserved or can

died, So per pound.Fish Maekeret p'ckled or saltd, lo pr

peiund (now t2prbarrelt; herrings, pickled orsailed &o (now II per barrel) t salmon, pickled.Ic per pound (now IV per barrel) i other f.sh

pickled. In barrels le a pound (now fS a bar.re!)

Cars or packages made of tin or other matcrlal containing fish of any kind admitted freeof duty under any existing law or treaty, exceodiur one quart, Pe for each additionalquart or fractional part in addition to tha pres-ent rate.

Hops lOeapound WMacaront vermaeel 1 and other similar prep

rations Coper ound.Milk, preserved or condensed, 3o per pound

(CO per cent ).Spices, ground or powdered, not specially

provided for, 4c per pound (3)Filterts and walnuts So per pound (3). Nuts

not enumerated H0(CPeas in bulk, barrels or sacks, 10c bushel (CO

percent ); split peas COo bushel (a) percent).peas In eirtons, papers cr small packages, ,aeper pound (CO per cent)

Rico, cleaned, leper pound (CUeJ uncleanedrice and rice flour and meal v,c pound (lVc ou 1

CO per cent respectively); broken rice cpound (IWe).

Castor beans 35c bushel (31)).

Starch Ce per pound (Cc).Vegetables of all kinds preserved, Inoludlng

pickles and sauces, 33 por cent (30 and 35).hCiiEDirtj; a cnrwiCAiA

Ac'ds Acetic below 147 derree. 14c perpound; above 147 degrees, 4o per pound (now Ce

and lOo respectively). lioracle. Be per pound(now 10). Chromic, lOe (now l5o) Tannic, Ox(now Ji). Aleoholie perfumery, t2 ier gallonand C3c ad valorem (now to por gallon and 30percent ) Alizarine assistant 3c pr pound(now C3 per cent) Ammonia, carbonate. Ucper pound (now IX) per cent), muriute of,lie (now 10 per cent.); sulphate of,(now CO per cent) Rlue vltrtoL Co perpound (now tc). Camphor, refined, 4c(now Sc.) Hydraulic cement In packages,6cper lW, tnbulk, Tc (now CO por cent advalorem In each case) Chalk, prepared, pre-cipitated, French and rod, lo pVr pound (nowto per cent) Chloroform, . ovuim enow tor).OibaH, oxide. 40o (now W) per ont ) Collodion,BOo (now Men Collodion In sheets, c (fOo),CoIlMlion In tinlshod or partly tlnltbed articles,40c per pound and C5 per cent (now n)o and S3

per cent) Etilphurlo ether and spirits of ni-

trous ether, 9)o (now oOo and 3e). Rutyiioether and other fruit ethers and oils, f 1 V5 jktpound (now tCSO per pound and 14 an ounewj.Ucenumerated ether, 73? (now 11). Extracts oflogwood and otherdyowond,eitracts cf sumac,extracts of hemlock and other barks, such asare commercially used for dyeing or taani".?not especially enumerated or provided for Inthis act, 1 cent a pound (now 10 cents and CO percent m valorem) Gelatine glue and islnglass, under 7 cents a poanS, HS cent, over 7cents, S3 per cent s d valorem (from 2 ) per centto 30 per cent). Glycerine, unrefined, specificgravity 1S5 or lr, Iteui h i una to, Kenned4i cents (3). Indigo extracts ii cent carmlned;0cent (iiow jwr enl ) Writing Ink, tocasks, bottles or Jugs, holdinj; a pint or more,40 cents a gallon; less than a plntMeents.otherwise than In casks, bvttles or ug-- 0 ensa gallon. Ink powders, printer' and al otherInk rw fpeHMy enimrjtd, 0 rrr ert M

all 30 per cent). Iodine, rcsub'lmcd, 30 cent. L

pound (4 1 cents). Icdofonn ll "0 s pound tfCiLeads Aettate of, white, Mia a pound ,

brown, 9)ic; orange mineral, 3ao (now Cc,4oand 3a respectively).

Licor'ce, extracts of, 3o. a pound (now 74c)Magnos'n. carbonate of, medicinal, 4c a poond;calclncd,8 (3c. nnd 10c,, respcctttcl)). Morphla aad all salts, 00. an ounce (now fl )

om-C'S- tor, Wc. n gallon 0(i ). Ood liver,15c. (nowttiperornt). Croton, 30o (now 50c I

Cottonseed 0 fa) OHve salad, t&c,(tm )

Seal, whale and other flsh olt 61 (now C3 ercent )

Paints and eolnrv HlUM, Rcrlla, PrussianChinese and all others containing feirtcranlde.of Iron, 6c pr pound (in? peroent and t3 percent )Blanc"Fjxe, lie. (now 5 percent) Yillow, green and other chromic colore, 4Va (iiper cent) Ostrc, sienna, umbor earths, dry,Ue. per iound (',( ) Ultra marina blue, tVJo

(5c.) Wahb1u, to tUiuIng ultramirln9, 3oper pound (CO por cbnt.) Vermillion red orquicksilver colois, ICe. (C3 percent )

I'laster rarls, giound or calcined, I1.M perton (CO per emu.

