ITF and SLMC Professional Standards Adapted from: NCSLMA Annual Conference presentation by Kelly Brannock School Library Consultant, NCDPI & NCDPI Summer Institute 2012 Professional Development August 21,2012

ITF and SLMC Professional Standards

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ITF and SLMC Professional Standards. Adapted from: NCSLMA Annual Conference presentation by Kelly Brannock School Library Consultant, NCDPI & NCDPI Summer Institute 2012. Professional Development August 21,2012. Learning Outcomes. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ITF and SLMC Professional Standards

Adapted from: NCSLMA Annual Conference presentation by Kelly Brannock School Library Consultant, NCDPI & NCDPI Summer Institute 2012

Professional Development August 21,2012

Learning Outcomes

Understand the new School Library Media Coordinator and Instructional Technology Facilitator Professional Standards

Explore and understand the roles of the School Library Media Coordinator and the Instructional Technology Facilitator

Understand the relationship between the Professional Standards and the Information and Technology Essential Standards

Understand the NC Professional Teaching Standards

SBE Mission Statement

Every public school student will graduate from high school, globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21st Century.

Mission of the North Carolina State Board of Education, August 2006


Purpose of the Standards

Connections to other Standards

Standards vs. Evaluation

Paradigm shift

Purpose of the Standards

The purpose of the ITF and SLMC Professional Standards is to guide the curriculum development and instruction in North Carolina graduate programs in Information & Library Science and Instructional Technology.

The Standards set expectations by describing what new graduates should know and be able to do.

These Professional Standards provide a foundation for the development of a new Evaluation Instrument for library media and instructional technology educators.

Connections to Other Standards

The Standards correlate with other national and state standards and guidelines, including AASL, NCATE, ISTE, and the Partnership for 21st Century Skills framework.

The new Standards also align with the SBE goals and the newly adopted 2012-2014 State School Technology Plan.

The standards will guide the work of the IHE (Institutions of Higher Education) programs moving forward.

The format and elements align with all other new NC Standards.

Standards vs. Evaluation

The revised Standards are not evaluation Standards. They are guidelines that guide the curriculum development and instruction for pre-service library programs at IHEs.

The Standards will be used in the development of a new Evaluation Instrument, that correlates closely to the new MCREL Teacher Evaluation Instrument.

After SBE adopts the new Standards, a new Evaluation Instrument for ITF/SLMC Professional Standards will be piloted Fall 2012.

The new Evaluation Instrument will correlate closely to the new instrument for Teachers.

Paradigm Shift

These Standards represent a shift in emphasis for the Media Coordinator position.

The new IT Essential Standards are now embedded in every subject to be taught by teachers.

Student achievement is now a shared responsibility.

The role of the Media Coordinator has shifted to facilitator.

Progression Timeline

The table below shows the progression of the standards work including rubric development, evaluation, study, professional development and final release for use in January 2014.

Standards Overview

The Standards correlate with other national and state standards and guidelines, including AASL, NCATE, ISTE, and the Partnership for 21st Century Skills framework.

Professional Standards

The five professional standard areas are:


Content Specialist

Program Facilitator

21st Century Environment

Reflective Professional

Professional Standards- cont.

Using the skills, knowledge and abilities outlined in the standards, the ITF and SLMC provide resources and tools that enable the 21st century teacher to provide digital content, technology tools and resources as they infuse the ITES into all areas of the curriculum.

A Closer Look At the Standards

We are going to take a closer look at the professional standards working in groups.

Each table will look at one specific standard. Please click on your Standard for an overview page listing the standard and the elements for both the ITF and SLMC.

Exploring the Standards: Group Activity

Please click on the link for your assigned Standard . After reviewing the ITF/SLMC Standard, please click on the Standard Activity link to complete the questions. Be prepared to share!

Standard 1 - Leadership

Standard 2 – Content Specialist

Standard 3 – Program Facilitator

Standard 4 – 21st Century Environment

Standard 5 - Reflective Professional

On To Comparing Teacher/ITES

Standard 4: 21st Century Environment

ITF/SLMC Professional Standards text

Standard 4 Activity

View Results

Back to Exploring the Standards

Standard 5: Reflective Professional

ITF/SLMC Professional Standards Text

Standard 5 Activity

View Results

Back to Exploring the Standards

Comparing the Professional Standards

NC Professional Teaching Standards

Standard 1 Teachers demonstrate leadership.

Standard 2 Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students.

Standard 3 Teachers know the content they teach.

Standard 4 Teachers facilitate learning for their students.

Standard 5 Teachers reflect on their practice.

ITF/SLMC Professional Standards

Standard 1 – Leadership

Standard 2 - Content Specialist

Standard 3 – Program Facilitator

Standard 4 – 21st Century Environment

Standard 5 – Reflective Professional

Interconnectedness of Professional Standards

New Evaluation Instrument

Pilot – Fall 2012

Validation – Spring 2013

Adoption by SBE

PD - Fall 2013

Statewide use – Jan. 2013

Rate Your Program

View the Teaching and Learning Rubric below. Rate your Media and Technology program in terms of instructional delivery and collaboration.

Teaching and Learning Rubric

Once you have completed the survey, please click on the Survey Response Form to reflect and share your rating.

Survey Response Form

View all survey results


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