IT430 E-Commerce Solved Subjective Papers For Preparation of final Term Exam Question No: 31 ( Marks: 2 ) How the Porters model helps a firm to devise a plan? Porters Model helps a firm to identify threats to its competitive position and to devise plans including the use of IT and e-commerce to protect or enhance that position. Porter identified five forces of competitive rivalry described as under: Threat of potential/new entrants to the sector Threat of substitute product or service in the existing trade Bargaining power of the buyers Bargaining power of the suppliers Competition between existing players Question No: 32 ( Marks: 2 ) What is meant by 1973 is the supreme law of the country ? The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 is the supreme law of the country, which means that every other law in Pakistan has to confirm to the terms of the constitution. It contains two legislative lists at its end, that is, the Federal legislative list and Concurrent legislative list. Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 ) Why are hidden forms' fields used? We can also use hidden forms‟ fields because We keep data back and forth within forms to maintain state. Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 ) Briefly explain the customer‟s level of loyalty to company at Familiarity level.

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IT430 E-Commerce Solved Subjective Papers For Preparation of final Term Exam

Question No: 31 ( Marks: 2 )

How the Porter‟s model helps a firm to devise a plan?

Porter‟s Model helps a firm to identify threats to its competitive position and to devise

plans including the

use of IT and e-commerce to protect or enhance that position. Porter identified five

forces of competitive

rivalry described as under: Threat of potential/new entrants to the sector Threat of substitute product or service in the existing trade

Bargaining power of the buyers

Bargaining power of the suppliers

Competition between existing

players Question No: 32 (

Marks: 2 )

What is meant by “1973 is the supreme law of the country”?

The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 is the supreme law of the country,

which means that every other law in Pakistan has to confirm to the terms of the

constitution. It contains two legislative lists at its end, that is, the Federal legislative list

and Concurrent legislative list.

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )

Why are hidden forms' fields used?

We can also use hidden forms‟ fields because We keep data back and forth within forms

to maintain state.

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 )

Briefly explain the customer‟s level of loyalty to company at “Familiarity level”.

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At this stage, customers have completed several business transactions with the company

and know its policies regarding refund, privacy of information, discounts etc.

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )

Identify the different areas of study involve in e-commerce? E- commerce is a combination of three different areas of study, namely,

technology, business and law/policy.

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 ) On what basis, generally the protection under “fair use” may be sought? Doesn‟t need to


. Generally, fair use of a copyrighted work includes copying it for use in criticism,

comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship or research. Experts draw support from

this concept of „fair use‟ to deal with the problem of copyright over the internet. It

is also argued that in cases where the author of a work has himself provided a

hyperlink leading to his work, he should be regarded as giving the implied authority

or license to download or make copies of his work. In such an eventuality, the issue of

copyright should not arise according to an opinion.

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 3 )

Discuss the role and responsibilities of “Transport layer” in OSI model?

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) or UDP (User Datagram Protocol) operate at this

layer. It has two functions. It converts the data into data packets. Secondly, it is responsible

for flow control of data. TCP is more reliable as it is acknowledgment based as opposed to

UDP which does not use any system of acknowledgment for the delivery of data packets.

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 3 )

Explain the “Separation” stage of customer‟s loyalty to business. Give any 2 reasons of

why a customer may get into this stage. 1+2


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After a period of time those conditions over which a valuable customer relationship is

established might change. Customers might not be any longer satisfied with the product

quality or customer service. On the other hand, a company may also find that a loyal

customer is proving to be very expensive to maintain.

Thus, the parties enter into the separation stage. Note that the objective of any marketing

strategy is to bring the customers quickly to the committed stage and try to hold them

there as long as possible.

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )

What do you perceive by Value Added Network? Explain its advantages too with

reference to EDI. (2+3) Advantages of VAN Two big advantages of using a VAN in EDI are time independence and protocol independence.

Time independence means that the sending and receipt of the interchange or messages

can be carried out at the convenience of the users involved. Thus, they are not required

to be connected with each other at the same time.

Protocol independence means that interchanges are re-enveloped with the transmission

protocol appropriate to the recipient when they are retrieved from the postbox by the

VAN. Thus, a VAN can provide protocol compatibility between the sender and the

recipient, wherever that is missing. Question No: 40 ( Marks: 5 )

What are the four guiding principles to form the basis of any privacy legislation?

Experts have highlighted four guiding principles to form the basis of any privacy

Legislation. These are as follows:

Collected data may be used for improved customer service;

Sharing of personal data with outside firms/persons should not be allowed unless the

customer consents to that;

customers should have the right to receive information about what type of data has been

collected from them and in what manner has it been used;

Customers should have the right to ask for the deletion of any of their data collected by

the company. Question No: 31 ( Marks: 2 )

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What is meant by EDI?


Question No: 32 ( Marks: 2 )

What do we mean by “Affiliation” between two parties? Explain shortly.

An affiliate program is an agreement between two parties that one will pay the other a

commission based on a specified customer action. It is not a strategic union as is partnership. Rather, it is for limited purpose and

time. Banner advertising is the example of an affiliate program.

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )

Write HTML code for two input fields, one for Login Name and other for


Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 )

What term/matters does the concurrent legislative list sets out according to

(ETO) 2002?

In relation to items contained in the Concurrent Legislative List of the Constitution of

the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, for which a Federal law is in force, the Federal

Legislature or Federal Government, and, in all other cases, respective Provincial

Legislature or Provincial Government;

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )

Describe the importance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in current


One major goal of CRM is to establish a long-lasting relationship between a company

and its customers. Good customer services can help in building a sense of loyalty towards

company and its products or services. Experts have pointed out five stages of loyalty as

customer relationships develop over a period of time

1. Awareness

2. Exploration

3. Familiarity

4. Commitment 5. Separation

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )

In ETO, what are functions of Accredited Certification Service Provider?

Accredited Certification Service Provider‟ means a Certification Service Provider

accredited under this Ordinance to issue certificates for the use of its cryptography


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Question No: 37 ( Marks: 3 )

How many legislative list(s) is(are) in Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan at


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It contains two legislative lists at its end, that is, the Federal legislative list and

Concurrent legislative list. The federal legislative list sets out those items/subjects on

which only the federal legislature can make laws such as the subject related to

defense of Pakistan and armed forces etc. On the other hand, matters contained in concurrent legislative list are those on which both the federal and provincial legislature can enact/make laws, such as the subject related

to marriage and divorce etc

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 3 )

Write short note on Packet Filter Firewall?

Packet filter firewall

It uses a set of rules to determine whether outgoing or incoming data packets are allowed to pass through the firewall.

For example, we can, as a rule, specify IP addresses of sending devices such that packets

from these IP addresses are not allowed to enter the network. The Firewall would stop

them from entering. A packet filter firewall is the simplest type of firewalls which

operates at data link and network layers of the OSI model.

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )

Discuss briefly how companies are getting competitive advantage over the other

organizations through differentiation and focus?


Differentiation means that your product/service has certain quality that makes it

more attractive than the one offered by your competitor, despite the price of your

competitor‟s product/service is somewhat lower. For instance, you can beat your

competitors for the reason that the air conditioner produced by your company is unique

as it does not produce noise while in operation, whereas this feature is missing in the air

conditioners produced by your competitors.

Focus Focus strategy is defined as concentration on a single aspect of the market. That

single aspect can be a particular market segment or market area or product type. For

example, if my competitors are focusing on different market areas, I may, on the other

hand, plan that I can be more profitable by concentrating on one particular area. It may

be a particular province or a city etc. where I may have a better distribution channel.

Question No: 40 ( Marks: 5 )

Write a short note on the following Global legal issues (Marks: 2.5+2.5=5)

1. Territorial Jurisdiction

2. Online contracts

Territorial Jurisdiction

There are different forms of jurisdiction. Territorial jurisdiction refers to the

competence of a court to decide a case on the basis of certain geographical area/territory.

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So, if a dispute arises in Karachi, the courts in Karachi would only have territorial

jurisdiction, and the case cannot be filed in Islamabad or Lahore. Ordinarily, territorial

jurisdiction lies where the defendant resides or carries on business or the cause of action


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wholly or partly arisen or the immoveable property is situated (in case the matter relates

to land etc.).

Online contracts In the physical world three elements must be satisfied in order to make a valid

contract, namely, offer, acceptance and consideration. The same three elements must also

be present in case of a valid online contract. An offer is a commitment with certain terms

made to another party such as willingness to buy or sell certain product.

A contract is formed when a party accepts the offer of another party for consideration.

Consideration is the agreed exchange of something valuable for both the parties such as

money, property or services. Question No: 31 ( Marks: 2 )

What is Data Mining?

Data Mining can be defined as the task of discovering interesting patterns from large

amounts of data, where the data can be stored in databases, data warehouses, or other information repositories.

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 2 )

What is the purpose of FRAMESET tag?

Frameset page divides the browser window into a set of frames and defines the size

of each frame. It also specifies which content pages are displayed in which frame. It

has no body section (no body tag). Content pages are just regular HTML pages.

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )

What do we mean by "Free-Trial" promotion technique?


Customers can sign up for a free service. For example, they can be allowed to download software for certain days free of cost on trial basis before buying it.

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 )


Most of the countries have, by now, made laws providing recognition to electronic

documents and electronic signatures. They have basically followed a model law on e-

commerce proposed by a U.N. body called UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on

International Trade Law) in 1996.

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )

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Write precisely about the 4th stage of planning cycle?

In 4th stage of planning cycle, you can conduct surveys, collect information and

receive feedback from different groups of people so that you have solid input from people

coming from a variety of background. Sometimes, you have to entirety give up a

particular strategy you followed and formulate a new strategy or set of strategies in light

of the company‟s main objective or its mission.

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )

Discuss the role and responsibilities of “Transport layer” in OSI model?

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) or UDP (User Datagram Protocol) operate at this

layer. It has two functions. It converts the data into data packets. Secondly, it is

responsible for flow control of data. TCP is more reliable as it is acknowledgment based

as opposed to UDP which does not use any system of acknowledgment for the delivery of

data packets.

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 3 )

How lack of trust barrier can be overcome or minimized? Discuss it briefly

lack of trust barrier can be overcome or minimized through a plan for establishing

credibility of an online business is extremely crucial for its success. In this behalf,

attention to the needs of the site visitors is very important while designing the web site,

since it can be helpful in building trust with customers. For instance, there should be easy

to find web pages that answer questions of the visitors. Note that companies with

established brands can build trust for online business more quickly as compared to a new

company/business without reputation, since a brand conveys expectations about how the

online business would behave

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 3 )

Write the names of companies who were helper in developing Secure Electronic




d Netscape


Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )

Differentiate between Cyber squatting and concurrent use with example.

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Cyber squatting

The act of intentionally registering domain names containing trademarks/trade names

of prominent companies to later blackmail or demand ransom from those companies is

called cyber squatting. Example Assume there is a firm „Glory Enterprise‟ and it wants to have its web site. It also wants to have the word „glory‟ as a part of its domain name because for years it has been

recognized in the physical world through this word. However, at the time of registration

of its domain name it finds that a person Mr. „A‟ who has nothing to do with the business

of the firm or the word „glory‟ has already registered a domain name containing this word

as a part of it. Since there cannot be two similar domain names, the firm is forced to

request Mr. „A‟ to transfer that domain name to it. In response, if Mr. „A‟ blackmails or

claims ransom from the said firm, he would be said to have committed cyber squatting. concurrent use This problem arises when two organizations have apparently legitimate claim to use the same domain name but cannot do so due to the uniqueness of domain names.


Suppose, there is a company manufacturing electronic goods and another company

selling French fries. Under the traditional trade mark law both these companies can have

the same trade mark/trade name such as „frys‟. The problem arises when both apply for

the registration of a domain name containing the word „frys‟. Here, both are legitimate

claimants of this domain name but due to the element of uniqueness of domain names

only one of them can be assigned the desired domain name.

Question No: 40 ( Marks: 5 )

Explain „Confidence‟ and „Support‟ as two measures of Association?

Confidence‟ is a measure of how often the relationship holds true e.g, what percentage of

time did people who bought milk also bought eggs. Mathematically, they can be

expressed as follows if we take the example of eggs and milk: Confidence = Transactions (eggs+milk) Transactions (eggs or

milk or both)

In case no. of transactions involving eggs and milk are 25 and those

involving eggs or milk or both are 75 then confidence is 25/75*100=33.3% Support means what is the percentage of two items occurring together overall.

