,,, .; k local and PERSONAL I ♦ ♦ John Ross spent Mebaiie J. A. Smith went to Durham Saturday Mr. Coy Patton 1-ayettville Friday Mr Shakespear Harris returned tj Concord Friday Christmas Happenings Coy Patton was home for Christmas £idgai McCauley of Raleigh I spent the holidays at home Miss Kazel Lamberth of Greens --------------- j College, spent xmas at home unristmas in I Swam and Mr. John Swain SI ent the holidays at home c. * nS i m' . Ralph Vincent left last week fwr Kentucky where he went to purchase an other car load of horses aid mules, j Vincent and Warren have had [Splendid luck this winter in dis- posing of their horses an^t mules. We regret that Mr. A. P. Long has resigne(^ as policeman of ■4 ' r. Msbane, Mr, Lon^ did good' Everett Clark spent a few days Iservice, and n'a:e him self a! Iin Richmond after Xmas | terror to the evil doers. We wish returned to Shakespear Harris ot Charlotte| P®'‘* ® Ispent Christmas with his brother I would have iustified him in Charlie Harris I W. H. Ellis of Philadelphia ' spent the Christmas season with Frank Warren of Prospect H.il Mr. Charlie Harris w as m Mebane Friday I ^ 1 1 T-. i. ^ • ^^d Mrs. Dave Tinnin of Miss Bulah Foster of Burling-. christiansburg, Va. spent xmas ton stoped in Mebane between ^ in Mebane trains Friday Albert WhitefielJ went to Bushy Fork, Pearson C j ., his home, to spend Christmas Misses Smith and Hinton of Miss Virginia Clark of Durham spent several days with her giand parents Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Morgan and children spent several da>s remammg in the office. Reis badly needed. Rev. W. E. Swain wtnt out from Burlington to Belmont Sun- day to hold the fureral services of young Nicholson v/ho was fataly wounded from the falling limb striking him on the head last Friday. Mr. Swain reports and enormous crowd in attend- rn3a at the fu ioral Elon College spent a few days during xmas at Jiock Hill, S. C. \;ith Miss Mary Patton her Mrs. Ella Pearson Durham Thursday to visit niece Miss Virginia Clark. Miss Olga Long left Friday night for Roxboro to take up her duties as teacher Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Straughn spent the week end with Mr. Willie James at Ridgeville Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cheek went to Charlotte Friday morning to spend a few days with relatives Rev. F. M. Hawley and little daughter Pauline, spent several days in Charlotte last week Mrs. George Mebane and two sons of Spray spent a couple of days during Christmas with Mrs. M.fB. Scott Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Thompson went to Greensboro last Wednes- day to attend the Townsend- Hayes wedding Misses Eula and Dean Graham of Haw River spent Friday and Saturday in Mebane with M ss Lynette Swain and Mrs. U. S. Ray. who married in Asheville Decem ‘9, returned to Mebane last »^«v-.rday Miss May Barrett of Burling- ton spent New Years eve with Misses Olga and Sophia Long Miss Margaret Goley of Gra- ham spent New Years eve with Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Thompson Miss Francis Moore returned to Graham Friday after spending several days with her aunt Mrs. Alf Mebane Mrs. Ned Brannock and three children of Flon College returned home saturJa.v. They spent the holidays with Dr. and Mrs. York Mrs. Hudson and baby of Greensboro returned home Satur- day after a pleasant visit to her sister Mrs. F. M. Hawley Miss Ruby Satterfield returned to Hickory Thursday after spend- ing the Christmas holidays with her parents. Miss Sue Mebane returned to Mebane Thursday after spending the holidays In Henderson with Ivlias Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Smith of Burlington, returned home Fri- day