THE WASHINGTON HERALD FRIDAY DECEMBER 30 1910 Town j v in Signs UpT ennis Title Rolder Doherty Dead I J- s I Gabby Street For Gentlemen- are bound to appeal- to you as no other shoes will They- are the thorough- breds of shoedom All leathers for all Headtofoot Outfitters and the Ave SPORTING SIDELIGHTS By HILL BAILEY for die flay alter 1 Mldom equal to th ni ht before Willie Boppe will show Prartdant Taft a ftw fancy abou at the White HOUR to nMirrew Msht Barton Lank UJ MMMaiaeing lid believe us he is some pltB 3iiete lave lost a good friend the death of Dr Wiber During a aiic Mion several week ago the asked hU definition of a Chrisdae- ard he refriied A man who pays his h bta Nut far from the mark at that Jome w g recaally remarked that Mack was atronK for the uplift in baseball awl poiatert out that Connie h 3 dfjned a seined Derrick Local aaadlotr ban players who wish a Mai Virginia Loacue next sHim n ar mvited to call OH the sporting editor oC The Washington Herald who c n xtve out some Interesting informa Thor a ch tomnnflient N Uiroaten- N toedy is tho Capital ever hoard any eries for DraKe the TrfSttiti Leat ie- BW 3aJtey tk this opportunity to thajik Mr B MacCsrUty for his Christ maa greUtm in the shape f aome Well Mr MaoCarthy la a ral fan Here tho verse Win the awowbUT iwsa ibM tb Weto bit July vMb nerat you wwnAorV- YlMa UM Mind tolni a Mtwxjir At ran 0 r tebr tony almoH its Wr Hut brinp you the day What Meads aU any Mcrr Chrirtma Old aad 8 dbk yea A d your h ut warma and awflifc As OK of the bulk TiB tliens Mtbtec on tartfc to MireK jea Them t geod to bo Uvtoe And ud Jvm- Xti nutter how mrrov tmr phere- to Lwtsh y my boy tVna bowt tyery Joy Mattr Chrislaaa ad N v la ri Thor is going to be a tenaailo run in Baltimore on New Years Day which com cares with the longdistance Jaunts held undur the auspices of the Y M C A htre during the past two years Sev- eral local are entered Te reason the local Y M C A aban- don d the run this year was because it turned out previously to be a n lng prop ositin The athletes really crabbed their own game as it VM hard work to set Ut m in the first place and the winners invariably kicked because the medals not worth about S- OUnleae sonte one scatter a few band fuls of sand on the path Pal Moore is following the sad history of one Edouard- Hanlon hi booked for a repent The kid has been triniraed the last three times out Boston papers are booming Garry HorrnAnn as the man for the turlwlent job of president of the National League Garry is for Tom Lynch but might be induced next year i R B Walker the South African sprint- er whose preee agent had him running 1 yards in less than nothing a few months ago being defeated by Don aldson when most unfortunately Mr Walker stubbed his too at the sixtyyard linV Its too bed they dont have sprint- ers in this country so the difference be- tween South African Waterburys and American watches might be displayed in- c match contest TECH SECTION TEAM BEATEN The Invincible an aggregation of Technical High School students were defeated by the Reserve basketball quint of the Eastern High School by the close wore of SO to 16 The game was scrappy and was featured by tho playing of DC Grange and Schwegler for the loser and High and Brown for the wlnirars LinoupiB- TtariWea Pontons Bastera Do Omes toft forward Brwn- KeBaer ri t fervrord HoJxjr- Meaaey center IHctt- Stranaban left part M iOown- Bdawcsler riffat guard Bccaj 3e5o to 800 mtET W I If watwao busme ao jok L Deer i doctor- w Con- n play in the II i written verse decIth wool A YUL1ITIDn RWFING Off bat- A n- it ur SeNt chi loon m MAW ted were hot ttod I Shoes occasions Ninth rids I do- th tie k w outaslder p a4 ours apiece I was ¬ < > ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DELEHANTYS INJURIES MAY HURT DETROITS CHANCES- If Leg Fails to Mend What Will Tigers Do for Second Gossip of Interest BasemanOther By WILLIAM Jim Delehanty former National and now with Jennings Tigers is giving the Detroit fans a mild Del strained the ligaments in hls reg last season and It that he may not bo In shape to play next summer Harry Neily of the Detroit Times has the following to say about the matter What will the Tigers do if Jim Dele hanty falls to come back Ever stop to think over the consequences of that sad calamity With Del missing whod plug tho gaping hole at second base Think- it over These same Tigers are going to have some pennant aspirations this coming season just as sure as a kind providence made little green applesi The boys will down there In Dixie pretty soon tell- ing you all about it but just mark down with the old stub pen that it Jim Dele hanty doesnt respond or if some suit- able man is not found to take his place the chances of the demon Tigers in Dll are going to be just slightly hotter than those of the festive snowball In Tophet and they aint much Not because Jim Del is a toph avy per- son of note in Tigerville but because to date there is a lamentable lack of all around competent secondbaling talent aboard the Tiger case Friends will tell you that Charlie OLeary isnt done but he is OLeary can field with the best of them but ho can no longer hit Chick Lathers can hit but is flatfooted Be- sides he makes no pretensions of being a second sacker Jay Kirk inserted his gawKish person into the fray toward the close of last season but galloped about tho infield to tho grea danger of himself and the enemy He isnt fast enough Besides the way Kirke tries to block run ners off second base and ride the demon slider into the sack he would la t just about one trip around the circuit Then the boys would commence to see Jay first and hed spond half his time picking spikes out of his shins Jays willing but lacks class So there you are In the words of tho text Something must did because Jim Dels leg may not recover and be- sides he may be hurt again any time Second who can hit and field are scarce woefully scarce as any magnate can tell you They grow not in the tall bushes neither can be had for muck coin But nevertheless and however it would pay Magnate Navin to keep his weather eye cocked in the directions hi which any stray second sackers might possibly be resting You never can tell when something will break in the trading lineLets hope that Jim Delehanty will re turn to the hid for Jim can bit around 290 all the time can run pretty well and can work that old stuff In there all the Urn Manager Hal Chase of the New York will pay strict attention to We pitchers for tho coming season that is in working them in proper turns Chase thinks the pitchers should be given as much rest as they think they need Last season Rue Fenl would not work out of turn and with the four days rest toe would enter the bex like a lion It proved a good Idea on Fords part as his record last season shows Chase said before h loft for California that ho to try and work all his pitchers the same way Chase thinks all the pitchers should be given a good rout between proM He will have Ford Vaughn Warhop Hughes Quinn PteharAand possibly one of the new men and will not work any when they are right The Yankee man ager thinks it vtU be a grand kiss to notify a pitcher a couple of days in ad vance of the Urns when he is to work something which Connie Mack The Yankee leader thinks ho has corking pitching staff to work with season HO also lies a fast team to pet behind them Wray of the St Louis Who would be a magnate and then come across with the following Minor leagues received 291360 from the big league clubs for the contracts of play- ers during 1810 nn average per club of over 15000 Is there any other business that must annually devote such a per cenge of its capitalization to depreciated machlnerp Probably tips sum entirely wipes out the annual profits of some of the more lowly teams The Browns and Cardinals each expend ted about 30w If each club gets two reliable men from the squad of recruits- It will have maintained the average Figure for yourself the cost of rebuild- ing a brokendown team And then com- pute the gray hairs gained by the man who attempts