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Mathematically, they can be expressed as follows if we take the example of eggs and

milk: Support = Transactions (eggs+milk) Total no. of


In case no. of transactions involving eggs and milk are 10 and total no. of

transactions in a day are 50 then support is 10/50*100 = 20% Question No: 31 ( Marks: 2 )

What is Competition between existing players?.

Competition within businesses to get more customers and trade at a price that produces

a satisfactory profit. If there are lots of players of the same size, capacity and strategy

having little difference between their goods, then there is fierce competition among

them as regards the price of the goods.

Question No: 32 (Marks: 2 )

What is the use of CRC in communication over the network?

Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC), help us to confirm integrity of data frames. Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )

What is the Key difference between the B2C and B2B?

B2C stands for Business-to-Consumer and deals between electronic markets to consumer

(end user) directly e.g. Amazon.com, while B2B is Business-to-Business and make

bridge between two or more organization.

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 )

What is meant by online defamation?

A defamatory statement is a false statement that injures the reputation of on another

company. In cases of defamation the appeal taken by the defendant is that his statement is

not false. Rather, it is a „fair comment‟. In case defamation is done using the internet, it is

termed as online defamation

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )

In ETO, what are functions of Accredited Certification Service Provider?

Accredited Certification Service Provider means a Certification Service Provider

accredited under this Ordinance to issue certificates for the use of its cryptography


Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )

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SSL is better than SET. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer.


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Question No: 37 ( Marks: 3 )

What is meant by connectivity media in networking? What are two different options to

connect computers on a network? 1+2

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 3 )

Write down the principles of private legislation?

Following are the principles:

· A private bill should only be passed at the explicit request of the persons who are to

benefit from the legislation.

· Pertinent information regarding a private bill should be made available to all

interested persons.

· All persons or bodies affected by a private bill should be heard and the need for the

bill demonstrated.

· The financial burden of considering a bill for the benefit of private interests should not

be borne solely by the public treasury.

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )

What is cyber squatting and its purpose ?Give its example.

The act of deliberately registering domain names having trademarks of famous companies

to later blackmail or demand payment from those companies is called cyber squatting.

For example; Assume there is a firm „Nassir Enterprise‟ and it wants to have its web site.

It also wants to have the word „Nassir‟ as a part of its domain name because for years it

has been recognized in the market through this word. However, at the time of registration

of its domain name it finds that a person Mr. „A‟ who has nothing to do with the business

of the firm or the word „Nassir‟ has already registered a domain name containing this

word as a part of it. Since there cannot be two similar domain names, the firm is forced to

request Mr. „A‟ to transfer that domain name to it. In response, if Mr. „A‟ blackmails or

claims ransom from the said firm, he would be said to have committed cyber squatting.

Question No: 40 ( Marks: 5 )

How much benefits you can derive from E-banking? Brief shortly each.

Followings are some advantages getting from E-banking:

· Get current account balances at any time

We can check our accounts balances from anywhere of world, no need to go bank.

· Obtain credit card statements

If you want reconcile your statements you can get easily from it.

· Pay utility bills

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Paying bills by credit card give much relief to users, no need of stand in queue for long


· Download account information

Any info you want about your account, get from online bank accounts

· Transfer money between accounts

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Money transferring is not headache, no need of stand in queue for long time.

· Send e-mail to your bank

It‟s no easier to live in contact with your bank.

· Handle your finances from

You can manage finances from it.

Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 )

Name any 3 E-Business models?

1. Storefront Model

2. Auction Model

3. Online Banking

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 )

„Human resources‟ is one of the areas in a strategic business unit according to Michael Porter. List what kind of activities is performed in this area?

„Human resources‟ refer to the activities that coordinate management of employees, e.g, recruiting, hiring, compensation and benefits etc.

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )

What do we mean by the anonymity in E-Cash Payment system?

Anonymity in e-cash system means that the identity of the client/buyer is not disclosed.

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 )

Do you agree that Customization is one of the role of e-commerce in Competitive Strategy.

Discuss briefly


With the help of EC, customer data can be gathered and analyzing it customers can be

served in a better manner according to their needs. One can, thus, implement

differentiation and focus strategy.

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )

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What is(are) global issue(s) of Internet Taxation in E-commerce? Give precise answer.

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Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )

Explain the “Separation” stage of customer‟s loyalty to business. Give any 2 reasons of

why a customer may get into this stage. 1+2

After a period of time those conditions over which a valuable customer relationship is

established might change. Customers might not be any longer satisfied with the

product quality or customer service. On the other hand, a company may also find

that a loyal customer is proving to be very expensive to maintain. Thus, the parties enter

into the separation stage.

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 3 )

What is e-business storefront model?

Storefront Model

It represents basic form of e-commerce where buyers and sellers interact directly.

Merchants need to organize online catalog of products, take orders through their websites,

accept payments in a secure environment and send items to the customers. They can also

store and manage customer data in databases. A storefront model uses the shopping cart

technology which allows customers to accumulate items they want to buy during

shopping. This is quite popular in B2C transactions.

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 )

Differentiate Electronic signature vs paper based signature Paper signature less reliable than electronic signature, because electronic signature is not

ordinarily possible to copy but it is possible in case of paper signatures. Digital or electronic

signatures enable the replacement of slow and expensive paper-based approval processes

with fast, low-cost, and fully digital ones.

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )

What do you perceive by Value Added Network? Explain its advantages too with reference to EDI. (2+3)

Advantages of

VAN Two big advantages of using a VAN in EDI are time independence and protocol

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independence. Time independence means that the sending and receipt of the interchange

or messages can be carried out at the convenience of the users involved. Thus, they

are not required to be connected with each other at the same time. Protocol

independence means that interchanges are re-enveloped with the transmission protocol

appropriate to the recipient when they are retrieved from the postbox by the VAN.

Thus, a VAN can provide protocol compatibility between the sender and the recipient,

wherever that is missing.

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Question No: 40 ( Marks: 10 )

Take a product or service and implement the Micheal Porter‟ model of value chain with respect to its primary and secondary activities.

In 1985 Michael Porter gave the idea of value chains in his famous book

“Competitive advantage”. A value chain is a way of organizing activities that each

strategic business unit undertakes to design, produce, promote, market, deliver and

support the products or services it sells.

(primary and secondary )

„Identify customers‟ refer to those activities which try to find new customers and

ways to serve better to the existing ones, e.g, surveys and market research; „Design‟ activities take a product form concept stage to manufacturing stage. They include concept research, engineering, drawings preparation, test marketing etc.

„Purchase materials and supplies‟ activities relate to procurement of material, vendor

selection/qualification, negotiating supply contracts, monitoring quality and timely

delivery etc. „Manufacture product or create service‟ activities relate to transformation of materials and labor into finished products, e.g, fabricating, assembling, packaging etc.

„Market and sell‟ activities give buyers a way to purchase and provide inducement for

them to do so, e.g, advertising, promotions, managing salespersons, monitoring

distribution channel, pricing etc. „ Deliver‟ activities relate to storage, distribution and shipment of final product, e.g, warehousing, selecting shippers, material handling, timely delivery to customers etc.

„Provide after sales service and support‟ refer to those activities that aim at

promoting a continuing relationship with customers, e.g, installing, testing, repairing,

maintaining a product, fulfilling warranties etc. Note that left to right flow does not mean a strict time sequence for these activities. For example, marketing activity can take place before purchasing materials.

Importance of each primary activity depends on the product/service and the type of

customers. For example, for certain type of businesses/products manufacturing activities are more

critical and for others marketing activities may be more important. Support activities provide infrastructure for a business unit‟s primary activities as indicated in Fig. 1 above. Following are the support activities:

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„Finance and administration‟ activities relate to accounting, paying bills, borrowing

funds and complying with government regulations etc. „Human resources‟ refer to the activities that coordinate management of employees, e.g, recruiting, hiring, compensation and benefits etc.

„Technology development‟ relates to activities which help improve product/service

that a business is selling and also help improve processes in every primary activity, e.g,

fields tests, maintenance of procedures, process improvement studies etc.

Question No: 41 ( Marks: 10 )

What are the advantages and disadvantages of offline and online catalogues? 5+5 Online or electronic catalogs Advantages

Easy to update product information Able to integrate with the purchasing process Good search and comparison capabilities Able to provide timely, up-to-date product information Can provide broad range of product

information Possibility of adding voice and

motion pictures Cost savings

Easy to customize Disadvantages Difficult to develop catalogues Large fixed cost if used for small no. of products Need for customer skill to deal with computers and browsers

Question No: 31 ( Marks: 2 )

List and explain the name of protocol used at "Network" layer of OSI model?

Network layer

It is responsible for providing IP addresses on data packets using IP protocol. Routing

Information Protocol (RIP) also operates here which enables routers to build their

routing table. Another protocol, Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is also designed to

operate at network layer.

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 2 )

What do we mean by “Affiliation” between two parties? Explain shortly.

Affiliate Programs

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An affiliate program is an agreement between two parties that one will pay the other a commission based on a specified customer action. It is not a strategic union as is

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partnership. Rather, it is for limited purpose and time. Banner advertising is the example

of an affiliate program.

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )

Do you agree that Customization is one of the role of e-commerce in Competitive

Strategy. Discuss briefly


With the help of EC, customer data can be gathered and analyzing it customers can be

served in a better manner according to their needs. One can, thus, implement

differentiation and focus strategy.

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 )

Write down the hierarchy of courts with reference to the global legal issues of e-


Supreme court High


District/session court

Civil court s/courts of magistrates

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )

How Technology development is supporting activities in value Chain.

„Technology development‟ relates to activities which help improve product/service

that a business is selling and also help improve processes in every primary activity, e.g,

fields tests, maintenance of procedures, process improvement studies etc.

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )

What is e-business storefront model?

Storefront Model

It represents basic form of e-commerce where buyers and sellers interact directly.

Merchants need to organize online catalog of products, take orders through their websites,

accept payments in a secure environment and send items to the customers. They can also

store and manage customer data in databases. A storefront model uses the shopping cart

technology which allows customers to accumulate items they want to buy during shopping.

This is quite popular in B2C transactions.

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Question No: 37 ( Marks: 3 )

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What are three different modes of transmission? Shortly explain each.

Three modes of communication are simplex, half-duplex and full-duplex. Simplex

means communication in one direction only. Half-duplex means communication in two

directions but one party can send data at a time.

Full-duplex means communication in two directions while both parties are able to send

data simultaneously. It also places special checkpoints on data packets to trace any lost packets

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 3 )

What type of issues civil and criminal laws deals with?

Civil law deals with the private rights of the parties, whereas the object of criminal law

is to punish the wrong-doer

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )

What is supply chain management? Write down advantages and disadvantage of using

internet technologies in Supply chain.

The process of taking active role in working with suppliers to improve products

and processes is called supply chain management

Internet technologies and supply


Internet is a very quick and effective tool of communication. On the other hand,

communication is also a very critical element in supply chain management. Using

internet technology: Suppliers can share any information about changes in the customer

demand; Suppliers can have immediate notice of any changes in product

design; Drawings/specifications of a product can be quickly provided to the suppliers and vice versa

; Processing speed of a transaction can be increased; Cost of handling a transaction can be

reduced; Chances of errors in entering transaction data are reduced; Probably, the only disadvantage of using internet technology in a supply chain is that

sometimes it may prove to be costly. However, in ultimate analysis, the advantages

override the cost factor.

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With the help of supply chain management software, one can not only manage the

internal processes but also processes of other members of the supply chain.

Therefore, it can be predicted that when and how much of certain product would need to

be produced.

Question No: 40 ( Marks: 5 )

Under Section 25, each certification service provider shall prepare a Certification Practice

Statement (CPS).

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What you understand by CPS?

Under Section 25, each certification service provider shall prepare a Certification

Practice Statement (CPS) as prescribed by the regulations of the Certification Council.

CPS would be a policy document of the certification service provider, which would be

filed along with the application for grant of accreditation certificate. A copy of the

certification practice statement shall be maintained at the office of the Certification

Council and shall be open to public inspection. Subject to any regulations made by the

Council, a CPS would normally include information for persons adversely affected by a

wrong/false certificate, the extent of liability, policy about suspension or revocation of

certificates etc.

