Brit. J. Ophthal. (I974) 58, 823 Intracranial optic nerve angioblastoma F. H. STEFANI AND ELISABETH ROTHEMUND From the University Eye Clinic and the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany Angiomatous tumours causing visual disturbances are well known (Reese, 1963). The tumour may be isolated (mainly in the orbit and choroid), or it may be a manifestation of von Hippel's disease (in the retina and on the optic disc), Sturge-Weber's disease (in the choroid and intracranial), or Coats's disease (in the retina). Angiomatous tumours of the optic nerve are extremely rare. This communication presents an intracranial optic nerve angioblastoma found by chance at necropsy 23 years after the onset of visual dis- turbances which led to unilateral optic atrophy. Case report A 43-year-old man with a history of bronchial asthma, maxillary sinusitis, and osteomyelitis of the femoral bone entered the University Eye Clinic in I949 for investigation of a swollen right optic disc associated with decreasing visual acuity. Headaches and a feeling of pressure in the right eye had been his main complaints in the last 6 months before admission. The visual acuity of this eye had never been as good as that of the left. Ocular examination Visual acuity was 5/35 in the right eye and 5/7 5 in the left. Ophthalmoscopic examination of the right eye showed a swollen disc with an elevation of about 2 D. The visual field in this eye revealed a concentric narrowing without a central scotoma or an enlarged blind spot. The other eye was in all respects within normal limits. General examination The patient had a dental cyst and bronchitis. There were no signs of maxillary sinusitis. Laboratory data The cerebrospinal fluid was normal. A cerebral angiogram was not performed at that time. Diagnosis Suspected retrobulbar neuritis. Clinical course For the next few months there were no changes in the ophthalmoscopic or visual field findings, but relatives later reported that the patient had gone blind in the right eye. Termination In I972, 23 years after the onset of the visual disturbances, the patient died in cardiac failure. During his last illness an ophthalmoscopic examination showed total atrophy of the right optic nerve while the left eye was normal. Necropsy* A tumour of the right optic nerve was noted about 4 mm. in front of the optic chiasm measuring I I X 9 mm. There was marked optic atrophy of the right optic nerve. The surface of the tumour showed tortuous blood vessels (Fig. i, overleaf). No other tumour was found. The right eye showed Address for reprints: Dr. Elisabeth Rothemund, D-8000 Munchen 23, Kraepelinstr. 2, Max-Planck-Institut f.Psych., Germany * This was done at the Institute of Pathology, Stadt. Krankenhaus, Munchen-Harlaching, from where the brain and globe were kindly sent to us for examination. copyright. on November 22, 2021 by guest. Protected by http://bjo.bmj.com/ Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.58.9.823 on 1 September 1974. Downloaded from

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Brit. J. Ophthal. (I974) 58, 823

Intracranial optic nerve angioblastomaF. H. STEFANI AND ELISABETH ROTHEMUND

From the University Eye Clinic and the Max Planck Institute ofPsychiatry, Munich, Federal Republicof Germany

Angiomatous tumours causing visual disturbances are well known (Reese, 1963). Thetumour may be isolated (mainly in the orbit and choroid), or it may be a manifestationof von Hippel's disease (in the retina and on the optic disc), Sturge-Weber's disease (inthe choroid and intracranial), or Coats's disease (in the retina). Angiomatous tumours ofthe optic nerve are extremely rare. This communication presents an intracranial opticnerve angioblastoma found by chance at necropsy 23 years after the onset of visual dis-turbances which led to unilateral optic atrophy.

Case reportA 43-year-old man with a history of bronchial asthma, maxillary sinusitis, and osteomyelitis of thefemoral bone entered the University Eye Clinic in I949 for investigation of a swollen right opticdisc associated with decreasing visual acuity. Headaches and a feeling of pressure in the right eyehad been his main complaints in the last 6 months before admission. The visual acuity of this eyehad never been as good as that of the left.

Ocular examinationVisual acuity was 5/35 in the right eye and 5/7 5 in the left. Ophthalmoscopic examination of theright eye showed a swollen disc with an elevation of about 2 D. The visual field in this eye revealeda concentric narrowing without a central scotoma or an enlarged blind spot. The other eye was inall respects within normal limits.

General examinationThe patient had a dental cyst and bronchitis. There were no signs of maxillary sinusitis.Laboratory dataThe cerebrospinal fluid was normal. A cerebral angiogram was not performed at that time.DiagnosisSuspected retrobulbar neuritis.

Clinical courseFor the next few months there were no changes in the ophthalmoscopic or visual field findings, butrelatives later reported that the patient had gone blind in the right eye.

TerminationIn I972, 23 years after the onset of the visual disturbances, the patient died in cardiac failure. Duringhis last illness an ophthalmoscopic examination showed total atrophy of the right optic nerve while theleft eye was normal.

Necropsy*A tumour of the right optic nerve was noted about 4 mm. in front of the optic chiasm measuringI I X 9 mm. There was marked optic atrophy of the right optic nerve. The surface of the tumourshowed tortuous blood vessels (Fig. i, overleaf). No other tumour was found. The right eye showed

Address for reprints: Dr. Elisabeth Rothemund, D-8000 Munchen 23, Kraepelinstr. 2, Max-Planck-Institut f.Psych., Germany* This was done at the Institute of Pathology, Stadt. Krankenhaus, Munchen-Harlaching, from where the brain and globe were kindlysent to us for examination.

