* . .. jjkjty . j - . . KHSAA Form T65Jo v/sotf &05 KHSAA TITLE IX ANNUAL REPORT SUBMISSION STATUS REPORT 2005-2006 TOr KHSAA MemberSchool Superintendents,Principals, andAthleticDirectors FROM: BrigidL. Devries, Commissioner Larry Boucher, AssistantCom missioner DATE: 7/27/ -&:7cld.t' '' c oo McLean Count evlewe y art a u Ins Thefollowingisastatusrepol'tregardingtherequired2005-2006Title IX Annual Repod submissionofformsdueintotheKHSAA office byApril15, 2006.Appropriate KHSAA Audit Team personnel tlave reviewedtheseformsandthefollowingisa summaryof thisreview. Checklist of Formsproperlysubmitted inasatisfactorymanner: k ' . . e GE 19 Annual Verification X 7--35 Bud etEx enses :' X T-1 (SummaryProgram Chart 1) X 7--36(Budget Expenses) X T-2 Summa Pro ram Chart 2 X T-41(Checkiist -Overall InterscholasticProgram) T-3 summa Pro ram chart 3 X T-6(J correctivèActionPëan' X T-4 summa Pro ram Chad 4 X 7--63 IhterscholasticSurve Results I l . Status A. 2005- 2006 Formsaresatisfactoryand nofurtherinformationoractionisnecessaryat this time. B. X Errors havebeennoted withrespecttothefollowingforms: The boxesontheleftmarginof form GE-1 9werenot checked' , signaturedatewas omitted.Please resubmit GE-19b Se tember15, 2006 Fithcorrections. C. Thefoilowin formswereomittedand mustbe submitted b school re resentatives: D. X OtherRecomm endation and Comm ents: ' Itis recomm - jndedthat student representationbe addedtotheGenderEquityReview . Cgmmittee.!Pleaseresubmit form T-3with anexplanationof whythe interestin girls' soccerwas'notnoted . Becausethis interesthasbeen indicatedonthe stutentinterests surveyfor several years, glease-ltstit ()r! -th . Q..C.pTAqQti:t& !(Qq-R9&-form-T-60fo 006- 2007.Forms 7--35and-1--36indicateladiirential of eight percent between theratioof participationandtlne allowcationfofundsbetweenthe sexes.Thefiguresindicatedthat $741wasspent per male athleteasopposedto$526 per femaleathlete, a$214 differential.A standard benchmarkthat hasbeenusedto accommodatedifferences amongsportsis$100.School personnel shouldcontinuetomonitor spendingtoensure no enderbias isinvolved.

j jjkjty. - Kentucky High School Athletic Association Reports/20052006/McLean... · j ..- jjkjty. KHSAA Form T65 Jov/sotf &05 KHSAA TITLE IX ANNUAL REPORT SUBMISSION STATUS REPORT

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Form T65 Jo v/sotf &05KHSAA TITLE IX



TOr KHSAA Member School Superintendents, Principals, and Athletic Directors

FROM: Brigid L. Devries, CommissionerLarry Boucher, Assistant Com missioner

DATE: 7/27/ -&:7cld.t'


c oo McLean Count evlewe y art a u Ins

The following is a status repol't regarding the required 2005 - 2006 Title IX Annual Repodsubmission of forms due into the KHSAA office by April 15, 2006. Appropriate KHSAA Audit Teampersonnel tlave reviewed these forms and the following is a summary of this review.

Checklist of Forms properly submitted in a satisfactory manner: k ' .. e

GE 19 Annual Verification X 7--35 Bud et Ex enses :'X T-1 (Summary Program Chart 1) X 7--36 (Budget Expenses)X T-2 Summa Pro ram Chart 2 X T-41 (Checkiist - Overall Interscholastic Program)

T-3 summa Pro ram chart 3 X T-6(J correctivè Action Pëan'X T-4 summa Pro ram Chad 4 X 7--63 Ihterscholastic Surve Results

I l . StatusA. 2005 - 2006 Forms are satisfactory and no further information or action is necessary at

this time.B. X Errors have been noted with respect to the following forms:

The boxes on the left margin of form GE-1 9 were not checked', signature date wasomitted. Please resubmit GE-19 b Se tember 15, 2006 Fith corrections.

C. The foilowin forms were omitted and must be submitted b school re resentatives:D. X Other Recomm endation and Comm ents:

' It is recomm-jnded that student representation be added to the Gender Equity Review

. Cgmmittee.! Please resubmit form T-3 with an explanation of why the interest in girls'soccer was 'not noted. Because this interest has been indicated on the stutent interestssurvey for several years, glease-ltstit ()r! -th. Q..C.pTAqQti:t& !(Qq-R9&-form-T-60 fo 006-2007. Forms 7--35 and -1--36 indicatel a diirential of eight percent between the ratio ofparticipation and tlne allowcation fo funds between the sexes. The figures indicated that$741 was spent per male athlete as opposed to $526 per female athlete, a $214differential. A standard benchmark that has been used to accommodate differencesamong sports is $100. School personnel should continue to monitor spending to ensureno ender bias is involved.

; 2905-2996 Iœ xTtrcxv H IGH scHools ATHLETIC AssoclA-n ox ,.,)')r2)ù l ANNUAL vEm FlcATlox oF TI

TLE IX PltocEotlRls R'v 9?cs, L

hraj,yttkbiLitimkvrttix (To be snbmitted by April 15, 2006 along with other required forms.l

Je,< f '.a,'' b.v . High school, C ./-/v.- dx ,- ,,t- - , Kentucky'rhe c

(xamc of High school) tcitylcertifies to the Kcntucky High School Athletic Associatian that the following is an accmate and tnze represkmtation of thefacts surrounding compliancc with 20 U .S.C. Sections l68 1-1688, et. Seq. Yls0 known as Title LX)

following provisions in accordance with recordsat the school contained in the

my knowledge have completed the following tasks (All boxes must be !càeeked), q

:X 2 Established a gender equity committee at thc lligh school. (list cornmittee personncl and provide attachment if 1!necessary) !!N ame Address Phone

xw Title !'11 ',,x L J4(: HWY F 9 - ' - ' ' q


,-., e ' a / kt ., K' l >. -,%/$ - .:6 % . - ''!Xercov c :c -F'--& Jte.v%ipc. lf z t, a 4,, - 3e 2 -t1# % ' l

Ià1'.x .x.z, . b / lo poak t'f :3h2 v, - ?f: -q77o fy i g ..04 ët 'v6rmire Y / :85 '>. . 2 7 ' t -' . C >,T. iI e- Z/ôJ Aar. I

. ?ï' st l ) 4 .1 .. KF 'ftJl 7 'x'?: 1J;$ ' )AS 3,,cc.'

gY './za F z %7o r z,pg -plql-ulxf, . -vkoh'h A) : i%nn.'/ pr'.ç i fvcml/'rr , -

Title IX file, and to the best of

a minimum of tlu'ce mcetings during tbe 2005-2096 school year ()n the following dates:à .zw,i.,- 5 Qàes- - - - - -#

