Protos | Jaarverslag 2014 1 Annual report 2014

jaarverslag 2014 NL Protos · Protos | Jaarverslag 2014 1 Annual report 2014. Mission Statement Protos seeks to promote fair and mutually beneficial relations between the North and

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Page 1: jaarverslag 2014 NL Protos · Protos | Jaarverslag 2014 1 Annual report 2014. Mission Statement Protos seeks to promote fair and mutually beneficial relations between the North and

Protos | Jaarverslag 2014 1

Annual report


Page 2: jaarverslag 2014 NL Protos · Protos | Jaarverslag 2014 1 Annual report 2014. Mission Statement Protos seeks to promote fair and mutually beneficial relations between the North and

Mission StatementProtos seeks to promote fair and mutually beneficial relations between the North and the South.

Protos aims at facilitating sustainable and empowering development processes that are well integrated in the local cultural and social context and that strive to improve the general well being of the destitute groups in the South. In that view, water is a key element. Given its expertise in this field, Protos particularly stands up for equitable, sustainable and participatory water management in the North and the South.

Equitable water management assumes solidarity amongst all users, whereby each individual has the right to sufficient water quantities for a well-balanced human development.

Sustainable water management seeks to optimally use the available water sources without threatening the other users, the environment or the future.

Participatory water management requires the involvement of each individual and community, including disadvantaged groupsproviding the opportunity for them to take control of their own future. In this, a fair gender balance has to be respected.

Protos wants to achieve these objectives by:• Supporting participatory development programmes in

the South: via an improvement of access to water, and of distribution and/or valorisation of water, Protos aims to improve the socio-economic situation of the local population;

• Being a lever: by strengthening the capacities, the vision and the position of organisations that are able to capitalize on the knowledge fostered by these programmes and capable of making profit of this knowledge in the future;

• Stimulating the cooperation between all parties involved in the planning and implementation of local development, including the civil society organisations and the local authorities;

• Stimulating the debate on the equitable, sustainable and participatory water resources management in both the North and the South. The experiences of Protos and its partner organisations are able to contribute to this debate. B


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Foreword 1

About the content of this report 2

2014 in a nutshell 4

Protos world wide 6

Protos in 2014 20

Environmental and social report 22

Financial report 27

Special thanks to 31

GRI overview 33

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On 18 February 2015, we bid a last farewell to Stef Lambrecht who passed away after a brave struggle. Throughout three decades, 25 years of which as our director, Stef enthusiastically dedicated himself to Protos. He turned Protos into a profes­sional NGO specialised in today’s global water issues. Stef was a leader and an inspiration to all of us, who instilled the values of sustainable, equitable and participatory water governance into the Protos team.

These core values continue to guide us in the development of our programmes. Aware of our partners’ progress and the changing perception of NGOs and their added value, Protos has over the past few years developed a new strategy based on action­research.

Increasing our efficiency and quality has been our main concern throughout. We are on the point of renewing our status as a certified Programme NGO and to that effect we submitted, at the end of 2014, a strategic ten­year plan based on our values and principles to the Directorate­General for Development.

Last but not least, I have the honour of presenting Boudewijn Moyersoen as our first ever Honorary President. Boudewijn was awarded this tribute for his many years of exceptional service to Protos as an administrator and president. Both Stef and Boudewijn are key figures who made Protos what it is today. With your support, the entire team is committed to help Protos grow and flourish.

Cherish the memory, look to the future

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Stef Lambrecht 1957-2015

Arnoud Lust Vincent VolckaertChairman Manager

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A brief introduction to the top 5 themes.

① Number of management structures in start-up phase, or functional, autonomous and self-sustaining. Two years ago, Protos and its partners chose to concentrate on developing context­adapted structures for implementing Integrated Water Resources Management and operating existing water systems, rather than investing in physical infrastructure development. The implementation of a sustainable management structure is a long­term process. Protos will report on these projects every three years, at the term of each programme. The term for the present programme is end 2016.

② Access to. The number of beneficiaries having gained access to drinking water or adequate sanitation, and the number of people gaining access to water for agriculture in the past year.

③ Impact on development in developing countries. What impact do Protos programmes have on the beneficiary population. Do people enjoy a higher standard of life? Are they ill less often? Do they have a higher income because they lose less time fetching water or because of higher crop yields thanks to irrigation? Do girls continue their schooling once there are clean toilets? Objective measurement of the impact of our activities over the course of one year is extremely difficult, especially because other simultaneous interventions also have an impact. For example, girls will also continue their schooling because of an awareness campaign run by the local authorities. However, testimonies from beneficiaries do give an indication as to our programmes’ impact.

About the content of this report

Not only does this report present a new design, it also follows a new blueprint. The integrated annual report Protos submits this year complies with the GRI­G4 guidelines, ‘In accordance – Core self­declared’. The Global Reporting Initiative, known as GRI, has become one of the world’s most widely used standards for sustainability reporting.

The GRI­G4 guidelines differ fundamentally on two points from the G3 guidelines used by Protos up to now:• The report must provide relevant and significant information

(‘Material Aspects’ in GRI jargon) on the economic, social and environmental impact of the activities.

• Both internal and external stakeholders of the organisation need to indicate what information they find important and should be included in the report.

Early 2015, Protos conducted a survey in order to establish a relevance­index. 85 participants answered the survey, including 48 external and 37 internal stakeholders.

The participating stakeholders were asked to give a score to 18 suggested themes. They had to mark 5 themes as “very relevant” (score 10), 5 as “interesting” (score 5),5 as “less interesting” (score 3), leaving 3 themes with “no score/no opinion” (score 0). Adding up the scores gave a clear top priority list of the five most relevant themes. In its reporting, Protos will focus on these five priority themes, covering specific indicators and relevant data.

A new design and a new blueprint

Breakdown of participants in the relevance-index survey

Employee of a company or organisation supporting Protos 27Employee of a non­supporting company or organisation 10Government employee 11Member of the General Assembly or Board of Directors of Protos 13Staff member of Protos 17Protos volunteer 7

Total 85

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Theme Score ① Number of management structures 656② Access to/Number of beneficiaries 639③ Impact in developing countries 597④ Capacity strengthening of partners 553⑤ Main strategies 536Protos added­value 472Advocacy in developing countries 463Vision/mission 450Training Belgian students to become world citizens 437Transparency of financial flows 436Financial viability 414Advocacy in Belgium 293Sustainability within Protos 283Policy diversity 264Indirect employment 224EFQM quality system 209Direct employment 202Staff policy 201

④ Capacity strengthening of our partners. One of the core tasks of a Development NGO such as Protos, focussing on structural change, is to strengthen the know­how and skills of the local actors who need to assume their responsibilities in water management and policy. Capacity strengthening is a long process and very difficult to assess over the course of a single year on the basis of objectively verifiable indicators. Our partners, however, can give testimony to what capacity strengthening really does for them.

⑤ Main strategies. In order to reach its objectives, Protos follows a number of unique strategies. They form the “blue” lining of all of our programmes.

Apart from this top 5, the present annual report also offers a series of other standard GRI­G4 indicators: you will find these in the GRI­index on page 33.