Medicinal prrpanvtloni known as essences,extracts, Inc tiding proprietary preparations ofwhuh nlcotud Is the romponent part, 40cpoumKW ) Mfdleinalpreiuratlons, mixtures,muellspc, pUsters, pill, otc., of which alcoholIs not n cornK)net.t rnrt, in iH-- cent ad valorem(now Horn 15 to W) per urn .) hniitontuc, fl apound (U Caslilosinp, 1UC per pound (JO percent k hnlplmr ittliietl lu rlls. IS per tonbubllined, or (lowers of, liu u ton (110 and tOQ rosictlvely )

Vuruibes, Includlnit ao culled gold slzo orJapan, 40 per cent, nd vn'orrrn, nnd on spinlvarntshes, for the alcohol eotitulncd thrr-iln- . tipert-'allo- nddiuont) (ranging from 40 per certoll 3i per gallon und 40 per cent

rciiHX'ir. m oiks, iAprn, etc.Rooks, photograph, maps, ete., not 'I'lriT

ated, C5 percent (JOand Vt per cent Paperenvelope. V5c per 1 'W (C5 percent and 15 petcent ) Manufactures of paper not enumerated.3 per cent (ft and 13 per cent.) Surfacecoated papers, cardboards, albuminized nnd

papers, lllhographlo prints fromrltherslont nr arinc tound or unbound (exceptIllustrations in nnted books), and all tirtlclcproduced utiterm whole or In part by llthographic process, H3 per rent nd valorem. Plning cards, b)c icr rack tld) per cent)

Tho last forts-thre- pages of the bill contnbitsudmlnlsuaiivo features, which are similar U

thnso cents tied m the undervaluation bill as npassed tho benato during the Foity ninth 0)fiKress.

According lo the estimates made by the ccmmlttcc the bll provides for a total reduction oabout I'dO oc 0 made up approximately as tolows hugar. 7;:oinr, freo list, f')300.(0itobacco (inter nl uoit.ic), fii,fATr)0O, aloohulin the arts, I7UM0O), other reductions Incus101ns, t5,tU0UO

Tub boy who i "brought up byhmdf'conaldera thj pith of oatly Ule sliprryoari-X)r- Aiaa4(u.

THE WAGES QUESTION.Why Labor Can Not Get Rich by Increas-

ing Its Ilurdens.Jliq loftdor of tho HojmbUcnn cam-)nln- n

hits nnnouncexl thut tho tariffquestion la merely n question of whith-er Amoricnn lnlxr shall rccolvo hifihor low WBffes, '! will not," ho snul,

stop to nrguo tho question upon nnyothor basis." Then takinp; oMosanchusetts ns tho most conspicuous oxumploof tho benefits of protection to labor,ho proceeded to compnro hor laborsituation, not with that of Germany orsome othor high-tari- ff country, "butwith that of "freo-trad- o England." Inorder to mako tho comparison as favor-abl- o

ns poss&blo to tho protection the-ory ho Ignored his own report as Sec-retary ol State, wherein h ahovvedthat tho apparently larger pay in

was duo to It? superior cfflolonoy iw oonipured with tho pay andenlclency of labor In England, nnd

tried to figure out tho benefiU ofprotection from rv Juggling contrast oftho savings-bank- s returns.

Now It happens that Mr. Carroll I).Wright, tho highest Mnssnchuectt au-

thority on labor statistics, investigatedthis very quwtlon of tho effects of thotariff on wages in Maannchusett in1883, and ns Chief of the Massachu-setts Rureau of Labor embodied in htsreport for 1884 a series of elabornfotnbles showing tho wages paid Inninety different Industries during ninedifferent periods from 1860 to IcSO.

In 16C0 wo woro working under tho lowtariff of 18 IG; In 1880 under tho hiluqttariff wo over had. Yet here iryintMr. Wright's table show nbouY

nnd wngosin ten leading Indus-

tries of Massachusetts In 18C0 a com-

pared with 1830:

1NDUSTRT. ?S JLIII ilI WO 10 A 1810

Roots and shoes 3 fii n 111.42Carpets 0) 3 87 tl l,uno in ing w s si u seaCottons o T 37 .41 6.W

V a ft) H 11. T7leather CO 0.R3 ) 10.(1I nens and lutes..., , 33 ? tf 4 MPaper 30 S IT !i! 8.MMlks cn Hi; ii s.liWorsteds TO S.56 tv fl.toAvcrsge all goods . . 4$ 7 43l tt, a, 13

UTicso figuros show that th onlymaterial incroaso of wages foLwlngan Incrcoso of tho tariff was in cottons,and that p rob-abl- attributable to

organization on the part oftho mill hand. As for tho other nineindustries wages actually foil In sevenof them, and n average Increase of100 per cent. In tho rate of duties wasfollowed by a decreaso of 73 centa inthe average weekly wages of the wholeten.

How much more of tho wage earn-er's pay was absorbed In tho increasedcost of articles consumed by him It isdifficult to compute with ncjracy.Rut if he studies Mr. Wright's tablewith nn eyo to tho low wno paid inprotected Germany as compared withlow tariff England, ho will plainly seethat labor can not get rich by Increas-ing the taxes that labor has to fay.SL Louis rost' Dispatch,


Ominous Rurchard's Ticket


Tho throo It's onco moro! V. r.Star.

Tho Republican party l onlyono of reminiscence. It is bohind theago. It llvo to retard tho progressand growth of tho tountry by keopingIt In narrow channels. Cltvcland PlainDealer.

Tho absoluto duty of limitingtho raU of tariff chargos to the neow-titlo- s

of a frugal and economical ad-

ministration of tho Government sourote be perfectly plulm President Ctevt--fond s Letter of AcotpUnet.