having spent a few days with Mrs. W. C. Clark and friends Mrs. Ed. Cheek met with a painful accident Thursday while using a sharp knife it slipped and severed the entire thumb nail and a part of flesh under nail Mr. W. C. Weatherly of Rome, Ga. arrived in Mebane Jan. 1st, having accepted the position as book-keeper for the White Furniture Co. Mrs. J. W. Braddock of Burling ton, returned home Thursday after spending several days with Mrs. George Bradley and Mrs. W. C. Clark Mrs. A. M. Turner of Danville, Mrs. E. C. Murray of Vincent and Mrs. Ralph Vincent went to Durham Thursday to spend a .short time with Mrs. L. T. Patterson Miss Hufham who has be3n spending the holidays with her father and sister, Mrs. Singleton returned to Spartanburg, S. C. Thursday to resume her duties as English teacher at Converse College Ham=ninard. Cards have been issued J Mrs. J. N. Warren ai wpnt spent several days at ‘H llsboro with Mrs. Tom Albright Taking inventory to write much ad for this weeks issue of the Leader,only stop to thank you for the splendid trade for the past j^ear We shall put some strictly low price, high class goods on the counters for you in a few days. Come see, will be as glad as ever to welcome you. Youi-s to Serve, H.E. Wilkinson Co. ‘The Store of Quality.’ ii m C. Y. dark and family of Richmond spent Xmas with their parents Mr. and Mrs. W. C. d a r k Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith and children of Louisburg spent Xmas with Mr. and Mr. W. c. dark Lee Cooper of Graham, former Supt. of the Mebane Graded School’ spent xmas eve in Meb- ane Miss Alice Bolan of Burlington spent several days of the season with Mrs. Pettigrew and Mrs. Wylie James . The Emma Harris Camp Fire Girls met at the home of Miss Emma Harris Saturday December 27, all had a bi^ time Mrs. J. C. Hunt and little son spent a few days in Durham, visiting relatives Mrs. Hunt had not seen in twenty years Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hunt of Cliatam County spent several days before Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, J. c. and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hunt Wheeler Smith, a former resi- dent of Mebane was married to Miss Maude Witherspoon of Durham December 24th, They will reside in Durham and Mrs. J. c. Hunt had the pleasure of having all their children, with the exception of one son, spend Xm^s at home, Walter iT. and D. M. Hunt of Gretna, Va. were two of them, the others were of Mebane son i Mebane as follows: Mr. and Mrs. William E. Ham company at the marriage of theli daaghter Smythie Louise to Mr. Charlas Allen I illard on the fafternoon of WeJnesda.v, the fourteenth of January at five o’clock at their residence Mebane, North Carolina Guaranteed Geld Bonds P . The Safest Sanest, Soudest ct 6 per cant. Investment 6 per cent.| For Idle Funds Each bond secured by first mortgage on real estate and guarantee by th e H Piedmont Trust Co. I I Burlington, N.^C. Write for our free booklet The Piedmont Wa>7 mm $*780 white Hot^se Items. Christmas passed very pleas- anily at ti.e White House. The boys visited some and stay el at home some. Callers at White Mebane /VI. H. Church South. Mrs. Ed King went up to Greensboro one day last week Who shall we get for police- man. We certainly will need some one G. W. Hcinner of Hunting- ton W. Va. spent the holidays with his parents Miss Jennie White and Mr. Jesse Tingen spent Sunday after- noon in Graham Delightful Party Misses Ruby and Tjottie Satter- field and Messrs Glenn and Sam Satterfield gave a delightful informal party to their friends Friday evening December 26 Set-back and Eook served as entertainment for the evenmg, also some good music by Messrs