CRUSHED TO A ROLL OF BLOODY PULP. An Oiler in a Seattle Cable Car- House Meets With a Frightful Death. FREIGHT TRAIN MEN ROBBED. A Conductor and Brakeman Rcbbed of Their Cash by Two Men, Who Were Quickly Captured. Steamship Trade Between San Diego and Honolulu— Violators of the Exclusion Law to Be Re- turned to China. Special Dispatches to The SIoaN-ts.^ Call. Seattle, July 5. —J. W. Branan, an employe of the Front-street Cable Com- pany, met a terrible deatn this morning at the power-house. Branan was employed as night watchman and repairer. He had just oiled the great sheave wheel around which the cable passes and, being in a .liuiry, neglected to replace the planks cov- ering the wheel. He went away, but returned in a few mo- ments after his oil-can, aud failing to no- tice the open place at the sheave, stepped in. The arms of the wheel caught his legs, and in an Instant he was drawn between the heavy timbers forming the frame- work, and his life was crushed out. The machinery was stopped Immediately, and Branan's body was found rolled np like a ball and crushed into a pulp. Be was married and 33 years old. THEY MEAN EIGHT. The ErilcDS Fitting Out Tw*) Schooners for Eehring Sea. Victoria, July s.— The news telegraphed . from Port Townsend that a special messenger had arrived from Washington with instructions for the commanders of the United Slates cutters to proceed to Behriug Sea and seize all the vessels found with any evidence of having been engaged in seal fishery causes' great indignation. At the same time comes a story tbat the British squadron has been ordered to Esquimau. The latter story brings peace to the minds of some, but a majority of ' British Columbians believe that no matter what acts of piracy may be committed by the Yankees the British war-ships will not Interfere. It is known that the crews of all the ves- sels proceeding to the sealing grounds are fully armed, with the view of resisting seizure, but to-day the story leaked out that two clipper schooners are being secretly fitted out in Maple Bay, especially to meet the Yankees. Said vessels will ..each carry a heavy swivel, besides two smaller guns, and disguised as sealers will tempt a seizure, so as to bring on an en- counter. Regarding the latter story, Captain Scott, the veteran sealer, says the report no doubt is true, but the matter has been kept 'secret The skippers of the two vessels in which he was interested had armed their trews and swore to go to the bottom rather ' than submit to seizure. > TRAI.N-HOBBERS. X.'-t Hold TTp a Conductor and Brakemin and Are Captured. >.'. JiouTH Yakima (Wash.), July 5.— east-bound Northern Pacific freight train was boarded at this place by two men who had noticed the conductor get a time- -heck cashed. When the train was about fifteen ; "miles from here th*! conductor asked the men fur their tickets and they stated that they were railroad men, and, placing their hands into their breast pockets as if - to get their credentials, drew their revol- ver?, and, covering the conductor and brake- man, relieved th- m of their combined capi- tal of H2O. When the train slowed up at a crossing, they dropped off and took to the brush. As soon as the news reached this city Sheriff Leah ' and a large posse started and found the robbers in an In- dian camp about two miles from ' mcol Station. Deputy Sheriff Simmons covered the men with his Winchester rifle and hey were quickly secured. The money was found in their possession. The captors earn a reward of j-JO. which was offered for the apprehension of the highwaymen. * SACItAMENTO. Four Children in Peril— Attempted Murder by a Hotel Clerk. Sacramento, July s.—Fire to-night destroyed a small house on Fomteenlb and Q streets, oc- cupied by "Robert White, a saloon-keeper. Mrs. Waiie had just put her lour cblldien lo b d, and - went t > the other room to gel them some water ' vb-.i tlie Isnin In the bedroom exploded, and the burning oil covered ibe floor, Hire ran out . ciyiug murder, and then - ran back in the mom where the children ' were and fainted. A neighbor named .. Carter ran In and dragged the mother out aud then saved the children. It was a dating and berolc act, as in half a minute more tbey would bave been suffocated. One was au Infaut The boose was destroyed , but was not of much value. The fam- ily lost all. night Tom Lavelle. a discharged night clerk In the state House ll. eel. went io me place \u25a0 armed with a knife, threatening to kill Kenny, one ot the proprietors, but before be could carry out bis purpose be was arrested. CAPTURE!* CHINESE. Ccmmiilicner Hughes Says They Must Be Re- - \u25a0 turned to China. Tucson, July S.— United States Commls- . sinner Hughes to-day gave judgment In the cases of twenty-four Chinese charged with violating the Exclusion Act. The order is tbat they be returned to the custody of the United States Marshal of Arizona, to be by him delivered to the Collector of the Port of San Francisco, to be by liimre- turned in accordance with law to the Em- pire of China from whence they came, judge Barnes, counsel for the Chinese, urged Umt under the law they should be re- turned to Sonora, Mexico, having lauded at (itiavmas and entered the United States from Sonora. The evidence shows that they had made one continuous tour from China, via San Francisco Harbor, to Giiay- mas and Sonora into the United State-. Counsel for the Chinese applied for a writ of habeas corpus before Judge Kelsby at Phoenix, as Judge Sloan of this district is absent from the Territory. A MYSTERY CLEARED. Seasons for Cashier Passmore of Tacoma Committing Snicid'. Portland, July 5.—A special from Ta- coma says: The mystery surrounding the motive for the suicide of 11. 11. Passmore, cashier of the Security Bank, has been cleared tip. To gentlemen with whom lie passed a portion of the evening previous to hie death he spoke of being in straitened circumstances. His property was not bought outright, only the first payments be- ing made, anil the property not advancing as rapidly as be exacted the second pay- ments were due, am! being unable to meet them he realized the fact that his entire for- tune would be swept away unless his friends would come to his rescue. His friends claim to have offered the desired assistance, but, it is said, he did not have confidence in their promises, and the thoughts of losing his entire possessions so preyed upon his mind that lie became partially insane, and while in that condition took his life. RROKE HIS NECK. A Man Dives in lime Feet of Water and I; Killed Sax Diego. July s.— Thomas Flaherty, a stone-cutter from Temecula, broke his neck while diving from a spring-board on the water front. The water was only three feet deep, and the distance after jumping into the air from the spring-board was fif- teen feet. The unfortunate fellow went head first into shallow water, and when the bystanders rescued him from drowning he was found to be in an inseusible condition from the shock. On examination it was found that death was caused by dislocation of the vertabrtc and injury to the spinal column. ACCIDENTALLY SHOT. A Jackson Youth Who Thought That the Pistol Was Sot Loaded. Jacksox, July s.—Joseph Casassa, 20 years old, was shot through the body yes- terday morning at Clinton by the accidental discharge of a pistol. He, with others, was practicing at a target. Ho handed the weapon to a companion, believing all the chambers were empty, when it went off, and the ball passed through the large in- testine. The cavity was opened and the in- testine sewed up and the blood removed, but to no purpose. He died at 3 o'clock this morning. RUNAWAY* ACCIDENT. A Stoek-Eaiser Em Over by His W- gon and Nearly Killtd Bakersfield. July 5.— M. A. Peters, a farmer and stock-raiser, of the firm of Peters &Simmons, formerly of Los Ange- les County, in attempting to get out of his double-seated ring-wagon, fell headlong to the ground. At the same time the mules took fright and the wagon passed over one side of bis body. He is still unconscious and itis feared that bis injuries are fatal. THE GOVERNORSHIP. The Los Anee'es Delrgaticn Solid for Colonel Ksrkhsm. Los Angeles, July s.—The Republican primaries were held in this county to-day. There are contests in some wards of the city, but they are between individuals*, and the tickets ou both sides are headed with the name of Colonel Ma: ham for Governor. The delegation will be unanimous for him. Hi* HI. MI.- IT. Ariz-ma's Gcvern-r No RestonsiV.e for the Recent Coart-Martlsl. Tucson (Ariz.) July s.—lt having been published that Governor Wolfley was the moving cause which led to the recent court- martials in Tucson, the Governor author- izes the publication of a denial of the state- ment, and refers to the Secretary of War for corroboration of his denial. Da h of a Tucson Official. Tucson, July s.—The flags on the county buildings are at half-mast to-day. out of re- spect to the memory of Benjamin Hereford, the District Attorney of tho county, who died at Kansas City. Deceased was well known on the Pacific Coast and was a brother of ex-Senator Hereford of West Virginia. Drrw.ied in lie Tub' R.vr Cisco, July 5.—A. L. Willett, owner of a pack-train and an old pioneer, » asdr wued to-day while trying to cross the Yuba Rife- on horseback on a foot-bridge four lis t wide. The horse got scared and ell over backward. The body has not been re- covered. Willett was aged about 63 years. Crop It rts. Saci'.amk.nto, July 5. The following crap bulletin was telegraphed to the Chief Signal Officer nt Washington by Observer Sergeant Barwick: The grain and fruit crops in Northern California are below the average. The fruit crop in Southern Cali- fornia is above the average. New Steamer Line. San Diego, July Livingston. Clark & Co. have ii ado arrangements to run the steamship Farallon between San Diego and Honolulu. The first boat will leave with a full cargo of general merchandise on July 12t.ii and will return to this port via San Francisco. ALimbnrman Drowned Vancouver, July s. This afternoon Fred Ryan, an employe of the Michigan Lumber Company, . while walking - off a barge that was being loaded, fell off * tbe gangplank into the water und was drowned, Ilis body was not recovered. » The Yarht li.bel Wrecked. San Diego, July s.— Late last night E. S. llabcock's yacht Isabel was wrecked on the beach, near the Coronado Hotel. Hav- ing diagged her anchor, she was rapid!/ driven ashore by the iucomiug tide. Kuch-Ne cid Bain. Tucson, July s.— There was a drenching rain yesterday evening through . this sec- tion, which was much needed. There are indications of more rain, which causes much rejoicing. Passed Bens Chicks. Sacramento, July Warrants have been Issued here for the arrest of N. J. Weaver, a young solicitor, for passing bogus checks upon a number of business houses in this city. Weaver had letters of recom- mendation from several prominent business houses in San Francisco and also possesses passes from the Southern Pacific Bailroad Company. H»H The Fourth at Bakersfielrl. Bakersfield, July s.—The Fourth was very quiet here. Amajority of the pleas- ure-seekers went on an excursion to Te- hachapi, and the remainder divided up into small picnic parties on Kern River. There were plenty of fireworks in the evening, but no fires nor disturbances. An An-iheirs Hotel Burned. Anaheim, July s—The Planters' Hotel and contents were burned to the ground this morning at -:15 o'clock. Loss $15,000, in- surance $9500. Yancenver Beats Seattle. Vancouver (B. C.% July s.