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Is he a Democrat or Republican ?

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Bill Harper President

Willard Baker Engineering Representative

Robert Phillips Science & Math Rep.


The Student Council, governing body

of Tech, has as its officers a president

and representative from each division.

Each year it sponsors the Esquire Dance

and performs many other functions

closely related to the social life of Tech.

Don Davis

P. K. Merrill Sponsor

John Heard Buddy Mailer Fine Arts Representative B. A. Representative Social Studies Representative

Dorothy Shaddox A. W.S. Representative

and Secretary

Bill Stanley Education Representative

Jerry Turner Language & Literature Rep.

Jimmy McGuire Agri. Representative

Dan Yowell B. A. Representat!ve

T. A. Dulaney Sponsor

Mary Jane Parrish 2nd Semester


Tra"is Adams 1st Semester President

2nd Semester Parliamentarian

Willie Crutchfield 1st Semester Reporter 2nd Semester Reporter

Roy Blakemore 2nd Semester President

1st Semester Parliamentarian

Katherin Bowden

The History Club, the oldest organization

on the campus, is composed of history majors or

those people who have a minor in history with

a high grade point average whether a major

or mmor. This club fosters a keener interest

in history while seeking to incite greater scholas­

tic efforts on the part of its members.

OFFICERS 1st row, left to right: Sue Camfield, Margaret Wilson-Sponsor, l\lary Moncravie. 2nd row: Pat Powers, Faye McKnight, Shirley Mullen.


Doris Riley 1st Semester


Pat Dollarhide


Arnold Bowden 2nd Semester Vice-President

Pat Jordan

L. M. Hamand Sponsor

R. A.

Dixie Lou Payne 1st Semester

Secretary & Treasurer

Dave Cheshier

Joyce Norton, Dale Allen, Myrna Anderson, Jimmie Atkinson, Peggy Bibler, Carolyn Bourland, Abigail Bruner, Katie Burgess, Frances Colyar, Grace Daniels, Mary Ann Daniel, Marlene Ed­wards, Carolyn Esch, Pam Hendrix, Pat Henson, Dora Judkins, Paula Kirby, Pat Lawrence, Polly Lefler, Ethel Lemley, Marlene McGuire, Ruth Ann Magness, June l\lartin, Peggy Metcalf, Lillian Motley, Evelyn Murphy, Norma Overby, Liz Parker, Bonnie Part­ridge, Jane Pharr, Jackie Phillips, Betty Pickens, Norma Jean Poteete, Delores Taylor, Sue Carrol Price, Shirley Richards, Mildred Sanders, Laura Beth Stone, Sara Thompson, Joyce Wade, Kay \Varren, Pat ''\Thite, Alma Woodruff, Wilma Woodruff, Vivian Hilliard, Vivian Younger, Maxine Underwood, Betty Lynch, Helen Blake, Maxine Moore, Betty Jo Ruffin, Sue Martin, Mary Eva Willis, Louise Hefley, Suzie Hawkins, Louise Yates, Mary Jane Norton, Joan Neighbors, Louella Greenhaw, Pat Bowden.

The Women's Recreation Association with Miss Margaret Wil­son as sponsor is responsible for the promotion of a Women's Recreational Program for the school. The W.R.A. is a member of the Arkansas Recreation Association for College Women.


' .


Polly Lefler President

Helen Blake Vice-President

Mary Moncravie Secretary

Miss Maude Moore sponsor

First row, across: Katie Burgess, Freshman Representative; Pat Henson, Sophomore Repre­sentative; Dorothy Shaddox, Junior Representative; Louise Hefley, Senior Representath-e; Pat Powers, Home Ee Representative.

Bottom row, across: Faye McKnight, Women's Recreation Association Representative; Janie Hays, Caraway Representative; Pat Jordan, Faculty Representative; Loeta "Wells, Parker Repre­sentative; Helen Camfield, Trailer City Representative.

The A.W.S. includes as its members all girls enrolled at

Tech. The officers compose the A.W.S. Executive Council,

which strives for more pleasant relations between all the girls,

and between the girls, faculty, and administration. Each year

the A.W.S. selects the girl whom they believe has contributed

the most to Tech as the "Lady of the Apple Blossom".

Faye McKnight was chosen by A.W.S. to be their "Lady of the Apple Blossom" because she was the senior, according to the majority, who had contributed the most to the school.