It Is said that the loading Re-

publicans in Now York aro bottirg'heavily on llnrrltton. This means

that various csthualastio Democratswill bo richer niter the result is an-

nounced. Atlanta Constitution.Wo still hear from Thur rutin oc-

casionally, but Levi 1. Morton has nothad a word to say sinco ho withdrewfrom tho directory of the Canadian Pa-

cific and shaved off his Englishwhiskers. St. Louis Vost'Dispatcu

A little wh'c and a little coon,A little Chinese served too soon,A little lie and a little dirt,A little Rlalne and a bloody shirt,A little whisky free of tax.Dear blankets, clcthlng, wool and flax,A hesvy tax on workln;menThese are the thine s to boost la Ren.

Danville rress.It is tho constitutional right cf

every American cltlren, In office orout, to subscribe to what ho darnpleased, and tho more Democraticofficeholders that send in their mitesto Mr. Charles J. Cnnda, treasurer, V)

West Twenty-nint- h street, tho mer-rier. iV. r. Sun.

It is a groat mistake to supposethat the consequences which followedthe continued withdrawal and hoard-ing by tho Government of tho curroncyof tho people aro not of immediate im-

portance to tho mass of our citizensnnd only concern thoo engaged Inlargo financial transactions. Presi-dent Cleieland$ tetter of Acceptance.

The Deraocratla party is theparty of the plain people. Its missionis to govern for tho general wclfnro.Its cornorstftnn Is thut tho humhiostcitizen is entitled to tho same libertyand tho samo protection as the mostoxalted. It therefore, wants all thoplain people, without regard to nnoor color, lo endure forever, that It mayprosorvo frco government, and that Itmay strlko down ovcry monopoly orother powerful cnglno of despotismand oppression. KvansvilU Courier.

A Campaign of Documents.

It is to bo a campaign of thought,tho Democrats said at tho very open-ing of tho present canvass, and theyhave kopt tholr word. Tho literarybureau system of campaigning, inau-gurated (o successfully by Mr. 'J ildenin 1870, has boon carried out morethoroughly nnd effectually this yearthan evor before. Tho Natlonul Cam-paign Commlttoo hai sent out 4,250,-00- 0

documents already, and Is sendingout from 100,000 to 1M),000 moro a day.When, In addition to this, tho docu-mentary work done by tho sub andStato committees aro consldorod It Issufo to say that ovory voter In thecountry has received ono or moro po-litical papers, showing why ho shoulijvote for Cleveland. With all thosefacts and arguments before them, withtho numerous publications allowingwhit tho Democrats huvo dono for thocountry and what thoy propose to do,no misrepresentations or falsehoods oftho Republicans can havo tho slightestoffrot, Thoiu is no rhanco of thocampaign being turned on mine orinolovntit issmih, with tho flood ntdocuments now pouring over the ountryi A'. Q, 2tMiDtmt?Qruti




PROTECTION'S COST.rift-ure-a That Tell Nurprlslna; Story of

the r.tTeet ur TarltT Lvs.Perhaps tho most extraordinary feat-ur- o

of tho situation concornlng thotariff llos in tho clroumstanco that fewHoplo havo any idoa of Uio amount of

its burden, even tariff reformers usual-ly confining themselves to moro gen-eralities concerning it Wo know whatour military and naval establishmentscost, what wo pay for pensions, andwhat wo appropriate for rivers andharbors. It Is always open to anycitizen, in or out of Congress, to objectto tho amounts expended fdr any oftheso purposes. Hut tho nmount whichwo expend for tho support of certainfavored Industries in this country Isnn absolutely unkown quantity. Notonly aro tho groat majority of intelligent persons utterly ignorant of thisamount, but It frequently happens thu.iwriters for tho press, whoftei specialbusiness it Is to treat theje questions,proceod upon an entirely false basis inestimating it.

Tho customs duties collected In thoyear ending Juno 30, 1 687, amountedto 21 1,000,000. Hut this docs not Inany way monsuro the cost which thonation incurs in supporting Its protooted Industries. It eloes not, iodeedform any part of thAt cost Thcia

J14,000,000-- If, for tho sake of sim-

plicity in tho argument, wo Ignore thoojctstonce of n surplus are expended fortho goncral purpose of the Govoni-me- nt

They ha o to bo collected some-how, and whether oufctdma duties arotho best way or not Is n question ofgeneral fluent policy. It Is true thfttprotoctlvo dutlos are apt to boar moroheavily on tho poor than on tho rich,unless chloily confined to articles ofluxury; It Is true, also, that thoy aroopen to tho objection of being difficultto alter without disturbance tp Indus-

try and trndo, which is a seriousto a tax; but theso points have

nothing lo do at leant directly withtho question wo aro now considering,vlz.i How much Is tho country payingto encourage tho protected Industries!

It Is tho money which net or roachesthe Treasury, but Is paid out by consumers In tho high prices of domostloarticles, that constitutes the ox pen soof protection. Though it would boimpossible to estimuto tho nmount ofthis tax with any degreo of accuracy, acloar recognition of its nature ts suff-icient to show that the aggregate mustbe stupendous. Ict u take a tingloItem, that of steel rails; the simplicityand uniformity of this article render-ing comparison of prices and quantities comparatively cany and reliable.