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2014 in a nutshell

Once again, Protos organised the traditional annual meeting with its country coordinators in 2014. Throughout the week we discuss Protos­strategy and the main management issues of our organisation. But above all, it’s a great opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience.

International week Sustainable, equitable and participatory water governance remain the guiding principles for all Protos programmes. Based on our partners’ progress and the changing perception of the added value an international NGO should provide, Protos developed a new strategy based on action­research. The question of how to put this new strategy into practice dominated 2014. In order to increase our impact, we need to narrow the focus of our activities and consolidate them. The results we generate are not merely expressed in the number of new people with access to drinking water. The impact of our action­research approach also consists of developing and testing new solutions and models for integrated water resources manage­ment and structures, cooperation with local governments, etc. Documenting and disseminating what we learn is essential to inspire other organisations and fuel national and international debate. I

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Reassessing context and strategy on a regular basis is a necessity for any modern development organisation such as Protos. The choices we make are translated into a strategic plan for the coming years and form the basis for further development of our programmes. The legislative framework for development cooperation is also subject to change. As such, a new law was passed requiring all NGOs to reapply for recognition before 2017. Based on our strategic vision, Protos submitted a 10­year plan to the Directorate­General for Development in December 2014 in order to maintain its status as a recognised Programme­NGO.

Development cooperation in a changing world

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Action ! World Water Day on March 22nd and Global Handwashing Day on October 15th are important days for Protos. In both Belgium and our partner countries, we go public to draw attention to the global need for drinking water and sanitation.

A new house style

End 2014 we introduced our new logo and website. It was time for a fresh approach and clear communication. Don’t forget to visit www.protos.ngo.

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From its very first days, Protos has worked with the local NGO CIDRI in Ituri, North­East Congo, and we have every reason to be proud of what we have achieved together. In its 30­year history, CIDRI created access to drinking water for nearly half a million people and built 13 large drinking water systems, all of which are still active. Although for many years the region was a staging ground for armed conflict, the population’s solidarity remained intact and they continued all programmes. A small delegation of Protos celebrated with CIDRI his 30th anniversary in October 2014.

Celebrating in Congo



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Whatever the circumstances, we get the job done


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The late payment of the first instalment of our subsidies for the 2014­2016 multiannual programme delayed our activities. But we’re doing everything necessary to catch up on time lost. In addition to the multiannual programme with the Belgian federal government (DGD), several other programmes were launched in collaboration with the EU, UNICEF and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). One of these is the EU­project in Mali focussing on urban sanitation. The armed conflict in the northern part of Mali led to an explosive population growth in the capital Bamako, causing a pressing need for drinking water and sanitation in the city. The war situation in Mali is but an example of how fragile those developing countries remain where Protos is active. Nevertheless, we continued our programmes in Mali, albeit with all necessary precaution and vigilance, observing a number of measures to reduce risk. The safety of our staff and partners is and remains crucial. Protos will never engage in any activity that could endanger them.

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“Water”, a goal in its own right among the Sustainable Development Goals

For advocacy, Protos does not work alone but establishes partnerships in function of each theme. By combining our efforts, we increase our influence on the target groups.

2014 was particularly dominated by… 2015 – the closing year for the Millennium Goals and also the final year to prepare a new framework for further sustainable human development. Indeed, the final recommendation of the 2002 Rio +20 Summit was to combine both poverty reduction and sustainable development in a common new framework.

Taking examples from specific projects, the following pages cover the three areas in which Protos is active: drinking water; sanitation and hygiene; water for agriculture.You can learn more about each of our programmes on www.protos.ngo.


Protos actively provided input for the Post­2015 agenda through two channels.

Beginning 2014, Protos was involved, via the European Environmental Bureau, in formulating the position of the Environmental NGO’s working group regarding the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and the Post­2015 develop­ment agenda. The resulting document was submitted to the international working group which, in August 2014, published an official statement recommending 17 goals. As this has been our main advocacy objective ever since the start of consultations, Protos is most happy to see that water, with six specific targets, has become a goal in its own right. All 17 goals were included in “The road to dignity by 2030”, the UN Secretary­General’s synthesis report.

Starting in April 2014, Protos was also consulted within the political working group “Coalitie 2015 De tijd loopt” (Coalition 2015 Time is ticking). The result was a ‘position paper’ focus­sing on the 4 basic principles the Post­2015 framework should embrace: human rights, equality, sustainability and univer sality. In December, Protos contributed to the Coalition’s viewpoint on the UN’s synthesis report and to the dossier “The Millennium Goals: results and lessons for the future” published end 2015. Starting in autumn 2014, the political work of the Coalition was also brought to wider public attention through “Action/2015” and the website www.action2015.be in an effort to further raise awareness.

Currently, the UN Member States are debating the 17 Sustainable Development Goals which are expected to be endorsed by the UN General Assembly in September 2015. As from then, they will comprise the global framework for sustainable human development for the next 15 years.

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Water is a human right

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"Water is life. Access to drinking water has a profound and sustainable impact on

everyone’s life. It is an essential factor to reduce poverty.

Extract from the brochure “L’eau proche de nous”, published to mark the 30th anniversary of the NGO CIDRI,

partner of Protos in the Ituri Province of DR Congo.

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DR CONGO ­ For the past 30 years, the population of Bunia in the Ituri district has had access to drinking water. Throughout those years, our local partner CIDRI constructed several drinking water systems. However, the number of private water connections also increased substantially and these are using considerable amounts of water at the expense of the water distribution at public foun­tains. As a result, the population grew ever more dissatisfied with the public service. Together with the water users we looked for solutions. Water kiosks should improve the situation. They are public booths equipped with a tap where everyone can buy water. They have their own reservoirs and observe longer opening hours than the public fountains to avoid long queues and guarantee constant availability. The regulation of water sales should also prevent abusive private initiatives. The scale models show what the water kiosks will look like.

Innovation, a road to greater satisfaction

Good water governance: a joint effort

Protos is active in a limited number of countries where lack of access to water is one of the main causes of underdevelopment. We provide support for specific projects, but also and foremost, we assist and involve local NGOs, farmer and

user organisations, local authorities and regional government services in developing adequate processes to achieve sustainable water management. As development does not depend exclusively on water, Protos always works within the global context of a community or region.

Drinking water

UGANDA ­ In the sub­counties of Mayhoro, Nyabani and Kanara in the district of Kamwenge, three Water User Associations (WUA) were created in the past few years. The entire area has more than 211 water points, each with its own water committee consisting of village representatives. The water committees are responsible for maintaining and managing the water points, tasks which are often beyond their capabilities. The WUA are both umbrella organisation and supervisor of the committees. They ensure that the water committees:• Live up to their tasks and responsibilities;• Maintain the water points properly;• Collect the contributions from the water users on a regular basis;• Organise regular meetings with the users and present financial reports;• Involve an adequate number of women in their management.

Protos and its local partner JESE provide further assistance to the WUA. Our current focus is on defining and establishing their relationship with local governments and water agencies.Their position within the management of the river basin is also an issue being addressed.

