sflt 3?ortn. tmmf of the B—i mm* mhv 44 koine* bvw it to Mswelf," *v*t tfce fotfowtog os ttos jymrwaJul—o* f ; srf i>s4ar—to W fu4 Ik •**n Weelisy wlMr* *Hr* mmumpmpet b puto- j turn* fcrwti, imtali. srratcfc, Tmfmgrffht,, mmm ttd a*w, *,taJet ud mien WaA tb* bUrSest ktodafUaaa. Berate*. erath. lUrriafw' fetos sad 4aa; *<**; ftoUC a*4 ftt. C Hecate*, sersirk, srrmst*, cWltesf e Bad giar. Of is, mi lum. mt W, Iwwuw, bM( ud tnak, Fuitr, Mb.ud T^wfc. *i4e. *rr n W*, llvtßf.brr*ud Wwk upward *4<fosard mtrmkm, ntum u 4 vie* si*d iiim, ?irtas sad h—r nd ton*. Bcrtak, rft*, aerate*, Ok, •* of lie %ktr prst J tk* “Atoil” 4r*a*a. . "mT Of ilWnlMfi tost avr©r urn*, Ok, toa'titjsMy-sayT K)or olu. Are Aacntan Women * E. R Melhrsioc. M If forenlj of Cincinnati, in mu remark* before ike j Ohio B*n*o Med,cal jHocictj. 1871, oe Ike .“peeial Revert of the Ci-mmirtee oe Saoiurj Science. par* ike folio era* i autistic* as proof* that numea re not ! JeUrioratieg He said; la 1850, if | ! remember riphtly ia ererr 2.178 of the eolire population of the Coiled Stole* 1 there n* one oeet 90 year* of ape. and I io eeery 25 000. in rotxud number* there u ooe orer 100 yean of age Mr. President, it as oot 1 who apeak, it ! ia hiatorlt ia the tibia of puiitiea and pro‘.-rets, the census of the United ; State* for ISSO, that X credit with tbeoe feet*. B*tfarther, the State of New Vork io 1860 had a white j-'-palatioo of 3, 831500 i of Ihi* number there waa 1,646 penes a orer 90 year* of age—- namely ; 7U4 meo and 942 woaaeo ; thoa, ia erery 2,327 there wa* ooe orer 90, tod ia every 41,647 there va* ooe orer 100 yean; io both cue* women being in the majority. In she State of Ohio, with * white population of * 302,808, there wer* 760 orer 90 yean nf age; of tfaia number then wa* 366 met. and 394 women, aad therefore there wa*. ia erery 3,030 ooe orer 90 yean ui ago. and in erery 33-864. one over 100 yean of ape. la I tbit ease, a* in that of New York, aged women are in the majority In Virginia, ia 1860, with a whit* population of 1,047.299, there were 245 meo and 299 women tew 90 yean of age (total 541.) which give* ooe over ¦ 90 is every 1.935, and io erery 15,178 there waa one over 100 in her entire white population. In 1860 the while population of the i Stole of Vermont waa 314,369. In thia small population there ia evidence of vitality ; there were orer 90 yean of •g. 146 men and 180 women; and here, aa in all the States named women hare the majority. In every 961 there waa one orer 90, and orer 100, 13, be i log one ia every 24,182 of her entire population This tabulated riew of each section, *•**’w *at, north, and south, proses coo elaatveiy that we art not deteriorating. The entire white population io 1860 of the United State* waa 26.690.206 Of this number, one in arery 2,775 and a fraction waa orer 90 yeat* of age Oi thia population, there were 902 over 100 yours of age, making one in evert 29578 and a fraction. 7 light in Darkness. !>r Figaro give, the following method of obtaining light inatontanc oualy, without uae of matcher and wilh- out the danger of aettiug thing, on fire: —Take an oblong vial of the whitest a el f* r *‘ t K ilM P Qt in it a piece of phaaphorns about the aise of a pea, upon which pour tome olive oil, heated to the boiling point, filling the rial about one third full, and then teal the vi,l her- metiaally To use it, remove the cork and allow the air to enter the via!, and f**® r® The whole duply space ia the bottle will then become luminous | d the light obtained will be equal to , that of * lamp. X, soon u i(, e ilgbt grow* weak It*power can be increased by opening the rial and allowing a freah supply of air enter. In winter it i> sometime* necessary to heat the rial between the haada to iocreaae the fluid- ity ofthe oil Thoa preparing the vial may be used for ais month* This contrivance is now naed by the watch- mao of Part* in all magazines where explosive or inflammable material* art stored. Faibioxabi.c Lixx —lf there ia any enrironmcnt which can degrade a human betng, or harden a yonng heart, it i. the atmosphere of merely faahioaablc life. Yon may take the teodcrest and most beautiful and lorely girl, the one that u kindest at home, sod love, her father and Bother beat, and put her into the btgbaet circle* of fashionable life, with ptowtf of money , 0 d plenty of .cope to do a. aka please,, let her drea* herself a* she will; cover betuelf with diamond* nad (Marla. eoatly wilk, and lace*; let the love of admiration become the control •og paaawn, anl by and by all the ten -.T**i ° f JoaB K ereatnre passes swny her thoughts concentrate upon k *i! f Wh . al . * S*“ re ,i,e is catting, whs her admirers are, what continent, she can make; and by and by the youth- fnl, benutilul modesty ia go oe , and the way IS own for vice that in the begin Dtsg, would not have been dreamed of of P°‘ "W The Homr. Journal, io discuMing the subject of accusation for winter eve- niaga, says that “lore making is an uncommonly plosarnt employment for winter night*.’’ " is with the finest characters as it ) with the finest wood* and marbles tbs polishing hand is atill needed to Bring out the vein* ofbeanty and graee. The yield of wheat at the Kansas Agricultural College farm, at Manhat- tan, the past season, was forty three •nd one half bushels per acre. ?hr fixmtx. Cure for Wart* on Horses or Cuttle I Mr Waa Valcoim*. of MiddWbwrg i | DtMrte*. Mrttdf w tkf foDowUg wipe 1 jtor tb cure of wart* oo bom* or Mltle. 1 whick will b fcrooi of t*lc t 9 ! j bariag •ee4 of it. We luvmeet, momt | Tenr fia horse* aiwch icipatrvdl ia raise j sad sppesrsace by sack tseretewaoe*, j | which Mtftkt have keen reaaored by sc j spplUacc tiaikr to tke ooe mtaliooed jto this recipe. W hope that ocher j I£eotieew may foci ischa to write for 1 ibis dcpartacat uf the .\DVUCATK, ssd . to the paUie the beoefit of tkei r ; i esperiewoe sod obscrraihoa io ssuur* | rebcios to lb trwstmeet of stock or the j geoerai opemuie* of the farm. We I dbt MXthat a!m<j*t every farmer is j ifl tke possession of some fact in la I experience which ia unknown toother* j and which might be of general utility if | made public. If all would upon j whs; a fund of valuable In* j formation might be collated and made available to tbe public through the prosa. We shall be pleased to bear , from any of the readers of the Advo I i CATS up. n these topics. Ccue rou Won os lioeuks oe j i Cattle —Take raw tar and sppljr to ¦ I them Throe or four application* will 1 1 remure them if property done. In summer when the weather is warm and i , the tsr thin it ought to be thickened 1 i with old far, or wish stiffer tar which ! may h obuiaod from the hah of a i , wagon wheel, so as to keep U from j running off from the wart When the waits are large, it would be better to tic them with twine or other string ¦ ; L ch will grow out again uolesa Ur be ¦ j applied 1 have tried thia remedy in ; ! sis or seven cases, and always with j 5 and have rccooimendcd U to my neighbors sod other* who hare al ! i ways found It e&cacious. One mau : ; bought a heifer for $5. which had her j leg* foil of wart* Ue applied Ur, el j fected s curt, and sold her for 13$. We V alextixe. Worm* ia Hones. A valued correspondent sends os the | fjilowiog. which, not set down ! : in veterinary authorities, will be found i very eficsciouf as s remedial agent: I j **Th chief remedies used for the ex 1 ! pulsion of worms are wood mokes, pop- | Ist bark, sulphur, salt, castor oil, tar j | peotine, calomel, tartar emetic, sod ! ¦ aloes—cither of which will sometime I . briuK away a quantity of worms. But ! i the difficu ty does not end here; the j worms will generate o long as that j | morbid habit which gives rise to (hem J exists. Hence the course invariably I j pursued ia (o change the morbid habit | | by s her alive? sod vermifuges combined. ! | Tbe following is a good example of tbe ! , uae : While mustard seed whole ; ! i powdered mandrake sulphur-, p-jwdered j wormseed, (chrnojHMlicwn antKr.lniin , /fount;) and salt, ginger and charcoal—- ; of each two ounces; poplar bark, one I jpound; mix. Bose, ooe ouoee night and ! i morning, io the food. Should the rec f | turn abound in pin worms, an injection { | of salt will be indicated—7V/, Fidd I and Farm. State Pecmiitm*— .4 da ms again { Auead I—Mr Charles W. Griest. of i Lalimore township, this county, write* os that he has been awarded, by the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society, the first premium for tbe best five acres of wheat in the State—yield 42 buhel* and 30 lbs. per acre ; and the firt pre miuzo for the be*' five seres of corn—- yield 102 bushels sod 44 lb., shelled per acre. Tbe wheal is of the 'aasda Midgeproof’ variety ; the corn, some j thing new, is sailed the “Boyde.” The premiums amount to 950. These award* are not only complimentary to Mr Cries t as a first class farmer, but they go far toward* proving that Adam* is bccom iog—has become—one of the best grain growing counties in tbe Stale.