— Vancouver beat Seattle in an international four-oared race rowed iiere 10-day. winning easily by twelve lengths. The distance was a mile and a half. Time,11:4.0. AMONG LAKOR UNIONS. An Eastern Strike Settled— lSrewers' Re- lief Fund. There was little stir among the striking molders yesterday, their chief business be- ing to look out for non-union men, whom they are active in trying to induce to join their ranks. Martin Fox, Secretary of the lron-mold- ers' Union of .North America, has written a letter to President Valentine, in which he says: "1hope that our members will nol resort to anything but lawful measures to accomplish their ends, as I am sure in the end those are the only measures that are effective. At the same time let itbe under- stood that it is the determination of your union to win the fight ifit lasts five years." The molders report that they have won their Philadelphia strike, which lias been on since February 1-ltli, and the 75 men who were out have returned on their own terms. This will enable the International Union, which has been supporting the 75 men, to give the onion here more support. The local union officers look for many desertions from the foundries ou the 10th, and say that the men are becoming very much disheartened. The ball by the combined trades unions of the city for the molders will take place at the Pavilion on July 19th. Itri-wery Workmen. At a meeting of the brewery workmen last night five candidates were initiated and three applications received. It was decided to assess every member 50 cents a month for the benefit of the striking molders. The new officers of the union, whose names hare been published, were installed. Ihn Brick-llnnttlem. The brick-hand lei met last night and re- port work brisk, and the membership 125 strong, with 53000 in the treasury, It was decided to make the union benrlieial as well as protective hereafter. James B. Hanson, who had been injured, was donated S'-*OO. Cocke And Waiters. The cooks and waiters were last night addressed on federation by Messrs. Graru- bartli and Busbuell of the Federated Trades. The union reports work brisk. Money for the Molders The American bakers donated $100 last night to the molders. Work was reported brisk. CALIFORNIA PIOXEEUS. Two Tickets Placed In the Field for the Annual Election. The aunnal election of officers of the Society of California Pioneers takes place to-morrow and promises to be an exciting one, ns the society's elections usually are, and there being two tickets in the field. The adherents of each ticket have been for some time receiving pledges of votes for their respective candidates and it Is ex- pected that a pretty full vote will be polled. The noils will be open from 9 o'clock in the morning until 5 o'clock iv the afternoon. The following are the names on the two tickets, the first one being called the " Reg- ular" ticket and the second the ".Members' Conservative Ticket*' : For "President. Alexander Montgomery; Vice- Presidents Liviiit;st"*i L. Baker, San Francisco; Frederick Lux, San Francisco; Henry Mathews, H.i land; I ami 'J*. Kyland, .-..in Jose; (ieorge 1. Hooper, souoina; Treasurer. Hows id Havens; Manual, Ezekiel B. Vreeland; Directors— W. yon Schmidt, Julia I. Spear, Samuel Deal, Chris- tian Kris, James Heron, John Unci- ell, Aug. E. Phelps, (Jeoige T. Marye J., Johu Nlgbilngale Jr., M.l). Amendment to Aillcle Vlll ul the (,'onslltuliuii— Vote yes. For President, Alexander Montgomery; for Vice-Fiesidenls— Henry i.. lllghlon of San Fianclscn.Kumualdo I'acbeco of Kan Francisco, C.iius T. liyiand of San Jose, George \V. Cbesley 01 H.icmiueiito, l'aliic W. Murphy of San Luis Obispo; fur Tl cashier. Howard Havens; tor Marshal, Joseph t'oodildge; {or Directors- Joseph U. Eastland, F.illult M.Knot, Thomas fl. Caswell, .lames 8. Wriheied. Henry B. Kuss, Samuel 11. Daniels, Jain 5 1). Flielan. Hany K. Hunt, l: h.-ii VaiKleicnoK. Amendment to Article VI Ii ut the Constitution— No. A daily averasre *,t 847 wnni. Kiln In 'I'll I', CALLlast week, lt IS the «inly want medium- * Morocco's Theater. Tlie great number ol people who nightly visit Morosi-o's Theater on Howard street testify to the popularity of this place of amusement and the attractions presented. The comfort of the audience has been en- hanced by the fact that smoking is no longer tolerated. "'Ilie Hidden Hand," with Miss Cora Van Tassel and Edwin Young in the leading characters, has been n success. This will be followed by "The Little Sin- ner." - Fur bargains in real estate, look In to- day's i All.. It always ha* the moat real estate arts. Forced to Move. In consequence of the tearing down of the old building at the junction of Post and Maiket streets T. P. Kiordan, the well- known real estate agent, who had occupied an office there for nineteen years, was forced to seek other quarters. He has re- moved to Market street, opposite the Pal- ace Hotel. * -" -- - \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0• A DELIGHTFUL TKIP. Excursion to Snrfslde nnd Santa Cruz This Week. On Saturday, the 12th Inst., an excursion will be run from San Francisco to Santa Cruz. On tbat day an auction sale will be held on Snrrslde, one of the most beautiful tracts of land In that gem seaside re- sort Surfslde is located on highground, and front- ing and overlooking Monterey Bay. The train leaves the foot of Market street, narrow-range line, at 8:15 A. ii. Round-trip tickets are fi for the day. Kuund-trlp tickets, good to return the following Sunday or Monday, are Sa each. A band will be In attendance at Surfslde, and an elegant lunch willbe spread for the excursionists. For further particu- lars of excursion and auction apply to the Carnall- Fitzbugb-Hopklns Company. DOWNFALL OF THE CABINET. Kalakaua's Ministry Driven to the Wall. New Political Advisers Chosen Charges Against Ex-Foreign Minister Austin. All Quiet at the Capital. Hon. Jonathan Austin, late Foreign Minister to his Majesty Kalakaua I. ar- rived in the city yesterday from Hono- lulu on the Oceanic Steamship Company's steamer Mariposa. He brought the first news that has re ached the outer world of the dissolution of the Hawaiian Cabinet, and of the election of a new Ministry. It will be remembered that the last steamer from the islands brought the first tidings of the impending crisis. At that time the crash had not yet come, but events had already occurred of such a nature as to foreshadow the downfall of the Ministry, When the Mari posa left the island capital, the big row had occurred, but ended with- out violence, and affai rs in the kingdom were exceedingly quiet A ministry had gone the way of all Cab- inet Ministers, and tlie Government felt secure. Nothing of an alarming nature happened to arouse the apprehensions of the good kind Kalakaua, and he still reposed In his palace in the confidence of peace maintained. COMPLEXION' OF the new CAT.ISET. Mr. Austin was seen last night, and was found to be, in person and manners, the ideal diploniate. Well advanced in years, but with the bearing of a man of affairs, he talked freely and with charming frank- ness. Beseemed to regard his downfall philosophically and had nc hesitancy In re- ferring to it. It may be well, however, to recall the fact that at the time the latest advices were sent out from Honolulu it was stated that the opposition had made a number of serious charges against Mr. Austin, among which was one that he had conspired wltn his fellow-Ministers to selljthe independ- ence of the islands. Another was that he had withheld important diplomatic corre- spondence, which he claimed to be of a private nature. Speaking of the matter last night to a representative of The Lai.'., he said: "Yes, it is true that the old Cabinet has been compelled to give way to a uew one. It was a bard struggle and we made a good light, but they finally tired us out. A new Cabinet was then formed, composed as fol- lows: Minister of Foreign Affairs, John A. Cunimings: Minister of Interior, C.N. Spencer; Minister of Finance, Godfrey Brown, and Attorney-General, Arthur Pe- terson. CUAIIUES WITH ISTISIGUI'SO. " The charges against me were that I had not been true to the interests of Hawaii, and that I had been in correspondence with the Stale Department at Washington with a view to sacrificing the independence of the Government It was also charged against me that I had refused to surrender certain letters bearing upon tlie subject I simply denied the charges as untrue and assured the Government that I had at no time lavored a treaty inimical to the interests of the islands. As for the correspondence, it was of a private nature and 1 so stated. I. held that 1 had a right to refuse to surrender it ou that account. "An effort was made by the opposition to impeach Attorney-General Ashfurd and they endeavored to secure a vute of want of confidence against hint, but the Legislature voted it down by the very narrow majority of one. We were apprehensive of a similar motion and although we were unfriendly to Ashford, the entire Miuistrjlresigued, the Attorney-General going out with us- things looked exceedingly squally for a time and we feared serious trouble, but for- tunately it was averted and quiet main- , tamed. too many would-be leaders. "The opposition was not firmly united. There were too many leaders or would-be leaders, and each one regarded himself as the ail-important man. Wilcox and Mar- ques both regarded themselves as tbe leaders, but the latter was the most violent aud the most radical. Neither of them is in the new Cabinet, which, no doubt is for the best. "As it now stands there is not a repre- sentative of either fin* ion in it, and it is neither an opposition Cabinet nor yet a Government Cabinet It Is a compromise cabinet therefore, and 1 should s.ty repre- sents the best interests of the islands, al- though it is not to the likingof either party so far as politics are concerned. 1 am in- clined to think, however, that it will please the people, who, after all, have the most at slake." Mr. Austin predicted an era of increased prosperity for the little kingdom, aud stated thai he had not yet made any definite plans for the future. Itis his intention to remain, lor a time at least, in this city. FOLLOW. -D BY A GANG. An Assault .M ..It. on Kearny Street on Non-Union Mulders. There was considerable excitement on Kearny and Sutter streets about midnight, caused by a row between four non-union iron-molders and a party of men who have some connection with tho striking molders. Henry Naliorn, who . came from Detroit about three months ago and who was as- signed to work at the Pacific Foundry, left bis hotel with three other non-union mold- ers about 11:30 o'clock. They Jumped off the Fourth-street car at Kearny and Post streets and walked down the first named street, their object being to have a sight of the city and take a little fresh air. ,i Horn states that they had been but a few minutes on the sidewalk when they were surrounded by a crowd, some of whom began to call "scab." He drew a pistol and flourished it. The crowd scattered . and -Nahorn- started to run, but - was arrested - by Officers Burnett and Charles U. J. McDonald, who charged him with exhibiting a deadly weapon In a rude and threatening manner. At the Central Station the prisoner said: "I was walking along with my three com- panions, when \u25a0we were approached by a crowd. At first I was called a 'scab.' Then some one said, 'Take that, you dirty scabl' and 1 was hit from the rear in the side of the head. Then I was struck iv the breast and in the face. My companions were also struck. \u25a0 "I thought things were getting pretty .warm and time to put a stop to these pro- ceedings. So I drew imy * pistol in defense of what I thought was an attempt on my life. I never saw any of my assailants be- fore. None of my companions drew their pistols. I have a permit to carry one and go had they. I don't know what became of them after the fight am a peaceable man. and am endeavoring to make an honest living." POLITICAL PUDDLE. Meetings of the Ashworfh Club and Oilier Organizations. The Ashworth Club held a meeting last