V.Mr;;:;^- .»v^^^^^^.,••• : / - • :• - ft*-/-;"* ..jii in i HI fn -v— ,,?:_• ...^^.j..**,-. Zlfl^^C "VST T"'. T «»J*,^VEr»Vr.- T"»"^'-' ia^-.^^#te i .^i^v- > £*^ u jf n , 11 .;,ni,,V.i.; i •njiij^ii.yi.y : ,.iiUi'ilitiCi/•!•»"u>!fffo£Vfirpi;*T^^ 6RLANDO, Fla <AP) - Ar- .raid Palmer, ^aUiig on tb* old magfcthat made him the most popular player of his time,; fought off tenacious * ^tlHus Boros ami. scored his second; victory of the season Sunday in j the H » , « 0 Florida Citrus In- ! vitatiooal Golf Tournament Th« 41~year-ofd Palmer had a final rmmd IS for 279, 18 under par on the g,*4S-yard Rio Pinar Cooiitty Club course and beat Boros, the 31 ycar-oki National ^niors champion, oy a tingle stroke. Boros, who twice tied Palmer in the sweltering beat, had a ft : aa2 4 » f < * m : T The i».W nr< prise chgek im ma:*;* i in.?- Pre* for Pahn^'s 5W» carter yict* ry placed the slope-shouldered sfaai from Latrobe, Pa,, at tint lop t* the season's raoaey-wto- "hing" list with inore than Palmar, who was wiaatagiar second titte in. htt last four starts, hailed down the triumph - wiih^ bewtifui approach shot on the 13th hole thai left him Hlth an ei^rt-toot p^m for the btrdta that brpke the (teal tla. J»a fbdd Boros, pUiyijia - |oi|-%aUted Paln»r-had a . chaaee to tie H with a birdie on the ifaal Ma. Be mtead the nbliran Poge|2 Monday, March 15 # 197] freea to the. right and chipped for the Wrd that would de * b«t the haB j*A m hyt<he Kemit Z^Hey, jfce ir/f caaar dian Open champ» was alone ia third with a l i t o r CT, Jerry Heard, a *?est.*(i who shared theftnt-rouadlead with Palmer, had a * for 174 atsJ W4S tied at that 0&u*g with Tom Weiakopt who shot *. Four players, heeded by for- mer PGA champ Dave Stockton, were tied at tiS. Abo at that figure were veteran Uooel He- bet, Frank Beard and Qihhy Gittert. Stodctoa apd GQbert _ ta retain Wi pqittwi as. tba gimiri pcamier attractksi, was tied wtth Boros lair the top apot, going teta the overcast, aaagnr 'flhal round As I»B^, Palmer drew the bon'i shar* <5T the ftB^f « over fi.aw, his fans whooping and hoUering over the course; flowing through the treee and iroond the lakes. Re baited out quickly, taking a string of three crniw?ntive birdies, starting on the secobd, while the horde chortled and cheered. Palmer put an eight iron IS ladies tnm the flag oil the sec ood hole, missed the green bat chipped in cm the third and That gave Mm a twc^etroke ^ead avsr Beroa, but it *wi»Bed to one when bi tank enth and This game> ai^ttoe by a stroke when ha .missea a snort pou ea xae nan. hole te this Uwoey a va» siga, j scored from 1* feet OD the ataA to make the margin twa agaia. Re i>ir«ed the Ilth from » feet hat bogeyed the 14lh when oft afivVfootptrtt. Boroe btrdnd the meats later lad they were lied. a xafaat pult iw tint % ea the Uth. But Boros btrdfted it right behiod him, eeochng II down "to the final few betel aad the key birdie oo » e 17th thatj pushed palmer's all-time ey figure to |1,340,37L v^:^ : ^^V":ri"^%:%^^ **. Itriicwti fak fa the area's ttyt ans take Alpine