—Getty- bury Compiler. An old farmer ay, the practice of I j coating (he bark of fruit and ornamental i trees with witewssh, is one that cannot be 100 severely deprecated. The ob structioo of re*piraury organs and orifi- ces. whether effected by the application of whitewash or any other adhesive material, always sets as a fruitful source of disease, and in times proves fatal to the tree \\ ben the bark becomes rough or ineru*ted with moss, it should be scraped and washed down thoroughly with a solution of potash or soda io water, affording smoothness to the sur- face without obstructing the pores. We have found, in esses of shying or baltiog at real or fancied objects of dia quiet, that stopping the horse and using soothing language answers a good pur- pose. If ths object is stationary, the norse, alter a short lime, will usually advance io the direction of it, approuchlng cautiously till satisfied that no danger is to be apprehended, when he will resume his way in a quiet mood But if chastised for shying, he willhave two objects of fear instead of ooe. sod become more cool rmed io the habit of disirustfulness Turf Fuld and Farm gives the fob lowing means of starling a balky horse: “Take a couple of turns of common wrapping twine, such as grocers use, around the fore fog. just below the knee, tight enough for the horse to feel, and tie in a bow knot At the first cluck he will generally go dancing off, and after going a short distance, you can get out, remove the string, to prevent injury to the tendon io your further drive." The Maine Farmer says:— lf the Jcpi and wings of a turkey are covered with common clean writing paper, c curcly fastened over th ini, their parts will be as nicely cooked and juicy as any other part of the fowl, and not dried up or burned, as when cooked without such protection. A Prolific Cow.-—A farmer named Benjamin Pavia, of Franklin county. Ohio, owns a cow chat gave birth to twenty calves io ten years, dropping two ten successive times Till Minumi LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Of BALTIMORE, SO. !• SOI TH SI. ! ALLPOLICIES SOS FORFEIT A BLF | Diridrmd* Ammmatfy after tk* Jirmt )W. j r pHK adrMMjr** of Uf* .r. M 1 ¦MwiMAa** that rw! ianfsir* ¦ j b A*tmmcrrmmg a. Alt mem mA u> j |W*ri4vfor tWr dcfaroAMl i]XUhsm. Fro- ; j iwm to b errSu* W unmliaw. TL |>rohn* b Sr Lib Imran. - j A frrmx mmi iwpmnmml w, •bm .ka] i I ) 1 imtmn ? Be****. w-if-fVwpert. rntil-tmuftmx, j | tkt i t 4 fit msA cttorrt Uu f ovt-ra a | i tknfty *C iaAioatr tfe*t * j nut iwii Imm *( i'.’ttt. Sv kf lira*. ! <Mka Si* torv. pmrt Uim |tk* **pect Jto leaw hu erftfon* ksd hu fwtuJr. It imt } •. ¦ ¦- -• 1 hoMtf 4llar* <mt mt omt Suvr mmmmmttr imr I L*i* hnimt tint >Ami<4 b* krfrt at ¦ ia MortUaxd k mmrm, ia fk. m*4 ; } f-rvforrtt Utm . Wout mt mn ttmdimg m tkt'. k , j afi{•¦•.?. Ibrf* i* wUnlr m for dbk. ktOMt iMiltifrM* mm 4 rci \ ¦oorml* willacßkt Narios* L>U mm 4 f ur lowrurt CMpMin.Lamjrrt. l>ocv>*t. M<-r- j rbutl. 4 *rUTlilt| rim, ifor tmmmi Uf ibn*4 IB ! MWr It ia aa maioß thot lb all ii4a ! oi irmfrm famftt, UftftroUt *dV-jm imcrrmmt i im rmom mtitummmt. Kmt pr< r rJrarft ti*t n? tmStr *d Wttrr > k Wtb Lifr a*4 Fir*to W knrX at how* It io a poor ami Stair* ul ia 1 M Stortr to AirirUif car mi iaoi a*4 it. j** *rh® momtrvH j lia FrtsAß4rir for omr 8-tUt ptrmptritr. lh . : f lr mtm Wfiaaux t* *w> tiki* Oar ; Jmmmmrr ttyt* 1 to tkt C"Bftroiier f lhr j | Slat* mat m tatiofaetor/ bs4 gxmtif itmg mt to J rJ! forth *4itoriai mse ibrudiuotoi f/o tkr j to BaJu*re. j frm mrr to at fom4 eoaditios u > tkt Msrvlaad, aad a* itif oar aad krq<f the j ujnul m omr or* Suit 4mm* ra aar co-op- , lnaiurrofw{tHi j *j.nKr a. bo*ld ialarm ihaßudrc* | writ tofor* Uwrr art. ; Boaa> or bsKirre&a.—Baabdloa Cartrr, ' ' Alias A, i\mpmtmm. Getp. Tbau H;l : Stows. Hiraat Wo*dr, Grti. IL Miller Thui*B i Caaasrd, Wm. Itornm. Cbm it*WrSfe. CLOKGL P. THOMAS, Prro.dt-Bt. to Bob. Jsdret ad ; Hardra. Cal. J. B. Bov la. J. L. Ifoi*>aid>r', J Ur. J. W. Hrritf. aad Pbrnmu pratraiiv. ¦ Aa artiv* A grmi for Car/oli eomttr vaatrd. A. J. MVKits, a? 17-ly Stale A;tiL j t o. oaiuaa. a. a. miner, j (i rimes A St ©offer. ( Successors to E. 0. Grime*,) j && at the jga PRINCIPAL DEPOT. Wcmsivsna, Mo., ARE paring tbe highest prices io tbe market for Flour , IVhrtit. Com, Oats, Ilyr, and * Grain of nil kiwh Also, keep constantly on baud a large supply of Hour, F 4. Bacon, Salt, Rah. : FARMERS UTENSILS, *C. AC.. I all of which they are selling wholesale sad ' ; retail al very lowfigure*. They hare on hand j i a large stock oftbe following Guanos, and j I are fcMiog at manufacturer! prices, i Pacific. Wlutdocks. Moru Phillip t. Bsogh’s Raw-Bone j j Flour of Bone, Coes Bradley**. Berger k But*. Tamer’s Excelsior. Sea Fowl. ¦ ¦ Woofoton’s Md. Powder of Bone, Ac,, Ac. . Also, 1 Oil \ itriol, Salt and pure | Bone for making Fertilixer*. The public generally will do we to give them a call before purchasing, as they in i j Lend to sell low. j N. 8.- Agents for the Wl Blasting Pow- i j der io the market, and the gmat Zingari j j Billers. april 27-ly LUMBER T LUMBER !! 1 HAVE just returned from the lumber ragions—aad am now receiving the !ar- selection of l.umhi i ever at thi* pla'-e. at Reduced i\ir*s. Consist ; mg of Tellow Pine. Spruce and Hemlock ! Joist ard Scantling of all lengths and size*. 1-4, f>-4. C-4 and B-4 White Pine Boards and Plank, Yellow and ! VS bite Pine Flooring, Dressed and L T n-j dressed Weatherboard inf. While Pin* Cy- ' pres# and Chestnut Shinvlta, Walnnt and Ash Board* and Plank. Plain and Headed Pickvtts. Shingle and PlasUnof I*aths. a : ; prime lot of Chesusl Mails and resu. Al- j | e all lha diffwraat KISDS OF COAL. Thinkinf iv.i with small profiu ! hxetter than small sales *ith large profits. I I have concluded to adopt the former as ! my guide, and hope I shall be enabled to f carry it out by persons in want of anrthing in my line firing me a call before purcfiasiug elsewhere. EDWARD LYNCH. Near Depot, Westminster, lid. ' feb2o-lf To Err is Human. BLT failing to call before purchasing ' elsewhere and examing the Stock of j FURNITURE AND STOVES^ —pry at IRA E. CROUSE'S, - J! is a disregan! of your own k 'interest that is wholly inex- cusable. Having had an exper- ience of fire years in tbe hudneiM, he now Hatters himself that he can always exhibit to those wishing to purchase any article is his ; linv. stock not excelled in variety md 1 quality by any other establishment in the i county, and his prices are guaranteed not to exseed those of Baltimore city, or any other place in the State. i BQuDon't mistake tbe place, one hun- dred yards East of tbe Railroad, on Main Street, nearly opposite the new Catholic Church, Westminster, max 21 MiXEY CAWOT BtY IT H l FOR SIGHT 18 PRICELESS ! But the Diamond Spedarfa will Present It. \ TTf joo value your eyesight use these JL Perfect Lenses, ground from Minute Crystal Pebbles, melted together, and derive their name •'Diamond*' on account of their , Hardness and Brilliancy. They will last ' many years without change, and are war 1 ranted superior to all other*, manufactured by J. E. Srsncnt k Co.. S. Y. i Caitiox.—None genuine unless stamped , with our trade mark. I W.M. MOORE, , Jeweler and Optician is .Sole Agent for Westminster, Mu., from whom they can only be obtained. Ho Pedlers emphiyed. june H ly Black Berry Nyrup. Diarrhfca nd Hummer Complaints ukeHering’sCo npoundSyrup of Black- by A. H. Huber and John W. Wiiiuer. julyfc I DKXTOS GEHHL J. t. ORCSDORFF Produce llepol. *T TUB H % If, KOilt. WKSTMISATBK, Ml). n AVISO loud tit krjt and (oano ; dkm* Warehouse, (fcrxriji occfiej I by J. T. Oemiorf., t are now lo j ttmiiw FLO Lit. WHEAT, RYE, OiTS CORE, W PRODI CE of all Also to iwit* aad [ forward Produce and Goods Jof all kinds. Tbew a;.*o keep euaatantJe on j | baud a large and full Mock of CROCERIE S , Wtoioii jur Retail. Flocr. Bacon. Food, Grsia. Salt. F*h. Ac.. , tßfOtkir aUk Spade*. Shovels, Hoea. Rakes. | ( **<d Farmers and Gardeners' Imp lean*si* j gwoeraily. A law | GUANO AND FERTILISERS ofali deavr |li fja; and ia fkrt all article* ia j oar line. j Wji’a low* experience. and by stric-t atwc- j J ion to business. we hope to woeire a literal . ! share ofike public pasr*uage. DENTON GEHU. J. T. OBNDOBFF. iaaajjy HAINES & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, UEG leave to call attention to ike large slock of Groceries, liquors. Ire., which Uaey will keep constantly oo hand, at ibeir new More a few down catl of Railroad Ifopct. Our factlniee arc each as to enaWc ns to offer great inducements ia point of prices, as we hare jast purchased, for caafe. uar j I entire stock, at low pneea. We will taa* ; pleasure in showing our good* at any lime. Oar Mock embraces a complete line of 1 lioice Tamil) Groceries and Liquor*, Qaecniwsfe, lloDeuare, ClftMivare, Willow Mare, Wuodrnwarf, Hardware, liob. Huron. Lard Mall, Tar. i /Also Dealers in Country Produce gener ¦ ally. Very respectfully. d 30 U*9 UVINES t CO. H. W. DELL, 50 Yards West of the Rail Road, Wain St.. Westminster, Md.. PFiI.ER 19 ALL EIVH9 Of Lumber and Coal. j DOT 26. THE MUTUAL Fire Insurance Co. OF CARROLLcounty. OI'FICE, W i>THI\TEB, Md. I JOHN' T. DIFFESBAUGH AGENT. ! f HillsCompany ia in a most flourishing I condition. Ike rates of insurance are f as low as thoae of any Company in the State. DIRECTORS. Augustas Skrier, Dr. Henry 1. Be’,la. Edward Lynch, I>r. Samuel Swope. Alfred ZollicK'-fer, Dr. J. W. Bering, Granville S. Haines. Granville T. Bering. David Prugh, Hichtcd Manning. AUGUSTUS SHRIVER, President Rk hakd Makvixg, Secretary, mar 10 ap 21 -if HUGH DOYLE HAS just received from Baltimore the best and finest selected Stock of l.a- --1 dies’, Gentlemen’s, Misses’ and Children's BOOTS and SHOES, ever offered in this market. Also, a large supply of Over Shoes. All of the above Stock will be sold at reasonable prices for cash, and satisfaction guaranteed. All work warranted or repaired free of charge. Also a lot of Boots and Shoes of my own manufacture, of the best materia], at RE- DI CED PRICES, j Remember the place, Main Street, near the Catholic Church. ' MICHAELBACOHMA9. FBAXK. 