Tho "Statistical Abstract" of thoUnited States for 1387 gives the follow-In- g

figures of Importation nnd of homoproduction of steel rails for tho lasttwelvo months covered by it Importa-tion (forbear ending Juno !10, lt87),77,000 tons; homo production (yearending December 31, 1835), 1,579,000ton. Tho duty on stool rails was(and ts) 17 ior ton, so that tho cus-

toms rtvonuo from this nrtiolo wasabout f l,otV9,C"JV. inasmuch as a

quantity of foreign rails wailmportod, upon which It was possibloto pay the duty nnd still to sell themIn competition with domestic rails, itts plain that the price here must havobeen somothlng liko!7 higher thanwo should have had to pay for foreignrails in tho absence of tho duty.Reckoning tho ejcceM at only (1however and a comparison of HritUhand American price erurrent for Ihnyear shows that this is well within themark wo have In this slnglo Item abounty or about ? --'I.OuV.uoo paid In asingle year to tho sto! rail tnanufacNurcs alone. Something over a

has been paid into thoTreasury for tho expenses of tho twv-pl- e'i

Government; twenty times asmuch has been given away to the sloelrail men, and has entered Into the costof our rallwas, to ho a pvrmancntcharge on farmers and merchants andthe community generally. Xatioru

ii. m -

The Political Issue.Hy crying frco trade tho Republicans

hoped to create n ntampede, and, Inl!yH), carry tho election In n panic.

Instead, they find that tho puriooflof tho Dumocntllu party aro embodiedin a carefully drawn bill, a bill whichI)( mocraU aro ablo and willing to d;

a bill such as Grant and Garfieldand Arthur urged Congrdi to pass,nnd which can bo understood oven bymen llttlo informed concerning publloaffairs.

Tho Republican' Imvo no bill, hutthey hato a platform, drawn to

tho Democratic inuaMiro oneery issue.

Instead of lowering tho tarlfT nndremoving Its Irregularities and inequalities, thoy propose to ndvnncntaxation nnd preserve vvry protectivefeature by givo tho pcoplofrcowhUky.

Tho Democrats favor a tariff aver-aging 40 por cent.

Tho HcpubllcunM dumnnd prohibitoryduties.

Tho Democrat nsk for freer Impor-tation of necessaries of life. In order tolimit tho powers of tho trusts.

The Republicans Inslut on increasingduties, thus checking Impotts and

the power of tho trusts.The Democrats put wool on tho freo

list In order to encnurngo an oxporttrudo In woolun manufactures.

Tho Republicans denounce freo rawmaterial..

The Democrats demand a reducedtariff on clothing.

Tho Republicans offer frco whisky.AT, K, 7rW

.I m m

Official Labor Statistics.In 1883 Carroll D. Wright, chief of

tho MassachuscttH Labor Rureau, con.ducted n searching Investigation oftho question of wnges In Masaneihu-set- t,

tho results of which he gave totho world in a series of olahoratotablos contained in his annual reportfor 1684. Mr. Wright Is an acceptedauthority the world ovor In tills fieldof Investigation. From his tablos uluoleading industries, with which tarifflegislation has most busied Itself since1880 aro sclectod, and tho wages paidin each under tho low and high tariffsof 1860 nnd 1880 respectively, aro compared as follows:

MVeWy Itfrovi,lUDCBTItT,

JW0.Carpets,, ..,.,. ..,., .1 ti ia W87Clothing . ... . hm N HI

Coltous ..,.., . s ro 7 87Furniture ... . 11 77 0MLeather . loi U t.iLinens and jute . 4 rj 4 Ml'aper . . . 8 01 H 17HUks . ft 01 5 b?Worsteds .. , .. ., .. 0 10

After twenty-eig- ht yearn of hightaxation to fostor American Indus-

tries ' tho farmers still furnish 75 porcent, of all our exports and tho manu-

facturers only twenty per cent. Andtho prlro of tho fanners' products Islovolcd down In tho old world market,while ull ho buys la enhanced Incest bytaxes lo lionp up a Niirplu for th pditlclnns to spend, No wonder thograpgsn aro kicking. Y i World

A Claim to Human Gratitude.

Charlotte Corday, tho sad-face- tender-hearte- d

peasant girl of Xormnny, madegreat history by ene desperate actt

Hlckcncd by tho snturnalla of tho Trctichroolutton, and moved to desperation asRobeplerro nnd Marat were lending thoflower of Franca to ths guillotine, she de-

termined that she would put an end loMarat a bloody reign.

Alurat had demanded two hundred thou-

sand vkniras for the guillotine I

Ho proposed to kill oft th enemies of thoRevolution to make It perpetual!

Horrlblo thoimhtlNo wonder It fired tlu) blood of this

maldlGaining access to bis closely-guarde-

quartets by n subterfuj, she found him lahis bath, even then Inexorable and giving'ivrtlfim illntt1iM frt further kliintthlMr t

Ho asked her ths names of ths lulmtoiddeputies who had taken refuge in Caen.Htio told him, utkl he wrovi them down.

Thnt l.s wolll Refore a week Is overthey shall nil bo brought to tho guiltoUnn "

At the words, Charlotte drew from hertosom.the knife, and pluugod It with sucrnatural force up to tbs hUt la the heart of

Marat"Come to mo, my dear friend, como te

mo," cried Marat, and expired uuder thsblow!

In the Corcoran gallery at Washington laa famous ulntlng of Cliarlotte, representedaa behind the prison bars the day beforeber execution

It Is a thrilling, sad picture, full of sorrowfor her suffering counlry,aud of unconquer-able hate for her country's cnomloi.

