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(810) 694�4891 hfgb.org�

2 �

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time�


Baptized in Water�

� 1. Baptized in water, Sealed by the Spirit,

� Cleansed by the blood of Christ our King: Heirs of

� salvation, Trusting his promise, Faithfully now

� God’s praise we sing. �

� 2. Baptized in water, Sealed by the Spirit, Dead in

� the tomb with Christ our King: One with his rising,

� Freed and forgiven, Thankfully now God’s praise

� we sing.�


� Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to

� people of good will. We praise you, we bless you,

� we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks

� for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O

� God, almighty Father.�

� Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God,

� Lamb of God, Son of the Father, You take away

� the sins of the world, have mercy on us; You take

� away the sins of the world, receive our prayer;

� You are seated at the right hand of the Father,

� have mercy on us.�

� For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the

� Lord. You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,

� with the Holy Spirit, In the glory of God the Father.�

� Amen.�

FIRST READING: 2 Kings 4:8�11, 14�16A�

� One day Elisha came to Shunem, where there

� was a woman of influence, who urged him to dine

� with her.�

� Afterward, whenever he passed by, he used to

� stop there to dine.�

� So she said to her husband, “I know that Elisha is

� a holy man of God.�

� Since he visits us often, let us arrange a little room

� on the roof and furnish it for him with a bed, table,

� chair, and lamp, so that when he comes to us he

� can stay there.”�

� Sometime later Elisha arrived and stayed in the

� room overnight.�

� Later Elisha asked, “Can something be done for

� her?”�

� His servant Gehazi answered, “Yes!�

� She has no son, and her husband is getting on in

� years.”�

� Elisha said, “Call her.”�

� When the woman had been called and stood at

� the door, Elisha promised, “This time next year�

� you will be fondling a baby son.”�


� Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.