evening with Frank J. Fallon in the chair, and the report was made that the receipts up to date had been 5868 75 and disburse- ments 8173 35. It was decided by a unanimous vote to re- move the headquarters of the club to Music Hall, the present quarters being too small to accommodate the rapidly increasing mem! bership. An election of officers for the ensuing term of six months resulted as follows: President, Frank J. Fallon; Vice-President Larry Kelly; Recording Secretary, James Hurley; Financial Secretary, M. Murphy; Treasurer, J. Noonan ; Trustees— M. Lyons, M. Kenedy, J. Monahau, E. Lyons and James Lagree. After the election of officers President Fallon, on behalf ot the members, pre- sented Mr.Kearney, the outgoing Financial Secretary, with a handsome gold badge suitably inscribed, in recognition of bis valuable services to the club. After a vote of thanks to the old board of officers, the meeting adjourned. Organized to is. tout l'nrklnnon. The Parkinson Republican Club of the Forty-third Assembly District was organ- ized last evening by electing Georze F. Freeman President; X. Stockmeyer, Vice- President; W. J. Carlin, Treasurer, and Benjamin P. Wood, Secretary. The club is organized in the interest of George C. Parkinson for Congress in the Fifth Dis- trict lndepentleut llepublleana. At a meeting of the Independent Republi- cans of the Second Precinct of the Thirty- third Assembly District the following offi- cers were elected: President, Christian Dawson; Vice-President, John Donnavin; Secretary, Isaac Wilson; Treasurer, Frank Souza; Executive Committee Jeremiah Savage, Henry Meiduck and Thomas Moyles. Connoll of the Economist*. A meeting of the Council of the Econo- mists was held last night, with Dr. Rodg- ers in the chair. AFinance Committee was named, after which the President urged tho necessity for energetic action on the part of the various clubs on the question of ballot reform aud the subject of the removal of the Chinese. Lincoln lte]>in>llrnn League. Alarge audience assembled last night at the parlors of the Lincoln Republican League in response to invitation issued. Dr. It. W. Tiedemann presided. William Sma- deke delivered nn interesting address, and speeches were made by John Berry, R. P. Jessup, Messrs. Douglas and Dennis. Itrotlerlrk Slay Try It. William Broderick, Chairman of the Dem- ocratic Bureau ot Naturalization and Reg- istration, is being urged uy his friends to make. the race for the nomination for As- sessor. He is a man of much political ex- perience. _ YOUNG MEN'S INSTITUTE. Commute** Arrangiur for the Sleeting; of the Council. Several committees of the Young Men's Institute having charge of the arrange- ments for the sixth Grand Council of the order, which will convene in this city ou August 4th next, met last evening at the rooms of the institute in the Flood Building. J. P. Dockery presided at the meeting of the Reception Committee, which recom- mended that $200 be expended in the pur- chase of badges. L. V. Merle, J. J. Har- rington and Frank Kilduff wero appointed as a committee on design and style of budge and given full power to act. The Committee on lintels made a final re- port, and recommended that circulars be limited and circulated giving information obtained regarding hotels and accommoda- tions for visiting delegates. lt was reported that the railroad company had allowed special rates for delegates only from the Pacific Coast States. It refused to make special rates for the friends of dele- gates who willvisit the Grand Council. The headquarters of the Reception Com- mittee will be located at Boom 28, Flood Building. The Executive Committee held a pro- tracted meeting, D. J. Leary in the chair. Reports were received from the Auditing, Reception and Banquet Committees and adopted, and the mutter of decorations was finally settled. The Mechanics' Pavilion and the Grand Opera House will be hand- somely decked by a well-known artist for the occasion. The grand ball in the Pavil- ion will be strictly an invitation one, and promises to be a most fashionable and en- joyable affair. THE CHEMICAL ENGINE. Good Work Done With It st a IHoiilriim- ery-Strret Fire. Several passers-by observed smoke at 11 :2j o'clock last night coming out of the store of J. O'Hanlon, an outfitter, at 719 and 721 Montgomery street. An alarm was at once turned iv from Box 21, which brought the Fire Department in a short lime to the scene. When the firemen arrived the while store appeared to be in flames, which were seen issuing from a broken window. The door was burst open and the fire soon ex- tinguished, the chemical engine alouo being used. I Tbe loss, though a great part of the slock was saved, is estimated at $1000. O'Uaulon's principal business consisted In supplying sailors with outfits. Very little damage was done to the building, the flames being confined to the stuck of goods in the : store. The cause of the tire is unknown. The building is owned by the Le Boy estate, and above the store is a room formerly occupied by the Municipal Criminal Court. HIS DEATH a;II\'ST£EY. No Light Thrown on Ihe Suicide of ' George F. lilsjelow. ; The newt : of the suicide of George F. . Bigelow in a hotel at Tacoma on Sunday night was received with great regret and surprise 7 by his many friends in this city, and with the keenest sorrow by ! his aged parents, who live at 1825 Green street. A * visit was paid yesterday to the resi- dence of tbe father of the deceased, H. 11. Bigelow. si Both parents were seen,' and each, stated that they had not the faintest idea as to what induced their, son to make away with himself. They had no clew to the mystery, and did not think it was caused by love, as stated in tbe dispatches. The deceased was a native of California and 25 years of age. He was a graduate of the Boys' High School, and passed one year at the University of California. He se- lected the insurance business as a career, and was first employed in the California Insurance Company. Lately he obtained the position of special agent for the North Pacific Insurance Company, and as such Intended to stop gome time in Tacoma. i '1 lie lather of the young man stated that he received a letter from bis son dated June 30th, but it did not show him to be in a despondent mood. He did not know that bis son was in any financial difficulties, hav- ing a good position. The body will be brought to this city for interment. FRENCH CELEBRATION. Music Question Settled— Parade of the Third. Preparations for tbe celebration of the one hundred and first anniversary of the birth of liberty among the French by the fall of the Bastile prison are nearing com- pletion. For several weeks these arrange- ments have been progressing and there now remains only the details to lay out The route of procession and those who will participate in it are decided, and though other representative bodies may appear in line the programme, as laid out will not be materially departed from. The only feature not wholly decided upon was regarding the music, and it was that subject which en- grossed about two hours of the committee's time last night An understanding was ar- rived at on the point most disputed and other points of difference will be settled with ease. The Fourteenth of July Committee held a special meeting last night to dispose of this music question. Emanuel Meyer, Presi- dent, was in the chair. The first thing touched upon was the leadership of the bands and a heated dispute ensued between the two aspirants, Victor Hue Paris and M. Mathieu, and their friends. For years M. Mathieu has furnished the music for the French colony, and in return he has often serenaded its citizens and done other little favors. He is a Frenchman of ultra-French blood, a good fellow, loyal to the memory of bis native land. But every quality he boasts has Victor Hue Paris, and a bitter fight was indulged in for the supremacy. Both are members of the Musicians' Union and leaders of first-clats bands, aud that only added to the difficulty. Was Mathieu loyal, so was Paris. Was Mathieu well liked by bis friends, so was Paris by his. For over one hour the com- mittee had one voice, and that voice an up- roar. Words were not bandied at sword's point, but belched forth as from a cannon. When thoroughly tired, when each side sat and glared at the other, neither willing to ac- cede a point or grant a word, then, and not until then, was the question near its solu- tion. At that moment tiie Mathieu faction gave In, and M. Mathieu led the surrender. He consented to Victor Hue Paris having charge of the music, with the understand- ing that he should employ him as leader of one of the bands. The opposition grasped the proposition with alacrity, since it was all that could have been acceded| it by a majority vote, and the question was set- tled. A letter was read from Colonel T. F. Barry stating that a battalion of the Third In- fantry Regiment, N.Q. CL, would participate in the paiade and would be commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel O'Connor. A communication was also received from a firm on Market street offering $1100 for all the privileges of the gardens on the day of celebration. The matter was referred to the Committee on Finance. OBITUARY. J. H. SOUTHARD. Judge J. R. Southard, Assistant District Attorney of San Francisco, who hi company with his wile had bern visiiiug lends in Santa Rosa, died In ili.it city suddenly of apoplexy at 7 o'clock yesterday mornlug. He was seized Willi Hie aliaei. Willie sealed In a chair at Ross' stable, and Immediately fell over unconscious. Three physicians were in attendance upon him during Ihe night, but could do nothing for him. The re- mains willprobably be Interred at Kama Rosa. For years Sir. Southard was one of Sonoma County's most promlueul citizens. He ran for the Alloruey-UeuerslshiD in 1807, which re- •iiiii-ii Id his defeat. In the new Constitution light he look a very active part, though be was Dot mining the delegates to the convention. About fifteen years ago he came to this city, where be has made bis home, with the exception of a year aud a half, about eight years ago. lie was always engaged in politics, and lor some lime has been Assistant District Attorney. A few years ago he was also a candidate for Judge of Ihe Superior Court. The deceased was i hiIce married and GO years of age. Surviving bim ate a sou and Ills widow. •*. JACOB BOHART. Jacob Bobari, an old and respected citizen of Sau Jose, was fuuud dead in his mum about 9 o'clock yesterday morning. The deceased had been silently ill with neuralgia lor four or five uays and his lamllypersuaded him at breakfast to visit his nliysiclaii's office, lie agreed lo do so and went to get teady. In a lew minutes some on.- went to tall Mm. when he was found dead. Mr.liolnnt was bom In lowa, In 1813. He went Into active business when quite a young mail, nud was successful. About tiiteen years alio he reined and settled In Sau Jose. MRS. MAItIK CAILLEAU. The death Is announced of Marie Callleau, wife ot maud Callleau, a well-known merchant of Nils city. Tbe cause of her death was consump- tion, with which she lias been a sullerer ror years. Deceased was a woman of large charities, and In addition to being a member ol the French lienevoleot and other societies, gave much Id a quiet nay. She was 30 years ol age, and will be burled to-day fiom the church ul Notre Dame dcs Vlclolres, at 2 o'clock in the alteruoon. ROBERT It. BISHOP. Professor Robert li Bishop, for many years connected with the Miami University, died at Oxford, Ohio, yesterday, from paralysis. EDWIN I IIWW UK. Kdwln! Cliadwlck, the social economist, died at London yesterday. ..A Thunder-Storm May purify the air,but nothing except SOZODONT will purify the mouth filled with neglected teeth. and rescue those faithful servants of mankind from titter ruinbefore it Is too late. Don't neglect to try It. You will be surprised ami delighted with its results. -- Washington, July Captain William D. Dielz, U. a. A., stationed at Albatross, is at the Kbl.tu House. ..