the task knowing that there are not enough capable young play- ers graduated annually in both leagues to make up a championship club Umpire Billy Evens thinks too much boosting hurts the rising young baseball player Too much praise Williams sel- dom hurts any one in any line of en- deavor who i tJ re Wagner most be worth SfiOQ an to any Pittsburg news bureau Starting in with the fall announcement that he may be traded Hans name is campaigned through interviews with all the stockholders till the December meet- Ings when the club management denies intention to trade him But still the hardy canard is not head merely altered It not traded then may be sold If not sold he may be played in a new position His winter health too is worth a cou- ple of columns and arriving at spring- it comes time for tho annual that Hans will retire Theres a denial to that trouble with his and failure to report with the rest of the team still to fall back upon So far Hans has managed to get back into the game as usual But on the strength of the tact some day he may justify one of the items the bureaucrats ramble on like the brook forever Theres a hint of a conspiracy on the part of an outraged press to use last years files during the winter and thus foil the news sellers In the meantime the winter Wagner serial of 131011 is just in its infancy Heres an unkind shot from the Now York Globe Says a Washington paper Another trial for Doc Gessler seems assured If we remember rightly the ball player was tried and found guilty in Brooklyn Chicago and Boston Fiftyseven players were reported to be on the roster of the Superbas at the present date giving ample evidence that the Brooklyn nine is going after the pennant with hammer and tongs next year permeated with plenty of new blood New York Tribune Let us hope that none of the new mem- bers will take advantage of being one of the fiftyseven and stay pickled all season Why must a bat be round Why should ancient conservatism hamper the bats- men Why not hrve a square bat do I EEl s Is I be be bailers they I j head Yankee does a n t b- asks j Hens Hans announce- ment con- tract e feared 1 In- tended official- ly i I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ JIM DEIEHA T- Yawy with fivesixths of the foul tips and Have stralghtaway slugging that would be a joy forever TTio round bat was necessitated by the fact that in the long ago tho batters had all the best of it and scores of 100 to 97 were quite a com- mon happening WithV a flat or square the hitters of fifty years ago could just keep on slugging till their lefs pure out The round bat came in as a life- saver for tho pitchers and a handicap to the Now that me pitchers have all the host of It why should the round bat continue to dominate the arena Think It over Every year we hear about this that or the other fellow who is lead sure to beat old Torn Jones out of his job They had the veteran fleet sacker losing his berth every spring while ho WAS with the Browns but each season Tom won out The truth be told Jones has seen twont7 youngsters try for his job and then be sent book to the minors The one rookie who has Impressed him most in all these years t Ness the Tiger recruit who tried to boat Tom to the wire last spring and will bo on deck again In March Country Morris is playing a star game a forward his section team In the past few games he has scored most of the points He is as good a forward as he Is a and Director Haas of the Inajram Memorial quint should nave no difficulty in playing Country in that position when one of his regulars is hurt I bat all pers tw or uard ¬ BASKETBALL Larger crowds will attend the games now as there is no soccer football or other sports The Catholic University freshmen quint has showed the other teams of the Dis trict that they win have a lookin on the championship pie The Georgetown Freshmen quint which Roger Bone manages has oaten all the teams they have played so far by large scores Why not give them a craok at the varsity quint The section teams which have been organized at JT eh may play the Busi- ness quints for the championship of the Some good material should be theee sections Scott who was ruled off the Business High quint on account of flunks is play ng the game of his life with tho Ingram Memorial team Coach Haas has taught the boys a few things they never know before The Eastern High School quint has to play the Cathedral Sohool quint in tho Eastern gymnasium This game should prove one of the hottest of the season as both teams arc light and fast What become of the Patent Office team tHat Charge Allen the former Y M C A was coaching They had good material when they started and with Allens coaching should have had a good team In Conover Haas has obtained one of the headiest players in the city In the few games the Ingram Memorial quint has played Conover has showed his abll ity to cage the ball making shots from all angles of the floor GUI who played at the Y M C A when the present Boys Department quint In the midget class played against Yankees Wednesday night with the Northminster quint and tho Northmln sters were walloped 31 to 7 Business InCh Schools quint will play its hardest game of the season on Jan uard 3 The Stenographers meet Eastern High School Both quints have boon practicing hard during the holidays and- a warm game can be expected The Regulars of the Mens Depart- ment of the Y M a A will try and a game with tho Georgetown University quint before the season doses They were beaten last year by Ute team nd they will try hard to re- gain their laurels ST PAUL AFTER FLYNN- St Paul Minn Dec 29 Ac- cording to a wire from Pltt b rg President Barney Dreyfvss of the Pirates hits turned down an offer to sell Jack Flynn to the St Paul club the Piltsburg club leader grasping the plan of Man- ager Kelley of the St Paul club that Is to use Flynn as a catch er Manager Mike Kelloy has been negotiating with for the purchase of Flynn and in the course of communications made known the fact that he de- sired to the big Url sacker behind the bat Kelleys plan ap- parently kit fuss about rfTht for the PittabAirs club owner last night announced his Intention of retaining Flynn as substitute catcher I I from were the arranaL lost PIU bur use tifat section gotte s George- town ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Great Catcher Looks Picture of Perfect He Never Wanted to Quit Local Club GABBY TREET IN TOWN t HAS SIGNED UP FOR 1911 Nation ls HealthSays Br WILLIAM PI3ET Catcher Charles W of pie Na Uonala stopped over in Washington last night en route to his homo in Wllliains- iwrt Gabby spent Christmas with his mother down in Alabama having previ- ously taken the baths at Hot Springs for nineteen days successfully getting rid of a bad case of rheumatism Gabby looked like the milliondollar kid He said Im as good now as I ever was in ray life Last summer during the final game when I was bbhind the bLot my back and legs pained me so that I could hardly walk in fact I couldnt even lace my shoes Now look at me I cant understand why I was so badly misquoted in ono of the Washington pa- pers I never sold that I wanted to get- away from the Nationals I like Mc Aleer angjsti tIle Capital I did write irTeuer when the papers were full of proposed trades for me and told him that M he saw lit to trade me I lcAI r ¬ ¬ would work just as hard for any clUb in tho league as I always did with I added that I was perfectly willing1 to so to any city in the American League with tho exception of St Louis and that I did not want to play there During the course of conversation Street informed the writer that he yesterday signed his Mil contract and forwarded- It to McAleer He said that tho terms were perfectly satisfactory and he pre- dicted a great season not only for him self but tor the club While in Hot Spring said Gabby I worked out every morning with George McQuillen of the Cincinnati Rods and say maybe that old boy hasnt got something lIes one of the best I ever handled and has almost as muoh speed as Walter Johnson Gabby plans to leave town on