SECOND READING: Romans 6: 3�4, 8�11�

� Brothers and sisters:�

� Are you unaware that we who were baptized into

� Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?�

� We were indeed buried with him through baptism

� into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from

� the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might

� live in newness of life.�

� If, then, we have died with Christ, we believe that

� we shall also live with him.�

� We know that Christ, raised from the dead, dies no

� more; death no longer has power over him.�

� As to his death, he died to sin once and for all;�

� as to his life, he lives for God.�

� Consequently, you too must think of yourselves as

� dead to sin and living for God in Christ Jesus.�


GOSPEL: Matthew 10:37�42�

� Jesus said to his apostles:�

� “Whoever loves father or mother more than me is

� not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or

� daughter more than me is not worthy of me;�

� and whoever does not take up his cross�

� and follow after me is not worthy of me.�

� Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever

� loses his life for my sake will find it.�

� "Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever

� receives me receives the one who sent me.�

� Whoever receives a prophet because he is a

� prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and �

� whoever receives a righteous man because he is

� a righteous man will receive a righteous man’s

� reward.�

� And whoever gives only a cup of cold water to one

� of these little ones to drink because the little one is

� a disciple� �

� amen, I say to you, he will surely not lose his �

� reward.”�

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3 �


� I believe in God,�

� the Father Almighty,�

� Creator of heaven and earth,�

� and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,�

� who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,�

� born of the Virgin Mary,�

� suffered under Pontius Pilate,�

� was crucified, died and was buried;�

� He descended into hell;�

� on the third day He rose again from the dead;�

� He ascended into heaven,�

� and is seated at the right hand of God the Father

� Almighty;�

� from there He will come to judge the living and the

� dead.�

� I believe in the Holy Spirit,�

� the Holy Catholic Church,�

� the communion of Saints,�

� the forgiveness of sins,�

� the resurrection of the body,�

� and life everlasting. �

� Amen.�





� My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the

� Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things,

� and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I

� cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,

� come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace

� You as if You were already there and unite myself

� wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated

� from You. Amen. �


� St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.�

� Be our protection against the wickedness and

� snares of the Devil.�

� May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do

� thou, O prince of the heavenly hosts, by the �

� power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all evil

� spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin

� of souls. �

� Amen.�


� As a Fire Is Meant for Burning�

� 1. As a fire is meant for burning With a bright and

� warming flame, So the Church is meant for �

� mission, Giving glory to God’s name. As we �

� witness to the gospel, We would build a bridge of

� care, Joining hands across the nations Finding

� neighbors ev’rywhere.�


� Here I Am, Lord�

� 1. I, the Lord of sea and sky, I have heard my

� people cry. All who dwell in dark and sin My hand

� will save. I, who made the stars of night, I will

� make their darkness bright. Who will bear my light

� to them? Whom shall I send?�

� 2. I, the Lord of snow and rain, I have borne my

� people’s pain. I have wept for love of them. They

� turn away. I will break their hearts of stone, Give

� them hearts for love alone. I will speak my word to

� them. Whom shall I send?�

� 3. I, the Lord of wind and flame, I will tend the

� poor and lame. I will set a feast for them. My hand

� will save. Finest bread I will provide ‘Til their

� hearts be satisfied. I will give my life to them.

� Whom shall I send?�

� Refrain: Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord? I have

� heard you calling in the night. I will go, Lord, if you

� lead me. I will hold your people in my heart.�

� Take Up Your Cross�

� Refrain: If you lose your life for my sake, you will

� find it; if you want to save your life, let it go. Take

� up your cross, deny yourself: Come, follow me,

� follow me. �

� 1. How will you profit by gaining the world, while

� you forfeit all of your life? What will you give in

� return? What will you give in return?�

� 2. Before I return in glory, I will give you the gift of

� my love: you will never taste death, you will never

� taste death.�

Church of the Holy Family �

Music reproduced with permission under

license # A�703108, OneLicense.net �

Music reproduced with permission under

license # 602323, LicenSingOnline �

Music © CCLI. All rights reserved. Reprinted

with permission under license �

agreement , # 2541592 �

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P a s t o r a l N o t e s

A Cup of Joe

Happy Sunday!�

Before I forget, I wanted to talk about

the Creed we pray at Sunday

mass.�There are two options for us:

The Nicene Creed and The Apostles


You may have noticed that, more and

more, we've been praying the Apos-

tles Creed. I'm doing this for a cou-


First, it's the Creed we use at Baptisms and in the renewal

of our baptismal vows.�

Second, it's the Creed we pray when we pray the rosary.�

What I've found is that vacillating�between the "two

creeds" is confusing; I get them both mixed up in my head

and out loud and it's frustrating. With that, I'm going to

have us pray The Apostles Creed for a while.�

I hope this helps us with our rosaries, our Masses and our


I also wanted to let you know that I'm taking Monday

through Friday off this week.� I hate leaving you all, but

honestly, I'm just gassed out. During the quarantine, I real-

ly went all out and, because of the weirdness of the situa-

tion, I couldn’t take days off.� I took two days off earlier in

the month and because of that, I hesitate, but honestly, my

brain is tired!�

Please pray for me during the week, I'll certainly be pray-

ing for you all and thanking God for you.�

Fr. Jim Rolph is going to cover our Masses during that

week, as well as Quarantine Catechesis.�

I'll miss you guys!�


Holy Family Video Updates

Throughout last week, we released videos that broke

down several updates now that quarantine is ending. We

are SO excited to share with you all the amazing things

that our Lord has done for our parish family during these

difficult days! Our updates covered:�

1.� Mass schedule�

2.� Building project walk through�

3.� Parish personnel changes �

4.� Parish finances�

5.� Parish structure�

Please watch and share these videos with those who don’t

have access. You can find them on our Facebook, Insta-

gram, Twitter, YouTube, website (hfgb.org) and our app. If

you need any help finding or viewing these videos, please

contact our parish office. �

Holy Family open positions are posted on the Diocese of

Lansing website: https://www.dioceseoflansing.org/human�

resources/careers �

If you need any assistance to access or join our Online

Giving please contact our parish office. We’d be happy to

help you in any way. �

Guidelines for Public Masses

Weekend Mass Schedule (All Masses in the Fr. Bush

Parish Center): �

� Saturday 4:00 PM �

� Sunday 8:00 AM �

� 10:00 AM (Livestreamed) �

� 12:00 PM �

Weekday Masses: Weekday Masses opened Monday,

June 15th. �

�� 8 a.m. Mass Saturday, June 27 will remain private for

Baptisms. �

Are there still restrictions? �

�� Masks are encouraged. �

�� Singing is still not encouraged �

�� Bathroom use is discouraged �

�� If possible, please bring your own cleaning wipes �

�� Holy Communion cannot be taken to the homebound �

�� If you receive the Eucharist on the tongue, please

kneel, raise your chin for the priest. �

Will I still be able to watch Mass at home? �

Yes! We will continue to livestream our 8 am Masses Mon-

day Saturday and our 10 am Mass on Sunday. Our Bishop

has extended the dispensation through September 6th.

Elderly, people who are ill or have health issues, and chil-

dren under seven years old are asked to not attend Mass. �

What about confessions? �

Drive up reconciliation (lower lot) is scheduled the second

Saturday, 9 am 11 am, of the months of June, July and

August. �

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5 �

2020 Diocesan Services Appeal

Diocesan Services Appeal�

2020 Goal � $5,200,000�

Thank you to everyone who has made a

gift or pledge commitment to our Diocesan

Services Appeal. Our gifts to DSA enable

our diocese to provide services crucial to

our parish.� The programs and services

funded by DSA offer direct assistance to

individuals and families, and to parishes,

schools, and Catholic Charities agencies. �

At this present time, due to reduced staff-

ing, The Catholic Foundation is processing

online gifts and pledges ONLY. Gifts and

pledges that are sent to Holy Family will be

secured until our office and The Catholic Foundation are

running at full staff. Please continue to send in your gifts/

pledges or go to the Diocese of Lansing website to donate


DSA as of 6/17/2020 �

Estimated Pledges $107,751�

58.3% of our goal*�

252 donors�

*Holy Family’s goal for 2020 is $184,796.�

Stewardship of Treasure

June 20th & 21st

Registered Families� � � � 1938�

Envelopes received this week� � � 163�

Online givers this week� � � � 280�

Amount offered from envelopes� � $ 14,464.00

Amount offered from online giving� $ 20,725.50�

Amount offered from visitors� � $ 986.00�

Total weekly offerings�� � $ 36,175.50

Stewardship & Worship

Receive God’s gi s gratefully � Cherish & tend to them responsibly � �

Share them in jus�ce & love � Return them to God�

Collection for the Holy Father (Peter


This weekend, we will take up the Peter’s Pence Collec-

tion, which provides Pope Francis with the funds to carry

out his charitable works around the world. The proceeds

benefit our brothers and sisters on the margins of society,

including victims of war, oppression, and disasters. An

envelope can be found in your packet. �

“Others First” is Next Weekend

With our directive to stay at home for the next several

weeks, we don’t expect food or sundries to be brought to

Outreach, but we would ask that you consider giving mon-

etary gifts to support our efforts. During a crisis like this we

have a great number of people to serve! You may either

use online giving or write a check to Holy Family (specified

for Outreach) and mail it to: Holy Family, 11804 S. Sagi-

naw St., Grand Blanc, MI 48439.�

Altar Linens

Do you love ironing?? We are in need of

parishioners who would be willing to take

care of our altar linens � laundering and

ironing. There would be a training of the

proper procedures. �

If you are interested in this important ministry, please

email the parish office at [email protected]