11ERR. Baughman & Herr, ~icncrruu or COACHES, CARIUAGES. BUGGIES JAGGEH WAGONS, AC.. ASD BLACKSMITHS IS GESERAL. HpfeU attention given to Repairing. All i order, promptly filled and work of every j kind warranted. VS-Factory oppotite Montour house, Main Street, Weatniinater, Md. op -iy MA\SIO\ 1101 SE HOTEL, Forth out Comer FaydU & St. Paul Sts. OPPOSITE BABSUM'S CITY HOTEL, BALTIMORE, laaac Alberalou, Proprietor. PajT 1 his is one of the most pleasant and . central locations in the city. Tk* $1.60 per day. may 7- If i ________________l QUEEN’SWARE. —The largest and best assortment in the county, at way is John l. rlifsnideu s. PROI>MOWI. ( ARM. INIKON Y S. DILLER, Attorney at Law, WpmixsTEi Md. Pair Office on Coart Street, firet door j jfrom like oorsar. jan 6, IK I tf until a. umilMK. arroßSErs-Ar LAw asd soli ITOIIS IS CHASCEBT, WcfTMISFTE*. Ml. VI r E have formed a copartnership ia the M practice of lav in the Courts ©f | Carroll aod Howard Counties, and will j promptly attend to all besiaew entrusted to ! oar rare. Particular attention paid lo Col- ; lectio** and procuring Idecree* for the sale of Real Estate, j Also. Application? filed for Bark Pay and ' BuiiCty due heir* of dccreuwd *aldim.’ I Office adjoining the residence of Cn. T. I RcirssiDiß. noAR-U* Wa. M. Nukin. J. J. Bitssitnii MERRICK & BAUMGARTNER. Arrtt*.wir at Law ap ?olici- Tnf is CBAvi-ar, nATE aa*crUu4 to practice their rrofe#- ¦itja ia the arvaral Coarta ia CamJl | e>aaty. TVir0e uat th <*f Mr. I Baawrartber. ia Wesuaiaster. Md Mr. Mvr- . rick will be j* WV*uiwl.: daring the Ter* I of the Coart*, aod at rat h other baa as bu*i- n-w war reqaue—L* acav also Ur rot,**]ted at ** o&c*. So. t> Saat Paai Street. Baltmeec. Marjlaad. auvSA-ti ABNER NEAL, Justice of the Pun asd Attoi © s it-at-Law Office st the Coart Hate. HE will nqkeeially to uhtataiag De- . cm* fur the aruieaaeet *Aevtatrs wf it- ' *•*?<•<l perk..M Ae, Deeds. Villa aad all I Iwimirat* f Vritiag prepared, fhargrt ; Moderate. Aeck-J R. B. NORMENT, Attorney at Law, HATISG W<aiedta the City ' Vn'ais Office w Mm Stmt lav h*o : Wuet wf Coart. re*a*r*ally itfwai the citirw * Carrwii. ud (auow. that he will *PBHIII *ifua M alt has. fas rtirarttd j *• h. foh Wdvrv the Cvwtf ' ihie SOUaad I the I*-; *• t.u ¦••> r/ he U;>c'ittut ; W swAtaghaa. D. C. } rrtiurta ; lie Coars• Itukrattn. i Kcmucu 7. Ward sasJ ieha S*t:th. Esq.. I CffieHiw tkefl, Esq., aad Dr. Thr-was Fei- , Sassa el >"*•!. Esq., aad J. It. Ward, WaAiagtoa. I). C. B. F. M Harley. E*,.. Register ia Bank- I | rapcy, Frederick City, Md. aov |4-1; A. H. NORRIS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ANI> SOI.IC A IT". IN CHANCERY. ¦ *rr, hn j ; **rt'fcAsional ServicA-t to the public, and | : wi.i promptly attend to ali busiuets eatrust I ; tdto lit care 1%. Mato Street. East Eui, IVcstmtnAter. Md. J *ep 21-tf ktM l hmw Sr Isaac B. Psaia n J- I. E. PEtBMh & So>, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ILLj r. u\ t; ? atd carefalit att> - <i to a ; l v v kibd of batiaevs ia anr of the •¦ro m tk is Stale. Office opp<i#Jtr W*- ftmint if i Uvtei, f Maia Street, W. -w.uur, Md. dec IM Joum E. Srith. V*. A. M(Knur. I SMITH & MeKELLIP. tllorDry|.|.Law AMlcllan In I bant er). ¥ T A VIVO filfßfd a partnership ia the prat- I 1 tie* of law. willgive proaipt a(U i.tia to i illDOficew entrusted lo their care. Office a Maia Street, a few doors East ©f i dee S- |jr I |. e. Hum ,it . c . M„. I SYESTER & BOND HAVE associated tK*-tnselves in the prartice of law ia Carroll coaaiv atd the sevirsl 1 Coaria <*f this State. Mr, Seyster will visit Werttsinst-. * a her ' baviaes* r* quires iL Office, comer Maia and Coart StrteD. apt il 15. Danl. G. Wright, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JfiF'Orrtci s7 Street, Balli more. Md. j p7. nov 18, 1889. ( KI4RLES B. ROBERTA, Attorney at Law & Solicitor in Chancery, wESTMIKSTER. M D. I SajrOrnrE directly Of,jo,ile the Court Iloaw. 10 | W. W. DALLAS, ATTORN 1.1 .4 T LAW. OFFICE --Comer Mam and Court St., j Westminster, Md. j may 12 feb. 24, 1870—ly* Hr. J. H. Itilliiiffslen IS still actively engaged in the Practice of Medicine. feaT Office and Residence at John L Keifanidar'a. aug!9—tf Hr. Lewis NVooiiwunl, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. MAY be found at the office of Dr. Swormstedt. when not otherwise pro- | leutonally engaged. Office and Residence opposite Montour House. Westminster, Md. ap 20 ly* IFK. D4\li:i. S. SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. OFFICE and iieidmce Pennsylvania Avenue, West End, Westminster. | mar <4O OR. LEONARD ZEPP, HAVING located at the East End of Westminster, offers his professional services lo the public. When not engaged may he found at his office or residence one door wet of Sumsbury's Hotel. iftay6, —Cm ——— Dally Passenger A Mail Line T7rom Gettysburg at Wesfininster, con- I nerts with the Cars at Westminster. For Beats apply to Zacharias’ Hotel, West- minster, or Keystone Hotel, Gettysburg. Notice. FIMHE subscriber, a Licensed Scrivener, in 1. always ready, on short notice and rt-a sonable terms, lo write Deeds, Mortgages, Bills of Sale, Bonds, Releaves. Wills, Ac. D P. SAVLER. Double Piue Creek, Md. mar lU. I Split Bottom Sewing and Ann Hock pjy f ing L'hairc, for sale at juoc 22 John L. Rtiftnider't. FftOrCftllOVlL 4RIF4 ( H AS. BILUAAIiLCI.D. •.. I . M CRlti: I WELLER, D EX TIBT 8. j Offit WtstmhmUr. )id.. 2d d~<or li’rat of Parmrrr and Jirrhanirt' Itank. FpAKBtJearr in informing tln-ir friends I 1 and tne ywhlk generally that having j increased their facilities for business, they I are at all tiree* prepared to perform any ! operatiocs in operative or mechanical Den j livtry. Fall Seta of Teeth. $lO. sls. and FJO. 1 Pure Nit. Ox. tiaa. on band at ail lime* r Dr C. BilHagtlca will oontinaa lo visit j the following places: | I'mum Brvlfe.— Ist Wednesday in every ' j month. —remaining until Friday afternoon, j i S'*m M'imitvr.—2nd Wednesday ioeverv ' i monO. I —3d W ednesday every month. ; : remaining anti! Friday afternoon. : Tmmt/fSntm —Id Fn Jay is n erv month, re- -1 maining aatil the Wednesday following. | J. MERIKKN WK.LI.Erf will ri*i Me I chanirstown 2nd Wednesday ofevery month, ; remaining antil Friday noon, j*® 19.—1 y Dental Notice. DR. CEO. 8. FOCKE, Dec.ti>t. offer. b, •mien at lot Office, I j Wrvtn.iaster—every Moeday, Taesday aad > Saiarday. J EaaaiUfharg.-F<>arth Vrdacaday Afleraoos j till Tkareday Aflrfa<K>a. Meehsaiesiuvra—Foarib Tbaraday AfUraoua i | sad Friday. Kreeky Ridge—First Af raooa Doabie Psr-e Creek—First Tbarvdsv. M4dlrbarg-F.fMFr,dav. ; l'ait>al<‘W6—Becnd Wedaewday \flrrmi*om. Taavr Tharedar Afieraooa 4 Friday. I’etrea Dridge— Thied Wrdacwday AfWraooa aad Tbartdav ForearK>o. Srm WiadVar—Third TVaraday Aflmma aad Friday Foresee*. ftb 13. J. MORTIMER HURLEY, Professor of Music, P JOPOSES to give private instruction at Westminster and New Windsor, on ! I the Puvo. Osuv, Viou. Gcrraa, Cut- | txrrr. Ftrrt as© is llaumoxt. Pupil* wiii he waited on at their residence. Also j agent for y.cy Ww Kvtat & CuV BESJK CELEBRATED PIANOSM tf Tl wd E P. Nmeis A Sob s Carivalled ORGANS. Partscilar attention paid to j . the aclection of Instramenta. via yo s ruy/; d . For particulars inqtrre at A. H. Huber’s Store, National Hotel, or Calvert I j College. aog 4 -if j A. H. HUBER, No. 2, Carroll Hall, IFAI EH 15 Foreign and Domestic Drugs, PaK'ti! Mrdltliies, Perfumery, hr. *' KEEPS constantly on hand a complete ( . stock the purest 1 Drugs & Chemicals. besides the most popular PATENT .MEDICINES n the market. Parties will find, on exam ) nation, a variad aasortiaent of FANCY ARTICLES k PERFUMERY. #*•l- Evptcial aUeoiioa paid lo Pbysi | c ass Order* and Prescriptions. •I*il*2 ly THE. CHEAPEST AND BEST Stoves, Tin Ware, And Housekeeping Articles, WHOLESALE ASD HETAIL, j In Baltimore,Can Be Had at FISHER’S Stove and Tin Mare House, | No. 92 Gay Street, opposite Harrison. | COOK STOVES le*k than any other House in Marpland. No charge for Freight or Draysge. j Send for price lists. feasTNew Stoves warren ted two years. Grates, Bricks and Repairs at Foundry Prises. Rejairing done promptly, mar $0 ly ¦ intuitcut* \ollce. Edward Wade re. His Creditors. ORDERED this loth day of January, IB<2, that Edward Wade give notice J lo bis creditors, endorser* and sureties, that the Second Monday of May next is fixed for the wild Edward Wade to ap|ear in the Circuit Court for Carroll county, to answer such interrogatories a hi* creditors, emioreri* and sureties may propose or ul lege against him: and that a copy of this order be published in some newspaper printed in Carroll county, once a week lor three successive months prior to the said 2nd Monday of May next, a* such notice, lest: JNO. B. BOYLE, Clerk, jan 20-Bm* Furniture, Furniture, SELLING AT REDUCED PRICES, Tu Clone Out my Preieal stuc k IE you waul a call at No. 8 Peon- •jrlvenw Avcnu.