Satterfield and Anthony which proved suitable accompanimeni for a little dancing Those present, Misses Beijnice Bright, Clara Warren, Sudie Cook, Smythy Ham, Lois Ham, Eunice Lasley, Lillie McIntyre, Virginia Clark and Gertrude Chandler, Messrs Coy Patton, Earl Shaw, J. S. Clark, Frank Warren. Charlie Dillard, I D Ham and Dr Hurdle Tempting refreshments were served ___________ Shanklin-Hunt. Mr. Ernest Skanklin and Miss Estelle Hunt were quietly mari'ied at the brides home on the eve- ning of December 24th, Dr. Hufham officiating. Only the immediate family witnessed the'ceremony, includ- ing the brides grandfather Mr. Tom Worsham, and aunt Miss Dolly Worsham both of Level Run, Va,, also Mr. Early Hunt and Miss Marcella Srow of Chatam County The bride wore a beautiful costume of dark blue velvet with hat to match Mr. and Mrs. Shankiin left the latter part of the week to visit the grocms relatives in High Point IS m clerk or Mr. Hunt of Lexington town acting as Shipping for White Furniture co. If you know any locals, personals don’t forget to give them to our local reporter. R. W. Bright spent last week with his daughter near Apex. He returned Saturday. Col. Erastus Cook will accept our thanks for a Christmas gift of a nice box of chocolate candy J. E. Bowland wife and daugh ter came up from Durham Mon- day. Mrs. Bowland and daughter returned Tuesday morning Miss Bessie Foy after spending a pleasant Christmas with her father and sister at Mebane re- turned to New Bern Saturday last Mrs. J. M. Long and little son John spent Christmas by the bed side of Miss Effie Wrenn who has been very sick for some time. C. G. Spencer manager of the Murray Hill Farm has re- Itamed with his wife whom he married at Apalachacola, Fla. on the 30 of Dec. It is suggested that when the railroad begins to build an adition to our depot, that they arrange for the waiting room at the West end as that appears as most convenient from a general stand point Bridge Club. Mrs. W. S. Harris entertained the Bridge Club Tuesday after- noon Dec. 29 Mesdames J. M Thompson and W. W. Corbett made the highest score. Those present. Miss Margie Scott, Meseames T.M Thompson, Felix Graves, and W. W. Corbett I Mrs. C J Kee was guest A delicious two course lunch- eon was served New Year’s Party. Misses Olga and Sophia Long gave a delightful party New Year’s eve. Progressive Rook and other games constituted the evenings entertainment. Guests were; Misses Leona Hinton and Hat tie Bell Smith of Elon College. Mary Patton, Lois Ham, Ruby Satterfield, Lottie Satterfield and May Barrett of Burlington. Messrs Arthur Scott Sam Scott, J. S. Clark, Robert Dillard, I. D. Ham, Coy Patton, Sam Satterfield and Dr. Hurdle. A delightful two course lunch- eon was served Wyatte=Hayes. On Wednesday afternoon jDe- cember 24th Miss Mary Wood Hayes of Burlingtor was married to Mr. George Edward Wyatte of Mebane. The ceremony was performed at 5 o’clock at the Methodist Protestant Church in Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Wyatte will make their home in Mebane after January 19th. young Prayer meetinff eveiy Wednesday evening at 7:30 and a union pray6r meeting ever Sunday after noon at 3:00 o’clock conducted by the men of the town. SunJay School every Sunday begin- ning at 9:45 a. m. Everybody welcome tc all these ser rices. Rev. F. B. Noblitt, Pastor. Walter Lynch, Supt. [S. S. N. H, Walker. Assist.Sapt. House- Misses Minnie and Berriee! a ‘’.T '’'''.”