A SUNDAY PAPER FEATUBES THE WASHINGTON HERALD A PAPER OF QUALITY WASHINGTON C SUNDAY OCTOBER 30 1910 THIBTYSIX PAGES FIVE CENTS r J cD I 4f JC J FD NO i fREAK NO 1485 t IY1It- 41F < = PILES mmo- ii and Madison fonii ties Control Situation LANDHLTDF is CERTAIN Interest Gcntors iniBiff Contest for Senatnrship With the Repnlillqnri Party Bmlly Divided and the Democrnts Pall Int to flrn i Opportunity Result in TloowlT Hn ffles Even the MOst Axtutc Iolttlnlnin Roo3- VVItti Visit Nut RcKnrtletl ax 1 in Th UuUNBM n W Indianapolis ind Oct S8 The political conditions in this State are so singularly mixed that even the moat astute politi- cian on either sMe finds It impossible to size UP the situation or forecast degree of confident the result of Ute now only ten days off There is not the lout doubt that the Republican party 1 badly divided Un der ordinary eiraumatanees the Stote would go overwhelmingly Qamocratlc But the circumstances are extraordinary all around The Democrats with their usual lack of judgment and proverbial sfcortaigbted- nc s have tailed to take fuR MrMtago of their opportunity and their campaign frtiu the start ban been a continuous se- ries of mistakes Their strongest eard undoubtedly was the high cot of Hvlng But they have allowed this lame which resells closest borne to the peoplO to be lost sight of or to be minimised al most wholly Interest In Senntorshlp All interest la centered in the Senatorial rare with Beverldgea personality dom- inating everything His opponent toe tIM Sena toi ship Kern has conducted a cam- paign of criticism which not appealed troiirly to the people Beverldge on the other hand has gone up and down the State arraigning the Republican party aa It la now constituted more vigorously than either Kern or coy Marshall hag done Unit ss conditions be such as to make for a landslide for or agamst Beverldge in all probability the political complexion of tlu next tagtelnure which will choose a Senator will depend upon the results in Marlon and Madtedn counties Marion County of wbiah lodtanapolis is the seat ba ulna weroSrra of the legfsJa tore Maffljut two Joint m jni bets It mrfTcounti8 should go Republican ami the resalt elsewhere he anything like normal no doubt a mil In the lejrtshmtr will be Republi ocii It tle two counties should bS Democratic then the reverae will be tree RertK velt Xo Help Roosevelts visit to Indiana probably did BeverMge no lasting good The bene- ficial effects of hi coming into the State have been counteracted largely if not altogether by too Columbia Club inci- dent when he took occasion in the hear- ing of a number of people to denounce Jud e Arden cn of tie StAts Bench an a jackass and crook all Andersen had rendered two de- cisions which Roosevelt did not Anderson has made a ttne record on the bench and is unlYoiwUly esteemed and the wanton attack upon him is bit- terly resented by elthsene generally gardiesR of party Beverldges speeches are largely non- partisan He is in the role of a cham- pion of the fireside the common people and human liberty If his meetings are- a correct index to the sentiment of the State the people evidently like hi are with him But It to impossible to foretell what la going to happen I Conditions are ee abnormal that a landslide one way or Knottier need not be tarprtetog CHECKPASSERS RELEASED I Wnalilii tnii Police Do Not Vnnt Rluhmoiul Fugitives Richmond Va Oct N Pitcher and J 34 How fugitives from Baltimore tn l where they Bashed bo KUS checks were reiaused under 190 ond to keep the peace In Richmond thh afternoon Tbc styltehly dreatiod woman who op Crates with the men and whom the Nor- folk authorities say received pawn tickets at Richmond from the men departed with Pitcher last night So is known as Ann Dixon of New Yfric How appears to furki n e for tUe combination He qufoHy furnlahijd a tat roll and settled aH Uayagaa The Washington police htf lj lfaetROJB to snow that either Pitcher e p jtar- at l Inquiry at nolle nierdQcar ciuitefl ti j InformAtion that no offi- cial lias been received hero of the arrc r release under bond of either Hews r Pitcher GAME OF CARDS FATAL Player of Solitaire Dies of ICicite- Hient of Defeat Ind Oct S MShorty Joseph r Klatx fiftjMMiven years old an inmate of the county Infirmary so excited when beaten In a same of spread eagle solitaire that he had been playing tor six weeks that he dropped dead when he placed the last cardthe jack of the table croner Wilson found that death was io heart disease Khaki for Frenuh Army Paris Oct JIThe minister of war has decided to replace the red trousers of the troops with khaki Buttons nd other polished accout rm nta will also be abolished An Unexpected Plait ajuakogei OkhL Oct 2S Deputy abet iffs watching for whisky In a old bainj near h re found four counterfeiting out- fits instead The BoynJIau Sale A beautiful collection ot OriPntal carpets formed the Bayajlan Pros of S8 5Ui avenue New j York will be on exhibition at the Slo Galleries 1407 G street tomrrow Tue dav fi m 9 a m to 6 p fatal- ogtu at i e Kftllerles i Common Sub Floorlnir 1M0 tOO ft Frftnfc Llbbey Co 6th N Y aYe i I j OUTCOME I lIci 1 State Hel- pS Q has tta jurlt Pitted re roll- and I I SoT WaaMI ton brains 1 te len ilk La wren ebur be- came I pad n I du tin I h I and II t I INDIANA with- y eton baeaus ap- prove I I t V S rug S- and t > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ > WMTOER FORECAST For the District of Columbia Maryland and Virginia Fair today and probably tomorrow rising temperature moderate variable winds shifting to south erly GOING ON STAGE Miss Laura Strong for the Calcium Says Report Miss Laura Alice Barney daughter of Mrs Albert Clifford Barney will go on the stage soon according to reports re- ceived from Paris where the Barneys have been making their home for the oast year Miss Barney ha been sean in amateur theatricals In Washington anti Is also a sculptor of some fame DEFENDING SCOUTS 1IH INDIAN BATTLE Rock Creek Park Captured byYMC A Troops CHALK USED AS WEAPONS Horde of nedhkiuM Armed with Tomahawks Yells Wildly Around Tcpeea and Irociuoln Get Buhirid- FortiflcatloMH Soldiers from Fort Slyer Give Drill Instructions Young Kit Canon and Sam Houston types and degrees of warlike feroc- ity caused the peaceful valleys antI dales of Rock Creek Pick several nervous tarts yesterday for the entire reserve was Invaded and captured by the Y M C A troop of boy scouts the doughtiafit juvenile warrIors that Washington ever LW The Invasion began almost at sunup and long before the day was wejl Ktlvnnoad a big Indian fight was in progress More than Ml boys were in the affray under the leadership of Scoutmaster A M Chaalty and a few men from Port Myer who gave instructions in military tactics There were fifteen patrols each numbering sev en privates and leader Selected ns Spy Picket running was the first sport of the day Thomas Bingloy was selected as a spy to run the gantlet of scouts and carry a message to Mr Cljesley whose post was on a wooded hillside None of the snouts was allowed to be within J0 yards of the post but the lines wore aJtofether tpo cleverly drawn as events proved for despite almost uncanny skill was easily caught by the patrols BInS ley worked his way through underbrush crawled on all fours and even Jumped from trf to wtuirreliUce to avoid groups of scouts He proved himself white Indian Then came the big battle between scouts and the Indians Big Chief Harry W Long withdrew Into the woods with his braves and Gen Arthur Smith with his sturdy band of pioneers and settlers hastily constructed a barricade and awaited attack from the savages The deadly weapcn used in the heated conflict was neither arrows nor bullets but chalk anti any warrior struck by tills lying missle was then and there made hors de combat Shortly came the wild onrushing horde of redskins armed with tomahawks and