I will be completely honest with you, I was going to just B.S this part of the portfolio and video. Then as I started putting pictures into my video I noticed most of the pictures on my computer were of my family. Whether it was my mom’s side with my cousins Nick, Brad and Jake or on my dad’s side with my gigantic family most if not all of the pictures had a family member in them. That is when I noticed I would not be the person that I am today without my family. They support me through thick an thin and they are the best family that I could ask for. I really got lucky that most of my family is health and that they are all close enough that I can see them a few times each year. Family First “This is the third time starting over; I hate this project” -Jack Humphrey Inside Story 2 Inside Story 3 Inside Story 4 Inside Story 5 Inside Story 6 Inside Story 7 Inside Story 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS REQUIRED Inside this issue: Joe Lund and Me chillin in Comp Class Me being a model at Mikes Carwash. A sexy one at that

Jack Humphrey SR VAL

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See title its my Senior VAL

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Page 1: Jack Humphrey SR VAL

I will be completely honest

with you, I was going to just

B.S this part of the portfolio

and video. Then as I started

putting pictures into my video

I noticed most of the pictures

on my computer were of my

family. Whether it was my

mom’s side with my cousins

Nick, Brad and Jake or on my

dad’s side with my gigantic

family most if not all of the

pictures had a family member

in them. That is when I noticed

I would not be the person that

I am today without my family.

They support me through thick

an thin and they are the best

family that I could ask for. I

really got lucky that most of

my family is health and that

they are all close enough that I

can see them a few times each


Family First

“This is the third time starting over; I hate this project” -Jack Humphrey

Inside Story 2

Inside Story 3

Inside Story 4

Inside Story 5

Inside Story 6

Inside Story 7

Inside Story 8


Joe Lund and Me chillin in Comp


Me being a model at Mikes Carwash. A sexy one at


Page 2: Jack Humphrey SR VAL

There are many different theo-

ries on why we are here and

who put us here. In my opin-

ion I am on this planet to assist

people . I know that makes me

sound like I should be in a

State Farm commercial with

Chris and Cliff Paul but hear

me out. I first noticed this

when I played sports when I

was little. No matter what

sport I played I was in a sup-

port role. Whether it was foot-

ball where I was a lineman or

in basketball where all I got

were assist and rebounds I

always was in a supporting

role. I also coached wrestling

to the younger kids every once

in a while. Another reason that

points to my theory is my

choice of major and profes-

sion. I am going to Indiana

University next fall to study

Criminal Justice. My goal is to

become a criminal investigator

for the Bureau of Alcohol,

Tobacco and Firearms. ATF. I

saw the new stories of the re-

cent shootings and bombings

in the United States and felt

helpless. There was nothing I

could do to change what hap-

pened and if I was a criminal

investigator I could help bring

those responsible to justice and

maybe even prevent other trag-

edies like that from happening.

All of those factors pointed to

the conclusion I came to that

the reason I was put on this

earth was to assist and help


The Meaning of Life

Top Ten Anchorman and Dogdgeball quotes

6.) Ron Burgundy: “No touching

of the hair or face… and that is

it” –Anchorman

7.) Ron Burgundy: “Milk was a

bad choice” –Anchorman

8.) Pepper Brooks: “Ouch town

population you bro” –Dodgeball

9.)White Goodman: “we should


Kate Veach: “What?”

White Goodman: “date. You

know a social date.”

10.) Brick Tamland: “I DON’T


ING ABOUT!” -Anchorman

I did this list because Anchorman

and Dodgeball are two of my

favorite movies of all time. At

the very least they are my two

favorite comedies. My father and

I quotes these movies all the time

when we are around the house

and they are a special bond be-

tween us. These quotes are pretty

interchangeable in the order they

are presented because they are all

good. They are rated on how

hard they made me laugh the first

time I saw these movies.