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LOCAL PROJECT OWNERSHIP - choses to empower the future owner right from the start. As owner of the water infrastructure he decides on its planning, the forms of investment and financing, the hiring of an engineering agency or contractor and its overall management. The owner needs to direct the whole process and Protos will assist him in this.

MALI ­ Although access to drinking water is on the rise in those communities where Protos is active, system break­downs are frequent and repairs all too slow in happening. In order to improve the water services in Mopti, Protos is strengthening the capacities of the municipalities, the operators of the water points and the technicians responsible for the maintenance of the infrastructure. The technicians are often insufficiently trained and face several problems: spare parts are lacking, they fail to make a profit and they work without the protective framework of a formal contract.

ECUADOR ­ The right to water has been inscribed in Ecuador’s Constitution since 2009. However, it was not until 2014 that an effective Water Law was passed. This law finally provides a legal framework and recognition for the drinking water com­mitt ees, the public­community cooperation and the umbrella organisations such as Cenagrap and Coplav. It also clarifies the tasks and responsibilities of local and national structures.

Protos helped the network of social water management organisa tions (ROSCGAE) to analyse this new law and to under­stand its implications. As a result, they were able to present public authorities with thoroughly substantiated propositions for the executive and practical implementation of the water law.

A demonstration in support of the right to water in Ecuador.

The right to water

In 2014, Protos and its local partner provided technical training for the repairmen and mediated in the dialogue with municipalities, management committees and user associati­ons to establish better terms and formal working conditions.

Aly Touré - hand-pump repairman in Mopti:“I have been a repairman for manual pumps for the past five years and earn a decent living for me and my family. The training courses organised by Protos and other NGOs have taught me a lot. We have to negotiate better financial terms for our interventions and work with contracts. Finally, the delays in repairing breakdowns should be reduced.”

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Training on the job

The blue line connects the main strategies of Protos. The projects illustrate the manner in which we apply these strategies.

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BENIN ­ Although the task of fetching water is generally carried out by women, they are rarely consulted when decisions have to be made concerning the water supply. The GLEauBe project, run by Protos, encourages women to take up more responsibilities in managing their water resources. The project proved successful and the situation has changed significantly in the five communities involved.• All five associations representing the interests of water users at the municipal level have

a woman as chairman;• 43% of the elected members of the user associations at district level are women;• Out of 865 water points, 180 (21%) are being operated and maintained by women.

The growing involvement of women in the water sector is the result of their growing aware­ness and especially their growing determination to improve the management of the water infrastructure and the quality of service in general. A perfectly logical evolution since women are traditionally in charge of providing water and are as such the first to suffer from a failing system.

Women take up more tasks in watergovernance

Especially women bear the burden of fetching water.

GENDER AND INCLUSION - In times of water shortage, women and underprivileged groups are the first to suffer exclusion. In an approach intent on gender-inclusion, their experience and expectations are taken into account in the planning, execution and management of the programmes. Not only does the inclusion of women and the underprivileged enhance the longevity of the programmes, it is also a way to promote gender equality within organisations, communities and families.

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The houses of 265 families are already connected.

From local to global HAITI ­ Together with the government agency DINEPA and other water specialists, Protos is preparing a methodological manual for drinking water and sanitation facilities in rural environments. In 2014 we identified the difficulties, challenges and successes. Water users, administrators and legally responsible bodies at all levels are consulted in preparing this manual. Together we also analyse their roles and responsibilities. The manual will describe the institutional challenges, the technical problems and the possibilities of applying ‘local ownership’ for rural drinking water and sanitation facilities.

MADAGASCAR ­ In Ampitatafika, a municipality in the district of Antanifotsy, no drinking water system has as yet been available. The infrastructure currently under construction will include some 70 km of piping and several reservoirs, and will provide drinking water for 12000 people. Already, 265 households, 7 primary schools and the health care centre have been connected to the water mains. Six water sales outlets have also opened up.

The project pays particular attention to consolidating cooperation between all parties involved.

The final responsibility for the water and sanitary systems lies with the municipality as owner of the project. The municipality is in charge of planning, construction and management of the infrastructure. Ultimately, the management will be handed over to a small local enterprise. A technician for maintenance and an administrator for the invoicing and financial management were trained.

Training courses provide the entire population with insight into the relationship between water, sanitation and hygiene. 426 families built latrines of their own initiative and the schools are constructing sanitary facilities. During classes,teachers emphasise the essential rules of hygiene: preserve water in a sealed container, wash hands before meals and after using the toilet.

Cooperation and training in Ampitatafika

GLOCALISATION - Protos gives water users a voice in municipal and regional debates and carries their proposals to improve water management all the way to the national and international level. Reversely, Protos translates the national decisions and proposals back to the local users and administrators. Protos uses the word glocalisation to describe this interaction.

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Knowledge in numbers DR CONGO ­ For projects involving hygiene and sanitation, for example in a school, it is important to understand the initial situation. This knowledge is used to measure progress, but also to create awareness amongst teachers, students and parents. Based on this initial assessment, they participate in outlining a course of action for improving hygiene and sanitation in the schools.

Here are some of the results of a basic survey in the primary school of Bankoko:• 654 students, of which 316 are girls;• 4 latrines for 338 boys (7 are needed);

4 latrines for 316 girls (8 are needed);• Although basically insufficient, all latrines are used and

there are facilities to wash hands;• 60% of the children have been properly washed;

40% wear clean clothes; 25% wear shoes;

• training sessions in hygiene and sanitation, involving the parents, are already being held;

• there is a parent committee and a group responsible for cleaning the playground and classrooms;

• 15% of the children regularly suffer from water related diseases. Only 5% has access to healthcare.

"Wash you must, or otherwise get scabies and an awful itch."

The children sing this song at school.

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Unwholesome sanitary facilities and bad hygienic habits at home or near a fresh water source can cause infections and disease. Protos chose to focus on behavioural change in approaching this issue. Our local partners organise workshops to advocate proper hygienic habits such as the systematic use of a latrine, washing hands, fetching fresh drinking water and storing it correctly. We sometimes help build latrines, but more often we try to stimulate the demand for sanitary infrastructures within the community itself and support local enterprise to meet that demand. In addition, we assist local authorities in meeting their responsibilities in matters of sanitation.

Sanitation and hygiene

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Scene from a role-play BENIN “Would you like to taste?” Jérôme asks. “Certainly not!” a frightened Martine replies. Next to a meat and rice dish lies a plastic bag filled with human excrement.“And yet, this is nothing new to you, is it?” Jérôme reacts.Indeed, no one in Ségba­Lokogohoué owns a toilet. Relieving yourself out in the open is the normal thing to do. Jérôme pushes further: with a stick he first stirs around in the plastic bag, then in the rice dish.“You’re not disgusted by your own poop, are you?” Everyone laughs and hoots. But in every eye you can read disgust and shame. Disgust is the key to change, the basis for Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS): an entire community takes up the challenge to improve the sanitary situation. Open air defecation is no longer tolerated, each family has to build a basic latrine, and each family member needs to use it. It is a brutal method, but it works. It creates collective shame and revulsion for open air defecation. And it spurs people into action.“Who wants a latrine?” Jérôme shouts. Everyone jumps up.“When are you going to build it?”“Next week!”