ambitious to make a new worlds record the matter of scalps Wid yells tilled the atmosphere around the tepees in the mad charge and a few Indians managed- to get UtfWe the fortifications but were shot amid the fearful carnage Victory for Defenders Finally the Iriquois retired from the assault to have a bite to aL The um decided that the victory rested with the defenders since the charge was re Lut the margin of chalk marks was so close that much doubt clouds the result In the afternoon scouts and Indians were converted Into cowboys and Instruc- tion was given in the gentle art of las- so ng G M Potter was Instructor Two privates from the Signal Corps at Fort Mycr and a corporal in the Fifteenth Cavalry gave drill instructions and showed the boys how to tie knots DK TILL GANING Democrats Will Poll Big G 0 P Vote Says Forecaster New York Oct 2 There has been no letup in the Republican tide toward Dlx and the Democratic ticket according to election forecast which the New York Herald will print In the morning After throe weeks Investigation In all counties of the State assumes that many thousands of Republican will vote for DIx because they afo digusted with Roosevelt No attempt is made to forecast the result In figures The Congress forecast gives the Demo- crats 1W members of the next House the Republicans 1ST and places the result as doubtful in forty districts BEATIFICATION POSTPONED Documents Relating to of Iupe Plus IX Unearthed Rome Oct It is stated that Cardi- nal Merry del Val papal secretary of state after perusing documents received from Sinlgallia relating to the family of Lancelloctl grandmother in MM was notoriously compromised by amours with Pope Plus IX who was then a hilltop has ordered the process for the beatification of Pope Plus lX to be indefinitely postponed Utlcan Vnii t to Hear Forukcr Utica Oct 21 A movement to on foot among local independent Republicans who tntea1 to vote for DIx to hat former Senator Potshot of Ohio and exGov Frank Black to come to this city and address a political meeting some time between now and election It is not sure that either speaker can be secured but efforts in that direction are being made 12n Dnltiuiore cLod Return Uultlmorc Ohio Every Saturday ana Sunday Air trains way except Royal LInt tooth teen Flooring Good X Z 100 ft Frank Llbbey oth N Y ave Barney I III f In WOOdent WJa h the aPl pQSWdJl trot a the In plroe th theHerald o o s tall oed LIfe whose ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SUFFRAGE OPIHIOH Maryland Roused by Deci- sion 011 Grandfather Law SKM I The WaAiseteB HmhL Baltimore Md Oct 38 Sorions and farreaching Is the dilemma faoad by the Democrats because of the doehjlon of Judge Morris of the Federal Circuit Court that the grandfather ulatwo In the Annapolis election Jaw is unconstitu- tional If the Democrats take an appeal and tholr lawyers fay they realize that the decision of the United States Supreme Court could only do ono of two may be registration to appeal to the courts for damages or deny that right They say the former opinion would not disturb them seriously so far as the Pines amendment to tbe constitution to be voted on next year is concerned since that amendment purposes to ex elude negroes from registration If they are not assessed for property to the value of tfO irrespective of the grand- father clauSe Judge Morris decision hi so farreach lag however that in the opinion ot many lawjera it applies to the Dlggee amendment While It 1 true that thte carries a property qualification the tear remains that it IB aimed at the negro Fear is expressed that if the view of Judge Morris is sustained not only will the grandfather law In this State be af- fected but of those now In force In the Southern States as well The deci- sion It is also believed by attorneys will have the effect of making registrars afraid to refuse to enroll negroes In tile event of the decision being sustained the registrars would be liable to punishment especially since they acted in defiance of the decision of the court Competent legal authority states that pending a reversal all grandfather Inn in Maryland are inoperative including tiose in force at Frede ick La Plata Crls- ftld Princess Anne and elsovvnore Tne Democrats will take an appeal at once and will strain every effort to have the law kept on the statute books HALTS RACE SUICIDE French Deputy Makes Suggestions in Aid of Race Paris Oct 29 Hector Depasse has In- troduced a bill in the Chamber of Dopu Ues providing that a fine of from Si francs may be imposed on landlords who refuse to let apartments because the applicants have children The fine will be doubled if the offense is repeated Jacques Bertillon said he feared such a law would be impracticable He sug stated that when a house containing twenty apartments falls to have sixty children in It the landlord must pay a tax varying according to the number of chil- dren under sixty H SOTHERN WOUNDED- Out by Macdnil In Rehearsal of Duel Scene NoW York Oct 20 The duel between Macbeth and Macduff In the Shakos pearean tragedy which has been respon- sible for the Injury of actors play- ing one or the other of the roles claimed E H Sotbern as its latest victim In a rehearsal of tbe play at the Lyric Thea- ter Mr Sctberns foot slipped and the word in the hands of Frederick Lewla who was noting MacdufC cut a deep gash In the tars wrist The accident happened almost at the moment the duel began air SoUioru dropped his sword with an exvntmftiiotr of pain and Miss Julia Who watt on the stage bound up bis wrist with a handkerchief The blood flowed freely and a surgeon had to bo called in- to dress the wound The accident will prevent further ro- hfarsals of next Monday It will not interfere seriously with the business plans of the stars since their season does not open until next Thursday nIP In New Haven Macbeth wMl bo the only addition to the SothernMarlowe this year Grand Prize Automobile Race Savaunali Ga Xovemlier 12 Light ear race November 1L Fare 5190 for trip via Atlantic Coast Linn For reservations c call 1419 N Y ave or phone Main JS8 Georjjln Partition 52iO per 100 ft Frank Llbbey Co Gth N Y ave STIRS DEMOCRATS I willthey t i B- refused j all E Mar o Macbeth until rep I to- M many ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ TWO PASTORS QUIT Several Changes Made in District by Bishop Wtlson SpMtol to The W arfaeU Haul Baltimore Md Oct 29 Within the last weeks two pastors of the Washing- ton distrkft of the Paltimore Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church have been compelled to give up their work of Hisses On September 0 Rev C H Wagner pastor of Heradon suffer- Ing from a nervous breakdown was toni polled to resign October 14 a slight woke of parajytf necessitated the re- Itef of Rev W McXendree Haumack pastor of Congress Heights To meet these emergencies with Ufgi approval of Bishop Wilson several changes have made Rev P Blair mon has belt tranaterrad front Lin- coln avenue to sad Rv 0 Efts Williams of Wood suc- ceed bbs at Lincoln avenue t Hov f- tt Karl has been transferred from Northwest and Concord to Congress Heights and the former remains to be supplied All the changes take effect November j DYNAMITE STORES TO HILT FLAMES Suffers Loss by Fire WarrouUm Va Oct SfcFfre broke out tonight about 10 oclock In S W HUbert garage and carriage repository n Cnlpeper street and before tbe flames were extinguished a low of more then 8060 was entailed Among the buildings destroyed was the St Protestant Episcopal Church and rectory valued at The church boAding cad rectory are covered by insurance The ether buildings destroyed are S W Hilbert garage and earring reptsiiory The Kirby Building occupied by the firm of B F Martin printer dynamited The Walter Thomas colored hotel a twostory brick structure dynamited The ok Williamson mansion a famous landmark a twodtory frame