Social and i. Personal. A UKAUTJFUL weddlng of Interes L.\ to Rlohniond socluty 1b that o ' * MInh Otey Mlnor to Ur. .lafnc Henry C'ulpeppor, whlch takes placi UiIh evenlng; at X o'cloek In tlie honv of tho lirldr.-'s niolhur, In Norfolk Onlj the liiitnedlate famllles wlll Wttnes tho ccroniony, whlch wlll be solumnlzw by Rev. SparkB \V. Walton, ot Fred iii.'ihiiii Duptliit Church. Tho entlre lower floor of tho housi wlll bo canvnsaod ln whlte and beau- tlfully docorated Wlth palins, ropua oi Binllax and yellow ohryBunthemuiTiM. Ai ofclicBtra wlll |ilny durlng the ovenlrfg Mtb. John M. Sebrell, .Ir. wlll" u< matron of hqnor, and wlll vvear a lieau tlfut droBs ot crcpQ nictoor, and curr> a bunch of yollow clir/pmnthemumH MIhh Helcn Mlnor wlll Mtend her sls¬ ter ufl mald of honor, anri wlll bt gowned In pale yellow »ntln and carrj an (trinful of yellow ClirysantheinumH James Augustus Hortim, of Portsmouth W1JI bo the groom'a best man. The brlde wlll entcr wlth hei brother, Abner Pope, who wlll glvo hei uwuy, She wlll wear an exquisltc Moi-rls gown of whlte aatln, hand-em- broldei'ed, trlmmed In pearls ana real lace. wlth a court traln. Her vell wlll be caught wlth orange oloBsoma and her bouquet wlll be llllea of tlie val- l*y and whlte orchids. A recpptlon wlll folloxv the ccre- jnony, The brlde ond groom wlll hc neslBted ln recelvlng by tlie bride'e mpther, Mrs. George Austln Mlnor, Mih. ybriion Grant CuIpeppeV; Mf: and Mra. Abner Pope. L)r. and Mrs. .Storley Grover und Mr. und Mra. John Sebrell, Jr. Ur. Culpeppcr" and hla brlde wlll le«.ve nfter the rcceptlon for Old Polnt, later vlsitlng Plilladelphia, New York and other Northern cltles. After De- cembcr 1 they wlll be at home In Nor¬ folk. A number of Rlchmond people have gone to Nforfolk to attend the event. Miss Mlnor has a wido clrcle of frlends here, where sho formerly made her home. Mlrn Vnlentlnc's Debtit. .Mrs. Krederlck Stunrt Valontlne has sent out lnvltatlons for a reception to be given on Tucsday afternoon, Novem¬ ber IS. at her resldence, 900 Park Ave¬ nue, In honor of her daughter, Mlfls Rosallc Valentlne. whose presentatlon to soclety hns been lookea forward to wlth much Interest. Miss Valentlne, who has spent a year travellng abroad, wlll alao be given a cotllllon by her parents ln the Masonlc Tetnple Novem¬ ber 18, to whlch members of tho younger set have been invlted. To Sptui\ Home Tlme Here. MIsb Nelllo Tubb. of Baltlmore, will nrilvo In Rlchmond on November 19 to be the house guest of Miss Carollne Gordon Rennolds. Miss Tabb wlll be one of thn attendanta at tho Bosher- ?Srnlth weddlng, and wlll also vlslt Miss Klsie Llndsay before returning to Baltlmore. l>«ft for Kenluckjr. Mrs. Charles M. Taliaferro, of New York, and llttle son, who have been vlsitlng Mrs. Taliaferro'* parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Chrtstian, on Park Avenue,- left laat week for Kentucky, where they have gone to Join Mr. Taliaferro. en routo for New York. l; nlprliilix.il nt Carda. Mrs, Cllfford Mliler, of 1000 "West Avenue, g-avo a dc-llghtful brldge party on TucBday evenlng ln honor of hor house guest. Miss Grlnnan, of Texas, and Miss Charlotte Sklnner, of Green- vllle. X. C, and Miss Alker, of Danville, who are vlsitlng Miss Lena Millcr. Decoratlons were In palms and bowln of plnk rosebuds. Mrs. Mliler recelved her guests In a handsome lace robe over whlte satin; Miss Grlnnan In a blue messallno frock trimmed ln real lace; Miss Sklnner ln whlte net over &i!k; Miss Allen In yellow messalino wlth embroldery of gold, and Miss Mli¬ ler ln lavender meaaallne. -Tho first prlze. a bunch ot vlolets, vras won by Miss Grlnnan; tho second prize, a gardenla. by John Ingram, nnd the booby,' a boutiqct of Klllarney roses, by Fred Pollard. Mrs. MIller'B guests Includca Mlsses Graco Xeal, Vlrglnla Watklns, Nora Kandolph. Vlrglnla Whltcly, Elsie Ingram. Edlth Taylor; Katherlne Gunn, Cary Valentlne, Mary Saundcrs, Helen Tanner, Charlotte Randolph, of Kes- -wlck; John Cosby, Madlson Macon, Bernnrd Jones, John Ingram. Robert Jeffrcss. Willlam Mliler, Rannle Owen, Fred Pollard, Talmage Donnan, Fred "Dorothy Dodd" Shoes are distir.guiahed by that conservatism which, while meeting all style rcquirements, does not exceed the bounds of good taste. F.W.Dabney&Co., 301 East Braad Streel, RICHMOND, VA. B_r _ Hughea Flckeft Carrlngton, Wllllam Grlgg, Eindtiay, Hugh Itose and Lathrop. O'ilanuou.Dlcken. MIbs Goldlo Carlyle Dlcken and Oharlea Wharton O'Bannon wero quletly marrled ln the parsonage of Rev. Wllllam Eustaco Ilenry, ln Wash¬ lngton, yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. MIbs Dlckon ls tho daughtor of Mr. and Mra. Wllllam Thomas Dlcken, of Henrlco. Mr. O'Bannon Is the son of MrB. Flora &'. and the late Captaln James H. O'Bannon, of Barton Helghts. After a Northern tour, Mr. and Mrs. O'Bannon wlll be at home at 1913 Han- over Avenue. 'J'lnnley.Hlll. The home of George T. Nelson, nt Home Place. was the scene of a lovely weddlng last nlght, when hls aounln. Miss Mary Brockenborough Hlll, be- oame the wlfe of Seaton Tlnaley. The tveddlng waa a qulot one, only mem- bera of tbe two famlltes belng prcsent. Tho brlde's only attcndanta were llttle Margarc-t Nc-l»on, tho flower glrl, and Geor/jc T. Nelson, Jr.. the rlng-bearer. The best man was Albert Alsop, of,thls clty. Rev. Hallowell Dlckinson ofll- ciated. The house was bcautlfully decorated wlth palms and cut flowers. The weddlng mualc waa played by Mrs. E L.. Norton. Mr. and Mrs. Tlnsley Immedlately left for New Tork Clty and other Northern polnts. They wlll make thelr horne in Phlladelphla. At Koine on l-'rldnys. Mrs, Edgar Gunn and her daughter, Miss Katherlne Gunn, wlll be at home Informally to thelr friends Frlday af- ternoons ln November. Miss Gunn ls one of the most attractive young glrls to be prescnted to Rlchmond soclety thls season. To Mret AVUu Mrs. KJrali. The second of a serles of brldge partles v glven by the Both Ahabah Auxlllary wlll take place at the resi- dence of Mrs. Meyer Klrsh, 2005 Monu- inent Avenue, thls afternoon promptly at 3:30 o'clock. Meellna; of Cheaterlleld Cbapter. The regular meeting of the Chester- fleld Chapter, Unlted Daughters of the Confederacy, wlll be held In the home of Mrs. P, A. Fore, 1O01 West Grace Street, Klchmond, next Saturday aftei nooti at 3.30 o'clock. Cotllllon I'ontpoued. The commlttee of the Manchesler Cotllllon Club has nnnounced that the german to have beon glven at Bel- vldere Hall on Frlday evenlng, Novem¬ ber 5. has been postponed untll No¬ vember 26. Gltmon.Mt'kell. On Wedneaday evenlng, October 27, .'Altamont," the home of Dr. and Mrs. G. M. Nlckell. of Mlllboro, was the sceno of a beautlful wedding, when Womaris P&cuer Over Man Woman's most glorious endowment is the power to swaken and hold the pure and honest love of a worthy man. When she loscs it and stiil loves on, no one in the wide world can know the heart agony the endurei, The woman who suffers from wenk- ness and dersngenicnt of her special womanly or- ganism soon loses the power to sway the heart of ¦ man. Her general health suffers and she loses her good looks, her attractiveneas, her ¦miability .nd her power and prestige as t woman. Dr. R,V. Pierce, of BuSalo, N.Y., with the tssistance of his staff of ablenhysicians, has pretcribcd for and cured many thousaxtds of women. He has"Hevised st successful remedy for woman's oil- ments. It is known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a positive speoific for the weaknesses and disordera peculiar to women. It purifies, regu- lstej, strengthens and hcals. Medicine dealers sell it. No honest dealer will ¦dvise you to accept a substitute in order to make a little larger profit. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONO, SICK WOMEN WELL. Ur. Pierct't Pleata'at Pellets rvzulate and strcagtlien Stomach, Liver and Bowets. Elegant Wedding Gifts. The Nowlan Company, leading jewelers, 921 E. Main Street, are headquarters for Elegant Gifts of Sterling Silver aud Rich Cut Glass,and when quality is considered their prices are the lowest. All correspondence given careful attention. Goods sent on approyal, expre'ssprepaid. '" Social Stationery Should reflect the dignity and character of the person, Before you order let us^ show you our assortment. You are sure of satisfaction in this partlcuiar want. Virginia Stationery Co.\ 915 East Main Street, Richmond, Va. Sarriples sent on requeat. thelr datigliter, Imogcn, liocamo thr brlde of Dr. J, FrnnclH Olhaoti, a younp Pltynlclati, of Parls, Tex. The dlnlttg- Tooin, ln whlch the ceremony wai nolemnlsterl, wsss hcntitlftilly doednttec ln cvorgroeiiH, potted plnttlH and nut- uinn lenvoH. Preparntory tn Ihe entry of the brldnl pnlr, MIsh Nornm Nlckcll, Blatei of the brido, aang "I L,ovo Vott Truly,' nrconipanlcd by Mls. Klva lllatt; an< lo Ihe HtrnliiH of McndelBMohn'R wed- dlng march the brldnl party advahced to tho altnr, where the Hcv. Cllllflef R. .Slrlhllng. of Waynesboit), porfortned the ceremony. Tho brlde wns hahdsomnly gowncc ln a tallorod tnivcllng stilt of reBtidp green, and earrlcd a nhower bouquaf of Brldt! roscs. A briillunt recepllon followed the ceremony, after whlch the brldnl part> was oscorted by n large immber ol j frlends nnd relntlvos to the rallway stailon, where tho eouple left for Pnrls Tex.. thelr futurn home, Among tho out-of-town RttestH wert> Phllllp N. IXivldson, of NorToIk; Hfirry C. Hammltt, Brlstol; Mra. Toung, Mrs, Mlller. Mr, and Mra. N, O. Young. O I* Nlckcll, Miss Elste Nlckcll. of West Vlrglnla; MIhr Cecll Talley. Covlngton; Miss Alvn Hlatt, Marllngton, W. Va.; Miss Arleen Crawford. Woyer's Cavel an,i Dr. Wiley, Iron Gatc. MeetlltK Tu-I)«y, Those Interested ln the Ragged I Mountain Mlsslon wlll meet to-day a; the Jefferson Hotel to conslder ar- rangements for an entertalnment to be glven ror the beneflt of that work. Arnong thoBe who have already tcstl- llcd to thelr interest In the work are MIbs. Jane Rutherfoord, Mrs. .latnes Caakle Cabell, MlBB.Mary W. Lewls. OrKim HlM'lllll. An organ recltal will be glven at tho Becdnd Hapllst Church thls even- ,' ing at S;30 o'clock by Hassett M. Hough, aaelated by Mrs. Hequembourg, I vlollnlst; Miss Macdonald, contralto, and Loula E. Weltzel, accompanlst. The followlng program wlll be ren- j dered: Boellmann, "Sulto Gothlque," I. Choral, li. Menuet Oothlque, III. Prlere a Notre Dame, IV. Toccata; Gullmant, "Pastorale"; Bach-WllhelmJ, Arla (G Btrlng), Mrs. Hequembourg; Hahr, j Song, "At Evenlng"; Haydn, Allegretto ln A; Mendelasohn, Fourth Sonata; I Bach-Gounod, "Ave Marla"; Irlsh Alr, j "Tho Last Rose of i-ummer," MlssMao- I donaid; Lemare, "Serenade"; Handel, I Gavotte In B flat; Ceaar Cul, "Ber- ceuse"; MacDowell-Ht-rtnian, "To a Wlld Rose," Mrs. Heqembourg; Grleg, "Ase's Death"; Wagner, Introductlon, "Eohengrln." aitiillns.Ford. The marrlage of MIbs Maggle Angie Eord to J. W. Mulllns took place on Wednesday mornlng, November 3, at half-after I) o'clock, at the st- Andrew's Kectory, 200 faouih Cherry Street, the Kev. Thomas Semmes ofliclating. lu and Out of Town. Miss Charlotte Skinner, of Oreen- vllle. N. C, and Miss Irma Allen, of Danvllle. who have been the gueats of Miss Lena Mlller, on west Avenue, for Hcveral weeks, have returnea to thelr homes. Miss Blanche Patton, of Danvllle, wiio has been vlsltlng Miss Myra Chan.bers, left yesterday for her home. ' Miss Eugenla Seldon Taylor ls the guest of Miss Nlna Whitiuore In Pe- tersburg for several weeks. Miss Martha WatklnB Flournoy, of Karmvllle, Is vlsltlng her aunt, Mrs. Llttleton Fitzgerald, 111 East Cary Street. Mr. ana Mrs. George F. Hutcneson have returned from New York. and are now at thelr rooms at the Jeffer¬ son Hotel. Mr. und Mrs. Edmund Strudwlck have moved from the Hermltage Road to thelr new home on Park Avenue. John Munce, of this olty. has been elected vlce-prestdent of the Chemlca] Soclety of Washlngton and Leo Unl¬ verslty, where he ls a student. Miss Lorena Vlnton ls the guest of the Mlsses Vlnton ln Newport News for several weeks. Mrs. C. K. Wlllls. Miss Lella Wlllla, Mrs. Rosa Albert and Leroy Grant left yesterday for Norfolk to attend the Hutchlngs-Wall wedding. Miss Ella Blnford left thls week to attend the Stump-Old wedding ln Nor- folk. - Mrs. Aubrey Young and llttle daugh- ter, Avis, who have been spending aome tlme in Roanoke as the guests of Mrs. McWhorters, have returned to the clty. Miss Katherlne Yonge ls tha guest of Miss Alice Old ln Norfolk. Miss 3uale B. Whitehouse has re¬ turned to Frederlcksburg after a vlslt to frlends ln Rlchmond. Miss Deborah White, who has been vlsltlng MIbs Katherlne Myers in Nor¬ folk, has returned to Charlotteavllle. Overton Luxford, formerly of Rlch¬ mond, now of Wnahlngton, D. C, spent yesterday wlth frlends In thls olty. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Nelson have re¬ turned to thelr apartment at the Ches- terfteld for the winter. Mrs. Starke and her slster. Miss Starke, of Norfolk. are vlsltlng Mrs. Starke's mothor, Mrs. St. John, on South Third Street. Rev. F. .TullusH,, o. S. B., brother of Mrs. Joseph Huleher, has returned to St. Joseph's Instltute ln Prlnce Wll¬ llam county. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN BY VinGINIA WESTOVER. Correspondents are requeatetl tn scuil eoniiniiuiuntloiiH ou Multjccta ln wblch they nre tittercNteil und re- gnrdliig whlch tliey dealre luifor- ituidou to the liMHor of tlic Wo- liuui'a Page. Who |s the hlstorlnn of tho Unlted Daughtors of the Confederacy, and whnt Ib her address? S. B. She Ib Mrs. J. Kndera Roblnson, of 113 South Thlrd Street, Rlchmond. Mrs. Mnim'M Home. Where Is the presont homo of Mrs. Wllllam Hodges Mann? '*. F. D. O. Nottoway, Va. MUa ¦luhuatonVAutlrey.1' I havo heard that tho charaoter of "Audroy," as dopicted by Miss Mary Johnston, had aa Its orlglnal a prom- Inent Ylrglnlu woman. if so, do you know thls woman's namo? A. G. N. "Audrey" °hns always been conald- ored an imnglnary oimractor. If she has a Vlrglnla protqtype, I do not know lt. * Ooufedei'ute Muml-iuu. When was the Confederato Atua'eumj Thirty days test o f QuakerOats every day, will do more than make you feel well. It will prove to you that it's the best strength maker. Regular size package 10 cents. In Rlchmond. turned over to tlie wo> men? What Is tho name of tho soclctj that has charge of It? SOUTflKMNRR. In ISfie. OonfctWnto Memorlal Llt< crary Soclety. l.tKllpn' Aftnocludnii. Who founded the Mount Vernon Lu- dles' Assoclatlon, nnd When? How h lt organlzed? X. H. C. | It was founded In 1S64. by Miss Ani Famela Cunnlngham, of South Carolina lt ls formed of a. regent aiul vlce- regents from the differeni Stateo. iViiiiiher of Clinptors. How many chapters. r;nlted Dattgh tcrs of the Confoderacy, are included ln the Vlrglnla Dlvlslon? A. a. At the conventlon of 1908. 105 chap- ters were reported by the dlvlslon presldent, Mrs. C. B. Tate. Tho report for the 1909 conventlon has not yet been publlshed. I.n Betlc Marqulne. What Rlchmond woman, promlnent ln the early days of, the nlneteenth century, was known by tho tltle ol La Belle Marqulse7 A D. D. Probably Mrs. John WIckham. who llved ln the house now known as the Valentlne Museum, and waa ono of the most brilllant and vlvaolous hostesse* of her day. Whlte rtoane I.ndlcn. Who are tho most popular hostesse* of the Whlte House; that ls whlch of them Is remembered wlth most pieas- ure by the American people? E. W. A Probably Dolly Madlson. Harrlet Lane and Francon FolBom Cleveland. women of unusua! and charmlng- per- Konallty. .- I IfOMteNH nnd Gnest. I have a frlend vtsltlntr at tlie house Satisfaction Once wear PATRICIAN and you will always wear them. The many letters received by the manufac- turers from women who have moved into localities where there is no agency are convincing testimony of the lasting good impres- sion made by PATRI¬ CIAN SHOES on the wo¬ men who once wear them. Seymour Sycle, 11 W. Broad. m STIEFF PLAYER PIANO Is the Instrument You Want Simplicity means durabitity, Numberless said to be improve- ments'mean many small and intrt- cate parta to give you trouble and expense. In the STIEFF you get the simplest Player Piano built to-day in Amcrica. The STIEFF PIANO IS The instrument for a musical con- noisseaur, If you do not wish to expend the money » To-Dayina STIEFF you can select a piano out of a| good stock of new or used instru- ments of various makes, guaranteed by us, that can be exchanged later on at full value paid on, a new Stieff Piano. > Used Upright Pianos.various makes.. $100 up. Square Pianos and Organs. $10 up. Your credit is good. Paym»nta as desired. V 205 East Br,oad, Richmond, Va, of n. rriarrled I'elallvo wlth whom am linncquaitUed, In golng to an< iny frlsridj should I K<.'nn my care also lo her hostcss? ' s, rj. It would bo the eotirtonu* thltig tf do, espoclally as your frlcml's hostrs- on oltler woman than you are. .11 rA. .'.tvtiiiwoii'N Itonic, Wlierd wlll Mrs. C, A. .SwntiBon gr tvheti aovernor Swansdn's ofllcldl lorri oxpircH? I, j,. Jt To her country homa, "lOldoii," n Plttsylvftnla county, henr Chaiiinm, Vn S'ovciitlu'r Flower, What 1m the flower for tfovembet nnd Iho Novmibor kciii? j\. <:. The yellow chrysanlherntirri ,Ih ilit Movver, and the topns* the gem. W here Mh<» r.lvcs, Where doeo Ainelte Itives, PHttcesf Troubetzltoy, IIva? ,j. ]{, At Cnntle lllli, Albemarle county, ivlien she Is In Vlrglnla, nnd at tlu Vllla Adn, on T.alte Mnggloro, tlaiy, when ahrond. TIip MittprcHs IJiigeille. j Is the Empress i-jugente, wlfe o; Napoleon III., stiii llvlng? Tf so lr wnat country has she her h >rne? She calls Chlselhurst, ln Kngland h'-, home, but she spends imich tlme al the various contlnentnl waterlnu places, where she goes for the boneill of her heoltn. Travcllng ln 13tirope. Where ls Miss Mary Custls Lee? Has she a place of rosldence in Vlrglnla' ,.rn.,fao Ve Blirv'vlng daughter of Gen¬ eral Robert E, T.ce. >s G ,p Miss Ij.ee spent last wintor'i'n Egypt, B«rnmer ln Partn. She ls now In Eng> polltan. When she ls not travellng, erernS<,He8TS°mt',lmes wlth her broth- wood InH^6' Wh° Mves at Ravens- or win V?C Upper part of tf»!s State, hL a 'nr°jher re'atlv*8. of whom she of the \rnn,nU^b0r- She '" P^sldent Women ?,?"£ lor Needy Confedorato womon, ln Rlchmond. Form ot Acknowlcdgment. rt,Yhen ?ar<3s aro 8ent °«t by a mar- th.l.C0^a f01 a "ception to be%T"n card^^"ant! ^"Shter. *hen hor card ls Inclosed and a reply |n askert *>r, ,o whom should ,t be addressed? J!1'"^ 8hou'1 bo addre'LdNo^'he invftatlon PerS°ns ln wh08a na. the iniitatlon is sent. Thls ruin « varlable and M..., * '" in" observed. ' bc to° strlctly .,, , , Johnson.Seny. sX^f- SeayS ChttpeK Thc color scheme. green an.l gold. was artlstl- ca y carrled out ln the rlecorations of >ellow chrysanthemums, jVy and ferns. The bridal party entered the church to the stralns of Mendelssohn. Durlng tho ceremony "Hcarts and Flowera" was rendered by Mrs. Flotcher Duncan. of Pemberton. Miss Lula Luck, of Ivy, as mald of honor, was attlred in a dalnty frock of corn-colored messallne, trlmmed In Irlsh polnt lace, and carrled yellow rosebuds, tled wlth tulle. Tho matron of honor, Mrs, Ralph Sykes, of Greens- boro, N. C wore her weddlng dress ot whlte satln, and carrled yellow rose¬ buds. tled wlth tulle. The brldesmaids, Misses Janey Lawson, of South Boston;' Fannlo Briggs, of Scottsvllle; Lucy Grey Anderson, of Rlchmond, and Vlr¬ glnla Seay. of Shores, wore beautlful dresses of yellow stlk, and carrled armfuls of yellow chrysanthemums. The groomsmen were John Ward, of Greensboro, N. C; Harry Grlmn, of Fork Unlon; Cabell Rady, of Rlchmond, and Andrew Seay, of Shores. John Pace, of Greensboro, N. C.. acted as best man. Nora Page, the Uttle slster of the brlde, acted as rlng-bearcr. Dr. and Mrs. Johnson left for aNorth- ern tour on the 4 o'cloek traln. The gucsts from a dlstance were Mrs. C. C. Rady, of Rlchmond; Mr. and Mrp. S. B. Pace, of Roanoke; Mr. and Mrs. Hlram Gates, of Rlchmond; Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Moon, of Tamworth; Charles Toin- llnson, of Rlchmond; Mrs. G. Allen Rady, of Rlchmond; Miss Leo Grlflln, of Fork Unlon. and Charles A. Rady, ot Rlchmond; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Brlggs. of Scottsvllle; Mrs. Omohun- dro, of Rlchmond; Fellx Jennlngs, of Hlnton, W. Va.; Mrs. W. F. Duncan, ot Pemberton, and others. - . I'li'iiHniitN.Wliltley. [Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.] CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA., November 3..A beautlful fall weddlng, around whlch much lnterest centred becauso of tho wldo acqualntance of the con- tractlng parties, was solcmnlzed at 6:30 