an early train this morning for WiUiamsport where he will stick around taking life easy until time to report in Atlanta next March fc Wash- Ington ¬ ¬ ¬ CRACK DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL 23 I The Business High School track team can boast of one of the best lon distance runners in the District He is Gordon W Holland son of a D Holland of 1607 Eighth street northwest and has made a name for himself in tho longdistance runs held in and around the District This is Hollands first year at the u ATHLETESNo Rhode Island Avenue School as he flunked when he first entered school and had to repeat which kept him from making the track team Holland is one of those chaps pos sossed of considerable strength and endurance He showed plenty of endurance in the Times Marathon from Laurel to Washington In that race he finished fourth of the high school boys Those who fin- ished ahead of him had a big han- dicap which he could not overcome In the Now Years 10mile run of the Y M C A Holland finished tenth among a great bunch of start ors In both races he finished Strong and maintained a good stride all of the time Holland when running on the Business track team last year finished well up among the many starters in the mile event His only difficulty is that he is used to running a greater dis- tance than one mile and cannot to the pace This ¬ ¬ ¬ j f j season Holland has not come out for the track team but joined the HOLLAND Washington CrossCountry Club He is captain of the track team of this club and they have been entered in the Baltimore CrossCountry Clubs New Year run Hi reason for not coming out for the Stenographers track team this season Is because they djd not give him the much coveted lqttor last season which he believed ho deserved Holland goes by the nickname of Puggy He ig eighteen years old weighs 13S pounds and stands 5 feet 6 Inches Ho will be graduated in June 1014 I t 1 0 5 FAMOUS TENNIS PLAYERIS DEAD- R F Dohferty Worlds Title- Holder Dies in London EXPIRED AFTER LONG ILLNESS With III Brother If I lie Was Backbone of Jlrltisli Team Hint Lifted Darin Cup Kid er Player While Slconff In Singles Made Specialty of Doubles Play London Dec 30 R F Doherty one of Doherty brothers the famous ten j nls players hi dead He and his brother H L Doherty leading tennis ex- ports for many years To American lawn tennis players the names of the famous Dohertys had been merely a record of worfderful perform- ance until the challenge for the Dwight P Davis international cup was received in IMC Then it became known that it was the intention of the Britons to send over their peerless players Reginald F Doherty and his brother Hugh Lawrence Doherty accompanied by Dr Joshua Pirn It was the first appearance upon American courts of the Dohertys and they acquitted themselves well for rela- tively they were feeling out the Ameri- cans and the taller P Doherty took the singles n the courts of the Crescent Athletic ClUb at Bay Ridge with Dr Pim reserving the little Do for the doubles While In this country R F Doherty wrote a book about lawn tennis which he dedicated to the Grand Duchess Anna tutu of MecklenburgSchwerin He had often played with her on the courts of Kurope and it is said that there ws a strong attachment between the two Could a F Doherty won many friends while in this country for be was of a jovial nature and liked nothing better times a practical Joke or a tilt of wit He was always ailing however and his smaller brother used to amuse the crowds about the courts at the Casino by telling them how their father jot R F to play ten ida to improve his health and H L was therefore compelled to get into the game a the older brother had been so humord that ho would not play unless the younger engaged with him The Little Do also recounted how it was impossible to get Reggie put an apothecary shop The elder brother he declared was always anxious to take remedy for his real or imaginary- ills and the Little Do that their rooms wero littered with bottls of medicine and pills which R F bought- in wholesale tow Held Kvory Championship In the estimation of European players and those of this country Reginald F Doherty wes on of the greatest players that the gems of lawn tennis has pro- duced At varioug times he held every championship of any importance that the world of tennis has to offer H was only beaten when his health began to de- cline Altogether he did much to place the game as a leading sport in England and it was practically through his wise generalship and captaincy in DIll that the Davis international cup was test by this country and has never been re- gained Boston Dec JSLawn tennis enthusi- asts In New England beard with regret today of the death of Reginald Doherty whose American career on the grass courts with his brother Hugh L Do htrty termed a brilliant page in the his- tory of the game on this side of the At- lantic Because of his height and length of arm R F Doherty was a wonderful getter while his general game was marked l jr its graceful ea and calcu- lating stc lines This coupled with his brothers rilliancy made a combination that vithttood the attacks of the best ptayr In the world for many years JTJAHEZ RESULTS FIRST UACEKi sad oaftbaif foiMas Ara- anw 91 Allen M to 1 w LOWMK 1W Wee 4 to 1 Mend Jnaraa MT IS to I shOd TiaM 1 T Trafalgar ton Ltttfe Vria- jOmt do Ofo Coed BeedHMM aod atalwxrt Lad else ran 8BCOXD RACKF1 aad OMhalf fnrionea Sbaarodc W Motam rtti 9 to i Hama Relic Murphy to X stand Pitoia IN- iWflm II to N shOd TUM 1 AdoiadeMr PcnnaaUy Stella aad Mwter CtenMe aim rue THIRD JUCKSfa toriOBWL Marion Coy IN- Mtteiwortli M to 1 won U M Ketet lit Riee 8 to I amaari Pedrio 1M VaKlwaa 8 U 1 third 10334 Jos SMch tiww Wool HMdea Hand Hands aJ Lewis StaSord also raw FOURTH RACBSii tvrtaugt flying Wait XS Murphy 9 to 2 woe limed Uw World M- BJMctie 7 to H KOMd Kottie MardiMtai V3- molcawwtli 9 te i shOd TJ 10116 Ooty- 11PTH lUVCKSlx farfciasfN Satata KB MoOd H to I WOB Ptoreoe A MS Rie i to 1 eeerad PreoB V6 Rtnoti S to 2 thIrd 1JS Yes Ootytto INttor 3k Pert xrtakte Silk Aat a Latent aad Ljan abe ran SiXTR UACBOM and oocsfctejnUi fl Kofike W MotawurJi to 1 va lUaea Go loss lOt Rice 6 to 1 tteaad Prad MaBialluri 107 McGeo 4 to 1 third TiMe 1 l5 Short Order sad Noon also nn JACKSONVILLE RESULTS FIRST RACBFIre ami ernehalf ferloae fled MB Burma T t 2 wn Aviator MT War no 4 to 1 wooed Im There W 55 to 1 third Time 1435 Ftarrie Bryan BMM Ftnart Rampant UoUwicfc and G L Doyle soc no SECOND RACEFlte and on half f rtoo s- Miata HO nutvreHV S to I won Startler HS liens 12 to 1 second F Carroll HO Gordon 15 to 1 third Time IKS 3 SJtria Guides Dt- ceirabte Rotvl Ledge and Dent aUo mn THIRD RCBSli furJoegs gOds 112 fWW son 9 to 5 won Itt DotweU te 1 second Moncritf 110 RelDJ to 2 thud 1 13 13 Blue Mous Bortfe County Tax Jim I aol Ella Bonon abe ran FOURTH UCF Ona mite Ragnaa MS Rail 3 to 1 won Carlton G Mttafiravtt 7 to I second Safidrian We WiU n 4 to U ihiid Thee 130 35 Tlx and Priacdifce also r B FIFTH RACBSix furVw Kw White W- SMuscrave 3 to 1 woe Marehid MS K to 1 second Night Mist K6 Rose S to 1 tttrd Time AbrasIon Mark AnUway Lose tine J Sallo Shawnee and Atdiria alsb ran SIXTH RACBOne and oae Ktcentk milts Ton Paces 105 Walsh IS to 1 w o Remit Pans Vft- Urofis It to Lsccoad Des Plea Mi 9 to 1 third 11926 OaklMnt Caoofian Howe Hib nica Splodlc and Lady Jfcther also flutes rot Detroit Training Trip SQUAD March 2 BirmJBgltom Ate March 2T Manphla Tenn March 3 2Lciii rilIe Ky Marsh 30 31 EransrJlle April 1 2T 3 Ind Mint 5 Colambu Ohio April 7 8 9tCinclnnati Ohio April 10Dayton Ohio SECOND SQUA J March Si Shreieport La March 25 2Sf Waco Tex March 2T SDaliaa TeL March 23En route to Oklahoma City March 30Oklahoma City March 31WichiU April 1 2Lin ln Nebr April 3 Omaha Nebr April 5 6Kansas City Mo April 7Pwria ilL April S 9tQuincy IlL April 11Sruth Tired Ind I the Yen It Take Joke- R some mel Laura wee U t TiM three darters rUt Tine It Gem Bell Red ne It Time leu Squire Bell 113 35 Roe Time Son ran FiRST Ipd iI Kan 10 tSundlr- o averred St Via