dwelling of the colonial Urnes unoccupied dynamited The tire raged for two hours and ham- pered by an Inadequate water supply dynamite was the only possible 15 light the flames and to save the entire town from destruction The fire started among some old rags in the front room of HUbert garage and spontaneous combustion is given aa tho cause Fanned by a brisk northwest erly wind the names soon gutted the entire building An alarm was sounded by the blowing of the town whistle antI when the volunteer fire department it was seen that to check the flre with water was impossible owing to the lack of water in the towns reservoir and dynamite was used effectively The explosive was obtained from a nearby quarry No attempt was made to dynamite the church as It was to be fireproof as was also the rectory Within less than ten minutes after the last building had been it was discovered that the odince was on ftro and every effort to extin- guish the flames proved ADOPTS WIFES NAME ExchitngeK Three Short Syllables for Many of 3m Newark K J Oct 21Wo clech Ko ziol in the Court of Common Pleas was allowed to change his name to Wojclech ZftbierfBWski The reasons et forth in the application why the change should be permitted were that the final i used In Koxiol had no English equivalent and that the name subject him to ridi- cule as interpreted it meant bucking goat The preference for the name of Zn biensewski was explained by the tact that it is the name of the applicants mother inlaw Koziol or more properly 2a bicrzewski is the father of six minor children whose names will be changed following the order in his own ease A New Trnlu Tao Southerns Southeastern for Conmbia Aiken Augusta Savannah Jacksonville beginning Nov ST leave Washington 620 p m dally via Southern Railway Through electrically lighted sleeping cars Railway Dining Gonrgln Flooring Good 32 per 100 Frank Libbey Co 6th N Y ave four Her DX r arren ton 5OO Jam metes be- lieved dyna- mited fruitless 4 I t I Cn 111 f I be- cause and kesMWL of u ar- rived I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > POOR DIE ffl FIRE IN CHARLES COUNTY Women and Children Vic tims at rostoffice Blaze La Plato Md Oct Mls Mmnle- Oompum daughter of Benjamin Comp- ton tax collector for Charles Ceanty- 3M two children daughters of Mra- 29eUI T oane and a colored servant girl war burned to death in a lire which destroyed a store and dwelling at Piagah Md this morning Mrs emit of aflsu Compton m charge ot the pMt affie 1 at94 ta the tort oampwl by Jumping fitwm aeaowfl fe iww at ona- nda m Piefalfln i aertows eotfiST Uon The building was valued at 4ISM Tbe governments loss of stamps sad post money orders has not been estimated Mrs Doane the only one In the build- ing who escaped awake at 3 oclock to find the house in names She bad barely enough time to reach a window and jump The building was owned by Mareellus Bowie and was occupied by Miss Camp ton It to believed the house caught lire from a stove in which a large lot of pint shavings had been lighted in the early morning by a member of the household There was no insurance on the con- tents and but a small amount on building The charred remains of victims were removed this morning An inquest will be neU later today to if possible the origin of the Ore The husband of Mrs Doane is employe hi Corbys bakery at Alexandria Piagah is located in Charles County Md about six or eight miles from Indian Head and about the same distance from Glymont It consists of a store and post allies and several dwellings ASKS POLICE GUARD WellsFargo Company Appeals to New Jersey Sheriff Jersey City Oct 25 The police stole a match en the strikers tonight will they were meeting hi St Michael Hall and escorted thirteen express wagons in charge of strikebreakers front the Erie ferry to tile WeUsFargo stables The trip was a peaceable one No stones were thrown After delivering their tip the strikebreakers were escorted to the Brie station of the McAdoo tunnel whore they took trains for New York Sheriff Kelly of Hudson County was asked by President Underwood of the Erie Railroad who is a director of the WeltsForgo Company to swear in depu- ties to do guard duty during the strike He said the companys property was be ing destroyed and that it couldnt take- out Its w gons without Interference The sheriff also received a telephone message from Gov Fort In relation to President Underwoods request for aid The sheriff told lime that he ddnt believe Jersey City needed any help from the county and the governor replied that IIP himself was iu a position to swear in 600 special police under the State police act AFRAID TO KILL CATS Police Will Sot Shoot Stray One Because Women llnve Votes Ken Oct 2 Fear of possible political complications has tho from making any attempt- to kill unmuczled cats in Leavenworth yesterday but the order for muzzling all dogs on account of an epidemic of rabies among dogs and cats is being strictly Police armed with shotguns art patrolling streets outside the business ls triet to kill unmuzzled dogs but thus far only three have been killed Meat cats are family pets and the city commissioners are afraid that a whole- sale killing of them would stir up the womon Women have votes In Kansas Ocean Steamships York Oct S3 Arrived Camels f pool October 8 Ktiwdw AHgn Vietorin turn IlMBbotK October 9 New otfe tnea SattOumn October aI- UMjlpim at Cbwbcurg SaIled from louisa i rU Mn Bt rtaV ftow Llr- crpool Kwouland fww Antwerp Cwlitc tarn Ur- mxnl St l ttl KouOtasxtoii CMtimW- at2ri to Ilnltimore Return Today and tomorrow via Baltimore Ohio R R- cnrsln Pljr Ncnr ilttt 937n per 100 Frank Llbbey Co tth N Y ave I house DeaN 1L I det- ermine LaaC worth police ten AUIJS4 sat Ireddent Lincoln tt JlamMlt tRim Glusow the WM I thC C a deter- red en- forced Yew Live r hum nit ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SNOW FLURRIES I Overcoats Pulled Out as Frost Hits Capital Frost stole over the Capitol dome and down Pennsylvania avenue at sunup yes- terday morning There was also a dash of snow in some parts of the city according to the Weather Bureau It was a strange al- most uncanny sight for October In Wash- ington The morning was easily the coldest snappiest of the fill season and a glance at the mercury showed that It had de- scended to 34 degrees Overcoats fur gloves and time general winter regalia were hastily pulled out of the mothballs Cold temperatures In many places ac companied by heavy snow was the rule across the continent yesterday There was a heavy tall In the ureat Lakes region and in the mountainous districts of the Eastern States Atlanta fared worse than Washington did for 20 do graes was registered there The Weather Bureau leaned the forecast last night FAir Sunday and probably Monday with rIsing temperature Moderate va rlable winds PRIEST DEFENDANT ffl DIVORCE GMT Wi fc of Broo k Cl er y m an Begins Proceedings HARRIED EIGHT YEARS AGO Daughter of Merchant Priest Under Aiiauiiied Name anti KvupM Marriage Secret for Yenrw ClerRT milan Sent Monastery und Later Sent to u Southern Parish Rone Nov Oct S6 A reraarlatWe dl notion to c0m up timing tile early part of n ct b entitled Bflan P TS Louis T Hare under which uctitioM names the couple were married- in order to prevent disclosure of tire actual identity of the husband He was a Catholic priest of Brooklyn N Y He the name of Hare took Miss Helen F Haste daughter of a well todo Brooklyn butcher Hendrick Haste who died twelv years ago to Rev Fred- erick Mortimer pastor of St Marks Episcopal Church and at his parsonage were married on the night of No vember II MK The couple during their early life in the same convent together in Greenpoint The woman declares in her story that she loved him many years until finally he induced her to marry him SIte re sided within two block of Ms charch until one sight her younger brother called