2009 papers subjective

Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 )

What should be the length range in bits of a message digest? A message digest is a single large number typically between 128 to 256 bits in length.

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 )

Just write down the name of Elements of Branding?


Relevance Perceived


Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )

What is civsil law? Give precise answer. Civil law deals with the private rights of the parties, whereas the object of criminal law is

to punish the wrong-doer. Civil wrongs such as breach of contract are deemed to violate

only the rights of individuals and not the society in general.

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Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 )

What do we mean by “Affiliation” between two parties? Explain shortly.

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Affiliation: Generally, affiliation exists when one business controls or has the power to

control another or when a third party (or parties) controls or has the power to control both

businesses. Control may arise through ownership, management, or other relationships or

interactions between the parties.Merger us an example of afiliation.

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )

What is concept of “fair use” in copyright law?

There is a concept of „fair use‟ or „fair dealing‟ in copyright law that provides legitimate

exceptions to copyright violation. Generally, fair use of a copyrighted work includes

copying it for use in criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship or

research. Experts draw support from this concept of „fair use‟ to deal with the problem of

copyright over the internet. It is also argued that in cases where the author of a work has

himself provided a hyperlink leading to his work, he should be regarded as giving

the implied authority or license to download or make copies of his work. In such an

eventuality, the issue of copyright should not arise according to an opinion.

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )

Digital signatures are considered more reliable than paper signatures. Do you agree

with this statement? Briefly justify your answer. 1+2

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 3 )

What is ERP? Briefly explain its use in an organization? (1 + 2)

ERP is an approach that attempts to integrate all departments and functions across a

company onto a single computer system that can serve all those different departments'

particular needs. For example, finance, manufacturing and the warehouse department of a

company may have their own software to perform tasks specific to each one of them.

However, each software can be linked together so that a customer service representative

can see the credit rating of a customer from finance module, warehouse information from

warehouse module, and shipment information from the shipment module. SAP is an

example of ERP software. ERP is complex. It is not intended for public consumption as

proper integration of ERP with ecommerce applications is still a major problem.

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 )

What do you perceive by Value Added Network? Explain its advantages too with

reference to EDI. (2+3) Value added networks are third party networks that provide services to execute

authorized transactions with valid trading partners using EDI. Each VAN has a

centralized computer system that maintains two files for each user, that is,

Postbox: where outgoing messages are placed, and

Mailbox: where incoming messages can be picked up.

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Two big advantages of using a VAN in EDI are time independence and protocol

independence. Time independence means that the sending and receipt of the interchange

or messages can be carried out at the convenience of the users involved. Thus, they are

not required to be connected with each other at the same time. Protocol independence

means that interchanges are re-enveloped with the transmission protocol appropriate to

the recipient when they are retrieved from the postbox by the VAN. Thus, a VAN can

provide protocol compatibility between the sender and the recipient, wherever that is


Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )

What is ACH? What is its role in Virtual PIN system? 2+3

ACH stands for Automated Clearing House.A house through which the bank of payee

clears the check with the help of traditional automated clearing house.

Role of ACH in Virtual PIN System:

A deposit request encrypted with bank‟s public key accompanies the payment

information. E-cash bank maintains a database of spent coins. On receipt it checks

whether the coin is valid and whether it has already been spent or not (to prevent double

spending) by referring to its database. If the coins are valid the bank credits the

merchant‟s account. Thus, if the client has sent valid coins worth $10 for payment to the

merchant, and the merchant already has $90 in his account then an amount of $ 10 would

be added in his account making it $ 100. Later, the merchant can request the e-cash bank

to transfer this amount in his account with the acquirer bank. This can be done through

ACH and the merchant can physically withdraw the money form the acquirer bank.

Question No: 40 ( Marks: 10 )

What is data warehousing? What are its main tasks? What is its importance for an

organization? The primary concept behind data warehousing is that the data stored for business analysis

can most effectively be accessed by separating it from the data in the operational systems.

A data warehouse, therefore, is a collection of data gathered from one or more data

repositories to create a new, central database. For example a hospital may create a data

warehouse by extracting the operational data it has accumulated concerning patient

information, lab results, drug use, length of stay, disease state, etc,. Data Warehousing is

not just the data in the warehouse, but also the architecture and tools to collect, query,

analyze and present information.

Question No: 41 ( Marks: 10 )

Precisely explain the steps of “Knowledge discovery from database” in order of

their occurrence. Answer: Knowledge discovery process include Data cleaning, Data selection, Data

transformation, Data Mining, Data integration, Pattern evaluation & knowledge

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Explaination of each step: 1-Data


Data cleaning means that missing values should be provided in different fields/columns

wherever needed and any impossible or erroneous values should be substituted by

correct/reasonable ones. For example if the age of a person is typed as

1000 years in the column „age‟ then an average age value can be put in its place.

2- Data selection Where there are quite a few erroneous or missing values in a row, then that row can be

discarded/deleted altogether. This process is called data selection.

3- Data transformation

In data transformation, the data from all different sources is converted into the

same format. For example, date typed under a column should be in the same format in the

entire data collected through different sources.

4- Data integration

In data integration, data from all the sources is assembled or integrated into one

and housed in the data warehouse.

5- Data Mining

Now, this cleaned, transformed, selected and integrated data is fed to the

data mining tool from a data warehouse for data mining purpose.

6- Pattern evaluation & knowledge presentation The results/ patterns are evaluated by managers and useful knowledge is thus gained.

Note that almost 80% of the total time used in a knowledge discovery process is spent on

just making the data fit for mining, that is, data cleaning, data transformation,

data selection etc. Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 )

What is stand for WIPO?

World Intellectual Property Organization

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 )

Name any 3 E-Business models? 1-

Storfront Model

2- Auction Model

3-Onlien Banking

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )

What is the basic purpose of using hash function in communication?

A hash function is applied on the message to get the message digest.

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 )

What is Competition between existing players ?.

If there are many players having same size and stretagy but having different qualities in

product and services. Then there is true competition between them regarding price of that

product or service.

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Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )

On what basis, generally the protection under “fair use” may be sought? Doesn‟t need to


Nature of use:The work should be used only for non profitable and for education

purposes. Nature Of Work:The copied work is effectively covered under fair use as

compaird to that of some new or creative work

Extent of the work copied:The extent of work to be copied under fair use shouold be small

so that court take some favourable steps to accussed.

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )

In Virtual PIN Payment system, merchant side is less secure than buyer side. Do you

agree with this statement? Justify your answer.


Yes , I am agree with this statement that marchant side is less secure than buyer side

because marchant send the product before payment.So there is threat of non payment

from buyer side.

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 3 )

What are the disadvantages of Data Mining? (1+1+1)

Privacy Issues

Security issues

Maintanence Problem

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 )

Describe the advantages of E-Business in detail.

Personalized service:

product , place , promotion and price are the 4 P`s of marketing mix. Now

Personalization is the 5th P introduced in E-Business.The bahavioural information about

customers can be added in data base and then can be utilized to by teh E-Commerce sites

to analyze the needs of taht particular customer.So, in this way personalized service can

be provided to customer.

High-quality customer service

With the help of feed back of potential customers online businesses can improve the

quality of their products according to the needs and demands of thier customers.So it will

improve the customer services of E-Buiseness.

No inventory cost

In case of E-Business we dont need to have any physical place to start business. In this way

it reduces overheads and invemtory costs.An onilne busines can take orders from

customers with out bearing teh inventory cost like offline traditional businesses.

Worldwide reach of your business:

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In E-Busines there is a chance to extend your business thruoghout the world. So, global

reach is possible in E-Business.

Electronic catalogues

Electronic catalogue is used in online busines have many adbvantages over paper


Bulk transactions

Due to no limitations on collecting , carrying and packaging goods we can order bulk

transactions during even one visit at online shops.

Improved supply chain management

suppliers and manufacturer are the active members of supply chain members. They are

effective addition in E-Business.

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )

Elaborate the importance of OLAP in decision making support for an organization.

OLAP makes use of baksground knowledge regarding the domain of the data being

studied .It is different from data mining as it does not provide patterns for any predictions.It allows the data being studied to present at different level of

abstraction.Informartion stored in the data base can be viewed and reviewed

conveniently in any formate .In case of OLAP at different levels facilitate managers and

decision makers in making decisions.OlAP uses different tools namely, drill down , roll

up and and slice and dice etc.By using drill down we can further dig into the data for

recieving more information whcih is specific.Roll up works opposite to the drill down ,

It is used to sum up the information in a particular dimention to show the results.

Question No: 40 ( Marks: 10 )

What is Porter‟s 5 forces model ? Discuss briefly 5 forces with its purpose.

Porter`s models helps a firm to identify threats to its sompetitive position.and to devide

plans accordingly which includes uses of IT and E commerce to protect or enhance his

competitive position .

Following are the 2 forces models of porter.

1- Threats of new potentian entrants to the sector

This threats relates to the opportunity that how easily a company having different

products and services can enter into the a given trade sector.How effeciently it remove teh barriers liek IT, Capital and skills.For example to start online banking

you need not to

2- Threats of substitute product or service in existingtrade 3-

Bragaining power of the buyers 4- Bargaining power of the suppliers

5- Competition between existing players

Question No: 41 ( Marks: 10 )

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of offline and online catalogues?


Online catalogues vs. Paper catalogues Paper



Easy to create a catalog without high technology

Reader is able to look at the catalog without computer system More

portable than electronic catalog


Difficult to update changes in the product information Only

limited number of products can be displayed Online or

electronic catalogs


Easy to update product information

Able to integrate with the purchasing process

Good search and comparison capabilities Able to provide timely, up-to-date product information

Can provide broad range of product information

Possibility of adding voice and motion pictures Cost


Easy to customize

Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 )

What is a basic purpose of payment gateway in SET transactions? Explain shortly.

Answer: The role of payment gateway is to connect entities on the internet with those which are

not on the internet such as the electronic network of banks.Payment gateway provides the

security of data transmission to/from the acquirer bank..

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 )

„Provide after sales service and support‟ is one of the areas in a strategic business unit

according to Michael Porter. List what kind of activities is performed in this area?


1-Installing 2-



4-Maintaining a product

5-Fulfilling 6-


Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )

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What do we mean by “Affiliation” between two parties? Explain shortly.


Generally, affiliation exists when one business controls or has the power to

control another or when a third party (or parties) controls or has the power to control both

businesses. Control may arise through ownership, management, or other relationships or

interactions between the parties.Merger us an example of afiliation.

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 )

Discuss briefly how a software developer who releases annual updates of his software

can reduce the price of his product and increase sales revenue in an E- Commerce


Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 ) Under Section 21 of the ETO, the funds of the Certification Council shall comprise of:?

Answer:Under Section 20:

Grants from the Federal Government;

Fee for grant and renewal of accreditation certificate; and

Fee, not exceeding ten Rupees, for every certificate deposited in the repository; fines.”

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )

What is business promotion? Briefly explain any two methods of business promotion.


Answer: E- business promotions can attract visitors to your site and induce them to purchase.

Promotional messages can be sent both online and offline.


Discount advertisements through magazines, newspapers, web sites etc. can attract new

and repeat customers.


Online coupons are placed on certain popular sites to attract customers for online

shopping. They can use these coupons for shopping through specific web sites.

Question No: 37 (Marks: 3 )

How does the client purchase from merchant using E-Cash Payment system? Show

the payment request format.

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 )

Explain the advantages of E-business regarding today‟s scenario.

Cost Effective Marketing and Promotions: Using the web to market products guarantees

worldwide reach at a nominal price. Advertising techniques like pay per click

advertising ensure that the advertiser only pays for the advertisements that are actually


Developing a Competitive Strategy: Firms need to have a competitive strategy in order to

ensure a competitive advantage. Without an effective strategy, they will find it

impossible to maintain the advantage and earn profits. The strategy, that the firms can

pursue, can be a be a cost strategy or a differentiation strategy

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Better Customer Service: E-Business has resulted in improved customer service. Many a

times, on visiting a website, the customer is greeted by a pop-up chat window. Readily

available customer service may help in encouraging the customer to know more about the

product or service. Moreover, payments can be made online, products can be shipped to

the customer without the customer having to leave the house.