Siturdal Is ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > < Wonder What Mertz Will Sar Today Store lows daily at 6 I M Saturday at 9 P 3d MERTZ SAYS J 33 to 50 Reductions You have choice of a magnificent line of ALLWOOL FABRICS And yours assured the services of tailoring ex perts who will make you a suit or over Suit or Overcoat to Your Order At coat to measure that will please E R T Z- MidiuIerCIearance J o j 4 1 41me Sign of the Moon iou ¬ > Regular 20 Value 106 styles allwool worsteds and heviots For 1045 a S6 00 TROUSERS TO ORDER 345 MERTZ and MERTZ Inc 906 F St II Ji MADE AT FRISCO Terus Trick Goes Five in 58 Seconds San Francisco Dec 2S Terus Trick which has raced at meetings in the WooL this year racegoers Emoryville this afternoon by winning the Cadeterhi Handicap over field of sprinters running five furlongs in the worlds record time of BS seconds The former worlds record of was made by Jack Nunaally over the same track three years ago The results WKST RAOBSix farloBs Cr 1 GUss 4 tori mn IldwoUnj K KHfcrie 5 to 2 aocow- dLesaw Hi Kinebbamu 7 te 1 thIrd Time ias Attane DorM 5 aiM e BCB D eae La inMsne and Gow abe rail SECOND IlACEPk and a half Mia din m Klfsctoasai 7 to 1 won 1at 19 Gar ail B to K gd Iarh0hkm US ar ncr i to X thW Tta 1M Orator Feather Dour Wteona and Mtoco also mae THIRD ItACBMilfc Duck Thani Jtfi Glzs to 1 C pt Uuroett KD HUUe M to 1 mad Hojil IU r 10 TapHa 13 to L thIrd Time Ira lUMDooaafol Maiifloi aid Great labOrs abe tan FOURTH RAOGWie loztouf Terse Trick C Garner 4 to 1 WOT Likely DicHdowe MO Wii- UvMl i UW G d Sja w B fi r 100 Ktdoiii I to 1 third Tin MetwpallUB Iiidc of Lfe J H Sheefeaa and Rib alee ran FIfTH RACBMlle aoA sn at yards Anna May MB T pMB S to 1 woo Court Lady Tf- fiKiwnal S to 1 Man 114 KMppt- f to 1 third 14 MkMi OnaUpu Sakr Sir Wwtey Jolt HaS Cbari y Paine asS Oritatt ran SIXTH RACBr tariCr own C H Patten Mt Mania S 1 Uwma G Gtoid 4 te 1 wood Belle of IroqneK MO huddleS f to 1 tUnl Time 1 M lUwwk I niac Frank U Ufctu Ada Meede iHi tctoa FiutewH Hall Mfes 4jr Tinhiahtat and SocarawW aim RACING CARDS FOR TODAY Jacksonville FIRST RACBPiw and w fedf brims 10- 5gw MOJ l B 1 VffctaCO D RC 6ix lmst- K Ow a Ml IK T 3W W- a SMcr UH Mba Marjorw KB hilly Hodowr J Cetiai Its Retort Qeeea M9 twrs X8 THIRD RACSax forfawp- Hnbjr Knisht W W JOG Detect 103 K8 Ben MT Mime IttlGMiiMn 11- 3FDlUTH RACEOw Mite ani MTW yank 9 KkjUos ME 92 r irs Vto4eHm U M Olldw Vn Drteof Jlrid rw ttr pH CroescaddaH 107 FIFTH lUCBSfcc f to s- Eudtfh B htr W Oases Load 10- 9LflaLutitt MM MO 1M May Am a- SMrhMtd MM Manhelmer L SIXTH IIACEOM and eA isteeMh rinse TteMet 9i Sob t m 35 m Uri Atfunwda m MT Soa MS Oakland FIRST RACESa fwiwaH- MD Rm 11 I Usda jao Tc Mo WJ A0 IJD Hl fcM Ml I 131 MwbKk Bl I UitatCSBSar l WcttDaiKfer 114 AHwiccS l Arthur Hjnwui 1M LwJ aHley W- 4SaCOVD and tJwonHe6 i muse ProateHae IttlRttt Ml IK I IraBk Pnrta VA Helen HawMM 10 DaUr V B BeBH oo v I St Ueli r MM i Sianajtrtimc 97- THIRO IlACEau furtw Erase l OTOUn 1 Media kKr et AmdaaairU- B l HeKott 1W fUlUakiir 151 Dee T Itl Bl D to 1 FOURTH RACEOM and ow mrter niles Rock Than ICi Poettaw MS Fryer NO Sir H6 J C S Mkrfew MksOfflrtow 9 Molcser MS S3 HO 1 FIFTH ICEOB8 mile IB Mr Bishop M9 Pre ACoc MO 7 109 KD Hany 101 WO IxUaCT d 7 i SIXTH UACEOrn mile Kaaoerito ICO 1M- IJh K MO SHmoVar y L iBeauthe 100 Mt K- MU C Acfccrltf K3 ItaMia 1QJ Jnnrez FIRST UACB Eire and a half furlongs 102 I Dubois M- SFriU lit Omrflweiit M- DSbawL Hfi Rd Withers 183- Dtadwood VS BetrM Shot B Modskr SI SECOND lUCBSix ftKkfflsB l Kyle 100 5 l flfer 109 Xed CarrnaiA irs Slants 1 B FmrfR IMitf 1M Doe Allen MS I y Bkw Xte77V 1C THIRD RACE Sewn TyrttiT I lee Marehiruat I rl 110 Wool WllUmjto ir Cbpwlir J 103 VWkbox 1 TKmtw MOlOtHit 113 FOURTH RACE Six furlongs Tnbrof SGI Fmttf r Metwer Mhrrtee Scott 1U I Sink Sprfac if- ReyEUorar JU J Hkr ill l lnwe m He KnowS IH- lVtH Prince Phariie 111 Jne W 0 Ill FIFTH RACBMifcI- rHaalor VK Alma fey V SIXTH JJACBSlx furlongs Out WT UO TiioHApie MS lit Rot Gttty UO I Rw Ill UO I MUUUUUU Always the Same Tharos 81 F Street W Phone Main 1111 Special Private Delivery WORLDgRECORD J Fur- longs bush electrIfied at I a I 58 3S I I Sol Harry Curie Due Wider woe fleas mooed Military TilDe CooL alec to Jm rID 9l Ii ill 1ft 1IJ1a IA lAd I lIt Q I Item MH My lId U W EdwIR L lOll Anri RC One nu tr j Soak 105 t1 US eel Jack 1fJ S 151 T I Ill Ban Sir f k Ft 5 Ate > T it SlEmse 109 Lady leiaftr cblJ I Gales 9 Paris JI I Emmett I I Phnwzeel E rt1nc Life 100 I Old I ne itch I Fred f- MC 1 lOG I r t 01 TIIJ ter 11121 Red U 103 Unec tire Berkeley Rye > S1 rums I woe See mes isio Dec Dens 1hak I I flaky IItIIG Slae Jed I Restrice Iuublis MISMM I Titus 5 I E tnus Taw hIs jse Cdl Wiher Netting flogee hews iI J Friars of utile 109 flee41jy 101 10 isle Niek Flower 115 I ill I fln < < > > > < = For 1245 Regular 2250 Value 150 styles allwool worsteds and cheviots II I I I AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY PEERLESS CHALMERS STEVENSDURYEA HUPMOBILEZ- ELL MOTOH CAR COMPANY 1315 New York Ate Phone Main 3- 3ersoa EMERSON ORMB Detroit Electors all Bll models Temporary Itwiflon rear of 1219 K it am Phone Main 7S BABCOCK ELECTRIC The Auto Aristocrat CARPENTER AUTOMOBILE I7th ted D- Elraore E MYERS Its ti it BIT TeleiiboBS Nortb 3532 HUPMOBILE 191 US750 ZELL MOTOR OAR CO JJ15 tom York aie Main S1SX J H Phone N 3727 151 14th street PULLMAN THEODORE BARNES CO Phone Main JOB K22 H st B Rauch Lang Electric MOTOR COMPANY KW V tt ov Ph e N 3061 EMERSON ORMB DetroIt Entries all 1911 models Temporary location rear ef I3J C tt nv Phone Main 85 RepaIring Ford Cars R Specialty Call MR BOWERS MaaarJ- IBCHAXICS AUTO REPAIX CO 1380 L t w Phone M 1731 StoddardDaytonBAR- NARD MOTOR OAR CO ISIS 14th St DIr TtephoD North SSQ SWINEHART TIRES PNEUMATIC AND SOLID Complete Stock Maintained by TERMINAL TAXICAB COMPANY Temporarily Located Rear 121Q 13th St N W Tliomas Flyer DAViD S HENDPICK Velie 40 MILLER BROS AUTOMOBILE SUPPLY DOCSE 1145 Hth st N file WASHINGTONCA- RTER MOTOtt CAR COMPANY Mnnsey Building MaIn 5128 WarrenDetroit 30 Auto repair shop asS talcaoom MK MU L Phone North ia NORMAN S BOWLES White STEAM AND GAS TIlE IMPERIAL MOTOR CO IS V tt av North 2E8 REPAIRS GARAGES C AUTO REPAinS BY EXPERTS ABBOTT AUTO RBPAlll CO 1711U Alh St nw Old Belmont l Latest 1911 foredoor style now on exhibition POPE AUTO CO 817 519 14th St Tel 31 74S CLASS ORGANJZED Four Quints to Be Represented in New Organization Mr Thatcher Arranging Ifcxtonslve Schedule Will Start Soon After the Holidays- A now Class B baskttaall league is about to be started In the city The league will probably be composed of four the Kendall A C Foundry A C Terminal Y M C A and the Corcoran Cadets although there may be some changes in the makeup before the first game starts The organisers or the league are sure that it will be a suc- cess and there is no reason why it should not be it is Just what th sporting public of the city has been wanting all the winter The teams ve about evenly matched and good games can be expected for tho balance of the saasbn The loaguo will be well supplied with good halls and will be able to accommodate fairsized crowds As the teams wish io start as soon as possible after the holidays any other teams desiring to obtain should address Mr imchor Spalding Brothers or Chris Mullady 410 Tenth street northeast DOWN THE ALLEYS R K Y M C A DUOKPIN LEAGUE Ctaka TiaineuD- M MrM lt aLJdi- s0er St n Payee 104 St 80 B 9 95 93 31 18 Munkck JK S5 S5 Total 30 m 3Sit Totals 2S3 PLATE IIMXTEKS1 DUCKIlX LBAOUK- Oiintf FtawH Bam U S 181 Vali 8 So- la n Ml ic i j Vad ja Si 92- Leld US IV i O 7- 9Hrimnkls K3 M 504 i Nc blt 1A Juan 98 MiMxAtJiu fc SO i3- TcUb KS 152 K3J Totals 533 tQ3 43 k CO C ARLES TeL INTERST I roJ SM MARION Ebersole 1 Regal I near u I k Phone Telephone Agent Tel J U LEAGUE teams all I aft wtl 5t q SS j HH II lit St5 I larva DAVID S HENDTITCK 27h- Phose f- KRIT so- htraditer Bunait Ponrraamenesr Sorry WILSON c tUl 14th at pe North 3143 Garage EvEiiiT I Informa- tion hutthu1 ague 45 33 4 lit iI 1 < ¬ >