and found her and her husband To her brother she oonaded the sitnasiteii- tmdar pronjise of rfaerecy The m r- riage wan nt eUsoevorad until a year and a hatf te at- t OerMBBMdme baby girl was hbra to them The mother was away frcm Brooklyn at the time to avoid detection by her brothers and aunt her parents being dead In May 19M their actual relations were disclosed by an accident his church began an investigation IiivotttlffRteS Case Bishop Charles B McDonald took the fatter in Mad personally and on May 14 the couple were separated by the church The bishop removed the priest from his charge gave him 800 and com pelled him to take a steamer for Europe where ht was placed In a Trapptot mon aetery in Ireland There he was kept fcr some years and later brought to America and located In a Southern pariah The wife is forty years old Her hue bands neglect and abuse were due she declares largely to his propensities for wine and women She further declares that although she only charges bun with desertion and failure to provide her little child having died when a year old she claims she can make much more se- rious against him She has sent for depositions from friends who she says know of certain facts and front physicians who attended her She declares he spent hi money in drinking and upon other women and left her to support herself from her own re- sources even taking her money Just her marriage she was graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Art hi New York and appeared in sev- eral performances and had expected to appear in ingenue parts In a company at- one of the New York theaters She ar- rived in Reno last April and his llvad quietly here TORE UP STOLEN MONEY IVeMsuny Flnils It hEart to Spend Iotn of Cash Pittsburg Oct 3Gce its hard to spend a lot of money said Ghilmena- Bartltioma a twelveyearold newsboy when he faced Police Magistrate Kirby on a charge of stealing a pocketbook con- taining J300 and a check for 300 The boy said he lied spent JHNJ for the- ater tickets moving picture shows light drinks and lunches for himself und dozens of boy friends He was afraid to keep the other 10 and the chock and he tore them up He is held for JVvenile Court SEEK I NAPPED GIRL Nebraska AntlioriileK Ask Aid of Secretary Knox in Case Lincoln Neb Oct 29 Secretary of State Knox was appealed to by wIre to day to aid in the search In Mexico Grace Rolph seventeenyearold of Dr Rolph of Pender Neb who coy The girl and her parents have been visiting on a ranch near there and the information given the authorities here was that sire was taken away by some ranch hands THE HOUSE OF ILLLUCK Are you fond of good fiction Yea Then do not miss the opening chapters of The House of 111 by Blanche In next Mondays issue of The Washington Herald It will bold your interest from day to doy and give many hours of keen wholesome enjoy- ment If you are not a regular sub- scriber better become one now and have the paper delivered at your door bright anti early every morning Main 3300 125 to RnltliiKrc Return Today wIn Baltimore Ohio R R Georgia A Flooring 5400 per 100 ft Frank Libbey Co Gtb N Y ave HERE I or lyn week will and wore and UlNliip r charges r wu kidnapped Wednesday nIght nt Chi Enrdle and G v follow- ing Wed fit erse her assumed they his a be- fore fri daugh- ter t 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Goes Sixty Miles an Hour in Aerial Speed Contest T WO WRECKED Le Blanc and Brookins Suffer Accidents at Bv4inontl- lfC Crowd Present to See fedon Dennett Trophy Lout to America Several Start hut MIsfortune Most of tire IBntrnnts Mine 31mle by Ifn llKiitiintt Itt n Jiciv Worlds Itucord for Distance Ney York Oct lost the Cordon Bennett aviation speed cup at Bel- mont Park today to England when Claude GrahtmcWhite of the English team of fliers circled the international course of 5 kilometers twenty tim s a total distance of 621 miles in 61 minutes 474 sec- onds GrahanjeWWte the first man out on the track arose at oclock in the morning antI after he had completed the twenty a continuous flight that won the trophy for his country and a cali prize of 5000 which goes tu the aviator personally the Engli hnan continued on and skipped three extra laps for good meas- ure to prevent the possibility of he ing disqualified later for thing in- side pylons WON WITH A HLERIOT The dyer won the trophy with- a French aeroplane propelled b French engine He flwr a BJeriot ft jpfcute eqvfpped wjfcn a Gnome gin jQselmmoWiJltets avecace tieti i suoi DIn j on hour was excvede b Aifixti LA Blpc avenge tipeect of e Mllr- an hour which also was made Blcrivt of 100hortefower INK wham Lo Blanc was on Lis last lap be era Into one of tIe telephone poles Aionc t southeastern part of th comes t whioh tim Frew team have object i often broke off the opvtr part of ti pole and fell tangle of IM- tetephoae and monoplane WCK just as ho had victory and a world pood record hi his hand Ho wx L idrtowij tejored Le Blancs dma tor tile ninetoo lap or 937 mOos was B minutes 4MI ends His lap was made at of seventy mites an hour a s record for lap and from the time iii took the ali ho peed tire wianer peatejly until the Frenchman crashed t earth Beyond some bad cuts above avi below the rtejht eye and on the chm ai i Blanc was lit as a sidle after wrecked telephone pole with Ma ma- chine and smashed to earth with terriii just ootsMe the park fence Hriiukins lines lined If ll Walter BroofchM to the now Writ racer propelled by an eightcyliniK- WrUjbt engine tell from a height about fifty feet jost as he was about t crow the starting line shortly litter oclock in the morning and was taju more severely than Le Blanc Pour the eight cylinders went dead wrecking the biplane re front of the grand Dud where aJready about tOQO or the 25 persons who saw todays flight gathered- At lira it wa thought that Brookin had beon injured internally bat exam- ination shewed a badly lacerated knee a sprained hip and general bruises an i- ccntusiona After a sedative bed b n administered to Brookins he slept during moat of the day in the Emergency Hos- pital Le Blanc blames his beIng winged on the forsetfulneas of one of his roecoani who failed to nil his gasoline tank jrvy- arly the race The Freadtenau- sa d that he noUced during his sever ti nth bP that he was runnina out o fuel but kept on in the hope that enough petrol was left to keep him aloft tt j twenty laps cf the full race Crooked Work Churgrsrt As soon as Le Blanc had teen band- aged up he lOt some relief from his to body and mind by racing t his hanger in an automobile to fire th mechanic Later there was a rumor thit Blanc expressed the opinion to his fri nds that the mechanic had SKO- NfixedVby some one or other to WIld t aiivf iM- Vh bklHs Alec Ogilvta of tlo- Englisn team ascended in the Wright roadster built ftuick Continued on Pnjje f Column B Dr nf Snlisbiiry Special to TUe Wmhtagtoo n nUd Salisbury N C Oct 29 H t l i by Booker T Washington of Tinge In stiiuto a party of prominent negro odu Salisbury today wlt Dr Washington was beard by more than a thousand people both black and whit The party of diatinsei bed negro given ft cordial welcome here by thf city Cnpt Clmrlea C 3icXcw IvllletlS- pectal to The WHbhuton Br d Bristol Tenn Oct Cttrles C McNew of this city conlu lur n the Virginia and Southwestern Uaiv W3 run by the of hi irnn at Pruner Va this afternoon tu l kiiiad And SOO Other Kinds of Flooring Frank Llbbey Co N Y G H MWHIT WIN cur 29America interna- tional 42 lap- in art unci Rae tno t1 i or t II age a Pest ra world the r a general shaking up end I force hat helene Le th with l fuel lank par ret tow cyl- Inder VnKltIJl ton caters visited ti oltcals apt over engine th le- t EVENT A AIRSHIPS Over- takes 110h smower Wi amid a wires bruising le- the Ion in- juries avIath1eibft only for n ih ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > >

J 41F THE WASHINGTON HERALDchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1910-10-30/ed...seat ba ulna weroSrra of the legfsJa tore Maffljut two Joint m jni bets It mrfTcounti8 should

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cD I4f




NO 1485

t IY1It-

41F <


PILES mmo-

ii and Madison fonii

ties Control Situation


Interest Gcntors iniBiff Contest

for Senatnrship

With the Repnlillqnri Party BmllyDivided and the Democrnts PallInt to flrn i Opportunity Resultin TloowlT Hn ffles Even theMOst Axtutc Iolttlnlnin Roo3-

VVItti Visit Nut RcKnrtletl ax

1 in Th UuUNBM n W

Indianapolis ind Oct S8 The politicalconditions in this State are so singularlymixed that even the moat astute politi-cian on either sMe finds It impossibleto size UP the situation or forecast

degree of confident the result of Utenow only ten days off

There is not the lout doubt that theRepublican party 1 badly divided Under ordinary eiraumatanees the Stotewould go overwhelmingly QamocratlcBut the circumstances are extraordinaryall around

The Democrats with their usual lackof judgment and proverbial sfcortaigbted-nc s have tailed to take fuR MrMtagoof their opportunity and their campaignfrtiu the start ban been a continuous se-ries of mistakes Their strongest eardundoubtedly was the high cot of HvlngBut they have allowed this lame whichresells closest borne to the peoplO tobe lost sight of or to be minimised almost wholly

Interest In SenntorshlpAll interest la centered in the Senatorial

rare with Beverldgea personality dom-inating everything His opponent toe tIMSena toi ship Kern has conducted a cam-paign of criticism which not appealedtroiirly to the people Beverldge onthe other hand has gone up and downthe State arraigning the Republican partyaa It la now constituted more vigorouslythan either Kern or coy Marshall hagdone

Unitss conditions be such as to makefor a landslide for or agamst Beverldgein all probability the political complexionof tlu next tagtelnure which will choosea Senator will depend upon the resultsin Marlon and Madtedn counties MarionCounty of wbiah lodtanapolis is theseat ba ulna weroSrra of the legfsJatore Maffljut two Joint m jnibets It mrfTcounti8 should goRepublican ami the resalt elsewhere heanything like normal no doubt a mil

In the lejrtshmtr will be Republiocii It tle two counties should bSDemocratic then the reverae will betree

RertK velt Xo HelpRoosevelts visit to Indiana probably

did BeverMge no lasting good The bene-ficial effects of hi coming into the Statehave been counteracted largely if notaltogether by too Columbia Club inci-dent when he took occasion in the hear-ing of a number of people to denounceJud e Arden cn of tie StAtsBench an a jackass and crook all

Andersen had rendered two de-cisions which Roosevelt did not

Anderson has made a ttne recordon the bench and is unlYoiwUly esteemedand the wanton attack upon him is bit-terly resented by elthsene generallygardiesR of party

Beverldges speeches are largely non-partisan He is in the role of a cham-pion of the fireside the common peopleand human liberty If his meetings are-a correct index to the sentiment of theState the people evidently like hi

are with him But It to impossibleto foretell what la going to happen I

Conditions are ee abnormal that alandslide one way or Knottier need notbe tarprtetog


Wnalilii tnii Police Do Not VnntRluhmoiul Fugitives

Richmond Va Oct N Pitcherand J 34 How fugitives from Baltimoretn l where they Bashed boKUS checks were reiaused under 190

ond to keep the peace In Richmond thhafternoon

Tbc styltehly dreatiod woman who opCrates with the men and whom the Nor-folk authorities say received pawn ticketsat Richmond from the men departedwith Pitcher last night So is knownas Ann Dixon of New Yfric

How appears to furki n e fortUe combination He qufoHy furnlahijda tat roll and settled aH Uayagaa

The Washington police htf lj lfaetROJB tosnow that either Pitcher e p jtar-

at l Inquiry at nolle nierdQcarciuitefl ti j InformAtion that no offi-

cial lias been received hero of thearrc r release under bond of eitherHews r Pitcher


Player of Solitaire Dies of ICicite-Hient of Defeat

Ind Oct S MShortyJoseph r Klatx fiftjMMiven years oldan inmate of the county Infirmary

so excited when beaten In a sameof spread eagle solitaire that he hadbeen playing tor six weeks that hedropped dead when he placed the lastcardthe jack of the tablecroner Wilson found that death was

io heart disease

Khaki for Frenuh ArmyParis Oct JIThe minister of war has

decided to replace the red trousers ofthe troops with khaki Buttons ndother polished accout rm nta will alsobe abolished

An Unexpected Plaitajuakogei OkhL Oct 2S Deputy abet

iffs watching for whisky In a old bainjnear h re found four counterfeiting out-fits instead

The BoynJIau SaleA beautiful collection ot OriPntal

carpets formed theBayajlan Pros of S8 5Ui avenue New j

York will be on exhibition at the SloGalleries 1407 G street tomrrowTue dav fi m 9 a m to 6 p fatal-ogtu at i e Kftllerles i

Common Sub Floorlnir 1M0 tOO ftFrftnfc Llbbey Co 6th N Y aYe




















WaaMI ton


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For the District of ColumbiaMaryland and Virginia Fairtoday and probably tomorrowrising temperature moderatevariable winds shifting to southerly


Miss Laura Strong for theCalcium Says Report

Miss Laura Alice Barney daughter ofMrs Albert Clifford Barney will go onthe stage soon according to reports re-ceived from Paris where the Barneyshave been making their home for theoast year

Miss Barney ha been sean in amateurtheatricals In Washington anti Is alsoa sculptor of some fame



Rock Creek Park Captured

byYMC A Troops


Horde of nedhkiuM Armed withTomahawks Yells Wildly AroundTcpeea and Irociuoln Get Buhirid-FortiflcatloMH Soldiers from FortSlyer Give Drill Instructions

Young Kit Canon and Sam Houstontypes and degrees of warlike feroc-

ity caused the peaceful valleys antI dalesof Rock Creek Pick several nervoustarts yesterday for the entire reservewas Invaded and captured by the Y MC A troop of boy scouts the doughtiafitjuvenile warrIors that Washington ever


The Invasion began almost at sunup andlong before the day was wejl Ktlvnnoad abig Indian fight was in progress More thanMl boys were in the affray under theleadership of Scoutmaster A M Chaaltyand a few men from Port Myer who gaveinstructions in military tactics Therewere fifteen patrols each numbering seven privates and leader