® m use, misses xviinme ana i^ercice m. and second Sunday^i?ht at 730 Bright, Virgmia Clark, Etta | p. m. Comptcn, Mrs. Eila Pearson, Mrs. Ella Vincent, Miss Ruby Satterfield, Miss Mary Smith, Graham, Miss Vaughn Andrews, Salisbury, Miss Carrie Walsh, Charleston, S. C. Mr. William Pearce Charleston, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. King Winston-Salem, Mr. C. Oakley Lynchburg, Va, Mr. Tinsley, Greensboro, Mr. Gorden Richmond, Va. Mr. Lawson, Durham, Miss Violet Woodfield, Bakimore, Md. Mr. Boland, Burlington, Mr. Geringer, Altomhaw, Mr. Nichil- son, Durham. Miss Nancy Patron of Haw- fields has moved to Mebane to make her home with Mr. W. S. Pa Iton. Miss Patton is an elderly ^ady of 92 years and real cheer- ful and brighf, her cousin Mrs. Walter Pickard is visiting her Mrs. Pickard is active and well at the age of 75. We extend to the two ladies a cordial welcome to Mebane and may they live to see many more Christmases. 20x40 FOOT BARN 12i FOOT RAFTERS COVERS THIS" FTOOF' WITH SPOTLESS RUBBER ROOFING f A first quality weather-proof, water-tight Roofing, the equal of well-known brands selling at one-ihird to one-half more. We sell direct to user, only one small profit added to factory cost; you save jobber’s, drummer’s and retmler’s profits. Spctless Robber Rooftnf, not seconds nor mill ends, 108 square feet to roll, with nails and cement. Guaranteed satisfactoy. 1-Ply, 35 lbs., 78c; 2-Ply, 45 lbs., $1.08; 3-Ply, 65 lbs., $1.34 per roll. Shipped quick from Richmond; little freight. Free Samples and Catalog. Richmond, ThJ » M l ORDtR "Va. MEBANE METHOD IST PRO - TESTANTCHURCH . Preaching eic.h 2nd and 4th Sunday at 11 a. m. and every Sunday night. Sunday school 9:45. Prayer meeting Thursday night at 7:30. W. E. Swain, Pastor. J. L. Amick,|Supt. of Sunday School. The public cordially invited to all these services. Bring a friend with »ou. CONYERS AND SYKES THE BUSY STORE, THERE IS A REASON Any drugs sent on order at the parcel post cost Orange, Alamance and Caswell counties in the first zone. If you wish PURE DRUGS full strength at reasonable cost send orders t o Conyers 6c Sykes McADOO HOTEL CORNER Greensboro, North CAROLINA RHEUMATiO SUFFERER9 i. SHOULD u s e A 5 DROPS Th0 Boat Remod^^ Fop a## tbrms of Rheumatism LUMBAGO. SCIATICA. GOUT. NEURALGIA. AND KIDNEY TROUBLES. I STOP THE PAI Qivec Quick Relief Na Otli«r Romwdy Uk» it SAMPLE *«B'DR&PS» ON RCQUtST Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co. teu-i99 W. Lak* St., CiUCAeO Marriage License. Marriage license issued by the Register of Deeds for the month of December 1913. The Register of Deed^s for Alamance County issued during the rr.onth of December 61 'marriage license. 47 to whit 3 people and 14 to to’ored people. This is a record breaker for nine year?. 'mUMSOHLY^i I am looking for WORK!! I am a Soap-Maker. I am a Scrubber. 1 am a Cleaner. I am a Dirt Eater. I am a Disinfectant. I will wash clothes whiter and with less rubbing. It’s the RUB that ruins. I am ‘from Missouri’ and will show yoa for five cents. I am Red Devil Lye 5C FOR GREAT BIQ CANS. Half the usual price. SAVE MY LABELS. THANK YOU Thank you one and all for the very liberal patronage you have given us in the year just closed. It was kind of you as we had just come among you in the merchantile line a little less than a year ago. We have tried to please you, tried to treat you square. The New Year opens with broader pos- sibilities for us to serve you. We shall in quite a short while occupy the two stores vacated by Holmes-Warren Co. when we shall open an ela- borate stock of general merchandise for the trade. We also retain our present store which will be stocked with farm implements, heavy groceries, and stock feed. Our opportunities will be so much enlarged and improved for pleasing you, quite equal to the demand we are sure. Our best wishes for a prosperous New Year We are yours to serve Mebane Supply Mebane, N. C. Subscribe to The Leader* r iiaii