J- I Gabby Town Signs UpT Title Dead I HURT DETROITS ...THE WASHINGTON HERALD FRIDAY DECEMBER 30 1910 Town j v in Signs UpTennis Title Rolder Doherty Dead I J-I s Gabby Street For

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Page 1: J- I Gabby Town Signs UpT Title Dead I HURT DETROITS ...THE WASHINGTON HERALD FRIDAY DECEMBER 30 1910 Town j v in Signs UpTennis Title Rolder Doherty Dead I J-I s Gabby Street For




in Signs UpTennis Title Rolder Doherty Dead



I Gabby Street

For Gentlemen-

are bound to appeal-

to you as no other

shoes will They-

are the thorough-

breds of shoedom

All leathers for all

Headtofoot Outfittersand the Ave



for die flay alter 1 Mldom equal to thni ht before

Willie Boppe will show Prartdant Tafta ftw fancy abou at the White HOUR tonMirrew Msht Barton Lank UJ

MMMaiaeing lid believe us he issome

pltB 3iiete lave lost a good friendthe death of Dr Wiber During a

aiicMion several week ago theasked hU definition of a Chrisdae-

ard he refriied A man who pays hish bta Nut far from the mark at that

Jome w g recaally remarked thatMack was atronK for the uplift in

baseball awl poiatert out that Connieh 3 dfjned a seined Derrick

Local aaadlotr ban players who wisha Mai Virginia Loacue next sHimn ar mvited to call OH the sportingeditor oC The Washington Herald whoc n xtve out some Interesting informa

Thor a ch tomnnflient



toedy is tho Capital ever hoard anyeries for DraKe the TrfSttiti Leat ie-

BW 3aJtey tk this opportunity tothajik Mr B MacCsrUty for his Christmaa greUtm in the shape f aome Well

Mr MaoCarthy la a ralfan

Here tho verse

Win the awowbUT iwsa ibMtb Weto bit

July vMb nerat you wwnAorV-YlMa UM Mind tolni a MtwxjirAt ran 0 r tebr

tony almoH its WrHut brinp you the dayWhat Meads aU any

Mcrr Chrirtma Old aad 8 dbk yeaA d your h ut warma and awflifcAs OK of the bulk

TiB tliens Mtbtec on tartfc to MireK jeaThem t geod to bo UvtoeAnd ud Jvm-

Xti nutter how mrrov tmr phere-to Lwtsh y my boytVna bowt tyery Joy

Mattr Chrislaaa ad N v la ri

Thor is going to be a tenaailo run inBaltimore on New Years Day whichcomcares with the longdistance Jauntsheld undur the auspices of the Y M CA htre during the past two years Sev-eral local are enteredTe reason the local Y M C A aban-

don d the run this year was because itturned out previously to be a n lng propositin The athletes really crabbedtheir own game as it VM hard work toset Ut m in the first place andthe winners invariably kicked becausethe medals not worth about S-

OUnleae sonte one scatter a few bandfuls of sand on the path Pal Moore isfollowing the sad history of one Edouard-Hanlon hi booked for a repent The kidhas been triniraed the last three timesout

Boston papers are booming GarryHorrnAnn as the man for theturlwlent job of president of the NationalLeague Garry is for Tom Lynch butmight be induced next year

iR B Walker the South African sprint-

er whose preee agent had him running1 yards in less than nothing a fewmonths ago being defeated by Donaldson when most unfortunately MrWalker stubbed his too at the sixtyyardlinV Its too bed they dont have sprint-ers in this country so the difference be-tween South African Waterburys andAmerican watches might be displayed in-

c match contest


The Invincible an aggregation ofTechnical High School students weredefeated by the Reserve basketballquint of the Eastern High School by theclose wore of SO to 16 The game wasscrappy and was featured by tho playingof DC Grange and Schwegler for theloser and High and Brown for thewlnirars LinoupiB-

TtariWea Pontons BasteraDo Omes toft forward Brwn-KeBaer ri t fervrord HoJxjr-Meaaey center IHctt-Stranaban left part M iOown-Bdawcsler riffat guard Bccaj

3e5o to800mtETW



watwao busme ao jok






in theII


written versedecIth wool


bat-A n-







hot ttod




rids I




pa4 ours

apiece I













If Leg Fails to Mend What Will Tigers Do for Second

Gossip of InterestBasemanOtherBy WILLIAM

Jim Delehanty former National andnow with Jennings Tigers is giving theDetroit fans a mild Del strainedthe ligaments in hls reg last season andIt that he may not bo In shapeto play next summer

Harry Neily of the Detroit Times hasthe following to say about the matter

What will the Tigers do if Jim Delehanty falls to come back Ever stop tothink over the consequences of that sadcalamity With Del missing whod plugtho gaping hole at second base Think-it over

These same Tigers are going to havesome pennant aspirations this comingseason just as sure as a kind providencemade little green applesi The boys will

down there In Dixie pretty soon tell-ing you all about it but just mark downwith the old stub pen that it Jim Delehanty doesnt respond or if some suit-able man is not found to take his placethe chances of the demon Tigers in Dllare going to be just slightly hotter thanthose of the festive snowball In Tophetand they aint much

Not because Jim Del is a toph avy per-son of note in Tigerville but because todate there is a lamentable lack of allaround competent secondbaling talentaboard the Tiger case Friends will tellyou that Charlie OLeary isnt done buthe is OLeary can field with the best ofthem but ho can no longer hit ChickLathers can hit but is flatfooted Be-sides he makes no pretensions of being asecond sacker Jay Kirk inserted hisgawKish person into the fray toward theclose of last season but galloped abouttho infield to tho grea danger of himselfand the enemy He isnt fast enoughBesides the way Kirke tries to block runners off second base and ride the demonslider into the sack he would la t justabout one trip around the circuit Thenthe boys would commence to see Jayfirst and hed spond half his time pickingspikes out of his shins Jays willing butlacks class

So there you are In the words of thotext Something must did becauseJim Dels leg may not recover and be-

sides he may be hurt again any timeSecond who can hit and field arescarce woefully scarce as any magnatecan tell you They grow not in the tallbushes neither can be had for muckcoin But nevertheless and however itwould pay Magnate Navin to keep hisweather eye cocked in the directions hiwhich any stray second sackers mightpossibly be resting You never can tellwhen something will break in the tradinglineLets hope that Jim Delehanty will return to the hid for Jim can bit around290 all the time can run pretty well andcan work that old stuff In there allthe Urn

Manager Hal Chase of the New Yorkwill pay strict attention to We

pitchers for tho coming season that isin working them in proper turns Chasethinks the pitchers should be given asmuch rest as they think they need Lastseason Rue Fenl would not work out ofturn and with the four days rest toe

would enter the bex like a lion Itproved a good Idea on Fords part ashis record last season shows Chase saidbefore h loft for California that ho

to try and work all his pitchersthe same way

Chase thinks all the pitchers should begiven a good rout between proM Hewill have Ford Vaughn Warhop HughesQuinn PteharAand possibly one of thenew men and will not work any whenthey are right The Yankee manager thinks it vtU be a grand kiss tonotify a pitcher a couple of days in advance of the Urns when he is to worksomething which Connie Mack

The Yankee leader thinks ho hascorking pitching staff to work withseason HO also lies a fast team to petbehind them

Wray of the St LouisWho would be a magnate and

then come across with the followingMinor leagues received 291360 from the

big league clubs for the contracts of play-ers during 1810 nn average per club ofover 15000 Is there any other businessthat must annually devote such a percenge of its capitalization todepreciated machlnerp Probably tipssum entirely wipes out the annual profitsof some of the more lowly teams