1.)Ron Burgundy: “Brick where

did you get a hand grenade? Brick

Tamland: “I don’t know”


2.) Pepper Brooks: “It’s a bold

strategy cotton let’s see if it pays

off for him” –Dodgeball

3.) Ron Burgundy “You are a

smelly pirate hooker” –


4.) Brian Fantana “sixty percent

of the time it works every time” –


5.)Peter LaFleur: [at the bar] “Oh

hey White, I didnt know Nazi

camp got out until 8... did you

decide to skip arts and craft?”

White Goodman: “Yes I did!” -


Page 2 Jack Humphrey Volume 1, I ssue 1

Page 3: Jack Humphrey SR VAL

What I will miss the most

Who has influenced me the most?

Next year I will be moving

away from Fishers and start

my schooling and Indiana

University. The things I will

miss most about Fishers High

School are without a doubt

my friends. Most of my

friends are going to differing

colleges and I will not get to

see them after the summer

concludes. I am going to miss

hanging out with them,

whether it’s driving around in

my friends Jeep with the

doors off on blistering sum-

mer days or playing Xbox on

frigid ones. Both of my two

closest friends are not going

with me to Bloomington and

I will only possibly see them

on breaks. One friend Tylor is

attending Defiance College to

play lacrosse. I researched the

expedition from Bloomington

and it is a five hours by car. I

won’t have a car so that’s a

long bike ride. My other

friend didn’t get into IU and

he changes which college go-

ing to every couple weeks. My

dad even jokes by asking, “So

which college is Ronnie going

to this week?” I will miss my

friends but at the same time I

am excited to embark on a

new chapter in my life and to

open up a little. Maybe I will

pledge a fraternity and be-

come a functioning alcoholic,

those go hand and hand

attend the same college

next year in Indiana Uni-

versity. I idolized my

brother more than any

other person growing up

and it has made me the

person I am today.

Later on in my life,

around the preteen phase,

I started to split away

from my brother and start

doing my own thing. He

played baseball and I

played football and wres-

tled. He would dress up

more dapper and I would

wear my stark athletic

shorts and athletic t-

shirts. But, in a strange

way Danny still influ-

enced me. I did not want

to be just like him and

without him knowing he

influenced me to become

my own person. Without

my brother I would not

be the person I am today

and he will continue to

influence me later on in

our lives.

The most influential per-

son in my life is undoubt-

edly my older brother

Daniel Patrick Humph-

rey. Growing up I did

everything my brother did

from participating in

sports to dressing the way

he dressed. We played

outside together, our

knees scraped from fall-

ing down on the rigid and

chilly concrete. I would

start using the same slang

and jargon as him. Next

year we are even going to

“Quit #%^$ing

copying me” -Danny


Page 3 Jack Humphrey Volume 1, I ssue 1

Page 4: Jack Humphrey SR VAL

I don’t have an abundance of

memories from my childhood

due to numerous concussions

but one that I do remember is

the first time I went to an IU

game. I recall standing on the

seat in Assembly Hall to see

the line-ups being called and

seeing my favorite player, AJ

Guyton trot out onto Branch

McCracken Court. I had his

jersey on with matching shorts

and I had to look through bin-

oculars to see him because at

the age of four my eyes had

not finished developing. The

game was just an exhibition,

since I was only five at the

time I do not remember what

team they played, but I am

assuming it was a small school

with two directions and the

word state in their name i.e

Central Northern Iowa State. I

went to the game with my dad

who, though quiet everywhere

else, was a maniac during IU

games I recall that went out-

side the locker room after the

game with an Indiana Univer-

sity red and white basketball

to get autographs. I do not

remember which players I got

to sign the ball but eventually

the whole ball was filled with a

plethora of signatures of play-

er and even the coach, Bob

Knight, and to this day that

ball is situated on top of my

dresser like a championship


A Special Memory

What major changes have I made?

years. My brother assisted

me in getting a job at the

Mike’s Carwash on 96th

street where he also

worked. Before then I was

a lot less outgoing and I

didn’t like talking to peo-

ple. Partially due to the as-

sociates and managers

working there and partially

due to all the customers

that I met while working. I

became a lot more talkative

and I wasn’t afraid of social

situations anymore. After

that summer I made a lot

more friends both in and

out of work. I became

more of a people person

and the job also turned me

into a remarkable salesman.

