w 1 I j i c L < > k y y f- iPf < k < r < y iC I K TIlE ADAIR COUNTHNEWS i > 2 Iil 1 x YY l I t PERSONAL u ta J t JlrWR Lyon was here last Friday I Master Eudalia Carrie will soonube we l oi MrL ffCabell iVS jnias here I Monday i t Mr Albert Mercer was hereTfrom Milltown Monday Y Mr W L Brocknian was here from Glenville last Monday MrB F Chewning came in from Athertonville to vote Mrs J J Simpson has returned from L a visit to Burkesville- Dr I H B Simpson Breeding was here the first ol the week Mr GW Brockman of Amanda villewas here last Friday MiJ P Jasper made a business trip to Russell Springs last week Mr E J Page Cane Valley will visit in Indiana nextweek Miss Margaret Walker Nell was shopping in Columbia Monday Mr R C Sullivan of Green county was here the first of the week Mr E B McLean wellknown trav ¬ eling man was here last Friday Mr Paull Waggener came in the first J of the week to vote for Bertram Mrs W F Rowe of Red Lick visit ¬ ed Mrs J 0 Russell last Friday Mr Burdette a horse dealer of Leba- non ¬ was here the first of the week Mr J W Sublett and Dr Atkinson Cane Valley were here county court Mr Clarence Page Cane Valley who is employed at Frankfort came home to vote I I >Mrs Martha A Turk of Glasgow is isiting her sister Mrs W W Brad ¬ sla Mr Jo Rbseufield who is employed at Iiddlesboro ifi wilh his family here TthIs k Mr G W Grasham of Garlin who has been in New fexicoJor ten months returned last week f Mr W F Hancock arrived from Frankfort Saturday and remained until after the election Mr A D Eurdy and wife Bradf ords I ville visited relatives in Adair county r the first of the week Mii Attis McFarland Clerk of the t > i s Russell cr1t was here from Jamestown nThU daY Mr Fred MtcLeantis assisting the I ciuit court cle4c fsey at thO1erm of the courtnow LSeStlOn v Mr JF Cabefland wife Miami were visiting Mr and Mrs W B Pat teson the first of tlie week Messrs W L Cleck J A Rucker Theodore Lemmons L B Rucker of near Burdick were here Monday Misses Jennye McFarland and Ora Moss spent last Friday in the Grady ville country hunting hickory nuts Mrs C T Parson and her daughter Miss Mattie are visiting relatives in t If the Pickett neighborhood this week Mr J H Caldwell and family of Portland visited the family of Mr R Lf Davis last Saturday and Sunday MrR T Jones wife and two child 9rk Ruby and Willie of Pellyton were visiting relatives in Columbia last week Mr and Mrs W R Littrell and Mr I R A Hutchison a i wif e Cane Valley risited relatives fierfwthe first of the iweek ikSJ Mr Eston HarrisTandihis sister Miss Myrtie of Avis Kyikvisited Mrs Han riible McBeath who is also a sister last week r Mrs Jo N Conover who spent a month or two with her aughtef Mrs > Cosby McBeath Monticello returned I home last week v 4 Mr and Mrs JORussell Mr and Mrs Allen Walker will attend the Ritchey Walker marriage at Burkes ¬ ville tonightr Mr Charlie Karnes ofSt Louis who is visiting relatives and friends in this 4 locality spent Friday nIght with his aunt Mrs S W Smith VMr G R Miller returned from Louis ¬ vile last Saturday nightwill j home the greater portion tthe time from now until Christma S Mr A KRupe J9f Adair countys best citizens hast return ed from a visit to illinOis His wife accompanied him on the trip Mrs eM Barnett nee Miss Liha Roiienfieldi of Evansville Ind arrived last week and will probably be with her home people until Christmas Uevi Jesse L Murrell and wife who S live near Gampbellsyille returned tb their home lat weekafter pending evarat days with relatives in Adair ItrVM Ry Yarberry arrived from iLouwvijle sturday night He spok t ti courthouse Monday jQj lTue 4 ayand returned to his plea ofb 7 It f > 1 ¼ e 1 Kf c f 4 t Cm I i MrfrBbny Karneg wife and son Leo of Campbellsville spent Friday night and Saturday with th formers aunt Mrs S W Smith and family this place Mr GeoM Stevenson and family left Adair for