j mm COVERS THIS FTOOF'newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn91068488/1914-01-08/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · Thursday to resume her duties as English teacher at Converse College Ham=ninard. Cards

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Page 1: j mm COVERS THIS FTOOF'newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn91068488/1914-01-08/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · Thursday to resume her duties as English teacher at Converse College Ham=ninard. Cards

, , ,. ;k

l o c a l a n d


♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

John Ross spent Mebaiie

J. A. Smith went to Durham Saturday

Mr. Coy Patton 1-ayettville Friday

Mr Shakespear Harris returned tj Concord Friday

Christmas HappeningsCoy Patton was home for


£idgai McCauley of Raleigh I spent the holidays at home

Miss Kazel Lamberth of Greens --------------- j College, spent xmas at home

unristm as in I Swam and Mr. John SwainSI ent the holidays a t home

c. *nS i

m ' ■ .. ■

Ralph Vincent left last week fwr Kentucky where he went to purchase an other car load of horses a id mules,

j Vincent and Warren have had [Splendid luck this winter in dis­posing of their horses an^t mules.

We regret that Mr. A. P. Long has resigne(^ as policeman of

■4'r. ♦

Msbane, Mr, Lon^ did good' Everett Clark spent a few days I service, and n 'a :e him self a!

I in Richmond after Xmas | terror to the evil doers. We wish

returned to Shakespear Harris ot Charlotte| P®'‘* ®I spent Christmas with his brother I would have iustified him in Charlie Harris

I W. H. Ellis of Philadelphia ' spent the Christmas season with

Frank Warren of Prospect H.il Mr. Charlie Harris w a s m Mebane Friday I ^

1 1 T-. i. • ^^d Mrs. Dave Tinnin ofMiss Bulah Foster of Burling-. christiansburg, Va. spent xmas

ton stoped in Mebane between in Mebane trains Friday

Albert WhitefielJ w ent to Bushy Fork, Pearson C j ., his home, to spend Christmas

Misses Smith and Hinton of

Miss Virginia Clark of Durham spent several days with her g iand parents

Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Morgan and children spent several da>s

remammg in the office. R e is badly needed.

Rev. W. E. Swain w tn t out from Burlington to Belmont Sun­day to hold the fu reral services of young Nicholson v/ho was fataly wounded from the falling limb striking him on the head last Friday. Mr. Swain reports and enormous crowd in attend- rn3a at the fu ioral

Elon College spent a few days during xmas a t Jiock Hill, S. C. \;ith Miss Mary Patton

herMrs. Ella Pearson

Durham Thursday to visit niece Miss Virginia Clark.

Miss Olga Long left Friday night for Roxboro to take up her duties as teacher

Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Straughn spent the week end with Mr. Willie James at Ridgeville

Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cheek went to Charlotte Friday morning to spend a few days with relatives

Rev. F. M. Hawley and little daughter Pauline, spent several days in Charlotte last week

Mrs. George Mebane and two sons of Spray spent a couple of days during Christmas with Mrs. M.fB. Scott

Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Thompson went to Greensboro last Wednes­day to attend the Townsend- Hayes wedding

Misses Eula and Dean Graham of Haw River spent Friday and Saturday in Mebane with M ss Lynette Swain

and Mrs. U. S. Ray. who married in Asheville Decem

‘9, returned to Mebane last »^«v-.rday

Miss May Barrett of Burling­ton spent New Years eve with Misses Olga and Sophia Long

Miss Margaret Goley of Gra­ham spent New Years eve with Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Thompson

Miss Francis Moore returned to Graham Friday after spending several days with her aunt Mrs. Alf Mebane

Mrs. Ned Brannock and three children of Flon College returned home saturJa.v. They spent the holidays with Dr. and Mrs. York

Mrs. Hudson and baby of Greensboro returned home Satur­day after a pleasant visit to her sister Mrs. F. M. Hawley

Miss Ruby Satterfield returned to Hickory Thursday afte r spend­ing the Christmas holidays with her parents.