Wluta lesson in this traclo tnryl Twobund i rJ, nay, five hundred thousand pw.plo would Marat htvo saenflced to his unholv pisslon of power I

Methods uroquttoas murderous nndas men. and thoy uurabcr tholr

victims by tho mtlllous.Thtiimgoof history Is full of murders by

authority ami by mistaken Ideas I lu thepractice of medicine alone how many huu-dre-

of millions havo boeu allowed to dieand as many mora kilW by unjusUiUblobtgt.ttry nndby butiRlingi

Ilut the npo Is bettering. Men and meth-ods uro Improving. A few years ago It wasworth ones profcssunal hfo to advise orpermit tho use of a proprietary medicine,

y thero an not two physicians in unytown in this country who dj nut regular-ly prescribo somo form of proprietary remedyt

II H Warner, f.imed alt over the worldas tho disooveror of Warners safe cur,began huutingup the old remedies of thelg Cabin days t ufter long and i client

ho aucceodod In securing some of themost valuable, among fanily rexrda, undcaUexHhcji Warner s Ig Cabin remedies

tho aimpUs preparations of runts, leu ve,txilsarus and herbs which were th9

aundbra of our tfraudmoth-ers- .Thee atmwc, old fashtoucd ear

spirilla, hops anJ bmbti, Cuuhand consumption and other remedies lurestruck a popular chord and aro in extra-ordinar- y

dem.md all over tho Und. Ttieyam not tho untried uud imaginary remexllcsof soma dtbstor chemist tutrntuu makingmoney, but llio long-vHix- prtneiples of the

whu.-t- i for generations kept curancestor In perfect health, put forth for thoPliH iiuuianity eiyono who is Known allover tho world as aphilanlhrop ata loverof his f'llow man,"tvhne na-n- is u guaranlet) of th- -t hii;he-i- t ataadant of oxcoUonca

Tho preparalsona are of iKxided andknown influence ovc disease, uud as In thehands of our grandmothers they raised uptho sick, cm red the Lime, and bound up thowound of death, so In their new form butohlea ower a Log Cabin roracdlea, thevare sum lo prove th "healing of tho s

"Omlay did theworM an Incalculable aery

ic? in ndlmg i'rano f tr.a bigulol nndmurderoua Marat, just as this man Is doinghumanity a tornee by rolntroduoing to theworld tht simpler and better methods cfour ancestors.

Peres are) duty free, so that a womanpast thiity oan tell the date of her birth orout, just as she pleases.

Mrs. HAfDs-O- h. Ikoowt It la easrsay "dim l lott theiu read trash," but howdoyen know lust what books to put Intoiqo nanus mi your ffinsi l ou certainlyhaena more time than Lyt you alwaysaeemtoknowpiactly Ue rlgbt thing tod?

Kkixxd Well, Karah, tn tnta InsUnco, Icrt my InforaiaUuu from lktnortr$Monthly Aiverina ll.ay are now pjbtlskliiff aonie capital arttnles on the subject efMUadtne for ll!rie.M aad nw that ou

apeak of It, I will let yeu Ints a IttUisecret. Yen always say that I am so wellupon the matUers uf the day, and I realtythink I am; yet the fact la I only ft Urn'st read ujy way arinei but wnsa 1 hare la.lshed It, Iknaw sratty much what is rolneon. In lm4rrV thy tie seem to OOYr thltround on all subjects that eaok rnemorof my la Interested in. Why! JohnIs sa anxloua each month fer It to arrtve atI am.

Tnx most effecttvo sort of joint discusatcn Is the Mud that la conducted larrclywith tho elbow joint

Mart at the Starting Tnlns,Dyspepaia, In ft C4o of nervousness whichta rvfbtvu9iy due to n mental cause ordcep-soau- organic malady Ordinary nervnuaoasa can not i ovcreximo by sedativesThey may platte, but ran not cure It.oiiuiuiaia uigcsuon wun Jiusyncr a nwmach Hitters and relief aeon fellow v Usothis Ienipn remedy also In malarial disease,bihousneaa, ronatlpaUoQ, rheumatism, kid-ney complaint.

-Quits a paradox that la a land of the

free so many Americans should Covetbonds. JVdnieic'tf Iwjutttr.

FUr.El A Fresrs (Jiasa, OvalFront, Nickel or lierry Cigar Caso. lltncuajcts o.lt. It. VT, Tanhu. A Co ,ChkKO

Whsy aatoo'rf falls to pay a dlvMendthe holder loses Ids intcresL TtmtunStAUmin.

Tub 1 nib Ho Awards tho 1'alm to Hale'sHoney of Horehound and Tar for coughs,like' Toothocho Drops Cure in ono minute.

CosrciT, like any other seat, should besat on -- ltK

OErrRUT Mediclnura, Cincinnati, mrslong, nerve, throat dtsemes Send for book.

A nirrn In bnnk is like a ros- - bceauto Itmatures by fjlllng dew

. ......i i

A ikkjk od tho I.Ivcr, Its diseases and treatrr,uiilriM.a. Aw. Ur. huuforel, rat Uway,r. Y.

Motto for a suricon-pro- bo bono pubiico.

Iraciictod with Horn Kyos uso Dr. laasoThompson's Eyo Wator. urugglsU sell iL'J.V


Cincinnati, Oct 9LIVi:STOCK-Cat- tle Cornuionll W ( 2 m

Cltolco but e hers 1W 't 135IIUUH-Coiuni- on s IO (I 5 4)

(J ood packers 3 (A (J. A 0KIIhKI'-eJo- od to choice.. . SCO W 4 nLAMMH-Oo- m1 to choico 4 r a ft 9I KOUM-ram- ity M. 70 ($ 5 31UUAIN-Whcat- -Xo a red.. bt 1 15

No 3 red 'tlliCorn No. mlicd .... 18Oats-N- o. tnUedll)p No 9 tl r$

HAY frfme to choico . Gilt f.llOHACLO-Mediu- m Leaf... 10 ti) wll n(Jod Ieaf .,,. nio ftistrtPIUiVIblONfe lork-Mlk- S... ,16(0 UISK5

I.nnl- - 1'rlrno steam . . u mIIUrrKR-Choi- ce Dairy 13 a isl'llina to Choice Creamery 17 fta 31Ari'LKS-lrlm- e, perbbl... 75 Cfl 1 (I'OTATOKb-l'crh- bl i a dl I 75