Taxes This is thelrfriendiIIregretted consoled by Mr Stevenson who said that if he did not like he would return and buy a farm near Columbia Mrs J Q Alexander and Mrs B H ThursdayI quite sick and was compelled to stopI here Her husband came over Friday Her condition is not serious and left for her home the first of the week Additional LocalsI I The adding machine which was the property of the defunct bank at Cane Valley was stolen from the Building last Saturday night week No clue I Mr W H Jones Coburg sold his house and seven acres of land a few days ago to Miss Kittie Smith of this place for 975 The sale was made through Mr G P Smythe real estate agent Mr J H Judd of this place is the adjuster for the International Harvest ¬ ing Company He travels over eight counties in this section of the State Bishop T C Carter will dedicate the Hadley Memorial Church near Esto the first Sunday in December For Sale 250 acre sheep farm about 200 acres fenced Sheep will live all through the winter and do well Sheep lived last winter with all snow on Will sell cheap Write or call on S E Frogge Jamestown Tenn 14t PREACHING NEXT SUNDAYS i i W H C Sandidge Ebinezer L F J Barger Mt Pleasant i Z T Williams Columbia J R Crawford Columbia G W Pangburg Gradyville < J F Black Mt Carmel J F Turner Red LickI Wl Levi Trammels Creek B M Currie Columbia i F Breeding Providence j 1 IC E Erinis Greensburg S Dudgeon MiUtownti- T F Roach Fry L T Payne Morris Chapel W B Cave Pleasant RidgeJ LOUISVILLE MARKETS 4 Latest Quotations on Live Stock CATTLE Shipping steer 525550 Beef steers 300515 Fat heifers and cows 3 004 00 Cutters 2003 00 CannersLoo20oBulls I Feedeis 350515 Stockers V > 2754 75 Choice milch cows r 35004500 Common to fair cows 15 0035 00 HOGS Choice 165 to 200 820 Mediums 130 to 165 810 Pigs 865 Roughs A 740 SHEEP AND VA IBS Best lambs 551c Culls35cFatsheep GRAIN Wheat i 125 Corn 1 001 Local Market T1 The following isthe Local Market given by S H Grinstead CoT today Eggsv v 22 Hens 6i Yi 61 v 0 3 1Chickens i U i 8 to 10I v > i 7 Wool clear grease r 20 Wool washed Li r 28 to 30 Hides green 4 x 6 to 7 Hides dry vXf 10 to 12 Feathers i v 35to38 Ginseng 4 50 to 5 00 Bees wax y 25 Ella r I 4 The health of this community is very good at this writing Mrs Martha Abrell of Russell county visited hrson J B Abrell last week W 1 Mrs Mauci Tarter of Casey county is visiting het parents at g this plce j fii ifilil f c o > j Joppa Y We have been having some V cool weather forth past two weeks The snow Friday scared the people and they are hustling in getting their winter wood Miss Mattie Garnett visited Miss Elva Murrell Saturday night Misses Mattie and Mary Young visited the Misses Upton Sun- day ¬ i I Miss Mary Upton who is a jpupifdf theLtW T S visited her parents from Friday until TuesdayWhile Mr Mark and Arthur Holladay were wrestling one day last week Arthur was so unfortunate as to get one bone of his arm broke Dr Gartwright was called and set the fractured bone and he is getting along nicely at this writing Mrs Fannie Willis and daugh ¬ ter Nancy were the guest at Mrs W F Jefferies of COlum- bia ¬ Wednesday Mrs Cattie Willis who is I making her home with her daughter Mrs N W Miller of Campbellsville is visiting at Mr Sel Bennetts this week Rollin Willis sold to Arthur Holladay some nice shoats price 10 cents per pound There was not very much damage done at this place Hal ¬ loween night some things were hid but not very hard to find We certainly enjoy the pranks of the youngpeople- A crowd of young people of this neighborhood went chestnut hunting Sunday afternoon There were not many chestnuts found but all reported a merry time Miss Avis Tupman who is a pupil of the Graded school visit ¬ J ed her parents from Friday until Sunday Roy i Overcoats buttoned up close under the cbinj together with red noses are prevalent upon our streets at this writing