I Q ;:c' I 2 R4J


Designated the following personts) as tke Tîtl: LX coordinator for the school:


Joer, ' , s-,t.o J/uy':l s. t?. ty qksl l zvo-vij- s(./ )Namc Title xdoess plaone

Designated the fbllowing personts) as the Titlc LX coordinator for the district:

Ear I Aa//,,.. suooej.ayenpoo / -.a,vô ss gg ao c./à,.a,. d k' n s 97 a

.7. Ava. - ss. a vName ' 'Jîtle Ajuress phone

j. tn epersonnel are continuing to make periodic reviews of tlae boys' and gîrlsi athletics program reflectedCorrective Action Plan.

ln adtlition to tht


complete pelnnancnt file relativeto Title IX records including copies of the self-assessment audit, all corrective action plans, and other relatedm aterials


above information, the above referenced school maintains a

// JP - al's Sign e Da

% %

#Superlntende t Signature 0o1 B C a rper s i nature

(Sel) rfgfa// copy to KHSAA - Maintain duplicate ' f/fe I r)

permaanentI certify the

Smdent M embers for Gender Equitv Review CommitteeMcLean Countv 111$1 School

Scotty W oodburn496 Foster Lane

Sacramtnto, KY 42372270-736-5242 i

lTiffany A yer1525 HW Y1792 :

Calhoun, KY 42327 !270-273-3259 i

1-le. p',ekptt iuh

210 Brentwood Drive jLiverm ore, KY 42352 !


Casey C'zmm ings185 High St.

CaIIIOUm KY 42327270-273-0001



KHSAAFofm T1Rev. 9/05

Partici atitm O ortunities Test One

(Column 1) (Column 2) (Column 3) (Columm 4)

Program Enrollment Percentage of Num ber of Percentage ofTotal lnterscholastic TotalEnrollm ent Participants Participation

(double andtriple count)

Row 1 GIRLS 222 48 105 47

R0w 2 BOYS 240 52 118 53

.. ()

î RNumber of 8tb rade students & below used in Column 3lnstruct ons: gand Column 4 caloulations ifapplicablu: 49

Determi'ne the total number of girls emolled, (place irt Row 1, Coltmm 1).Determine the total number of boys emolled, (place in Row 2, Column 1).

Add the total number of girls and boys enrolled to determine total enrollmcnt, (place in Row 3, Column 1).

Calcutate the percelltage of total enrollm> t that is female. (Divide Row 1, Coltmm 1 by row 3, Column l and placein Row 1, Colunm 2.) Calculate the percentage of total enrollment that is male. (Divide Row 2, Coltmm 1 by Row 3

,Colunm 1 and place ill Row 2, Colunm 2.) Note: Row 1, Coltmm 2 plus Row 2, Column 2 should total 100%$.

Ask the head coaolles to review the most updated eligibility or squad lists for their teams. Ask eoaches lo confnn thenames of those illdividuals who are cm the temn as of the ftrst date of competition, aud cross out the names of thosewho were cut gom the team or quit the tenm prior to the first competitive event. Determine the total number ofinterscholasttc athletics partidpants that al.e girls, land place in Row l , Column 3). ln order to determine the totalnlzmber of atlaletics participants, an individual should be cotmted cach time he or she participates on a team

, Forexample, if l'ane Doe competes on the varsity volleyball team, the junior varsity volleyball team, t'he jtmior varsitybaskdball team, atld the vavsity sol-tball team , she should be cotmted as fotw patiicipatlts (do Itot include dub orlntram ural sports particlpants, cheerleaders, dancc teams, or pom sqads). Calculate the same way for boys and

* ddition should 81 grade students and below play ort a Freshman, Jllnior Varsity, or Varsity team theygirls. 111 a ,

should also be cotmted for each tennn an.d sport on which they partidpate. If applicabte, please asterisk the aboveth d tuderds & below are i'nctuded in tlle totals

. Using the same procedure, detennincnotation as to how mally 8 gra e sthe total number of interscholastic atllletic participanls that are boys, (and place in Row 2, Cottmm 3). Add Row l ,Colllm'n 3 plus Row 2, Coltkam 3 to get total participants atld place in Row 3

, Colunm 3.



Calculate the percentage of femnle participation. (Row 1, Colllmn 3 divided by Row 3, Column 3 and place in Row l ,Colllnm 4

.)Calculate the percentage of male participation. (Row 2, Colurzm 3 divided by Row 3, Coltunn 3 a'nd ptace in Row 2,Colllrnn 4.) Note: Row 1, Colunm 4 plus Row 2, Colunm 4 should total 1009$.

Note'. W hile being within three percent is not a fonnal compliance standard; if the percent listed in Row 1, Column 4 is

within 3% of Row 1, Column 2, thcn it provides a good target within which compliance is likely.

's signature: Date: /-//-54Principal


SUM M AIW PROGRAM CH ART 2Partitipation Opportu itles Test 'I'wo

KHSM'Fprln Tlkev. 9/05

Cohlm n 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 ColumR 5

Num ber Num ber of Number of Number of Percent ofProgm m of Team s P*rtieipants Teams Added Participants Total

. currently Since the Added Slce Participationbeginning of the beginning By Sex AddedO fferedthe 2(*1-2002 of the 2:01- Since tlleSehool Year 2(*2 Szhool beginning of

Year tEe 21*1-2* 2Sehool Year

Gl11I,S Row 1 varsiiy: 6 66 2 12 ',!''

Row 2 j.v.: 3 24 1 6 'Row 3 frosh: 2 15 0 0 :' .


ERow 4 total: 11 185 3 18 t'ôj' '

BOYS Row 5 varsity: 6 80 0 t) ;. . . JRow 6 j.v-: 3 30 0 ()


j.Row 7 frosh: 2 8 0 t) , . . ' io ' :

Row 8 total: 11 118 () () ti:.;k ''




For Coblmn 1, list the number of interscholastic teams offcred for girls aud boys at each compditive level (varsity,junior varsity, and geshmatg. For gkls, tohl each of the entries in Rows 1, 2, alzd 3 iuto Row 4. For boyss tohl Rows5, 6. and 7 into Row 8.For Colllmn 2. list the number of participants at eqch level. For girls, total each of tlle entries in Rows 1, 2, and 3 kitoRow 4. For boys, tOK'II Rows 5, 6, and 7 into Row 8. Note: Thc totals hl Row 4 for girls artd in Row 8 for boys must bethe same as t'he totals in Form T-l, Colllmn 3, Rows 1 and 2 reypectively.For Column 3, list the number of intcrscholastic teamq thnt havo A n added i!l the last tive years at each comm titivelovel. Count each team ndded duling the 5 yqar period only one time. e.g. Girl's junior varsity soccer was added 3years agos cotmt the te,am only once, not 3 times. For girls, total the enkies in Rows 1, 2, alld 3 itlto Row 4. For boys

,total Rows 5, 6, and 7 into Row 3.For Colunm 4. list the numW of participanl that are currently on each level of tlle tenmq that were addal in tlte 1-tive years. If à team was added previoasly but no longe: exists, there aze no cunvnt padicipants to lye added for thatteam. For girlj, total the entries in Rows 1, 2, and 3 into Row 4. For boys, total Rows 5, 6, and 7 into Row 8.For Collltmn 5, calculate the percentage of participants that have been added ill the last Gve yem . For girls, take thenumber itl Colllmn 4. Row 4 atld divide by the ntlmber in Column 2, Row 4. For boys, tak: the nttmber in Column 4.Row 8 and divide it by the number in Coltlmn 2, Row 8.