CAPACITY STRENGTHENING - As many developing countries are in the process of decentralising, municipalities find themselves in charge of water supply and irrigation systems. However, many local authorities lack the necessary skills. Protos supports them in their tasks. With training courses, exchanges and coaching, Protos and its partners also provide capacity strengthening for drinking water committees, farmer associations, local NGOs, government services and local private enterprise.

The entire community is involved in the project.

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Jérôme takes note of a long list of pledges. He got the ball rolling and convinced everyone with a series of eye­openers: they charted the spots where everyone relieves himself and visited each spot; they calculated the amount of faeces produced in a single village; they experienced the confrontation of food and faeces… Now it’s a question of reminding people of their pledge, helping them in constructing their latrine, and most of all, convincing everyone to use the latrines at all times.

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A metamorphose in Kayinja Arima Namwkwaya – Kayinja resident:

“Seeing people relieve themselves in the open air, with plastic everywhere, was very unpleasant. At first I viewed the changes at the landing site with great criticism, but now I’m satisfied. There are waste bins and toilets and the ‘bushes’ are a thing of the past.”

UGANDA ­ Kayinja is a small fish landing site on the shores of Lake George. Here, most people earn their livelihoods from fishing. Up until recently, the villagers drank untreated water from the lake, there were no latrines, the village was littered with refuse, and fish were being cleaned on the soiled ground… Until Protos and its local partner JESE turned Kayinja into a model­ site. Today, every family has a latrine, water gets boiled or filtered, there are tables to clean the fish, and people plant kitchen gardens and trees. A community committee chooses and supervises the different projects, and ensures everyone respects the rules.

Using the infrastructure properly HAITI ­ Now that the construction of toilet facilities, including washbasins, is finished in the 36 schools of Camp Perrin, Protos is redirecting its efforts to hygiene education and the proper use and maintenance of the infrastructures. This is a joint effort involving our local partner AHAAMES, the school management, teacher associations, parents’ councils, local authorities, drinking water committees and even the state institution for education.

Getting people to change their habits is a slow process and successful only if everyone gets involved. In each school a GEPHA committee (Comité de Gestion de l’Eau Potable, l’Hygiène et l’Assainissement / Drinking Water, Hygiene and Sanitation Management Committee) has been appointed to teach and stimulate the correct use of the facilities. In 2014, 70 women and 65 men became members of a GEPHA. The main challenge however, remains access to water: out of 36 schools, only 25 are hooked up to a drinking water system.

A landing site on the shores of Lake George.

INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES (IWRM) is dedicated to the socio-economic growth of present and future generations without jeopardising the ecology. Within the IWRM approach, all water related aspects of a specific area are studied. Most often this area is a river basin or a valley, but it can also be a community. All parties concerned cooperate to analyse the different functions of the locally available water (drinking water, irrigation…) and reach a consensus on its sustainable use and conservation.

Children learn about proper hygienic habits at school.

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Results through trial and error

Sustainable and participatory governance ECUADOR ­ Together with CEDIR, SENDAS and CEFODI, Protos has ordered a study of the existing water and sanitation management models in a number of municipalities. Although the study will not be finished until 2015, its potential as a source of inspiration for the municipalities in applying the new water legislation is already quite clear. Indeed, the new law makes provision for the public and community alliances to become strategic partners in the governance of water and sanitation.

The local drinking water committees (JAAP) have already asked the municipalities to assume their responsibilities in the management of the rural facilities. At a municipal level, this task lies with the Departments of Public Works which all too often limit their interventions to the urban areas. An umbrella organisation managing both urban and rural areas is needed to assist the JAAPs and establish a sustainable and participatory management.

MADAGASCAR ­ A study in Toamasina, Madagascar’s second largest city, revealed appalling sanitary conditions. Only 2% of the sludge from cesspits and latrines gets collected and partly treated at a private sewage treatment plant. Only the rich and the hotels can afford this service. The rest of the population removes the sediments manually and buries them in backyards. In one of the city districts Protos has set up a complete sanitary chain: clearing of the latrines, transportation to a processing unit and treatment of the sludge. As no comparable projects exist in Madagascar to serve as an example, we need to rely on local solutions.

In 2014 Protos and the municipality carried out a trial run to fine­tune the draining technology and start the sanitary chain. A private sewage treatment plant is responsible for treatment and disposal. For the draining, a local company was selected and equipped by the municipality. However, during the pilot phase this service proved to be working at a loss. Together with the municipality and the company, Protos looked into restoring the financial balance: streamlining the staff organisation, batching of the draining requests, increasing transportation volumes...

ACTION-RESEARCH is a method based on the thorough analysis of a problem to define and implement an adequate solution. At the heart of action-research is the participation of everyone afflicted by the problem. The documentation and dissemination of lessons learned is a key element.

Disposal service for latrines and cesspits.

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Water for agricultureIn a number of countries Protos has joined efforts to improve the access and management of water for agricultural purposes. The interventions in this sector, ranging from small to large­scale and complex, always involve the local farmer associations and authorities. Protos works according to the principles of Integrated Water Resources Management and sustainable and biological farming, an approach more necessary than ever in the light of recent climate change.

BURUNDI ­ The AMiAsZi project in Bujumbura Rural helps 500 underprivileged families with collecting rainwater, planting kitchen gardens and composting, and has provided them with improved cooking stoves and dry EcoSan toilets that recycle faeces into fertiliser.

Most of these underprivileged households are headed by a widow. Christine is one of them: “Thanks to the produce of my kitchen garden, where I grow onions, sweet peppers and cabbage, I hardly need to buy any other vegetables and have more money available for salt, oil and soap.”

Minor interventions make a world of difference

Market garden cooperatives, counting many women among their membership, are supported in the valleys.

Pascaline Niyonzima - :“Thanks to the redevelopment of the valley, we now have water for irrigation throughout the year. We also learned how to use the water efficiently and how to maintain the irrigation canals.”

Many women are also members of the market garden cooperatives we support in the valleys. Pascaline works with 9 other farmers in a market garden cooperative in the redeveloped Musagaba valley. They grow eggplants and sweet peppers. They sell their produce in one of the many vegetable stands along the road between Bujumbura and Gitega.

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Ensuring food security in Belladère HAITI ­ Large­scale deforestation has made the land extremely vulnerable to flooding during the rainy season, desiccation of riverbeds in the dry season and overall erosion. Near the border with the Dominican Republic, in the Onde Verte River basin, Protos has set up the PASAH programme to improve the area’s food security. We run the programme together with our partner SOE and the municipality of Belladère. PASAH focusses on establishing irrigated lands, reforestation to stop erosion, and the training of farmers who form cooperatives. Farmer Jacques Antoine participates in the programme. On his 5 hectares of land, he has planted 130 new fruit trees, including mango and oranges. These and the coffee plants he will soon add, should provide him with a nice extra income. With the help of neighbouring farmers he built a stone wall along his fields. In the past, he often lost part of his crops to erosion and landslides

Essential interaction BENIN ­ The objective of the AMARE project is to improve the management of agricultural water supplies. Protos supports several actors to obtain this goal:• The main focus is on the farmers. Their organisational and problem­solving skills are strengthened so they can put their

solutions into practice.• The farmer associations are strengthened in order to provide the farmers with better support and access to

resources and markets.• The municipalities are more closely involved to ensure farmers’ improvement plans are in line with municipal policy.