People generally are beginning to gather corn in this neighbor- hood ¬ both yield and quality seem to be good Mr Frank McElroy of Dent spent Saturday and Sunday with H J onover and wife He brought his Edison Phonograph which was very much appreciat- ed ¬ by all who heard it Mr J D Floyd who had the contract f to yard the timber bought by J A Whitney at this place has completed same and silence reigns serene where everything but a camp meeting hasbeen going on Mrs Sallie Holladay who has been sick for several days is we are sad to say no better at this time Mr Adeline Blakey and wife are both right sick at this time Mr W W Holladay who has been suffering with rheumatism for some time is some better now but not able to work yet Messrs Owen and Otis Webb of JDent passed through here last Wednesday enroute to Illi- nois ¬ H J Conover and wife also vC Burton and family of this place were at Russell Springs Thursday of last w ekf Mrs G iLattie Cheitham > of Bakertonis at the bedside of her sick mother Mrs Sallitfiolrl iaday Tfr H w4v 4 i6 M > r I Q We note with pleasure the de ¬ J yof next weeks News until Iliwe 7 I Jack frost came the 27th ult t and J bit every thing that was green and on the 28th a large snow fel- lVernathe little son of Lona Sparks is on thesick list at this I writing J j I Mr Gillam Baker is the clerk in the store at Amandaviile for GW Brockman who is visit fi ing in Oklahoma Mrs Fannie Cheatham who has been confined to herbed forI some time is able to be out again Several from Croc s attended the meeting at Breeding Mr James Cole and wife at ¬ tended the quarterly meeting at Jones Chapel last Saturday and Sunday Misses Maud and Myrtie Cole I were shopping in Burkesville last week Mrs C C Fletcher and daughter Miss Lora were visit ing Mrs Sarah Baker one day last week School at Holly Grove is pro- gressing ¬ 1 nicely under the man ¬ agement of Mr E A Morgan I with thirty enrolled Misses Maud and Myrtie Cole Gander Williams Mrs Jennie Cole Messrs Huber Williams r and Aubry Helm spent last Wed ¬ nesday with Mr and Mrs Jas Cole and repoated a nice time B A Morgan spent last Tues ¬ day night with Herbert Fletcher > Miss PaulineT eeri who has been sick for the past week is able to P be outI Charlie Cole has improved the I looks of his place by building a new woodshed T People are busy in our neigh ¬ borhood 1tu v Inroad v The health of this community is very good at present the dip I therja has about died out Mr John Morgan of Somerset visited his parents last week He was accompanied back by his brother Joe Miss Carrie Bradshaw Nella Petty Pern Cole Frank Reece Qwen and Dick Cheatham were the guest of Miss Media a d Willie Petty last Sunday The Wilkerson Bros are get ting along nicely sawing lumber on Powells creek Mrs Mary J Petty is having her house painted which adds very much to it looks Mr George Brockman andMr Dick Baker have gone to Elida New Mexico on special business Mrs Etta Morgan of this place has purchased a house and lot ot Mr Condie Blair for500 The school house at Harmony came very near being burned last week Thecause is unknown MrElfor iHadleyh gone to Indiana They are getting along fine building on X W Petty resi- dence ¬ It will be ainice residence when it is completed Johnson and Breniley aretbe carpenters and are uptodate workmen The school at Rie uljican is- progressing nicaly Binder the mnagernentof Mr OlhTayllrP i i 114fr 2llt > i < 1 Suit for Slander c r rf AgalnstRooseveltJ- udge I 4 Baldwin will ask Dam agesTeddy TalKed I > Too Much U- Tew c Haven Conn Nov 5 Judge Simeon B Baldwin Demo ¬ jcampaign Roosevelt alleging slander This is the outcome of Roosevelts attack on Baldwin for his decision in reference to compensation for injured workingmen Mr Wesley Morgan is ere ting a new building on Harrodsfork I and will be ready to move in a few days Several from this place attend- ed ¬ meeting