Note: lf the percentage of cunvnt participants added itl the last 5ve #ears is 25% or veatcr, compliance with test two maybe possible. If less th% 25% , then compliance with test three should be analyzed. CAUTION: 25% is not a formalcompliance standard.

's Signature: Date: Z //- t17Principal

Copyright 199% GA SPOKL%, Jzlc., Title frzze fpentfee Equitys-cialiab. M rights rem Gl.



KHSMFerm T3Rev'. 9/05

Pare lon Opportlmi:es TG Thra


' 112 IIE;':CIIL-- 1881k !l!l!$Il5i)k! 4k!h!I)l- EIEEIC dt:El'F -!i'!' 111;k1 ; !r! jrlrkrrjjjjr:! r!I)I j

@es I No) ë;I,',)!).ri,k.!ëk!I,I)Ià!ly!r (Yes 1 No)-1 I L( ; r )1 ) )) )i I à! rlqi ki i

1. For a sport not currently played at the interschelastic Ievel No lyt'rjj'j'iyltljt'lr N@' nior varsi , or fresllman in our school is there an F,!ëië!ïlqlë!';!'ël'I!'ët!,i$r(varsi , u . ,

' intramural team offered for that sport? jl?l'ltiill',lllllll!ll:iEiljiëiqErEi iEj:j jb7 j j j jj jpillllillrjlirl xo2. For a sport not eurrently offered in your interscholao c No jjrjjjjjjjjjjj; r: i jrjy:yjathletics projram, is tbere sumcient interest to form a viable Ejlyljjljlllr;il $Illl)!klIqJ!Il:F:lintersclolne't team based on particlpatlon on an intramural F,rj,r,j,ij,q,,igi.

- tlon teams? 'rijEriëziis'l''à'trki'j'y'jErteD ()r Commtlmty rec4'eâ ( jljjjttlj;;:

ë!)qr!IE!!I'iri!lllttr j, jt xo3. F@r a spgrt not currendy teered, is there suo cient inteeest, Yes tjjyilyyjtjj)

Student lnterest Survey, to form a llllllij'tjtllll)based on your most recent r jGirls Soccer jjljrjqrjlyjviable interseholaec team based on student responses from the ryjjiyjjyjyFIl ! I ( jy jj jyy y rj yyintersclolastic sarvey? If yes, what sport? *see yljllyj,j j; jrl) r lq i Iq'I1l F l$!i r! - !Attached j jjl !1 ! 14 ! I , ! 11 i I 11 i ! ) ; ;(IEL

./ 41,,11;11:41!, 117, jEjgjyjkjlltjlqyjljgjjlyp!;!à!4!é!ilài;à)!!I;yi2

4. For a syort cttrreltly ofered at the varslty level enly, is there No ))j))'jy));l'jiEjj)'j)!jql) No) rl Trsaœeient mterest, based on your most recent Student lnterest ltjlltljjjl(llj!!!;-T! !1 ;!!;;!;r!!Survey

, to form a viable team for a junior varsity or freshman l , rljjyyjjjrilllëllji )yj jyyjryjjjteam lllnt is not currently (Xered? jrrjttj): jii ; r à, ; r; ri rIjrljlljj j xo5. F0r a sport currently olered at the junibr vesity or freshman No rjjyjtjjyjjlgrjjj

Ievel is there suNeient interesh bmqed on your most reeent Illllllhjrtlllilj! 1( rtTI ( r!) ! i 11 l)d ; (1 ))jSludextt lnterest Survey, te fqrm a varsity team not currently (jjjjjj:i 2,

7! l LI ! y! Ig y rj j yyrj jjrjj jolered? jyyjjyj- ! ! ! k! I r! li E- 21 iq ! ); r!I!I. j ' è No6. If you answered YES te questinn (1), (z), (3), (*, or (5), are Yes (jyltjlljjjjjthere enougb Mgh scbools in your geograpMc area olering the llllllrtij/llll

. jlylyrjryllyrkyrltjlyrjjsport (at the approprilte Ievel) to allow f0r the development of a j rjjyjjjljjyiràlr ! r j )reasonable schedule ef eompetition? jljyjjrjjjjjj

M ndPZ

èopyript 1999. (ièdsporta, znc., titu J-taoftlezx/erzr- w specialistx. All rtgltts reservu.

at O ppoo% e:* $

,T êF>< m

. . '



?(5 txx<c/r Tie N

M cl/enm Coanty Boatd of Education283 Main Strect * P. 0. Box 245 @ Calhoun, Ketltucky 42327

(270) 273-5257 * Fax (270) 273-5259

August 28, 2006


Otis Griffin, Jr.Chaîrman

William LovellD'ce Chairman

Rodney Howard

Wendell Millcr

Lan'y Boucher, Assistant CommissionerKentucky High School Athletic Association2280 Executive DliveLexington, KY 40505

Dear A ssistant Commissioner Bcmcher,

This letter is in reference to ottr phone call earlier today. It is mydesire to explain why the interest in girl's soccer indicated in previousEarl sonoy

superkntenden, surveys has not been noted, w e recor ize aztd will continue to monitorJudy Brown campbell interest in girl,s soccer. It is m y belief that M ct-ean county Higla school

h t f tlu'ee Participation Opportunity lnterest Tests an.d isInstructional Supenlisor RS me One Oooorah oe zvrmond Compliant in regards to male versus female ùlterscholastic athleticDirector oflodeval ProgramsRichard EddsDfrecfor ofvspecial Education

opportunities. W e began girl's volleyball four years ago in an attemptto provide our female sttldent athletes with more opportunities ininterscholastic athletics.

Andy GrovesDirector q/- Facllities w e are currently in the process of renovating ot'lr track andDavid stokes tennis faeilities along with the visitot's football bleaehers and thoseF'nance Of/îccr ts hopefully will not exceed $120

,000.00. W e have been approvedprojecVicki Huahes by the petltucky Depattment of Eduoation to utilize unused Capital

Director ofschool Food Drvfcc,g Outlay funds for those projeets and the amotmt of funding we haveSt

eve Riggs gable is $120 000.09. W e struggle to adequately maintain theDirector Ap

,/up/'l Personnel/Transportaqhx 'various sports that we now provide for ou.r student athldes. W e havenoted çiyes'' on the Accornmodation of Intercsts and Abilities SummarvProgram Chart 3 to question #3. Sinc,e we feel we are in gompliatwe,and we stnlggle tinancially to properly fund existing athletic offerings

, Irespodfully request consideration be givon that we not offer girl'ssoccer at M oLean Comlty High School.