Miss Sue Mebane returned to Mebane Thursday afte r spending the holidays In Henderson with Ivlias Watkins

Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Smith of Burlington, returned home Fri­day having spent a few days with Mrs. W. C. Clark andfriends

Mrs. Ed. Cheek met with a painful accident Thursday while using a sharp knife it slipped and severed the entire thumb nail and a part of flesh under nail

Mr. W. C. Weatherly of Rome, Ga. arrived in Mebane Jan. 1st, having accepted the position as book-keeper for the White Furniture Co.

Mrs. J. W. Braddock of Burling ton, returned home Thursday after spending several days with Mrs. George Bradley and Mrs. W. C. Clark

Mrs. A. M. Turner of Danville, Mrs. E. C. Murray of Vincent and Mrs. Ralph Vincent went to Durham Thursday to spend a .short time with Mrs. L. T. Patterson

Miss Hufham who has be3n spending the holidays with her father and sister, M rs. Singleton returned to Spartanburg, S. C. Thursday to resume her duties as English teacher a t Converse College

Ham=ninard.Cards have been issued

J Mrs. J. N. Warren ai wpnt spent several days at

‘ H llsboro with Mrs. Tom Albright

Taking inventory to write much ad for this weeks issue of the Leader,only stop to thank you for the splendid trade for the past j ear We shall put some strictly low price, high class goods on the counters for you in a few days. Come see, will be as glad as ever to welcome you.

Youi-s to Serve,

H.E. Wilkinson Co.‘The Store of Quality.’


C. Y. dark and family of Richmond spent Xmas with their parents Mr. and Mrs. W. C. dark

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith and children of Louisburg spent Xmas with Mr. and Mr. W. c. d a rk

Lee Cooper of Graham, former Supt. of the Mebane Graded School’ spent xmas eve in Meb­ane

Miss Alice Bolan of Burlington spent several days of the season with Mrs. Pettigrew and Mrs. Wylie James .

The Emma Harris Camp Fire Girls met a t the home of Miss Emma Harris Saturday December 27, all had a bi^ time

Mrs. J. C. Hunt and little son spent a few days in Durham, visiting relatives Mrs. Hunt had not seen in twenty years

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hunt of Cliatam County spent several days before Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, J. c. and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hunt

Wheeler Smith, a former resi­dent of Mebane was married to Miss Maude Witherspoon of Durham December 24th, They will reside in Durham

and Mrs. J . c. Hunt had the pleasure of having all their children, with the exception of one son, spend Xm^s a t home, Walter iT. and D. M. Hunt of Gretna, Va. were two of them, the others were of Mebane

son i Mebane as follows:Mr. and Mrs. William E. Ham

company at the m arriage o f theli daaghter

Sm ythie Louise to

Mr. Charlas Allen I illard on the fafternoon o f WeJnesda.v, the

fourteenth o f January a t f iv e o ’clock

at their residence Mebane, N orth Carolina

Guaranteed Geld BondsP .

The Safest Sanest, Soudest ct

6 per cant. Investment 6 per cent.| For Idle Funds

Each bond secured by first mortgage on realestate and guarantee by th e H

Piedmont Trust Co. II

Burlington, N. C.Write for our free booklet

The Piedmont Wa>7mm ♦


white Hot^se Items.Christmas passed very pleas-

anily at ti.e White House. The boys visited some and stay e l a t home some. Callers at White

Mebane /VI. H. Church South.

Mrs. Ed King went up to Greensboro one day last week

Who shall we get for police­man. We certainly will need some one

G. W. Hcinner of Hunting­ton W. Va. spent the holidays with his parents

Miss Jennie White and Mr. Jesse Tingen spent Sunday after­noon in Graham

Delightful PartyMisses Ruby and Tjottie Satter­

field and Messrs Glenn and Sam Satterfield gave a delightful informal party to their friends Friday evening December 26

Set-back and Eook served as entertainment for the evenmg, also some good music by Messrs Satterfield and Anthony which proved suitable accompanimeni for a little dancing

Those present, Misses Beijnice Bright, Clara Warren, Sudie Cook, Smythy Ham, Lois Ham, Eunice Lasley, Lillie McIntyre, Virginia Clark and Gertrude Chandler, Messrs Coy Patton, Earl Shaw, J. S. Clark, Frank Warren. Charlie Dillard, I D Ham and Dr Hurdle

Tempting refreshments were s e r v e d ___________


Mr. Ernest Skanklin and Miss Estelle Hunt were quietly mari'ied a t the brides home on the eve­ning of December 24th, Dr. Hufham officiating.

