Italian LL Paris – July 8 th , 2015 Fabio Cartolano

Italian LL Paris – July 8 th, 2015 Fabio Cartolano

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Italian LLParis – July 8th, 2015

Fabio Cartolano


L e a n S e c u r e a n d R e l i a b l e L o g i s ti c C o n n e c ti v i t y f o r S M E s

Easy to adopt

Easy to use



LL Ambition and Solution

to endorse information exchange and

collaboration between stakeholders

to improve efficiency of operations

to improve the supply chain integration

Goal: deliver a web-based transport market place where SMEs can offer their transport services to potential customers engaging new business opportunities.



L e a n S e c u r e a n d R e l i a b l e L o g i s ti c C o n n e c ti v i t y f o r S M E s

Overview of IT penetration in SMEsSMEs in Bologna Freight Village have very fragmented operations, with manual and unstandardized procedures:

This consumes a lot of time and have negative impact in business development strategies.

Living Lab Solution

Software adoption in Interporto SMEs

Adoption rate

Warehouse Management System

About 15%

Fleet management About 25%


L e a n S e c u r e a n d R e l i a b l e L o g i s ti c C o n n e c ti v i t y f o r S M E s

The main expectations of LSPs and FFs were to generate new business through adoption of an electronic logistics marketplace enabling facilitation and internationalisation of operations.


The SinergiBO marketplace simplifies acquisition of new business being:• node oriented• with high penetration of local market

Living Lab Solution


L e a n S e c u r e a n d R e l i a b l e L o g i s ti c C o n n e c ti v i t y f o r S M E s

For LSPs and FF• Improve efficiency• Create new business


For LSCc• Reduce transport costs• Reorganize their supply


For Interporto• Improve attractiveness• Increase transport


Living Lab Solution - Benefits


L e a n S e c u r e a n d R e l i a b l e L o g i s ti c C o n n e c ti v i t y f o r S M E s

Industry perspective – Adoption challenge

Stimulating adoption & Interaction with users:

• Workshops & B2B meetings with local stakeholders

• Exhibitions/events• Online marketing• Brochure

• IT developers• LSCs• LSPs• FFs


L e a n S e c u r e a n d R e l i a b l e L o g i s ti c C o n n e c ti v i t y f o r S M E s

SinergiBO placement

Warehouse (storage)

Yard (handling)




Warehouse (storage)

Yard (handling)


Warehouse (storage)

Yard (handling)





L e a n S e c u r e a n d R e l i a b l e L o g i s ti c C o n n e c ti v i t y f o r S M E s

Living Lab Achievements

• Engagement: the marketplace is frequently used also by foreign operators

• Roles: improved cooperation between nodes and transport operators and among operators themselves

• Supply chain: local manufacturers are open to understand and use the services as well as re-think their logistics processes


L e a n S e c u r e a n d R e l i a b l e L o g i s ti c C o n n e c ti v i t y f o r S M E s

Living Lab KPIs

Criteria for LogiCon solutions Indicator Who benefits?

AdoptionNumber of visits/insertion: 80-100Current subscriptions: 100


Improved efficiency

Number of transport matches: • Sept 14- Feb 15: 10• Feb 15 – May 15: 10


Reduced transport costs

Reduction of costs: between 10-30%(survey on leg and load factor) • LSP

Improved customer satisfaction

Customer care: about 2 contacts/weekNumber of recurring users: about 10



L e a n S e c u r e a n d R e l i a b l e L o g i s ti c C o n n e c ti v i t y f o r S M E s

Impact of the Living Lab Solution



L e a n S e c u r e a n d R e l i a b l e L o g i s ti c C o n n e c ti v i t y f o r S M E s

Concluding remarks

• The node (hub) is the ideal candidate to promote and exploit a marketplace to improve cooperation and increase service level,

• Simple ICT tools are no longer a barrier,• Key succsess factors:

Promotion of clusters, Improved management of logistics operations, Cost per activity, Fostered adoption rather than increased technical complexity,

• Face-to-face marketing is required in order to achieve mindshift.

Thank You!Fabio Cartolano

Consorzio IB [email protected]