1 urge you to contact me should you have concerns or questionsrelating ttl this issue and athletic offerings at Mclvean County HighSchool. W e strive to be good members of the Kentucky High SchoolAthletic Association and want to conduct ou.r athletic program w ithinthe guidolines a'ad regulatilms of the KHSAA . I appreciate m uattention, coopcration, and concer!z with this issue.


Earl Melloy

The Mctman Cottnty Board of Edtlcalion provides equal educational and employment opportunities and does nôt discrimknateon the basis ot race, colof' nationa! oricin. ace, relicion. marital status. sex or disablinc conditdon.

ICHSMForm T4Rev. 9/05



Levelq of Compdition Test One

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3Team Num ber of Team s Num ber ef Pereentage of

Girls Levels Currently Offered Participants Partieipants at EachLevel

Row 1 varsity: 6 66 63

Row 2 j.v.: 3 24 23

Row 3 frosh: 2 15 14

. v u f . j =-yjq jjq ' ? kKà r j: q '. o $' - .A ;, . ' p . ) >Row 4 total: '. , , .. R )''' o... ) - k ., ' 105 . . . ' 7: - .J f .stjj.. .. . . -

' f *' ) ' , v < - .!j . ..,. ..'. r w%.) '- . p q ' .

' .. z 'L -. -'f

j wr . . . . , ..yz. ' . 7 - ' , .

. -.g: . vwyy- '.k,....y yg . .z 'j;. . , ,

. .

, . , .

.. . . ,

. /

. . . .

. .

Bo sRow 5 varsity: 6 80 68

Row 6 j.v.: 3 30 25

Row 7 frosh: 2 8 7

-. . - . t y . . , . . . gyRow 8 total: r. ' - . ï . 118 , n

.. ' ' . ' .

1) Coltlmn 1. list the number of intptwholasb'o teams ofercd for girls and %ys at each oompetitlv' e level;varsitys junior varsity, and fresbman. (Refer to Form TQ, Accommodation of lntemsts and Abilities,Sulmmaty Program Chart 2, Column 1.)

2) For Coldzmn 2. list tlle tttmtber of participants at pach lovol. For gids, total the entries in Rows 1, 2, and 3into Row 4. Fo# M ys, total the entries in Rows 5, 6, >4 7 into Row 8. (Refer to F0rm T-2,Accommodation of Interests and Abilitiess Summary Program Chart 2, Colllmn 2.)

. k3) For Colllmn 3. calculate tlze percerttage of fcmale arld male partwlpants at each levol.

For gixls' varsity,junior varsity. and &oshs mspectively:* Divide Colunm 2, Row 1 by Colunm 2, Row 4, and place the percen/ge in Colunm 3, Row 1.* Divide Colunm 2, Row 2 by Colttmn 2, Row 4, and place the percentge in Cohpmn 3, Row 2.* Divide Column 2, Row 3 by Column 2, Row 4, and placele m mentage in Coblmn 3, Row 3.@

For boys' varsiy junior varsity artd frosh, respectively:* Divide Cobzmn 2, Row 5 by Column 2, Row 8, alld place the m roentage itl Colurnn 3, Row 5.* Divide Coltunn 2, Row 6 by Colllmn 2, Row 8s nrul plxe tlle Ix.mentage in Colllmn 3, Row 6.* Divide Colunm 2, Row 7 by Column 2, Row *, and plae.- the percenhge in Cobzmn 3, Row 7.

Prineipalgs Signature: Date: -

Copyright 1999, Good Sports, Jpc., ntle .av and Geptfer Equity Srccftz/tça. AlI rights reaerpez

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.- .K M d * > : w d w mw Z wk 8 Q '> - . o o x k3 > 1 X 3 > 2 m e m % >o > 'c %< A m -0

2005-2006 IW ISAA TITLE IX ATH LETICS-AUDIT- yormw lChecldist - Overall lnterscholastic Athletics Prozram Rev. 9'05

DIRECTIONS..For the Areas of Compliance (Oppnrtunities and Benefits) listed on the Ieft hand side of the page, placea checkmarlt under the appropriate column ideutifying whether yoar school provided an advantage tothe Girls' Program, or to the Boys' Prtlgram or to Neither Program .


Copyright 1999, Good Sports, lnc., Title IX and Gender Equity Specialists. A1l rights rcserwed,

1tEva b. 1j ! % % o rz ''>

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y fht 2(it Fipà 5:59 rt àtbt,ti; àstûsl; ti9 h


Summary of Student Responses

KHSAAFonn T63Rev. 9/05

tc-. r'T osonh--v /V,', ) f ckoo 1Schoql Name: c.

schoalxuronment. j$ 'k (sl.lousoacln-sswlvulvopxlrsl)oate: :$ . a A - on

completed sy: iik /(?, 1,n' g - - - -. -


Interest Surveys Fonn T-61 by listing the total numberof responses on tht line next to ,each s 0rt.


2. Under the Other Category please provide a listing of the sports as well as the number ofstudents who are interested in participating


Please sign and date this Summazy Form (T-63) and mail this Sllmmary Fotml only to theKHSAA by April 15, 2006. Do not mail the student surveys tFonn T-61). How ever, theseForm s should be m aintained in your 5les in the event they are requested subsequently


1. Summ arize the Student Athletics

Y7/ xumber of surveys5q 3 Total Rettunled (A minimum of80% return is expccted)T- 1 t Grades Surveyed (Should bc grades 9-11 and X grade fschool has afeeder system)

How Was The Survey Administered? lh p1&[email protected] - - -

(e.g. was it given in all English clasdes, t)r >ll home rooms, or advisee/advisor?)

K HSAA Sanctioned Fall Sports/J Cross Cotlntry (Gir1s)lo Crojs Cotmtry (Boys)f zl Football (Boys)13 Golf tGirlsl2 O Golf (Boys)Lf 3 Soccer (Gir1s)2 % Soccer (Boys)S'j Volleyball (Gir1s)

(List Total Number ofpartl'cijpation Responsesj

Summary Page No, 1

W inter Sport (List Total Numberbl 7 Basketball (Gir1s) X participation Xcxçrtlziqvcxç)

-7 '.) Basketball (Boys)p-3 Indoor Track (Gir1s)Ah lndoor Track (Boys)5 -/ Swimming & Diving (Gir1s)l 4 Swimming & Diving (Boys)

.3 t. Wrestling (Boys)

Spring Sport (Ligt Total Number ofparticipation Responsegj

t'lçf Baseball (Boys)5 J Fast Pitch softball (Girls)o k Slow Pitch softball (Gir1s) ,3 J? Tennis (Gir1s)a A Tennis (Boys) ;

raC lr S

.l; a Track (Boys)

Non-ltllsau Sanctioned Sports (From Student Suntey T-6l Question 10)

) l ,$ Ayclaeryxo Field Hockey1 tIF SoWlingo Boys' Gymnasticsb. Girls' Gylnnastics54 Ice Hockey3 h Boys' Lacrosseap Girls' Lacrosse-73 Rifleû Rodeoho Boys' VolleyballR'a W ater Polo7 Lf Weightlifting