The Browns and Cardinals each expendted about 30w If each club gets tworeliable men from the squad of recruits-It will have maintained the average

Figure for yourself the cost of rebuild-ing a brokendown team And then com-pute the gray hairs gained by the manwho attempts the task knowing thatthere are not enough capable young play-ers graduated annually in both leaguesto make up a championship club

Umpire Billy Evens thinks too muchboosting hurts the rising young baseballplayer Too much praise Williams sel-dom hurts any one in any line of en-deavor who i tJ re

Wagner most be worth SfiOQ anto any Pittsburg news bureau

Starting in with the fall announcementthat he may be traded Hans name iscampaigned through interviews with allthe stockholders till the December meet-Ings when the club management

denies intention to trade himBut still the hardy canard is not head

merely altered It not traded thenmay be sold If not sold he may beplayed in a new position

His winter health too is worth a cou-ple of columns and arriving at spring-it comes time for tho annual

that Hans will retire Theres adenial to that trouble with his

and failure to report with the restof the team still to fall back upon

So far Hans has managed to get backinto the game as usual But on thestrength of the tact some day he mayjustify one of the items the bureaucratsramble on like the brook forever

Theres a hint of a conspiracy on thepart of an outraged press to use lastyears files during the winter and thusfoil the news sellers

In the meantime the winter Wagnerserial of 131011 is just in its infancy

Heres an unkind shot from the NowYork Globe Says a Washington paper

Another trial for Doc Gessler seemsassured If we remember rightly theball player was tried and found guilty inBrooklyn Chicago and Boston

Fiftyseven players were reported tobe on the roster of the Superbas at thepresent date giving ample evidence thatthe Brooklyn nine is going after thepennant with hammer and tongs nextyear permeated with plenty of newblood New York Tribune

Let us hope that none of the new mem-bers will take advantage of being oneof the fiftyseven and stay pickled allseason

Why must a bat be round Why shouldancient conservatism hamper the bats-men Why not hrve a square bat do














n t




































Yawy with fivesixths of the foul tips andHave stralghtaway slugging that wouldbe a joy forever TTio round bat wasnecessitated by the fact that in the longago tho batters had all the best of itand scores of 100 to 97 were quite a com-

mon happening WithV a flat or squarethe hitters of fifty years ago could

just keep on slugging till their lefs pureout The round bat came in as a life-

saver for tho pitchers and a handicap tothe Now that me pitchers haveall the host of It why should the roundbat continue to dominate the arenaThink It over

Every year we hear about this that orthe other fellow who is lead sure to beatold Torn Jones out of his job They hadthe veteran fleet sacker losing his berthevery spring while ho WAS with theBrowns but each season Tom won outThe truth be told Jones has seen twont7

youngsters try for his job and thenbe sent book to the minors The onerookie who has Impressed him most in allthese years t Ness the Tiger recruitwho tried to boat Tom to the wire lastspring and will bo on deck again In March

Country Morris is playing a stargame a forward his section teamIn the past few games he has scoredmost of the points He is as good aforward as he Is a and DirectorHaas of the Inajram Memorial quintshould nave no difficulty in playing

Country in that position when one ofhis regulars is hurt








BASKETBALLLarger crowds will attend the games

now as there is no soccer football orother sports

The Catholic University freshmen quinthas showed the other teams of the District that they win have a lookin on thechampionship pie

The Georgetown Freshmen quint whichRoger Bone manages has oaten all theteams they have played so far bylarge scores Why not give them a craokat the varsity quint

The section teams which have beenorganized at JT eh may play the Busi-ness quints for the championship of the

Some good material shouldbe theee sections

Scott who was ruled off the BusinessHigh quint on account of flunks is playng the game of his life with tho Ingram

Memorial team Coach Haas has taughtthe boys a few things they never knowbefore

The Eastern High School quint has toplay the Cathedral Sohool quint in thoEastern gymnasium This game shouldprove one of the hottest of the seasonas both teams arc light and fast

What become of the Patent Officeteam tHat Charge Allen the former YM C A was coaching Theyhad good material when they started andwith Allens coaching should have hada good team

In Conover Haas has obtained one ofthe headiest players in the city In thefew games the Ingram Memorial quinthas played Conover has showed his abllity to cage the ball making shots fromall angles of the floor

GUI who played at the Y M C Awhen the present Boys Department quint

In the midget class played againstYankees Wednesday night with the

Northminster quint and tho Northmlnsters were walloped 31 to 7

Business InCh Schools quint will playits hardest game of the season on Januard 3 The Stenographers meet EasternHigh School Both quints have boonpracticing hard during the holidays and-a warm game can be expected

The Regulars of the Mens Depart-ment of the Y M a A will try and

a game with tho GeorgetownUniversity quint before the season dosesThey were beaten last year by Ute

team nd they will try hard to re-

gain their laurels


St Paul Minn Dec 29 Ac-

cording to a wire from Pltt b rgPresident Barney Dreyfvss ofthe Pirates hits turned down anoffer to sell Jack Flynn to theSt Paul club the Piltsburg clubleader grasping the plan of Man-ager Kelley of the St Paul club

that Is to use Flynn as a catcher Manager Mike Kelloy hasbeen negotiating withfor the purchase of Flynn andin the course of communicationsmade known the fact that he de-

sired to the big Url sackerbehind the bat Kelleys plan ap-

parently kit fuss aboutrfTht for the PittabAirs clubowner last night announced hisIntention of retaining Flynn assubstitute catcher







PIU bur















Great Catcher Looks Picture of Perfect

He Never Wanted to

Quit Local Club



Nation ls


Br WILLIAM PI3ETCatcher Charles W of pie Na

Uonala stopped over in Washington lastnight en route to his homo in Wllliains-iwrt Gabby spent Christmas with hismother down in Alabama having previ-ously taken the baths at Hot Springsfor nineteen days successfully getting ridof a bad case of rheumatism

Gabby looked like the milliondollar kidHe said Im as good now as I ever wasin ray life Last summer during thefinal game when I was bbhind the bLot

my back and legs pained me so that Icould hardly walk in fact I couldnteven lace my shoes Now look at me

I cant understand why I was so badlymisquoted in ono of the Washington pa-pers I never sold that I wanted to get-away from the Nationals I like McAleer angjsti tIle Capital I did write

irTeuer when the papers werefull of proposed trades for me and toldhim that M he saw lit to trade me I

lcAI r



would work just as hard for any clUb intho league as I always did with

I added that I was perfectlywilling1 to so to any city in the AmericanLeague with tho exception of St Louisand that I did not want to play there

During the course of conversation Streetinformed the writer that he yesterdaysigned his Mil contract and forwarded-It to McAleer He said that tho termswere perfectly satisfactory and he pre-

dicted a great season not only for himself but tor the club

While in Hot Spring said GabbyI worked out every morning with

George McQuillen of the Cincinnati Rodsand say maybe that old boy hasnt gotsomething lIes one of the best I everhandled and has almost as muoh speedas Walter Johnson

Gabby plans to leave town on an earlytrain this morning for WiUiamsportwhere he will stick around taking lifeeasy until time to report in Atlanta nextMarch fc






The Business High School track team can boast of one of the bestlon distance runners in the District He is Gordon W Holland sonof a D Holland of 1607 Eighth street northwest and has made a namefor himself in tho longdistance runs held in and around the DistrictThis is Hollands first year at the



Rhode Island Avenue School as heflunked when he first entered schooland had to repeat which kept himfrom making the track team

Holland is one of those chaps possossed of considerable strength andendurance He showed plenty ofendurance in the Times Marathonfrom Laurel to Washington Inthat race he finished fourth of thehigh school boys Those who fin-

ished ahead of him had a big han-dicap which he could not overcomeIn the Now Years 10mile run ofthe Y M C A Holland finishedtenth among a great bunch of startors In both races he finishedStrong and maintained a goodstride all of the time Hollandwhen running on the Business trackteam last year finished well upamong the many starters in the mileevent His only difficulty is thathe is used to running a greater dis-tance than one mile and cannot

to the pace This







season Holland has not come outfor the track team but joined the HOLLANDWashington CrossCountry Club Heis captain of the track team of this club and they have been entered inthe Baltimore CrossCountry Clubs New Year run Hi reason for notcoming out for the Stenographers track team this season Is because theydjd not give him the much coveted lqttor last season which he believedho deserved