-\u25a0.-\u25a0- ..'... lA'l'KSf Mltll'l'lNU IMKLLIUIifICK. Arrived. * "•'•-\u25a0\u25a0.' Satchdat. July 5. Stmr Walla Walla. Wallace. 60 Hours from Vlo torla, etc. ; pass and in.l.w. to (jooilall, l'ork Ins A 0 o. Bailed. : Saturday. July 5., . Stmr Alex Duncan. (J ray. Mfivoiiieuta of Transatlantlo Steamers. •' HAVRE—ArrivedJuly 6—Stiur Augusta Victoria from New York. .— \u25a0--.-.•- :.••-• -\u25a0\u25a0•-•? I'OItTI.ANU-Arrlvod July : 5-Stmr Egyptian Monarch, rrom New York. * . NKW YORK- July s—Stmr City .of Chi- cago, from Liverpool. '-- •'.- IsohroN— July 6—Stmr Galileo, from Hull. , .- HAPPENINGS ACROSS THE BAY. Two Boys Drowned in the Basin of the Estuary. Carpenters Organize a Cc-Operativa Building Association Colliion's Death Small The national holiday was a sad day for Mr. and Mrs. Peterson of the Alameda Tract, near Frullvale. Their two boys, J obn and James, aged 15 and 11respectively, attempted to go Inbathing inthe basin of the estuary at the loot of Twenty-third avenue. The basin had recently been dredged and was very deep. Of this they were apparently unaware. The youngest boy went In first and sank; bis brother, in attempting to fallow and save him, sank also. One body was recovered on Friday night and the other yesterday forenoon. Attempts to .save thorn were made by those near by who saw the boys go down, but they were unavailing. An inquest will be held to-morrow evening. The silver water-pitcher offered by the Oakland Times for the best decorated house in Oakland on the Fourth of July was yes- terday awarded to Edward P. Taylor, the agent of Tiie Call, at 757 Broadway. The Committee of Award were M. J. Keller, A. D. Thomson and A. M. Benham. J. . 1). Beyer's house at Claremont was burned to the ground yesterday, a3 the re- sult of a smoldering fire from a skyrocket stick, lt was valued at about SSOOO. The house was partially insured. Part of the furniture was saved. CARPENTERS ORGANIZE. The Oakland carpenters have organized the Oakland Co-operative Building Com- pany, with a capital stock of $-25,000 in 5000 shares. Articles will be drawn and filed on Monday. The contractors claim they have all the men they want to employ, and can get more if they need them. James Collison, the man who was injured about a mouth ago while assisting in put- ting in a new boiler on the ferry-boat Ama- dor, died from his injuries at Dr. Woolscy's hospital yesterday, lie was a native of Scotland, 50 years of age. A fire yesterday afternoon caused a loss of $300 to the roof of Mrs. Brearty's select school, corner of Sixteenth and Chestnut streets. Mrs. Eleanor Vertue, wife of Rev. George Venue, died at her lato residence in East Oakland on Friday. Colonel W. H. O'Brien has opened the California Classical and Military Academy in the school on Oak street recently used by T. O. Crawford as a polytechnic school. AN INSOLVENT MINING MAN. Thomas N. Wand, recently in the mining busiuess.formcrly a Slate Senator from san Francisco, has petitioned to be declared in- solvent. A small fire occurred at 8:25 last evening in Glover's stable. A small cottage ad- joining was tiamaged. The total loss will not exceed SIOUO. The horses were all loosed and allowed to run on the streets. Mrs. L. S. Cummings has sued Jacob I. Cummings for a divorce on the ground of cruelty. She alleges that he burned old rags iv tbe house to smoke her out. Judge Ileushaw yesterday held Harry Claffey, the-I'ullman-car burglar, to answer the charge in the Superior Court with ball fixed at 31000. .Stewart Stuli, who killed W. M. Law- rence a week ago in a saloon, was held by Judge Henshaw yesterday to answer to a charge of manslaughter. '/.. T. Gilpin, City Treasurer of Oakland, bus returned from a throe weeks' vacation in Humboldt County. ALAMEDA. A Knock-Out That Might Have Been Sertoli* The Free Library. The oflicers-elect of Alameda Parlor, X. S. G. XX., will be installed to-morrow even- ing by District Deputy Powell of Hay- wards. The public schools will reopen to-morrow. The preliminary examination of Peter O'Laughlin on a charge of arson will take place next Tuesday before Justice Byler. A warrant wits sworn out yesterday charging John Wilson with battery. Wil- son is a muscular young man, and without any provocation struck Deputy Constable Cramer in the mouth, inflicting painful in- juries. Cramer is much smaller than Wil- son, whose deed appears very cowardly. Among the many who went from this city to Hay wards to celebrate the Fourth were Ed Waldo, known as "Hayseed," and a young man named Kelly. They imbibed very freely of beer, and becoming angry at each other for sonio tilling reason hud a knock-out. Waldo was too much for Kelly, and sent bim to the ground, where he lay like a log. A Haywards doctor happened along, who examined the prostrate form of Kelly and pronounced hi in dead. The Town Marshal was notified, who hunted up Waldo and placed him In the town lock-up, and intended to put a charge of murder against him. The apparently lifeless form of Kelly was taken to the shop of the vil- lage undertaker, and altogether the outlook for Waldo was quito doleful. But a few hours afterward Kelly commenced to show signs of life, and in the evening he was able to return to his home on Santa Clara avenue, near Bay street, in this city. Waldo was confined all the night in the Haywards lock-up, and was released yes- terday, as there was no one to make any charge against him. At the meeting of the Free Library Trustees, the Librarian reported that dur- ing the month of June 3390 books were cir- culated, of which 2328 were works of fic- tion. The number of new members re- ceived was 41, and the number of visitors to the library and reading-rooms was 4993. A vote of thanks was tendered W. G. W. Harford for his gift of a large number of valuable books. A dally average uf 847 want atla. In THK CALL last week. It la the only want in. ilium. . Beaten With a Beer Glass*. Patrick Grant and James Laballe quar- reled in a . Second-street bar-room . yester- day afternoon. Laballe was struck over the eye with a beer class, badly cutting his forehead, nose and cheek. Laballe was taken to the Receiving Hospital, while Grant was gathered in by Ofllcer Hayden and locked up on a charge of an , assault with a deadly weapon. m ' It. nil the want ads. la t'.-day's CALL. It always has tha must. THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, SUNDAY, JULY 6. 1890-FOURTEEN PAGES. 2 LOG GABiN BAKERY. DO TOD WANT GOOD BREAJJ? WE HAKEIT. OUR HOME-MADE BREAD Is sure to please you. We take rreat pains with It. YOU WILL UNI! IT CHEAr-EB to buy of us lhaa to pay a cook to bake at home. Air We dellrer to all parts of San Francises. Send for circular. MAINOFFICE 409 HAVES STKKET. . JU, . BRANCH OFFICES— BOO 4Fillmore Street, 1033 McAllister Street, 1435 Folk Street, 2951 Sixteenth Street, 2431 Mission Street. SAN FRANCISCO. lis an •* THE TAILOR * ,rqrv fr*> JZ/ Makes (he best fit- J&, An tin*,' clothes, at 40 ||wR HST per cent less than jK|| ftfP any other house on '[B .) j| L he Pacific Coast. «J|f\ 203 MONTGOMERY STREET, 724 and 1110 and 1112 Market Street IKS"Knles for self-measurement and sample* ol cloth sent free for all orders. my18 SuMoWa tf DISTILLED WATER ICE. V THIS INVALUBLE ICE IS NOW READY FOR delivery at the factory. 420 Eighth St., San Francisco, or from our wagons, it on tea are now established In the heavy business portion of th* city,and willhe extended as rapidly as possible. This Ice is Chemically Fere, anil Abso- lutely the Ouly Safe Ice for Human. Consumption. It la made in block form, 11x22x30, and cat In sizes to suit; It Is perfectly crystallised; Is mora dense: packs closer; lasts longer, and intrinsically worth much more than common Ice. CONSUMERS* ICE CO., 420 Eighth Street, San Francisco, Cal. TELEPHONE 3403. jy3 7t SAESAPARILLA, OR BLOOD AUD LIVED SYRUP. A. peerless remedy for Scrofula, White? Swellings, Cancer, Erysipelas, Gout-J Chronic Sores, Syphilis, Tumors, Car- buncles, Salt Rheum, Malaria, Bilious Complaints, and all diseases Indicat- .. l^ Ingan Impure Condition of the Blood, J' Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Bow-els, Skin,etc. This Grand Remedy is oom- posed of vegetable extracts, chief of which are SARSAPARILLA and STILLINGIA. The cures effected ara absolute. For sale by all Druggists- * JOHN P. EENBT ft CO., New York: £3*"Write for ninmlnated Book. nog sr THE ONLY RELIABLE OPTICAT. I'-.SL-.YISL.ISIIMI'-.XT. C^X <^\ IF YOD HAVE DEFECTIVE EYES AND VALO»*I them. co to the Optical Institute for yonr Specta- cles and Eyeglasses. It's the only establishment oa tills Coast where they are measured on thorough, scientific principles. Lenses ground Ifnecessary to correct esdi particular ease. No visual defect where glasses are required too complicated for us. Vfe guarantee oar fitting to be absolutely perfect No other establishment can get tbe same superior facilities as are found here, for the Instruments and methods used are ray own discoveries and lnren- tlons, and are far in the lead of any now in use. Satisfaction guaranteed. l.a. ISKIti'l-stlN-K. Scientific Optician, 427 KKARNY STRKET. 437 FOKfIETTHBNUJIHER. 427 ' deßtf rt cod FIRE! FIRE! BOSHED OUT, BUT STILLEOIHG BUSINESS AT THE OLD STAND. KNICKERBOCKER COAL CO, v. Hit MISSION STKKET. Wellington »10 SO'Seattle * 8 50 Coos Bay 7 *o|Ureta 10 00 7 Sacks of Wood (1 00 jy6SnWetf **\u25a0 SECURITY savings bank:, 228 Montgomery St.. San Francisco. GUARANTEE CAi'ITATC..... ..*:>00,OIW Interest Paid on Deposits. Loins Madi DOHBMMI Wm. Alr-ird. Wm. llaucoos*. Adam Qraat. Jerome Lincoln, 1). O. Mills. w. S. Jones, b.l. Jones, . A.K. t*.H.trmon, Ua Meatus* » 1a37 SttWegr ap tf . --- ORIGINAL LOUVRE, COKJJKR O'i'ARBELL 'AND MARKET. FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT. OXSTKKS, IMPORTED CEKMAS AMD STERN i:il i;s. LOUIS HEYDENABEB Proprietor. -\u25a0-. mr2l ThSuluttui - IPC SPECS UP. A GENUINE CKYSTAI. I g% Eyeglass and Spectacles. Take home, try, and I llf not satisfactory come back and cbaugsi I V them. 05 FOURTH ST., next to bakery. Note number; open 9a.m. to 6:30 r. St. Sundays, 72S Market St., In front of Celebrated Ladles' uiora Store, next Gentleman's Hat Store. 27 15t fSuTu tg L^V" A fBNESS ft HEAI KOISES CU»S -T aLJiE. AS \r* s'ecsCs invisible TUaUUft (At \u25a0taaPUaTcnKnim. Whispers heard. Conl fortsklc. lasssssssl >\u25a0 a.-~llMntll. SmUhjT. BttCnx. : aaly,SMßr'4way > New Ysra. TTriU Csr kokil ,r..cru£. roa xj Buwe*wr .. "'TIS TRUE, 'TIS PITY; PITY 'TIS, 'TIS TRUE." -+A + BIT + OF* FREE + ADVERTISING I** J. FLA^UST A, CO. We believe, if correctly reported, the SALTATION ARMY will pray before the open doors of the following Clothing Shops, which, in defiance of decency and public feeling, persist in continuing their business during the Sabbath day, Tlfm At the clothing shop known as the Hub, which remains open on Sundays, ii \\mM I I \u25a0§ At the shop known as the Chicago Clothing Co., which remains open on Sundays. %3 \u25a0\u25a0-1 £ I At Raphael's clothing shop, which remains open on Sundays. We hope when this unbusinesslike custom is thus publicly reprimanded the perpetrators of the vile outrage on business morals will be compelled to follow the custom of all respectable merchants and close their doors on the Sabbath. •* y i? MI Iff AVIW Up -FU clothiers ' Hatters and Furnishers for the Human Race, M %LW\m\\ A IUI-HS^ IB mm\lAm %twm p^^^w!-fIM no $ Tfl qqq MADI/ET OTDCCT TUDniIPU Tfl Cl 1 1^ cliuiSl^neslolc¥ " (Mts paW^^lTliioilce Box 1996. ~ CatUflga* mm appL'tartloiL vim*? ill \}LQ IflnnlVL I O I litL I § IBSIIUUUI IU .LL-LIUf - \u25a0 -— •*