The interaction between farmers, farmer associations, municipalities and other government services is often strenuous but indispensable to reach sustainable results. Throughout 2014, the farmer association URP organised several meetings with the agricultural services, municipalities and other farmer associations to bring agriculture higher on the agenda and raise more funds for agricultural development and water management.

Ultimately, these meetings are to be held by a consultative body at municipal level, forming a centre of exchange for all parties involved.

MULTIPLE-PARTY APPROACH - Development is achieved only through the interaction of several groups at different levels. Protos brings all these parties to the negotiating table in order to build comprehensive support for a development plan. Also, all parties must be allowed a voice in the execution and management of the infrastructure works. With this approach, Protos encourages local responsibility, transparency and cooperation, prerequisites for local democracy and good governance.

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"I will soon have a higher yield."

after heavy rainfall. Now, the soil is not only held back by the walls, it also holds moisture much longer. Jacques is convinced his fields will produce a significantly higher yield.

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Thanks to the partnership with Protos, we are able to provide our farmer organisations with advice on irrigation techniques for their kitchen gardens.

We also help to design and execute the necessary waterworks.Wilfreed Gbessi (right), coordinator of the Union Régionale des Producteurs du Mono-Couffo,

together with members of the farmer organisation ‘Zizagué Maraîchage’ of the Bopa municipality, during an inspection of the water reservoir and the pumping unit.


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In 1992, the United Nations designated March 22nd as World Water Day (WWD). On this day, demonstrations and educational events are held in all member nations to draw the general public’s attention to the world’s critical water issues. For the past few years, Protos and Milieuzorg op School (MOS) have taken the initiative in Flanders. In 2014, together with MOS, GoodPlanet Belgium, Kleur Bekennen and Solidagro, we organised a major Walk for Water in Lier. 600 primary andsecon dary school students participated. This partner ship was an inspiration to schools nationwide to also act on WWD. As a result, more than 46000 students from 280 schools walked in their respective communities under the banner ‘because thirst is a crime’. Participating in a Walk for Water lets youngsters experience what it is like to have to walk some 6 kilometres a day to fetch water. And it shows bystanders and policymakers that children should really be carrying satchels rather than water.

Everything is water, and digital Social media and the internet are open books to our schoolchildren and we need to move with the times. In 2014 Protos digitised its educational programmes creating two websites: www.protos­educatief.be for Dutch speaking schools; www.protos­ecole.be for French speaking schools. Together with Solidagro and Dwagulu Dekente, Protos also designed the computer game ‘Alles is water’. On www.allesiswater.be, players have to complete a series of tasks to supply an African village with as much fresh water as possible. The students who tested the game in 2014 were clearly enthusiastic. We’re off for a promising launch in 2015.

Walks for Water

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Walks for Water in Lier.

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Belgium Office Ghent Employees 17 Partners Solidagro – Iles de Paix – Milieuzorg op School – Good Planet Belgium – COREN Thematic and technical support regional offices – advocacy – knowledge exchange and management – external relations and communication – networking – global education – fundraising – administration and finances.

Benin Office Cotonou Field offices Natitingou – Lokossa Employees 22 Partners PNE – Helvetas – DCAM­Bethesda – EAA (Eau et Assainissement Afrique) – SNV­Benin – CEBEDES – BUPDOS – URP Mono/Couffo – URP Atacora/Donga – Municipalities Donors DGD – Belgian Fund for Food Security (BFFS) – EU – Province of West Flanders – Stichting Gillès – ICCO/WASH Alliantie – Gemeentelijk Havenbedrijf Antwerpen and the Flemish Administration via Flemish Partnership Water for Development (VPWvO) – Ghent Dredging – Private donations.

Mono/Couffo and Atacora/Donga

Protos in 2014




DR Congo






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Ecuador Office Cuenca Field offices Saraguro – Esmeraldas Employees 8 Partners CEDIR – SENDAS – CEFODI – Second­line organisations and water committees – Municipal authorities – APROCA – APROCAM and APROCAR (cacao farmers' associations) – Province of East Flanders Donors DGD – Province of East Flanders – Province of Vlaams­Brabant – Municipality of Berlare – Municipality of Oosterzele – Municipality of Bierbeek – Fondation Ensemble and FARYS via VPWvO – Ecobeton Water Technologies – KrisKras – TREVI – Co­Valent via Entrepreneurs pour Entrepreneurs – Aliaxis Group. Andes South: Quilanga – Gonzanama – Oña – Saraguro; Coast: Muisne and Rioverde (province of Esmeraldas)

Andes South: Quilanga – Gonzanama – Oña – Saraguro

Haïti Office Port­au­Prince Employees 14 Partners SOE – AHAAMES – ODRINO – CUSIC – UDECOBEL – DDA Donors DGD – UNICEF – 11.11.11 – Province of Antwerp – Flemish Administration and FARYS via VPWvO – Havenbedrijf Ghent, D. Lannoo and IPTE via Entrepreneurs pour Entrepreneurs – HidroPlus PIDPA – UEBH – Private donations.

Camp Perrin – Belladère – Moustiques Belladère – Moustiques

Madagascar Office Antananarivo Employees 8 Partners FIKRIFAMA – AMI (Association Miarintsoa) – TSINJO Donors DGD – EU – Province of Limburg – Flemish Administration and De Watergroep via VPWvO – Panis Jan, BASF ANIM, VIA­Fonds and General Fund via Entrepreneurs pour Entrepreneurs – SEDIF – Tauw België.

Toamasina – Atsimondrano and Arivominano – Antanifotsy

Mali Office Bamako Field offices Sévaré – Nioro du Sahel Employees 23 Partners AMASBIF – COPIDUC – PNE – PROMETHEE – Municipalities – UNICEF Donors DGD – BFFS – UNICEF – Flemish Administration, Antea Group and AWW water­link via VPWvO – Boone­Brems, Willemen Groep, VPK Packaging group and municipality of Ranst via Entrepreneurs pour Entrepreneurs – Association Sud­Nord – Family and friends Elise Delsaerdt – Lindemans friends – HidroPlus/PIDPA – Atlas Copco and Water for All via its employees. Bamako, Cercles de Nara and Nioro du Sahel, Mopti region Mopti region

Rwanda, Burundi Office Kigali (Rwanda) Field office Bujumbura (Burundi) Employees 11 Partners COFORWA – UGAMA – CSC – District Muhanga (Rwanda) – OAP – AVEDEC (Burundi).

District Muhanga (Rwanda) – Province of Gitega and Bujumbura rural (Burundi)

Uganda - DR Congo Office/Field office Fort Portal (Uganda) Employees 5 Partners JESE – Tooro Botanical Gardens (Uganda) – CIDRI (DR Congo).