NHW YOHIf,Kl.OUIt-.Sl- ato and Western . 4 11GUAIN-Wheat-N- o.1 hard red. a 1 40

No i red I is ta 1 IS'lCorn-N- o. 3 tidied Mlf cj fit

iia- - niixr vqrOltir--Ne Mesa , WI7 00LAUU-Wesl- ern Hteam. , Oil M

FLOUR- - Wisconsin "inter 5 75 Gl ft 00UKA1N-Wheat- -No 3 red 1 iMj?t 1 Ifl'i

No SLbleviffobprlnff... ...- - 1 toftf 1 lr.'CVirn No. 3 ....... fa 4uOats-- No 3 (a cnij

rORK-M- css ...15BOhWHLAUD Steam fjio ik)

HAI.TIMOItllFLOUR- - Family 8 fO " 3 ttVUKAIN No.il T. I lo 1

d x MiJtniViVTiMUCtl - ro ;ii


UKAIN-Wheat-- No 2red...., tf i jou Ca

Oats-Ml- etd (& W?LOUIHV1LM1.

KLOUR-- A No, 1 3 75UHAIN-Wheat.-- No Srwd..... P"1 Ml

e;ornMiia'i 1(1

Uata-Ml- iod H 311111'OIIK Iss., Ol) ftlLAHD-Hlca- n,it ,d

Proof Setter Than Assertion,

trao roots nnd herbs romeeRes, whichwojk liverybody prniscst.ont "'.' n .. . ..nmi-- i, tini,.

""I'.w"""" " , -r SUPERIOR UUWDQtlTWZWZZx

. twrVirCKtfci !'KyL U 1 1 1 VRi WlT '

riIW2MJI U HJ HX5f sleik


With such proof as tho following letter I

from W IL Dean, of So, 2re8ovonUiatroeLyew York, It U not newsanry to mako tho

uanertion that AM coat's ronovs '

Plastkhs euro luuibttgo. Mr. lKau snysi I

Homo ten days a o I waa Uken with a!very violent pam la tho small of my barici was so aovere that I could hardly ibreathe; ovcry movement caused great f

Otfonr. I flnollv fiHitid nuttt wnslundintm. '

llng entirely helpless, a friond sent touruimipn nnu goi two allcock's i)kocsmsTKRi; these were Viclt warmed audapplied to my back, one hItovo the other, i

In half nn hour, to my great delight and I

runirise, I found the pain began lo abate,,Iitnohourslwaa able to walk out audintirnd to my business, tho pain being aht etgono. Next day I was all right but I

C ntlnued wrarinirthotdastertt furs I

i t n woman wno saw inn iirji tuaKO, i1 slnoo then the men have attended toLi it sort nf lhlnty fk,t,ii iv.il )m l"" " i

S Jacobs oRjFor Stablflmen P Stockmen,raiaaauTnr sividt xioir4 roa sous

AMD CaTTLS tUSSi.ltcents

Cnts.qwelllncs, Rrulsas, Sprains, Calls.Htralns. Ikmnnais, Sllffnass, CrakdlUsU, Scralcltvs. Cnntnsellans, rlsshWounds, HtttUKhalt. Sor lliroat,lUtrnnr. CMle. Mliltlntr, Tolll.vll, f IituU, Tutpnrs Splints Itlng-bon-

and Kvln In It rarly atitfea.Apply s. Jareb Oil In areordaqcawhU the directions wllU eU bottle.

ThaCharUsA, VoUr C,llltfi., M4.

Diamond VroCurarOR DYttPKFSIA.

ATT AU. tTOMACS TSOffSLM SSCK ASlttsittiius aw StMk BtatHft, im, el.4IIM OvltMtsllM. VsUsms ftftOT hS, r4Kisltf is SU UhM s4 lMrSt ISO, siWU tirTfuiMi 4 ut ys

At tcto wJ I!1 vr ri Ay ssi7 en I

msU (5 N4M l Oj) 4a J, MW J

alr fireUyjwalsieiplHCCHARlKSA.V0IIlltCO. liHUBsrs.Wi, I'

CYvcVCL ,'

WX-- V'


m ,r .

1 FO. nr:. vl

c0NSUMP Tlu'It has ivnnanentlycurekl TrtotAM

of i --- pronoun od lv denier biolew. If oa Laepreinnnt'r.n itmpb tn- - atih aa ( tich Uifli ultv f1'rn.i uio Ai , dniri de iv t uoVis s ( t ur. oh isi Minitmu liatolr lr IrugtUU ta (3ikiA.

itt's PillsRegulate The Bowels.

i t Ivrtiraa deraupea Ihi wlitilo aytcm nuil ti dlaen. aiirti

Sick Headache,Djipr psla, Fevers, Kidney Diacaaos,

Bilious Colic, Mftlaila, etcIn 1 1' 1111 )irmure regular Imlill nfImmI, und kmiI tjlg;luu, nlllxiHfwhit It, imi osio ran euloy (u lienliti.

Sold Evorywhoros

For One Gent !

S d iur addrra ou a postal rant tA i

Tw Mm Thohx Fks U, Trentou,J at they will iwni'l you sain plea ami c4r-r-

u of the llurk Tlwrn Keicii)g H ittl tst in tle world

Vr nperlor lo Any Otlir r.,?v e consider the Iek TMrn is far

a rior to any other barb wire wo havoaeon, and think any frw- ing at it woeM cbio to the satmcou

i. stea Y AT Usmkih lUnkm Ky.