J. FLA^UST Tlfm as on compelledchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94052989/1890-07-06/ed...Steamship Trade Between San Diego and Honolulu— Violators of the Exclusion Law to Be Re-turned

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Page 1: J. FLA^UST Tlfm as on compelledchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94052989/1890-07-06/ed...Steamship Trade Between San Diego and Honolulu— Violators of the Exclusion Law to Be Re-turned


An Oiler in a Seattle Cable Car-

House Meets With aFrightful Death.


A Conductor and Brakeman Rcbbed

of Their Cash by Two Men,Who Were Quickly Captured.Steamship Trade Between San

Diego and Honolulu— Violatorsof the Exclusion Law to Be Re-turned to China.

Special Dispatches to The SIoaN-ts.^ Call.

Seattle, July 5. —J. W. Branan, anemploye of the Front-street Cable Com-pany, met a terrible deatn this morning atthe power-house. Branan was employedas night watchman and repairer. He hadjust oiled the great sheave wheel aroundwhich the cable passes and, being in a

.liuiry,neglected to replace the planks cov-ering the wheel.

He went away, but returned ina few mo-ments after his oil-can, aud failing to no-tice the open place at the sheave, steppedin. The arms of the wheel caught his legs,

and in an Instant he was drawn between• the heavy timbers forming the frame-

work, and his life was crushed out.The machinery was stopped Immediately,

and Branan's body was found rolled nplike a ball and crushed into a pulp. Bewas married and 33 years old.


The ErilcDS Fitting Out Tw*) Schooners forEehring Sea.

Victoria, July s.—The news telegraphed. from Port Townsend that a specialmessenger had arrived from Washingtonwith instructions for the commanders ofthe United Slates cutters to proceed toBehriug Sea and seize all the vessels foundwith any evidence of having been engagedin seal fishery causes' great indignation.

Atthe same time comes a story tbat theBritish squadron has been ordered toEsquimau. The latter story brings peaceto the minds of some, but a majority of'British Columbians believe that no matterwhat acts of piracy may be committed bythe Yankees the British war-ships willnotInterfere.Itis known that the crews of all the ves-

sels proceeding to the sealing grounds arefully armed, with the view of resistingseizure, but to-day the story leaked outthat two clipper schooners are beingsecretly fitted out in Maple Bay, especiallyto meet the Yankees. Said vessels will

..each carry a heavy swivel, besides twosmaller guns, and disguised as sealers willtempt a seizure, so as to bring on an en-counter.

Regarding the latter story, CaptainScott, the veteran sealer, says the report nodoubt is true, but the matter has been kept

'secret The skippers of the two vessels inwhich he was interested had armed theirtrews and swore to go to the bottom rather'than submit to seizure.>


X.'-t Hold TTp a Conductor and Brakeminand Are Captured. >.'.

JiouTH Yakima (Wash.), July 5.—east-bound Northern Pacific freight trainwas boarded at this place by two men whohad noticed the conductor get a time- -heckcashed. When the train was about fifteen

;"miles from here th*! conductor asked themen fur their tickets and they statedthat they were railroad men, and, placingtheir hands into their breast pockets as if-to get their credentials, drew their revol-ver?, and, covering theconductor and brake-man, relieved th- m of their combined capi-tal of H2O. When the train slowed up

at a crossing, they dropped off and took tothe brush. As soon as the news reachedthis city Sheriff Leah

'and a large posse

started and found the robbers in an In-dian camp about two miles from'

mcol Station. Deputy Sheriff Simmonscovered the men with his Winchester rifle

• and hey were quickly secured. The moneywas found in their possession. The captorsearn a reward of j-JO. which was offeredfor the apprehension of the highwaymen.*


Four Children in Peril— Attempted Murder bya Hotel Clerk.

• Sacramento, July s.—Fire to-night destroyeda small house on Fomteenlb and Q streets, oc-cupied by "Robert White,a saloon-keeper. Mrs.

Waiie had just puther lour cblldien lo b d, and-went t > the other room to gel them some water'vb-.i tlie Isnin In the bedroom exploded, andthe burning oil covered ibe floor, Hire ran out. ciyiug murder, and then

- ran backin the mom where the children'were and fainted. A neighbor named.. Carter ran In and dragged the mother outaud then saved the children. It wasa dating and berolc act, as in halfa minute more tbey would bave beensuffocated. One was au Infaut The boose wasdestroyed ,but was not of much value. The fam-ily lost all.• night Tom Lavelle. a discharged nightclerk Inthe state House ll.eel. went iome place

\u25a0 armed with a knife, threatening to killKenny,one ot the proprietors, but before be could carryout bis purpose be was arrested.


Ccmmiilicner Hughes Says They Must Be Re--\u25a0 turned to China.

Tucson, July S.— United States Commls-. sinner Hughes to-day gave judgment In the

cases of twenty-four Chinese charged withviolating the Exclusion Act. The order istbat they be returned to the custody of theUnited States Marshal of Arizona, to beby him delivered to the Collector of thePort of San Francisco, to be by liimre-turned in accordance with law to the Em-

pire of China from whence they came,judge Barnes, counsel for the Chinese,urged Umt under the law they should be re-

turned to Sonora, Mexico, having lauded at(itiavmas and entered the United Statesfrom Sonora. The evidence shows thatthey had made one continuous tour fromChina, via San Francisco Harbor, to Giiay-mas and Sonora into the United State-.Counsel for the Chinese applied for a writof habeas corpus before Judge Kelsby atPhoenix, as Judge Sloan of this district isabsent from the Territory.


Seasons for Cashier Passmore of TacomaCommitting Snicid'.

Portland, July 5.—A special from Ta-coma says: The mystery surrounding themotive for the suicide of 11. 11. Passmore,cashier of the Security Bank, has beencleared tip. To gentlemen with whom liepassed a portion of the evening previous tohie death he spoke of being in straitenedcircumstances. His property was notbought outright, only the first payments be-ing made, anil the property not advancingas rapidly as be exacted the second pay-ments were due, am! being unable to meetthem he realized the fact that his entire for-tune would be swept away unless his friendswould come to his rescue. His friends claimto have offered the desired assistance, but,itis said, he did not have confidence in theirpromises, and the thoughts of losing hisentire possessions so preyed upon his mindthat lie became partially insane, and whilein that condition took his life.


A Man Dives in lime Feet of Water andI;Killed

Sax Diego. July s.—Thomas Flaherty, astone-cutter from Temecula, broke his neckwhile diving from a spring-board on thewater front. The water was only threefeet deep, and the distance after jumpinginto the air from the spring-board was fif-teen feet. The unfortunate fellow wenthead first into shallow water, and when thebystanders rescued him from drowning hewas found to be inan inseusible conditionfrom the shock. On examination it wasfound that death was caused by dislocationof the vertabrtc and injury to the spinalcolumn.


AJackson Youth Who Thought That the PistolWas Sot Loaded.

Jacksox, July s.—Joseph Casassa, 20years old, was shot through the body yes-terday morning at Clinton by the accidentaldischarge of a pistol. He, withothers, waspracticing at a target. Ho handed theweapon to a companion, believing all thechambers were empty, when it went off,and the ball passed through the large in-testine. The cavity was opened and the in-testine sewed up and the blood removed,but to no purpose. He died at 3 o'clock thismorning.


A Stoek-Eaiser Em Over by His W- gon andNearly Killtd

Bakersfield. July 5.—M. A. Peters, afarmer and stock-raiser, of the firm ofPeters &Simmons, formerly of Los Ange-les County, in attempting to get out of hisdouble-seated ring-wagon, fell headlongto the ground. At the same time the mulestook fright and the wagon passed over oneside of bis body. He is still unconsciousand itis feared that bis injuries are fatal.


The Los Anee'es Delrgaticn Solid for ColonelKsrkhsm.

Los Angeles, July s.—The Republicanprimaries were held in this county to-day.There are contests in some wards of thecity, but they are between individuals*, andthe tickets ou both sides are headed withthe name of Colonel Ma: ham for Governor.The delegation will be unanimous for him.

Hi* HI.MI.- IT.

Ariz-ma's Gcvern-r No RestonsiV.e for theRecent Coart-Martlsl.

Tucson (Ariz.) July s.—lt having beenpublished that Governor Wolfley was themoving cause which led to the recent court-martials in Tucson, the Governor author-izes the publication of a denial of the state-ment, and refers to the Secretary of Warfor corroboration of his denial.

Da h of a Tucson Official.Tucson, July s.—The flags on the county

buildings are at half-mast to-day. out of re-spect to the memory of Benjamin Hereford,the District Attorney of tho county, whodied at Kansas City. Deceased was wellknown on the Pacific Coast and was abrother of ex-Senator Hereford of WestVirginia.

Drrw.ied in lie Tub' R.vrCisco, July 5.—A. L. Willett, owner of a

pack-train and an old pioneer, » asdr wuedto-day while trying to cross the Yuba Rife-on horseback on a foot-bridge four lis twide. The horse got scared and ell overbackward. The body has not been re-covered. Willettwas aged about 63 years.

Crop It rts.Saci'.amk.nto, July 5.

—The following

crap bulletin was telegraphed to the ChiefSignal Officer nt Washington by ObserverSergeant Barwick: The grain and fruitcrops in Northern California are below theaverage. The fruitcrop in Southern Cali-fornia is above the average.

New Steamer Line.San Diego, July Livingston. Clark &

Co. have iiado arrangements to run thesteamship Farallon between San Diegoand Honolulu. The first boat will leavewith a fullcargo of general merchandise onJuly 12t.ii and will return to this port viaSan Francisco.

ALimbnrman DrownedVancouver, July s. This afternoon

Fred Ryan, an employe of the Michigan

Lumber Company, .while walking-off a

barge that was being loaded, fell off * tbegangplank into the water und was drowned,Ilisbody was not recovered.

»The Yarht li.bel Wrecked.

San Diego, July s.— Late last night E.S. llabcock's yacht Isabel was wrecked onthe beach, near the Coronado Hotel. Hav-ing diagged her anchor, she was rapid!/driven ashore by the iucomiug tide.

Kuch-Ne cid Bain.Tucson, July s.—There was a drenching

rain yesterday evening through . this sec-tion, which was much needed. There areindications of more rain, which causesmuch rejoicing.

Passed Bens Chicks.Sacramento, July Warrants have

been Issued here for the arrest of N. J.Weaver, a young solicitor, forpassing boguschecks upon a number of business houses

in this city. Weaver had letters of recom-mendation from several prominent businesshouses in San Francisco and also possessespasses from the Southern Pacific BailroadCompany. H»H

The Fourth at Bakersfielrl.Bakersfield, July s.—The Fourth was

very quiet here. Amajority of the pleas-ure-seekers went on an excursion to Te-hachapi, and the remainder divided up intosmall picnic parties on Kern River. Therewere plenty of fireworks in the evening,but no fires nor disturbances.

An An-iheirs Hotel Burned.Anaheim, July s—The Planters' Hotel

and contents were burned to the ground thismorning at -:15 o'clock. Loss $15,000, in-surance $9500.

Yancenver Beats Seattle.Vancouver (B. C.% Julys.— Vancouver beat

Seattle inan international four-oared race rowediiere 10-day. winning easily by twelve lengths.The distance was a mile and a half. Time,11:4.0.


An Eastern Strike Settled— lSrewers' Re-lief Fund.

There was little stir among the strikingmolders yesterday, their chief business be-ing to look out for non-union men, whomthey are active in trying to induce to jointheir ranks.