Selected ns SpyPicket running was the first sport of

the day Thomas Bingloy was selectedas a spy to run the gantlet of scouts andcarry a message to Mr Cljesley whosepost was on a wooded hillside None ofthe snouts was allowed to be within J 0yards of the post but the lines woreaJtofether tpo cleverly drawn as eventsproved for despite almost uncanny skill

was easily caught by the patrols BInSley worked his way through underbrushcrawled on all fours and even Jumpedfrom trf to wtuirreliUce to avoidgroups of scouts He proved himself

white IndianThen came the big battle between

scouts and the Indians Big Chief HarryW Long withdrew Into the woods withhis braves and Gen Arthur Smith withhis sturdy band of pioneers and settlershastily constructed a barricade andawaited attack from the savages Thedeadly weapcn used in the heated conflictwas neither arrows nor bullets butchalk anti any warrior struck by tills

lying missle was then and there madehors de combatShortly came the wild onrushing horde

of redskins armed with tomahawks andambitious to make a new worlds record

the matter of scalps Wid yells tilledthe atmosphere around the tepees in themad charge and a few Indians managed-to get UtfWe the fortifications but wereshot amid the fearful carnage

Victory for DefendersFinally the Iriquois retired from the

assault to have a bite to aL The umdecided that the victory rested with

the defenders since the charge was reLut the margin of chalk marks

was so close that much doubt clouds theresult

In the afternoon scouts and Indianswere converted Into cowboys and Instruc-tion was given in the gentle art of las-so ng G M Potter was Instructor Twoprivates from the Signal Corps at FortMycr and a corporal in the FifteenthCavalry gave drill instructions andshowed the boys how to tie knots


Democrats Will Poll Big G 0 PVote Says Forecaster

New York Oct 2 There has been noletup in the Republican tide toward Dlxand the Democratic ticket according to

election forecast which the NewYork Herald will print In the morning

After throe weeks Investigation In allcounties of the State assumesthat many thousands of Republican willvote for DIx because they afo digustedwith Roosevelt No attempt is made toforecast the result In figures

The Congress forecast gives the Demo-crats 1W members of the next House theRepublicans 1ST and places the result asdoubtful in forty districts


Documents Relating to of IupePlus IX Unearthed

Rome Oct It is stated that Cardi-nal Merry del Val papal secretary ofstate after perusing documents receivedfrom Sinlgallia relating to the familyof Lancelloctl grandmother inMM was notoriously compromised byamours with Pope Plus IX who wasthen a hilltop has ordered the processfor the beatification of Pope Plus lX tobe indefinitely postponed

Utlcan Vnii t to Hear ForukcrUtica Oct 21 A movement to on foot

among local independent Republicanswho tntea1 to vote for DIx to hat formerSenator Potshot of Ohio and exGovFrank Black to come to this city andaddress a political meeting some timebetween now and election It is not surethat either speaker can be secured butefforts in that direction are being made

12n Dnltiuiore cLod ReturnUultlmorc Ohio

Every Saturday ana Sunday Air trainsway except Royal LInttoothteen

Flooring Good X Z 100 ftFrank Llbbey oth N Y ave





In WOOdent WJa h the aPl pQSWdJl





















Maryland Roused by Deci-

sion 011 Grandfather Law

SKM I The WaAiseteB HmhLBaltimore Md Oct 38 Sorions and

farreaching Is the dilemma faoad by theDemocrats because of the doehjlon ofJudge Morris of the Federal CircuitCourt that the grandfather ulatwo In theAnnapolis election Jaw is unconstitu-tional

If the Democrats take an appeal andtholr lawyers fay they realizethat the decision of the United StatesSupreme Court could only do ono of two

may be registration to appeal tothe courts for damages or deny thatright They say the former opinion wouldnot disturb them seriously so far as thePines amendment to tbe constitutionto be voted on next year is concernedsince that amendment purposes to exelude negroes from registration If theyare not assessed for property to thevalue of tfO irrespective of the grand-father clauSe

Judge Morris decision hi so farreachlag however that in the opinion otmany lawjera it applies to the Dlggeeamendment While It 1 true that thtecarries a property qualification the tearremains that it IB aimed at the negro

Fear is expressed that if the view ofJudge Morris is sustained not only willthe grandfather law In this State be af-fected but of those now In force Inthe Southern States as well The deci-sion It is also believed by attorneys willhave the effect of making registrarsafraid to refuse to enroll negroes In tileevent of the decision being sustained theregistrars would be liable to punishmentespecially since they acted in defiance ofthe decision of the court

Competent legal authority states thatpending a reversal all grandfather Innin Maryland are inoperative includingtiose in force at Frede ick La Plata Crls-ftld Princess Anne and elsovvnore TneDemocrats will take an appeal at onceand will strain every effort to have thelaw kept on the statute books


French Deputy Makes Suggestions

in Aid of RaceParis Oct 29 Hector Depasse has In-

troduced a bill in the Chamber of DopuUes providing that a fine of from Si

francs may be imposed on landlordswho refuse to let apartments because theapplicants have children The fine willbe doubled if the offense is repeated

Jacques Bertillon said he feared sucha law would be impracticable He sugstated that when a house containingtwenty apartments falls to have sixtychildren in It the landlord must pay a taxvarying according to the number of chil-dren under sixty


Out by Macdnil In Rehearsal ofDuel Scene

NoW York Oct 20 The duel betweenMacbeth and Macduff In the Shakospearean tragedy which has been respon-sible for the Injury of actors play-ing one or the other of the roles claimedE H Sotbern as its latest victim In arehearsal of tbe play at the Lyric Thea-ter Mr Sctberns foot slipped and theword in the hands of Frederick Lewlawho was noting MacdufC cut a deep gashIn the tars wrist

The accident happened almost at themoment the duel began air SoUiorudropped his sword with an exvntmftiiotrof pain and Miss Julia Whowatt on the stage bound up bis wristwith a handkerchief The blood flowedfreely and a surgeon had to bo called in-to dress the wound

The accident will prevent further ro-hfarsals of next MondayIt will not interfere seriously with thebusiness plans of the stars since theirseason does not open until next ThursdaynIP In New Haven Macbeth wMl bothe only addition to the SothernMarlowe

this year

Grand Prize Automobile RaceSavaunali Ga Xovemlier 12

Light ear race November 1L Fare 5190for trip via Atlantic Coast LinnFor reservations c call 1419 N Y aveor phone Main JS8

Georjjln Partition 52iO per 100 ftFrank Llbbey Co Gth N Y ave




t i B-





Mar o

Macbeth until

















Several Changes Made in Districtby Bishop Wtlson

SpMtol to The W arfaeU HaulBaltimore Md Oct 29 Within the last

weeks two pastors of the Washing-ton distrkft of the Paltimore Conferenceof the Methodist Episcopal Church havebeen compelled to give up their work

of Hisses On September 0 RevC H Wagner pastor of Heradon suffer-Ing from a nervous breakdown was tonipolled to resign October 14 a slightwoke of parajytf necessitated the re-Itef of Rev W McXendree Haumackpastor of Congress Heights

To meet these emergencies with Ufgiapproval of Bishop Wilson severalchanges have made Rev P Blairmon has belt tranaterrad front Lin-coln avenue to sad R v 0Efts Williams of Wood suc-ceed bbs at Lincoln avenue t Hov f-

tt Karl hasbeen transferred from Northwest andConcord to Congress Heights and theformer remains to be supplied All thechanges take effect November j



SuffersLoss by Fire

WarrouUm Va Oct SfcFfre brokeout tonight about 10 oclock In S WHUbert garage and carriage repositoryn Cnlpeper street and before tbe flames

were extinguished a low of more then8060 was entailed Among the buildingsdestroyed was the St ProtestantEpiscopal Church and rectory valued at