o'cloek thls evenlng at tho home of the brlde, on Rldge Street, when Miss Annle McTyelre Whltley, daugh¬ ter of Dr. and Mrs. Jesse Thompson Whltley, becamo tho brlde of Rev. Cameron Eugene Pleasants, of the Vlr¬ glnla Conference. M. E. Church, South. Dr. Whltley, father of the brlde. per¬ formed the ceremony, asslsted by Dr. Henry E. Johnson, pastor of the First Methodlst Church- The house decoratlons were profuse. The parlor and hall were canvasscd ln whlte. A bank of palms and ferns fornied a background for two tall whlte columns surmounted by candela- bra, between whlch the bridal party stood. Other decorutlons were in palms, ferns and whlte chrj'santhoinums, while many llghtetl -candles added to the beauty of the scene. The mald of honor, Miss Mary Esther Whltley, slster of the brlde, was at¬ tlred ln blue sllk and embroldored net. She wore a large whlte hat and carrled whlte carnntlons and ferns. Tho best man was Bernard Blgger, of Chaso Clty, nephow of tho groom. Ut¬ tle Misses EUzaboth Hill and Lucy M^ebb Brown held tho rlbbons to form the alslo, The btido was attlred In a going- away gown of stono greon cloth, wlth hat and gloves to match, and wore a corsago bouquot of Ulles of tho val- ley. Sho carrled tho rltual of tho Mothodlst Church, bound In whtto, from whlch was suspendod a shower of Ulles of the valley. Mr. and Mrs. Pleasants left tmmo- dlately after tbo ceremony for a North- ern trlp, ofter whlch they wlll at- tend tho annual sesslon of tho Vlr¬ glnla Conferenco, M. E. Church, South, whlch convenes ln Newport News, noddle.-Wcbb. [Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.] KENBRIDGE, VA.. November 3,. Miss Honrletta Bacon Wobb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Armlstend Wobb, was mnrrled to Needham .Tamos Hod- dlo, of D'urham, N. C, a.t-Uio home ot tho brldo's paronts, "Sunnysldo," Kon- brldgo, on Wodnosday. Willlam J. O'Brlan, of Durham, N. C, acted as best man, and Miss Nell Wehb, slstefr of tho brlde, waa mnld of honor. R. G. Wobb, brothor of tho brlde, and Miss KUa Boddle, slstor of tho brtdegroom, uttendod tho bridal couplo us groorns- man and brldesmald, IjUiIo Miss Nan- nlo SUio Cruto, of j Roeky Mount, N. C, nleoe of tho brlde, and Austln Brldgo- forth, oouhIu of tho brlde, were- rlb- bon-bearors.., Miss .Annle- Stokes ren¬ dered tho woddlng marches from "ho~ hongrlnv nnd Motidolssohn. H. I* I'etty, 'ot Mocklenburg, was nutstov at A Witt Shoe Will Be Your Choice. C They mean footwear satisfac- tion. The guaranteed soles.the natural heels.the snappy shape and style.all these go to make up the sum total of Witl's superior shoes. <DE, Everywhere the fame of Will's Shoes haa spread, and the careful men and women who want the best for iheir money are all wearing them. C Look for Witt's trade mark of "Quality." C $3.50 to $5.00. F"f5aleby YOUR DEALER Manufacturcd by GEO. D. WITT SHOE CO- Lynehburtf, Va. JbrMEtf andWOMEtt ffieSOLEwith aQUAMNTEB ceremonles. Tho ceremony was per- formed by the brlde's pastor, Rev. C. T. Thrlft, of the Methodlst Church. ln the presonce of a Iargc number of frlends. The brlde was becomlngly attlred ln whlto satln, whlle her veil was caught wlth a pearl brooch, the gtft of the brldegroom. She carrled a beautlful bouquet of Brlde roscs and Ultes of the vnlley. Miss Noll Webb and Miss Ella Boddlo wore Canary messallne and car- rlod cream and white chrysanthemums. Immedlutely after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Boddle left over the Vlrglnian Rallway for Washlngton and other polnts. They will make thelr home in Durham, N. C. McNcIl.-XlchoU. [Speclal to The Times-Dlspatch.] BRISTOL, VA., November 3..It waa learned here thls evenlng that Tobe S. McNoll, a son of Captaln A. S. Mc- Nell. of Brlstol, and Miss Kathryno NIchols, a daughter of Mr. and Mra. J. B. NIchols, of S'unnyslde, near Roanoke, were marrled in Washlngton Tuesday. They will come here to reslde after a vlslt to New York. Clnrk.Barrett. [Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.] WINCHESTER, VA., November 3.. Carson Clark, a young Wlnchester buslness man, and Miss Bertha Bar¬ rett, daughter of David Barrett, were marrled here to-day at the Unlted Brethren Church parsonage, Rev. N. F. A.- Cuff offlctatlng. Perry.Gllleaple. .Speclal to T.io Tlmes-Dlspatch.] TAZEWELL, VA., November 3.. Robert Rlchlo Perry, Bon of tho late Dr. Thomas Perry, and Miss Nanola Glllesple, daughter of Hon. James S. Glllesple, were marrled at the brlde's home here this morning, ln the pres- ence of only a few frlends and Imme- dlate relntlves. They left on a tour of the South and Cuba. Mlnter.Duucnn. [Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.] CUL.IJEPER, VA, November a..A beautlful marrlage waa solemnlzed ln tho Baptlst Church here thls after¬ noon between Walter S. Mlnter and Miss Mammie Duncan, both of thla county. The groom ls one of the most promlnent young merchants of Cul- peper, and tho brlde one of the most popular young women of the county. Rev. W. E. Wlnfrey, pastor of the Baptlst Church of Culpeper, performed the ceremony. The mald Of honor was Miss Lorelle Duncan, slster of the brlde, and the matron of honor Mrs. .Cunnlng, of Farmvllle. Tho uahers were; L. F. Smlth, S. D. Mlller, C. R. Jones, of Cul- peper, and Mr. Cunnlngham, of Farm¬ vllle. Tho best man waa L. Mlnter, brother of the groom. The brlde and groom left Immedt- ately after tho ceremony for an ex- tended tour North, and on returnlngj wlll Hve In Culpepor. The versatility of designers strongly emphasized in the new Autumn Boots. Built for utility,yet abound- ing in style. 311 East Broad Cut Flowers, Roses, Chrysanthemums, Designs MANN & BROWN, FLORISTS, 5 West Broad Street, RICHMOND, VA. Orders fllled promptly. Shlpped anywhere. 'Pbonc Madlson 3052. OF QUALITY OF THE WORK WE TURN OUT Is cvidcncccl by the work for the following customers which we have success- fully handlcd against all cheap competition. THE JEFFERSON, MURPHY'S, RUEGER'S, LEXINGTON and the GUERRANT Hotels and THE PULLMAN COMPANY, whose inspectors have invariably complimented our work; the leading and most fastidioua citizens all being pleased and thoroughly satisfied with the "ROYAL" treat- mcnt. Shirts.Cuffs Attached; Pleated; Plain.10c / Collars.2#c Cuffs. 5c QUALITY WORK. REASONABLE PRICES. Royal Laundry 207-211 N. 7th'Street. 'Phones Madlson 1959 and 5245 I Many Have Eyes but see not for want of glasses or because of 1m- propor ones? No occaslon for such condltlon when our oxport aervlce and superlor Spectacles and Eye- glasses are at your alsposal. There Is nothlng too good for tho oyes, and wo furnlsh tho best only. Proscrlptlon work ls our spoclalty. ''Complete optlcal manufaoturlng plant on tho premlaes. Lowost charges ln all cases, i The S.Galeski Optical Company Main and Eighth Broad and Third Headquarters ror Kodaks, Photo Supplies,, Artiatic Oeveloping and Printing,

