Jaclyn Ciccone Phases of the Vietnam War

Jaclyn Ciccone. *Lyndon B. Johnson* *The Great Society*

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Page 1: Jaclyn Ciccone. *Lyndon B. Johnson* *The Great Society*

Jaclyn Ciccone

Phases of the Vietnam War

Page 2: Jaclyn Ciccone. *Lyndon B. Johnson* *The Great Society*

Advisory Phase

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*Lyndon B. Johnson*

*The Great Society*

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*JFK**Thought they needed more help*More equipment and advisors

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*Eisenhower and the Domino Theory*

*Loss of indochina, of Burma, of Thailand, of the Peninsula, and Indonesia following

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*Many assassinations went on*Shows the brutality of the war

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*Terrorist bombings in Saigon*

*Many Americans were wounded in the terrorist bombings

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*More advisors and weapons*

*JFK send more advisors and weapons

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*Operation Chopper*

*Transported 1,000 South Vietnamese paratroopers to a suspected assault on an NLF stronghold

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*Agent Orange* (Dioxin)*Killed many civilians and caused tons of birth defects. Defoliated forests.

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Americanization Phase

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*Operation Rolling Thunder*

*It became the most intense air/ground battle during the Cold War Era. *There was 4 objectives that evolved over time.

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*Continued to let the US spray it. They lied to them about its consequences.

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*Operation Cedar Falls*

*Search and destroy in the “Ion Triangle”.*The Ion Triangle was a stronghold of the NLF

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*Teach-in’s** Teach-ins are meant to be practical, participatory, and oriented toward action.

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*MLK on Vietnam*

*He said all America wanted was violence

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*Anti-War Rallys*

*Many people wanted the war to be over

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(Secretary of Defense)


*He said there was a “light at the end of the tunnel”

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*Tet Offensive*

 *The purpose of the offensive was to utilize the element of surprise and strike military and civilian command and control centers throughout South Vietnam, during a period when no attacks were supposed to take place

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*My Lai Massacre*

*US military opened fire on an innocent village

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• “We held the line. We stopped the

falling of the dominoes.”

• “it’s not that we lost the war militarily.

The fact is, we as a nation did not

make good our commitment to the

South Vietnamese.”

• -General William Childs Westmoreland

*’We held the line’*

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Vietnamization Phase

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*Vietnamization*-It diminished the role for US military-

*Trying to make the Vietnamese stand on their own

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*Secret bombing of Cambodia*

*Nixon bombed part of the Ho Chi Minh trail without Gov. “say”

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*Kent State*

*Ohio Nation Guard shot into a crowd of unarmed college students.*Fired 67 rounds in 13 seconds*killed four students and wounded 9 others

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*Pentagon Papers*

*It was written by a team of analysts who had access to classified documents.

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*Led to Nixon resigning*He was accused of placing hidden recorders in the Watergate

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*Nixon Visits China*

*Nixon visited China in hopes he would start the first steps towards a peaceful relationship.

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*Secret Peace Talks*

*The talks were secret.*Everyone wanted to know what was going on with the war.

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*Kissinger-”peace is at hand*

*He believed the tension of the war was finally coming to an end.

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Le Duc Tho and Kissinger won the Nobel

Peace Prize. Le Duc Tho didn’t want to

accept it because he thought that they

didn’t fully establish peace. Kissinger

accepted it.

*Le Duc Tho*

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US Conventional Troops, (not counting

covert personnel) departed March 1973.

*Leaving Vietnam*