District Kamwenge – River Mpanga Catchment – Lake George Basin (Uganda) – Ituri (DR Congo)

Donors Rwanda - Burundi - Uganda - DR Congo DGD – EC – Province of East Flanders – Flemish Administration, FARYS and Antea Group via VPWvO – LIMA nv – ACLVB/CGSLB via Sociaal Fonds Voeding VIA – Terre Bleue via Entrepreneurs pour Entrepreneurs – Nationale Loterij – Brugs Fonds voor Ontwikkeling en Samenwerking – MISEREOR – Private donations.

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22 Protos | Annual report 2014

Environmental and social reportFor the 6th year in a row, Protos publishes a comprehensive environmental and social report for the entire Protos group.For the first time we report according to the new GRI-G4 standard. A full overview can be found in the GRI-index, page p.33.

Key figures• Turnover: 7.845.389,89 euro. • Programme spending: 6.960.565 euro. • Number of programme beneficiaries in developing countries: 58.460 people. • Number of partners in the South cooperating in the programmes: 54 (with a partnership contract).• Number of employees per 31/12/2014: 104,6 FTE (full time equivalent)• Members of the General Assembly per 31/12/2014: 100.• Members of the Board of Directors: 11.

Organisational profile and social dataThe full breakdown of the social balance sheet data can be found on the website publications\annual reports. 16,6% of all staff resorts under CLA 329.01 (collective labour agreement): these are the employees of the main office in Ghent.

In 2014, Protos was able to rely on the dedicated and free support of 134 volunteers: they translate, write articles for the Protos and 11.11.11 websites, help to develop the electronic library on the website and help with the public awareness campaigns organised in Belgium.

Precautionary principles. Since Protos is active in a number of fragile states, staff safety is a continual concern. Our safety policy is therefore tightened on a regular basis. The country coordinator maintains contact with the local professional networks which in turn inform him of any incidents and give all necessary recommendations. In case of civil unrest or uprisings, he or she decides, in agreement with the Director, to temporarily withdraw staff from field operations. In case of severe civil unrest, it may be decided to temporarily evacuate all personnel from the unsafe intervention zone.

Endorsed charters and principles. As member of these umbrella organisations, Protos has signed the charter of 11.11.11 and the political charter of CNCD­11.11.11.

Purchasing policy: see website.

Identified material aspects and boundariesAs in previous years, the annual report covers the social, environmental and financial data of the activities of the entire Protos group and its employees; all data of the head office and the 6 branch offices and subsidiaries are integrated.

The social and environmental data related to activities of our executive partners do not fall within the boundaries of the present report.

For definition of content and aspects (themes), please see pages 2 and 3.

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4061 4161











2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Gemiddelde CO2-uitstoot in kg per VTE

47 44 47

65 6873

21 23 26 2430


68 6773










2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Aantal werknemers op 31 december

Man Vrouw Totaal















2011 2012 2013 2014

Aantal werknemers die een functioneringsgesprek kregenEnkel werknemers die xxxxxx krijgen een functioneringsgesprek

Werknemers die een functioneringsgesprek kregen

Werknemers die recht hebben op een functioneringsgesprek

27 28 28 32 3040














2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Aantal werknemers per afkomst op 31 december

West-Europese werknemers Lokale medewerkers Totaal

Intensity of CO2 emissions - kg per FTE

Breakdown employees per origin - December, 31 Breakdown employees gender - December, 31

Number of employees receiving performance review

__ Europeans __ Local employees __ Total __ Men __ Women __ Total

__ Employees who received a review __ Employees who are entitled to a review

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24 Protos | Annual report 2014

Report parametersThe present annual report covers the period 1/1/2014 ­ 31/12/2014. The previous annual report was published following the General Assembly of 21/06/2014. Each year, Protos publishes an annual report following the General Assembly held in June.

Point of contact for this report: see bottom page 33.

Regarding the GRI­G4 standard, Protos choses the “In accordance Core self­declared” reporting. Only the annual financial statement and the balance sheet have been externally verified.

Management: see website.NGO1 up to NGO8: see website.

Comments on the environmental indicatorsFor the total use of materials (paper, cartridges,…), energy and water consumption in all offices and for all personnel, please see the detailed table on the website. The subsidiary in Fort Portal, Uganda, moved to a larger office and a new subsidiary was added in Bujumbura, Burundi.

Each year, Protos calculates its total CO2 emission based on its energy and paper consumption. We are happy to see that our emission per FTE continues to decrease compared to the reference year 2009.

Comments on the social indicators and the NGO sector supplementsCommunication and training regarding anti-corruption and fraud policy. For our policy: see website.At the start of employment, new employees receive training based on our good policy and practice vade mecum. In 2014, 56% percent of all new employees received a proper explanation of the vade mecum, compared to 87% in 2013. This is unacceptably low for 2014 and corrective action will be taken at staff management level.

Participation in public policy development and lobbying (NGO 5): p. 4, 6, 11.For our policy: see website.

Programme impact: total number of beneficiariesThe table shows the number of persons who “obtained access to…” thanks to the direct intervention of Protos in 2014. For drinking water, this covers all infrastructures Protos completed or repaired in order to comply with hygienic and quality standards in 2014, and that are presently being used by the population. The same applies to sanitary installations (latrines or minor sewage systems): they were built either by or with the help of Protos. Families who built their own latrine are therefore not included, even though Protos played a significant part in raising their awareness. As for agriculture, the numbers pertain to farmers who can increase their yields thanks to completed infrastructures. Families who benefit from improved irrigation systems or can start a kitchen­garden thanks to Protos’ interventions are also included.

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The total number of beneficiaries is modest, which can be explained in a number of ways:• Due to the belated payment of subsidies and difficult working conditions, for instance in Mali,

a number of the 2014 programmes incurred delay;• In our programmes the focus has shifted from the actual building of sanitary infrastructures to encouraging

the people into building these themselves. The increased awareness of people is high but also difficult to measure objectively in bare numbers;

• The construction of drinking water systems takes several years. It is only at completion that large groups of people gain access to drinking water.

Number of beneficiaries in 2014 Country Access to drinking water Access to sanitation Access to water for agriculture

Rwanda 8.025 / 150Uganda 891 628 /Burundi 0 1.500 12.879DR Congo 84 0 /Benin 2.000 980 387Mali 12.400 4.890 0Ecuador 2.120 292 0Haiti 2.422 5.018 310Madagascar 1.643 1.841 /Total 29.585 15.149 13.726

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Flemish Partnership Water for Development (VPWvO): the VPWvO is a platform bringing together actors from the Flemish Ministry of the Environment, public (drinking) water companies, private companies active in the water and related sectors, the Flemish academic and research spheres, NGOs and non-profit organisations. Through cooperation, they make an extra contribution to achieving target 7c of Millennium Development Goal 7, concerning drinking water and sanitation. As a result, ‘water and development’ will also be given higher priority on the Flemish political agenda.

Entrepreneurs pour Entrepreneurs: dialogue and cooperation between companies and NGOs. Promoting the patronage of companies for its member NGOs’ sustainable socio-economic development projects in the South and supporting entrepreneurs in the South who start a business.