-, finh Slorc north of i runkliu Street, Bultimore- <lec Pi-lit JOSEPH DALEY. J 011.% T. DllT LMUn.n. AUCTIONEER, VIT EBTMINBTER, M<l , .ill K jve e.- 1 V pecml altenlion lo the ule of Per- sonal Property am! Real E.ute- EngogemeoU may he made m this office, feh B—tf OPERA FLANNELS, ell shade.,, pletn end plaid, of best quality, at o*81 E. K. Utrnand'e. CIIA NOE OF time hi;T:u% NO. mll-RotO. r-|^ uke fffm April 9.1*71, Calvert J I Station. Coiner riwliHn and Calvert M. Train* leave 9 A. ! MJd h.M 1* M.. for Owing* Mill*, R*n* tcndowu, Finksbarg, H wiartwtor. Kcw i Windsor, Union Bridge. Muidleburg, Boa tie Pipe Creek and Mechanicstown. *m sstso. Leave Union Bridge at 5.00 ad 7 18 A 1 M. and 4.tif* P. M j Mecbonicatown at 6.85 A. M. and 3.00 p. M WntanMter at 5,35 and 7.M A. M. and I (,P I Stage* mooed at (Jl Mom* Statwn for j Hampet cod and Manchester on amral ol j 8.30 A. M. tiain from Baltimore; at Mid j dieburg Station for Tonerlown and at Duu ! I4e Pipe Creek Station for Eronnltabarg on j arrival tame train. An Express Car leavr* Calvert Station. Baltimore, loilv. except Sunday,) at 3.30 |P. 54. Light freight and Darrels can c**nn ; by tbi* car if delivered before 3 00 P. M. I r***coca Suno*. —The Depot of N. I C. H. W. Freight Station Corner Centre ; and North Street*. Office of General Freight and Posoeitget I Agent, No JW North Street, j tiff Ht of President and Superintendent, No. 54 North Street, Baltimore. N B A Ticket Office ba been openec hi No. 9 North Calvert *lre*S. opfXMNU Bartiun/s Hotel. Ticket* can le procured at any time during the day at all point* <n i line of Rood. lioggage coiled for. checked and delivered upo-i application at thi* office ( JOHN T RIGNKV, may 4 Master of Tran*portalion. I MONEY CANNOT BUY IT-, l or sight la l*rlcelrt! 41 E row offer a Gloss lo the public | If celebrated opticiar* of the wfrld to be the j j iDdit prrf -ct, natural artificial help to the ! j human eye erer known. J They are ground under our own tuoerri f ion. at oar own manufactory in New Haven, and are so mnstrncted that the core or centre of the lense come* directly in front I ofthe eye prr. laci.-g a clear and distinct tmm, a in the nat ra) healthy kight, and I prevent.* all unpleasant sensations, *uch a* glimmenn and waveri gof sight, diuinew, i Ac . peculiar to ah other* in u*e. j These Glosses are mannfar ured from mi- nute crystal pebble*, mrlied together, and ; derive their name, “Diamond," on account of their hardness and brilliancy, i The*e Glasses are mounted in the fine** ; manner, at our own manufactory, in all j style* of Gold. Silver. Steel. Rubber, and | Shell Frame*, of the be*l quality. Their durability cannot be *urpa**ed. and j their finish it such a* will suit the most i fastidious. None genuine unless bearing our trade : mark, stamped on every frame. Manuf* lured by J E Sr>>xcca 4 Co . Practical Optician*. New York. For Sale only by WM MOORE. Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Ware. Ac.. Ac., Westminster, Md. *ep 28 if JOHN 11. BOWERS K EEPS constantly on hand and for •ale. at hi* Store, K NTH 41. II4 LL nearly opposite the new Catholic Church, a full assortment of BUILDER’S HARDWARE, Hardware Generally, Oil* and Paint*. feather of all kinds, Groceries, Provisions, Willowand Cederwo**, AHthe Above good* will be told at low rates, and will be delivered free of charge at the Railroad Dcj*>i. or any other point in the town of Westminster. JOHN H. BOWERS, nearly opposite the Catholic Church. 1 mar 18 HEAD QUARTERS FOR j PAINTS. OIL, CLASS, BRUSHES j AND ’ll\i: PAINT* of ull kind*. HOUSE AND SION PAINTING j AND GRAINING ftsT* done at the *horte*t notice. -Vgji CALL OX F . D . 8A N FORD, (Basement,) First National Bank, at the Depot. msy2l —l/ Westminster, Md. J II ft li .HARK, Watchmaker from England, HAS removed to hia new store, Fayette t Street, ophite Born urn’s ifotel, Baltimore. 5 doom below hia old stand. IN. B. Fin# Watub Repairs at trade price* a specialty. Cleaning $1.50. Main Spring $1.26. ! Warranted for one year. nov 18 C. A. S. WOLF, DrtLEK IX Watehes X Jewelry B*l WEST BALTIMORE ST., *P lj Baltimore. CABINET II4ROWIRE. CIOFFIN Handles. Plates. Tacks,Screw*. jlace. Ac. Undertakers wi.l find nice assortment of the above goods always on hand. Orders from the country carefully and promptly attended 10. dec 2*‘Jin K. K. GERNAND. IjWK NCII.and English American China best quality ofIron Slone Ware. war. ranted not lo crock. A full stock of C. C. Ware, Glass Ware lower in price than ever A beautiful assortment of Vase* ai.d Fancy, Goods, fur sale at reduced prices, at June 22 John L. JieiJsnider's. I .am pa. Oil*, *.•. HpHE latest improved Burners, with a 1. large assortment of lamps, for wile cheap. Kerosene Oil, and Machine Oils of a kinds, for sale at m*r 8 E. K. GERNAND’S. NOTICE. CAI.L and see my fine assortment of French Cloths, C**imere. and Goods ot all grade* and kind, at Philadelphia prices. oct27 I. 00R8UCH. 41 paean. A CHOICE assortment of fine Black Alpacas ; also low priced and fancy color*, at sep 22 //. L. Karris A Co's. laiicuo*, A1 61, 8, 10, 11 and 12$ cents, ua low R* before the war, at *P " J/- L. Korris A Co's. T OHN L. REIFSNIDKR has just re fi ceived a lure stock of Paints. Oils, and Glass, for sale at Baltimore prices, mar do Fall and MlnTe*| wi. E. K. CERNAND I { VHiNEK Vun uid r 0rt(b_* J I LADIES DRESS GOODS I fft-r.cli. English. Scotch rwf i . i tbk *• I < ’Mrimeree of be* - H " . •••• •' In.BI M1W _ ffW* ¦ I' D Ne|i ?l ¦ ii -- ri -<si| best ENGLISH HCWK, I ,„J rhrAp.ii ¦ UUEENSWaRE m |.| Wr.imin.irr. Alto Uu, Bcr. K I Stationery, Ac. H CHOICE c,ltorEß lEl ; I In .h-.rt, -air Tour tim, ,n.| I "X -brrr TOO CM dl JoTTiZ I what you want. WMt *4 ¦ '5 E ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD I Corner M.,n ...<1 Co urt I K- niSh. I J. TINGLING & SOir I j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CiS* I DEALERS IN I |dry goods! AND I NOTIONS,! WEST END, [WESTMINSTER, MD, I Have Rt. kited Tnt Ent9ioeg I I Fall Sc Winter Goodi, I Sof CALL AND BEE I .p 2". I MILLLNEKT OUR friend* aAid custom* lill accept oar thanks I b*r *>he A.-r i i-.-ral patronage FtdHnH I •e l ¦- i part jHRn | *." ¦ an.] r.- \ |,y JMftyW I j!’.*-’ k*ipp. t, ynu I merit a continuance of their 9 favor. We hare just received f * I •n-l r rrcrmn, alm.KI ijmil, , ffU pi, of .VIILLINERV GOODS, consisting of Bonnets, Hats, French iM American Flowers. Ribbons, Amerie**, Knglish. French and Oroa Grain. Silks, Satin*. Cmpee, and everything kept in a first Han* eetalilishment. Oar •election are always carefully made from the very In *t and mt fah>->nable house*. Orders from a distance willbe promptly attended*. ", p h* v, *'* rt engaged the services of fashionble and competent Dress maker fre* Baltimore, and will be glad to recto* order*. Patterns of all kinds furuisbedst modec ate rate*. Afull supply ofNotions and Toys, aleayi on hand. MRS. A. E. ARMSTRONG. may 11 Tlir Mill**ol Biir>lisnd MUT U A L FIRE ISSIRWCE COMPA.II OF BALTIMORE. Ao 17 Situlh Sirrrt, linltimort. Company insures, on the nutsal I plan. BoiMing* and Personal Propwtt j against f-oes or Damage by Fire, i* I parts of the State. The entirt proJU rr 1 turned to the PbHqf 4 Jders. B. 0. HARRIS, Preside*. Hoard of /Hrectnrs: Fronds Menle. of Neale, Ham* A Co. S. 11. Caughy, of Nonh Walker ACe. C. McUolly, of Pomerail A McCully. Philip T. George, of George A Jrnkise. B. 0. Harris, late of Neale. Harris A Ct. lion. George Brent, Court of Appeals. George P. Jenkia*. Charles county. George Combs, M Mary's sosaty. march 10. das 33,-ly Real Estate Agency A T the solicitation of man* persons f\ have concluded to establish R*si r.Ntnte Agency in connection withoorßsek* i<ig Basins, and now have a large nok* '•f Valuable Farms, Building hand, which we offer at reuxmahl* tsp*** The title* lo all properly sold hy ui eillks gust anteed. All properly placed in or 1 hand* willl>eextensively advertised throsp I* the Agencies in the large cities. Blaab fur di scription of property furnished os plication. FUIZELL A MANNING, j sep 7-if Wealminster, *4. WEST END JMVEIiItV STORK. r. 4. W ACOffEl RESPECTFULLY informs the citwjj . of Carroll county and vicinity, that* ia constantly rcceivii.g new and beauUfsl goods from New York, constating of WATCHES, either Amer* Knives, Forks, Spoons, * patterns. Watches renaired in the WJ manner end warranted. Silver an* bow Plating done with promptness and dispsi** Sewing Machine* of every make on haM also repairing done. . , Give me a call as I am JelernitneO eii. House and Lot AT I'IIIVATE SMB. IN NEW WINDSOR, SB- rpUK former residence of I the subscriber, every- A tim g convenient and in gm*dMJ,, repair, excellent well of water and cistern, a choice variety of l‘ and fruit trees, large stable and carrsgw house. Also an adjoining building H* , The above property is “‘table private residence of a mechanic, as 11 . tains an excellent room for a shop * ** F. BUFFINGTON. ocl 2t>, —if Building ud omb .Ick. t lowi-nt citr prlo.*l fcbio E. K. OERNAND TJAINTS, OUlM'l GUm, 1 Bl |,raor * vrs*’