Sometimes people choose

to remember a loved one

who is deceased or to hon-

or a special occasion by

donating flowers for the

altar. We order from our

regular florist so that the

arrangements are a standard size and match the décor of

the season. The cost is $40. Currently August 9 and Au-

gust 30 weekends are open for Altar Flowers.�

If you would like to remember your loved ones in this spe-

cial way and help make our church beautiful, please call

Theresa in the parish office, 694�4891.��

First Friday Mass for Vocations

Please join us (also via livestream) on Friday, July 2nd, for

Mass at 8:00 a.m. Our Mass Intention will be “For Vocation

to the Priesthood and Consecrated Life.”�

Altar flowers in memory of �

James Moore�

by Tina and Fred Weber�

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Be a part of our Holy FAMILY!�

Contact Lisa Harvey at 810�694�9072, ext. 0�

or [email protected]

www.hfsgb.org �

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7 �

Mass Intentions June 29 - July 5

Liturgical Ministers will resume when �

normal public Masses resume.�

Holy Family Happenings

Stay tuned, our calendar will be full again very soon. �

Liturgical Ministry July 4 - 5

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

(schedule may not reflect recent changes)

Masses originally scheduled for Wednesday 5:30 PM and

Sunday 7:00 PM will be honored by one of our priests at

their private Mass during that week. �

Mass intentions continue to be posted in our parish bulle-

tin which can be viewed on our website hfgb.org. Those

wishing to schedule Mass intentions can email Theresa

Dyer at [email protected]. �

Monday, June 29�

8:00 AM Robert Cushman by The Hoerner Family�

Tuesday, June 30�

8:00 AM Doris Randall by Martha Mansour �

Wednesday, July 1�

8:00 AM Riley O'Shea (Living) by Murphy Family�

5:30 PM Rick White by Mark and Theresa Dyer �

Thursday, July 2�

8:00 AM Rosanna Navarro (Living) by Mark & Theresa Dyer �

Friday, July 3�

8:00 AM For Vocations to the Priesthood & Consecrated Life �

Saturday, July 4�

8:00 AM Trudy Rasmussen by Theresa Dyer�

4:00 PM Marcie Wohleben by Catherine Michalak �

Sunday, July 5�

8:00 AM Fritz Bruening by Victor George �

10:00 AM Steven Wilkerson by Teem Family �

12:00 PM Mary Ann Hopfe by Imelda Kolton �

7:00 PM All Holy Family Parishioners� � �

Sunday: 2 Kgs 4:8�11, 14�16a/Ps 89:2�3, 16�17, 18�19

[2a]/Rom 6:3�4, 8�11/Mt 10:37�42�

Monday: Acts 12:1�11/Ps 34:2�3, 4�5, 6�7, 8�9 [5b]/2 Tm

4:6�8, 17�18/Mt 16:13�19�

Tuesday: Am 3:1�8; 4:11�12/Ps 5:4b�6a, 6b�7, 8 [9a]/Mt


Wednesday: Am 5:14�15, 21�24/Ps 50:7, 8�9, 10�11, 12�

13, 16bc�17 [23b]/Mt 8:28�34�

Thursday: Am 7:10�17/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11 [10cd]/Mt 9:1�8�

Friday: Eph 2:19�22/Ps 117:1bc, 2 [Mk 16:15]/Jn 20:24�


Saturday: Am 9:11�15/Ps 85:9ab and 10, 11�12, 13�14

[cf. 9b]/Mt 9:14�17�

Next Sunday: Zec 9:9�10/Ps 145:1�2, 8�9, 10�11, 13�14

[cf. 1]/Rom 8:9, 11�13/Mt 11:25�3�

Weekly Readings June 27 - July 5

First Saturday Devotions

The World Apostolate of Fatima Diocesan Morning of

Prayer and Reparation for World Peace will be held at Ho-

ly Rosary (5199 Richfield Rd., Flint ) on July 4, 2020 at

9:00 a.m. The morning will include Divine Liturgy, In-

vestiture in the Brown Scapular, Exposition of the Blessed

Sacrament, Holy Hour of Prayer and Rosary. �

55 & Over Club

We turn not older with years, but newer

every day. � Emily Dickinson�

Some things our seniors miss most while

staying home and staying the distance: Be-

ing present at Mass with friends and receiv-

ing communion and wine. Hugging grandkids and children.