LAKE FJ4SED, 8.Y. i m *$ M Austrthn man and an m&m gkl etuefged Sunday -us bined Alpine events champions In their respective divisioBS of the Kennedy Interftatioaal He- mortal Wimer Games held at v Wh5eface Mountain near here. The. women's champion, Ana- hid Tesgian, Jg, ef Turin, cap- tured two firsts and p ihlrd^in. the three - event competitioii whfle Hkns Te$ar of Austria •wore the crown, for the me&. In Stmday^sfinaleveht, the gi- aatriaKmrxwcg:a »-gate course, Was Teaman flashed &x4 be- Him ImyXmGicm* •:•• Mvf'mm Rathbone, * 9mftogtxmr Vt f toished to fttft Pamela Reed,», of Meri- ifith, H.R, at n.M ah3 Miss Tesgian at «w;Diettod {Qds of Austria i^aced fourth wfth a tima of 8t:«7 and Penny Dmry of Canada, fifth at ».$?. Tesar tied for fth pla£* in th€ nriea^ giMt stalom turning in ah at state »jn mart, tbe tmw as Jeta- «e« Pothog of Itahce. / i^e ewat «raa tafan by Eric StaiA, Hi ct CrowWe, France «ttb *ttin*of 7IJ2 followed My fFretelcl«ri,tt.oTV«ld%«rej at JMfctafeMI Zohid, ». of Mkttl|t,41tJ:Uo«o Ragroto of tta^, -Sl» and Jwet ScteoQ of Aastria, »U». ia«4-i ' : at 0* end tl the first at «i bjr An M'M tottiKapnC B*i? :0o- Mto pr«r wa* ptaaod at 5:18 by Mart "Sfclhafr-lte fw* Had l«B •''" ; "- - • •••-«|*aK kit ODMatsTto' pothts whsu Vnlf tadpiaQad^he w y n e ^ w p •arniffff ys ^a>..Tm#i,rgv. ^*^- *^a-» n t t w ^ • « i i w ••.•;.«/ R H > ! * -A^tta^ at t H , w W IW^flaJi^^ ™; haita *t^» .S^Bawall, ItftfT / if^iff"•• iifi ik ^ i T i MWT > "M"^- l v « was «eo- n a ,iiniiiii^ii-i BA <*wa»i«t ^aWwSePii»\ wt l!SiJ^l^&St : : #* #** «* «* Wi »* JaJhAot alarctoik. *?-SS£I42MPt^ ^ynWrin tscanltaiited class. tai««TU- :•^v-lli-Bli*»j>flf^raV but loat *f *-"««- :--flafr;li^-iWjWiNr;<i «tk BHlDoattc i « r t itoielfteafltotM of Uortbera A4Browta* Hm tofl Ma af pa»wt te « •ttble » *ntti *««» of - paa. Ba &aa f * T « . «tf forced to for- ktm ao* «» Btori ./_ - At -tt?, Itta :Kh«tt Ja»LeCtoir of Saraoac w»« ituciilaniiaUg Pave Reraick, 1*^ tjr -TM »* ?3^i^i^x ; ,s--t ^5? an Ot^nif^apeft was is^ 4s^ o w e d dtrectir^bot may have bee* decided k Its favor any waySugBayaigbtatanexew tJve board meeting of the 1* t e r n a ttb^n a 1 CSympic CmiffftlltQc^ No rrihJg was made oil tfie II ^ers (tedared ,4 ineligiMe H Avaiy Bnai l)age, the L a c the matter «a« aat ' tkat Aqma adtotaltSe C &n& Alptoo atUn» t#ft itt' tte Olyu^MaV-''. iil4 ;i ISii Norambw feat W attea a«o took part m » cooariertJal ail carqptoMammoth IfiaXilii, Canf., vera -MUtf*? % tbe Games.:. : _ T hi'—Fa4<ir : «tloi> feternatlonale de Sll reapoad- od mat i'l^.jfcftr" - "• — -Alpipe NortJc-woeld -*17f*,' the fontnattoo of a speeial sub- committee to dodde all controversial cases of ama- teur eHgibiiHy. Moreover, it submitted lor approval by aB 75 IOC memfatfg a revision ARNIT8 ARMY IS HAPPY w gpectMars ' iflcr he caiae eai ef flt« la hMfa tte hale. Pnh»er capterad the Otrai Iavtta^ dslMd title by eae' strain with fHiowe *U.mmi par, tt was whi dds yew arffcr be hat wftered a if. St Louis i Chicago 4, tie Detroit I, Califbmia 5 Buffalo 5 t MlnnesoU 0 Hew Yort