Holland goes by the nickname of Puggy He ig eighteen years oldweighs 13S pounds and stands 5 feet 6 Inches Ho will be graduated inJune 1014







R F Dohferty Worlds Title-

Holder Dies in London


With III Brother If I lie WasBackbone of Jlrltisli Team HintLifted Darin Cup Kid er PlayerWhile Slconff In Singles MadeSpecialty of Doubles Play

London Dec 30 R F Doherty oneof Doherty brothers the famous ten j

nls players hi dead He and his brotherH L Doherty leading tennis ex-ports for many years

To American lawn tennis players thenames of the famous Dohertys had beenmerely a record of worfderful perform-ance until the challenge for the DwightP Davis international cup was receivedin IMC Then it became known that itwas the intention of the Britons to sendover their peerless players Reginald FDoherty and his brother Hugh LawrenceDoherty accompanied by Dr JoshuaPirn It was the first appearance uponAmerican courts of the Dohertys andthey acquitted themselves well for rela-tively they were feeling out the Ameri-cans and the taller P Doherty tookthe singles n the courts of the CrescentAthletic ClUb at Bay Ridge with DrPim reserving the little Do for thedoubles

While In this country R F Dohertywrote a book about lawn tennis whichhe dedicated to the Grand Duchess Annatutu of MecklenburgSchwerin He hadoften played with her on the courts ofKurope and it is said that there ws astrong attachment between the two

Could aF Doherty won many friends while

in this country for be was of a jovialnature and liked nothing better times apractical Joke or a tilt of wit He wasalways ailing however and his smallerbrother used to amuse the crowds aboutthe courts at the Casino by telling themhow their father jot R F to play tenida to improve his health and H Lwas therefore compelled to get into thegame a the older brother had been sohumord that ho would not play unlessthe younger engaged with him

The Little Do also recounted how itwas impossible to get Reggie put anapothecary shop The elder brother hedeclared was always anxious to take

remedy for his real or imaginary-ills and the Little Do thattheir rooms wero littered with bottls ofmedicine and pills which R F bought-in wholesale tow

Held Kvory ChampionshipIn the estimation of European players

and those of this country Reginald FDoherty wes on of the greatest playersthat the gems of lawn tennis has pro-duced At varioug times he held everychampionship of any importance thatthe world of tennis has to offer H wasonly beaten when his health began to de-cline Altogether he did much to placethe game as a leading sport in Englandand it was practically through his wisegeneralship and captaincy in DIll thatthe Davis international cup was test bythis country and has never been re-gained

Boston Dec JSLawn tennis enthusi-asts In New England beard with regrettoday of the death of Reginald Dohertywhose American career on the grasscourts with his brother Hugh L Dohtrty termed a brilliant page in the his-tory of the game on this side of the At-lantic

Because of his height and length ofarm R F Doherty was a wonderfulgetter while his general game was

marked l jr its graceful ea and calcu-lating stc lines This coupled with hisbrothers rilliancy made a combinationthat vithttood the attacks of the bestptayr In the world for many years


FIRST UACEKi sad oaftbaif foiMas Ara-anw 91 Allen M to 1 w LOWMK 1W Wee4 to 1 Mend Jnaraa MT IS to I shOdTiaM 1 T Trafalgar ton Ltttfe Vria-jOmt do Ofo Coed BeedHMM aod atalwxrtLad else ran

8BCOXD RACKF1 aad OMhalf fnrioneaSbaarodc W Motam rtti 9 to i HamaRelic Murphy to X stand Pitoia IN-iWflm II to N shOd TUM 1 AdoiadeMrPcnnaaUy Stella aad Mwter CtenMe aim rue

THIRD JUCKSfa toriOBWL Marion Coy IN-Mtteiwortli M to 1 won U M Ketet litRiee 8 to I amaari Pedrio 1M VaKlwaa 8 U

1 third 10334 Jos SMch tiww WoolHMdea Hand Hands aJ Lewis StaSord alsoraw

FOURTH RACBSii tvrtaugt flying Wait XSMurphy 9 to 2 woe limed Uw World M-

BJMctie 7 to H KOMd Kottie MardiMtai V3-

molcawwtli 9 te i shOd TJ 10116 Ooty-

11PTH lUVCKSlx farfciasfN Satata KB MoOdH to I WOB Ptoreoe A MS Rie i to

1 eeerad PreoB V6 Rtnoti S to 2 thIrd1JS Yes Ootytto INttor 3k Pert

xrtakte Silk Aat a Latent aad Ljan aberan

SiXTR UACBOM and oocsfctejnUi flKofike W MotawurJi to 1 v a lUaea Goloss lOt Rice 6 to 1 tteaad Prad MaBialluri107 McGeo 4 to 1 third TiMe 1 l5 ShortOrder sad Noon also nn


FIRST RACBFIre ami ernehalf ferloae fledMB Burma T t 2 wn Aviator MT War

no 4 to 1 wooed Im There W 55 to 1

third Time 1435 Ftarrie Bryan BMM FtnartRampant UoUwicfc and G L Doyle soc no

SECOND RACEFlte and on half f rtoo s-Miata HO nutvreHV S to I won Startler HSliens 12 to 1 second F Carroll HO Gordon

15 to 1 third Time IKS 3 SJtria Guides Dt-ceirabte Rotvl Ledge and Dent aUo mn

THIRD RCBSli furJoegs gOds 112 fWWson 9 to 5 won Itt DotweU te1 second Moncritf 110 RelDJ to 2 thud1 13 13 Blue Mous Bortfe County Tax Jim Iaol Ella Bonon abe ran

FOURTH UCF Ona mite Ragnaa MS Rail3 to 1 won Carlton G Mttafiravtt 7 to Isecond Safidrian We WiU n 4 to U ihiid Thee130 35 Tlx and Priacdifce also r B

FIFTH RACBSix furVw Kw White W-SMuscrave 3 to 1 woe Marehid MS K to

1 second Night Mist K6 Rose S to 1 tttrdTime AbrasIon Mark AnUway Losetine J Sallo Shawnee and Atdiria alsb ran

SIXTH RACBOne and oae Ktcentk milts TonPaces 105 Walsh IS to 1 w o Remit Pans Vft-

Urofis It to Lsccoad Des Plea Mi 9 to1 third 11926 OaklMnt Caoofian

Howe Hib nica Splodlc and Lady Jfctheralso

flutes rot Detroit Training TripSQUAD

March 2 BirmJBgltom AteMarch 2T Manphla TennMarch 3 2Lciii rilIe KyMarsh 30 31 EransrJlleApril 1 2T 3 IndMint 5 Colambu OhioApril 7 8 9tCinclnnati OhioApril 10Dayton Ohio


March Si Shreieport LaMarch 25 2Sf Waco TexMarch 2T SDaliaa TeLMarch 23En route to Oklahoma CityMarch 30Oklahoma CityMarch 31WichiUApril 1 2Lin ln NebrApril 3 Omaha NebrApril 5 6Kansas City MoApril 7Pwria ilLApril S 9tQuincy IlLApril 11Sruth Tired Ind





Take Joke-R



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three darters





Red ne ItTime




113 35





















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Wonder What Mertz Will Sar Today Store lows daily at 6 I M Saturday at 9 P 3d


33 to 50 Reductions

You have choice of a magnificent lineof ALLWOOL FABRICS And yoursassured the services of tailoring experts who will make you a suit or over

Suit or Overcoat to Your OrderAt coat to measure that will please



Jo j


41me Sign of the Moon iou



Regular 20 Value106 styles allwool worsteds

and heviots

For 1045a


MERTZ and MERTZ Inc 906 F StII



Terus Trick Goes Fivein 58 Seconds

San Francisco Dec 2S Terus Trickwhich has raced at meetings in theWooL this year racegoersEmoryville this afternoon by winning theCadeterhi Handicap over field ofsprinters running five furlongs in theworlds record time of BS seconds Theformer worlds record of was madeby Jack Nunaally over the same trackthree years ago The results

WKST RAOBSix farloBs Cr 1 GUss 4

tori mn IldwoUnj K KHfcrie 5 to 2 aocow-dLesaw Hi Kinebbamu 7 te 1 thIrd Time

ias Attane DorM 5 aiM e BCB D eae LainMsne and Gow abe railSECOND IlACEPk and a half Mia

din m Klfsctoasai 7 to 1 won 1at19 Gar ail B to K gd Iarh0hkm US arncr i to X thW Tta 1M Orator FeatherDour Wteona and Mtoco also mae