Bulk transactions

One can do bulk transactions during one visit to an e-shop, since there is no limitation of

collecting, packaging or carrying goods in contrast to shopping from a traditional offline


Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )

Elaborate the importance of OLAP in decision making support for an organization.

Answer: Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) uses knowledge for the purpose of

presenting data at different levels of abstraction. It is different from data mining as it does

not help in making predictions. But data can be viewed and reviewed in many different

ways for decision making purpose. The result is showed in form of a data cube.

Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 )

What stands for CRM?

CRM stands for costumer relationship management.

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 )

What are the three attacks on symmetric key algorithms? Write names only.

1. Key Search Attacks

2. Cryptanalysis

3. System-based Attacks

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )


Online banking provides services to the customers through internet including services of

electronic funds transfer.

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 )

Define these two terms plaintiff and defendant?

The person who files a lawsuit are called plaintiff. And the person against whom it is

filed is called defendant.

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Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )

How lack of trust barrier can be overcome or minimized? Discuss it briefly

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Online companies must establish a trust relationship with its costumers, because as we

know that there is a gap that we feel that web based companies are not present in

physical. There for web businesses the trust must be present between costumer and


Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )

What do we mean by internet-based EDI? Briefly explain how could it be used as substitute of VAN? (1 + 2)

Internet can support EDI in a variety of ways. Internet e-mail can be used as EDI

message transport mechanism in place of having a VAN. An extranet can be created with

the trading partner allowing a partner to enter information in the fields of web forms

which correspond to the fields of EDI message. Also, web-based EDI hosting service can

be utilized through web-based EDI software.

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 3 )

Briefly explain how does the bank check validity of e-coins when merchant sends them for deposit?

Coins used in the payment are encrypted with bank‟s public key, preventing the merchant

to view them. Payment information is forwarded to the bank with encrypted coins during

merchant‟s deposit. Only hash of the order description is included in payment

information preventing the bank from knowing the order details.

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 )

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of Virtual PIN.(2.5+2.5) Advantages and disadvantages of Virtual PIN:

Simplicity and no encryption is the biggest advantage of this payment system, which

means that no special software is needed at the frond end. This payment system is good

for low-cost information items. Therefore, it is suitable for buying online articles,

journals, music. Where the cost of the items is not much. In that eventuality, only sales

are lost rather than actual financial loss to the merchant if there is a fraud. In other words,

only some extra copies of the information items are made in case of a fraud. On the other

hand merchant is exposed too much greater financial loss if the purchase relates to the

actual physical goods. One of the disadvantages of this payment model is that pre-

registration of the buyer and the merchant with FV is mandatory in this set up. Moreover,

maintaining a bank account (in case of merchant) and having a credit card (in case of a

buyer) is also essential part of this system. One can say that the merchant side is less

secured in the transaction because the goods are delivered by the merchant before the

payment is actually received. The popularity of this payment system declined after 1998

mainly because of the introduction and development of encryption based payment


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Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )

Differentiate between Cyber squatting and concurrent use with example.

Cyber squatting:

The act of intentionally registering domain names containing trademarks/trade names of

prominent companies to later blackmail or demand ransom from those companies is

called cyber squatting. It is regarded as an offence in most countries. Assume there is a

firm „Glory Enterprise‟ and it wants to have its web site. It also wants to have the word

„glory‟ as a part of its domain name because for years it has been recognized in the

physical world through this word. However, at the time of registration of its domain name

it finds that a person Mr. „A‟ who has nothing to do with the business of the firm or the

word „glory‟ has already registered a domain name containing this word as a part of it.

Since there cannot be two similar domain names, the firm is forced to request Mr. „A‟ to

transfer that domain name to it. In response, if Mr. „A‟ blackmails or claims ransom from

the said firm, he would be said to have committed cyber squatting.

Concurrent use:

This problem arises when two organizations have apparently legitimate claim to use the

same domain name but cannot do so due to the uniqueness of domain names. Suppose,

there is a company manufacturing electronic goods and another company selling French

fries. Under the traditional trade mark law both these companies can have the same trade

mark/trade name such as „fry‟s‟. The problem arises when both apply for the registration

of a domain name containing the word „fry‟s‟. Here, both are legitimate claimants of this

domain name but due to the element of uniqueness of domain names only one of them

can be assigned the desired domain name.

Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 )

Does Virtual PIN system involve the use of encryption?

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 )

What was the reason of decline in popularity of Virtual PIN Payment system? Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 ) What is the purpose of SETCo?

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 )

What does mean by Integrity?

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Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )

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What will be the role of e-commerce in Competitive strategy, in term of Customization?

Give precise answer.

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )

What do you know about interactive advertisement? Briefly explain. Interactive advertising uses online or offline interactive media to communicate with

consumers and to promote products, brands, services, and public service announcements,

corporate or political groups. Interactive Advertising as the "paid and unpaid presentation

and promotion of products, services and ideas by an identified sponsor through mediated

means involving mutual action between consumers and producers." This is most

commonly performed through the Internet as a medium.

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 3 )

What is e-business storefront model?

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 ) Under Section 25, each certification service provider shall prepare a Certification Practice Statement (CPS).

What you understand by CPS?

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )

What do we mean by e-coin? Explain its elements on which it consists. 2+3



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Paper #1:

Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 )

What is FVIPSS?

First Virtual. Internet Payment System Server (FVIPSS) FVIPSS or simply FV server

sends email to the buyer if the goods were satisfactory


Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 )

Identify behavioral modes of the customers on the web?

Three identified behavioral modes of the customers on the web are:

Browsers – customers who just browse through the site with no intention of buying

Buyers – customers who are ready to buy right away Shoppers – customers who are motivated to buy but want more information


Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )

Briefly describe analytical attack on public key algorithms.

Analytical Attacks

Such attacks use some fundamental flaw in the mathematical problem on which the

encryption system itself is based so as to break the encryption. (page#109)

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 )

What is the Section 4 of the ETO ?

Section 4 of the ETO provides: “The requirement under any law for any document, record, information, communication

or transaction to be in written form shall be deemed satisfied where the document, record,

information, communication or transaction is in electronic form, if the same is accessible

so as to be usable for subsequent reference”. (page#164)

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Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )

Write precisely about the 4th stage of planning cycle?

Strategy assessment Results of implementation plan are monitored and assessed so that any corrective

measures or expansion plan can take place. Basically, you want to assess whether your

strategy has delivered what it was supposed to deliver; whether your strategy is still

viable/workable in the ever changing environment. In strategy assessment phase, you can

learn from your mistakes and do your future planning. In case your EC project has been a

failure, you can identity the problems and try to remove them. Some of the corrective

measures can be to property train your web team, establish or review your security or

privacy policy, review or reassess your web design content, reconsider your marketing

plan etc. For the strategy assessment, you can conduct surveys, collect information and

receive feedback from different groups of people so that you have solid input from people

coming from a variety of background. Sometimes, you have to entirety give up a

particular strategy you followed and formulate a new strategy or set of strategies in light

of the company‟s main objective or its mission. (page#160)

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )

What is business promotion? Briefly explain any two methods of business promotion.



E-business promotions can attract visitors to your site and induce them to purchase.

Promotional messages can be sent both online and offline. Some popular promotional

methods are as under:

Frequent-flyer miles

The online business has a contract with an airline such that the customer of the business

earns specific miles from the airline free of charge if he purchases from the online

business items up to a certain value.

Point-based rewards

On the performance of a pre-specified action, customers can be entitled to point-based

rewards – t-shirts, mugs etc. with the company‟s logo etc. (Page#133)

Question No: 37 (Marks: 3)

How does the client purchase from merchant using E-Cash Payment system? Show the

payment request format.

Making the Payment

Coins used in the payment are encrypted with bank‟s public key, preventing the merchant

to view them. Payment information is forwarded to the bank with encrypted coins during

merchant‟s deposit. Only hash of the order description is included in payment

information preventing the bank from knowing the order details. (page#118)

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Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 )

Differentiate Electronic signature vs paper based signature

“„Electronic Signature‟ means any letters, numbers, symbols, images, characters or any

combination thereof in electronic form, applied to, incorporated in or associated with an

electronic document, with the intention of authenticating or approving the same, in order

to establish authenticity or integrity, or both”. (page#163)

Note that a digital or electronic signature is believed to be more reliable as compared to

paper signatures because it is not ordinarily possible to copy or forge an electronic/digital

signature. But, that is very much possible in case of paper signatures (page#106) Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )

Which stage of planning cycle Identify steps needed to put the strategy into action?

Explain this stage briefly with the help of example

Implementation In the implementation stage, you build a plan to identify steps needed to put the strategy

into action and practically take those steps. For example, where your strategy is to pursue

differentiation in terms of quality of service by using/arranging a web-based call centre

through which the customers can immediately register their complaints; then you will

have to select appropriate individuals who are suitable for the job in the implementation

stage (page#160) Question No: 40 ( Marks: 10 )

How can you define E-business Public Relation? Elaborate different modes to disseminate information for E-business public relations.

E-business Public Relations

Public Relations (PR) keeps the customers and employees of a business current or

updated as regards information about products, services and internal and external issues

such as any promotional activities, new products, customer reactions etc. Following

different modes can be used to disseminate information:

Press releases


Special events – seminars, video conferencing etc E-


Chat sessions

Bulletin board – people can post comments Presentations/exhibitions (page#135)

Question No: 41 ( Marks: 10

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Explain briefly the following two types of Data Mining, with examples: (5+5)

a. Characterization (4+1 example)


It is discovering interesting concepts in concise and succinct terms at generalized levels

for examining the general behavior of the data. For example, in a database of graduate

students of a university the students of different nationalities can be enrolled in different

departments such as music history, physics etc. We can apply characterization technique

to find a generalized concept/answer in response to the question that how many students

of a particular country are studying science or arts (page#144)

b. Clustering (4+1 example)


A cluster is a group of data objects that are similar to another within the same cluster and

are dissimilar to the objects in other clusters. For example, clusters of distinct group of

customers, categories of emails in a mailing list database, different categories of web

usage from log files etc. It serves as a preprocessing step for other algorithms such as

classification and characterization. K-means algorithm is normally used in clustering



Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 )

What is Quantum computing?

Quantum computing is the branch of computer science that deals with the development of cryptographic algorithms. It can also be used to find flaws in the cryptographic

system/algorithms and to launch attacks. (page#109)

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 )

what are the three attacks on symmetric key algorithms?

Attacks on Symmetric Key Algorithms

Following attacks have been reported on symmetric key algorithms:

Key Search Attacks

Cryptanalysis System-based Attacks (page#108)

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )

What do we mean by the anonymity in E-Cash Payment system?

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Anonymity of the buyer is the key feature of this system. There are three participants in

it, namely, buyer, merchant and bank. Both, symmetric and asymmetric type of

cryptography is used in this system. (page#116)

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 )

Define these two terms plaintiff and defendant?

Note that the person who files a lawsuit is called plaintiff and the person against whom it

is filed is called defendant (page#177)

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )

What is E-business? Differentiate it with E-Commerce with the help of real life


An e-business is defined as a company/entity that has an online presence. E-businesses

that have the ability to sell, trade, barter or transact over the web can be considered as e-

commerce businesses. An e-business model is defined by a company‟s policy, operations,

technology and ideology. (page#125)

E-commerce is a combination of three different areas of study, namely, technology,

business and law/policy. We have studied the technology and business side of e-

commerce to a reasonably good extent. (page#161) Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )

Identify the upstream activities in supply chain of a milk processing?

Upstream activities relate to materials/services or the input from suppliers Fig. 1 below

shows a simple example of supply chain of a milk processing unit. Note that milkmen

supply milk to the processing facility. The processing business has ordered a corrugate

paper company to supply boxes/paperboard for packaging. The paper company receives

its raw material from a lumber company for manufacturing boxes. The lumber company

also supplies paper to label printing business for making/printing paper labels. These are

upstream activities. The boxes and labels should be available to the processing business

at the packaging stage. The milk processing unit processes the milk, packages it in boxes

and attaches labels to them. These are internal activities. The packaged milk is sent to

distributors who distribute the same at different stores from where customers purchase.

These are downstream activities. (page#155)

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 3 )

Briefly elaborate the concept of Perceived Value as an element of branding?

Perceived value

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A product/service may be different and relevant (customers can see them using it), still

they would not buy unless they find some perceived value in it. For example, a restaurant

may be selling a unique dish that relates/associates itself to the taste of majority of

people; still they may not be inclined to buy it because of certain negative associations,

such as its high fat content. (page#139)

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 )

What is branding? What elements should be considered to create and maintain a

successful brand?