Florence Evelyn Murphy

Mary Elizabeth Parker

Bonnie Partridge

John David Ramsey

Betty Joe Ruffin

Marian Sacrey

Dorothy Shaddox

Joyce Shinn

Crystal Teeter

Loeta ·wells

Robert Wolf

Martha Louise Yates

Luther Young

Betty Pickens

Janie Hays

Rosalee Shepherd

William C. Smith

Max Anderson

Louise Hefley

Frankie Denton Casey

Joseph Cassady

R. Carroll Moseley

Jo Ann Vaughn

Bobby Hicks Moore

Russell Wycoff

Bill Vaughn

Donna Smith

Louella Greenhaw

William Crutchfield

Lela Jane Henry

Joyce Holt

Mary Ann Daniel

Marilyn Harris

Cravena Housley

Clarinda Robertson

Don Ott

Jim Mack Campbell

Mary Jane Parrish

Helen Blake President

Arnold Bowden Treasurer

Loeta Wells Vice-President

Betty Pickens Reporter

Mary Ann Brewer Secretary

Earlene Kizer Historian

The F.T.A. float in the Homecoming Parade.



- '


Charles Owen President

Betty Pickens Treasurer

Max Anderson

Peggy Bibler

Beverly Boyd

Talmadge Bumpass

Ronald Cochran

David Dillion

Joe Delaloye

Bob Ebbing

Jimmy Griffin

Harland Goodner

Louella Greenhaw

Bill Hamilton

Bill Harper

Buddy Harper

Mary Lou Harris

John Heard

Louise Hefley

Bob Hoggard

Cravena Housley

Barnard Huett

Peggy Bibler Vice-President

Louise Hefley Reporter

Jerry Hughey

Dan Yowell

Bobby Moore

George Moye

Mary Jane Norton

Gregg Phillips

Betty Pickens

Don Rempel

Shirley Richards

Kenneth Seymour

Louis Shell

Clark Shelton

Lemoyne Smith

Thomas Stobaugh

Harold Sturgis

Bargart Tygart

Bob Wallace

Pat White

Jerry Williams

Charles Owens

The Business Administration Club is open

to all B.A. Students, and its primary purpose is

to enrich the social life of its members and to

broaden appreciation of the business world.

Shirley Richards Secretary

Zada Martin sponsor

B. A.


Peggy iVIetcalf

B.A. Queen



First row, across: ·carolyn Bourland, President; Mary Lee Patton, 1st Vice-President; Jean Alice Hampton, 2nd Vice-President; Patricia Powers, Secretary; Norma Jean Poteete, Treasurer.

Bottom row, across: Oleta Ennes, Historian; Jackie Phillips, Reporter; Susie Hawkins, Reporter; Avanelle Kirksey, Sponsor; Lela Jane Bryan, Sponsor.

Colhecon is an organization for Home Economics majors_ It is affiliated with the State and National Home Economics Associations. The primary pur­pose of the club is to stimulate interest in Home Economics and to further the development of creative leadership in home and community life.

This year the Club is composed of twenty freshmen and sophomore girls. Colhecon sponsors jointly with the Agri Club, Agri Day and the annual FT A­FHA Meet. Annually the club presents the Lela Jane Bryan Award to the out­standing freshman leader in Home Economics. This year the Award was pre­sented to Jean Alice Hampton. Social and business meetings are held semi­annually.

Under the leadership of their vivacious president, Carolyn Bourland, these girls have taken great strides toward placing their Club in a prominent position among other Clubs in the State. The members of the Club are proud of the fact that Jean Alice Hampton was elected to serve as the 1954-55 State Treasurer at the Colhecon State Convention, held in Little Rock_ Mary Lee Patton represent­ed the Club at the American Home Economics College Club Workshop which was held on the Campus of Oklahoma A&M, Stillwater, in January.

Top row: Sue Bland, Patricia Bowden, Billy Carolyn Eoff, Joyce Featherston, Paula Sue Kirby.

Bottom row: Emily Sue Martin, Imogene Martin, Pearl Reames, Maxine Underwood, Oleta Yocum.

Not shown: Marjorie Ford, Sara Lee.


' .




Front row, 1. to r.: George Newberry, Pres. 2nd semester-V.-Pres., 1st semester; Zane McCauley, Reporter; Jerry Hall, Reporter; Robert Watson, President 1st semester.

Back row, 1. to r.: Joe Flake, V.-Pres., 2nd semester-Treasurer 1st semester; Bill McCutcheon, Secretary 1st semester.

Robert Watson, Sponsor.