$1.00 PER WEEK8 our improved dub Ssfom,

Tw 4 mr 10 4 it Vi II Jg4 manto . l rJuW srti tH ta pAsv f.a MI itfia, WaIiLqui. DrlsnU, ftsfltferd, A

IUfrleOf CvOiiaWfUl AttarfUna !mI, ItelUbfe .ItfirNT AX ANTIIM la

hphw VTrU M fall parUfalar.NAFGELE WATCH JEWELRY CO.

naiMlri mt I lab Bfftvra ! tUta WaUhes20 NovtTH Otm St Phiiaoclhmia'! Vail tkT f m.

f d Gcmmon Sense CureronCATARHK.HAYriVift,C it Atlhnt nrrtiwhitls ai4aildisraftrsuf (il1ead Tbroataad I urics e nunutmt cur

t txcintieJ a r netratrfntrurvs "Imt ill lavr renrtllrlad llwH IUrtdHchCNr4In 11 ve S.tlnutrs. ftcut mr Sft lfif 1 III A I. Y Jcan t curei u le slret'c.rtadli for pe'iufatlnranr tr4

f f l A, llltiteratai book slat n ox en nrfaiiJof the llrvl. Ijirvat andll i f are all ilifeetrt

1 (it i Md'K ar-'-M rereirl "t H ebt tiaml uuns irNKri UK CO Afliate'.,Uacatfa.srsiasfals rMiiartfiw

liAON8lrg) HOTGUNaa tf?ldLffSaW vjX131 Tm( uA. ( fcfc- - fcL

SflBJE!aSaaB2ada!aSsV I

. I te rtttlrc liu nMU, i, ,,- -

; r.j.'itt.r. rno. l s.k. i f,fui.. uA ,.(, ,,ik;,ttu.i(Ur

P,1v41a AwflMil wVa vV V..

rsrtksr's Msadard liitsttaadhair St U

CJhJrA.AA fl v&..u!T:.Tf:

jV afaBBatfLPlx. STfAl

idirssi A, H. VARCfOUIl A MH, Tork, I'a.rsis s ps mi MWf tr, ?.


ffml Ely's Cream Balm

awl Gold in HeadKLYHIun.M Warren ri,.K.f

lrrcurad or norriAiiot. AimPATENTS 1 radn Marts, i

tfrlrnr( I1th.rit isrtrer m jjfc r FATitM LAW hpr.AdJrs ) T. riTOi:hAl.n,at ban 1411 V htrect, Aatll.NUtUN, 1. U

ItlDinriril ,rf a. ;m trtM.

l- &-



Ixm Gawks nro fast go-

ing out of style as faalilonable residences, Ing C'ab-Jn- a

. will, however, i.lwayshfivn a olaco In Ainoricailhistory, as thoy wire thoiiiotpiomliint foaturoofour country's early wwlal

life. Tho plonocrs were fitrong.rnped,healthy. Warner's Log Cnbln lough

'and finaiitimt1mi remedy Is a reproftlduction of ono of tho best cf tho old

mmmTHX $m

iHtmmtrmbh Ailment (0rth0tfrmtrhnnd lre(cf(e f .JM?n'f,l,"a

in faHMil jrer,nli;fRrt'e JfeweJUI

Jyenl in nil j51iMer th AtQtnnth ami4l((l'""- -

VT r Writ 11. 1). Tnsl rw lnwanonanf tbnstoinath. when stwy'wDf "Vrcjcctcl I hate wvcV K iiwi?,

flVlllSj ClMAStM. I.coftOJ'VVrtof trie very lst iwm ihm pnjcuin cx : :assist him In rarryliif through his put" IfY'rccoivryi end ivalue Mi tho atcrstsree of rhlhUU.(ltutrinKllnAtrlortdrrh. llntiIa. a J U wntrrv.

V'esptikfrom ciperiepre vhettwo say thaithelMrcitfAMlnsal'M 1 bothaafeond nitii-timi-a.

it L.. ttrn tn thn matkfet for man ify.ra,nniih largely Incrvaslnruh4 show tbaSfanny &tbemhavfnuiid Hkervolta nttntduilu use. " The thridtan I rltort. A'.r.

s r Medlrmsi Kew! Istrsnux. llsisr?,hkhlsslinplynididestraetrrumseryamtH

Htir irmwili itf vrhrat. Is lineicY-llcd- . and 11

t'Uy the rlrtNiMHU Dtarrmo preparatlodfor laralhtf, for the anul, and for th fxj1,

1 Mrxnt ALU a ist u has lrii before thejmbbdfor many year, and Is no nanll a tltaniUrd preparation. Hie ns ran IV ms doubt

lihattbbUduetolt.untrorinlrsupvrKjroualltr,land thu euceesjfiu reaultai'btaJiied vrllh ttblall casos where a rreprrd fK?d Ii r"iuUvd- -MJsjihirtfrtne Aftr.HJ 'on,A(J. 9

V. Vjtnitrw Mott, UU I ton,MauMTniMiraooisx. Nsw lurk - Ulwre s tiumvrous HMlatnatarf rQuhnunted.andallbaitmrndticrenU. 'rue lurKiilal.(IUA!it Iu,' inmy lands, weina to b all that Is cLslrno.! for It,und rttrlnr has bnuirht me la rtlronlttUMsibr4ltJ speeisl lTvtertlas) are I nd tea tot-I- n

Infantum 4liaasea It las tTOed very rfflcaclous, and I always Oirn.1 lis use vrneuaonusU be nir wayied " ...The lirre untold tnoiranas or laranf a navetenaatrd ry JurtaUr Onsst?M,att 1 rarrfulmot hers aro loud In ihetr prat of thlawcllknown food and pbamaeutj cap mis. y r !,in end it -- J.ImCiffcm.