A brand refers to an emotional shortcut between a company and its customers. You can

say that it is the trade name/symbol that reminds customers about the reputation of a

company regarding its products or services.

Elements of Branding

Researchers have identified three elements of branding, that is, Differentiation Relevance Perceived Value (page#138)

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )

How industry value chain proceeds on? Explain with the help any real life example.

Industry value chains

It is useful to examine where a strategic business unit fits within its industry. Porter uses

the term value system to describe larger stream of activities into which a business unit‟s

value chain is embedded. Different strategic business units are associated, each having its

value chain, to form industry value chain. By understanding how other business units in

industry value chain conduct their activities, mangers can identify new opportunities for

cost reduction and product improvement. (page#153)


Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 )

What stands for CRM?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) (page#92)

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 )

Identify customers is one of the areas in a strategic business unit according to Michael

Porter. List what kind of activities is performed in this area?

A strategic business unit is a combination of a particular product, distribution channel and

customer type. In 1985 Michael Porter gave the idea of value chains in his famous book

“Competitive advantage”. A value chain is a way of organizing activities that each

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strategic business unit undertakes to design, produce, promote, market, deliver and

support the products or services it sells.

Primary and Support activities

Porter identified that there are some primary activities as well as certain supporting

activities in a strategic business unit. Following is the example of value chain for a

strategic business unit (page#152)

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )

What are data warehousing main tasks?

A data warehouse is a repository for long-term storage of data from multiple sources,

organized so as to facilitate the management for decision making. (page#140)

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 )

What do you know about promotion by "Coupons"?


Online coupons are placed on certain popular sites to attract customers for online

shopping. They can use these coupons for shopping through specific web sites.


Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )

What do you know about interactive advertisement? Briefly explain.

Interactive Advertising

It uses a combination of rich media (such as audio, video, animations) and traditional

forms (such as print, TV or radio ads) in order to involve customers in advertising

process to increase brand recognition (page#135)

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 ) What

is e-business storefront model?

Storefront Model

It represents basic form of e-commerce where buyers and sellers interact directly.

Merchants need to organize online catalog of products, take orders through their

websites, accept payments in a secure environment and send items to the customers. They

can also store and manage customer data in databases. A storefront model uses the

shopping cart technology which allows customers to accumulate items they want to buy

during shopping. This is quite popular in B2C transactions. (page#128)

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 3 )

How lack of trust barrier can be overcome or minimized? Discuss it briefly

It is very important for online businesses to establish trusting relationships with their

customers like in the physical world where companies ensure that customers know who

they are. However, it is difficult to build trust because a kind of anonymity exists for

companies trying to establish web presence. (page#161)

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Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 )

Describe the role of E-commerce in competitive strategies.

Competitive Strategy

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Ability of an organization to prosper arises from its competitive advantage over other

organizations operating within its market sector. The strategy of a business to achieve this

goal of competitive advantage is known as competitive strategy. Three basic strategies

for competitive advantage are as under:

Cost leadership


Focus (page#157)

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )

What is the importance of hash function and how it is applied on Message digest?(3+2)

There are two terms that you should note here – hash function and message digest. Hash

function is a oneway mathematical function applied to a message. Result of the hash

function is unique to each message called Message Digest. A message digest is a single

large number typically between 128 to 256 bits in length. Thus, we can have up to 2256

different messages each having a unique message digest associated with it. This

gives rise to almost an incalculable figure. We can safely assume that each different

message that can possibly be typed would have a unique message digest on applying a

hash function. A hash function is said to be one way because we cannot go back to the

original text on applying the hash function to a message digest. Basically, the concept of

hash function and message digest is used to confirm the integrity of a message.



Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) Name

any 3 E-Business models? Storefront

Model Auction Model Online Banking Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 )

What is the condition of contract to be formed?

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )

Briefly describe analytical attack on public key algorithms.

Analytical Attacks

Such attacks use some fundamental flaw in the mathematical problem on which the

encryption system itself is based so as to break the encryption Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 )

Do you agree that Customization is one of the role of e-commerce in Competitive Strategy.

Discuss briefly


With the help of EC, customer data can be gathered and analyzing it customers can be

served in a better manner according to their needs. One can, thus, implement differentiation

and focus strategy.(page#157)

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )

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How the coin is minted by E-Cash bank?

Minting of the coin

A long serial no. is randomly generated by the client‟s Cyber wallet in order to mint a

coin. This serial no. is blinded, which means that it is multiplied with a blinding factor

“r” and sent to the e-cash bank for signatures. Thus, the e-cash bank cannot see the serial

no. it is signing. Key version (corresponding public key of the bank) is also part of the

coin, and is sent usually at the time of account opening. An e-cash bank may have 1

dollar signature, 5 dollar signature or 10 dollar signature etc. If the client wants to mint a

coin of 2 dollars then e-cash bank would use its private or secret key of 2 dollars to sign the serial no. (page#116)

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )

What dowemeanby Relevance element of branding?

Relevance means to what degree is the product/service useful for potential customers. For

example, you may have designed very distinguished jewelry but very few people use or

purchase the same. In fact, it may prove to be too costly for most people to buy. Note that

your product/service should be capable of easily relating itself to the people. (page#139)

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 3 )

How lack of trust barrier can be overcome or minimized? Discuss it briefly

Lack of Trust

It is very important for online businesses to establish trusting relationships with their

customers like in the physical world where companies ensure that customers know who

they are. However, it is difficult to build trust because a kind of anonymity exists for

companies trying to establish web presence. There was, once, a famous cartoon used to

depict that on the internet nobody knows whether you are a dog. The issue of anonymity

can be explained by the example that a visiting customer will not know in case of an

online bank as to how large or well-established the bank is, simply by browsing through

its web site. On the other hand, visitors would not become customers unless they trust the company behind the site. (page#161)

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 )

What is the importance of hash function and how it is applied on Message

digest?(3+2) There are two terms that you should note here – hash function and message digest. Hash

function is a oneway mathematical function applied to a message. Result of the hash

function is unique to each message called Message Digest. A message digest is a single

large number typically between 128 to 256 bits in length. Thus, we can have up to 2256

different messages each having a unique message digest associated with it. This gives rise

to almost an incalculable figure. (page#103)

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )

Where the originator has not agreed with the addressee that the acknowledgment be

given in a particular form or by a particular method, an acknowledgment may be given by?

Where the originator has not agreed with the addressee that the acknowledgment be given

in a particular form or by a particular method, an acknowledgment may be given by:

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any communication, automated or otherwise, by the addressee ; or any conduct of the

addressee, sufficient to indicate to the originator that the electronic communication is

received.” (page#167) Question No: 40 ( Marks: 10 )

Differentiate between the online businesses (E-business) with offline businesses

(Traditional business). Support your answer with solid examples.


An e-business is defined as a company/entity that has an online presence. E-businesses

that have the ability to sell, trade, barter or transact over the web can be considered as e-

commerce businesses. An e-business model is defined by a company‟s policy, operations,

technology and ideology. (page#125) traditional businesses operating at one location are subject to only one set of tax laws, but

due to the international scope of ecommerce, e-businesses might have to comply with

multiple tax laws enforced in different countries (page#183)

Question No: 31 ( Marks: 2 )

What you understand about Denial of services (DOS) attacks?

In this type of attack, the attacker gains access to the network and then send invalid data to

network services or applications. These services or applications consequently become

unable to perform their normal tasks or functions. Hence, sending a flood of data to a

particular service or computer can cause it to overload or shutdown. This

attack is specially used to take down websites on the internet, when repeated requests for

web pages are deliberately initiated so as to choke down a web server.

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 2 )

How the Porter‟s model helps a firm to devise a plan?

Porter‟s Model helps a firm to identify threats to its competitive position and to devise

plans including the use of IT and e-commerce to protect or enhance that position. Porter

identified five forces of competitive rivalry described as under:

Threat of potential/new entrants to the sector

Threat of substitute product or service in the existing trade

Bargaining power of the buyers

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Bargaining power of the suppliers

Competition between existing players

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 ) Define electronic signature?

„Electronic Signature‟ means any letters, numbers, symbols, images, characters or any

combination thereof in electronic form, applied to, incorporated in or associated with an

electronic document, with the intention of authenticating or approving the same, in order to

establish authenticity or integrity, or both”.

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 )

In SSL handshaking what is mean by Cipher Suite?

SSL supports a variety of encryption algorithm and authentication methods. The

combination of algorithms and methods is called a cipher suite. When a client connects to

an SSL server, the SSL handshake begins, which means that the two negotiate a cipher

suite selecting the strongest suite the two have in common. Thus, the handshake establishes

the protocols that will be used during the communication, selects cryptographic algorithms

and authenticates the parties using digital certificates.

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )

What do you know about interactive advertisement? Briefly explain.

It uses a combination of rich media (such as audio, video, animations) and traditional forms

(such as print, TV or radio ads) in order to involve customers in advertising process to

increase brand recognition.

For example, there is a famous business that uses this marketing technique. Its TV

commercial induces/encourages viewers to access its website from where customers can

select/download various action pictures and background music. Thus, by involving a

customer in the advertising process itself, it attempts to increase its brand recognition for

the customers.

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )

How lack of trust barrier can be overcome or minimized? Discuss it briefly

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lack of trust barrier can be overcome or minimized through a plan for establishing

credibility of an online business is extremely crucial for its success. In this behalf, attention

to the needs of the site visitors is very important while designing the web site, since it can

be helpful in building trust with customers. For instance, there should be easy to find web

pages that answer questions of the visitors. Note that companies with established brands

can build trust for online business more quickly as compared to a new company/business

without reputation, since a brand conveys expectations about how the online business

would behave.

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 3 )

In the code given below what is meaning of "20%, *, 20%" describe briefly.

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 3 )

Describe „Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)‟ in short?

OLAP makes use of background knowledge regarding the domain of the data being studied

in order to allow the presentation of data at different levels of abstraction. It is different

form data mining in the sense that it does not provide any patterns for making predictions;

rather the information stored in databases can be presented/ viewed in a convenient format

in case of OLAP at different levels that facilitates decision makers or managers.

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )

Elaborate the importance of OLAP in decision making support for an organization.

Web answer idea

OLAP and web-based Decision Support Systems are by far the more popular Decision

Support Systems these days. Their definition and functionality extends far beyond the

scope of this paper and consequently we will not explore these systems in detail. Many

other Decision Support Systems are on the market today, but to explore all of them would,

for now, be a farcical objective.

Question No: 40 ( Marks: 5 )

Write down the list of major global issues of e-commerce.

Let us now examine some major global legal issues of e-commerce. They are listed as


Territorial jurisdiction

Online contracts Copyright in cyberspace

Domain name and trademark conflicts Online defamation

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Online privacy

Issues of taxation on internet

Cyber crimes

What is Server? Where is the server situated?

The internet is neither at one place nor does it can be controlled from one place. Internet has

many servers at different locations. Internet is on every server that runs even one website. But

there are companies that register websites these companies are called internet service providers

(ISP). Internet service providers have different servers to register websites. For example

brainnet, paknet, PTCL are examples of internet service providers (ISP)

Why we classify E. Commerce and what is the need for that?

In Classification objects are categorized into different groups based on similar features. A

general classification of E Commerce is done by the nature of transactions. Dividing different

transactions which are similar to each other into different groups helps reduce complexity. This

Classification makes things simple and easy to understand.

What is the difference between intranets and extranet what is the term stateless means?

Intranet is networks that provide communication within an organization. While extranet is a

network that provides communication within an organization and between its allies. The term

stateless means that sever does not store information about previous or request after it.

Consumer to consumer and Consumer to business

C2C also called person to person e commerce is a type of business in which buying and selling

of goods occur between individual consumers via the internet. In most cases, a third party may

also involve to facilitate the transactions. EBay application is an example of C2C. Through

Ebay.com consumers sell their goods and services to other consumers.

C2B is a type of e commerce business in which consumers sell their products to the companies

and the companies pay them. This is completely opposite to business to consumer where the

businesses pay the individual. An example of C2B is the online advertisement people put on

major websites like Amazon and Google. There is also a website called C2B Direct that

facilitates consumers to get in contact with businesses to do e commerce.