j i j goods! GROCERS, NOTIONS,! · 2017. 12. 14. · Tbe wheal is of the 'aasda Midgeproof’ variety ; the corn, some jthing new, is sailed the “Boyde.” The premiums amount to

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Page 1: j i j goods! GROCERS, NOTIONS,! · 2017. 12. 14. · Tbe wheal is of the 'aasda Midgeproof’ variety ; the corn, some jthing new, is sailed the “Boyde.” The premiums amount to

sflt 3?ortn.

tmmf of the

B—i mm* mhv 44 koine* bvw it to Mswelf,"*v*ttfce fotfowtog os ttos jymrwaJul—o* f ;

srf i>s4ar—to W fu4 Ik

•**nWeelisy wlMr**Hr* mmumpmpet b puto- jturn*

fcrwti, imtali. srratcfc,Tmfmgrffht,, mmm ttd a*w,*,taJet ud mienWaA tb* bUrSest ktodafUaaa.

Berate*. erath.lUrriafw' fetos sad 4aa;


ftoUC a*4 ftt.

C Hecate*, sersirk, srrmst*,cWltesf e Bad giar.

Of is, mi lum. mt W,Iwwuw,bM(ud tnak,Fuitr, Mb.ud T^wfc.

*i4e. *rrn W*,llvtßf.brr*udWwk upward *4<fosard mtrmkm,ntum u 4 vie* si*d iiim,?irtas sad h— r nd ton*.

Bcrtak, rft*, aerate*,Ok, •*of lie%ktr prst Jtk*“Atoil”4r*a*a. . "mTOf ilWnlMfitost avr©r urn*,Ok, toa'titjsMy-sayT

K)or olu.

Are Aacntan Women *

E. R Melhrsioc. M If forenlj ofCincinnati, in mu remark* before ike jOhio B*n*o Med,cal jHocictj. 1871, oeIke .“peeial Revert of the Ci-mmirteeoe Saoiurj Science. par* ike folio era* iautistic* as proof* that numea re not !JeUrioratieg He said; la 1850, if | !remember riphtly ia ererr 2.178 of theeolire population of the Coiled Stole* 1there n* one oeet 90 year* of ape. and Iio eeery 25 000. in rotxud number* ’there u ooe orer 100 yean of ageMr. President, it as oot 1 who apeak, it !ia hiatorlt ia the tibia of puiitieaand pro‘.-rets, the census of the United ;State* for ISSO, that X credit with tbeoe

feet*.B*tfarther, the State of New Vork

io 1860 had a white j-'-palatioo of 3,831500 i of Ihi* number there waa1,646 penes a orer 90 year* of age—-namely ; 7U4 meo and 942 woaaeo ;thoa, ia erery 2,327 there wa* ooe orer90, tod ia every 41,647 there va* ooeorer 100 yean; io both cue* womenbeing in the majority.

In she State of Ohio, with * whitepopulation of * 302,808, there wer* 760orer 90 yean nf age; of tfaia numberthen wa* 366 met. and 394 women,aad therefore there wa*. ia erery 3,030ooe orer 90 yean ui ago. and in erery33-864. one over 100 yean of ape. la Itbit ease, a* in that of New York, agedwomen are in the majority

In Virginia, ia 1860, with a whit*population of 1,047.299, there were 245meo and 299 women tew 90 yean ofage (total 541.) which give* ooe over ¦90 is every 1.935, and io erery 15,178 ’there waa one over 100 in her entirewhite population.

In 1860 the while population of the iStole of Vermont waa 314,369. Inthia small population there ia evidenceof vitality ; there were orer 90 yean of•g. 146 men and 180 women; andhere, aa in all the States named womenhare the majority. In every 961 therewaa one orer 90, and orer 100, 13, be ilog one ia every 24,182 of her entirepopulation

This tabulated riew of each section,*•**’w *at, north, and south, proses cooelaatveiy that we art not deteriorating.

The entire white population io 1860of the United State* waa 26.690.206Of this number, one in arery 2,775 anda fraction waa orer 90 yeat* of age Oithia population, there were 902 over100 yours of age, making one in evert29578 and a fraction. 7

light in Darkness.!>r Figaro give, the following

method of obtaining light inatontancoualy, without uae of matcher and wilh-out the danger of aettiug thing, on fire:—Take an oblong vial of the whitest

ael f*r*‘t KilM P Qt in it a piece of

phaaphorns about the aise of a pea, uponwhich pour tome olive oil, heated to theboiling point, filling the rialabout onethird full, and then teal the vi,l her-metiaally To use it, remove the corkand allow the air to enter the via!, andf**® r® The whole duply spaceia the bottle will then become luminous |*®d the light obtained will be equal to ,that of * lamp. X, soon u i(, e ilgbtgrow* weak It*power can be increasedby opening the rial and allowing a freahsupply of air enter. In winter it i>sometime* necessary to heat the rialbetween the haada to iocreaae the fluid-ity ofthe oil Thoa preparing the vialmay be used for ais month* Thiscontrivance is now naed by the watch-mao of Part* in all magazines whereexplosive or inflammable material* artstored.

Faibioxabi.c Lixx—lf there ia anyenrironmcnt which can degrade a humanbetng, or harden a yonng heart, it i. theatmosphere of merely faahioaablc life.Yon may take the teodcrest and mostbeautiful and lorely girl, the one that ukindest at home, sod love, her fatherand Bother beat, and put her into thebtgbaet circle* of fashionable life, withptowtf of money ,0 d plenty of .cope todo a. aka please,, let her drea* herselfa* she will; cover betuelf with diamond*nad (Marla. eoatly wilk, and lace*; let thelove of admiration become the control•og paaawn, anl by and by all the ten

-.T**i°f JoaB K ereatnre passesswny her thoughts concentrate uponk *i!f ’ Wh


al . * S*“re ,i,e is catting,whs her admirers are, what continent,she can make; and by and by the youth-fnl, benutilul modesty ia go oe , and theway IS own for vice that in the beginDtsg, would not have been dreamed of

of’ P°‘ "W “

The Homr. Journal, io discuMing thesubject of accusation for winter eve-niaga, says that “lore making is anuncommonly plosarnt employment forwinter night*.’’

"is with the finest characters as it) with the finest wood* and marbles •tbs polishing hand is atill needed toBring out the vein* ofbeanty and graee.

The yield of wheat at the KansasAgricultural College farm, at Manhat-tan, the past season, was forty three•nd one half bushels per acre.

?hr fixmtx.

Cure for Wart* on Horses or Cuttle

I Mr Waa Valcoim*. of MiddWbwrg i| DtMrte*. Mrttdf w tkf foDowUg wipe 1jtor tb cure of wart* oo bom* or Mltle.1 whick will b fcrooi of t*lc t 9 !

j bariag •ee4 of it. We luvmeet, momt

| Tenr fia horse* aiwch icipatrvdl ia raise

j sad sppesrsace by sack tseretewaoe*, j| which Mtftkt have keen reaaored by sc

j spplUacc tiaikr to tke ooe mtaliooed

jto this recipe. W hope that ocher j

I£eotieew may foci ischa to write for

1ibis dcpartacat uf the .\DVUCATK, ssd .to the paUie the beoefit of tkei r ;

i esperiewoe sod obscrraihoa io ssuur*

| rebcios to lb trwstmeet of stock or the

j geoerai opemuie* of the farm. We

I dbt MXthat a!m<j*t every farmer is

j ifl tke possession of some fact in la

I experience which ia unknown toother*j and which might be of general utilityif

| made public. Ifall would upon

j whs; a fund of valuable In*j formation might be collated and madeavailable to tbe public through theprosa. We shall be pleased to bear

, from any of the readers of the Advo Ii CATS up. n these topics.

Ccue rou Won os lioeuks oe ji Cattle —Take raw tar and sppljr to ¦I them Throe or four application* will 1

1 remure them if property done. Insummer when the weather is warm and i

, the tsr thin it ought to be thickened 1i with old far, or wish stiffer tar which !• may h obuiaod from the hah of a i

, wagon wheel, so as to keep U from •j running off from the wart When thewaits are large, it would be better to

tic them with twine or other string ¦; L ch will grow out again uolesa Ur be ¦

j applied 1 have tried thia remedy in ;! sis or seven cases, and always with j5 and have rccooimendcd U tomy neighbors sod other* who hare al !

i ways found It e&cacious. One mau :; bought a heifer for $5. which had her

j leg* foil of wart* Ue applied Ur, elj fected s curt, and sold her for 13$.

We Valextixe.

Worm* ia Hones.

A valued correspondent sends os the |fjilowiog. which, not set down !

: in veterinary authorities, will be found ivery eficsciouf as s remedial agent: I

j **Th chief remedies used for the ex 1! pulsion of worms are wood mokes, pop- |

• Ist bark, sulphur, salt, castor oil, tar j| peotine, calomel, tartar emetic, sod !¦ aloes—cither of which will sometime I

. briuK away a quantity of worms. But !i the difficu ty does not end here; thejworms will generate o long as that j

| morbid habit which gives rise to (hem

J exists. Hence the course invariably Ij pursued ia (o change the morbid habit |

| by s her alive? sod vermifuges combined. !| Tbe following is a good example of tbe !

, uae : While mustard seed whole ; !

i powdered mandrake sulphur-, p-jwderedj worm seed, (chrnojHMlicwn antKr.lniin ,/fount;) and salt, ginger and charcoal—-

; of each two ounces; poplar bark, one Ijpound; mix. Bose, ooe ouoee night and !i morning, io the food. Should the rec f| turn abound in pin worms, an injection {| of salt will be indicated—7V/, Fidd Iand Farm.

State Pecmiitm*— .4 da ms again {Auead I—Mr Charles W. Griest. of iLalimore township, this county, write*os that he has been awarded, by thePennsylvania Agricultural Society, thefirst premium for tbe best five acres ofwheat in the State—yield 42 buhel*

and 30 lbs. per acre ; and the firt premiuzo for the be*' five seres of corn—-yield 102 bushels sod 44 lb., shelledper acre. Tbe wheal is of the 'aasdaMidgeproof’ variety ; the corn, some

j thing new, is sailed the “Boyde.” Thepremiums amount to 950. These award*are not only complimentary to Mr Cries tas a first class farmer, but they go fartoward* proving that Adam* is bccomiog—has become—one of the best graingrowing counties in tbe Stale.—Getty-bury Compiler.