at Breeding last Sun ¬ day The meeting is conducted j by Bro Roberts they have made I many friends since they have been in this country I Mrs Ella Grants baby is on I the sick list this week The writer from Crocus has about got this neighborhood in I the notion of going to Russell Springs It seeme we could all do better if we were nearer Heaven Edith Mrs Erimne Tucker and Mrs relativesIon her sister Mrs Gallic Jeffries who has been quite sick Mrs Millard Young and Mr Luther Montgomery are visiting Mr Tom Young of this place The social given by Miss Fan ¬ nie Tucker and Miss Willard Sher rill last Saturday night was large ¬ ly attended and all reported a nice time The Sunday School atthis place is progressing very nicely 1Mr Hut Baxter wif and lit ¬ visited Mrs Julia Mings Mr John Mings was at Knif Jey one day last week Miss Goldie and Mr Hansel Harrison visited relatives at Lebanon last week Misses Minnie and Lottie Knif ley visited Miss Effie Caffey last Sunday Miss Ellen Richardson visited her sister Mrs Maggie Mings last week Miss Anna Young visited Mrs Lula Jones one day this weed Misses Willard herrill and Fannie Tucker made a flying trip to Pellyton one day last weekThe bean hulling at Mrs Anna Youngs last Saturday nighFwas of largely attended and all had a nice time Mrs Lena Knifley visited her mother one day last week y Mt Carmel I Corn gathering the order of the day Mrs Willie Beard spent last Thursday at J S Beards > Johiir Wolford attended ser vices tt this pliiot iaat Tueiday night W J W BDulbkabdittf < i 1i7 wij j j a trip toColumbia last Tuesday Mr and Mrs John Russell of Plum Point spent Sunday night with their daughter Mrs JJS Beard at Holmas Mrs J R Crawfordand daughter Mary attended ser- vices ¬ at this place last Sunday s H J Henson and wife visited relatives in Casey ountyseveral days of last week 1 Zach Smith and wife of Taylor county have been spending a few days with the latters parents Mr and Mrs T B Grant The revival service at this place conducted by Rev J R Crawford assisted by Miss BOss Holladay who had charge of the singing closed last Tuesday night with a number of conver- sions ¬ and renewals and the meeting gives promise of the best results for the community The good people being brought closer together than they have ever been buring the past During this series of meeting we heard many deep interesting ser ¬ mons which were receivedwith the greatest of gratitude by all who have reached the first stage of civilization I am sure the people ofMt Carmel and the surrounding country will never forget The old dAd young alike learned to love this good man whft worked so hard for them He has been a friend for t both saint and sinner alIke Miss Holladay proved to us that she is a well skilled musician both as an organist and as a sing ¬ er She delivered her service with the most hearty good will and by so doing aroused the old Mt Carmel class from moping to a charming spirit and we will certainly give Miss Holladay the credit She was also a faithful worker during the entire series of meetings and she has many friends here and will be long re- memberedby us alt I tf I wish to si to all who may read this if you ever have an opportunity to hear Bro Craw ¬ ford preach by Sail means listen to him he will tell you some- thing worth while and will tell it in a plain sensible manner and you cannot fail to be benefited by it Even from an education al standpoint his sermons are in ¬ teresting but when we realize that the words we hear are coming from an honest h art it < means more than mere historical r facts Itmeans that Bro Craw > ford is interested in you and in me and is preaching for us and f r has the interest of the human l > c 4to family at heart V AshisbJees < > t J 7ings have rested upon the people in and around Mt Carmel s6 may Gods blessings reztupSns t him and his Lh I j l r Vi tfm 1 x f