Number of Students who participate in Intram ural Sports

(From xvrz/lEvi/ Sun'ey T-6l Question 5)

s- p ort N umb erB ., .v ?v% F . /

Summ ary Page No. 2

List Intramural Sports students are interested ln adding:(From Student skrvcy T-6l Question 6)

Sport Number

/J.+ t: l 7

S ' ' 0

Participation in Npn-school Sports Activities(From Student skrpc.y T-61 Question 7)

Snort NumberX / 2 7

S o c l

j j pjK G

f . ? 3

Reastm s for not participating in interscholastic athletics(From sbza'ty Question 8)

. .2-% Iprefer other activities such as band

, chorus, etc.i 7 ldon't have tim ezê The practice schedulesand gamt times are inconvenîent1% R'he sport I like isn't offeredj j' Tt's too expensive3 Iprefer to participate in club or intramural sports

.5 $ Working52 Othet:

As r/ka,,-r'&A>,,, Dea '/- Ll1'. s'sa./x,, o //.,

Student Suggestions to encourage participation

1- ess >,'- e- i'n e- l..w.lY u

W,,0 svur+,w z, ./c'Rgg .- r.eaw-d'a v

- - - -

F - z z. -o GPrincipal's Signa e Date

Summary Page No. 3

at O ppoo% zyJ: T

oT %b . .

'N li1t.

?t) %m%*' The N

pLM cLesn County Bonrd of Education

283 Main Street * P. 0, Box 245 * Calhoun, Kentucky 42327

(270) 273-5257 * Fax (270) 273-5259

August 28, 2006

A t h= G - G G

BOARD OF SDUCATIONOtis Griffin, jtzChairman

'Willialn Lovell'Vice C/ztzîrazfzp

Larry Boucher, Assistant Com missionerKentucky High School Athletic Association2280 Executive DriveLexington, KY 40505

Rodney HowardDear A ssistant Commissioner Boucher,

Earl M elloySupenhtendeht

Judy Brown CampbellInstructioaal s'lwcrvùnpr

Deborah De ArmondDirector ofFederal ProsrramsRichard EddsDirector ofspecial Education

This letter is in reference to our phone call earlier today. lt is mydesire to explain why the interest in girl's soccer indicated in previoussurveys has not been noted. W e reoognize an.d will continue to monitorinterest in girl's soccer. lt is m y belief that M utvean County High Sohoolhas m et one of three Pm icipation Opportunity Interest Tests and iscompliant in regards to m ale versus fem ale interscholastic athleticopportunities. W e began girl's volleyball four years ago in an attemptto provide our female student athletts with more opportunities ininterscholastic athletics.

Andy Ciroves

Director t?f Facilities W e aro cuaently in the PI-OCCSS Of f ellovating Otlf tfack andDavid stokes telmis facilities along with the visitor's football bleachers and thoseFinance O'ccr projects hopefully will not exoeed $120,000.00. W e have been approvedVicki Hughes by the Itentucky Departm ent of Eduoation to utilize unused CapitalDirector çtfschool Food Services ja jruujju

.g we jjaveOutlay funds for those projeds and the amount oSteve Riggs ailable is $ 120 000 00 w e struggle to adequately maintain theZJV y . .Director Pupil Personnel/Transportatîon

various sports that we now provide for our student athletes. W e havenoted ttyes'' on the Accomm o---dation of lnterests atzd Abilities Sllm mat'yProgrnm Chart 3 to qttestion #3. Since we feel w e are in complimwe,and we struggle tinancially to properly fund existing athletic offerings, 1respectfully request considetation be given that w e not offer girl'ssoccer at MeLeatl County High School.

I ttrge you to contact me should you have concerns or questionsrelating to this issue and athletic offedngs at M ctvean County HighSchool. W e strive to be good members of the Kentucky High SchoolAthletic Association and w arit to conduct ottr athletic program withinthe guidelines and regulations of the KHSA A. 1 appreciate youat4ention, cooperation, and concern with this issue.


Earl M elloy

The McLean County Board of Educafon pfovides equaf educational and employment opportunities and does not discriminateon the basis of race, color, national originj age, religion, marital status, sex or disabling condition.

, z z Kentucky High School Athletic Association*ï.*c.-?<#5e,a;jk.j;y.,p:q$:t!g:* 2280 Executive Drive '' Lexington, KY 40505 $' www,khsaa-org t' (859)259-5472 (258)208-5900 (fax)


Superintendent, Principalr and Athletic DirectorMcl-ean County High School

Brigid L. Devries, CommissionerLarry Boucher, Assistant Comm issioner

July 28, 2006



* . . . '

Enclosed please find a copy of Form T-65, the 2005-2006 KHSAA Title IX Annual RenortSubmission Status Repoft. In addition, you may find an attachm ent with corrected copies of theforms submitted by your school personnel. Please review this information so the forms can becompleted accurately in the future.

Also, KHSAA Audit Team Members may have requested resubmission of some of the2005-2006 Annual Repod Forms or need additional information on your athletic programs.Please submit this inform ation by the date reqeested îf this is applicable. Copies and aII KHSAATitle IX documents must be kept current and included in your permanent Title IX File at theschool. AIl documents are subject to Open Records Requests.

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to call anytime.



KHSAAForm T65 Reuised W05

TO: KHSAA Member School Superintendents, Principals, and Athletic Directors

FROM: Brigid L, Devries, CommissionerLarry Boucher, Assistant Commissioner

DATE: 7/27/2007

t7 Oo Mcl-ea n Count evlewe y Martha Mullins

The following is a status repod regarding the required 2005 - 2006 Title IX Annual Reportsubmission of forms due into the KHSAA ofice by Apsil 15, 2006. Appropriate KHSAA Audit Teampersonnel have reviewed these forms and the following is a summary of this review.

Checklist of Forms properly submitted in a satisfactory manner:

GE 19 Annual Verification X 7--35 Bud et Ex ensesX T-1 (Summary Program Chad 1) X 1--36 (Budget Expenses)X T-2 Summa Pro ram Chad 2 X T-41 Checklist - Overall Interscholastic Pro ram

T-3 Summa Pro ram Chart 3 X T-60 Corrective Action PlanX T-4 Summa Pro ram Chart 4 X T-63 Interscholastic Surve Results

I I . StatusA. 2005 - 2006 Forms are satisfactory and no fudher information or action is necessary at

this time.B. X Errors have been noted with respect to the following forms:

The boxes on the Ieft margin of form GE-19 were not checked; signature date wasomitted. Please resubmit GE-19 b Se tember 15, 2006 with corrections.