Only the immediate family witnessed the'ceremony, includ­ing the brides grandfather Mr. Tom Worsham, and aunt Miss Dolly Worsham both of Level Run, Va,, also Mr. Early Hunt and Miss Marcella Srow of Chatam County

The bride wore a beautiful costume of dark blue velvet with hat to match

Mr. and Mrs. Shankiin left the latter part of the week to visit the grocms relatives in High Point

IS m clerk


Mr. Hunt of Lexington town acting as Shipping for White Furniture co.

If you know any locals, personals don’t forget to give them to our local reporter.

R. W. Bright spent last week with his daughter near Apex. He returned Saturday.

Col. Erastus Cook will accept our thanks for a Christmas gift of a nice box of chocolate candy

J. E. Bowland wife and daugh ter came up from Durham Mon­day. Mrs. Bowland and daughter returned Tuesday morning

Miss Bessie Foy after spending a pleasant Christmas with her father and sister at Mebane re­turned to New Bern Saturday last

Mrs. J. M. Long and little son John spent Christmas by the bed side of Miss Effie Wrenn who has been very sick for some time.

C. G. Spencer manager of the Murray Hill Farm has re-

Itam ed with his wife whom he married a t Apalachacola, Fla. on the 30 of Dec.

It is suggested tha t when the railroad begins to build an adition to our depot, tha t they arrange for the waiting room at the West end as th a t appears as most convenient from a general stand point

B rid g e C lu b .

Mrs. W. S. Harris entertained the Bridge Club Tuesday after­noon Dec. 29

Mesdames J. M Thompson and W. W. Corbett made the highest score.

Those present. Miss Margie Scott, Meseames T.M Thompson, Felix Graves, and W. W. Corbett

I Mrs. C J Kee was guestA delicious two course lunch­

eon was served

New Year’s Party.Misses Olga and Sophia Long

gave a delightful party New Year’s eve. Progressive Rook and other games constituted the evenings entertainment.

Guests were; Misses Leona Hinton and Hat tie Bell Smith of Elon College. Mary Patton, Lois Ham, Ruby Satterfield, Lottie Satterfield and May Barrett of Burlington. Messrs A rthur Scott Sam Scott, J. S. Clark, Robert Dillard, I. D. Ham, Coy Patton, Sam Satterfield and Dr. Hurdle.

A delightful two course lunch­eon was served

Wyatte=Hayes.On Wednesday afternoon jDe-

cember 24th Miss Mary Wood Hayes of Burlingtor was married to Mr. George Edward Wyatte of Mebane. The ceremony was performed at 5 o’clock at the Methodist Protestant Church in Burlington.

Mr. and Mrs. Wyatte will make their home in Mebane after January 19th.


Prayer meetinff e v e iy W ednesday evening a t 7:30 and a union pray6r m eeting ever Sunday a fter noon a t 3:00 o ’clock conducted by the men of the town.

SunJay School every Sunday begin ­

ning at 9:45 a. m.

E verybody w elcom e tc all th ese ser rices.

Rev. F. B. N oblitt, Pastor. W alter Lynch, Supt. [S. S.N. H, Walker. A ssist.S ap t.