I am always in the top two

for sales numbers at my

location in mikes and I am

top 75 in the entire compa-

ny. I have more confidence

now and I am overall a

happier and more ambi-

tious than I was when I

entered Fishers High


From the time I disem-

barked for the first time to

Fishers High School to

now many different varia-

bles in my life changed. All

of these variables have

shaped me into the individ-

ual I am today. The most

obvious change was in my

personality and my interac-

tions with other individu-

als. This change hap-

pened in the summer

between my sopho-




Page 4 Jack Humphrey Volume 1, I ssue 1

Page 5: Jack Humphrey SR VAL

Personal Reflection on How I want to be Remembered

Time Capsule

Nobody wants to be completely

forgotten. That why I hope I

leave some mark on Fishers

High School. But as I reminisce

on my high school career I can’t

think of anything that I leave a

definite mark on this school.

Injuries forced me to quit foot-

ball in both years I went out. I

never really spoke to too many

people my underclassmen years.

I was a .500 wrestler on varsity

and injuries plagued my wres-

tling career. I never attended

any club meetings unless they

were sports related or to get a

ride home with my brother. My

grades are slightly above average

with a 3.3 and I never really got

on honor roll until senior year. I

didn’t really leave much of a

mark on this school and I don’t

expect to be remembered for


I expect to be remem-

bered in wrestling for my arm

throw I always did and for being

the kid that had the shoulder,

knee, concussion, and back

problems. I think I will be re-

membered like a kid that was a

senior when I was a freshman

that always got hurt named

Nathan Carnes. As well for

academically I don’t really have

much to be remembered for

but I did get academic all state

this year for wrestling. So I

have got that going for me but

that is just a small spot on a

wrestling banquet agenda and

not much to be remembered


huge part of my high school

career and I really enjoyed

wrestling and glad I stuck with

it through the rough first year

and all of the injuries. The

headband represents all of the

football games I went to all

four years. The basketball jer-

sey represents all the basketball

I watched except for our high

school team because I was

bitter that nobody came to

wrestling. I would put Randy

Wheeler to save future genera-

tions at his feeble attempts to

motivate us with his “words of

wisdom”. The headphones

represent the large part music

has played in my life and how

it has gotten me thorough

rough times in my life.

1.) Headgear

2.) Headband

3.) Basketball jersey

4.) Randy Wheeler

5.) Headphones

The five things above are my

choices for the time capsule. I

would put in the headgear

from wrestling because it was a

Page 5 Jack Humphrey Volume 1, I ssue 1

Page 6: Jack Humphrey SR VAL

When I heard that Junior Seau

killed himself because of a

degenerative brain disease my

heart sank somewhere into my

abdomen. Not just because of

the loss of human life but I

have had some problems with

concussive blows to the head

from participating in football.

After reading into it more I

wondered if those same symp-

toms would affect me. I had to

stop playing football because I

had received five concussions.

My doctor determined that I

had a considerable amount of

head trauma and I could have

problems if the future with

depression along with demen-

tia. My doctor also stated a lot

of studies were inconclusive

with correlating brain trauma

to these degenerative brain

diseases so there was no way to

be sure. To be on the safe side

I elected to stop playing foot-

ball. After hearing about Junior

Seau I worried that I could

meet the same fate he did or

worse I could hurt somebody I

loved along with me. The story

justified that I had made the

correct decision to quit foot-

ball. Recently have not had as

many of the complications that

come with head trauma that I

used to. Said complications

include memory loss, trouble

with getting words out and

splitting headaches.