I/ Tbreaito t ' - •'•' N B A ';•••• ^ : ;.;:A«k.v- .:•;• ladim W. Vmvtr Ul Texas Mesnphis Utah 1», Carttea Virgmia 1», Kentucky J21 Cincinnati 115, Ctev^and Atlanta 108, Philadelphia 101 Boston 117, Chicago^ IM Poftiaad 122, BuBakk m Broomboll scores of Rule ^ tbe Olympic rule o* eHgibiiity on whidi, Ulti- mately, the case tit the » skiers will be tried. AMwogh neither the propos- ed chafes, which^mist be approved by.at w o/-rh 1 r d s majority of the members, nor the make-up of the special subcommittee, were an- fiouhced, it seems probacy French requests dog owners obey the quarantine .. EUZABETHTOWN 4 Paul French, area^game protector, cau^it.* two dogs * chasing a^ deer -up the main road from JStown to Wertport S^iday afternoon... Ope dog was destroyed and the deer escaped, lfjw± said, -I wiihthedog. owners would please obey the quarantine and keep the dogs/ "coofined. I do not ^njijB shooting a dog, but neither do I «i^*aeiditg a dog diew up a live deer^V -z ! As a game protector tf is m^ duty to (tertroy any dog 1 find chasing a..dejr^-- . Two other dop were de. recently. The qtiar- unteed by the Stale Bnadage said Sonday he had net changed Jris But the format** of the a rial committee - whkA said sUould have been king ago takes the matter out d his RAM* -•—r~ Bantams get . 4th in tourney PLATTSBURGH - T h e Plattsbur^i Bantam t e a m * composed of hocky players from Pittsburgh and Chff Raven finttwd fourth is the State B Bantam Toumameat ^^-TUtJiamlila BayrThe 0m—^ Haven Bantam -team was awarded the tournameot's sportsmanship trophy. ' On Friday nigM, Piatts-- butgh lost to F<art Covfcgton, ltV5, as w^ayae fepson^g^L^ TSee^goais ana effairBouyea and I>avid-Miwpe colltctcd . one each for the Iwroetowjiers. The same night, Cliff Raven lost 1?4 to tfaloee. On Satur^ day, PkOtttourgft won H o v e r Saraaac Lake as goalie Dermis Cwttn stuped » shots. Wayr^e Benson; Mark Kercher, Upd BTto Bopyea pmidied to ~ \ goals for the winers, . Plattourgh and CM Raven, feeftfrfayed with Plattsburgh wiBmng. And ia tbe final game PUttsbargh was beaten by Potedain, S4; : ia the Pee Wee tourney at ' Lake P l a c i d , Pjattsburghi —'- PICKING Ifr-T ra^iag from lot high scheel. wer ap spare* such hag dfcriag Satan Liqnori SM DETROIT (i«?) new individual, chi crowned ia las NCAA indoor Tra "meet wniTh.coiuni of scats for Ah "CSymplcchances, Ceilamly Harty suept the mile i for Viltoova'a pions, and Witem jumpejr, Pat Matzc stainp ': M, wiaid formers.': : " : ~ •'.'""' wiw semper* atrt« la t ^ lew «te, making spots oo the abuse n^ier aoft* Mte Baa ftih^ed secoa4 be- hted Iftss tcagfrn it^ the oom> biaed Alpina eventa aw«wd8, 1d-\ lowed In third by Lorena Hagei- heciafVast Josa Gaaoott of waa aacoH:m me.^onuaoeu ' ____^^a^ .^^^^^^^B L^k^^^^A *Vl»^^Mf M^iaVaW.a eveius awaru oemno tesar wxxaj Petri of Francs, ttini. winners WAfilrAfit^ artinii Sorv« on Ilectric Heat inttollotion..«—•••" .