C. The followin forms were omitted and must be submitted b school re resentativeszD. X Other Recommendation and Comments:

lt is recommended that student representation be added to the Gender Equity ReviewCommittee. Please resubmit form T-3 with an explanation of why the interest in girls'soccer was not noted. Because this interest has been indicated on the student interestssurvey for several years, please Iist it on the Corrective Action Plan, form T-60 for 2006-2007. Forms 7--35 and 7--36 indicated a diffrential of eight percent between the ratio ofparticipation and the allowcation fo funds between the sexes. The figures indicated that$741 was spent per male athlete as opposed to $526 per female athlete, a $214dif-rerential. A standard benchmark that has been used to accom modate differencesamong spods is $100, School personnel should continue to monitor spending to ensureno ender bias is involved.

2:95-29:6 xlxwvcxv luGu scuooL A'TutxTlc kssoclv lox 'olsxx. -ji j. F'or Gjjyk .i - ., ANNUAL VERIFICATION OF TITLE LX PROCEDURES ev

hdei/liysrbit.ltiktkalckta (T: be submitted l)y April 15, 2006 along with other requited formsl

'rhe c I-eaq f eo.aq by - High school, C ,a, l t'uz-,q , Kentuckytwame of High school) (city)

certifies to the Kentuck'y High School Athletic Association that the following is an accurate and true representation of thefacts smw unding compliance with 20 U.S.C. Sections 168 1-1688, et. Seq. (also known as Title IX) .

l certify the following prdvisions in accordanee withTitle IX tile, and to the best of m y knowledge havechecked).

ID Established a gertder eqktity cornmittee at the high

records at the school contained in the perm anentcompleted the following tasks (All boxes must be

school. (list comrnittee personnel and provide atachment ifnecessary)

Name Address Phone Title..

- 1* 7 aJ t e JleNe >'&îo e a , :.p -. . , g'r t .z. -a/d .-qstst . '

,Aevou.a .. sc 'rw ca p , Jbsonu c. z/ k ô > cp -saz -tv s o.#'. r-x .<.u . ), / /# &aJ t'i' 41.35-: v, - qç -4 770 y:y . i 6,.c,4

e. zfa.s- Jlne ''vcrmzre k' Y sdzas-'t -?, - k 7 / - . cauc,,. 15 st l 7 q à/ xq f'f q'Ja 7 'Ai: - k-t.b ' '367 .3aov.

u---l.p . Aoke.h/ z? 9 :.-/:./...4.,: pr.e: ' L lvcr-o.x . K'Y q.u 6 ). Azo - k 7: -,kzl-fN Sc-qeé

Scheduled a minimum of three meetings duricg the 2005-2006 schooi year on the following dates:'

. .A, ; e -> k -- 5 Q o-o 5- - -A .' '

1 '2d:' 7 2 Rt$; 't-

.. . -..J

EEI Desigcated the following personts) as the Title LX coordinator for the school:

vcor, ' .. .b-$60 #%/Y':1 S. 1.... t'f @157 l A-to - -J3t - .5'% ? d/uName Title V Address Phone

EEl Designated the following personts) as the Title IX eoordinator for the district:

E.cbr / As/ 5 ' eo eo / a.v, %c. fu R5o c-/l'ev..a, /t î' ./2.5:-/ avo - R.-?;3 - 55- a -?Name Title Address phone

E1 School persormel are continuing to rzzake peziodic revicws of ti:e bojrs' and girls' athletics pregram reflectedin t'he Corrective Aetion Plan..U In addition to the above information

, the above referenced school maiatains a complete permanent tile relativeto Title TX rccords including copics of the self-assessment audit

, a1l corrcctive action plans, and othtx relatedmaterials.

Jpd ' 20P ' al's Sign re Da

A. <

. #Supermtende t Signature ool B C a rper s Si nature

('Sentl tiginzl copy to KHSAA - abfaîntain duplîcate ' îtln 1 er)



KHSAAForm T1Rev. 9/05

Partici ation O ortunities Test One

(Column 1) (Column 2) tcoltzmn 3) (Column 4)

Program Enrellm ent Percentage of Number of P, ercentage of

Total lnterscholastic TotalEnrollm ent Participants Participation

(double andtriple count)

Row 1 GIRLS 222 48 105 47

Row 2 BOYS 240 52 118 53


ow o a s o 23 100 0/o

lnstzucticms: ANtlmber of Sti' grade students & below used in dolumn 3and Column 4 calcuiations ifapplicable: 49

Detenmine t'he total number of girls ertrolledy' (place in Row 1, Colutzm l ).Determine the tctal number of boys enrolled, (place in Row 2, Coltlmn l).

Add the total munber of girls and boys earollect to determine totat enrollment, (place in Row 3, Coluznn l).

Calculate the percentage of total enrollment that is female. (Divide Row i, Column 1 by row 3, Coltmm 1 and placein Row 1, Coltuzm 2.) Calcttlate the percentagc of tot:tl enrollment that is mair. (Divide Row 2, Colunm 1 by Row 3,Coluznn 1 a'nd place in Row 2, Column 2.) Note: Row l , Column 2 plus Row 2, Colunm 2 should total 100%.

Ask the head coaehes to review the most updated eligibility or squad lists tbr their teams. Ask coaches to zonfirm thenames of those individuals who are on thc team as of the f'irst date of competition, and cross out the names of thosewho were cut from the team or quit the team prior to the first competitive event. Deternaine tlae total number ofinterscholastic atïetios participants that arc girls, (and place in Row 1, Columu 3). lla order to detennine the totalnumber of athletics participants, an individual should be counted each time i)e or she participates on a team. Forexample, if Jane Doe conzpetes on the varsi'ty volleyball team , the junior varsity volleyball team, the junior varsitybasketball team, and tlw varsity softball team, she shoulct be cotmted as four participants (do not include club orintramural sports participants, cheerleaders, dance teams, or pom sqads). Calculate the san)e way for boys andl * 1 ddition should 8th de studeats atzd below play on a Freshlzta'n

, Junior Varsity or Varsity teain theygir s. n a , gza , ,

should also be eounted for each team and sport on which they pal4icipate. If applicable, please astelisk the abovetlL -notation as to how many 8 grade students & below are indtzded in the totals. Usirzg the same procedtu'e, determlne

the total number of interscholastie athletic paticipants that are boys, (and place in Row 2, Colutnn 3). Add Row 1,Colurnn 3 plus Row 2, Colulun 3 to get total participazlts an.d place in Row 3, Collznm 3.

Calctklate the percentage of femate participation. (Row l , Colunm 3 divided by Row 3, Coltlnm 3 and place itl Row 1,Coltunn 4.) .Calculâte the percentage of male participation. (Row 2, Column 3 divided by Row 3, Columr 3 and ptace in Row 2,Collmm 4.) Note: Row 1, Colunm 4 plus Rcw 2, Coluum 4 should total 100%.

Note: W hilr being within three percent is not a formnl eomplialzce standard; if the pereent listed in Row 1, Coluizm 4 is

within 3% of Row 1 , Colurnm 2. then it provides a good target within wltich compliance is likely.