It Will Your They - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 17. · MIbs Goldlo Carlyle Dlcken and Oharlea Wharton O'Bannon wero quletly marrled ln the parsonage of Rev. Wllllam Eustaco

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Page 1: It Will Your They - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 17. · MIbs Goldlo Carlyle Dlcken and Oharlea Wharton O'Bannon wero quletly marrled ln the parsonage of Rev. Wllllam Eustaco

Social andi. Personal.A UKAUTJFUL weddlng of InteresL.\ to Rlohniond socluty 1b that o' * MInh Otey Mlnor to Ur. .lafncHenry C'ulpeppor, whlch takes placiUiIh evenlng; at X o'cloek In tlie honvof tho lirldr.-'s niolhur, In Norfolk Onljthe liiitnedlate famllles wlll Wttnestho ccroniony, whlch wlll be solumnlzwby Rev. SparkB \V. Walton, ot Frediii.'ihiiii Duptliit Church.Tho entlre lower floor of tho housi

wlll bo canvnsaod ln whlte and beau-tlfully docorated Wlth palins, ropua oiBinllax and yellow ohryBunthemuiTiM. AiofclicBtra wlll |ilny durlng the ovenlrfgMtb. John M. Sebrell, .Ir. wlll" u<

matron of hqnor, and wlll vvear a lieautlfut droBs ot crcpQ nictoor, and curr>a bunch of yollow clir/pmnthemumHMIhh Helcn Mlnor wlll Mtend her sls¬ter ufl mald of honor, anri wlll btgowned In pale yellow »ntln and carrjan (trinful of yellow ClirysantheinumHJames Augustus Hortim, of PortsmouthW1JI bo the groom'a best man.The brlde wlll entcr wlth hei

brother, Abner Pope, who wlll glvo heiuwuy, She wlll wear an exquisltcMoi-rls gown of whlte aatln, hand-em-broldei'ed, trlmmed In pearls ana reallace. wlth a court traln. Her vell wlllbe caught wlth orange oloBsoma andher bouquet wlll be llllea of tlie val-l*y and whlte orchids.A recpptlon wlll folloxv the ccre-

jnony, The brlde ond groom wlll hcneslBted ln recelvlng by tlie bride'empther, Mrs. George Austln Mlnor, Mih.ybriion Grant CuIpeppeV; Mf: and Mra.Abner Pope. L)r. and Mrs. .StorleyGrover und Mr. und Mra. John Sebrell,Jr.

Ur. Culpeppcr" and hla brlde wlllle«.ve nfter the rcceptlon for Old Polnt,later vlsitlng Plilladelphia, New Yorkand other Northern cltles. After De-cembcr 1 they wlll be at home In Nor¬folk.A number of Rlchmond people have

gone to Nforfolk to attend the event.Miss Mlnor has a wido clrcle of frlendshere, where sho formerly made herhome.Mlrn Vnlentlnc's Debtit.

.Mrs. Krederlck Stunrt Valontlne hassent out lnvltatlons for a reception tobe given on Tucsday afternoon, Novem¬ber IS. at her resldence, 900 Park Ave¬nue, In honor of her daughter, MlflsRosallc Valentlne. whose presentatlonto soclety hns been lookea forward towlth much Interest. Miss Valentlne,who has spent a year travellng abroad,wlll alao be given a cotllllon by herparents ln the Masonlc Tetnple Novem¬ber 18, to whlch members of thoyounger set have been invlted.To Sptui\ Home Tlme Here.

MIsb Nelllo Tubb. of Baltlmore, willnrilvo In Rlchmond on November 19 tobe the house guest of Miss CarollneGordon Rennolds. Miss Tabb wlll beone of thn attendanta at tho Bosher-?Srnlth weddlng, and wlll also vlsltMiss Klsie Llndsay before returningto Baltlmore.l>«ft for Kenluckjr.

Mrs. Charles M. Taliaferro, of NewYork, and llttle son, who have beenvlsitlng Mrs. Taliaferro'* parents, -Mr.and Mrs. Willlam Chrtstian, on ParkAvenue,- left laat week for Kentucky,where they have gone to Join Mr.Taliaferro. en routo for New York.l; nlprliilix.il nt Carda.

Mrs, Cllfford Mliler, of 1000 "WestAvenue, g-avo a dc-llghtful brldge partyon TucBday evenlng ln honor of horhouse guest. Miss Grlnnan, of Texas,and Miss Charlotte Sklnner, of Green-vllle. X. C, and Miss Alker, of Danville,who are vlsitlng Miss Lena Millcr.

Decoratlons were In palms andbowln of plnk rosebuds. Mrs. Mlilerrecelved her guests In a handsome lacerobe over whlte satin; Miss Grlnnan Ina blue messallno frock trimmed ln reallace; Miss Sklnner ln whlte net over&i!k; Miss Allen In yellow messalinowlth embroldery of gold, and Miss Mli¬ler ln lavender meaaallne.-Tho first prlze. a bunch ot vlolets,

vras won by Miss Grlnnan; tho secondprize, a gardenla. by John Ingram, nndthe booby,' a boutiqct of Klllarneyroses, by Fred Pollard.

Mrs. MIller'B guests Includca MlssesGraco Xeal, Vlrglnla Watklns, NoraKandolph. Vlrglnla Whltcly, ElsieIngram. Edlth Taylor; Katherlne Gunn,Cary Valentlne, Mary Saundcrs, HelenTanner, Charlotte Randolph, of Kes--wlck; John Cosby, Madlson Macon,Bernnrd Jones, John Ingram. RobertJeffrcss. Willlam Mliler, Rannle Owen,Fred Pollard, Talmage Donnan, Fred

"Dorothy Dodd"Shoes are distir.guiahedby that conservatismwhich, while meeting allstyle rcquirements, doesnot exceed the boundsof good taste.

F.W.Dabney&Co.,301 East Braad Streel,RICHMOND, VA.

B_r _


Carrlngton, Wllllam Grlgg,Eindtiay, Hugh Itose andLathrop.O'ilanuou.Dlcken.

MIbs Goldlo Carlyle Dlcken andOharlea Wharton O'Bannon weroquletly marrled ln the parsonage ofRev. Wllllam Eustaco Ilenry, ln Wash¬lngton, yesterday afternoon at 3:30o'clock.

MIbs Dlckon ls tho daughtor of Mr.and Mra. Wllllam Thomas Dlcken, ofHenrlco.

Mr. O'Bannon Is the son of MrB.Flora &'. and the late Captaln JamesH. O'Bannon, of Barton Helghts.

After a Northern tour, Mr. and Mrs.O'Bannon wlll be at home at 1913 Han-over Avenue.'J'lnnley.Hlll.

The home of George T. Nelson, ntHome Place. was the scene of a lovelyweddlng last nlght, when hls aounln.Miss Mary Brockenborough Hlll, be-oame the wlfe of Seaton Tlnaley. Thetveddlng waa a qulot one, only mem-bera of tbe two famlltes belng prcsent.Tho brlde's only attcndanta were llttleMargarc-t Nc-l»on, tho flower glrl, andGeor/jc T. Nelson, Jr.. the rlng-bearer.The best man was Albert Alsop, of,thlsclty. Rev. Hallowell Dlckinson ofll-ciated.

The house was bcautlfully decoratedwlth palms and cut flowers. Theweddlng mualc waa played by Mrs. EL.. Norton.