The church boAding cad rectoryare covered by insurance

The ether buildings destroyed areS W Hilbert garage and earring

reptsiioryThe Kirby Building occupied by the

firm of B F Martin printer dynamitedThe Walter Thomas colored hotel atwostory brick structure dynamitedThe ok Williamson mansion a famous

landmark a twodtory frame dwelling ofthe colonial Urnes unoccupied dynamited

The tire raged for two hours and ham-pered by an Inadequate water supplydynamite was the only possible15 light the flames and to save the entiretown from destruction

The fire started among some old ragsin the front room of HUbert garageand spontaneous combustion is given aatho cause Fanned by a brisk northwesterly wind the names soon gutted theentire building An alarm was soundedby the blowing of the town whistle antIwhen the volunteer fire department

it was seen that to check the flrewith water was impossible owing to thelack of water in the towns reservoirand dynamite was used effectively

The explosive was obtained from anearby quarry No attempt was madeto dynamite the church as It was

to be fireproof as was also therectory Within less than ten minutesafter the last building had been

it was discovered that the odincewas on ftro and every effort to extin-guish the flames proved


ExchitngeK Three Short Syllablesfor Many of 3m

Newark K J Oct 21Wo clech Koziol in the Court of Common Pleas wasallowed to change his name to WojclechZftbierfBWski The reasons et forth inthe application why the change shouldbe permitted were that the final i usedIn Koxiol had no English equivalentand that the name subject him to ridi-cule as interpreted it meant buckinggoat

The preference for the name of Znbiensewski was explained by the tact thatit is the name of the applicants motherinlaw Koziol or more properly 2abicrzewski is the father of six minorchildren whose names will be changedfollowing the order in his own ease

A New TrnluTao Southerns Southeastern

for Conmbia Aiken Augusta SavannahJacksonville beginning Nov ST leaveWashington 620 p m dally via SouthernRailway Through electrically lightedsleeping cars Railway Dining

Gonrgln Flooring Good 32 per 100Frank Libbey Co 6th N Y ave




rarren ton 5OO









ICn 111






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Women and Children Vic

tims at rostoffice Blaze

La Plato Md Oct Mls Mmnle-Oompum daughter of Benjamin Comp-ton tax collector for Charles Ceanty-3M two children daughters of Mra-29eUI T oane and a colored servant girlwar burned to death in a lire whichdestroyed a store and dwelling atPiagah Md this morning

Mrs emit of aflsu Compton mcharge ot the pMt affie 1 at94 ta the

tort oampwl by Jumping fitwm aeaowflfe iww at ona-

nda m Piefalfln i aertows eotfiST

UonThe building was valued at 4ISM Tbe

governments loss of stamps sad postmoney orders has not been estimated

Mrs Doane the only one In the build-ing who escaped awake at 3 oclock tofind the house in names She bad barelyenough time to reach a window and jump

The building was owned by MareellusBowie and was occupied by Miss Campton It to believed the house caught lirefrom a stove in which a large lot of pintshavings had been lighted in the earlymorning by a member of the household

There was no insurance on the con-

tents and but a small amount onbuilding The charred remains ofvictims were removed this morning Aninquest will be neU later today to

if possible the origin of the OreThe husband of Mrs Doane is employe

hi Corbys bakery at AlexandriaPiagah is located in Charles County

Md about six or eight miles from IndianHead and about the same distance fromGlymont It consists of a store and postallies and several dwellings


WellsFargo Company Appeals to

New Jersey SheriffJersey City Oct 25 The police stole a

match en the strikers tonight willthey were meeting hi St Michael Halland escorted thirteen express wagons incharge of strikebreakers front the Erieferry to tile WeUsFargo stables Thetrip was a peaceable one No stones werethrown After delivering their tip thestrikebreakers were escorted to theBrie station of the McAdoo tunnel whorethey took trains for New York

Sheriff Kelly of Hudson County wasasked by President Underwood of theErie Railroad who is a director of theWeltsForgo Company to swear in depu-ties to do guard duty during the strikeHe said the companys property was being destroyed and that it couldnt take-out Its w gons without Interference

The sheriff also received a telephonemessage from Gov Fort In relation toPresident Underwoods request for aidThe sheriff told lime that he ddnt believeJersey City needed any help from thecounty and the governor replied that IIPhimself was iu a position to swear in 600special police under the State police act


Police Will Sot Shoot Stray OneBecause Women llnve Votes

Ken Oct 2 Fear ofpossible political complications has

tho from making any attempt-to kill unmuczled cats in Leavenworthyesterday but the order for muzzling alldogs on account of an epidemic of rabiesamong dogs and cats is being strictly

Police armed with shotguns artpatrolling streets outside the business lstriet to kill unmuzzled dogs but thusfar only three have been killed

Meat cats are family pets and the citycommissioners are afraid that a whole-sale killing of them would stir up thewomon Women have votes In Kansas

Ocean SteamshipsYork Oct S3 Arrived Camels f

pool October 8 Ktiwdw AHgn Vietorin turnIlMBbotK October 9 New otfe tnea SattOumn

October aI-

UMjlpim at CbwbcurgSaIled from louisa i rU Mn Bt rtaV ftow Llr-

crpool Kwouland fww Antwerp Cwlitc tarn Ur-mxnl St l ttl KouOtasxtoii CMtimW-

at2ri to Ilnltimore ReturnToday and tomorrow via BaltimoreOhio R R-

cnrsln Pljr Ncnr ilttt 937n per 100Frank Llbbey Co tth N Y ave








LaaC worth


tenAUIJS4 sat Ireddent Lincoln tt JlamMlt

tRim Glusow









Yew Live r











Overcoats Pulled Out as Frost HitsCapital

Frost stole over the Capitol dome anddown Pennsylvania avenue at sunup yes-

terday morningThere was also a dash of snow in some

parts of the city according to theWeather Bureau It was a strange al-most uncanny sight for October In Wash-ington The morning was easily the coldestsnappiest of the fill season and a glanceat the mercury showed that It had de-

scended to 34 degrees Overcoats furgloves and time general winter regaliawere hastily pulled out of the mothballs

Cold temperatures In many places accompanied by heavy snow was the ruleacross the continent yesterday Therewas a heavy tall In the ureat Lakesregion and in the mountainous districtsof the Eastern States Atlanta faredworse than Washington did for 20 dograes was registered there

The Weather Bureau leaned theforecast last night

FAir Sunday and probably Mondaywith rIsing temperature Moderate varlable winds



Wi fc of Broo k Cl er ym anBegins Proceedings


Daughter of Merchant PriestUnder Aiiauiiied Name anti KvupM

Marriage Secret for Yenrw ClerRT

milan Sent Monastery und LaterSent to u Southern Parish

Rone Nov Oct S6 A reraarlatWe dlnotion to c0m up timing tile early

part of n ct b entitled BflanP TS Louis T Hare under whichuctitioM names the couple were married-in order to prevent disclosure of tireactual identity of the husband He wasa Catholic priest of Brooklyn N Y

He the name of Hare tookMiss Helen F Haste daughter of a welltodo Brooklyn butcher Hendrick Hastewho died twelv years ago to Rev Fred-erick Mortimer pastor of St MarksEpiscopal Church and at his parsonage

were married on the night of November II MK The couple during theirearly life in the same conventtogether in Greenpoint