Principal's Signature: ' Date:'

/ (


SUM M ARY PROGVAM CHART 2Paruèioaloa Opportanities Testw o

KHSAAPorm T2Rev. 9/05

Colnmn 1 Column 2 Colnmn 3 Columxl 4 Colamx 5

Number Number of Number of Number of Percent ofProgm m of Team s Partidpants Teams Added Partidpants Total

Sinee the Added Sinee ParticipationCarrentlybegilming of the beginnixg By Sex AddedOfferedthe 21401-2t*2 of the 20:1- Since theSchool Year 2002 School beginning of

Year tlke 2001-2t*2School Year. . .2 . . jg ( ..; . ; .. . , . ... .,. ..jjj ,,,,qjj , .; .:q . y . ,.. . . :;..r; ...

. ...: . .; s j . ... q; .,,, .;3L g.11:1111117' 111111 '1i1F1;1l!! '1116'' .d 11111111 l11IEiEi11L..d1((lII'%'1i;!11ii''' 1111L.. ''IIIJ'''IIISIIL. lllpr'' 1!111. liii.'l!l;l:!!i!''' ::: 1111511 dll!iiik illliiik 15E1!!l' ..IIL.. ...1::k' '' 5. '','. ' t'L.' k) ..':. .j' '' i, , 'i.. k.(:, ... '', '..è ' E 2.j'.( ,1 .:, .: r,',.( .. ! t.r

(IIETOw (::1!:- tjii -v . ::: :2511; (::1!2 .$111- (11- iiësik -. '. : ..,@1..: - .:7.., : -i ?!'. ' .E.. .: . . . '.' :E ! ,'.....:.:.. : . .. -..E .... , . . r ë.. .. (. . . .... . : . : . .... .

.q .L. 7'( . ,.L'6 y ( .ï) ,..y. . .rj .q:., ... q:k. 2 j k. . : . k y . ,:. . .iltkow ti!!i ElE'ilr-o ,!; 11:1k :: :;): (11. tfisi 41118 dlllh . ' . ';. k. !.... .;f ,.. . .. .Eu.;,. : ...L. ..( :

Row 4 total: 11 105 3 18 1#

. . '!...( .'E '. ( : (.7:2(. '..:. ..:'7. ' . . .. . 'EE.. )BOYS Row 5 varsity: 6 80 0 0 E k, , : : k. , ,t,



i' . .


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.! ' 2






. ,

R 6 j v : 3 30 0 0 !,:' (, E k' ,E j' ' EOW . . . . . . . y, ,..... ,. . .

, . ' . . . ..:. .. . .. . .

': .. ' .

I ! .y. . . . , . . .:j : .(IIEFiIZL.'ISI''-'Ii,!i?-' ,7:;'' lllq-ll!r- dl: 1!1;. lilEll. :: :::!!7 11111; fll 41E118 E t . ''.-.' . : . ... E '.:'.L '' . .': .

''' ' ' . . ) ' k.' ' . ' ' ' '''. . '



. .






. . .












ii . :




' . '




Row 8 total: 11 118 0 0 0

For Column 1, list the rmmber of intcrscholastic teams offered for girls and boys at each competitive level (varsity,junior varsity, and freshmanl. For gkls, to'tal each of the entries itl Rows 1, 2, and 3 into Row 4. For boyss total Rows5, 6, and 7 into Row 8.For Column 2, list the number of participants at each level. For girls, to'tal each of the entries ilz Rows 1, 2, a'nd 3 kttoRow 4. For boys, totxl kows 5, 6, and 7 into Row 8. Note: The tools i'n Row 4 for girls and in Row 8 for boys must bethc same as the totals in Form T-1, Column 3, Rows 1 and 2 respectively.For Colunm 3, list the number of interscholastic teams that have been added in the last five years at each competitivelevel. Count each team added dtuing the 5 year period only one time. e.g. Girl's jtmior vazsity soccer was added 3years ago, count the team only once, not 3 times. For girls, toul the entries in Rows 1, 2, and 3 into Row 4. For boys,total Rows 5, 6, and 7 into Row 8.For Colllmn 4, list the number of participalzts that are currently on each level of the teams that were added in the lastfive years. If a team wms added previotlsly but no longer exists, there are no current participants to be added for tilatteam. For girls, total the entries in Rows 1, 2, and 3 into Row 4. For boys, tot.al Rows 5, 6, and 7 into Row 8.For Coblnm 5, calculate the percentage of participants fhat have been added i'n th.e last five years. For gids, take then'lmber in Column 4, Row 4 and divide by the number in Colllmn 2, Row 4. For boys, take the ntzmber in Column 4,Row 8 and divide it by the nllmber in Colurnn 2, Row 8.

N oter lf the percentage of currcnt participants added in the last five years is 25% or greater, compliance with test two maybe possible. lf less than 251$, then compliM ce with test three should be analyzed. CAUTION: 25% is not a formalcompliance Kfondard.

, /- g/- ooPrincipal s Signaturc! , . Date:

Copydght 1999, Goodsports, JFlc.. Title R 'JnJ GenderEquît.v s'//crjtffstg. A11 rights reselwed.



ICHSMForm 13Rev- 9/05

Participation Opportuxities Tcxst n ree



(Yes / No) (Yes / No)

1. For a sport not eurrently played at tl:e interseholastk level no no

intramural team offered for that sport?

2. F4)r a sport not currently offered in your interscholastic no noathletks program, is there sufxkient interes: to form a viableinterseholastic team based on partkipadon on an intramuralteam or com m unity recreation team s?

3. F@r a sport not currently offered, is there seflcient inteM t, no xobased on your most reeent Student Intere-st Sarvey, to form avipble interscNolastic team based on student responses from theintencholastie suw ey? lf yes, what sport?

4. For a sport currently offered at the varsity level only, is there no lmsum clent interest, based ol ytjur mos: recent Stxdent InterestSun-ey, to form a viable team for a junior varsity or freshman4-..am Ahat is not currently offered?

5. For a sport currently offered at the junior varsity or fresiman nq nolevel is there sutMeient interest, bœsed on your most recentStudent Interest Survey, to form jl varsity team no: eurrentlyoffered?

6. If you answeted YES 4o question (1% (2)y (3), (4), or (O, arelhere enough high schools in your geograpbie area olering thesport (at the appropriate level) to allow for the developmen: of areastmable schedule of eompetition?

iucipal's signatwre: - r.3 Ihte: U-Z/-J 6Pr

Copyright 1999, Goodsports, Inc., I'itle JA-J/J Gender A'çulf.y Speciahàta. .A11 rights reselved.

KHSMForm T4Rev. 9/05



Levels of Competltion Test One

Colum n 1 Colum n 2 Colum n 3Team Number of Team s Num ber of Pereentage of

Girls Levels Currently Offered Participants Participants at EachLevel

Row 1 varsity: 6 66 63

Row 2 j.v.: 3 24 23

Row 3 frosh: 2 15 14

Row 4 total: 11 : :. 'L 105 : i ' ,EE ,100% '; : 7 : '. . . :' . . . ' ' !.. . . . rj''. .. ' .. ,,

' . .: . :' . .


L y .. .: LjLï:.. ...''!- (g -.,.. (,.y ..j... ;. . :..t .: .ë ': , 2y.r--t ,. '


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5 k q .. . . . ... ( ' ' . ' , . . . .: ! . . .! . . , : . . . . . : . . , , . . . , : : ..... ., 2 ) ., ,..y .. Eq . .