Mr. and Mrs. Tlnsley Immedlatelyleft for New Tork Clty and otherNorthern polnts. They wlll make thelrhorne in Phlladelphla.At Koine on l-'rldnys.

Mrs, Edgar Gunn and her daughter,Miss Katherlne Gunn, wlll be at homeInformally to thelr friends Frlday af-ternoons ln November. Miss Gunn lsone of the most attractive young glrlsto be prescnted to Rlchmond socletythls season.To Mret AVUu Mrs. KJrali.

The second of a serles of brldgepartles v glven by the Both AhabahAuxlllary wlll take place at the resi-dence of Mrs. Meyer Klrsh, 2005 Monu-inent Avenue, thls afternoon promptlyat 3:30 o'clock.Meellna; of Cheaterlleld Cbapter.

The regular meeting of the Chester-fleld Chapter, Unlted Daughters of theConfederacy, wlll be held In the homeof Mrs. P, A. Fore, 1O01 West GraceStreet, Klchmond, next Saturday afteinooti at 3.30 o'clock.Cotllllon I'ontpoued.

The commlttee of the MancheslerCotllllon Club has nnnounced that thegerman to have beon glven at Bel-vldere Hall on Frlday evenlng, Novem¬ber 5. has been postponed untll No¬vember 26.Gltmon.Mt'kell.

On Wedneaday evenlng, October 27,.'Altamont," the home of Dr. and Mrs.G. M. Nlckell. of Mlllboro, was thesceno of a beautlful wedding, when

Womaris P&cuerOver Man

Woman's most glorious endowment is the powerto swaken and hold the pure and honest love of a

worthy man. When she loscs it and stiil loves on,no one in the wide world can know the heart agonythe endurei, The woman who suffers from wenk-ness and dersngenicnt of her special womanly or-

ganism soon loses the power to sway the heart of¦ man. Her general health suffers and she losesher good looks, her attractiveneas, her ¦miability.nd her power and prestige as t woman. Dr. R,V. Pierce, of BuSalo, N.Y., withthe tssistance of his staff of ablenhysicians, has pretcribcd for and cured manythousaxtds of women. He has"Hevised st successful remedy for woman's oil-ments. It is known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a positivespeoific for the weaknesses and disordera peculiar to women. It purifies, regu-lstej, strengthens and hcals. Medicine dealers sell it. No honest dealer will¦dvise you to accept a substitute in order to make a little larger profit.


Ur. Pierct't Pleata'at Pellets rvzulate and strcagtlien Stomach, Liver and Bowets.

Elegant Wedding Gifts.The Nowlan Company, leading jewelers, 921 E.

Main Street, are headquarters for Elegant Gifts ofSterling Silver aud Rich Cut Glass,and when qualityis considered their prices are the lowest.

All correspondence given careful attention. Goodssent on approyal, expre'ssprepaid. '"

Social StationeryShould reflect the dignity and character of the person, Beforeyou order let us^ show you our assortment. You are sure ofsatisfaction in this partlcuiar want.

Virginia Stationery Co.\915 East Main Street, Richmond, Va.

Sarriples sent on requeat.

thelr datigliter, Imogcn, liocamo thrbrlde of Dr. J, FrnnclH Olhaoti, a younpPltynlclati, of Parls, Tex. The dlnlttg-Tooin, ln whlch the ceremony wainolemnlsterl, wsss hcntitlftilly doednttecln cvorgroeiiH, potted plnttlH and nut-uinn lenvoH.

Preparntory tn Ihe entry of thebrldnl pnlr, MIsh Nornm Nlckcll, Blateiof the brido, aang "I L,ovo Vott Truly,'nrconipanlcd by Mls. Klva lllatt; an<lo Ihe HtrnliiH of McndelBMohn'R wed-dlng march the brldnl party advahcedto tho altnr, where the Hcv. CllllflefR. .Slrlhllng. of Waynesboit), porfortnedthe ceremony.

Tho brlde wns hahdsomnly gownccln a tallorod tnivcllng stilt of reBtidpgreen, and earrlcd a nhower bouquafof Brldt! roscs.A briillunt recepllon followed the

ceremony, after whlch the brldnl part>was oscorted by n large immber ol

j frlends nnd relntlvos to the rallwaystailon, where tho eouple left for PnrlsTex.. thelr futurn home,Among tho out-of-town RttestH wert>

Phllllp N. IXivldson, of NorToIk; HfirryC. Hammltt, Brlstol; Mra. Toung, Mrs,Mlller. Mr, and Mra. N, O. Young. OI* Nlckcll, Miss Elste Nlckcll. of WestVlrglnla; MIhr Cecll Talley. Covlngton;Miss Alvn Hlatt, Marllngton, W. Va.;Miss Arleen Crawford. Woyer's Cavelan,i Dr. Wiley, Iron Gatc.MeetlltK Tu-I)«y,Those Interested ln the Ragged

I Mountain Mlsslon wlll meet to-day a;the Jefferson Hotel to conslder ar-rangements for an entertalnment to beglven ror the beneflt of that work.Arnong thoBe who have already tcstl-llcd to thelr interest In the work areMIbs. Jane Rutherfoord, Mrs. .latnesCaakle Cabell, MlBB.Mary W. Lewls.OrKim HlM'lllll.An organ recltal will be glven at

tho Becdnd Hapllst Church thls even-,' ing at S;30 o'clock by Hassett M.Hough, aaelated by Mrs. Hequembourg,I vlollnlst; Miss Macdonald, contralto,and Loula E. Weltzel, accompanlst.The followlng program wlll be ren-

j dered:Boellmann, "Sulto Gothlque," I.

Choral, li. Menuet Oothlque, III. Prlerea Notre Dame, IV. Toccata; Gullmant,"Pastorale"; Bach-WllhelmJ, Arla (GBtrlng), Mrs. Hequembourg; Hahr,

j Song, "At Evenlng"; Haydn, Allegrettoln A; Mendelasohn, Fourth Sonata;I Bach-Gounod, "Ave Marla"; Irlsh Alr,

j "Tho Last Rose of i-ummer," MlssMao-I donaid; Lemare, "Serenade"; Handel,I Gavotte In B flat; Ceaar Cul, "Ber-ceuse"; MacDowell-Ht-rtnian, "To aWlld Rose," Mrs. Heqembourg; Grleg,"Ase's Death"; Wagner, Introductlon,"Eohengrln."aitiillns.Ford.The marrlage of MIbs Maggle AngieEord to J. W. Mulllns took place on

Wednesday mornlng, November 3, athalf-after I) o'clock, at the st- Andrew'sKectory, 200 faouih Cherry Street, theKev. Thomas Semmes ofliclating.

lu and Out of Town.Miss Charlotte Skinner, of Oreen-

vllle. N. C, and Miss Irma Allen, ofDanvllle. who have been the gueats ofMiss Lena Mlller, on west Avenue, forHcveral weeks, have returnea to thelrhomes.

Miss Blanche Patton, of Danvllle,wiio has been vlsltlng Miss MyraChan.bers, left yesterday for her home.

' Miss Eugenla Seldon Taylor ls theguest of Miss Nlna Whitiuore In Pe-tersburg for several weeks.

Miss Martha WatklnB Flournoy, ofKarmvllle, Is vlsltlng her aunt, Mrs.Llttleton Fitzgerald, 111 East CaryStreet.

Mr. ana Mrs. George F. Hutcnesonhave returned from New York. andare now at thelr rooms at the Jeffer¬son Hotel.

Mr. und Mrs. Edmund Strudwlckhave moved from the Hermltage Roadto thelr new home on Park Avenue.

John Munce, of this olty. has beenelected vlce-prestdent of the Chemlca]Soclety of Washlngton and Leo Unl¬verslty, where he ls a student.

Miss Lorena Vlnton ls the guest ofthe Mlsses Vlnton ln Newport Newsfor several weeks.

Mrs. C. K. Wlllls. Miss Lella Wlllla,Mrs. Rosa Albert and Leroy Grant leftyesterday for Norfolk to attend theHutchlngs-Wall wedding.Miss Ella Blnford left thls week to

attend the Stump-Old wedding ln Nor-folk.