j Much jcampaignnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7xd21rgv1w/data/0362.pdf · sla Mr Jo Rbseufield who is employed atTthIs Iiddlesboro ifi wilh his family here k Mr G W Grasham of Garlin who has

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Page 1: j Much jcampaignnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7xd21rgv1w/data/0362.pdf · sla Mr Jo Rbseufield who is employed atTthIs Iiddlesboro ifi wilh his family here k Mr G W Grasham of Garlin who has


1 Ij

i c L <>

k y y f-



i> 2 Iil

1x YY l



JlrWR Lyon was here last Friday

I Master Eudalia Carrie will soonubewe l

oi MrL ffCabell iVS jnias hereI Mondayit Mr Albert Mercer was hereTfrom

Milltown Monday Y

Mr W L Brocknian was here fromGlenville last Monday

MrB F Chewning came in fromAthertonville to vote

Mrs J J Simpson has returned fromL a visit to Burkesville-

DrI H B Simpson Breeding washere the first ol the week

Mr GW Brockman of Amandavillewas here last Friday

MiJ P Jasper made a business tripto Russell Springs last week

Mr E J Page Cane Valley willvisit in Indiana nextweek

Miss Margaret Walker Nell wasshopping in Columbia Monday

Mr R C Sullivan of Green countywas here the first of the week

Mr E B McLean wellknown trav ¬

eling man was here last Friday

Mr Paull Waggener came in the firstJ of the week to vote for Bertram

Mrs W F Rowe of Red Lick visit ¬

ed Mrs J 0 Russell last Friday

Mr Burdette a horse dealer of Leba-non


was here the first of the week

Mr J W Sublett and Dr AtkinsonCane Valley were here county court

Mr Clarence Page Cane Valley whois employed at Frankfort came home tovote

II >Mrs Martha A Turk of Glasgow is

isiting her sister Mrs W W Brad ¬

slaMr Jo Rbseufield who is employed

at Iiddlesboro ifi wilh his family hereTthIsk Mr G W Grasham of Garlin whohas been in New fexicoJor ten monthsreturned last week


Mr W F Hancock arrived fromFrankfort Saturday and remained untilafter the election

Mr A D Eurdy and wife Bradfords

I ville visited relatives in Adair countyr the first of the week

Mii Attis McFarland Clerk of thet >i sRussell cr1t was here fromJamestown nThU daY

Mr Fred MtcLeantis assisting the I

ciuit court cle4c fsey at thO1ermof the courtnow LSeStlOn v

Mr JF Cabefland wife Miamiwere visiting Mr and Mrs W B Patteson the first of tlie week

Messrs W L Cleck J A RuckerTheodore Lemmons L B Rucker ofnear Burdick were here Monday

Misses Jennye McFarland and OraMoss spent last Friday in the Gradyville country hunting hickory nuts

Mrs C T Parson and her daughterMiss Mattie are visiting relatives in

t If the Pickett neighborhood this week

Mr J H Caldwell and family ofPortland visited the family of Mr RLfDavis last Saturday and Sunday

MrR T Jones wife and two child

9rk Ruby and Willie of Pellyton werevisiting relatives in Columbia lastweek

Mr and Mrs W R Littrell and Mr I

R A Hutchison ai wife Cane Valleyrisited relatives fierfwthe first of the

iweek ikSJMr Eston HarrisTandihis sister Miss

Myrtie of Avis Kyikvisited Mrs Hanriible McBeath who is also a sisterlast week

rMrs Jo N Conover who spent a

month or two with her aughtef Mrs> Cosby McBeath Monticello returned

I home last week v4

Mr and Mrs JORussell Mr andMrs Allen Walker will attend theRitchey Walker marriage at Burkes ¬

ville tonightrMr Charlie Karnes ofSt Louis who

is visiting relatives and friends in this4

locality spent Friday nIght with hisaunt Mrs S W Smith

VMr G R Miller returned from Louis ¬

vile last Saturday nightwill jhome the greater portion tthe timefrom now until Christma S

Mr A KRupe J9f Adaircountys best citizens hast returned from a visit to illinOis His wifeaccompanied him on the trip

Mrs eM Barnett nee Miss LihaRoiienfieldi of Evansville Ind arrivedlast week and will probably be withher home people until Christmas