What is work of logs files?

A log file is a file that is automatically created and maintained by the servers and it automatically

stores the activities of a user. A log file normally contains the record of transactions performed.

The positive thing about a log file is that it stores the transactions of the users for example pages

visited by user and the disadvantage of the log file is that log files does not maintain privacy of

the users.

What is the main different between internet and extranet?

Intranet is networks that provide communication within an organization. While extranet is a

network that provides communication within an organization and between its allies. While

internets is a network that provides communication throughout the world. Internet is a public

network i.e. The information flows in its actual form while intranet is a private network, it is not

accessible to users outside the organization and the information is transmitted in the form that is

not understandable for hackers if they access the information while transmission between sender

and receiver. for this different encryption algorithms are used.

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How the “log file" will be created in presence of http statelessness and on which location it is


As HTTP is stateless which means that server is not aware about the previous requests or the

requests following it and you are aware of the four steps given in the handouts that a connection

request is made by the client, makes a TCP/IP connection, web site is download at the client side

and at the last step connection is terminated and a new connection is established. Now as you

know that HTTP is stateless in order to recover previous states, log files are explicitly maintained

by the servers. Through log files server knows about previous requests and states. Log files are

maintained at server side.

In the lecture statelessness of the HTTP has been explained that the connection with server is

broken not with the Internet. How the connection is broken we have never noticed it. Can we

notice how the server connection is broken?

HTTP is stateless because every request is independent of the other requests. Server is not aware

about the previous request or the request after it. Server does not store information about the

previous request. Statelessness of HTTP can be easily understood from the analog telephone

system which is a very good example of statelessness. In analog telephone system a user calls a

pre specified number like 17 and a connection is established. Then the user tells the telephone

operator the required number and they provide the number required. The call is disconnected

freeing the line to serve other users. The advantage of stateless is that we can fulfill large number

of requests. In HTTP switches between connection establishment

and disconnection is so fast that we are not able to observe it. Moreover connection is established

or disconnected by a server.

What is stateless?

Here, the term stateless means independence. HTTP is called stateless because of the reason that

execution of commands is independent. It does not require any knowledge of the commands that

came before it or after it. It is completely separated from the previous and up coming commands.

What is common log file?

A common log file is a file that is automatically created and maintained by the servers and it

automatically stores the activities at server side. Common log file resides at server side.i.e. It

is stored at server side. A log file normally contains the record of transactions performed. The

positive thing about a log file is that it stores the transactions of the users for example pages

visited by user and the disadvantage of the log file is that log files does not maintain privacy of

the users.

What is the basic concept of the server?

What is the role of the server in internet connection?

Who is the server?

What is the protocol?

A server can be both hardware and software. In software terminology we can define a server

as, a server is a computer program that fulfills the requests or needs of other programs running

on the same or different computers. In hardware terminology we can define a server as, a server

is a computer dedicated to fulfill the requests of other clients computers. Or more simply there

are two types of computers in a network the first one are requesting computers called client and

the others are those who fulfills the requests of clients called server.

In internet servers can be used for different purposes like storing websites and providing them to

client computers on requests, fulfilling needs of client computers, sharing internet connection to

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the client computers, sharing load of clients, providing central security, providing central storage

and backup space and hardware/software sharing purpose. In computer terminologies protocol is

a set of rules that are used by communication devices while communicating e.g. TCP/IP

What is IP (Internet protocol)?

IP is internet protocol and it is also called transmission control protocole.It is a web program

which make a connection between the sender address and the server machine. It deliver msg to

the server machine and then server machine accept this msg.it is the second step of HTTP.

Programs which are made for the internet connection which are called protocol these are


Internet Protocol (IP) is a communication protocol that is used for communication between

computers on the internet. It works at layer 3 of the OSI model. It is often used together with the

Transport Control Protocol (TCP) and referred to interchangeably as TCP/IP. TCP/IP represents

all communication rules for the internet and is based on the IP addressing notion, i.e. the idea of

assigning unique numbers to each device connected to the network so as to be able to route data

packets. Each device on the internet is identified by its IP address. "" is an

example of an IP address.

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) manages the IP address space allocations

globally and delegates five regional Internet registries (RIRs) that allocates IP address blocks to

local Internet registries (Internet service providers) and other entities.

What is header?

Header is a piece of information that is attached to the data at the beginning. Header is used at

each layer except the physical layer. Header is used by the sending device to tell the receiving

device that how the data will be treated by receiving device. The added headers are part of

process to make it possible to send data from source to destination.

What are Stacks?

In computer terminology a stack is a data type in which the next item to be removed is the most

recently added. Normally we call stack LIFO i.e. last in first out. For Example

Consider collection of four books placed on each other on a table. Now in order to remove the

second book from the bottom side, it is necessary to remove the third and fourth books first.

But in handouts the term Stack is used for an ordered collection of items.

What is router?

A router is a networking device that is used to transmit the data between two different networks

or more simply we can say that a router is a device that provides communication between LAN

to WAN or vice versa. Router is an intelligent device and it has the capability to select the best

suitable path leading to the destination.

What is the subnet mask itself?

What are their functions?

And its relation with the IP address.

Subnet mask is used in conjunction with the IP address. Subnet Mask tells the computer that in a

particular IP address, how many bits are used to identify a network, and how many remaining

bits are used to refer to a particular host in that network.

For example,

IP address:

Subnet Mask:

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it shows that the first three octets (8-bits portions) are used to identify a network address, and the

remaining last octet is a host address in that network.

What is ISP?

ISP stands for internet service provider. it is basically a company that provides access to

custormers in a specific region. For example paknet, brainnet etc are internet service providers.

What is one zone domain name and two zone domain name?

Single zone domain name means that you only need to contact a single name server to find the ip

address of your required web server. Whereas in two zone domain name the local name server

needs to contact two different name servers to find the desired ip address.

Want to know that hexadecimal has 16 bases or 12 bases? Why u describe 12 characters.

The base of Hexadecimal is 16.

MAC address uses 12 Hexadecimal digits. Because the MAC address is unique for each device,

and there are millions of devices; so a huge number of bits are reuired to generate different

number of patterns. 12 Hexadecimal digits = 48 bits. It means 248 (281,474,976,710,656)

different MAC addresses can be generated.

What is the top level domain? Or without top-level domain any DNS exist?

A domain name consists of one or more parts, technically called labels that are conventionally

concatenated, and delimited by dots, such as example.com. The right-most label conveys the top-

level domain. In www.google.com, com is the top level domain.

How can we attach an image into our html code?


<IMG SRC="a.jpg" >


Make sure that you have given the complete address of the image against "SRC" attribute if

image is not available in the same folder where your html file is saved.

e.g. <HTML><BODY>

<IMG SRC="http://www.vu.edu.pk/images/topbar/vu.jpg" >

<IMG SRC="Y:/a. jpg" >


What is the difference between thicknet and thinet Cooper cables?

Thicknet and Thinnet are types of coaxial cables which are used in Ethernet local area networks.

Thicknet is 0.4 inches in diameter and able to span distances of up to 500 meters. Thinnet is 0.2

inches in diameter able to span distances of up to 185 meters. Thicknet was the original Ethernet

wiring, but thinnet, which is cheaper and can be installed more easily.

What are Bridges switches and routers?

Bridges just forward data depending on the destination address in the data packet. This address is

not the IP address, but the MAC (Media Access Control) address that is unique to each network

adapter card. Bridging makes no assumptions about where in a network a particular address is

located. A bridge operates at the data link layer in an OSI model. This device ensures

connectivity between two segments of a computing network.

A network switch is a small hardware device that joins multiple computers together within one

local area network (LAN). Technically, network switches operate at Data Link Layer. A switch

is a device that filters and forwards packets between LAN segments or in other words switches

channel incoming data from any of multiple input ports to the specific output port that will take

the data toward its intended destination.

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A network router joins two computer networks together. A router is a device that forwards data

packets across computer networks. Routers perform the data "traffic directing" functions on the


I'll suggest you to study the page #15 of it430 handouts. And if you still want some more details

on bridges, switches and routers, you can visit the following links.




Types of cables?

There are two types of coaxial cabling: thinnet and thicknet. Thicknet and Thinnet are types of

coaxial cables which are used in Ethernet local area networks. Thicknet is 0.4 inches in diameter

and able to span distances of up to 500 meters. Thinnet is 0.2 inches in diameter able to span

distances of up to 185 meters. Thicknet was the original Ethernet wiring, but thinnet, which is

cheaper and can be installed more easily.

What is hper text markup language? Why it is used in for internet development .What are basic

commands of html?

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and it is used to define web pages or you can say

HTML is a computer language to create web documents, which provides instructions that tell the

browser how to display pages. It is a language of tags. A tag is a special letter or key word

enclosed in angular brackets. Most tags have their corresponding closing tags represented by the

same special letter or key word enclosed in angular brackets but preceded by a slash (/).

Three main network topology my question is this which is the best network in the three network?

Each topology has its own benefits and weaknesses but the most common one is Star topology. It

normally depends on how and what you want it to be.

What is Network address and Host Machine address?

Every machine on the Internet has a unique identifying number, called an IP Address. IP

addresses (IPv4) are 32 bit addresses and typically look like: To make it easier for

us to remember, IP addresses are normally expressed in decimal format as a dotted decimal

number. An IP address serves two principal functions: host and network. A defined structure of

IP classes tell us that which portion of the IP address will serve as Host and which portion will

serve as network. As you know there are a lot of networks available over the internet and there

are many hosts in each network. Network portion is used to identify the network that a computer

belongs to and Host (sometimes referred to as Node) identifies the actual computer on the


Write a note on any two methods to main state between http request?

Methods of maintaining the state of HTTP


Cookies are used to store small amounts of frequently changed information on the client. The

information is sent with the request to the server.

Hidden files

Page-specific information can be stored in a hidden field on the page as a way of maintaining the

state of that page.

What is Transition control protocol (TCP)

What is host??

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What is byte??

What is the classes ABC network mean?


Transmission control protocol is a protocol developed for the internet to get data from one

network device to another. TCP uses a retransmission strategy to insure that data will not be lost

in transmission.

Host computer:

A host is a computer connected to a computer network. A network host may offer information

resources, services, and applications to users or other nodes on the network.


The byte is a unit of digital information in computing and telecommunications. It is an ordered

collection of bits, in which each bit denotes the binary value of 1 or 0. Collection of 8 bits is

called a byte.


IP addresses are assigned to organizations in blocks. Each block belongs to one of three classes:

class A, class B, or class C.


URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It is the unique address for a file that is accessible on

the internet. The most common examples are the addresses of the websites. Every website has a

unique address. For example:



What stands for Asp? And what is the default scripting language in ASP?

ASP stands for Active Server Pages and the default scripting language used for writing ASP is


What is the difference between sniffing and IP address spoofing?

In sniffing the hacker has the ability to monitor network traffic using some kind of network

monitoring software. For example, a hacker may install some backdoor or Trojan horse that can

monitor the key strokes of a user while typing and send the typed information to the hacker.

It is possible that a hacker (having special capabilities) seizes the control of a router, changes the

IP address of the source/sender on data packets and thus forces the destination machine to send

the information/web page to a different machine, that is, the machine of the hacker. This is called

IP address spoofing.

he Difference b/w Java script language And Html Language?

HTML is a markup language while JavaScript is an object based language.HTML is the

language in which web pages are written to be interpreted by the server as a graphic interface.

Javascipt is similar, but is actually a web-adapted version of actual programming code, intended

to write applets (small, web-based applications) for use on websites. They are both a type of

code, but html is NOT a programming code. The HTML defines what the webpage looks like,

the javascript handles things like counters, games, etc.

Name any 3 E-Business models?

Ans: 1 online banking, 2: on line recruiting, 3: on line entertainment 4: e

learning, 5: auction modal

Question No: 32 (Marks: 1)

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What is the condition of contract to be formed?

Ans: Offer, acceptance and consideration.

Question No: 33 (Marks: 2)

Briefly describe analytical attack on public key algorithms.

Ans: Attacks on Public Key Algorithms

Key Search Attacks

The public key and its corresponding private key are linked with each other

with the help of a large composite number. These attacks attempt to derive

the private key from its corresponding public key using that number.