An old farmer ay, the practice of Ij coating (he bark of fruit and ornamentali trees with witewssh, is one that cannot

be 100 severely deprecated. The obstructioo of re*piraury organs and orifi-ces. whether effected by the applicationof whitewash or any other adhesivematerial, always sets as a fruitful sourceof disease, and in times proves fatal tothe tree \\ ben the bark becomesrough or ineru*ted with moss, it shouldbe scraped and washed down thoroughlywith a solution of potash or soda iowater, affording smoothness to the sur-face without obstructing the pores.

We have found, in esses of shying orbaltiog at real or fancied objects of diaquiet, that stopping the horse and usingsoothing language answers a good pur-pose. If ths object is stationary, thenorse, alter a short lime, willusually advance io the direction of it,approuchlng cautiously till satisfied thatno danger is to be apprehended, whenhe will resume his way in a quiet moodBut ifchastised for shying, he willhavetwo objects of fear instead of ooe. sodbecome more cool rmed io the habit ofdisirustfulness

Turf Fuld and Farm gives the foblowing means of starling a balky horse:“Take a couple of turns of commonwrapping twine, such as grocers use,around the fore fog. just below the knee,

tight enough for the horse to feel, andtie in a bow knot At the first cluckhe will generally go dancing off, andafter going a short distance, you canget out, remove the string, to preventinjury to the tendon io your furtherdrive."

The Maine Farmer says:— lf theJcpi and wings of a turkey are coveredwith common clean writing paper, ccurcly fastened over th ini, their partswill be as nicely cooked and juicy asany other part of the fowl, and notdried up or burned, as when cookedwithout such protection.

A Prolific Cow.-—A farmer namedBenjamin Pavia, of Franklin county.Ohio, owns a cow chat gave birth totwenty calves io ten years, dropping twoten successive times



ALLPOLICIES SOS FORFEIT ABLF |Diridrmd* Ammmatfy after tk*Jirmt )W. jrpHK adrMMjr** of Uf* .r. M

1 ¦MwiMAa** that rw! ianfsir* ¦j b•A*tmmcrrmmg a. Alt mem mA u>j |W*ri4vfor tWr dcfaroAMl i]XUhsm. Fro- ;j iwm to b errSu* W unmliaw. TL

|>rohn* b Sr LibImran. -j A frrmx mmi iwpmnmml w,•bm .ka] i I) 1 imtmn ? Be****. w-if-fVwpert. rntil-tmuftmx, j| tktit 4 fit msA cttorrt Uu fovt-ra a |i tknfty *C iaAioatr tfe*t * j

nut iwiiImm *( i'.’ttt. Sv kf lira*.! <Mka Si* torv. pmrt Uim |tk* **pect

Jto leaw hu erftfon* ksd hu fwtuJr. It imt }• . ¦ ¦- -•

1 hoMtf4llar* <mt mt omt Suvr mmmmmttr imrI L*i* hnimt tint >Ami<4 b* krfrt at

¦ ia MortUaxd k mmrm, iafk. m*4 ;} f-rvforrtt Utm . Wout mt mn ttmdimg m tkt'. k ,j afi{•¦•.?. Ibrf* i* wUnlr mfor dbk. ktOMt iMiltifrM*mm 4 rci \¦oorml* willacßkt Narios* L>U mm 4 f urlowrurt CMpMin.Lamjrrt. l>ocv>*t. M<-r- jrbutl. 4*rUTlilt| rim, ifor tmmmi Uf ibn*4 IB !MWr It ia aa maioß thot lb all ii4a !oi irmfrm famftt, UftftroUt *dV-jm imcrrmmt iim rmom mtitummmt. Kmt pr< rrJrarft ti*t n? tmStr *d Wttrr > kWtb Lifra*4 Fir*to W knrX at how* It io a poor

ami Stair* ul ia 1M Stortr to AirirUifcar mi iaoi

a*4 it. j** *rh® momtrvH jlia

FrtsAß4rir for omr 8-tUt ptrmptritr. lh .:f lr mtm Wfiaaux t* *w> tiki* Oar; Jmmmmrr ttyt*1 to tkt C"Bftroiier f lhr j| Slat* mat m tatiofaetor/ bs4 gxmtifitmg mt to JrJ! forth *4itoriai mse ibrudiuotoi f/o tkrj to BaJu*re.j frm mrr to at fom4 eoaditios u

> tkt Msrvlaad, aad a* itif oar aad krq<f thej ujnul m omr or* Suit 4mm* ra aar co-op- ,

lnaiurrofw{tHij*j.nKr a. bo*ld ialarm ihaßudrc*| writ tofor*Uwrr art.; Boaa> or bsKirre&a.—Baabdloa Cartrr, '

' Alias A, i\mpmtmm. Getp. Tbau H;l :Stows. Hiraat Wo*dr, Grti. IL Miller Thui*B

i Caaasrd, Wm. Itornm. Cbm it*WrSfe.CLOKGL P. THOMAS,

Prro.dt-Bt.to Bob. Jsdret ad

; Hardra. Cal. J. B. Bov la. J. L. Ifoi*>aid>r',J Ur. J. W. Hrritf. aad Pbrnmu pratraiiv. ¦

Aa artiv* Agrmi for Car/oli eomttr vaatrd.A. J. MVKits,

a? 17-ly Stale A;tiL

j t o. oaiuaa. a. a. miner, j(irimes A St ©offer.

( Successors to E. 0. Grime*,) j&& at the jga


ARE paring tbe highest prices io tbemarket for

Flour , IVhrtit. Com, Oats, Ilyr, and*

Grain of nilkiwhAlso, keep constantly on baud a largesupply of




I all of which they are selling wholesale sad '; retail al very lowfigure*. They hare on hand ji a large stock oftbe following Guanos, and jI are fcMiog at manufacturer! prices,i Pacific.

Wlutdocks.Moru Phillip t.

Bsogh’s Raw-Bone jj Flour of Bone,Coes Bradley**.

Berger k But*.Tamer’s Excelsior.

Sea Fowl. ¦¦ Woofoton’s Md. Powder of Bone, Ac,, Ac. .Also,

1 Oil \ itriol, Salt and pure |Bone for making Fertilixer*.

The public generally willdo we to givethem a call before purchasing, as they in ij Lend to sell low.j N. 8.- Agents for the WlBlasting Pow- i

j der io the market, and the gmat Zingari jj Billers. april 27-ly


1 HAVE just returned from the lumberragions—aad am now receiving the !ar-

selection of l.umhi i everat thi* pla'-e. at Reduced i\ir*s. Consist ;mg of Tellow Pine. Spruce and Hemlock !

Joist ard Scantlingof all lengths and size*. 1-4, f>-4. C-4 and B-4White Pine Boards and Plank, Yellow and !VS bite Pine Flooring, Dressed and LTn-jdressed Weatherboard inf. While Pin* Cy- 'pres# and Chestnut Shinvlta, Walnnt andAsh Board* and Plank. Plain and HeadedPickvtts. Shingle and PlasUnof I*aths. a :

; prime lot of Chesusl Mails and resu. Al- j| e all lha diffwraat


Thinkinf iv.i with small profiu !hxetter than small sales *ith large profits. I Ihave concluded to adopt the former as !my guide, and hope I shall be enabled to fcarry itout by persons in want of anrthingin my line firing me a call before purcfiasiugelsewhere. EDWARD LYNCH.

Near Depot, Westminster, lid.' feb2o-lf

To Err is Human.BLT failing to call before purchasing 'elsewhere and examing the Stock of j


J! is a disregan! of your own k'interest that is wholly inex-

cusable. Having had an exper-ience offire years in tbe hudneiM, he nowHatters himself that he can always exhibit tothose wishing to purchase any article is his

; linv. stock not excelled in variety md1 quality by any other establishment in the

i county, and his prices are guaranteed notto exseed those of Baltimore city, or anyother place in the State.

i BQuDon't mistake tbe place, one hun-dred yards East of tbe Railroad, on Main

‘ Street, nearly opposite the new CatholicChurch, Westminster,

max 21


’ But the Diamond Spedarfa willPresent It.

\ TTf joo value your eyesight use theseJL Perfect Lenses, ground from MinuteCrystal Pebbles, melted together, and derivetheir name •'Diamond*' on account of their

, Hardness and Brilliancy. They will last' many years without change, and are war

1 ranted superior to all other*, manufacturedby J. E. Srsncnt k Co.. S. Y.

i Caitiox.—None genuine unless stamped, with our trade mark.

I W.M. MOORE,, Jeweler and Optician is .Sole Agent for

Westminster, Mu., from whom they canonly be obtained. Ho Pedlers emphiyed.

june H ly•

Black Berry Nyrup.Diarrhfca nd Hummer Complaints

ukeHering’sCo npoundSyrup of Black-by A. H. Huber and

John W. Wiiiuer. julyfc


Produce llepol.*T TUB H % If, KOilt.


n AVISO loud titkrjt and (oano ;dkm* Warehouse, (fcrxriji occfiej Iby J. T. Oemiorf., t are now lo j




CORE, W PRODI CEof all Also to iwit* aad [


Produce and GoodsJofall kinds. Tbew a;.*okeep euaatantJe on j| baud a large and full Mock of


Wtoioii jur Retail.Flocr. Bacon. Food, Grsia. Salt. F*h. Ac.. ,tßfOtkir aUk Spade*. Shovels, Hoea. Rakes. |

( **<d Farmers and Gardeners' Imp lean*si*jgwoeraily. Alaw

| GUANO AND FERTILISERSofali deavr |li fja; and ia fkrt all article* ia

joar line.j Wji’a low* experience. and by stric-t atwc- jJ ionto business. we hope to woeire a literal .

! share ofike public pasr*uage.DENTON GEHU.J. T. OBNDOBFF.



GROCERS,UEG leave to call attention to ike large

slock of Groceries, liquors. Ire.,whichUaey willkeep constantly oo hand, at ibeirnew More a few down catl of RailroadIfopct.

Our factlniee arc each as to enaWc ns tooffer great inducements ia point of prices,as we hare jast purchased, for caafe. uar j

I entire stock, at low pneea. We will taa*; pleasure in showing our good* at any lime.

Oar Mock embraces a complete line of1 lioice Tamil) Groceries and




ClftMivare,Willow Mare,



liob. Huron. Lard Mall, Tar.

i /Also Dealers in Country Produce gener¦ ally. Very respectfully.d 30 U*9 UVINES t CO.


50 Yards West of the

Rail Road,

Wain St.. Westminster, Md..


Lumber and Coal.j DOT 26.

THE MUTUALFire Insurance Co.



! fHillsCompany ia in a most flourishingI condition. Ike rates of insurance are

f as low as thoae of any Company in theState.

DIRECTORS.Augustas Skrier, Dr. Henry 1. Be’,la.

Edward Lynch, I>r. Samuel Swope. AlfredZollicK'-fer, Dr. J. W. Bering, GranvilleS. Haines. Granville T. Bering. DavidPrugh, Hichtcd Manning.