Uevi Jesse L Murrell and wife whoS

live near Gampbellsyille returned tbtheir home lat weekafter pendingevarat days with relatives in AdairItrVM Ry Yarberry arrived from

iLouwvijle sturday night He spokt ti courthouse Monday jQjlTue

4ayand returned to his plea ofb 7Itf > 1¼ e 1 Kf

c f 4t Cm


MrfrBbny Karneg wife and son Leoof Campbellsville spent Friday nightand Saturday with th formers auntMrs S W Smith and family thisplace

Mr GeoM Stevenson and familyleft Adair for Taxes This is

thelrfriendiIIregrettedconsoled by Mr Stevenson who saidthat if he did not like he would returnand buy a farm near Columbia

Mrs J Q Alexander and Mrs B H

ThursdayIquite sick and was compelled to stopIhere Her husband came over FridayHer condition is not serious and leftfor her home the first of the week

Additional LocalsII

The adding machine which was theproperty of the defunct bank at CaneValley was stolen from the Building

last Saturday night week No clueI

Mr W H Jones Coburg sold hishouse and seven acres of land a fewdays ago to Miss Kittie Smith of thisplace for 975 The sale was madethrough Mr G P Smythe real estateagent

Mr J H Judd of this place is theadjuster for the International Harvest ¬

ing Company He travels over eightcounties in this section of the State

Bishop T C Carter will dedicate theHadley Memorial Church near Estothe first Sunday in December

For Sale

250 acre sheep farm about 200 acresfenced Sheep will live all through thewinter and do well Sheep lived lastwinter with all snow on Will sellcheap Write or call on

S E Frogge Jamestown Tenn14t



W H C Sandidge Ebinezer L

F J Barger Mt Pleasant iZ T Williams ColumbiaJ R Crawford ColumbiaG W Pangburg Gradyville <J F Black Mt CarmelJ F Turner Red LickIWl Levi Trammels CreekB M Currie Columbia i

F Breeding Providence j 1

IC E Erinis GreensburgS Dudgeon MiUtownti-

T F Roach FryL T Payne Morris ChapelW B Cave Pleasant RidgeJ


Latest Quotations on Live Stock

CATTLEShipping steer 525550Beef steers 300515Fat heifers and cows 3 004 00

Cutters 2003 00

CannersLoo20oBulls I

Feedeis 350515Stockers V > 2754 75Choice milch cows r 35004500Common to fair cows 15 0035 00


Choice 165 to 200 820Mediums 130 to 165 810Pigs 865Roughs A 740


Best lambs 551c


Wheat i 125Corn 1


Local Market T1

The following isthe Local Marketgiven by S H Grinstead CoT todayEggsv v 22

Hens 6iYi 61

v 0 3



i8 to


v> i 7Wool clear grease r 20Wool washed Li r 28 to 30Hides green 4 x 6 to 7Hides dry vXf 10 to 12Feathers i v 35to38Ginseng 4 50 to 5 00Bees wax y



I 4

The health of this community

is very good at this writing

Mrs Martha Abrell of Russellcounty visited hrson J BAbrell last week W


Mrs Mauci Tarter of Caseycounty is visiting het parents


this plcej fii ifilil

f c o>



Y We have been having someV

cool weather forth past two

weeks The snow Friday scaredthe people and they are hustlingin getting their winter wood

Miss Mattie Garnett visitedMiss Elva Murrell Saturdaynight

Misses Mattie and Mary Young

visited the Misses Upton Sun-



Miss Mary Upton who is ajpupifdf theLtW T S visitedher parents from Friday until


Mr Mark and ArthurHolladay were wrestling oneday last week Arthur was so

unfortunate as to get one bone ofhis arm broke Dr Gartwrightwas called and set the fracturedbone and he is getting alongnicely at this writing

Mrs Fannie Willis and daugh ¬

ter Nancy were the guest atMrs W F Jefferies of COlum-



Mrs Cattie Willis who isI

making her home with herdaughter Mrs N W Miller ofCampbellsville is visiting at MrSel Bennetts this week

Rollin Willis sold to ArthurHolladay some nice shoats price10 cents per pound

There was not very muchdamage done at this place Hal¬

loween night some things werehid but not very hard to findWe certainly enjoy the pranksof the youngpeople-