- install ycHjr electric Heat ttfs'S|^ti^''a'f^;. ; dyoid : 'the. I^bll rush... ««»*afeB_«t IWfc B«wl A*oj»aflewMeVakri Waft* aaat Hall aim gfe Lanes «e4' 'ieaaeti: MaMK ;*• Ae NewYoitStatrAackr jMtOHtJk _,_ k«v« B, » e * r « » a ^ r a«l Jeff j flrat far l>ei - RASCOEBROS. AT -.' » aaat Ber Ooert firat rfa» A. HK ^ ^ ia eooqaaed «f Calm jtmx La!*arte. David «0 'fintsar 1 ENJOY ELECTftlC HOT WATER HEAT WITHOUT PLUMSINO "TT la flae Oaa* B drrawi. te at TOteUgfrlnL *ntk l a r y DeLaag. Craia: Unsafe, Dt«i< Tfce Bas4aw 4ivtf>»a: — — — • — — — " • ptrtictpattd a tbe MAU OP NUMi •AStBALU aad sn#* eretCt and lASKETtAU «r SOCCB *M Jeff Becart and Prnees 5< Urn HCAITHIOT •SAFEST •ECONOMICAL WTE5COMS COLLEGE BASKETBALL Michigan n, Wiac<maV» 7J Norttwesttro S, MkWgaft:st Denary * Bock 5, Boayea's J. royr* Ward U '•' TTgaiaj ' • Togrtb «art ^: ? « * Mis ltt, Bkfattt Pnntoe Itt,to»a«4 6*f ' Agrlcalture and Market at the request of the Essex tSbiiity- Board <rf afai in ef* feet una ApHT 15. The deep snow has- slowed the dogs dowa «me, hut as aooa as a ciait forms they wiflaooehav^te advantage Ttacfa were seea ob the Swan load the eflkr day where a s a t f dog were ptr- after k-sfeg their first gasne, Mmtod Makae 7-6. Goals wei^e scored >y Jimmy: Cqupal, Dennis Rouviar^KeyiR- JpoaneHy r Kevin Dupray and Brent Yanulavw^. And team- mate Kevin WSiams chalked a ^ two goals fofthe wtthfofc. Saturday ni^it, the local. Tee Wees lost to Brasher Tafia, M, as Bate Morse and Peter Hunt puAed is goals in a losing caaae. * * - ,;.i,.V: i>>iiriHMi#t >>IMMtntM> GOOD/YEAR I IN SIZES TO FIT MOST CARS •^k'^^J^ .•••^T TIRE m £zJ**k •^****k * HXS. mm as«UMvajszw Jatcqees Q*> Class A UJe? R*k \^rbcrgr> g CWwt.f7, One MY 125£4 t-tt ASK US ABOUT GUASAMTTO MATING COSTS) the tjsyi das? B sr^-? thie sad 3h^*ra Hamt** > /iv *y crows. c r •• ~s w e l c o ^ f ^o »*•§•• »K- la *e doe^es «•--e'ts ri* ^.. p-^ f^,, brt>d;-'a w^-^ wr« anmoc KATMO swcuaistsi - rot P«BE CST«AATH CAU saiif io GOODYEAR-THE ONLY MAKER OF POLYGLAS*TIRES liiiiiiititiiiiii is i LATE SCORES TT Pteez-j ;r c M^»-ssaee .-* =>««"€ p C- a<3J_W Crew* 5-t 5#7 22t7 RftSCOE BROS., lf^. -0^a;3r«l7li63MaV*«.H«1^r»,-l««l.l»fcBBMtFA Ml aM. h Sail PM. Sriarfat^ —, But, between n Munidi Olympics, coltegiate trtck a of hoeing to do.' Only ioar, W Hosscmed in the ^iich closed Satu Arena-rend on* of Cal Poly's Kotani rs tabbed to comp< the India h the C Andrei* record 3S pound weight th crpart tit the Iwanj which a- native Jacques* Cambray nmnerap to his. Classmate, Al Sch la eflw words Ashe b byRos Australia* Ken ! advantage erf Ar double faults ai .^efkam W, T4 for the tlO.OSO fin Puniop Australiar chartiptonrinps" Maigaret Court women'* title for . in 12 years with a 73 vkrtw-y iver Evonne Geciagoi! A^rgliui* ftoiaL John; Sewcwhb Roche of. Am-trafi Rlesaen af Evani Tom Otter of th 74, M tor m 1 CJOWU. •• Ashe of Ri&» no matdkJor Be away fihs fini set as his had Mrs. it to {BiMU^ts wm ti Mrs. Ceart w a^aia ie the se she dnefeie ^a> servke as the Bst she c » e \ i-mm** DM S41-1t10 Ctrifr Br«• I Hirprt* Sts. Mis* Ga«zas~; faifis-: aa eoe se 2S^ rasee, she breaker serea w Miss G*£*tg0G| tal »f hef JFe?^ ed ter aad Mr heM h -^ >> *-t