Myrna Anderson Sec.-2nd Semester


Ed Hamilton Treas.-2nd. Semester

Noel Adams, James Barnett, Alvin Bird, James Bryant, Robert Buford, Dale Caldwell, Robert Campbell, Don Canerday, William Colbert, Virgil Connel, Raymond Cooper, Billy Davis, Harold Dickerson, David Dillion, Bud Dillmon, Melvin Dorn, Robert Doss, Mark Easterling, Johnny Estes, Ramsey Ferguson, W. A. Ferguson, Joe Flake, Garland Ford, Charles Foss, Harold Gooden, Dale Gordon, Floyd Hale, Joe Hale, Jerry Hall, James Hamilton, James Hefner, Thomas Hobbs, George Hooper, Edward Hudlow, Buddy Hughey, Harold Hurst, Charles Jackson, Gene Jack­son, Bob James, Curtis Jarett, Dick Johnston, Rogers Johnston, Ronald Jones, William Jones, Taylor Landthrip, Billy Lessley, Richard McA!ister, James McCastlain, Herbert McConnell, Zane McCulley, Billy McCutcheon, James McGuire, James Mcilroy, Robert McNeal, Carl Mallett, John Malloy, Raymond Martin, Alfred Marugg, Vernon Mason, Howard Maxwell, Don Meyer, George Newberry, Jerry O'Neal, Harry Oxford, Joe Perkins, Billy Phillips, Argus Pippin, Burton Plott, Gerald Porter, Melvin Raborn, Robert Rainey, Carlton Reames, Roy Riales, Harry Shinn, Jimmy Short, Eddie Smith, .Joe Smith, .James Solomon, William Stanley, Doyle Stone, Cecil Stu­art, Billy Swaim, James Threet, Henry Trammell, Albert Van Pelt, Jerome Vogel, Jim Wait, Robert Watson, Fred Weathers, William Williams, Steward "\Vise, Da�id Witty, Mark ·wood­bridge.

Jerry Hall Reporter

A candy party given for the Agri and Col­hecon Club members.

These Agris are getting ready for the annual Sears pig show.

Agri Club meeting with George Newberry, president, presiding.

Early in the year a square dance was held in the gym by Agri and Home Ee majors with Lee Campbell calling.



Jim Bearden President


Jim Hull Vice-President

Jack Vaughn Secretary & Treasurer

John Ashworth Sponsor

This is just a part of the initiation! The worst is yet to come.

Henry Vance Reporter

Col. A. S. Turner Sponsor

Al Alsup Willard Baker Vance Broadaway Bob Burnett Ralph Cauley

T. D. Casey Da\·id Clingan John Donica Freddy Fewell Jerry Fridenberg

Carl Jones Pete Jobe Cecil Hinkson Raymond Martin Warren McClure

Jerry McCormick Lloyd Miller James Miller Larry Robinson Don Smith

Claude Spainhour Jimmy Spears Harold Taylor Ronald Totty Clyde Treat James Vinson


Bill Bagley Jim Brain Sid Brain Jerry Campbell

John Curtis Louis Hart Martin Karlovic Charles Kring

Chris Connell Rondo McKinney John Pickett Bill Turner

Bill Turner Martin Ussery James Willis Doug Williams



Maxine Woods Student Director

Claude Spainhour President

B. s. lJ.

The Baptist Student Union is a world-wide move­

ment on the campus to link the student with the church.

This organization affords local inspiration, worldwide vis­

ion, interpretation of world conditions, and knowledge of

world missions. Such is accomplished by local activities,

state and national retreats and conventions. Baptist Stu­

dent Union is Christ-centered.

Willy Crutchfield 3rd Vice President

James Threet SeC1'etary & Treasurer

John Heard Sunday School Rep.

Theodore Garrison Sponsor

Billy Ozment Training Union Rep.

Bob Hoggard Brotherood Rep.

Earlene Kizer Publicity Director

Leota Wells Missions Representative

Betty Merrell Pianist

T. Adams

C. Adcock

P. Alley

B. Allison

A. Brewer

K. Burgess

R. Chambers

D. Clingan

M. Clingan

G. Clutts

F. Crews

B. Daniels

B. Eoff

F. Fields

J. Hampton

L. Hardcastle

P. Nenson

P. Lawrence

E. Martin

R. Merrell

J. Miller

C. Moseley

J. Moseley

J. McGhee

F. McKnight

M. Patton

F. Pew

S. Price

F. Renfroe

L. Roberson

R. Rosa

K. Seymour

J. Simpson

A. Smith

D. Smith

M. Underwood

D. Valentine

L. Van Meter

J. Wallace

B. Webb

K. Welch

P. White

V. Younger

Noonday Seruices-one of the many activities of the Bap­tist Student Union which gives the student the Abun•dant I.,if e.