Analytical Attacks

Such attacks use some fundamental flaw in the mathematical problem on

which the encryption system itself is based so as to break the encryption.


Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 )

Do you agree that Customization is one of the role of e-commerce in

Competitive Strategy. Discuss briefly

Ans: customization:

With the help of e-commerce the customer data can b gathered and analyze

it nd customer serve it in a better manner according to their need one can

thus implement differentiation and focus strategy.

Question No: 35 (Marks: 3)

How the coin is minted by E-Cash bank?

Ans: Minting of the coin:

A long serial no. is randomly generated by the client‟s Cyber wallet in order

to mint a coin. This serial no. is blinded, which means that it is multiplied

with a blinding factor “r” and sent to the e-cash bank for signatures. Thus,

the e-cash bank cannot see the serial no. it is signing. Key version

(corresponding public key of the bank) is also part of the coin, and is sent

usually at the time of account opening. An e-cash bank may have 1 dollar

signature, 5 dollar signature or 10 dollar signature etc. If the client wants to

mint a coin of 2 dollars then e-cash bank would use its private or secret key

of 2 dollars to sign the serial no.

Question No: 36 (Marks: 3)

What do we mean by Relevance element of branding?

Ans: elements of branding:

There are three types of branding elements.

1: differentiation

2: relevance

3: perceived value

Question No: 37 (Marks: 3)

How lack of trust barrier can be overcome or minimized? Discuss it


Ans: It is very important for online businesses to establish trusting

relationships with their customers like in the physical world where

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companies ensure that customers know who they are. However, it is difficult

to build trust because lack of kind of anonymity exists for companies trying

to establish web presence.

So lack of trust barrier can be minimized not overcome.

Question No: 38 (Marks: 5)

What is the importance of hash function and how it is applied on

Message digest?(3+2)

Ans: importance of hash function:

Hash function is one way mathematical function apply on massage digest.

Result of the hash function is unique to each message called message digest.

hash function can easily convert large data into small datum hash function is

mostly use for look up the data ,findings and detecting the similar files.

How it is applied on message digest:

Message digest is obtained by applying the hash function

For instance, the client may choose the word “Bluesky” as a code. By

applying a hash function on this code, a message digest is obtain

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )

Where the originator has not agreed with the addressee that the

acknowledgment be

given in a particular form or by a particular method, an

acknowledgment may be given by?

1: any communication, automated or otherwise, by the addressee; or

2: any conduct of the addressee, sufficient to indicate to the originator that


electronic communication is received.”

Question No: 40 ( Marks: 10 )

Differentiate between the online businesses (E-business) with offline

businesses (Traditional business). Support your answer with solid


Ans: difference between online and off line business:

On line business:

-Less investment required.

-No shop or show room is required, very less number of employees.

-Remote handling of business.

-Less expenditures of running business

Offline business:

-High customer satisfaction level.

- Large number of employees.

-existence of physically goods and services

-large number of buyers and seller.

Example:plz give in ur own words.

Question No: 41 ( Marks: 10 )

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Give an example to show how members of supply chain can work

together to reduce inventory, increase quality of product, reduce

production cost and increase process speed.

Examples of technology use in supply chain

Another example is of a famous computer selling brand. It realized that by

increasing the amount of information about its customers it was able to

reduce amount of inventory it should hold. It decided to share this

information with other members of the supply chain by allowing its top

suppliers to have access to a secure web site which informed them about its

latest sales forecasts, planned product changes or any warranty claims etc. It

also provided information about its customers and their buying pattern.

Thus, it helped suppliers to plan their own production in a much better way.

The above examples show how members of supply chain can work together

to reduce inventory, increase quality of product, reduce production cost and

increase process speed.

What is quantum computing?(1)

Quantum computing is the branch of computer science that deals with the

development of cryptographic algorithms.


(Page # 109)

What is CRM stands for?(1)

Customer Relationship Management


(Page # 136 )

What is cyber wallet .It uses is e-cah payment system.(2)

Cyber wallet is software which is installed on the buyer‟s computer. It

stores and manages e-coins and records every transaction.


(Page # 116 )

What is section 3 of ETO.(3)

Section 3 of the ETO provides:

“No document, record, information, communication or transaction shall be

denied legal recognition,admissibility, effect, validity, proof or

enforceability on the ground that it is in electronic form and has not been

attested by any witness”.


(Page # 164 )

Difference between primary and support activities of porter`s model.(3)

Describe the deficiencies of ETO.(5)

How a client can prove its payment in e-cash payment system .Explain

with one example.(2+3)

Take a product and implement primary and secondary activities of

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porter`s model in stretagic units.(10)

Question No: 21 ( Marks: 2 )

What is Term „Catalog Display‟ means?

It provides photos, detailed description and search facility about the

availability of products or items..

It is simple list written in HTML. Some has to has to edit the HTML code to

change it. Dynamic catalog stores information in a database.

Question No: 22 ( Marks: 2 )

What is meant by a constructor?

It is initializing function used to create instance of an object. It is after the

name of the object whose constructor it is.

Question No: 23 ( Marks: 3 )

What is meant by „Shopping Cart‟ in context of e commerce?

It is an electronic shopping cart or basket that keeps record of the items the

customer has select and allow him to view the details of the items selected.

He/she can add new items or remove items. To order an item, a customer

simply clicks at that item option. All details of that item like product No.

Item name and its price store in cart automatically.

Question No: 24 ( Marks: 3 )

We have an array named myArray where this sentence is stored. “Welcome

to Virtual University!”

If we apply str.split(‟‟) method.

What will be the output of str.split(‟‟)myArray(4) and

str.split(‟‟)myArray(2) respectively.

Str.Split split the string based on the blank spaces.

str.split(‟‟)myArray(4) = blank

str.split(‟‟)myArray(2) = virtual

Question No: 25 ( Marks: 5 )

Describe the importance of Cryptography in internet data transfer security

in E-Commerce?

It is a collection of mathematical techniques used to ensure confidentiality

of information. The process of scrambling a message with the help of a key

is called Encryption.

Now a days as internet is widely used. So danger of data safety and serurity

also rose.

Compare to its earlier use.

It provide the Transaction Integrity. Tranasction detail of both the parties

can be verified which help to built the confidence between business


It provide Privacy like it provide controls to prevent third parties

from geting access to the information within the transaction

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Without cryptography, it is doubtful that banks, businesses and individuals

would feel safe doing business online.

Cryptography provides the confidence to the customer that their data is safe

and secure. Otherwise due to lack of confidence and doubt e-commerce

business can not flourish.

Question No: 26 ( Marks: 5 )

Write a list of comparison operators in JavaScript with symbols.

1. <= less than equal


2. >= Greater than equal

3. == for Equal

4. != not equal

5. < Less than

6. > Greater than

Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 )

What is stand for WIPO?

World Intellectual Property Organization

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 )

Name any 3 E-Business models?

1-Storfront Model

2-Auction Model

3-Onlien Banking

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )

What is the basic purpose of using hash function in communication?

A hash function is applied on the message to get the message digest.

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 )

What is Competition between existing players ?.

If there are many players having same size and stretagy but having different

qualities in product and services. Then there is true competition between

them regarding price of that product or service.

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )

On what basis, generally the protection under “fair use” may be sought?

Doesn‟t need to explain.

Nature of use:The work should be used only for non profitable and for

education purposes.

Nature Of Work:The copied work is effectively covered under fair use as

compaird to that of some new or creative work

Extent of the work copied:The extent of work to be copied under fair use

shouold be small so that court take some favourable steps to accussed.

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )

In Virtual PIN Payment system, merchant side is less secure than buyer side.

Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer.

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Yes , I am agree with this statement that marchant side is less secure than

buyer side because marchant send the product before payment.So there is

threat of non payment from buyer side.

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 3 )

What are the disadvantages of Data Mining? (1+1+1)

Privacy Issues

Personal privacy has always been a major concern in this country. In recent

years, with the widespread use of Internet, the concerns about privacy have

increase tremendously. Because of the privacy issues, some people do not

shop on Internet. They are afraid that somebody may have access to their

personal information and then use that information in an unethical way; thus

causing them harm.

Security issues

Although companies have a lot of personal information about us available

online, they do not have sufficient security systems in place to protect that

information. For example, recently the Ford Motor credit company had to

inform 13,000 of the consumers that their personal information including

Social Security number, address, account number and payment history were

accessed by hackers who broke into a database belonging to the Experian

credit reporting agency.

Maintanence Problem

Another problem with the data warehouse is that it is difficult to maintain.

Any organization that is considering using a data warehouse must decide if

the benefits outweigh the costs. Once you have paid for the data warehouse,

you will still need to pay for the cost of maintenance over time. The costs

involved with this must always be taken into consideration.

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 )

Describe the advantages of E-Business in detail.

Personalized service:

product , place , promotion and price are the 4 P`s of marketing mix. Now

Personalization is the 5th P introduced in E-Business.The bahavioural

information about customers can be added in data base and then can be

utilized to by teh E-Commerce sites to analyze the needs of taht particular

customer.So, in this way personalized service can be provided to customer.

High-quality customer service

With the help of feed back of potential customers online businesses can

improve the quality of their products according to the needs and demands of

thier customers.So it will improve the customer services of E-Buiseness.

No inventory cost

In case of E-Business we dont need to have any physical place to start

business. In this way it reduces overheads and invemtory costs.An onilne

busines can take orders from customers with out bearing teh inventory cost

like offline traditional businesses.

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Worldwide reach of your business:

In E-Busines there is a chance to extend your business thruoghout the world.

So, global reach is possible in E-Business.

Electronic catalogues

Electronic catalogue is used in online busines have many adbvantages over

paper catalogues.

Bulk transactions

Due to no limitations on collecting , carrying and packaging goods we can

order bulk transactions during even one visit at online shops.

Improved supply chain management

suppliers and manufacturer are the active members of supply chain

members. They are effective addition in E-Business.

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )

Elaborate the importance of OLAP in decision making support for an


OLAP makes use of baksground knowledge regarding the domain of the

data being studied .It is different from data mining as it does not provide

patterns for any predictions.It allows the data being studied to present at

different level of abstraction.Informartion stored in the data base can be

viewed and reviewed conveniently in any formate .In case of OLAP at

different levels facilitate managers and decision makers in making

decisions.OlAP uses different tools namely, drill down , roll up and and slice

and dice etc.By using drill down we can further dig into the data for

recieving more information whcih is specific.Roll up works opposite to the

drill down , It is used to sum up the information in a particular dimention to

show the results.

Question No: 40 ( Marks: 10 )

What is Porter‟s 5 forces model ? Discuss briefly 5 forces with its


Porter`s models helps a firm to identify threats to its sompetitive

position.and to devide plans accordingly which includes uses of IT and E

commerce to protect or enhance his competitive position .

Following are the 2 forces models of porter.

1- Threats of new potentian entrants to the sector

This threats relates to the opportunity that how easily a company having

different products and services can enter into the a given trade sector.How

effeciently it remove teh barriers liek IT, Capital and skills.For example to

start online banking you need not to

2-Threats of substitute product or service in existingtrade

3-Bragaining power of the buyers

4-Bargaining power of the suppliers

5-Competition between existing players

Question No: 41 ( Marks: 10 )

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of offline and online catalogues?


Online catalogues vs. Paper catalogues

Paper catalogs


Easy to create a catalog without high technology

Reader is able to look at the catalog without computer system

More portable than electronic catalog


Difficult to update changes in the product information

Only limited number of products can be displayed

Online or electronic catalogs


Easy to update product information

Able to integrate with the purchasing process

Good search and comparison capabilities

Able to provide timely, up-to-date product information

Can provide broad range of product information

Possibility of adding voice and motion pictures

Cost savings

Easy to customize

What does PPTP stand for?

PPTP stands for point to point transfer protocol.

Question No: 22 ( Marks: 2 )

What are the keywords to define a variable and a function in JavaScript?

“var” is the keyword used to define a variable in Javascript

e.g var a; “function” is the keyword to define a function in javascript

e.g function myfunction(){ // some code }

Question No: 23 ( Marks: 3 )

Identify the object, property and method in the following:




Math is the object in above case

PI is the property of Math object

Sin() is the method of Math object

Question No: 24 ( Marks: 3 )

Performance of web servers can be evaluated mainly on the basis of two

factors. What are they?