Kauri: learning network and knowledge centre that stimulates a dialogue between the profit and non-profit sectors on themes such as sustainable development, responsible and ethical entrepreneurship, and transparently taking accountability, which also applies to NGOs.

Ngo-federatie: the federation of Flemish NGOs. Protos is a member of the Board of Directors and of several working groups. The federation has created the web site www.ngo-openboek.be.

11.11.11: the Coalition of the Flemish North-South Movement: joint political action for the development of the South and raising public awareness of fairer North-South relations.

Centre National de Coopération au Développement (CNCD): at the end of 2009, Protos joined the French-speaking North-South coalition. CNCD has the same goal as the Flemish coalition.

2015-de tijd loopt: coalition of 25 NGOs taking joint action to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.

RéS’Eau: political action of a number of French-speaking water groups to give water relating to development higher priority on the Belgian agenda and to get constitutional recognition of the human right to drinking water.

Global Water Solidarity, a worldwide platform founded by UNDP: Protos is a member of the Steering Committee. The platform’s goal is to support and further develop decentralised solidarity mechanisms for water and sanitation, and to replicate those worldwide, not only from a North-South perspective, but also from a South-South perspective.

The Province of East Flanders concentrates its international cooperation in a large part in 3 regional cooperation agreements, from province to province. One of these regional alliances is made with Esmeraldas Province in Ecuador. Protos and its local partner CEFODI are the executive partners of this cooperation agreement for the provincial partners.

Together you are stronger to achieve something. Protos actively participates in or leads a number of networks and platforms in Belgium. These networks and Protos aim to share information through cooperation.


Alliances and networks

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Balance (in €)

Financial Report

2014 2013FIXED ASSETS 38.380,22 47.920,08Intangible fixed assets 0,00 339,60Tangible fixed assets 11.824,98 21.006,36 Land and buildings 7.820,48 12.878,55 Plant, machinery and equipment 3.520,18 8.127,79 Furniture and vehicles 484,32 0,01

Financial fixed assets 26.555,24 26.574,13

CURRENT ASSETS 5.638.624,46 5.217.704,84Amounts receivable after more than 1 year ­0,01 0,00Amounts receivable within 1 year 704.872,83 697.511,58 Trade debtors 29.486,58 97.467,49 Other amounts receivable of which non­interest bearing or at a low rate of interest 675.386,25 600.044,09

Cash at bank and in hand 3.610.838,80 3.786.623,25Deferred accounts 1.322.912,84 733.570,01

TOTAL ASSETS 5.677.004,68 5.265.624,92 Fixed assets not integrated in the balance 209.835,70 (*) 284.227,94 (*)

(*) Fixed assets purchased with program funds which have to be fully considered as an expense at the request of the institutional donors.

2014 2013EQUITY 692.259,25 657.771,79Funds 651.878,45 646.183,62 Starting funds 0,00 0,00 Permanent funds 651.878,45 646.183,62Reserves 7.443,72 7.443,72Profit carried forward(*) 32.937,08 4.144,45

PROVISIONS 314.179,62 478.958,89Provisions for liabilities and charges 314.179,62 315.935,90Provisions for reimbursement of subsidies, legacies and gifts with right of recovery 0,00 163.022,99

AMOUNTS PAYABLE 4.670.565,81 4.128.894,24Amounts payable within 1 year 591.617,30 780.766,39

Trade debts 95.998,56 188.027,56 Taxes, remunerations and social security 163.781,28 194.589,88 Other amounts payable 331.837,46 398.148,95

Deferred accounts 4.078.948,51 3.348.127,85

TOTAL LIABILITIES 5.677.004,68 5.265.624,92 (*) Result 2013, 2014 and after differences due to conversion.







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Result 2014 (in €)

2014 2013OPERATING INCOME 7.845.389,89 8.460.868,78Turnover 0,00 136,40Fundraising & Subsidies 7.575.776,27 8.403.608,61 Fundraising 1.161.987,77 1.426.492,26 Subsidies 6.413.788,50 6.977.116,35Other operating income 206.174,64 18.964,79Financial income 48.053,11 30.249,44Extraordinary income 15.385,87 7.909,54OPERATING CHARGES 7.827.028,38 8.453.821,16Services and other goods 1.087.248,40 1.234.117,98Remunerations 2.703.640,00 2.604.787,03Depreciations 9.776,59 12.927,53Provisions ­176.516,11 28.087,32Other operating charges 4.128.793,05 4.505.465,92Financial charges 68.416,79 40.001,82Extraordinary charges 5.669,66 28.433,56

RESULT 18.361,51 7.047,62Differences due to conversion 7.548,16 ­2.903,17

RESULT 25.909,67 4.144,45(after differences due to conversion)

Evolution of the direct expenditure for our programme activities (in €)

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The regional distribution of the expenditure for our programme activities

19% Benin13% Ecuador16% Great Lakes Region18% Haïti10% Madagascar16% Mali 8% Belgium

21% Benin13% Ecuador14% Great Lakes Region17% Haïti 7% Madagascar19% Mali 9% Belgium


Origin of financing

36% DGD 7% Flemish Administration15% European Commission17% Belgian Fund for Food Security15% Fundraising10% Other

52% DGD 3% Flemish Administration 6% European Commission13% Belgian Fund for Food Security17% Fundraising 9% Other


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IntroductionThe financial statements are integrated and reflect the sum of the results for the head office and its six regional offices. These financial statements are the end product of a process of internal and external controls: • The head office’s financial statements are audited by Clybouw Bedrijfsrevisoren. • After a first control by the head office, the accounts of each regional office are audited separately by a local external auditor. • The head office integrates all financial statements. Clybouw Bedrijfsrevisoren then verifies the audit reports of the regional offices, followed by the final audit of the integrated financial statements. The audited 2014 financial statements are approved by the General Assembly of June 20th 2015 and can be consulted on the web site of the National Bank of Belgium under business registration number 0417.299.047.

Balance sheetTangible fixed assets The tangible fixed assets are goods purchased exclusively with Protos’ own financial resources. Capital goods purchased with programme funds are not included in the balance sheet because fund providers require these to be booked as expenses in the financial year of purchase.ProvisionsThe provision for reimbursement of subsidies, legacies and gifts with right of recovery was used for an amount of 163.023€ to reimburse expenditures rejected for the fiscal years 2009 and 2010 as established during a control in March 2014. Accrued revenue and expenseThe accrued revenue mainly concerns project funds still to be received as per 31.12.2014. The accrued expenses cover project funds allocated but not paid out as per 31.12.2014 and carried over to 2015.

Income statementIn 2014 financial result amounts to +25.909,67 EUR. The financial result includes all personnel expenses of Protos.The total operating costs for 2014 amount to 7.827.028,38 € and were allocated as follows: • 90,9 % for the direct realisation of programme objectives (82,5% in developing countries, 8,4% in Belgium); • 7,9% for general management; • 1,2% for fundraising.

FundraisingApart from government subsidies, Protos raised 1.161.987,77 € in funds in 2014 which were used for: • NGO contributions to government­subsidised programmes; • funding of projects which were not government­funded; • funding of non­subsidised programme costs; • funding of part of the general management costs by the head office.