,;.i,.V: • GOOD/YEARV.Mr;;:;^- .»v^^^^^.,••• :/-• :• - ft*-/-;"* • ..jii in i HI fn -v— ,,?:_• ...^^.j..**,-Zlfl^^. C "VST T"'. T«»J*,^VEr»Vr.-T"»"^'-' ia^-.^^#te

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Page 1: ,;.i,.V: • GOOD/YEARV.Mr;;:;^- .»v^^^^^.,••• :/-• :• - ft*-/-;"* • ..jii in i HI fn -v— ,,?:_• ...^^.j..**,-Zlfl^^. C "VST T"'. T«»J*,^VEr»Vr.-T"»"^'-' ia^-.^^#te

V . M r ; ; : ; ^ - . » v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . , • • • : / - • :• -ft*-/-;"* •

. . j i i in i HI fn

- v — , , ? : _ • . . . ^ ^ . j . . * * , - . Zl f l^^C "VST T"'.T«»J*,^VEr»Vr.- T"»"^'-' ia^-.^^#tei.^i^v- > £*^ u jf n ,11 .;,ni,,V.i.; • i •njiij ii.yi.y :,.iiUi'ilitiCi/•!•»"u>!fffo£Vfirpi;*T^^

6RLANDO, Fla <AP) - Ar-.raid Palmer, ^aUiig on tb* old magfcthat made him the most popular player of his time,; fought off tenacious * tlHus Boros ami. scored his second; victory of the season Sunday in j the H»,«0 Florida Citrus In- ! vitatiooal Golf Tournament

Th« 41~year-ofd Palmer had a final rmmd IS for 279, 18 under par on the g,*4S-yard Rio Pinar Cooiitty Club course and beat Boros, the 31 ycar-oki National ^niors champion, oy a tingle stroke.

Boros, who twice tied Palmer in the sweltering beat, had a ft: aa2 4 » f < * m : T

The i » . W nr< prise chgek

im ma:*;* i in.?-


for Pahn^'s 5W» carter yict* ry placed the slope-shouldered sfaai from Latrobe, Pa,, at tint lop t* the season's raoaey-wto-

"hing" list with inore than

Palmar, who was wiaatagiar second titte in. htt last four starts, hailed down the triumph

- wiih^ bewtifui approach shot on the 13th hole thai left him Hlth an ei rt-toot p m for the btrdta that brpke the (teal tla. J » a fbdd Boros, pUiyijia

- |oi|-%aUted Paln»r-had a . chaaee to tie H with a birdie on

the ifaal Ma. Be mtead the


Poge|2 Monday, March 15# 197]

freea to the. right and chipped for the Wrd that would de * b«t the haB j*A m hyt<he

Kemit Z^Hey, jfce ir/f caaar dian Open champ» was alone ia third with a l i tor CT,

Jerry Heard, a *?est.*(i who shared the ftnt-rouad lead with Palmer, had a * for 174 atsJ W4S tied at that 0&u*g with Tom Weiakopt who shot * .

Four players, heeded by for­mer PGA champ Dave Stockton, were tied at tiS. Abo at that figure were veteran Uooel He-bet, Frank Beard and Qihhy Gittert. Stodctoa apd GQbert

_ ta retain Wi pqittwi as. tba gimiri pcamier

attractksi, was tied wtth Boros lair the top apot, going teta the overcast, aaagnr 'flhal round

As I»B^, Palmer drew the bon'i shar* <5T the ftB^f « over fi.aw, his fans whooping and hoUering over the course; flowing through the treee and iroond the lakes.

Re baited out quickly, taking a string of three crniw?ntive birdies, starting on the secobd, while the horde chortled and cheered.

Palmer put an eight iron IS ladies tnm the flag oil the sec ood hole, missed the green bat chipped in cm the third and

That gave Mm a twc etroke ead avsr Beroa, but it

*wi»Bed to one when bi tank

enth and

This game> ai^ttoe

by a stroke when ha .missea a snort pou ea xae nan. hole te this Uwoey a va» siga, j scored from 1* feet OD the ataA to make the margin twa agaia.

Re i>ir«ed the Ilth from » feet hat bogeyed the 14lh when

oft a fivVfoot ptrtt.

Boroe btrdnd the meats later lad they were lied.

a xafaat pult iw t i n t % ea the Uth. But Boros btrdfted it right behiod him, eeochng II down "to the final few betel aad the key birdie oo » e 17th thatj pushed palmer's all-time ey figure to |1,340,37L

v^:^ :^^V":ri"^%:%^^ * * .