my life. One piece of

“artwork” that stuck out to me

was a pile of bicycle handle-

bars. That’s it just a pile of bike

handlebars with some house

paint and it was in an art muse-

um. If that is art I could be the

next Michelangelo because I

could do that easily. I think

that people think too much

I went on a family vacation

when I was in eighth grade to

Washington D.C. and other

than being in constant fear of

being murdered we also visited

a museum. At that museum

there was a contemporary art

section. On this floor was pos-

sible the stupidest collection of

“art” that I have ever seen in

into art and think that some-

thing has a deeper meaning

than it really does. It is not that

I do not enjoy art I just don't

enjoy stupid pieces of garbage

that are called art. I hope I

don't sound unintelligent when

you are reading this and I hope

that you can see things from

my perspective

Personal Reflection on the Death of Junior Seau

Inside Story Headline

What moment helped me develop as an adult

was the palest I had even seen

him. He couldn't see so to

know I was there I had to hold

his hand and my grandma had

to yell that I was there. He

wasn't expected to die that day

but the doctors said he didn't

have much time left. My broth-

er and I took my younger cous-

ins to the park to shoot some

hoops to take them out of the

situation. About half an hour

later we saw my uncle walking

toward us telling us that we

had to get back and that it did-

n't look good. My uncle told us

that “he may not be alive when

you get back.” I had never had

anyone die in my family so I

didn't think anything of it

when he said that. By the time

we got back my grandpa had

passed away. We each said our

goodbyes around him and the

funeral was held the next week.

I grew from this experience

because it was the first real

time that I had felt mortal. I

thought death was way down

the road and I never thought

about it. Now I know that our

time on this earth is short and

you should live every day like

its your last.

I have been on this earth for

eighteen years now and a lot of

events have happened that

have helped me develop as an

adult. The one that sticks out

the most is the death of my

grandpa. My grandpa died in

February of 2012. I do not

remember the exact date but I

remember it happening. I re-

member when we got there the

usual happy environment that

went with the grandparents

house was gone. My grandpa

was on a bed from hospice and

his eyes weren't open but he

was breathing heavily and he

We planted sun flowers

in honor of my grandpa

at my grandma’s house

in South Bend, Indiana

Page 6 Jack Humphrey Volume 1, I ssue 1

Art Reflection

Page 7: Jack Humphrey SR VAL

Personal Reflection on Pop Culture

Oklahoma Tornado Damage Could Top $2 Billion http://nation.time.com/2013/05/22/oklahoma-tornado-damage-could-top-2-billion/

Pop culture now a days has

more of an emphasis on social

networking and the instant

information of the internet.

Teenagers and adolescents

alike have profiles on Twitter,

Instagram and Facebook and

not only follow their friends

but their favorite celebrities

and athletes to know what they

are doing and saying.

Sportscenter can now just take

a quote off an athlete’s twitter

instead of interviewing them

like they had to before the

years of social networking.

Cyber bullying is popular now

that somebody can hide be-

hind a keyboard and computer

screen to say mean things on a

message board or social net-

working site without having to

worry about the consequences.

Remakes and movies based off

books dominate the movie

industry because people are

running out of ideas. Pop rap

and country are the three most

mainstream music styles and

dubstep was big a while ago.

The hipster movement is a

movement against move-

ments if that makes sense.

Overall popular culture has

changed drastically since I

was younger.