Mrs. Aubrey Young and llttle daugh-ter, Avis, who have been spendingaome tlme in Roanoke as the guestsof Mrs. McWhorters, have returned tothe clty.

Miss Katherlne Yonge ls tha guestof Miss Alice Old ln Norfolk.

Miss 3uale B. Whitehouse has re¬turned to Frederlcksburg after a vlsltto frlends ln Rlchmond.

Miss Deborah White, who has beenvlsltlng MIbs Katherlne Myers in Nor¬folk, has returned to Charlotteavllle.Overton Luxford, formerly of Rlch¬

mond, now of Wnahlngton, D. C, spentyesterday wlth frlends In thls olty.Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Nelson have re¬

turned to thelr apartment at the Ches-terfteld for the winter.

Mrs. Starke and her slster. MissStarke, of Norfolk. are vlsltlng Mrs.Starke's mothor, Mrs. St. John, onSouth Third Street.

Rev. F. .TullusH,, o. S. B., brother ofMrs. Joseph Huleher, has returned toSt. Joseph's Instltute ln Prlnce Wll¬llam county.



Correspondents are requeatetl tnscuil eoniiniiuiuntloiiH ou Multjccta lnwblch they nre tittercNteil und re-gnrdliig whlch tliey dealre luifor-ituidou to the liMHor of tlic Wo-liuui'a Page.

Who |s the hlstorlnn of tho UnltedDaughtors of the Confederacy, andwhnt Ib her address? S. B.She Ib Mrs. J. Kndera Roblnson, of

113 South Thlrd Street, Rlchmond.Mrs. Mnim'M Home.Where Is the presont homo of Mrs.

Wllllam Hodges Mann? '*. F. D. O.Nottoway, Va.

MUa ¦luhuatonVAutlrey.1'I havo heard that tho charaoter of

"Audroy," as dopicted by Miss MaryJohnston, had aa Its orlglnal a prom-Inent Ylrglnlu woman. if so, do youknow thls woman's namo? A. G. N."Audrey" °hns always been conald-

ored an imnglnary oimractor. If shehas a Vlrglnla protqtype, I do notknow lt. *

Ooufedei'ute Muml-iuu.When was the Confederato Atua'eumj

Thirty daystest o f

QuakerOatsevery day, will domore than make youfeel well. It will proveto you that it's thebest strength maker.

Regular size package 10 cents.

In Rlchmond. turned over to tlie wo>men? What Is tho name of tho soclctjthat has charge of It?

SOUTflKMNRR.In ISfie. OonfctWnto Memorlal Llt<

crary Soclety.l.tKllpn' Aftnocludnii.Who founded the Mount Vernon Lu-

dles' Assoclatlon, nnd When? How hlt organlzed? X. H. C.

| It was founded In 1S64. by Miss AniFamela Cunnlngham, of South Carolinalt ls formed of a. regent aiul vlce-regents from the differeni Stateo.iViiiiiher of Clinptors.How many chapters. r;nlted Dattgh

tcrs of the Confoderacy, are included lnthe Vlrglnla Dlvlslon? A. a.At the conventlon of 1908. 105 chap-ters were reported by the dlvlslon

presldent, Mrs. C. B. Tate. Tho reportfor the 1909 conventlon has not yetbeen publlshed.I.n Betlc Marqulne.What Rlchmond woman, promlnentln the early days of, the nlneteenth

century, was known by tho tltle olLa Belle Marqulse7 A D. D.Probably Mrs. John WIckham. whollved ln the house now known as theValentlne Museum, and waa ono of the

most brilllant and vlvaolous hostesse*of her day.Whlte rtoane I.ndlcn.Who are tho most popular hostesse*

of the Whlte House; that ls whlch ofthem Is remembered wlth most pieas-ure by the American people? E. W. AProbably Dolly Madlson. Harrlet

Lane and Francon FolBom Cleveland.women of unusua! and charmlng- per-Konallty..- IIfOMteNH nnd Gnest.

I have a frlend vtsltlntr at tlie house

SatisfactionOnce wear PATRICIAN

and you will always wearthem. The many lettersreceived by the manufac-turers from women whohave moved into localitieswhere there is no agencyare convincing testimonyof the lasting good impres-sion made by PATRI¬CIAN SHOES on the wo¬men who once wear them.


11 W. Broad.



Is the InstrumentYou Want

Simplicity means durabitity,Numberless said to be improve-ments'mean many small and intrt-cate parta to give you trouble andexpense. In the

STIEFFyou get the simplest Player Pianobuilt to-day in Amcrica.

The STIEFF PIANO ISThe instrument for a musical con-noisseaur,

If you do not wish to expend themoney »

To-Dayina STIEFFyou can select a piano out of a|good stock of new or used instru-ments of various makes, guaranteedby us, that can be exchanged lateron at full value paid on, a new StieffPiano. >

Used Upright Pianos.variousmakes..

$100 up.

Square Pianos and Organs.$10 up.

Your credit is good. Paym»ntaas desired.

V205 East Br,oad, Richmond, Va,

of n. rriarrled I'elallvo wlth whomam linncquaitUed, In golng to an<iny frlsridj should I K<.'nn my carealso lo her hostcss? '

s, rj.It would bo the eotirtonu* thltig tf

do, espoclally as your frlcml's hostrs-l« on oltler woman than you are.

.11 rA. .'.tvtiiiwoii'N Itonic,Wlierd wlll Mrs. C, A. .SwntiBon grtvheti aovernor Swansdn's ofllcldl lorri

oxpircH? I, j,. JtTo her country homa, "lOldoii," n

Plttsylvftnla county, henr Chaiiinm, Vn

S'ovciitlu'r Flower,What 1m the flower for tfovembet

nnd Iho Novmibor kciii? j\. <:.The yellow chrysanlherntirri ,Ih ilitMovver, and the topns* the gem.

W here Mh<» r.lvcs,Where doeo Ainelte Itives, PHttcesfTroubetzltoy, IIva? ,j. ]{,At Cnntle lllli, Albemarle county,ivlien she Is In Vlrglnla, nnd at tluVllla Adn, on T.alte Mnggloro, tlaiy,when ahrond.

TIip MittprcHs IJiigeille. jIs the Empress i-jugente, wlfe o;Napoleon III., stiii llvlng? Tf so lrwnat country has she her h >rne?

She calls Chlselhurst, ln Kngland h'-,home, but she spends imich tlme althe various contlnentnl waterlnuplaces, where she goes for the boneillof her heoltn.

Travcllng ln 13tirope.Where ls Miss Mary Custls Lee? Hasshe a place of rosldence in Vlrglnla',.rn.,fao Ve Blirv'vlng daughter of Gen¬eral Robert E, T.ce. >s G ,pMiss Ij.ee spent last wintor'i'n Egypt,

B«rnmer ln Partn. She ls now In Eng>polltan. When she ls not travellng,erernS<,He8TS°mt',lmes wlth her broth-wood InH^6' Wh° Mves at Ravens-or win V?C Upper part of tf»!s State,hL a 'nr°jher re'atlv*8. of whom sheof the \rnn,nU^b0r- She '" P^sldentWomen ?,?"£ lor Needy Confedoratowomon, ln Rlchmond.Form ot Acknowlcdgment.rt,Yhen ?ar<3s aro 8ent °«t by a mar-th.l.C0^a f01 a "ception to be%T"ncard^^"ant! ^"Shter. *hen horcard ls Inclosed and a reply |n askert*>r, ,o whom should ,t be addressed?

J!1'"^ 8hou'1 bo addre'LdNo^'heinvftatlon PerS°ns ln wh08a na. theiniitatlon is sent. Thls ruin i« «varlable and M..., s» *'" in"

observed. ' bc to° strlctly

.,, , , Johnson.Seny.

sX^f- SeayS ChttpeK Thc colorscheme. green an.l gold. was artlstl-ca y carrled out ln the rlecorations of>ellow chrysanthemums, jVy and ferns.The bridal party entered the church tothe stralns of Mendelssohn. Durlngtho ceremony "Hcarts and Flowera"was rendered by Mrs. Flotcher Duncan.of Pemberton.