Itriicwti fak fa the area's ttyt

ans take Alpine

LAKE FJ4SED, 8.Y. i m *$ M Austrthn man and an m&m gkl etuefged Sunday -us bined Alpine events champions In their respective divisioBS of the Kennedy Interftatioaal He-mortal Wimer Games held at

vWh5eface Mountain near here.

The. women's champion, Ana-hid Tesgian, Jg, ef Turin, cap­tured two firsts and p ihlrd^in. the three - event competitioii whfle Hkns Te$ar of Austria •wore the crown, for the me&.

In Stmday s final eveht, the gi-aat riaKmrxwcg: a »-gate course, Was Teaman flashed &x4 be-Him ImyXmGicm* •:••

Mvf'mm Rathbone, S» * 9mftogtxmr Vt f toished to f t t f t Pamela Reed,», of Meri-ifith, H.R, at n.M ah3 Miss Tesgian at «w;Diettod {Qds of Austria i aced fourth wfth a tima of 8t:«7 and Penny Dmry of Canada, fifth at ».$?.

Tesar tied for fth pla£* in th€ nriea giMt stalom turning in ah

at state

»jn mart, tbe tmw as Jeta-« e « Pothog of Itahce. • /

i^e ewat «raa tafan by Eric StaiA, Hi ct CrowWe, France «ttb * ttin* of 7IJ2 followed My

fFretelcl«ri, tt.oTV«l d%«rej at JMfctafeMI Zohid, » . of Mkttl|t,41tJ:Uo«o Ragroto of tta^, -Sl» and Jwet ScteoQ of Aastria, »U».

ia«4-i ':at 0 * end t l the first

at « i bjr

An M'M tottiKapnC B*i? :0o-Mto pr«r wa* ptaaod at 5:18 by

t» Mart "Sfclhafr-lte fw* Had l«B

•''";"- - • •••-«|*aK kit ODMatsT to ' pothts whsu Vnlf tadpiaQad^he

w y n e ^ w p •arniffffys^a>..Tm#i,rgv. ^* - *^a-» n t t w ^ • « i i w ••.•;.«/ R H > ! * -A^tta^ a t t H , w W I W ^ f l a J i ^ ^ ™ ; haita * t ^ » .S^Bawall , ItftfT / if^iff"•• iifi ik ^ i T i MWT > " M " ^ - - » l v « was «eo- na,iiniiiii^ii-i B A <*wa»i«t

^aWwSePii»\ wt l!SiJ^l^&St: :#* #** «* «* Wi » * JaJhAot alarctoik. * ? - S S £ I 4 2 M P t ^ ^ynWrin tscanltaiited class.

tai««TU- :•^v-lli-Bli*»j>flf^raV but loat * f *-"««- :--flafr;li^-iWjWiNr;<i «tk BHlDoattc i « r t itoielf teafltot M

of Uortbera A4Browta* Hm tofl Ma af pa»wt te « •ttble » * n t t i * « « » of - paa. Ba &aa f*T«. «tf

forced to for- ktm ao* « » Btori ./_ -At -tt?, Itta :Kh«tt

Ja»LeCtoir of Saraoac w»« ituciilaniiaUg Pave Reraick, 1*^ tjr - T M » *

?3^i^i^x ;

,s--t ^5?

an Ot^nif^apeft was is^ 4s^ owed dtrectir^bot may have bee* decided k Its favor any waySugBayaigbtatanexew tJve board meeting of the 1* t e r n a ttb^n a 1 CSympic CmiffftlltQc^ •

No rrihJg was made oil tfie II ^ e r s (tedared ,4ineligiMeH

Avaiy Bnai l)age, the Lac the matter

«a« aat '

tkat Aqma adtotaltSe


&n& Alptoo atUn» t#ft

itt' tte Olyu MaV-''. iil4;iISii Norambw feat W attea a«o took part m » cooariertJal ail carqp to Mammoth IfiaXilii, Canf., vera -MUtf*? % tbe Games.:.: _

T hi'—Fa4<ir :«tloi> feternatlonale de Sll reapoad-od mat i ' l ^ . j f c f t r "

- "• — - A l p i p e NortJc-woeld


the fontnattoo of a speeial sub­committee to dodde a l l controversial cases of ama­teur eHgibiiHy. Moreover, it submitted lor approval by aB 75 I O C memfatfg a revision

ARNIT8 ARMY IS HAPPY w gpectMars ' iflcr he caiae eai ef flt«

la hMfa tte hale. Pnh»er capterad the Otrai Iavtta dslMd title by eae' strain with fHiowe *U.mmi par, tt was

whi dds yew arffcr be hat wftered a if.