Shopping. Haircuts. Eating at a favorite restaurant. Driving

my car. Going to a movie. And so many other normal and

regular events.�

Stay healthy and happy! Call a friend.�

Garden Club Now Forming!!

We are looking to form a Garden Club this year to prepare

to reestablish our Community Garden for next year. This

project would coordinate with school student participation

and the produce goes to support our Outreach food pantry.

If you are interested in joining this Club, please email the

parish office at [email protected]

Cards for Fr. Peter and Fr. John

Anyone who would like to send a good�bye/thank you card

to Fr. Peter or congratulations card to Fr. John Vinton,

their addresses are:�

Fr. Peter Lawrence�

201 N Westphalia St.�

Westphalia, MI 48894�

Fr. John Vinton�

10437 Summitview Dr.�

Brighton, MI 48114�

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8 �

Please pray for the following Holy Family �

parishioners who died on these dates:�

June 28�

Leon Wilcox�

June 29�

Fred Anitor, John O’Malia, Joan Byarski, Richard �


June 30�

Michael Nolan, Kendall Mather, Cecil Adams�

July 1� �

Onalee Noblet, Florence G. Doherty, Theresa Flecken-

stein, Eileen Wilcox, Galen Grubb, Rick White�

July 2�

Chris DeClercq, Patrick McEnrue, Joseph Kochis, Marjorie

Kiczenski, Patricia Cunningham�

July 3�

Henrietta Corkran, Robert Starks, Thomas Bland, Eliza-

beth Stone �

July 4�

Joseph George, M. Virginia Grieb, Henry Smith, Joseph

McCall, Elsie DeBeck, Paul Solomon, John Mangapora�

P a r i s h P r a y e r s a n d m o r e

Prayer Intention of Pope Francis

for July �

Universal prayer intention � Our Families�

We pray that today’s families may be accompanied with�

love, respect, and guidance.�

July 2020�

Apostolate of Prayer for Priests… Lansing�

Prayerfully Prepared for You by the Contemplative Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood, Portland, Maine�

July 1 Rev. Darin Robert / Rev. John Whitlock�

July 2 Rev. Paul Donnelly / Rev. C. Peter Dougherty�

July 3 All Priests�

July 4 Rev. David Fisher / Rev. John Grace�

July 5 Rev. Bishop Earl A. Boyea�

July 6 Rev. Bernard Tyler / Rev. Vincent Richardson�

July 7 Rev. Enzo Addari SsC / Rev. Wm. Koenigsknecht�

July 8 Rev. Matthew Fedewa / Rev. James McHugh OSFS�

July 9 Rev. Robert McGraw / Rev. James Conlon�

July 10 Rev. James Hug SJ / Rev. Peter Clark�

July 11 V.Rev. Michael Newman OSFS / Rev. Benjamin Werner �

July 12 Rev. Bishop Carl Mengeling�

July 13 Rev. John Byers / Rev. Brendan Walsh�

July 14 Rev. Louis Ekka / Rev. Gerald Gawronski�

July 15 Rev. Joseph Rinaldo SdC / Msgr. Michael Murphy�

July 16 Rev. David Reamsnyder / Rev. Mark Rutherford�

July 17 Rev. John Foglio / Rev. Edwin Emeli�

July 18 Msgr. Raymond Goehring / Rev. Richard Eberle OSFS�

July 19 Rev. Zachary Mabee / Rev. Thomas Helfrich OSFS�

July 20 Rev. Eric Weber / Rev. Joseph Krupp�

July 21 V.Rev. David Hannes / Rev. Robert Kolenski�

July 22 Rev. Donald Rusch / Rev. Miguel Arrieta SJ�

July 23 Rev. Robert Bacik / Rev. Timothy Dombrowski�

July 24 Rev. William Turner / Rev. Lewis Eberhart �

July 25 Rev. Timothy MacDonald�

July 26 Rev. Dennis Dillon SJ / Rev. Daniel Nusbaum�

July 27 Rev. David Howell / Rev. Bogdan Rybchuk�

July 28 Rev. Steven Anderson / Rev. Timothy Nelson�

July 29 Rev. Paul Ruddy OSFS / Rev. Richard Lobert�

July 30 Rev. Donald Vettese SJ / Rev. Eugene Beiter�

July 31 Our Holy Father�

Catherine Weisbrod and Daniel Vander Woude�

July 18, 2020�

Wedding Congratulations

Congratulations to Katie Hatton and

Rich Hall who were married at Holy

Family on Friday, June 26th.�

Congratulations to Elizabeth Powell

and Jeff Hertich who were married at

St. Gerard in Lansing on Saturday,

� � June 27th.�

Please keep them in your prayers as they start their mar-

ried lives together.�

Please Pray for the Ill and Their


Please remember in prayer

those listed in the June 7 �

bulletin and those listed in

the Parish Book of Intercessions located in the chapel.�

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9 �

P a r i s h D i r e c t o r y

Parish Office…………………….. 694�4891�

Our parish office is currently closed due to the stayat

home order. Messages will be responded to as quickly as

possible. �

Pastor, Fr. Joseph Krupp�

Parochial Vicar, Fr. Peter Lawrence….. [email protected]

Deacon, Dennis Pennell�

Deacon, Larry Blondin ……………….. [email protected]

Business Manager, Kevin Neugent .. [email protected]

Music Director, Dr. B. Simon Lee [email protected]

Associate Music Director, Dr. Sia Lee …………………….

[email protected]

Director of Evangelization, Erin Cummings ……………..

[email protected]

Accountant, Aimee Wolven ..……...…[email protected]

Parish Secretary, Theresa Dyer …………[email protected]

Bulletin Editor, Linda Doyle .…………[email protected]

Communications, Nicole Urbanik …. [email protected]

Facilities & Events, Carrie Pilarski …[email protected]

Ill & Bereaved, Nancy Repuyan……[email protected]

Religious Education, Katie Church…[email protected]

RCIA & Baptisms, Maddie White……[email protected]

Social Outreach Ministry………..771�7279�

Brian Holyfield�

Monday � Friday 10 a.m. � 2 p.m. �

Clients seeking help may not come in the building, but

just knock and we will work with you and bring the food

out to you. You do need to bring a photo I.D. �

Holy Family School�

Principal, Theresa Purcell …………... [email protected]

Administrative Assistant, Lisa Harvey. [email protected]

Secretary, Chasity Campbell…….. [email protected]

School Receptionist, Shelley Corcoran………………...

[email protected]

Dir. Adv./Alumni Relations, Ann Yochim Tabereaux …

[email protected]

Teacher Associate, Sr. Sharon Hektor…………………..

[email protected]

Emergency Phone……….....(810) 356�3187�

ONLY if there is danger of death.�

For all other calls, please leave a message on the parish

office phone.�

Mass Schedule�

Saturday Vigil: 4 p.m.�

Sunday: 8 a.m., 10 a.m. (LIVE), 12 p.m.�

Monday � Saturday: 8 a.m. (LIVE)�

(Playback available on YouTube)�

Quarantine Catechesis�

Wednesday � Friday: 12 p.m.�

Live on Fr. Joe’s Facebook page�

(Playback available on YouTube)�

Adoration �

Tuesdays & Fridays: 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. �

�� No more than 8 adorers �

�� One hour time limit �

�� Masks strongly encouraged �

Vocations � If you are interested in the priesthood,

please contact Fr. Joe or Fr. Peter. If you are interested

in the permanent Diaconate, please contact Dcn. Larry.�

Prayers & Devotions�

Word Among Us is currently available for free on

their website: https://wau.org/meditations.�

We will have the books available once we are able to

return to Mass in church.�

FORMED.org � thousands of movies, programs, audio

and book�

11804 S. Saginaw Street �

Grand Blanc, MI 48439 �



[email protected]

Download our Holy Family GB app �

from your app store!�

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