Performance of web sever

Performance of web servers can be evaluated mainly on the basis of two


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Throughput, which is the number of http requests that a particular

server hardware and software can handle in the unit time; and

Response time, which is the amount of time a web server requires to

process one request. Web server hardware architectures

Question No: 25 ( Marks: 5 )

Write the code for a web page displaying a button named "Testing". After

clicking that button an alert should be displayed saying "The test is




<script type="text/javascript">

function sndAlert()


window.alert("The test is successful!!!");







<INPUT TYPE="Button" name="showAlert" VALUE="Show Alert"





Question No: 26 ( Marks: 5 )

What is the difference between an interpreted and a compiled

language? Give one example of each.


In a compiled language we compile to code or convert into machine

language using a software called compiler as we can case C++

Example C++

with interpret language we interpret the code (line by line) at run time

using a program called interpreter browser is an interpreter.

Example Browser…

Question No: 21 ( Marks: 2 )

What value will be printed after executing the following statement in


document.write( Math.pow(3, 2) );

document.write("Math.pow(2,3) :"+Math.pow(2,3)+"<P>");

Question No: 22 ( Marks: 2 )

What is a web server?


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Web server

web server is a machine that serves up the web page requests of a client

on the internet. It is a combination of hardware and software. Decision

as regards the type of a web server is largely dependent on the volume

and type of web activities. So, transaction processing sites generating

dynamic pages with high traffic volumes would need web server

software that is more efficient and can easily be upgraded.

Question No: 23 ( Marks: 3 )

To calculate the area of a circle the formula pi r squared is used. How would

you code it in JavaScript?


<script type="text/javascript">

var radius,area;

radius = 10;

area = Math.PI*Math.pow(radius,2);

document.write("Area of circle with radius 10 is " + area );



Question No: 24 ( Marks: 3 )

Name four commonly used web server operating systems. (PAGE 91)

Commonly used web server operating systems are Microsoft Windows

NT Server, Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Microsoft.NET

Server, Linux or Unix based operating systems such as Solaris.

Question No: 25 ( Marks: 5 )

Write the types of firewalls. Only names? Explain these briefly

Packet filter firewall

It uses a set of rules to determine whether outgoing or incoming data packets

are allowed to pass through the firewall.

Circuit level firewall

It is quite similar to the packet filter firewall. It also works on the basis of a

set of rules for filtering packets but operates at the transport layer of the OSI

Model so has greater functionality.

Application gateway firewall

It operates at application layer of the OSI Model. It uses strong user

authentication to verify identity of a host attempting to connect to the

network using application layer protocols such us FTP. In contrast to packet

filter firewall, it filters the requests rather than packets entering/leaving the

network. It can block any outgoing HTTP or FTP requests.

Question No: 26 ( Marks: 5 )

Write the JavaScript code which will display the following in a web page

using a FOR loop:

The number is 0

The number is 1

The number is 2

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The number is 3

The number is 4

The number is 5


<script type="text/javascript">

var no;

for (no=0; no<6 ; no++)


document.write("The number is " + no + "<br>" );




What is a web server?

Answer : Web server – machine that services internet request.

Web server – machine that services internet request

web server is a machine that serves up the web page requests of a client on

the internet. It is a combination of hardware and software. Decision as

regards the type of a web server is largely dependent on the volume and type

of web activities. So, transaction processing sites generating dynamic pages

with high traffic volumes would need web server software that is more

efficient and can easily be upgraded.

Question No: 22 ( Marks: 2 )

What does „parseFloat(string)‟ And NaN mean?

The parseFloat() function parses a string and returns a floating point

number. This function determines if the first character in the specified

string is a number. If it is, it parses the string until it reaches the end of

the number, and returns the number as a number, not as a string.

The NaN property represents "Not-a-Number" value. This property

indicates that a value is not a legal number.

Question No: 23 ( Marks: 3 )

Write at least three rules for writing an XML code.

Rules for writing an XML code

-All elements must be properly nested


-All attribute values must be quoted <FRIES SIZE=“LARGE”>

-All elements with empty content must be identified by ending in />

Question No: 24 ( Marks: 3 )

How „Man in The middle Attacks‟ operates?

Man in the middle attacks

In it the attacker is able to monitor, capture and control data between

sending and receiving machines. He may apply IP address spoofing

technique to divert the packets to its machine, then modify the packets

and resend the misleading information to the actual client. Another

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form of man-in-the-middle attack is where the hacker is able to

substitute the IP address of a genuine web site with the IP address of his

own web site due to some security hole in the software that runs on a

domain name server. A client would think that he is communicating or

receiving the information form a genuine web site, though it would not

be the case actually.

Question No: 25 ( Marks: 5 )

Write the code for a web page displaying a button named "Testing". After

clicking that button an alert should be displayed saying "The test is




<script type="text/javascript">

function sndAlert()


window.alert("The test is successful!!!");







<INPUT TYPE="Button" name="showAlert" VALUE="Show Alert"





Question No: 26 ( Marks: 5 )

Differentiate between front end and back end.

Answer: Front end consists of that information which is visible to the

user and he can interact with the same through some interface. The

back end comprises that information which resides on the server side

and is used to create certain dynamic results for the user. It would

include different programs or scripts that may be developed in different

languages/tools. Backend is mainly used for two purposes – for querying

with the databases and for the maintenance of state. We can use

different tools (ASP, JSP etc.) for that purpose depending upon their

respective advantages/disadvantages.

Question No: 21 ( Marks: 2 )

What is Term „Catalog Display‟ means? (page 92)

A Static catalog is a simple list written in HTML. One has to edit the

HTML code to change it. A dynamic catalog stores information about

items in a database usually on a different computer accessible by the

web server. It can provide photos, detailed description and search

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facility about the availability of items.

Question No: 22 ( Marks: 2 )

What is meant by a constructor? (page 69)

It is initializing function used to create instance of an object. It is after

the name of the object whose constructor it is.

Question No: 23 ( Marks: 3 )

What is meant by „Shopping Cart‟ in context of e commerce? (page 92)

shopping cart was used wherein the user had to remember and type

certain information. It is now replaced by electronic shopping

cart/basket that keeps record of the items the customer has selected and

allows customers to view the details of the items selected. The customer

can add new items or remove items. To order an item, a customer

simply clicks at that item option. All details of an item, including its

price, product no. and order identifying information are stored

automatically in the cart.

Question No: 24 ( Marks: 3 )

We have an array named my Array where this sentence is stored. “Welcome

to Virtual University!”

If we apply str.split(‟‟) method.

What will be the output of str.split(‟‟)myArray(4) and

str.split(‟‟)myArray(2) respectively.

Str.Split split the string based on the blank spaces.

str.split(‟‟)myArray(4) = blank

str.split(‟‟)myArray(2) = virtual

Question No: 25 ( Marks: 5 )

Describe the importance of Cryptography in internet data transfer security

in E-Commerce?

It is a collection of mathematical techniques used to ensure

confidentiality of information. The process of scrambling a message

with the help of a key is called Encryption.

Now a days as internet is widely used. So danger of data safety and

serurity also rose. Compare to its earlier use.

It provide the Transaction Integrity. Tranasction detail of both the

parties can be verified which help to built the confidence between

business community.

It provide Privacy like it provide controls to prevent third parties from

geting access to the information within the transaction

Without cryptography, it is doubtful that banks, businesses and

individuals would feel safe doing business online.

Cryptography provides the confidence to the customer that their data

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is safe and secure. Otherwise due to lack of confidence and doubt ecommerce business can not


Question No: 26 ( Marks: 5 )

Write a list of comparison operators in JavaScript with symbols.

Comparison operators

„==‟ for Equal

„!=‟ for not equal

„< „ for Less than

„<=‟ for less than equal

„>‟ for Greater than

„>=‟ for Greater than equal

Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 )

What does this mean? padding-right

adds space to the right of the content

Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 )

Do you agree or not that using Cascading Style Sheets one can apply an

image to sections of one‟spage or even to individual words.


Question No: 19 ( Marks: 2 )

Suppose, there is an applet at "http://www.vu.edu.pk/demo.class". Write the

code to include this applet in your web page.

<APPLET CODE= “http://www.vu.edu.pk/demo.class” width=100

height=200> DEMO </APPLET>

Question No: 20 ( Marks: 3 )

What do you think, is there any difference between Static and Dynamic IP

Address assignment? Discuss.

A static IP address is an address that does not change over time unless

changed manually. It is used when you need the IP address or network

location to remain the same consistently. A good example of this is for a

web server. If you go to www.google.com you are really going to the IP

address of If this were to change suddenly you would not be

able to get to Google unless you knew the new IP address or until Google

updated their DNS records.

A Dynamic IP address is an address that keeps on changing. It is mostly

used when having a consistent IP address is not necessary. An example of

this would be the IP address your ISP (internet service provider) assigns you

when you log on to the internet. You must have an IP address to surf the web

but once you disconnect you loose that address. Then the next time you sign

on you are assigned a new one. This is done using DHCP.

Question No: 21 ( Marks: 5 )

What is cryptography? What techniques are used for cryptography?

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Cryptography is the technique of converting a message into unintelligible or

non-understandable form such that even if some unauthorized or unwanted

person intercepts the message he/she would still not be able to make any

sense out of it. Cryptography is thousands of years old.

Techniques used for cryptography Substitution In substitution we replace

each letter in the message with another to make the message non-

understandable. For example, each letter “a” in the message can be replaced

with letter “d” and letter “b” with letter “e” and so on. Transposition It is

based on scrambling the characters in a message. A transposition system

may first write a message into a table row by row then the message can be

read and rewritten column by column to make it scrambled.

Question No: 22 ( Marks: 10 )

Analyze the following given code showing some Cascading Style Sheets

tags and explain its lines one by one.



<style type="text/css"> // Definition of internal style sheet

h1 {text-decoration: overline} // Defines a line above the text

h2 {text-decoration: line-through} // Defines a line through the text

h3 {text-decoration: underline} // Defines a line below the text

a {text-decoration: none} // Defines a normal text. This is default

</style> // end of internal style sheet



<h1>This is header 1</h1>

<h2>This is header 2</h2>

<h3>This is header 3</h3>

<p><a href="http://www.w3schools.com/default.asp">This is a




Question No: 21 ( Marks: 2 )

What is Term „Catalog Display‟ means?

It provides photos, detailed description and search facility about the

availability of products or items..

It is simple list written in HTML. Some has to has to edit the HTML code

to change it. Dynamic catalog stores information in a database.

Question No: 22 ( Marks: 2 )

What is meant by a constructor?

It is initializing function used to create instance of an object. It is after the

name of the object whose constructor it is.

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Question No: 23 ( Marks: 3 )

What is meant by „Shopping Cart‟ in context of e commerce?

It is an electronic shopping cart or basket that keeps record of the items the

customer has select and allow him to view the details of the items selected.

He/she can add new items or remove items. To order an item, a customer

simply clicks at that item option. All details of that item like product No.

Item name and its price store in cart automatically.

Question No: 24 ( Marks: 3 )

We have an array named myArray where this sentence is stored. “Welcome

to Virtual University!”

If we apply str.split(‟‟) method.

What will be the output of str.split(‟‟)myArray(4) and

str.split(‟‟)myArray(2) respectively.

Str.Split split the string based on the blank spaces.

str.split(‟‟)myArray(4) = blank

str.split(‟‟)myArray(2) = virtual

Question No: 25 ( Marks: 5 )

Describe the importance of Cryptography in internet data transfer security

in E-Commerce?

It is a collection of mathematical techniques used to ensure confidentiality

of information. The process of scrambling a message with the help of a key

is called Encryption.

Now a days as internet is widely used. So danger of data safety and serurity

also rose.

Compare to its earlier use.

It provide the Transaction Integrity. Tranasction detail of both the parties

can be verified which help to built the confidence between business


It provide Privacy like it provide controls to prevent third parties from geting

access to the information within the transaction

Without cryptography, it is doubtful that banks, businesses and individuals

would feel safe doing business online.

Cryptography provides the confidence to the customer that their data is safe

and secure. Otherwise due to lack of confidence and doubt e-commerce

business can not flourish.

Question No: 26 ( Marks: 5 )

Write a list of comparison operators in JavaScript with symbols.

1. <= less than equal

1. >= Greater than equal

2. == for Equal

3. != not equal

4. < Less than

5. > Greater than

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