St Louis i Chicago 4, tie Detroit I, Califbmia 5 Buffalo 5t MlnnesoU 0 Hew Yort I/ Tbreaito t

• ' - •'•' N B A ';•••• ^ :

; . ; : A « k . v - .:•;•

ladim W. Vmvtr Ul Texas 1» Mesnphis 1» Utah 1», Carttea 1« Virgmia 1», Kentucky J21

Cincinnati 115, Ctev^and 1« Atlanta 108, Philadelphia 101 Boston 117, Chicago IM Poftiaad 122, BuBakk m

Broomboll scores

of Rule ^ tbe Olympic rule o* eHgibiiity on whidi, Ulti­mately, the case tit the » skiers will be tried.

AMwogh neither the propos­ed chafes, which^mist be approved by.at w o/-rh 1 r d s majority of the members, nor the make-up of the special subcommittee, w e r e an-fiouhced, it seems probacy

French requests dog owners obey the quarantine ..

EUZABETHTOWN 4 Paul French, area^game protector, cau it.* two dogs * chasing a deer -up the main road from JStown to Wertport S iday afternoon...

Ope dog was destroyed and the deer escaped,

lfjw± said, -I wiihthedog. owners would please obey the quarantine and keep the dogs/ "coofined. I do n o t ^njijB shooting a dog, but neither do I «i^*aeiditg a dog diew up a live deer^V -z!

As a game protector tf is m^ duty to (tertroy any dog 1 find chasing a..dejr^--. Two other dop were de.

recently. The qtiar-unteed by the Stale

Bnadage said Sonday he had net changed Jris But the format** of the a rial committee - whkA said sUould have been king ago — takes the matter out d his RAM* - • — r ~

Bantams get . 4th in tourney

PLATTSBURGH - T h e Plattsbur^i Bantam t e a m * composed of hocky players from Pittsburgh and Chff Raven finttwd fourth is the State B Bantam Toumameat

^^-TUtJiamlila BayrThe 0m—^ Haven Bantam -team was awarded t h e tournameot's sportsmanship trophy.

' On Friday nigM, Piatts--butgh lost to F<art Covfcgton, ltV5, as w ayae fepson^g^L^

TSee^goais ana effairBouyea and I>avid-Miwpe colltctcd . one each for the Iwroetowjiers. The same night, Cliff Raven lost 1?4 to tfaloee. On Satur day, PkOtttourgft won Hover Saraaac Lake as goalie Dermis Cwttn stuped » s h o t s . Wayr e Benson; Mark Kercher, Upd BTto Bopyea pmidied to ~ \ goals for the winers, .

Plattourgh and CM Raven, • feeftfrfayed with Plattsburgh wiBmng. And ia tbe final game PUttsbargh was beaten by Potedain, S4; :

ia the Pee Wee tourney at ' Lake P l a c i d , Pjattsburghi —'-

PICKING Ifr-T ra^iag from lot high scheel. wer ap spare* such hag dfcriag Satan

Liqnori SM

DETROIT (i«?) new individual, chi crowned ia las NCAA indoor Tra

"meet wniTh.coiuni of scats for Ah


Ceilamly Harty suept the mile i for Viltoova'a pions, and Witem jumpejr, Pat Matzc stainp': M, wiaid • formers.'::":~ •'.'""'

wiw semper* atrt« la t ^ lew «te, making spots oo the abuse n^ier aoft*

Mte Baa ftih^ed secoa4 be-hted Iftss tcagfrn it the oom> biaed Alpina eventa aw«wd8,1d-\ lowed In third by Lorena Hagei-heciafVast

Josa Gaaoott of waa aacoH:m me. onuaoeu ' _ _ _ _ ^ ^ a ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B L ^ k ^ ^ ^ ^ A * V l » ^ ^ M f M^iaVaW.a

eveius awaru oemno tesar wxxaj Petri of Francs, ttini.

winners WAfilrAfit^ a r t i n i i

Sorv« on Ilectric Heat

inttollotion..«—•••" .-

install ycHjr electric Heat ttfs'S|^ti^''a'f^;.;dyoid:'the. I^bll rush.. .