A crowd of young people ofthis neighborhood went chestnuthunting Sunday afternoon Therewere not many chestnuts foundbut all reported a merry time

Miss Avis Tupman who is apupil of the Graded school visit¬


ed her parents from Friday untilSunday



Overcoats buttoned up closeunder the cbinj together withred noses are prevalent upon ourstreets at this writing

People generally are beginningto gather corn in this neighbor-hood


both yield and quality seemto be good

Mr Frank McElroy of Dentspent Saturday and Sunday withH J onover and wife Hebrought his Edison Phonographwhich was very much appreciat-ed


by all who heard itMr J D Floyd who had the

contract f to yard the timberbought by J A Whitney at thisplace has completed same andsilence reigns serene whereeverything but a camp meetinghasbeen going on

Mrs Sallie Holladay who hasbeen sick for several days is weare sad to say no better at thistime

Mr Adeline Blakey and wifeare both right sick at this time

Mr W W Holladay who hasbeen suffering with rheumatismfor some time is some better nowbut not able to work yet

Messrs Owen and Otis Webbof JDent passed through herelast Wednesday enroute to Illi-



H J Conover and wife also

vC Burton and family of thisplace were at Russell SpringsThursday of last w ekfMrs G iLattie Cheitham > ofBakertonis at the bedside ofher sick mother Mrs Sallitfiolrliaday Tfr H w4v

4 i6 M




We note with pleasure the de ¬

J yof next weeks News until

Iliwe7 I

Jack frost came the 27th ult t

andJ bit every thing that was

green and on the 28th a largesnow fel-

lVernathe little son of LonaSparks is on thesick list at this I

writing Jj I

Mr Gillam Baker is the clerkin the store at Amandaviile forGW Brockman who is visit

fiing in Oklahoma

Mrs Fannie Cheatham whohas been confined to herbed forIsome time is able to be outagain

Several from Croc s attendedthe meeting at Breeding

Mr James Cole and wife at¬

tended the quarterly meeting atJones Chapel last Saturday andSunday

Misses Maud and Myrtie ColeI

were shopping in Burkesvillelast week

Mrs C C Fletcher anddaughter Miss Lora were visiting Mrs Sarah Baker one daylast week

School at Holly Grove is pro-



nicely under the man¬

agement of Mr E A Morgan I

with thirty enrolled

Misses Maud and Myrtie Cole

Gander Williams Mrs JennieCole Messrs Huber Williams rand Aubry Helm spent last Wed¬

nesday with Mr and Mrs JasCole and repoated a nice time

B A Morgan spent last Tues ¬

day night with Herbert Fletcher>

Miss PaulineT eeri who has beensick for the past week is able to

PbeoutICharlie Cole has improved the I

looks of his place by building anew woodshed T

People are busy in our neigh¬

borhood 1tuv Inroad v

The health of this communityis very good at present the dip I

therja has about died out

Mr John Morgan of Somersetvisited his parents last week Hewas accompanied back by hisbrother Joe

Miss Carrie Bradshaw NellaPetty Pern Cole Frank ReeceQwen and Dick Cheatham werethe guest of Miss Media a dWillie Petty last Sunday

The Wilkerson Bros are getting along nicely sawing lumberon Powells creek

Mrs Mary J Petty is havingher house painted which addsvery much to it looks

Mr George Brockman andMrDick Baker have gone to ElidaNew Mexico on special business

Mrs Etta Morgan of this placehas purchased a house and lot otMr Condie Blair for500

The school house at Harmonycame very near being burned lastweek Thecause is unknown

MrElfor iHadleyh gone toIndiana

They are getting along finebuilding on X W Petty resi-



It will be ainice residencewhen it is completed Johnsonand Breniley aretbe carpentersand are uptodate workmen

The school at Rie uljican is-

progressing nicaly Binder themnagernentof Mr OlhTayllrP

i i114fr 2llt > i <


Suit for Slanderc




I 4

Baldwin will ask Dam

agesTeddy TalKed

I > Too MuchU-



Haven Conn Nov 5 Judge Simeon B Baldwin Demo ¬jcampaignRoosevelt alleging slander This is the outcome of Rooseveltsattack on Baldwin for his decision in reference to compensationfor injured workingmen