Martin Fox, Secretary of the lron-mold-ers' Union of .North America, has writtena letter to President Valentine, in which hesays: "1hope that our members will nolresort to anything but lawful measures toaccomplish their ends, as Iam sure in theend those are the only measures that areeffective. Atthe same time let itbe under-stood that it is the determination of yourunion to win the fight ifit lasts fiveyears."

The molders report that they have wontheir Philadelphia strike, which lias beenon since February 1-ltli, and the 75 menwho were out have returned on their ownterms. This willenable the InternationalUnion, which has been supporting the 75men, to give the onion here more support.

The local union officers look for manydesertions from the foundries ou the 10th,and say that the men are becoming verymuch disheartened.

The ball by the combined trades unionsof the city for the molders will take placeat the Pavilion on July 19th.

Itri-wery Workmen.Ata meeting of the brewery workmen

last night five candidates were initiated andthree applications received. Itwas decidedto assess every member 50 cents a monthfor the benefit of the striking molders. Thenew officers of the union, whose names harebeen published, were installed.

Ihn Brick-llnnttlem.The brick-hand lei met last night and re-

port work brisk, and the membership 125strong, with53000 in the treasury, Itwasdecided to make the union benrlieial as wellas protective hereafter. James B.Hanson,who had been injured, was donated S'-*OO.

Cocke And Waiters.The cooks and waiters were last night

addressed on federation by Messrs. Graru-bartli and Busbuell of the FederatedTrades. The union reports work brisk.

Money for the MoldersThe American bakers donated $100 last

night to the molders. Work was reportedbrisk.


Two Tickets Placed In the Field for theAnnual Election.

The aunnal election of officers of theSociety of California Pioneers takes placeto-morrow and promises to be an excitingone, ns the society's elections usually are,and there being two tickets in the field.

The adherents of each ticket have beenfor some time receiving pledges of votesfor their respective candidates and it Is ex-pected that a pretty fullvote willbe polled.The noils willbe open from 9 o'clock in themorning until 5 o'clock iv the afternoon.

The followingare the names on the twotickets, the first one being called the


ular" ticket and the second the ".Members'Conservative Ticket*':

For "President. Alexander Montgomery; Vice-Presidents Liviiit;st"*iL. Baker, San Francisco;Frederick Lux,San Francisco; Henry Mathews,H.i land; Iami 'J*. Kyland,.-..in Jose; (ieorge 1.Hooper, souoina; Treasurer. Hows id Havens;Manual, Ezekiel B. Vreeland; Directors— W.yon Schmidt, Julia I.Spear, Samuel Deal, Chris-tian Kris, James Heron, John Unci- ell, Aug.E.Phelps, (Jeoige T. Marye J., Johu NlgbilngaleJr., M.l). Amendment to Aillcle Vlllul the(,'onslltuliuii—Vote yes.

For President, Alexander Montgomery; forVice-Fiesidenls— Henry i.. lllghlon of SanFianclscn.Kumualdo I'acbeco of Kan Francisco,C.iius T. liyiand of San Jose, George \V.Cbesley01 H.icmiueiito, l'aliic W. Murphy of San LuisObispo; fur Tlcashier. Howard Havens; torMarshal, Joseph t'oodildge; {or Directors-Joseph U.Eastland, F.illult M.Knot, Thomas fl.Caswell, .lames 8. Wriheied. Henry B. Kuss,Samuel 11. Daniels, Jain 5 1). Flielan. Hany K.Hunt, l: h.-ii VaiKleicnoK. Amendment toArticle VIIiut the Constitution— No.

A daily averasre *,t 847 wnni. Kiln In

'I'llI', CALLlast week, lt IS the «inly want


Morocco's Theater.Tlie great number ol people who nightly

visit Morosi-o's Theater on Howard streettestify to the popularity of this place ofamusement and the attractions presented.

The comfort of the audience has been en-hanced by the fact that smoking isno longertolerated. "'Ilie Hidden Hand," with MissCora Van Tassel and Edwin Young in theleading characters, has been n success.This willbe followed by "The Little Sin-ner."

-Fur bargains in real estate, look In to-

day's iAll.. It always ha* the moatreal estate arts.

Forced to Move.In consequence of the tearing down of

the old building at the junction of Post andMaiket streets T. P. Kiordan, the well-known real estate agent, who had occupiedan office there for nineteen years, wasforced to seek other quarters. He has re-moved to Market street, opposite the Pal-ace Hotel.

* • -" -- -\u25a0

\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•


Excursion to Snrfslde nnd Santa CruzThis Week.

On Saturday, the 12th Inst., an excursion will berun from San Francisco to Santa Cruz. On tbat dayan auction sale willbe held on Snrrslde, one of themost beautiful tracts of land Inthat gem seaside re-sort Surfslde is located on highground, and front-ing and overlooking Monterey Bay. The trainleaves the foot of Market street, narrow-range line,at 8:15 A.ii. Round-trip tickets are fifor the day.Kuund-trlp tickets, good to return the followingSunday or Monday, are Sa each. A band will be Inattendance at Surfslde, and an elegant lunch willbespread for the excursionists. For further particu-lars of excursion and auction apply to the Carnall-Fitzbugb-Hopklns Company.


Kalakaua's Ministry Driven to theWall.

New Political Advisers Chosen—


Against Ex-Foreign Minister Austin.

All Quiet at the Capital.

Hon. Jonathan Austin, late ForeignMinister to his Majesty Kalakaua I. ar-rived in the city yesterday from Hono-lulu on the Oceanic Steamship Company'ssteamer Mariposa. He brought the firstnews that has re ached the outer world ofthe dissolution of the Hawaiian Cabinet,and of the election of a new Ministry.It will be remembered that the last

steamer from the islands brought the firsttidings of the impending crisis. At thattime the crash had not yet come, but eventshad already occurred of such a nature asto foreshadow the downfall of the Ministry,When the Mariposa left the island capital,

the big row had occurred, but ended with-out violence, and affairs in the kingdom

were exceedingly quietA ministry had gone the way of all Cab-

inet Ministers, and tlie Government feltsecure. Nothing of an alarming naturehappened to arouse the apprehensions ofthe good kind Kalakaua, and he stillreposedIn his palace in the confidence of peacemaintained.


Mr. Austin was seen last night, and wasfound to be, in person and manners, theideal diploniate. Well advanced inyears,but with the bearing of a man of affairs, hetalked freely and with charming frank-ness. Beseemed to regard his downfallphilosophically and had nc hesitancy Inre-ferring to it.Itmay be well, however, to recall the

fact that at the time the latest advices weresent out from Honolulu it was stated thatthe opposition had made a number ofserious charges against Mr. Austin, amongwhich was one that he had conspired wltnhis fellow-Ministers to selljthe independ-ence of the islands. Another was that hehad withheld important diplomatic corre-spondence, which he claimed to be of aprivate nature.

Speaking of the matter last night to arepresentative of The Lai.'., he said:"Yes, it is true that the old Cabinet hasbeen compelled to give way to a uew one.Itwas a bard struggle and we made a goodlight, but they finally tired us out. A newCabinet was then formed, composed as fol-lows: Minister of Foreign Affairs, JohnA. Cunimings: Minister of Interior, C.N.

Spencer; Minister of Finance, GodfreyBrown, and Attorney-General, Arthur Pe-terson.

CUAIIUES WITH ISTISIGUI'SO."The charges against me were that Ihad

not been true to the interests of Hawaii,and that Ihad been in correspondence withthe Stale Department at Washington witha view to sacrificing the independence of theGovernment Itwas also charged againstme that Ihad refused to surrender certainletters bearing upon tlie subject Isimplydenied the charges as untrue and assuredthe Government that Ihad at no timelavored a treaty inimical to the interests ofthe islands. As for the correspondence, itwas of a private nature and 1 so stated. I.held that 1had aright to refuse to surrenderitou that account.

"Aneffort was made by the opposition toimpeach Attorney-General Ashfurd andthey endeavored to secure a vute of want ofconfidence against hint, but the Legislaturevoted itdown by the very narrow majorityof one. We were apprehensive of a similarmotion and although we were unfriendly toAshford, the entire Miuistrjlresigued, theAttorney-General going out with us-things looked exceedingly squally for atime and we feared serious trouble, but for-tunately it was averted and quiet main- ,tamed.

too many would-be leaders."The opposition was not firmlyunited.

There were too many leaders or would-beleaders, and each one regarded himself asthe ail-important man. Wilcox and Mar-ques both regarded themselves as tbeleaders, but the latter was the most violentaud the most radical. Neither of them isin the new Cabinet, which, no doubt is forthe best.

"As it now stands there is not a repre-sentative of either fin* ion in it, and it is

neither an opposition Cabinet nor yet aGovernment Cabinet It Is a compromisecabinet therefore, and 1 should s.ty repre-sents the best interests of the islands, al-though it is not to the likingof either partyso far as politics are concerned. 1 am in-clined to think, however, that it willpleasethe people, who, after all, have the most atslake."

Mr. Austin predicted an era of increasedprosperity for the little kingdom, aud statedthai he had not yet made any definiteplans for the future. Itis his intention toremain, lor a time at least, in this city.

FOLLOW.-D BY A GANG.An Assault .M..It. on Kearny Street on

Non-Union Mulders.There was considerable excitement on

Kearny and Sutter streets about midnight,caused by a row between four non-unioniron-molders and a party of men whohave some connection with tho strikingmolders.

Henry Naliorn, who .came from Detroitabout three months ago and who was as-signed to work at the Pacific Foundry, leftbis hotel with three other non-union mold-ers about 11:30 o'clock. They Jumped offthe Fourth-street car at Kearny and Poststreets and walked down the first namedstreet, their object being to have a sight ofthe city and take a little fresh air.

,iHorn states that they had been but afew minutes on the sidewalk when theywere surrounded by a crowd, some ofwhom began to call "scab." He drew apistol and flourished it. The crowdscattered . and -Nahorn- started torun, but - was arrested

-by Officers

Burnett and Charles U.J. McDonald, whocharged him with exhibiting a deadlyweapon In a rude and threatening manner.

At the Central Station the prisoner said:"Iwas walking along with my three com-panions, when \u25a0we were approached by acrowd. Atfirst Iwas called a 'scab.' Thensome one said, 'Take that, you dirty scabl'and 1was hit from the rear in the side ofthe head. Then Iwas struck iv the breastand in the face. Mycompanions were alsostruck.

\u25a0 "Ithought things were getting pretty.warm and time to put a stop to these pro-ceedings. So Idrew imy *pistol in defenseof what Ithought was an attempt on my

life. Inever saw any of myassailants be-fore. None of my companions drew theirpistols. Ihave a permit to carry one andgo had they. Idon't know what became ofthem after the fight am a peaceable man.and am endeavoring to make an honestliving."

POLITICAL PUDDLE.Meetings of the Ashworfh Club

and Oilier Organizations.

The Ashworth Club held a meeting lastevening with Frank J. Fallon in the chair,and the report was made that the receiptsup to date had been 5868 75 and disburse-ments 8173 35.

Itwas decided by a unanimous vote to re-move the headquarters of the club toMusicHall, the present quarters being too smallto accommodate the rapidly increasing mem!bership.