The woman declares in her story thatshe loved him many years until finallyhe induced her to marry him SIte resided within two block of Ms charchuntil one sight her younger brother calledand found her and her husbandTo her brother she oonaded the sitnasiteii-tmdar pronjise of rfaerecy The m r-riage wan nt eUsoevorad until a yearand a hatf te at-

t OerMBBMdme baby girl was hbrato them The mother was away frcmBrooklyn at the time to avoid detectionby her brothers and aunt her parentsbeing dead In May 19M their actualrelations were disclosed by an accident

his church began an investigationIiivotttlffRteS Case

Bishop Charles B McDonald took thefatter in Mad personally and on May14 the couple were separated by thechurch The bishop removed the priestfrom his charge gave him 800 and compelled him to take a steamer for Europewhere ht was placed In a Trapptot monaetery in Ireland There he was kept fcrsome years and later brought to Americaand located In a Southern pariah

The wife is forty years old Her huebands neglect and abuse were due shedeclares largely to his propensities forwine and women She further declaresthat although she only charges bun withdesertion and failure to provide herlittle child having died when a year oldshe claims she can make much more se-rious against him She has sentfor depositions from friends who shesays know of certain facts and frontphysicians who attended her

She declares he spent hi money indrinking and upon other women and lefther to support herself from her own re-sources even taking her money Just

her marriage she was graduatedfrom the American Academy of DramaticArt hi New York and appeared in sev-eral performances and had expected toappear in ingenue parts In a company at-one of the New York theaters She ar-rived in Reno last April and his llvadquietly here


IVeMsuny Flnils It hEart to SpendIotn of Cash

Pittsburg Oct 3Gce its hard tospend a lot of money said Ghilmena-Bartltioma a twelveyearold newsboywhen he faced Police Magistrate Kirbyon a charge of stealing a pocketbook con-taining J300 and a check for 300

The boy said he lied spent JHNJ for the-ater tickets moving picture shows lightdrinks and lunches for himself unddozens of boy friends He was afraid tokeep the other 10 and the chock andhe tore them up He is held for JVvenileCourt


Nebraska AntlioriileK Ask Aid ofSecretary Knox in Case

Lincoln Neb Oct 29 Secretary ofState Knox was appealed to by wIre today to aid in the search In MexicoGrace Rolph seventeenyearold

of Dr Rolph of Pender Neb who

coy The girl and her parents have beenvisiting on a ranch near there and theinformation given the authorities herewas that sire was taken away by someranch hands


Are you fond of good fictionYeaThen do not miss the opening

chapters of The House of 111

by Blanche Innext Mondays issue of TheWashington Herald

It will bold your interest fromday to doy and give manyhours of keen wholesome enjoy-ment

If you are not a regular sub-scriber better become one nowand have the paper delivered atyour door bright anti early everymorning

Main 3300

125 to RnltliiKrc ReturnToday wIn Baltimore Ohio R R

Georgia A Flooring 5400 per 100 ftFrank Libbey Co Gtb N Y ave




week will







wu kidnapped Wednesday nIght nt Chi





































Goes Sixty Miles an Hour in

Aerial Speed Contest


Le Blanc and Brookins Suffer

Accidents at Bv4inontl-

lfC Crowd Present to See fedonDennett Trophy Lout to AmericaSeveral Start hut MIsfortune

Most of tire IBntrnnts Mine31mle by Ifn llKiitiintt Itt n Jiciv

Worlds Itucord for Distance

Ney York Octlost the Cordon Bennett

aviation speed cup at Bel-

mont Park today to England whenClaude GrahtmcWhite of theEnglish team of fliers circled theinternational course of 5 kilometerstwenty tim s a total distance of621 miles in 61 minutes 474 sec-

ondsGrahanjeWWte the first man

out on the track arose atoclock in the morning antI afterhe had completed the twenty

a continuous flight that won thetrophy for his country and a caliprize of 5000 which goes tu theaviator personally the Engli hnancontinued on and skippedthree extra laps for good meas-

ure to prevent the possibility of he

ing disqualified later for thing in-


The dyer won the trophy with-a French aeroplane propelled bFrench engine He flwr a BJeriot ftjpfcute eqvfpped wjfcn a Gnome gin

jQselmmoWiJltets avecace tieti i suoiDIn j on hour was excvede b AifixtiLA Blpc avenge tipeect of e Mllr-

an hour which also was madeBlcrivt of 100hortefower INK wham LoBlanc was on Lis last lap be eraInto one of tIe telephone poles Aionc tsoutheastern part of th comes twhioh tim Frew team have object i

often broke off the opvtr part of tipole and fell tangle of IM-

tetephoae and monoplane WCKjust as ho had victory and a world

pood record hi his hand Ho wx L

idrtowij tejoredLe Blancs dma tor tile ninetoo lap

or 937 mOos was B minutes 4MIends His lap was made atof seventy mites an hour a s

record for lap and from the time iiitook the ali ho peed tire wianerpeatejly until the Frenchman crashed t

earth Beyond some bad cuts above avibelow the rtejht eye and on the chm ai i

Blanc was lit as a sidle afterwrecked telephone pole with Ma ma-

chine and smashed to earth with terriiijust ootsMe the park fence

Hriiukins lines lined If llWalter BroofchM to the now Writ

racer propelled by an eightcyliniK-WrUjbt engine tell from a heightabout fifty feet jost as he was about tcrow the starting line shortly litteroclock in the morning and was tajumore severely than Le Blanc Pourthe eight cylinders went dead wreckingthe biplane re front of the grand Dudwhere aJready about tOQO or the 25

persons who saw todays flightgathered-

At lira it wa thought that Brookinhad beon injured internally bat exam-

ination shewed a badly lacerated knee asprained hip and general bruises an i-

ccntusiona After a sedative bed b nadministered to Brookins he slept duringmoat of the day in the Emergency Hos-

pitalLe Blanc blames his beIng winged on

the forsetfulneas of one of his roecoaniwho failed to nil his gasoline tank jrvy-arly the race The Freadtenau-sa d that he noUced during his severti nth bP that he was runnina out o

fuel but kept on in the hope that enoughpetrol was left to keep him aloft tt jtwenty laps cf the full race

Crooked Work ChurgrsrtAs soon as Le Blanc had teen band-

aged up he lOt some relief from histo body and mind by racing t

his hanger in an automobile to fire thmechanic Later there was a rumor thit

Blanc expressed the opinion to hisfri nds that the mechanic had SKO-

NfixedVby some one or other to WIld

t aiivf iM-Vh bklHs Alec Ogilvta of tlo-

Englisn team ascended in theWright roadster built ftuick

Continued on Pnjje f Column B

Dr nf SnlisbiirySpecial to TUe Wmhtagtoo n nUd

Salisbury N C Oct 29 H t l i byBooker T Washington of Tinge Instiiuto a party of prominent negro odu

Salisbury today wlt DrWashington was beard by more than athousand people both black and whitThe party of diatinsei bed negrogiven ft cordial welcome here by thf city

Cnpt Clmrlea C 3icXcw IvllletlS-pectal to The WHbhuton B r d

Bristol Tenn Oct CttrlesC McNew of this city conlu lur n theVirginia and Southwestern Uaiv W3run by the of hi irnn atPruner Va this afternoon tu l kiiiad

And SOO Other Kinds of FlooringFrank Llbbey Co N Y


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