Mr Wesley Morgan is ere tinga new building on Harrodsfork


and will be ready to move in afew days

Several from this place attend-ed


meeting at Breeding last Sun ¬

day The meeting is conducted j

by Bro Roberts they have madeI

many friends since they havebeen in this country I

Mrs Ella Grants baby is on I

the sick list this week

The writer from Crocus hasabout got this neighborhood in I

the notion of going to RussellSprings It seeme we could all do

better if we were nearer Heaven


Mrs Erimne Tucker and Mrs

relativesIonher sister Mrs Gallic Jeffrieswho has been quite sick

Mrs Millard Young and MrLuther Montgomery are visitingMr Tom Young of this place

The social given by Miss Fan ¬

nie Tucker and Miss Willard Sherrill last Saturday night was large ¬

ly attended and all reported anice time

The Sunday School atthis placeis progressing very nicely

1Mr Hut Baxter wif and lit¬

visited Mrs JuliaMings

Mr John Mings was at KnifJey one day last week

Miss Goldie and Mr HanselHarrison visited relatives atLebanon last week

Misses Minnie and Lottie Knifley visited Miss Effie Caffey lastSunday

Miss Ellen Richardson visitedher sister Mrs Maggie Mings

last weekMiss Anna Young visited Mrs

Lula Jones one day this weed

Misses Willard herrill andFannie Tucker made a flyingtrip to Pellyton one day last


bean hulling at Mrs AnnaYoungs last Saturday nighFwas


largely attended and all had anice time

Mrs Lena Knifley visited hermother one day last week


Mt CarmelI

Corn gathering the order ofthe day

Mrs Willie Beard spent lastThursday at J S Beards >

Johiir Wolford attended services tt this pliiot iaat Tueidaynight W


W BDulbkabdittf<




a trip toColumbia last TuesdayMr and Mrs John Russell of

Plum Point spent Sunday nightwith their daughter Mrs JJSBeard at Holmas

Mrs J R Crawfordanddaughter Mary attended ser-


at this place last Sunday s

H J Henson and wife visitedrelatives in Casey ountyseveraldays of last week


Zach Smith and wife of Taylorcounty have been spending afew days with the latters parentsMr and Mrs T B Grant

The revival service at thisplace conducted by Rev J RCrawford assisted by Miss BOssHolladay who had charge of thesinging closed last Tuesdaynight with a number of conver-sions


and renewals and themeeting gives promise of thebest results for the communityThe good people being broughtcloser together than they haveever been buring the pastDuring this series of meeting weheard many deep interesting ser¬

mons which were receivedwiththe greatest of gratitude by allwho have reached the first stageof civilization I am sure thepeople ofMt Carmel and thesurrounding country will neverforget The old dAd youngalike learned to love this goodman whft worked so hard forthem He has been a friend for


both saint and sinner alIkeMiss Holladay proved to us

that she is a well skilled musicianboth as an organist and as a sing¬

er She delivered her servicewith the most hearty good willand by so doing aroused the oldMt Carmel class from mopingto a charming spirit and we willcertainly give Miss Holladay thecredit She was also a faithfulworker during the entire seriesof meetings and she has manyfriends here and will be long re-

memberedby us alt I tfI wish to si to all who may

read this if you ever have anopportunity to hear Bro Craw ¬

ford preach by Sail means listento him he will tell you some-thing worth while and will tell itin a plain sensible manner andyou cannot fail to be benefitedby it Even from an educational standpoint his sermons are in¬

teresting but when we realizethat the words we hear arecoming from an honest h art it <

means more than mere historicalr

facts Itmeans that Bro Craw >

ford is interested in you and inme and is preaching for us and f rhas the interest of the human l >

c 4tofamily at heart VAshisbJees < > t J7ings have rested upon the peoplein and around Mt Carmel s6may Gods blessings reztupSns thim and his Lh I

j lr

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