Rk hakd Makvixg, Secretary,mar 10 ap 21 -if

HUGH DOYLEHAS just received from Baltimore the

best and finest selected Stock of l.a---1 dies’, Gentlemen’s, Misses’ and Children's

BOOTS and SHOES,ever offered in this market. Also, a largesupply of Over Shoes. All of the aboveStock will be sold at reasonable prices forcash, and satisfaction guaranteed. All workwarranted or repaired free of charge.

Also a lot ofBoots and Shoes of my ownmanufacture, of the best materia], at RE-DI CED PRICES,

j Remember the place, Main Street, nearthe Catholic Church.


Baughman & Herr,



ASD BLACKSMITHS IS GESERAL.HpfeU attention given to Repairing. All

i order, promptly filled and work of every jkind warranted.

VS-Factory oppotite Montour house,Main Street, Weatniinater, Md.

op -iy

MA\SIO\ 1101 SE HOTEL,Forth out Comer FaydU & St. Paul Sts.


laaac Alberalou, Proprietor.PajT 1his is one of the most pleasant and

. central locations in the city.Tk* $1.60 per day.may 7- If

i ________________l

QUEEN’SWARE. —The largest and bestassortment in the county, at

way is John l. rlifsnideu s.


INIKON Y S. DILLER,Attorney at Law,

WpmixsTEi Md.

Pair Office on Coart Street, firet door jjfrom likeoorsar. jan 6, IKItf

until a. umilMK.arroßSErs-Ar LAw asd soli


VIr E have formed a copartnership ia the

M practice of lav in the Courts ©f| Carroll aod Howard Counties, and willjpromptly attend to all besiaew entrusted to! oar rare. Particular attention paid lo Col-; lectio** and procuring Idecree* for the saleofReal Estate,

j Also. Application? filed for Bark Pay and' BuiiCty due heir* of dccreuwd *aldim.’I Office adjoining the residence of Cn. T.I RcirssiDiß. noAR-U*

Wa. M. Nukin. J. J. Bitssitnii

MERRICK & BAUMGARTNER.Arrtt*.wir at Law ap ?olici-

Tnf is CBAvi-ar,

nATE aa*crUu4 to practice their rrofe#-¦itja ia the arvaral Coarta ia CamJl |

e>aaty. TVir0e uat th <*f Mr.I Baawrartber. ia Wesuaiaster. Md Mr. Mvr-

. rick will be j* WV*uiwl.: daring the Ter*I of the Coart*, aod at rat h other baa as bu*i-

n-w war reqaue—L* acav also Ur rot,**]ted at**o&c*. So. t> Saat Paai Street. Baltmeec.Marjlaad. auvSA-ti

ABNER NEAL,Justice of the Pun asd Attoi

© sit-at-Law

Office st the Coart Hate.

HE will nqkeeially to uhtataiag De-. cm* fur the aruieaaeet *Aevtatrs wf it- '

*•*?<•<l perk..M Ae, Deeds. Villa aad all IIwimirat* f Vritiag prepared, fhargrt

; Moderate. Aeck-J

R. B. NORMENT,Attorney at Law,

HATISG W<aiedta the City ' Vn'aisOffice w Mm Stmt lav h*o

: Wuet wf Coart. re*a*r*ally itfwaithe citirw* Carrwii. ud (auow. that he will*PBHIII*ifuaM alt has. fas rtirarttd

j *• h. foh Wdvrv the Cvwtf ' ihie SOU aadI the I*-;*•t.u ¦••> r/ he U;>c'ittut

; W swAtaghaa. D. C. }rrtiurta ; lie Coars• Itukrattn. i

Kcmucu7. Ward sasJ ieha S*t:th. Esq..

I CffieHiw tkefl, Esq., aad Dr. Thr-was Fei- ,Sassa el >"*•!. Esq., aad J. It. Ward,

WaAiagtoa. I). C.B. F. M Harley. E*,.. Register ia Bank- I

| rapcy, Frederick City, Md. aov |4-1;


A IT". IN CHANCERY. ¦ *rr, hn j; **rt'fcAsional ServicA-t to the public, and |: wi.i promptlyattend to ali busiuets eatrust I; tdto lit care

1%.‘ Mato Street. East Eui, IVcstmtnAter. Md.J *ep 21-tf

ktM l hmw Sr Isaac B. Psaia n J-


ILLj r. u\ t; ? atd carefalit att> - <i to a ;lv v kibd of batiaevs ia anr of the •¦ro mtk is Stale. Office opp<i#Jtr W*- ftmint if i Uvtei, fMaia Street, W. -w.uur, Md.

dec IM

Joum E. Srith. V*. A. M(Knur. ISMITH & MeKELLIP.

tllorDry|.|.Law AMlcllanIn Ibant er).

¥ T AVIVOfilfßfd a partnership ia the prat-I1 tie* of law. willgive proaipt a(U i.tia to

i illDOficew entrusted lo their care.Office a Maia Street, a few doors East ©f i

dee S- |jr I|. e. Hum ,it . c . M„. ISYESTER & BONDHAVE associated tK*-tnselves in the prartice

of law ia Carroll coaaiv atd the sevirsl ’1 Coaria <*f this State.

Mr, Seyster will visit Werttsinst-. * a her' baviaes* r* quires iL

Office, comer Maia and Coart StrteD.apt il 15.

Danl. G. Wright,ATTORNEY AT LAW,

JfiF'Orrtci s7 Street, Ballimore. Md.

j p7. nov 18, 1889.


Attorney at Law & Solicitorin Chancery,

wESTMIKSTER. M D.I SajrOrnrE directly Of,jo,ile the Court

Iloaw. 10 |


OFFICE --Comer Mam and Court St., jWestminster, Md.j may 12 feb. 24, 1870— ly*

Hr. J. H. ItilliiiffslenIS still actively engaged in the Practice

ofMedicine.feaT Office and Residence at John L

Keifanidar'a. aug!9—tf


AND SURGEON.MAY be found at the office of Dr.

Swormstedt. when not otherwise pro-| leutonally engaged.

Office and Residence opposite MontourHouse. Westminster, Md. ap 20 ly*

IFK. D4\li:i. S.

SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN.OFFICE and iieidmce Pennsylvania

Avenue, West End, Westminster.| mar <4O

OR. LEONARD ZEPP,HAVING located at the East End of

Westminster, offers his professionalservices lo the public. When not engagedmay he found at his office or residenceone door wet of Sumsbury's Hotel.


Dally Passenger A Mail LineT7rom Gettysburg at Wesfininster, con-I nerts with the Cars at Westminster.

For Beats apply to Zacharias’ Hotel, West-minster, or Keystone Hotel, Gettysburg.

Notice.FIMHE subscriber, a Licensed Scrivener, in1. always ready, on short notice and rt-a

sonable terms, lo write Deeds, Mortgages,Bills of Sale, Bonds, Releaves. Wills, Ac.

D P. SAVLER.Double Piue Creek, Md. mar lU.

I Split Bottom Sewing and Ann Hockpjy f ing L'hairc, for sale atjuoc 22 John L. Rtiftnider't.

FftOrCftllOVlL € 4RIF4


I . M CRlti: I WELLER,


jOffit WtstmhmUr. )id.. 2d d~<or li’rat ofParmrrr and Jirrhanirt' Itank.

FpAKBtJearr in informing tln-ir friendsI 1 and tne ywhlk generally that having

j increased their facilities for business, theyI are at all tiree* prepared to perform any

! operatiocs in operative or mechanical Denj livtry.

Fall Seta ofTeeth. $lO. sls. and FJO.1 Pure Nit. Ox. tiaa. on band at ail lime*

r Dr C. BilHagtlca will oontinaa lo visit

j the followingplaces:| I'mum Brvlfe.— Ist Wednesday in every

' j month. —remaining until Friday afternoon, ji S'*m M'imitvr.—2nd Wednesday ioeverv

' i monO.

I —3d W ednesday every month. ;: remaining anti! Friday afternoon.: Tmmt/fSntm —Id Fn Jay is n erv month, re--1 maining aatil the Wednesday following.| J. MERIKKN WK.LI.Erf will ri*i Me

I chanirstown 2nd Wednesday ofevery month,; remaining antil Friday noon,

j*® 19.—1 y

Dental Notice.

DR. CEO. 8. FOCKE, Dec.ti>t. offer. b,•mien at lot Office,

Ij Wrvtn.iaster—every Moeday, Taesday aad> Saiarday.J EaaaiUfharg.-F<>arth Vrdacaday Afleraoosj till Tkareday Aflrfa<K>a.

Meehsaiesiuvra—Foarib Tbaraday AfUraoua

i| sad Friday.Kreeky Ridge—First AfraooaDoabie Psr-e Creek—First Tbarvdsv.M4dlrbarg-F.fMFr,dav.

; l'ait>al<‘W6—Becnd Wedaewday \flrrmi*om.Taavr Tharedar Afieraooa 4

Friday.I’etrea Dridge— Thied Wrdacwday AfWraooa

aad Tbartdav ForearK>o.Srm WiadVar—Third TVaraday Aflmma

aad Friday Foresee*. ftb 13.


Professor of Music,P JOPOSES to give private instruction

at Westminster and New Windsor, on !

I the Puvo. Osuv, Viou. Gcrraa, Cut- |’ txrrr. Ftrrt as© is llaumoxt. Pupil*

wiii he waited on at their residence. Also jagent for y.cy

Ww Kvtat & CuV BESJKCELEBRATED PIANOSM tf Tlwd E P. Nmeis A Sob s CarivalledORGANS. Partscilar attention paid to j

. the aclection of Instramenta.via yo s ruy/; d .

For particulars inqtrre at A. H. Huber’sStore, National Hotel, or Calvert I

j College. aog 4 -if j


No. 2, Carroll Hall,


Foreign and Domestic Drugs,

PaK'ti! Mrdltliies,

Perfumery, hr.


KEEPS constantly on hand a complete (. stock the purest1

Drugs & Chemicals.besides the most popular

PATENT .MEDICINESn the market. Parties will find, on exam )

nation, a variad aasortiaent of


#*•l- Evptcial aUeoiioa paid lo Pbysi |c ass Order* and Prescriptions.



Stoves, Tin Ware,And Housekeeping Articles,


jIn Baltimore,Can Be Had at

FISHER’SStove and Tin Mare House,

| No. 92 Gay Street, opposite Harrison. |COOK STOVES

le*k than any other House in Marpland.No charge for Freight or Draysge.

j Send for price lists.feasTNew Stoves warren ted two years.Grates, Bricks and Repairs at Foundry

Prises.Rejairing done promptly,mar $0 ly

¦ intuitcut* \ollce.

Edward Wade re. His Creditors.