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824 F. H. Stefani and Elisabeth Rothemund

no further pathological changes. The main diagnosis was emphysematous changes of the lungs and

hypertrophy of the heart.Neuropathological examination (E.R.) of the

brain revealed no gross changes except for theoptic nerve tumour.

FIG. I Base of the brain, showing tumourin right optic nerve

Microscopical appearance of the tumour (SN 345/72)Histologically the tumour appeared unencapsulated and to be located mainly within the optic nerve;it occupied almost the whole diameter of the nerve, without extending into the thickened lepto-meninges. There was total atrophy of the right optic nerve (FigS 2 and 3). The highly vascularizedtumour contained clusters of endothelial cells form-ing small spaces (Fig. 4). Silver stains revealed

A.FIG. 2 Section of optic chiasm (Woelckemyelin stain), showing total demyelinationof right optic nerve

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bE - FIG. 3 Low-power view oftumour

(Goldner stain), showing enlargedvessels on surface (a), cysts (b),and cell-rich main tumour mass (c)

a aU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. ::.s. _!. ..X_eai ;=w-FIG. 4 Histological appearance ofm.ai c a Gd n

IFIG. 4 Histological appearance qf main tumour mass with multiple capillaries. Goldner stain. x 130

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826 F. H. Stefani and Elisabeth Rothemund

FIG. 5 Reticulum framework around endothelium-lined blood-filled spaces. Kelemen (197I) reticulin stain.X I30

a framework of reticulum around these endothelium-lined spaces (Fig. 5). In some areas there werelarge swollen cells with vacuolated foamy cytoplasm (so-called pseudoxanthomatous cells). Withinthe tumour there were some cystic spaces filled either with homogeneous slightly eosinophilic materialor with blood. Small amounts of haemosiderin were also observed. The main tumour mass was madeup of capillaries. The architecture of the walls of the larger vessels was variable, as was the diameterof the vessels. Some vessel walls were partly hyalinized. Except for optic atrophy there were no patho-logical changes in the right eye. The histological examination of the brain revealed trans-synapticatrophy in both lateral geniculate bodies in the corresponding cell layers.

DiscussionAngiomatous tumours of the optic nerve are most frequently described in the optic disc(Vogel, I965; Darr, Hughes, and McNair, I966; Walsh and Hoyt, I969; Duke-Elder,197I), and are usually regarded as manifestation of von Hippel's disease. We have foundone report of an intraorbital optic nerve angioma (Schneider, 1942) and one of an intra-cranial optic nerve angioma (Verga, 1930). Both were attributed to von Hippel-Lindaudisease. In fact the case described by Verga (1930) is almost identical with ours. He tooobserved by chance at necropsy an angiomatous tumour about the same size as that inour case and also situated in the prechiasmal portion of the right optic nerve in a patientaged 57 years. According to Roussy and Oberling (1930), Verga called the tumour anangioreticuloma. Reese (I963) classified Verga's case as a capillary angioma. Our obser-vation also suggests a capillary angioma or, according to Stout (I943), Zulch (1956), andBailey and Ford (I942), a haemangio-endothelioma or angioblastoma. The clusters ofso-called pseudoxanthomatous cells and the observation of cystic spaces within the tumouras seen in Lindau's tumour suggest a relationship between these tumours. The main growthof the tumour mass inside the optic nerve without involvement of the leptomeninges andand the absence of a capsule around the tumour (Corradini and Browder, 1948; Zulch,

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I956) seem to rule out the possibility of an angioblastic meningioma which is also knownto occur in the optic nerve.

SummaryA small prechiasmal angiomatous tumour of the right optic nerve was found by chanceat necropsy. The tumour had caused decreasing visual acuity, narrowing of the visual field,and swelling of the optic disc 23 years before, with slowly progressive optic atrophy.Histological examination revealed an angioblastoma showing the features of Lindau'stumour.

ReferencesBAILEY, 0. T., and FORD, R. (I942) Amer. J. Path., I8, I

CORRADINI, E. W., and BROWDER, J. (1948) J. Neuropath., 7, 299DARR, J. L., HUGHES, R. P., JR., and MCNAIR, J. N. (i966) Arch. Ophthal. (Chicago), 75, 77DUKE-ELDER, S. (1971) "System of Ophthalmology", vol. 12, "Neuro-ophthalmology". Kimpton,

LondonKELEMEN, F. (1971) Personal communicationREESE, A. B. (i963) "Tumors of the Eye", 2nd ed. Harper and Row, New YorkROUSSY, G., and OBERLING, C. (I930) Presse mid., 38, I79SCHNEIDER, R. (I942) v. Graefes Arch. Ophthal., 145, I63STOUT, A. P., (1943) Ann. Surg., Ii8, 445VERGA, P. (1930) Riv. oto-neuro-oftal., 7, 101VOGEL, M. (X965) Klin. Mbl. Augenheilk., 147, 44WALSH, F. B., and HOYT, W. F. (i969) "Clinical Neuro-ophthalmology", 3rd ed. Williams and

Wilkins, BaltimoreZULCH, K.J. (1956) "Handbuch der Neurochirurgie", ed. H. OLIVECRONA and w. TONNIS, vol. 3,

P"athologische Anatomie der raumbeengenden intrakraniellen Prozesse", ed. K. J. ZULCH andE. CHRISTENSEN, pp. I-62I. Berlin-Gottingen-Heidelberg.

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