More detailed information about the financial statements can be obtained from Lara Mora, phone +32 (9) 235 25 16.More information about our organisation can also be found on www.ngo­openboek.be.

Comments on the 2014 financial statements

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Special thanks to...

All private donors Provincial authorities:

Antwerp – Limburg – East Flanders – Vlaams­Brabant – West Flanders Municipal authorities: Berlare – Bierbeek – Gent – OosterzeleRanst (via Entrepreneurs pour Entrepreneurs) Organisations and enterprises: 11.11.11ACLVB ­ CGSLB via Sociaal Fonds voeding VIAAliaxis GroupAntea Belgium NVAssociation Sud­NordAtlas Copco and employees via Water for All BASF ANIM via Entrepreneurs pour EntrepreneursBoone­Brems via Entrepreneurs pour EntrepreneursBrugs Fonds voor Ontwikkeling en Samenwerking Co­Valent via Entrepreneurs pour EntrepreneursDe OctopusDe Watergroep Ecobeton Water Technologies Family and friends Elise Delsaerdt FARYSFondation EnsembleGemeentelijk Havenbedrijf AntwerpenGhent DredgingHavenbedrijf Gent via Entrepreneurs pour Entrepreneurs HidroPlus PIDPAICCO/WASH AlliantieIPTE via Entrepreneurs pour EntrepreneursKrisKrasLIMA nvLindemans friendsMISEREORNationale Loterij

In 2014, Protos could not have done its work without the financial support of many people. Therefore, we thank everybody very much for their greatly appreciated support.

Our thanks to all of you volunteers. On a free and voluntary basis you took on editorial and translation tasks, staffed the booths during our awareness campaigns, or helped develop our electronic library.

Entrepreneurs pour Entrepreneurs Algemeen FondsPanis Jan bvba via Entrepreneurs pour EntrepreneursSEDIFSint­Gummaruscollege, LierStichting GillèsTauw BelgiumTerre Bleue via Entrepreneurs pour Entrepreneurs TNAV vzwTREVIUEBHVito nvVPK Packaging via Entrepreneurs pour EntrepreneursVriendenkring Mpigo De VloedlijnVyncke NV i.s.m. Bossuyt WinkelinrichtingenWillemen Groep via Entrepreneurs pour Entrepreneurs Institutional providers of funds, for financing programmes in the partner countries and in the North: Federal Administration: DGD ­ Directorate General for Development Cooperation and the Belgian Fund for Food SecurityEuropean Commission and EU­ACP Water FacilityFlemish Administration: departement for Energy, Environment and Nature (via the Flemish Partnership Water for Development) and VAIS (Flemish Agency for International Cooperation) UNICEF UN Child Fund Facilité Africaine de l’Eau via African Development Bank Enterprises or organisations who provided knowhow and expertise for free for the programmes in our partner countries in the South: Antea Group BelgiumAquafinDe WatergroepGemeentelijk Havenbedrijf AntwerpenFARYSKU Leuven Department CITKU Leuven Department EESUGent Vakgroep Toegepaste Ecologie en MilieubiologieUniversity of Antwerp ­ IMDO IWRM Chair VVSG

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People need to realise that there is a link between polluted water, hygiene and disease.

Déo is a PHAST community worker for AVEDEC, partner of Protos in Bugendana (Burundi). He uses drawings to teach people the importance of hygiene and to encourage them to invest

in clean latrines or toilets, to fetch fresh water from an unpolluted source and preserve it hygienically in the house.


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Protos | Annual report 2014 33

GRI overviewCode General standard disclosures p.

Strategy and analysis

G4-1 Foreword /Sustainability statement from chairman 1, web site

Organizational profile

G4-3 Name organization cover

G4-4 Products/services 6-21

G4-5 Location headquarters cover

G4-6 Countries where organization operates 20-21

G4-7 Legal form cover

G4-8 Markets served 8 -19

G4-9 Scale: number of employees, members, turnover 22, 27-30

G4-10 Total workforce employees / volunteers 22, 23

G4-11 Percentage employees covered by Collective bargaining agreement


G4-12 Acquisition policy web site

G4-13 Significant changes reporting period 24

G4-14 Precautionary principle 5, 22

G4-15 Subscribed charters and principles 22

G4-16 Membership associations and advocacy organizations 26

Material aspects and boundaries

G4-17 Boundaries of the report 22

G4-18 Process for defining the report content and the aspect boundaries

2, 3

G4-19 List of material aspects 2, 3

G4-20 Limitation of aspects (topics) within the organization 2, 3

G4-21 Limitation of aspects (topics) outside the organization 2, 3

Stakeholder engagement

G4-24 List of stakeholder groups 2

G4-25 Basis for selection of stakeholders 2

G4-26 Approach to stakeholder engagement 2

G4-27 Key topics raised through stakeholder engagement 2, 3

Report profile

G4-28 Reporting period 24

G4-29 Date previous report 24

G4-30 Reporting cycle 24

G4-31 Contact point for questions regarding the report 33

G4-32 Chosen “in accordance” option 2, 24

G4-33 External assurance 30


G4-34 Governance structure/composition web site

Ethics and Integrity

G4-56 Values, principles, standards inside cover page, web site

Code Specific disclosures p.


G4-EC1 Direct economic value and financial continuity (*External assurance)


G4-EC4 Financial assistance received from government 27-30

NGO 8 Sources of funding and 5 largest donors 29-31


G4-EN1 Materials used by weight or volume web site

G4-EN3 Energy consumption within the organization web site

G4-EN18 Greenhouse gas emissions intensity 23, 24


G4-LA1 Employee turnover web site

G4-LA10 Skills management web site


G4-SO4 Communication and training on anti-corruption policies and procedures


NGO 3-1 Programmes - impact: sustainable management structures autonomous


NGO 3-2 Programmes - impact: number of beneficiairies/access 25

NGO 3-3 Programmes - impact: impact on development 7, 9, 14, 16, 17

NGO 3-4 Programmes - impact: capacity strengthening partners 9, 13, 18

NGO 3-5 Programmes: main strategies 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17

NGO 5 Processes to formulate and change advocacy positions web site

NGO 10 Adherence to standards for fundraising and marketing communications practices

web site

Contact point for questions regarding the report:[email protected].+32-9-235 25 17

Page 36: jaarverslag 2014 NL Protos · Protos | Jaarverslag 2014 1 Annual report 2014. Mission Statement Protos seeks to promote fair and mutually beneficial relations between the North and

Contact Protos Benin - [email protected] Protos Ecuador - [email protected] Protos Haiti - [email protected] Protos Uganda - [email protected] Protos Rwanda - [email protected] Protos Mali - [email protected] Protos Madagascar - [email protected] Protos Belgium - [email protected]

Protos - Flamingostraat 36 - B-9000 Ghent phone +32-9-235 25 10 - [email protected] www.protos.ngo Company registration number 0417.299.047 facebook.com/PROTOSh2o twitter.com/Protos_ngo youtube.com/user/PROTOSvzw linkedin.com/company/protos-vzw www.protos.ngo offers more information on the GRI indicators.



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