««»*afeB_«t IWfc B«wl A*oj»aflewMeVakri Waft* aaat Hall aim gfe Lanes «e4' 'ieaaeti: MaMK ; * • Ae NewYoitStatrAackr jMtOHtJk _ , _

k«v« B, »e*r « » a ^ r a«l Jeff j flrat far l>ei


aaat Ber Ooert firat • rfa» A. HK ^ ^

ia eooqaaed «f Calm jtmx La!*arte. David « 0




la flae Oaa* B drrawi. te at TOteUgfrlnL *ntk

l a r y DeLaag. Craia: Unsafe, Dt«i<

Tfce Bas4aw 4 i v t f > » a : — — — • — — — " • ptrtictpattd a tbe MAU OP NUMi •AStBALU

aad sn#* eretCt and lASKETtAU «r SOCCB *M Jeff Becart and Prnees 5<




Michigan n, Wiac<maV» 7J Norttwesttro S , MkWgaft:st

Denary * Bock 5, Boayea's

J. royr* Ward U

'•' TTgaiaj ' • Togrtb «art ^: ? « *

Mis ltt, Bkfattt Pnntoe Itt, to»a «4

6*f ' Agrlcalture and Market at the request of the Essex tSbiiity- Board <rf

afai in ef* feet una ApHT 15. The deep snow has- slowed

the dogs dowa «me, hut as aooa as a ciait forms they wiflaooehav^te advantage Ttacfa were seea ob the Swan load the eflkr day where a

sa t f dog were ptr-

after k-sfeg their first gasne, Mmtod Makae 7-6. Goals wei e scored >y Jimmy: Cqupal, Dennis Rouviar KeyiR-JpoaneHyr Kevin Dupray and Brent Yanulavw . And team­mate Kevin WSiams chalked a ^ two goals fofthe wtthfofc.

Saturday ni^it, the local. Tee Wees lost to Brasher Tafia, M, as Bate Morse and Peter Hunt puAed is goals in a losing caaae.

* * - • • •

,;.i,.V: •

i > > i i r i H M i # t > > I M M t n t M >



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Jatcqees Q*> Class A UJe? R*k \^rbcrgr> g

CWwt.f7, One

MY 125£4

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the tjsyi d a s ? B sr^-? thie sad 3 h ^ * r a Hamt** > / i v * y

crows. c r •• ~s w e l c o ^ f ^ o »*•§•• »K-la * e doe^es «•--e'ts ri* ^ . . p-^ f^,, brt>d;-'a w^-^

w r « anmoc KATMO swcuaistsi -rot P«BE CST«AATH — CAU sa i i f io

GOODYEAR-THE ONLY MAKER OF POLYGLAS*TIRES l i i i i i i i t i t i i i i i i i s i

LATE SCORES TT P t e e z - j ;rc M^»-ssaee

.-* =>««"€ p C- a<3J_W Crew*

5 - t 5#7 22t7

RftSCOE BROS., lf^. -0^a;3r«l7li63MaV*«.H«1^r»,-l««l.l»fcBBMtFA

Ml aM. h Sail PM. Sriarfat — ,

But, between n Munidi Olympics, coltegiate trtck a of hoeing to do.'

Only ioar, W Hosscmed in the ^iich closed Satu Arena-rend on* of

Cal Poly's Kotani rs tabbed to comp< the India h the C

Andrei* record 3S pound weight th crpart tit the Iwanj which a- native Jacques* Cambray nmnerap to his. Classmate, Al Sch

la eflw words

Ashe b byRos

Australia* Ken ! advantage erf Art double faults ai .^efkam W, T4 for the tlO.OSO fin Puniop Australiar chartiptonrinps"

Maigaret Court women'* title for

. in 12 years with a 73 vkrtw-y iver Evonne Geciagoi! A^rgliui* ftoiaL

John; Sewcwhb Roche of. Am-trafi Rlesaen af Evani Tom Otter of th 74, M tor m 1 CJOWU. ••

Ashe of Ri&» no matdkJor Be away fihs fini set as his

had Mrs. it to

{BiMU^ts wm ti Mrs. Ceart w

a aia ie the sec she dnefeie a> servke as the i Bst she c » e \

i-mm** DM S41-1t10 Ctrifr Br«• I Hirprt* Sts.

Mis* Ga«zas~; faifis-: aa eoe se 2S^ rasee, she breaker serea w

Miss G*£*tg0G|

tal »f hef JFe?^ ed ter aad Mrs

heM h

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