ORDERED this loth day of January,IB<2, that Edward Wade give notice

J lo bis creditors, endorser* and sureties, thatthe Second Monday of May next is fixedfor the wild Edward Wade to ap|ear inthe Circuit Court for Carroll county, toanswer such interrogatories a hi* creditors,emioreri* and sureties may propose or ullege against him: and that a copy of thisorder be published in some newspaperprinted in Carroll county, once a week lorthree successive months prior to the said2nd Monday of May next, a* such notice,

lest: JNO. B. BOYLE, Clerk,jan 20-Bm*


Tu Clone Out my Preieal stuc k

IE you waul a call at No. 8 Peon-•jrlvenw Avcnu.-, finh Slorc north ofi runkliu Street, Bultimore-<lec Pi-lit JOSEPH DALEY.J011.% T. DllTLMUn.n.


1 V pecml altenlion lo the ule of Per-sonal Property am! Real E.ute-

EngogemeoU may he made m this office,feh B—tf

OPERA FLANNELS, ell shade.,, pletnend plaid, of best quality, at

o*81 E. K. Utrnand'e.

CIIANOE OF timehi;T:u% NO. mll-RotO.

r-|^ uke fffm April 9.1*71, CalvertJ I Station. Coiner riwliHn and CalvertM. Train* leave 9 A.

! MJd h.M 1* M.. for Owing* Mill*, R*n*tcndowu, Finksbarg, H wiartwtor. Kcw

i Windsor, Union Bridge. Muidleburg, Boatie Pipe Creek and Mechanicstown.

*m sstso.Leave Union Bridge at 5.00 ad 7 18 A

1 M. and 4.tif*P. Mj Mecbonicatown at 6.85 A. M. and 3.00p. M

WntanMter at 5,35 and 7.M A. M. and I(,P

I Stage* mooed at (Jl Mom*Statwn for

j Ham pet cod and Manchester on amral olj 8.30 A. M. tiain from Baltimore; at Midj dieburg Station for Tonerlown and at Duu

! I4e Pipe Creek Station for Eronnltabarg onj arrival tame train.

An Express Car leavr* Calvert Station.Baltimore, loilv. except Sunday,) at 3.30

|P. 54. Light freight and Darrels can c**nn; by tbi* car if delivered before 3 00 P. M.

I r***coca Suno*. —The Depot of N.I C. H. W. Freight Station Corner Centre

; and North Street*.

Office of General Freight and PosoeitgetI Agent, No JW North Street,

j tiffHt of President and Superintendent,No. 54 North Street, Baltimore.

N B A Ticket Office ba been openechi No. 9 North Calvert *lre*S. opfXMNUBartiun/s Hotel. Ticket* can le procuredat any time during the day at all point* <n

i line of Rood. lioggage coiled for. checkedand delivered upo-i application at thi* office (

JOHN T RIGNKV,may 4 Master of Tran*portalion. I

MONEY CANNOT BUY IT-,l or sight la l*rlcelrt!

41 E row offer a Gloss lo the public |If

celebrated opticiar* of the wfrld to be the jj iDdit prrf -ct, natural artificial help to the !j human eye erer known.

J They are ground under our own tuoerrif ion. at oar own manufactory inNew Haven,and are so mnstrncted that the core orcentre of the lense come* directly in front Iofthe eye prr. laci.-g a clear and distincttmm, a in the nat ra) healthy kight, and

I prevent.* all unpleasant sensations, *uch a*

glimmenn and waveri gof sight, diuinew,

i Ac . peculiar to ah other* in u*e.

j These Glosses are mannfar ured from mi-nute crystal pebble*, mrlied together, and

; derive their name, “Diamond," on account

of their hardness and brilliancy,i The*e Glasses are mounted in the fine**

; manner, at our own manufactory, in allj style* of Gold. Silver. Steel. Rubber, and

| Shell Frame*, of the be*l quality.Their durability cannot be *urpa**ed. and

j their finish it such a* will suit the mosti fastidious.

None genuine unless bearing our trade: mark, stamped on every frame.

Manuf* lured by J E Sr>>xcca 4 Co .Practical Optician*. New York.

For Sale only byWM MOORE.

Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SilverWare. Ac.. Ac., Westminster, Md.

*ep 28 if


K EEPS constantly on hand and for•ale. at hi* Store,

“ € K NTH 41. II4 LL ”

nearly opposite the new Catholic Church,a full assortment of

BUILDER’S HARDWARE,Hardware Generally,

Oil* and Paint*.feather of all kinds,

Groceries, Provisions,Willowand Cederwo**,

AHthe Above good* will be told at lowrates, and will be delivered free of chargeat the Railroad Dcj*>i. or any other pointin the town of Westminster.

JOHN H. BOWERS,nearly opposite the Catholic Church. 1

mar 18



’ll\i:PAINT* of ull kind*.


ftsT* done at the *horte*t notice. -Vgji


F . D . 8A N FORD,(Basement,) First National Bank,

at the Depot.msy2l —l/ Westminster, Md.

J IIft li.HARK,

Watchmaker from England,

HAS removed to hia new store, Fayettet Street, ophite Born urn’s ifotel,

Baltimore. 5 doom below hia old stand.

IN. B. Fin# Watub Repairs at tradeprice* a specialty.

Cleaning $1.50. Main Spring $1.26.! Warranted for one year. nov 18


Watehes X JewelryB*l WEST BALTIMORE ST.,

*P I® lj Baltimore.


CIOFFIN Handles. Plates. Tacks,Screw*.jlace. Ac. Undertakers wi.l find nice

assortment of the above goods always onhand. Orders from the country carefullyand promptly attended 10.

dec 2*‘Jin K. K. GERNAND.

IjWKNCII.and English American Chinabest quality ofIron Slone Ware. war.ranted not lo crock. A full stock of C. C.Ware, Glass Ware lower in price than everA beautiful assortment of Vase* ai.d Fancy,

Goods, fur sale at reduced prices, atJune 22 John L. JieiJsnider's.

I.am pa. Oil*, *.•.

HpHE latest improved Burners, with a1. large assortment of lamps, for wilecheap. Kerosene Oil,and Machine Oils ofakinds, for sale atm*r 8 E. K. GERNAND’S.


CAI.L and see my fine assortment ofFrench Cloths, C**imere. and Goods

ot all grade* and kind, at Philadelphiaprices.

oct27 I. 00R8UCH.41 paean.

A CHOICE assortment of fine BlackAlpacas ; also low priced and fancy

color*, atsep 22 //. L. Karris A Co's.


A1 61, 8, 10, 11 and 12$ cents, ua lowR* before the war, at


J/- L. Korris A Co's.

TOHN L. REIFSNIDKR has just refi ceived a lure stock of Paints. Oils,and Glass, for sale at Baltimore prices,mar do

Fall and MlnTe*|wi.

E. K. CERNAND I{VHiNEK Vun uid r0rt(b_* J I

LADIES DRESS GOODS Ifft-r.cli. English. Scotch rwf i .i tbk *• I < ’Mrimeree of be* - H" . •••• •' In.BI M1W

_ ffW* ¦I'

DNe|i?l ¦

ii--ri-<si|best ENGLISH HCWK, I

"¦ ,„J rhrAp.ii ¦UUEENSWaRE m

|.| Wr.imin.irr. Alto Uu, Bcr. K IStationery, Ac. H

CHOICE c,ltorEß lEl ; IIn .h-.rt, -air Tour tim, ,n.| I"X -brrr TOO CM dl JoTTiZ Iwhat you want. WMt *4 ¦

'5 E ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD ICorner M.,n ...<1 Co urt

’ IK- niSh. I


DEALERS IN I|dry goods!



[WESTMINSTER, MD, IHave Rt. kited Tnt Ent9ioeg I

IFall Sc Winter Goodi, I


MILLLNEKTOUR friend* aAid custom*

lillaccept oar thanks Ib*r *>he A.-r i i-.-ral patronage FtdHnH I•e l ¦- i part jHRn |*." ¦ an.] r.- \ |,y JMftyW I

• j!’.*-’ k*ipp. t, ynu Imerit a continuance of their 9favor. We hare just received f

* I•n-l rrrcrmn, alm.KI ijmil, , ffUpi, of

.VIILLINERV GOODS,consisting of Bonnets, Hats, French iMAmerican Flowers. Ribbons, Amerie**,Knglish. French and Oroa Grain. Silks,Satin*. Cmpee, and everything kept in afirst Han* eetalilishment. Oar •electionare always carefully made from the veryIn *t and mt fah>->nable house*. Ordersfrom a distance willbe promptly attended*.

", p h* v, ‘ *'*rt engaged the services of •fashionble and competent Dress maker fre*Baltimore, and will be glad to recto*order*.

Patterns ofall kinds furuisbedst modecate rate*.

Afull supply ofNotions and Toys, aleayion hand.


Tlir Mill**ol Biir>lisnd



Ao 17 Situlh Sirrrt, linltimort.

Company insures, on the nutsalI plan. BoiMing* and Personal Propwtt

j against f-oes or Damage by Fire, i*

I parts of the State. The entirt proJU rr1turned to the PbHqf 4 Jders.

B. 0. HARRIS, Preside*.Hoard of /Hrectnrs:

Fronds Menle. of Neale, Ham* A Co.S. 11. Caughy, of Nonh Walker ACe.C. McUolly, of Pomerail A McCully.Philip T. George, of George A Jrnkise.

B. 0. Harris, late of Neale. Harris A Ct.lion. George Brent, Court of Appeals.George P. Jenkia*. Charles county.George Combs, M Mary's sosaty.

march 10. das 33,-ly

Real Estate AgencyA T the solicitation of man* persons •

f\ have concluded to establish • R*sir.Ntnte Agency in connection withoorßsek*i<ig Basins, and now have a large nok*'•f Valuable Farms, Buildinghand, which we offer at reuxmahl* tsp***The title* lo all properly sold hy ui eillksgust anteed. All properly placed in or

1 hand* willl>eextensively advertised throsp

I* the Agencies in the large cities. Blaabfur di scription of property furnished os


j sep 7-if Wealminster, *4.



RESPECTFULLY informs the citwjj. of Carroll county and vicinity, that*

ia constantly rcceivii.g new and beauUfslgoods from New York, constating ofWATCHES, either Amer*

Knives, Forks, Spoons, *

patterns. Watches renaired in the WJmanner end warranted. Silver an* bow

Plating done with promptness and dispsi**

Sewing Machine* of every make on haM

also repairing done. . ,Give me a call as I am JelernitneO


House and LotAT I'IIIVATE SMB.


rpUK former residence ofI the subscriber, every- A

tim g convenient and in gm*dMJ,,repair, excellent well ofwaterand cistern, a choice variety of l‘

and fruit trees, large stable and carrsgw

house. Also an adjoining building H* ,The above property is “‘table

private residence of a mechanic, as 11 .tains an excellent room for a shop * **

F. BUFFINGTON.ocl 2t>, —if

Building ud omb.Ick. t lowi-nt citr prlo.*l

fcbio E. K. OERNAND

TJAINTS, OUlM'l GUm, 1 Bl |,raor *