iMrcpiAt. tlnMH U bUhly rpcummendeOirerinpnv 'tans, and man families btfi

beartnfl ia nytolta raluUIity forthepnrpfectfar bi li l rrw nbed J bn Vm X Kms.Sjw vyik4are the afetits fcr Ifitt jnry IilatfeM by ail UrjirnisU. jJUi- --jtu ,,,; r

RADWAYOTiieGreatLiveran-lSloinac- Remgdy

ti ly-rt- f fa i rlers laesr ut Hi P ir. Nr f 'ii" I

f Si it r l(ft e i jtj e ',..n rt ' h o.rt , tr I tu ' fs. i i ' o i .eta i i ifia I

U ai (ra lif i i ' a u ex

IttlMTAI't I'll J- - r rr. ,; ,(n a u uk ka.M.ejh-,,k1- r MwA S aiafs m I f

OK HEADACHE,lfi..r 'tt-- r It . !! ttst f i as Ote t i i it t e I Miitt utt urt- a. i t irasiwrsias - t "l,r"Ve ' '? f t tTpief ralt.t 4

nt i he l reiLifa iiau I Jk.l HViWS' r art h n H J lnt

Irl4 4r4 If f lfc" a,,1SeS. l(rti'Urr ,H.tfaMol w II i. . r ifi i in lha fi n

it $ r rrviiaK ", Mainf.r imI1m g t t"S imi riBiif seneatifa wl.cft tr- aflfifaxtnr ImumikI ti?t K l ' W i W

rw the F'BtM I tr a id (HiM laM la t'j l4iMHrfMiri i I IVfKti At u A h f ifc)rhittfmmm - - A - ,5, t Bl A- aUO

da hntH" VSfT'ef twlbtr VWha ua .,wf II lliu Si m i'is.i.h iii rr

lkMi1n f all lb i nmmi'4 (' rdvr

ft .. 1 . . i . t . IMI UillU tl.H S.,N 113 w t n ) s IW ImI raat -

tiki w ! it i 'JimiukI i- - i a ' a f r It ltsAS 11 H -- u,oi.r,UUW.itIII ' a v a


MEMORYDISCOVERY,Aey ak raend la e re ad I a a

Mlad waadvrlat enrdMpklna' MkMi ,!.VhftIy Hallka arltArtal tjilrmi,ltrr riiil,Mbfl Sir ftaareme nrt

flrnl arfMraaltlaarrtMtnilrMffl.iT.p. wiii.' pier r Wm. e,iuaMW,if.j4U a - m Ain aasaSirMlflir 1!, tfca jpr at V"!, .Hklrr,. IU ' rik (rUn J4m4.lMHere rrir.tS ililit, RifliriTj Ir( x lAizrit xi:rasAtv ft.triiiiTiii rtrsi

TheDUrKUn'OUlUEtsIssued March and Hep!.,each year. It Is an eucyOl of useful Inlor

for alt who pur- -ohaae tho luiurles or th

Of life. WecaJi clothe you and furnish you withall the necessary and unnecessaryrrrliancea to ride, walk, dan.e, sleep,cat, Hah, hunt, xrart. go to church,or stay at home, and In various laea,'

anil quantities. Just flfruro cutwht ! required to do ail these thinsQHfSTsiv zzi ycu ess riiis stair

ostiuYueo? tho value of the 2JUYKKBouiui:, lthiah wtu b nt uponreceipt of 10 cents to pay pMaae.MONTGOMERY WARD A CO.UM14 Ulohlcan Avenue, Chtoao, IU.

HALF RATESto nn: -bV i saBrssaej

sirTii- R-

"I'm Farming Regions

WEST, SOUTHWEST, NORTHWEST.rrrart-TiT- -r l en yeerTlfbal aWrtsr S.sTlaTU.utaiiata Atti. &. II it- eaicaf.

pv tit rn wall. Full 4rlilUnFREE UanJt'tNfii Tailor trtrnp ul lrutuning. iHH)Ut Ae.O. tint ansii.O.

,9r MM" wrj F "

MJ.W A DAY. Hamrlcsvotthfl.aOVBtll i ti.tundtf lit kdi,i.tu "iliaIJtll HHAHjitra sitliv asiahuLOta to , ii4i, aua.

tUla fart tMf vmmtm ttN.

uruoriCqrsd. Ksw JfUio-l- .

GANGES sntrrrtJaLnfiLCmtiaattLO,

llri atuunafM f U tlbanw ta4 taakt km ata' wtiUnt f ai thta

! rOttnf ata.laiStwMl4 Wfcf eMtl.MtSIissa. Twtrssa. AaiiM, isvsa c,Avfia,M4iAa,

axtiAxa iiusrArsatNtW.iMitir

IjnUC ,nuT h4kWtplng-,rrrinMaihlp,ArIt-

nURVC mile, ffkorttiani tc thnnniftilv taiultlbjrmai Litruurt rr- -. aaissi'SHiiesut, u.vi,s.i.

n knife. bwkIfiflHCERw" llni.CluctDnsiL ubl

ir.. WIIITIMi TO Alvr.UTIBKKV'.tAilTtala I Ut feu ew tiw AdverilaatBeuA to UJ



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wawllyj fes. - tn- -Z .- -- n.,is u ea. rsuusi.ics.



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snl Itit ZjVa.l.C3luav'X XIV rX'CI'l WOllIiDI ts

MntlMKy, adtrsMU.Mi IIUVAflT sew,l'rrltn,CStiMIJ'