An election of officers for the ensuingterm of six months resulted as follows:President, Frank J. Fallon; Vice-PresidentLarry Kelly; Recording Secretary, JamesHurley; Financial Secretary, M.Murphy;Treasurer, J. Noonan ;Trustees— M.Lyons,M. Kenedy, J. Monahau, E. Lyons andJames Lagree.

After the election of officers PresidentFallon, on behalf ot the members, pre-sented Mr.Kearney, the outgoing FinancialSecretary, with a handsome gold badgesuitably inscribed, in recognition of bisvaluable services to the club. After a voteof thanks to the old board of officers, themeeting adjourned.

Organized to is. tout l'nrklnnon.The Parkinson Republican Club of the

Forty-third Assembly District was organ-ized last evening by electing Georze F.Freeman President; X. Stockmeyer, Vice-President; W. J. Carlin, Treasurer, andBenjamin P. Wood, Secretary. The clubis organized in the interest of George C.Parkinson for Congress in the Fifth Dis-trict

lndepentleut llepublleana.Ata meeting of the Independent Republi-

cans of the Second Precinct of the Thirty-third Assembly District the following offi-cers were elected: President, ChristianDawson; Vice-President, John Donnavin;Secretary, Isaac Wilson; Treasurer, FrankSouza; Executive Committee


Savage, Henry Meiduck and ThomasMoyles.

Connoll of the Economist*.A meeting of the Council of the Econo-

mists was held last night, with Dr. Rodg-ers in the chair. AFinance Committee wasnamed, after which the President urged thonecessity for energetic action on the part ofthe various clubs on the question of ballotreform aud the subject of the removal ofthe Chinese.

Lincoln lte]>in>llrnnLeague.Alarge audience assembled last night at

the parlors of the Lincoln RepublicanLeague in response to invitation issued. Dr.It. W. Tiedemann presided. William Sma-deke delivered nn interesting address, andspeeches were made by John Berry, R. P.Jessup, Messrs. Douglas and Dennis.

Itrotlerlrk Slay Try It.William Broderick, Chairman of the Dem-

ocratic Bureau ot Naturalization and Reg-istration, is being urged uy his friends tomake. the race for the nomination for As-sessor. He is a man of much political ex-perience. _

YOUNG MEN'S INSTITUTE.Commute** Arrangiur for the Sleeting;

of the Council.Several committees of the Young Men's

Institute having charge of the arrange-ments for the sixth Grand Council of theorder, which will convene in this city ouAugust 4th next, met last evening at therooms of the institute in the Flood Building.

J. P. Dockery presided at the meeting ofthe Reception Committee, which recom-mended that $200 be expended in the pur-chase of badges. L. V. Merle, J. J. Har-rington and Frank Kilduff wero appointedas a committee on design and style ofbudge and given fullpower to act.

The Committee on lintels made a final re-port, and recommended that circulars belimited and circulated giving informationobtained regarding hotels and accommoda-tions for visiting delegates.ltwas reported that the railroad company

had allowed special rates for delegates onlyfrom the Pacific Coast States. Itrefused tomake special rates for the friends of dele-gates who willvisit the Grand Council.

The headquarters of the Reception Com-mittee will be located at Boom 28, FloodBuilding.

The Executive Committee held a pro-tracted meeting, D. J. Leary in the chair.Reports were received from the Auditing,Reception and Banquet Committees andadopted, and the mutter of decorations wasfinally settled. The Mechanics' Pavilionand the Grand Opera House will be hand-somely decked by a well-known artist forthe occasion. The grand ball in the Pavil-ion will be strictly an invitation one, andpromises to be a most fashionable and en-joyable affair.

THE CHEMICAL ENGINE.Good Work Done With Itst a IHoiilriim-

ery-Strret Fire.Several passers-by observed smoke at

11 :2j o'clock last night coming out of thestore of J. O'Hanlon, an outfitter, at 719and 721 Montgomery street. An alarm wasat once turned iv from Box 21, whichbrought the Fire Department in a shortlime to the scene.

When the firemen arrived the while storeappeared to be in flames, which were seenissuing from a broken window. The doorwas burst open and the fire soon ex-tinguished, the chemical engine alouo beingused. ITbe loss, though a great part of theslock was saved, is estimated at $1000.O'Uaulon's principal business consisted Insupplying sailors with outfits.

Very little damage was done to thebuilding, the flames being confined to thestuck of goods in the :store. The cause ofthe tire is unknown. The building isowned by the Le Boy estate, and above thestore is a room formerly occupied by theMunicipal Criminal Court.


No Light Thrown on Ihe Suicide of'George F. lilsjelow.

; The newt :of the suicide of George F.. Bigelow in a hotel at Tacoma on Sundaynight was received with great regret andsurprise 7by his •many friends in this city,

and with the keenest sorrow by!his agedparents, who liveat 1825 Green street.

A * visit was paid yesterday to the resi-dence of tbe father of the deceased, H. 11.Bigelow. si Both parents were seen,' andeach, stated that they had not the faintestidea as to what induced their, son to make

away with himself. They had no clew tothe mystery, and did not think it wascaused by love, as stated in tbe dispatches.

The deceased was a native of Californiaand 25 years of age. He was a graduate ofthe Boys' High School, and passed one yearat the University of California. He se-lected the insurance business as a career,and was first employed in the CaliforniaInsurance Company. Lately he obtainedthe position of special agent for the NorthPacific Insurance Company, and as suchIntended to stop gome time inTacoma. i

'1lie lather of the young man stated thathe received a letter from bis son dated June30th, but itdid not show him to be in adespondent mood. He did not know thatbis son was in any financial difficulties, hav-ing a good position. The body will bebrought to this city for interment.

FRENCH CELEBRATION.Music Question Settled— Parade

of the Third.

Preparations for tbe celebration of theone hundred and first anniversary of thebirth of liberty among the French by thefall of the Bastile prison are nearing com-pletion. For several weeks these arrange-ments have been progressing and there nowremains only the details to lay out

The route of procession and those whowillparticipate initare decided, and thoughother representative bodies may appear inline the programme, as laid out will not bematerially departed from. The only featurenot wholly decided upon was regarding themusic, and it was that subject which en-grossed about two hours of the committee'stime last night An understanding was ar-rived at on the point most disputed andother points of difference will be settledwith ease.

The Fourteenth of July Committee held aspecial meeting last night to dispose of thismusic question. Emanuel Meyer, Presi-dent, was in the chair. The first thingtouched upon was the leadership of thebands and a heated dispute ensued betweenthe two aspirants, VictorHue Paris and M.Mathieu, and their friends.

For years M. Mathieu has furnished themusic for the French colony, and in returnhe has often serenaded its citizens and doneother little favors. He is a Frenchman ofultra-French blood, a good fellow, loyal tothe memory of bis native land. Buteveryquality he boasts has Victor Hue Paris,and a bitter fight was indulged in for the

supremacy.Both are members of the Musicians'

Union and leaders of first-clats bands, audthat only added to the difficulty. WasMathieu loyal, so was Paris. WasMathieu well liked by bis friends, so wasParis by his. For over one hour the com-mittee had one voice, and that voice an up-roar.

Words were not bandied at sword's point,but belched forth as from a cannon. Whenthoroughly tired, when each side sat andglared at the other, neither willing to ac-cede a point or grant a word, then, and notuntil then, was the question near its solu-tion. Atthat moment tiie Mathieu factiongave In, and M.Mathieu led the surrender.

He consented to Victor Hue Paris havingcharge of the music, with the understand-ing that he should employ him as leader ofone of the bands. The opposition graspedthe proposition with alacrity, since itwasall that could have been acceded| it by amajority vote, and the question was set-tled.

A letter was read from Colonel T.F. Barrystating that a battalion of the Third In-fantry Regiment, N.Q. CL, would participatein the paiade and would be commanded byLieutenant-Colonel O'Connor.

Acommunication was also received froma firm on Market street offering $1100 forall the privileges of the gardens on the dayof celebration. The matter was referred tothe Committee on Finance.


J. H. SOUTHARD.Judge J. R. Southard, Assistant District

Attorney of San Francisco, who hi company withhis wile had bern visiiiug lends in Santa Rosa,died In ili.it city suddenly of apoplexy at 7o'clock yesterday mornlug. He was seized WilliHie aliaei. Willie sealed Ina chair at Ross' stable,and Immediately fell over unconscious. Threephysicians were in attendance upon him duringIhe night,but could do nothing forhim. The re-mains willprobably be Interred at Kama Rosa.

For years Sir. Southard was one of SonomaCounty's most promlueul citizens. He ran forthe Alloruey-UeuerslshiD in 1807, which re-•iiiii-iiId his defeat. In the new Constitutionlighthe look a very active part, though be wasDot mining the delegates to the convention.About fifteen years ago he came to this city,where be has made bis home, with the exceptionof a year aud a half, about eight years ago. liewas always engaged in politics, and lor somelime has been Assistant District Attorney. Afew years ago he was also a candidate for Judgeof Ihe Superior Court. The deceased was ihiIcemarried and GO years ofage. Surviving bim atea sou and Ills widow. •*.

JACOB BOHART.Jacob Bobari, an old and respected citizen of

Sau Jose, was fuuud dead in his mum about 9o'clock yesterday morning. The deceased hadbeen silently illwith neuralgia lor four or five

uays and his lamllypersuaded him at breakfastto visit his nliysiclaii's office, lie agreed lo doso and went to get teady. In a lew minutessome on.- went to tall Mm. when he was founddead. Mr.liolnnt was bom In lowa, In 1813.He went Into active business when quite a youngmail,nud was successful. About tiiteen yearsalio he reined and settled In Sau Jose.

MRS. MAItIKCAILLEAU.The death Is announced of Marie Callleau, wife

ot maud Callleau, a well-known merchant ofNils city. Tbe cause of her death was consump-tion, with which she lias been a sullerer roryears. Deceased was a woman of large charities,and In addition to being a member ol the Frenchlienevoleot and other societies, gave much Id aquiet nay. She was 30 years ol age, and willbe burled to-day fiom the church ul Notre Damedcs Vlclolres, at 2 o'clock in the alteruoon.

ROBERT It.BISHOP.Professor Robert li Bishop, for many years

connected with the Miami University, died atOxford, Ohio, yesterday, from paralysis.


Kdwln!Cliadwlck, the social economist, diedat London yesterday.

..A Thunder-StormMay purify the air,but nothing except SOZODONTwill purify the mouth filled with neglected teeth.and rescue those faithfulservants of mankind fromtitter ruinbefore itIs too late. Don't neglect to tryIt. You willbe surprised ami delighted with itsresults. --

Washington, July Captain William D.Dielz,U. a. A.,stationed at Albatross, is at theKbl.tu House. ..-\u25a0.-\u25a0- ..'...

lA'l'KSf Mltll'l'lNU IMKLLIUIifICK.

Arrived. * "•'•-\u25a0\u25a0.'

Satchdat. July 5.Stmr Walla Walla. Wallace. 60 Hours from Vlo

torla, etc. ;pass and in.l.w. to (jooilall, l'ork InsA0o.Bailed.

: Saturday. July5.,. Stmr Alex Duncan. (Jray.Mfivoiiieuta of Transatlantlo Steamers.

•' HAVRE—ArrivedJuly 6—Stiur Augusta Victoriafrom New York. .— \u25a0--.-.•- :.••-• -\u25a0\u25a0•-•?