House- Misses Minnie and Berriee! a ‘’.T '’'''.”® “m u se , misses xviinme ana i^ercice m. and second Sunday^i?ht at 730Bright, Virgmia Clark, Etta | p. m.Comptcn, Mrs. Eila Pearson,Mrs. Ella Vincent, Miss Ruby Satterfield, Miss Mary Smith,Graham, Miss Vaughn Andrews,Salisbury, Miss Carrie Walsh,Charleston, S. C. Mr. William Pearce Charleston, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. King Winston-Salem, Mr.C. Oakley Lynchburg, Va, Mr.Tinsley, Greensboro, Mr.Gorden Richmond, Va.Mr. Lawson, Durham, Miss Violet Woodfield, Bakimore, Md.Mr. Boland, Burlington, Mr.Geringer, Altomhaw, Mr. Nichil- son, Durham.

Miss Nancy Patron of Haw- fields has moved to Mebane to make her home with Mr. W. S.Pa I ton. Miss Patton is an elderly ^ady of 92 years and real cheer­ful and brighf, her cousin Mrs.Walter Pickard is visiting her Mrs. Pickard is active and well at the age of 75. We extend to the two ladies a cordial welcome to Mebane and may they live to see many more Christmases.




A first quality weather-proof, water-tight Roofing, theequal of well-known brands selling a t one-ihird to one-half more. We sell direct to user, only one small profit addedto factory cost; you save jobber’s, drummer’s and retmler’s profits. Spctless Robber Rooftnf, not seconds nor mill ends, 108 square feet to roll, with nails and cement. Guaranteed satisfactoy. 1-Ply, 35 lbs., 78c; 2-Ply, 45 lbs., $1.08; 3-Ply, 65 lbs., $1.34 per roll. Shipped quick from Richmond;

little freight. Free Samples and Catalog.

Richmond,T hJ » M l ORDtR "V a.


Preaching eic.h 2nd and 4th Sunday

at 11 a. m. and every Sunday night.

Sunday school 9:45. Prayer m eeting

Thursday night a t 7:30.

W. E. Swain, Pastor.

J. L. A m ick,|Supt. o f Sunday School.

The public cordially invited to all

these services. Bring a friend w ith



Any drugs sent on order at the parcel post cost Orange, Alamance and Caswell counties in the first zone. If you wish

PURE DRUGSfull strength at reasonable cost send orders t o


Greensboro, North CAROLINA


5 D R O P STh0 B oa t Remod^^ Fop a## tbrms of



IST O P THE PAI Qivec Quick ReliefNa Otli«r Romwdy

Uk» i t

SAMPLE *«B'DR&PS» ON RCQUtSTS w a n so n R h eu m atic C ure C o .

te u -i9 9 W. Lak* St., CiUCAeO

Marriage License.Marriage license issued by the

R egister o f Deeds for the month of

D ecem ber 1913.The R egister o f Deed^s for Alam ance

County issued during the rr.onth o f D ecem ber 61 'm arriage license. 47 to w h it 3 people and 14 to to ’ored people. This is a record breaker for nine year?.

'm U M S O H L Y ^ i

I am looking for WORK!!

I am a Soap-M aker.I am a Scrubber.1 am a Cleaner.I am a D irt E ater.I am a D isinfectant.

I will wash clothes w hiter and w ith less rubbing. I t’s th e R U B th a t ru ins. I am ‘from Missouri’ and will show yoa for five cents.

I am Red Devil Lye 5 C

FOR GREAT BIQ CANS. Half the usual price.SAVE MY LABELS.


Thank you one and all for the very liberal patronage you have given us in the year just closed. It was kind of you as we had just come among you in the merchantile line a little less than a year ago.

We have tried to please you, tried to treat you square. The New Year opens with broader pos­sibilities for us to serve you. We shall in quite a short while occupy the two stores vacated by Holmes-Warren Co. when we shall open an ela­borate stock of general merchandise for the trade. We also retain our present store which will be stocked with farm implements, heavy groceries, and stock feed. Our opportunities will be so much enlarged and improved for pleasing you, quite equal to the demand we are sure.

Our best wishes for a prosperous New Year We are yours to serve

M eb an e S u p p lyM e b a n e , N . C .

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