Miss Lula Luck, of Ivy, as mald ofhonor, was attlred in a dalnty frockof corn-colored messallne, trlmmed InIrlsh polnt lace, and carrled yellowrosebuds, tled wlth tulle. Tho matronof honor, Mrs, Ralph Sykes, of Greens-boro, N. C wore her weddlng dress otwhlte satln, and carrled yellow rose¬buds. tled wlth tulle. The brldesmaids,Misses Janey Lawson, of South Boston;'Fannlo Briggs, of Scottsvllle; LucyGrey Anderson, of Rlchmond, and Vlr¬glnla Seay. of Shores, wore beautlfuldresses of yellow stlk, and carrledarmfuls of yellow chrysanthemums.The groomsmen were John Ward, ofGreensboro, N. C; Harry Grlmn, ofFork Unlon; Cabell Rady, of Rlchmond,and Andrew Seay, of Shores. JohnPace, of Greensboro, N. C.. acted asbest man. Nora Page, the Uttle slsterof the brlde, acted as rlng-bearcr.

Dr. and Mrs. Johnson left for aNorth-ern tour on the 4 o'cloek traln. Thegucsts from a dlstance were Mrs. C. C.Rady, of Rlchmond; Mr. and Mrp. S. B.Pace, of Roanoke; Mr. and Mrs. HlramGates, of Rlchmond; Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Moon, of Tamworth; Charles Toin-llnson, of Rlchmond; Mrs. G. AllenRady, of Rlchmond; Miss Leo Grlflln,of Fork Unlon. and Charles A. Rady,ot Rlchmond; Mr. and Mrs. G. W.Brlggs. of Scottsvllle; Mrs. Omohun-dro, of Rlchmond; Fellx Jennlngs, ofHlnton, W. Va.; Mrs. W. F. Duncan, otPemberton, and others.- .

I'li'iiHniitN.Wliltley.[Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.]

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA., November3..A beautlful fall weddlng, aroundwhlch much lnterest centred becausoof tho wldo acqualntance of the con-

tractlng parties, was solcmnlzed at6:30 o'cloek thls evenlng at tho homeof the brlde, on Rldge Street, whenMiss Annle McTyelre Whltley, daugh¬ter of Dr. and Mrs. Jesse ThompsonWhltley, becamo tho brlde of Rev.Cameron Eugene Pleasants, of the Vlr¬glnla Conference. M. E. Church, South.Dr. Whltley, father of the brlde. per¬formed the ceremony, asslsted by Dr.Henry E. Johnson, pastor of the FirstMethodlst Church-The house decoratlons were profuse.

The parlor and hall were canvasscd lnwhlte. A bank of palms and fernsfornied a background for two tallwhlte columns surmounted by candela-bra, between whlch the bridal partystood. Other decorutlons were in palms,ferns and whlte chrj'santhoinums,while many llghtetl -candles added tothe beauty of the scene.The mald of honor, Miss Mary Esther

Whltley, slster of the brlde, was at¬tlred ln blue sllk and embroldorednet. She wore a large whlte hat andcarrled whlte carnntlons and ferns.Tho best man was Bernard Blgger, ofChaso Clty, nephow of tho groom. Ut¬tle Misses EUzaboth Hill and LucyM^ebb Brown held tho rlbbons to formthe alslo,The btido was attlred In a going-

away gown of stono greon cloth, wlthhat and gloves to match, and worea corsago bouquot of Ulles of tho val-ley. Sho carrled tho rltual of thoMothodlst Church, bound In whtto,from whlch was suspendod a showerof Ulles of the valley.Mr. and Mrs. Pleasants left tmmo-

dlately after tbo ceremony for a North-ern trlp, ofter whlch they wlll at-tend tho annual sesslon of tho Vlr¬glnla Conferenco, M. E. Church, South,whlch convenes ln Newport News,

noddle.-Wcbb.[Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.]KENBRIDGE, VA.. November 3,.

Miss Honrletta Bacon Wobb, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. John Armlstend Wobb,was mnrrled to Needham .Tamos Hod-dlo, of D'urham, N. C, a.t-Uio home ottho brldo's paronts, "Sunnysldo," Kon-brldgo, on Wodnosday. Willlam J.O'Brlan, of Durham, N. C, acted asbest man, and Miss Nell Wehb, slstefr oftho brlde, waa mnld of honor. R. G.Wobb, brothor of tho brlde, and MissKUa Boddle, slstor of tho brtdegroom,uttendod tho bridal couplo us groorns-man and brldesmald, IjUiIo Miss Nan-nlo SUio Cruto, of j Roeky Mount, N. C,nleoe of tho brlde, and Austln Brldgo-forth, oouhIu of tho brlde, were- rlb-bon-bearors.., Miss .Annle- Stokes ren¬dered tho woddlng marches from "ho~hongrlnv nnd Motidolssohn. '¦ H. I*I'etty, 'ot Mocklenburg, was nutstov at

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ceremonles. Tho ceremony was per-formed by the brlde's pastor, Rev. C.T. Thrlft, of the Methodlst Church. lnthe presonce of a Iargc number offrlends.The brlde was becomlngly attlred ln

whlto satln, whlle her veil was caughtwlth a pearl brooch, the gtft of thebrldegroom. She carrled a beautlfulbouquet of Brlde roscs and Ultes of thevnlley. Miss Noll Webb and Miss EllaBoddlo wore Canary messallne and car-rlod cream and white chrysanthemums.Immedlutely after the ceremony Mr.

and Mrs. Boddle left over the VlrglnianRallway for Washlngton and otherpolnts. They will make thelr home inDurham, N. C.

McNcIl.-XlchoU.[Speclal to The Times-Dlspatch.]BRISTOL, VA., November 3..It waa

learned here thls evenlng that TobeS. McNoll, a son of Captaln A. S. Mc-Nell. of Brlstol, and Miss KathrynoNIchols, a daughter of Mr. and Mra. J.B. NIchols, of S'unnyslde, near Roanoke,were marrled in Washlngton Tuesday.They will come here to reslde after

a vlslt to New York.

Clnrk.Barrett.[Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.]

WINCHESTER, VA., November 3..Carson Clark, a young Wlnchesterbuslness man, and Miss Bertha Bar¬rett, daughter of David Barrett, weremarrled here to-day at the UnltedBrethren Church parsonage, Rev. N. F.A.- Cuff offlctatlng.

Perry.Gllleaple..Speclal to T.io Tlmes-Dlspatch.]

TAZEWELL, VA., November 3..Robert Rlchlo Perry, Bon of tho lateDr. Thomas Perry, and Miss NanolaGlllesple, daughter of Hon. James S.Glllesple, were marrled at the brlde'shome here this morning, ln the pres-ence of only a few frlends and Imme-dlate relntlves. They left on a tourof the South and Cuba.

Mlnter.Duucnn.[Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.]

CUL.IJEPER, VA, November a..Abeautlful marrlage waa solemnlzed lntho Baptlst Church here thls after¬noon between Walter S. Mlnter andMiss Mammie Duncan, both of thlacounty. The groom ls one of the mostpromlnent young merchants of Cul-peper, and tho brlde one of the mostpopular young women of the county.Rev. W. E. Wlnfrey, pastor of theBaptlst Church of Culpeper, performedthe ceremony.The mald Of honor was Miss Lorelle

Duncan, slster of the brlde, and thematron of honor Mrs. .Cunnlng, of

Farmvllle. Tho uahers were; L. F.Smlth, S. D. Mlller, C. R. Jones, of Cul-peper, and Mr. Cunnlngham, of Farm¬vllle. Tho best man waa L. Mlnter,brother of the groom.The brlde and groom left Immedt-

ately after tho ceremony for an ex-tended tour North, and on returnlngjwlll Hve In Culpepor.

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