Entering the campus from the South.

Do Agris always act this way'?

This seems to be a solemn moment.

What will Bill say, Sturgis?

These prospective engi­neers find each other quite funny.

Laura Lee Van Meter President

Dixie Lou Payne


Mary Jane Parrish Vice President

l\fabel Jones Abbott

Robert Carroll Moseley Secretary & Treasurer

Bobby Willis

Betty Pickens on the Senior F;loat

Faye McKnight

Patricia Jordan



Jimmie McGuire President

D. Allen

S. Arrington

H. Blake

K. Bowden

P. Bowden

J. Brain

H. Burke

J. Carpenter

B. Clayton

0. Ennes

Pat Powers Vice President

T. Epperson

B. Fowler

D. Gobert

N. Green

l\f. Harris

A. Hawkins

P. Hendrix

M. Higdon

V. Hilliard

B. Hood

Marlene McGuire Secretary & Treasurer

Norma Jean Poteete Reporter

B. Stanley

C. Housley

P. Kirby

P. Lefler

B. Lynch

W. McClure

B. Mcilroy

v\T. Moseley

N. Mullins

L. Parker

B. Partridge

A meeting of the Wesley Foundation Members.

Miss Charles Jones sponsor

B. Poynter

J. Robertson

B. Stelman

H. Vance

B. Vaughn

D. Woodiel

0. Yocum

B. Moore

D. Jones

R. l\fcAlister

Don Dempsey, President: Stanley Teeter, Vice President; E. C. O'Neal, Secretary; Bill Stan­ley, Treasurer.

B. Allison

B. Benton

R. Botts

A. Bowden

G. Brooks

S. Burke

D. Camfield

J. Cusick

B. Davis

B. Dunlap

J. Economides

F. Fields



J. Griffin, G. Goff, B. Harper, T. Hartwick, C. Hayden, B. Hefley.

R. Holbrook, D. Horn, C. Horne, J. Hudspeth, D. Jolly, R. Keeling.

K. Kersh, B. McConnell, T. Martin, P. Martin, S. May, J. Mayhugh, E. Moseley.

J. Nutt, F. Pew, C. Presley, D. Remple, C. Rosa, Benneth Seymour.

W. Smith, I. E. Turner, D. H. White, B. Wilson, R. Wolfe, L. Young.

Charles Reed, Jr. Director

This scene was taken from "The Taming of the Shrew" which was staged too late to go in the 1953



Under the direction of Charles Reed Jr., the

Tech Theatre Guild presented "The Little Foxes"

on Dad's Day for a full house. This production fol­

lowing the tradition of other Theatre Guild plays

was excellent.


Another scene from "The Taming of the Shrew."



Joyce Stanley as Alexand:ia, Donnie Hamil­ton as Horace, and Mary Lou Harris as Addie.

This scene shows Mary Lou Harris and Ray Holbrook who played the part of Cal.

Betty Mclllroy, playing the leading role of Regina, and Bob James as Oscar in a scene from "The Little Foxes".

Don Valentine, Mrs. Charles Reed, Donnie Hamilton, Betty Mclllroy, Kenneth Bowden, and Bob James are portrayed in their various roles in this scene after the husband, Horace (Donnie Hamilton) has come home.

Musi� Department

The Majorettes, left to right: Jan Melton, Frances Clapp, Betty Jo Ruffin, Joy Stanley, and Mattie Lowery.

Mr. Wainwright, Mr. Brown, Mr. Witherspoon

The majorettes with Drum Major Eddie Epperson

Eddie and Mattie Bell getting ready to go on band trip.