THIRD ItACBMilfc Duck Thani Jtfi Glzsto 1 C pt Uuroett KD HUUe M to 1

mad Hojil IU r 10 TapHa 13 to L thIrdTime Ira lUMDooaafol Maiifloi aid Great labOrsabe tan

FOURTH RAOGWie loztouf Terse Trick C

Garner 4 to 1 WOT Likely DicHdowe MO Wii-

UvMl i UW G d Sja w B fi r 100 KtdoiiiI to 1 third Tin MetwpallUB Iiidc of Lfe

J H Sheefeaa and Rib alee ranFIfTH RACBMlle aoA sn at yards Anna

May MB T pMB S to 1 woo Court Lady Tf-

fiKiwnal S to 1 Man 114 KMppt-f to 1 third 14 MkMi OnaUpuSakr Sir Wwtey Jolt HaS Cbari y Paine asSOritatt ran

SIXTH RACBr tariCr own C H PattenMt Mania S 1 Uwma G Gtoid4 te 1 wood Belle of IroqneK MO huddleS fto 1 tUnl Time 1 M lUwwk I niac FrankU Ufctu Ada Meede iHi tctoa FiutewH HallMfes 4jr Tinhiahtat and SocarawW aim


JacksonvilleFIRST RACBPiw and w fedf brims


5gw MOJ l B 1

VffctaCOD RC 6ix lmst-

K Ow a Ml IK T 3W W-a SMcr UH Mba Marjorw KB

hilly Hodowr J Cetiai ItsRetort Qeeea M9 twrs X8

THIRD RACSax forfawp-Hnbjr Knisht W W JOG

Detect 103K8 Ben MT

Mime IttlGMiiMn 11-

3FDlUTH RACEOw Mite ani MTW yank9 KkjUos ME92 r irs

Vto4eHm U M Olldw VnDrteof Jlrid rw ttr pH CroescaddaH 107

FIFTH lUCBSfcc f to s-

Eudtfh B htr W Oases Load 10-9LflaLutitt MM MO

1M May Am a-

SMrhMtd MM Manhelmer LSIXTH IIACEOM and eA isteeMh rinse

TteMet 9i Sob t m35 m

Uri Atfunwda mMT

Soa MS

OaklandFIRST RACESa fwiwaH-

MD Rm 11 I Usda jaoTc Mo WJ A0 IJDHl fcM Ml I 131

MwbKk Bl I UitatCSBSar lWcttDaiKfer 114 AHwiccS lArthur Hjnwui 1M LwJ aHley W-

4SaCOVD and tJwonHe6 i museProateHae IttlRttt Ml

IK I IraBk Pnrta VAHelen HawMM 10 DaUr V BBeBH oo v I

St Ueli r MM i Sianajtrtimc 97-

THIRO IlACEau furtwErase l OTOUn

1 MediakKr et AmdaaairU-

B l HeKott 1WfUlUakiir 151 Dee T Itl

Bl D to 1

FOURTH RACEOM and ow mrter nilesRock Than ICi Poettaw MS

Fryer NOSir H6 J C SMkrfew MksOfflrtow 9Molcser MS S3

HO 1

FIFTH ICEOB8 mileIB Mr Bishop M9

Pre ACoc MO 7 109

KD Hany 101WO IxUaCT d 7 i

SIXTH UACEOrn mileKaaoerito ICO 1M-IJh K MO SHmoVar y LiBeauthe 100 Mt K-

MU C Acfccrltf K3 ItaMia 1QJ

JnnrezFIRST UACB Eire and a half furlongs

102 I Dubois M-SFriU lit Omrflweiit M-DSbawL Hfi Rd Withers 183-

Dtadwood VS BetrMShot B Modskr SI

SECOND lUCBSix ftKkfflsBl

Kyle 100 5l flfer 109 Xed CarrnaiA irsSlants 1 B FmrfR IMitf 1M

Doe Allen MS I y Bkw Xte77V 1C

THIRD RACE SewnTyrttiT I lee Marehiruat I

rl 110Wool WllUmjto irCbpwlir J 103 VWkbox 1

TKmtw MOlOtHit 113

FOURTH RACE Six furlongsTnbrof SGI Fmttf r MetwerMhrrtee Scott 1U I Sink Sprfac if-ReyEUorar JU J Hkr illl lnwe m He KnowS IH-lVtH Prince Phariie 111 Jne W 0 Ill

FIFTH RACBMifcI-rHaalor VK Alma fey V

SIXTH JJACBSlx furlongsOut WT UO

TiioHApie MS litRot Gttty UO I Rw Ill



Always the Same


81 F Street W Phone Main 1111Special Private Delivery




bushelectrIfied at


I58 3S








mooed MilitaryTilDe CooL


to Jm



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lOll Anri

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nutrjSoak 105 t1

USeel Jack 1fJS 151



SirfkFt 5 Ate >

T itSlEmse 109 Lady leiaftr

cblJ I Gales 9Paris JI I


I Phnwzeel

E rt1nc Life 100 I Old


itch I Fred


1 lOG I r

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11121 Red U 103

Unec tire

Berkeley Rye





See mesisioDec

Dens 1hak




Slae Jed


Restrice Iuublis MISMM



5 I Etnus

TawhIs jse


Netting flogee

hews iIJ

Friars of utile 109 flee41jy 101

10 isle


Flower 115 I










For 1245Regular 2250 Value

150 styles allwool worstedsand cheviots






ELL MOTOH CAR COMPANY1315 New York Ate Phone Main 3-

3ersoa EMERSON ORMBDetroit Electors all Bll models

Temporary Itwiflon rear of 1219 K it amPhone Main 7S



ElraoreE MYERS

Its ti it BIT TeleiiboBS Nortb 3532


JJ15 tom York aie Main S1SX

J HPhone N 3727151 14th street


Phone Main JOB K22 H st B

Rauch Lang ElectricMOTOR COMPANY

KW V tt ov Ph e N 3061

EMERSON ORMBDetroIt Entries all 1911 models

Temporary location rear ef I3J C tt nvPhone Main 85

RepaIring Ford Cars R SpecialtyCall MR BOWERS MaaarJ-



ISIS 14th St DIr TtephoD North SSQ


Complete Stock Maintained byTERMINAL TAXICAB COMPANY

Temporarily LocatedRear 121Q 13th St N W



DOCSE 1145 Hth st N file


Mnnsey Building MaIn 5128

WarrenDetroit 30Auto repair shop asS talcaoom MK MU L

Phone North ia NORMAN S BOWLES


IS V tt av North 2E8



1711U Alh St nwOld Belmont l

Latest 1911 foredoor style now on exhibition

POPE AUTO CO817 519 14th St Tel 31 74S


Four Quints to Be Represented inNew Organization

Mr Thatcher Arranging IfcxtonslveSchedule Will Start Soon

After the Holidays-

A now Class B baskttaall leagueis about to be started In the city Theleague will probably be composed of four

the Kendall A C Foundry A CTerminal Y M C A and the CorcoranCadets although there may be somechanges in the makeup before the firstgame starts The organisers or theleague are sure that it will be a suc-

cess and there is no reason why it shouldnot be it is Just what th sportingpublic of the city has been wanting allthe winter The teams ve about evenlymatched and good games can be expectedfor tho balance of the saasbn The loaguowill be well supplied with good halls andwill be able to accommodate fairsizedcrowds As the teams wish io start assoon as possible after the holidays anyother teams desiring to obtain

should address Mrimchor Spalding Brothers or Chris

Mullady 410 Tenth street northeast



M MrM lt aLJdi-s0er St n Payee 104 St 80

B 9 95 9331 18 Munkck JK S5 S5

Total 30 m 3Sit Totals 2S3


Bam U S 181 Vali 8 So-

la n Ml ic i j Vad ja Si 92-

Leld US IV i O 7-9Hrimnkls K3 M 504 i Nc blt 1A

Juan 98 MiMxAtJiu fc SO i3-

TcUb KS 152 K3J Totals 533 tQ3 43






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Regal I

near u











aftwtl 5t

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lit St5



27h-Phose f-

KRIT so-

htraditer Bunait Ponrraamenesr SorryWILSON c tUl 14th at pe North 3143




Informa-tion hutthu1 ague

45 33