I'OItTI.ANU-Arrlvod July :5-Stmr EgyptianMonarch, rromNew York.

*.NKW YORK- July s—Stmr City .of Chi-cago, from Liverpool. '--


IsohroN— July 6—Stmr Galileo, fromHull.,• .-


Two Boys Drowned in the Basinof the Estuary.

Carpenters Organize a Cc-Operativa Building


Colliion's Death—


The national holiday was a sad day forMr. and Mrs. Peterson of the AlamedaTract, near Frullvale. Their two boys,

Jobn and James, aged 15 and 11respectively,attempted to go Inbathing inthe basin ofthe estuary at the loot of Twenty-third

avenue. The basin had recently beendredged and was very deep. Of thisthey were apparently unaware. Theyoungest boy went In first and sank; bisbrother, in attempting to fallow and savehim, sank also. One body was recoveredon Friday night and the other yesterdayforenoon. Attempts to .save thorn weremade by those near by who saw the boysgo down, but they were unavailing. Aninquest willbe held to-morrow evening.

The silver water-pitcher offered by theOakland Times for the best decorated housein Oakland on the Fourth of July was yes-terday awarded to Edward P. Taylor, theagent of Tiie Call, at 757 Broadway. TheCommittee of Award were M.J. Keller, A.D. Thomson and A. M.Benham.

J..1). Beyer's house at Claremont wasburned to the ground yesterday, a3 the re-sult of a smoldering fire from a skyrocketstick, lt was valued at about SSOOO. Thehouse was partially insured. Part of thefurniture was saved.

CARPENTERS ORGANIZE.The Oakland carpenters have organized

the Oakland Co-operative Building Com-pany, with a capital stock of $-25,000 in5000shares. Articles willbe drawn and filed onMonday. The contractors claim they haveall the men they want to employ, and canget more if they need them.

James Collison, the man who was injuredabout a mouth ago while assisting in put-ting ina new boiler on the ferry-boat Ama-dor, died from his injuries at Dr. Woolscy'shospital yesterday, lie was a native ofScotland, 50 years of age.

A fire yesterday afternoon caused a lossof$300 to the roof of Mrs. Brearty's selectschool, corner of Sixteenth and Chestnutstreets.

Mrs. Eleanor Vertue, wife of Rev. GeorgeVenue, died at her lato residence in EastOakland on Friday.

Colonel W. H. O'Brien has opened theCalifornia Classical and Military Academyin the school on Oak street recently used byT. O. Crawford as a polytechnic school.

AN INSOLVENT MININGMAN.Thomas N. Wand, recently in the mining

busiuess.formcrly a Slate Senator from sanFrancisco, has petitioned to be declared in-solvent.

A small fire occurred at 8:25 last eveningin Glover's stable. A small cottage ad-joining was tiamaged. The total loss willnot exceed SIOUO. The horses were allloosed and allowed to run on the streets.

Mrs. L. S. Cummings has sued Jacob I.Cummings for a divorce on the ground ofcruelty. She alleges that he burned oldrags ivtbe house to smoke her out.

Judge Ileushaw yesterday held HarryClaffey, the-I'ullman-car burglar, to answerthe charge in the Superior Court with ballfixed at 31000.

.Stewart Stuli, who killed W. M. Law-rence a week ago ina saloon, was held byJudge Henshaw yesterday to answer to acharge of manslaughter.

'/.. T. Gilpin, City Treasurer of Oakland,bus returned from a throe weeks' vacationin Humboldt County.


A Knock-Out That Might Have BeenSertoli*

—The Free Library.

The oflicers-elect of Alameda Parlor, X.S. G. XX., willbe installed to-morrow even-ing by District Deputy Powell of Hay-wards.

The public schools willreopen to-morrow.The preliminary examination of Peter

O'Laughlin on a charge of arson willtakeplace next Tuesday before Justice Byler.

A warrant wits sworn out yesterdaycharging John Wilson with battery. Wil-son is amuscular young man, and withoutany provocation struck Deputy ConstableCramer in the mouth, inflicting painful in-juries. Cramer is much smaller than Wil-son, whose deed appears very cowardly.

Among the many who went from thiscity to Hay wards to celebrate the Fourthwere Ed Waldo, known as "Hayseed," anda young man named Kelly. They imbibedvery freely of beer, and becoming angry ateach other for sonio tilling reason hud aknock-out. Waldo was too much for Kelly,and sent bim to the ground, where he laylike a log. A Haywards doctor happenedalong, who examined the prostrate form ofKelly and pronounced hiin dead. TheTown Marshal was notified, who hunted upWaldo and placed him In the town lock-up,and intended to put a charge of murderagainst him. The apparently lifeless formof Kelly was taken to the shop of the vil-lage undertaker, and altogether the outlookfor Waldo was quito doleful. But a fewhours afterward Kellycommenced to showsigns of life, and in the evening he wasable to return to his home on Santa Claraavenue, near Bay street, in this city.Waldo was confined all the night in theHaywards lock-up, and was released yes-terday, as there was no one to make anycharge against him.

At the meeting of the Free LibraryTrustees, the Librarian reported that dur-ing the month of June 3390 books were cir-culated, of which 2328 were works of fic-tion. The number of new members re-ceived was 41, and the number of visitorsto the library and reading-rooms was 4993.A vote of thanks was tendered W. G. W.Harford for his gift of a large number ofvaluable books.

A dally average uf 847 want atla. InTHK CALLlast week. Itla the only want

in. ilium. .Beaten With a Beer Glass*.

Patrick Grant and James Laballe quar-reled in a . Second-street bar-room .yester-day afternoon. Laballe was struck overthe eye with a beer class, badly cutting hisforehead, nose and cheek. Laballe wastaken to the Receiving Hospital, whileGrant was gathered in by Ofllcer Haydenand locked up on a charge of an ,assaultwith a deadly weapon.

m '

It.nil the want ads. la t'.-day's CALL.Italways has tha must.



OUR HOME-MADE BREADIs sure toplease you. We take rreat pains with It.YOU WILL UNI!ITCHEAr-EB to buy ofus lhaato pay a cook to bake at home.

AirWe dellrer to all parts of San Francises. Sendforcircular.


1033 McAllister Street,1435 Folk Street, 2951 Sixteenth Street,

2431 Mission Street. SAN FRANCISCO.lis an


,rqrv fr*>JZ/ Makes (he best fit- J&,An tin*,' clothes, at 40 ||wRHST per cent less than jK||ftfP any other house on '[B

.) j|L he Pacific Coast. «J|f\

203 MONTGOMERY STREET,724 and 1110 and 1112 Market Street

IKS"Knles for self-measurement and sample* olcloth sent free forall orders. my18 SuMoWa tf


THIS INVALUBLEICE IS NOW READY FORdelivery at the factory. 420 Eighth St., San

Francisco, or from our wagons, iton tea are nowestablished In the heavy business portion of th*city,and willhe extended as rapidly as possible.

This Ice is Chemically Fere, anil Abso-lutely the Ouly Safe Ice for

Human. Consumption.

Itla made in block form, 11x22x30, and cat Insizes to suit; It Is perfectly crystallised; Is moradense: packs closer; lasts longer, and intrinsicallyworthmuch more than common Ice.

CONSUMERS* ICE CO.,420 Eighth Street,

San Francisco, Cal.TELEPHONE 3403. jy37t


A.peerless remedy forScrofula, White?Swellings, Cancer, Erysipelas, Gout-JChronic Sores, Syphilis, Tumors, Car-buncles, Salt Rheum, Malaria, BiliousComplaints, and all diseases Indicat- .. l^Ingan Impure Conditionofthe Blood, J'Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Bow-els,Skin,etc. This Grand Remedy isoom-posed of vegetable extracts, chief ofwhich are SARSAPARILLA andSTILLINGIA.The cures effected araabsolute. For sale by all Druggists- *

JOHN P. EENBT ft CO., New York:£3*"Write forninmlnated Book.

nog sr



them. co to the Optical Institute foryonr Specta-cles and Eyeglasses. It's the only establishment oatills Coast where they are measured on thorough,scientific principles. Lenses ground Ifnecessary tocorrect esdi particular ease. No visual defectwhere glasses are required too complicated for us.Vfe guarantee oar fitting to be absolutely perfectNoother establishment can get tbe same superiorfacilities as are found here, for the Instruments andmethods used are ray own discoveries and lnren-tlons, and are far in the lead of any now in use.Satisfaction guaranteed.l.a. ISKIti'l-stlN-K. Scientific Optician,


deßtf rt cod




Wellington »10 SO'Seattle * 8 50Coos Bay 7 *o|Ureta 10 00

7 Sacks of Wood (100jy6SnWetf **\u25a0

SECURITYsavings bank:,

228 Montgomery St.. San Francisco.


Interest Paid on Deposits. Loins MadiDOHBMMI

Wm. Alr-ird. Wm. llaucoos*. Adam Qraat.Jerome Lincoln, 1). O. Mills. w.S. Jones,b.l.Jones, . A.K. t*.H.trmon, Ua Meatus* »

1a37 SttWegr ap tf .---ORIGINALLOUVRE,



STERN i:ili;s.

LOUIS HEYDENABEB Proprietor.-\u25a0-. mr2l ThSuluttui


IPC SPECS UP. AGENUINE CKYSTAI.Ig% Eyeglass and Spectacles. Take home, try, andI llf not satisfactory come back and cbaugsiIV them. 05 FOURTH ST., next to bakery.

Note number; open 9a.m. to 6:30 r. St. Sundays,72S Market St., Infront of Celebrated Ladles' uioraStore, next Gentleman's Hat Store. 27 15t fSuTu tg

L^V"A fBNESS ftHEAIKOISES CU»S -TaLJiE. AS \r*s'ecsCs invisible TUaUUft (At\u25a0taaPUaTcnKnim. Whispers heard. Conlfortsklc. lasssssssl >\u25a0 a.-~llMntll.SmUhjT. BttCnx.:aaly,SMßr'4way > New Ysra. TTriUCsr kokil,r..cru£.•roa xjBuwe*wr ..



We believe, if correctly reported, the SALTATIONARMY willpray before the open doors of the following Clothing Shops, which, indefiance of decency and public feeling,

persist in continuing their business during the Sabbath day,

TlfmAt the clothing shop known as the Hub, which remains open on Sundays,

ii\\mMII\u25a0§ At the shop known as the Chicago Clothing Co., which remains open on Sundays.

%3 \u25a0\u25a0-1 £ IAt Raphael's clothing shop, which remains open on Sundays.

We hope when this unbusinesslike custom is thus publicly reprimanded the perpetrators of the vile outrage on business morals willbe compelled to follow the custom ofall respectable merchants and close their doors on the Sabbath. •* yi?

MIIffAVIWUp -FU clothiers ' Hatters and Furnishers for the Human Race,M %LW\m\\ A IUI-HS^ IB mm\lAm %twm p^^^w!-fIM no $ Tfl qqq MADI/ET OTDCCT TUDniIPU Tfl Cl 1 1^


(Mts paW^^lTliioilce Box 1996.~

CatUflga* mm appL'tartloiL vim*? ill\}LQ IflnnlVLI OIlitLI§ IBSIIUUUI IU .LL-LIUf-