Clarinet Don Davis Eddie Epperson Kermit Welch Warren McClure Paul Smith Betty Jo Ruffin Melvin Raborn Henry Jo Vance

Alto Clarinet Frankie Casey

Bass Clarinet Homer Brown Bonnie Stallings

Flute-Piccolo Bob Wright Sue Causey

Oboe Kermit Wekh

Bassoon Bill Smith

Alto Saxophone Dick Moran Brooks Holder Mattie Belle Lowery

Tenor Saxophone Phil Smith Sue Carol Price

Baritone Saxophone Jack Walker

Cornet Bob Casey Aubrey Phillips Ronald Bailey Roy Riales Jimmy Bell Al Alsup

Trumpet Bill Pinson Sam Holcomb Bill Davis Irby Martin

French Horn Larry \Vilson Claude Spainhour Dix Stallings Warren Danhauer Aimee Mavel L. B. l\Ierrick

Baritone Harvey Haley Frank Sturgeon John Gunnell

Trombone Joe Cassady Bobby Joe Smith

John Stiritz Ed Hamilton Ira Taylor Ava Brewer Bobby D. Moore

Bass - String Bass Hosalee Shepherd Frank Merritt Jack Nance Joe Kolb Clyde Treat

Percussion Bill Miller Sam McBride

William Harper Wayland Moseley Ray Cooper

Jimmy Spears Tympani

Murphy Bird

.Marimba Bobby Hicks Moore

As usual, the Tech band this year was one of the finest in the state. They were in demand in various places throughout the state. Among the many places they appeared were the Arkansas Livestock Show, the Conway County Fair, the Pope County Fair, the Yell County Fair, numerous campus events, etc.

The band boasted a number of excellent soloists; these included: Bonnie Stallings, Piano soloist; Ann Young, Piano soloist; Joe Cassady, Trombone solo· ist; Bill Smith, Saxophone soloist; and Don Davis, Clarinet soloist.

The band, along with the orchestra, choir, quartet, and Bill and Pat Medley made a tour including North Little Rock, Stuttgart, DeWitt, Lonoke, Star City, Jacksonville, Dumas, Hazen, and back again to Russellville.




Bill Smith Don Davis Eddie Epperson Brooks Holder Kermit Welch

Or�hestra Personnel


Bob Casey Bill Pinson Ronald Bailey Aubrey Phillips

Trombones Rhythm

Joe Cassady John Stirits Ed Hamilton

Rosalee Shepherd Clyde Treat Bud Harper

As the years have passed the Tech

Orchestra has grown in popularity. They

have made appearances for the National

Duck Calling Contest, dances and ban­

quets on the Tech campus, for sororities

and fraternities at the University of Ark­

ansas, CBS Television, and numerous

radio broadcasts.



First Row: Ava Brewer, Shirley Vaughn, Peggy Metcalf, Barbara Hamaker, Pat Goodwin, Marion Thompson, Mildred Sanders, Betty Johnson, Billye Webb.

Second Row: Loretta Miller, Joyce Featherston, Pearl Reames, Sara Lee, Vivian Hilliard, Noma Green, Marlene McGuire, Sue Martin, Frankie Casey, Katie Burgess.

Third Row: Benny Fowler, Ira Taylor, Jim McGuire, Aimee Mavel, Bonnie Partridge, Joyce Norton, Bobby Hicks Moore, Charles Owen, Louis Holder.

Fourth Row: Bobby Moore, Bill Nichols, Jim Pickett, Ray Cooper, Bruce Birkhead, Jack Nance, Dale Woodie!, Bill Ozment, Harvey Haley, Bill Vaughn.

Not Shown: Martin Ussery, Grady Gillespie, Sue Causey, Laura Lee Van­Meter, Bob Atkins, Rebecca Chambers, Harley Burke.

President-Bob Atkins Vice-President-Grady Gillespie Sec.-Treas.-Aimee Mavel

The Choir under the direction of John Wainwright has made appearances

in Assembly programs and Concerts throughout the year. In the Spring, they

made a tour through the Central and Southern part of the State. The many

hours of rehearsal were well-paid as was evident by the enthusiastic response they

received from their audiences wherever they performed.


Bill J\1edley, director and accompanist; Don Smith, Benny Fowler, Bill Vaughn, and Kermit Womack perform at KRTV, Television Studio in Little Rock.


The Tech Quartet has,'

for many years, been

well known all over the state for their enter­

taining musical renditions, and this year has

been no exception. They have become regular

performers at assembly programs and concerts.

They made the tour this year along with the

band, choir, and orchestra. Their lively interpre­

tations of spirituals and novelty numbers were

especially enjoyed.



Fred T. O'Keefe Captain


Lt. Colonel Artillery Professor of Military Science and Tactics

B.S. in Agronomy, Colorado A & l\I College; Com­mand and General Staff College, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas.

James W. Dickerson Major Infantry

Assistant Professor of Mili­tary Science and Tactics.

Assistant Professor of Mili­tary Science and Tactics.