Bo sRtlw 5 varsity: 6 80 68

Row 6 j.v.: 3 30 25

Row 7 frosh: 2 8 7

Row 8 total: 11 :ë ,' ' E ,: ' ,, :( 118 ,' 100% : i 1 t :.

.. .- (.- q ' -: .' - . :E . ;.,L.L - . ë ... .... '. ( :'. ' .,- ..- . .(. .' .., : -

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, .












. .


. .






t) Column 1, list the number of interscholastic teams offered for girls and boys at each competitive level;varsity, junior vai-sity, and freshman. (Refer to Form T-2, Accommodation of laterests and Abilities,Stmunmy Program Chart 2, Coiunm 1.)

2) For Column 2, list the number of participmzts at each level. For girls, total the entries in Rows 1, 2, and 3into Row 4. For boys, total thé entries in Rows 5, 6, and 7 into Row 8. (Refer to Form TQ,Accommodation of Interests atld Abilities, Summary Progc,tm Chart 2, Colanm 2.)

3) For Colurnn 3, calculate tb.e percentage of female and male participR ts at each level.For girls' varsityrjunior vrsity, and frosh, respectively: . .* Divide Column 2, Row 1 by Column 2, Row 4, arld place the percentage in Colunm 3, Row 1.@ Divide Colllnm 2, Row 2 by Celllmn 2, Row 4, arid place the percentage ill Column 3, Row 2.e Divide Column 2, Row 3 by Column 2, Row 4, and place the percentage in Coitmm 3, Row 3.@

For boys' varsity, junior varsity, and frosh, respcctiveiy:@ Divide Column 2, Row 5 by Colttmn 2, Row 8, and place the percentage ilz Colunm 3, Row 5.

Divide Column 2, Row 6 by Column 2, Row 8, and place the percentage i'n Colnmn 3, Row 6.Divide Colunm 2, Row 7 by Cohlmn 2, Row 8, and place the m mentage in Column 3, Row 7.

a sigxawze: --, oate: /- //- t7&erineîpal s

Copyrîght 1999, Good Sports, /1zc., Title J-Y and Gender a'Qipj.jz Spccîalists. azl# rights rcxczwdl

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2005-2006 KHSAA TITLE IX ATITLETICS AUDIT OOKJZAJChecldist - Overall lnterseholastic Athletics Proaram R'V' 705

DIRECTIONS:For the Areas of Compliance (Opportuttities and Benetïts) listed on the Ieft haxld side of the page, plattea checkm ark ander the appropriate column identifying whether your school provided an advantage tothe Girls' Program, or to the Boys' Program or to Neither Program.

. %

Copyrigbt 1999, Good uîhors'r lnc-, Title IX ancl Gencler fkflftp â'pecizzlists. A1l rights reserved.

2 ! t o o = ''-. x : a = +. 1 Z- x wt n* = d >= * kz %x > >o o l = u$ > >

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rgrtk tky dîçi sth rû( ht Ltt tiC à 55Q (iatlz r


Summary of Student Responses

R'HRMFounT53Rev. 9/05

A o legn f a. sv /Y,'.s ) f'o ioa /School Name:schoalEsrollment: q ( 2. (sllotmoAGi'kzB wITI.I l'oltM T-l)

oate: z, . a .) - (:);cpmpleted By: ? ii Ae 1,n' rj

Instructions:1. Sttrnmarize the Student Athletics Jnterest Survsys Fonn T-61by listing the total namber

of res onses on '2. Under the OtherCategory please provide a

students who are interested in participating.

Please sign and date thisKH SAA by ApzilFonns should be m aintained in your files in the event they are requested subszquently


listing of the spol'ts as well as the number of


3, Surnmat'y Form (T-63) and mail this Summaz'y Form ozllv to the15, 2006. Do not mail the student surveys (

.Form T-61). However, these'-

->. Lj'lf Number of Surveys5 q 3 Total Returned (',?I minimum o

-fdp% retulm ï.v expected)g- l l Grades Surveyed (Should be gradês 9-11 and #â rade fschool has afeeder sygtem)g

How Was The Survey Administered? hh mfe-tv mx - -

(e.g. was it given in all English classes, or a.ll home rooml, or advisee/advisor?)

KIISAA Sanctioned Fall Sports (List Total Number ofparticïbation ResponsesjY Cross Côuntry (Girls)Io Cro>s Counlry (Boys): q Football (Boys)/3 Golf (Girls); Golf (Boys)'

Soccer (Gir1s).? f Soccer (Boys)S-j Volleyball (Gir1s)

Summ ary Page No. 1

W inter Sport (List Total Number ofpartic+ation Responses)i-s 7 Basketball (Girls)-1 R Basketball (Boys)/'3 lndoor Track (Gir1s)q lndoor Track (Boys)-7 Swimming & Diving (Girls)p Swimming & Diving (Boys)Q to Wrestling (Boys)

Spring Sport (List Total wvhrzzyc.r ofparticipation Responsep

Dl$ Baseball (Boys)5 3 Fast Pitch Softball (Girls)o '.') Slow Pîtch Softball (Girls)3 ; Termis (Girls)

1 j' Track (Gir1s)..$ 2 Track (Boys)

N On-KH S-A-A Sanctioned Sports (From Student zvfrpc.y T-6l Question l Oj

?? 5 Archezya.n Ficld Hockey/ s/$- Bowlingo Boys' Gynm astîcfsjê Girls' Gyrnnasticss''J 1ce Hockey3 L Boys' Lacrosseo Girls' Lacrosse-? 5 lkifle6 J RodeoA& Boys' VolleyballR'l W ater Polo) Lf Weightliftirlg

Num ber ef Students wh0 partidpate in lntram ural Sports(From Student kvslra'c.v T-6l Question 5)

Sam mal'y Pnge No, 2

List lntramural Sports students are interested in adding:(From Student kskznzcy T-61 Question 6)

Sport Num ber

/Jm sts 3 7S . , t)


Participation in Ntm-school Sports A ctivities(From ,%xlew/ Survey T-61 Qucstion 7)

Sport Num berJw / a 7

S , c l

ol'a / 7sG

ln; t, ?. i - l l -

' 31.

Reasons for not participating i.n interscholastic athletics(From nvldr-pc-v Question /1z)

/î lprefer other activities such as band, chorttsp dc.

/; 7 I don't have tim egt-b The practioe schedules and gam e tim es are inconvenient/% The sport 1 like isn't offereclJ j' It's too expensive3 I prefer to partioipate in club o:r intramural sports5% W orking52 Other:

Nn r'ra .6p.A hà.- ova ':r LêI. .& ,,v.>x. . e 6,.

student Suggestions to cncourage participation

7- ess /V,',? e. '7'n e- Lez/-< u

A/,<. s .o=c+-p m .j:r#

-S.y+-. raw> '' v

y - a a - o GPrincipal's Signa e D


Summary Page Ne. 3