Page 7 Jack Humphrey Volume 1, I ssue 1

wondered after reading

the article. Then I just got

really sad. I thought of all

of those people that lost

everything. They have

nothing left and are at the

mercy of whatever the red

cross has and whatever

other more fortunate than

them feel like giving. It

made me really glad that

with all of the tornado

warnings that we have

gone through in Hamilton

County we never have had

one touchdown and do

any real damage. I used to

be completely terrified of

tornadoes when I was lit-

tle. That fear originated

from second grade when

The time magazine article

on the tornadoes in Okla-

homa really got me think-

ing. It is the twenty first

century; we can send a

man to Mars and a video

around the internet in a

matter of seconds. With

all of these technological

advances how in the world

can we not build houses

that can better withstand

natural disasters? If not

that why do we not have a

better system for natural

disasters? We keep focus-

ing on newer technology

to make our lives easier

but why aren't we making

our lives safer? These are

some of the questions I

we had to take cover for

what felt like hours for a

tornado. For three or so

years after that I was mor-

tified of tornadoes. I

would be scared to go out-

side if it were cloudy out

and I would hide in the

basement whenever there

was a thunderstorm. I

found it amazing that one

TIME magazine article

could get me thinking so

much about the past like


Page 8: Jack Humphrey SR VAL

I love sports. I know that that isn't a very love opening sentence and

that probably isn't the best way to start off a paper but I don't care

because it is true, I love sports. I have loved sports since I was three

years old playing tee ball. Watching , playing or just talking about

I love it all. That being said one of my favorite sports spectating

stories that I can tell is when I went to game 6 of the Pacers vs

Knicks playoff series this year. The series was renewing a rivalry

that was sparked around the time I was born. I had gone to all of

the Pacer’s home games that series and I was excited to see if the

Pacers could pull off the win and lock up the series. Growing up

watching games in Assembly Hall I was used to a crazy ath-

mosphere but when the fourth quarter roiled around and the game

could have gone ei- ther way I was

supprised to see Bankers Life

Fieldhouse get louder than I had ever

heard. I had so much fun at

that game with my dad and the

article helped remind me of how much fun I had at it.

meet new people. It is not

that I do not like the people

in Fishers, they are what I’m

going to miss the most (see

page 3) but I want to start

over and meet some new

people. That is why when I

get down there I want to

rush a fraternity. That is

another goal of mine is to

become a frat star down at

Bloomington. I plan to do

that by meeting a bunch of

I have many goals for the

future. One being the afore-

mentioned goal of becom-

ing an ATF investigator. I

plan to achieve this by going

to school at Indiana Univer-

sity and getting a Bachelors

degree in Criminal Justice

from the College of Arts

and Sciences. First I have to

finish this project so I can

pass this class and graduate

from high school. But after

I finish this paper all I

really want to do in col-

lege is to get a fresh

start in a new city and

people down in college and

then dressing in Polo and

Tommy Hilfiger and wear-

ing boat shoes. The last ma-

jor goal that I have is to

have my first mixed martial

arts fight. I have been train-

ing for about six months

and I would like to have my

first fight by the summer of

2014. That goal will be ob-

tained by training diligently

and not getting discouraged

when I get my butt kicked

in training. I have my work

cut out for me to obtain my

goals. Luckily have things

planned out and I have great

people around me to help.

Goals for the future

Lance Stephenson's career-high 25 points sends Pacers to the Eastern Conference finals






I chose to do my other Art Reflection on the song Otherside by

Macklemore. Macklemore is best known for his song “Thrift Shop”

which is a somewhat silly song about shopping at stores like Good-

will. “Otherside” has a completely opposite tone compered to

“Thrift Shop.” First off the beat is much slower on “Otherside” and

the music overall is much sadder and more depressing. The song is

about him fighting his addiction to the codeine that is found in

cough syrup. The story speaks about a man that starting taking

“lean” when a friend talked him into it when the told him all the

other good rappers are doing it including Lil Wayne who is men-

tioned numerous times in the song because he is famous for doing it

and was actually hospitalized for it after the song was released caus-

ing a social media firestorm with false rumors of him being on his

deathbed. The song continues to tell the story of the man that start-

ed taking drugs as Macklemore ends up describing what an overdose

is like and eventually the man dies and his girlfriend finds him. That

is when Macklemore says my favorite line “we live on the cusp of

death thinking it wont be us.” That line really hits me because I once

went to a party before a concert over the summer and got danger-

ously drunk. One of the few things I remember from that night is

heading over there I never thought an overdose could happen to me.

This song really spoke to me and I have stopped drinking since then.

Art Reflection