Capt. Lawrence Fox Basic Instructor

Sgt. Charles A. Hurtt Sgt. Robert E. Blum Sgt. Robert Chambless Supply NCO Armorer Instructor

Sgt. Ralph Doran Basic Instructor

Sgt. Luby Moore Basic Instructor

Sgt. Henry L. Hibbs Jr. Basic Instructor


Back Row, left to right: Henning, Ray, Young. Front Row, left to right: Stewart, Bonds, Atkins.

R.O. T.C. Color Guard





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(Left to right), lst Row: Robert Phillips, Harold Hester. 2nd Row: Vance Broadaway, Hal Crews, Grady Gillespie, Don Hubbard, John Ramsey Norris Ferguson, Benny Fowler. 3rd Row: LeRoy Elmore, Ronald Cochran, Cecil Smith, Bill Poynter, William Hamilton, John Pickett, Jerry Williams, Jeff Wheeler.

Standing (left to right) : Captain Lawrence J. Fox, Jr., Officer in Charge; Jerry O'Neal, Charles Johnson, Robert Phillips, Robert A. Phillips, 1\1/Sgt. Ralph Doran, Coach. Kneeling (left to right) : Jerry Hall, Robert Merritt, Jerome Vogel, Sgt. Henry Hibbs, Assistant Coach.

The R.O.T.C. Rifle Team fired in the William Randolph Hearst National

Match and placed 19th out of a field of 45 who entered this tournament in

the Fourth Army Area. Numerous postal matches were fired with such schools

as Notre Dame, University of Maine, University of Idaho, and others. All in

all the Rifle Team had a very impressive record this year winning the Gover­

nor's Invitation Match over six other teams, and setting a record score of 1862. We

can look forward to a championship team for the coming years.




Flute and Drum Major Robert Wright

Baritones Harvey Haley Frank Sturgeon

Trombones Bob Wallace Kenneth Bowden John Stiritz Ed Hamilton Ira Taylor

Basses Frank Merritt Richard Nance Jerry Campbell

0. T. c.


French Horns Warren Daunhauer L. B. Merrick Claude Spainhour

Saxophones Jack Walker Dick Moran Brooks Holder

Percussion Sam McBride Murphy Bird Waylan Moseley Jim Hull Bob Tancre Bill Miller Raymond Cooper

Student Director Rosalee Shepherd

Clarinets Melvin Rayborn Nathan Horne James Smith Alton Boyd Kermit Welch Henry Vance Warren McClure

Trumpets Aubrey Phillips Roy Rials Ronald Bailey Jerry Ferguson Tony Ferguson Sam Holcomb Irby Martin Harley Burke Al Alsup William Davis

Going zn after drill.

Sgt. Hibbs explains rifle posi­tions.

A view of all the battalions at inspection.


Time Out!


Prone rifle firing. That's Capt. Fox in the center.

Rifle inspection by Sgt. Blum.

Cadet of Mon th selection.

Sgt. Hurtt explains a radio.

A Colonel from Camp Chaffee presents an award as Col Sanden announces.



Rifle Team Captain, Robert Merritt in action.

Everybody is hap­py, but Phillips is especially happy.

Rifles stacked for the JO-minute break.

Presentation of awards at the Armed Forces Day Parade. Cadet Travis Adams receives the Outstanding Basic Student Award from Mrs. Jim Merritt on behalf of the American Legion Auxiliary. Payday.

The Cheerleaders zn action.

This picture was taken after Jo Ann left for West Virginia.


(Left to right) Betty Pickens, Jo Ann Grimes, Bobby Hicks, Moore, Helen Blake, Willie Crutchfield, Marlene Edwards, and Ann Rains.



Maxine Martin Editor


Kenneth Kersh Business Manager

Frank Shelton Faculty Advisor

Bill Stanley Sports Editor

Charles Adcock Sports Editor

Mallie Nor ton Photographer for the Arka-Tech and

the Agricola

Bill Hamilton Assistant Editor



Dave Cheshier Editor

Betty Mcllroy Assistant Editor

Truman McEver Faculty Advisor

Travis Adams Sports Editor

Pat Dollarhide Organizations

Barbara Hamaker Class Editor

Pat Bowden Copy Editor

Betty Jane Jones Copy Editor



Pulchritude of Tech - oops, better raise my bifocals! The load of knowledge. Miss Moore, Mr. McEver, and Mr. Ham have a friendly discussion between classes. The faces of college students reflect various emotions. What do you find so interesting, boys?