1i jppn f JWI.J'yilUIMWBlWWiBPBgWB 'T i'' Wswfp'TOPR? T5 Tj F"vmt yry&mK&g&Mmrhi rj?TfWW fJPT'7 "s"- - ' HMW!TOW? ' ' ' ft- - ir " ' "J t' ' ) ' r -- : f - t f ' . J B2r9B833S WSwilfesfls '4 ?" - ." 'j' I ri&tffc i.1" V feSJfiSfei A M .iWW-- & t - fe Af . 9? - - ra M 1 I llhi It lg& A 33 J I Stf f 1 in & ir &' ,743 " fffi 1 1 I I 1 I & s v a i ir i fift w. BL PL si 0 pByt & Hffe? r tf- - j tf 3 Cm iiwvwm-.rytw- r3iimnjmTn.zaxrvxrxxamje K4iiyimumt citftiiiatww w Pqtygqavi !TfT" n'l Wii'in MWKMJfMl.l.-fVgT- r J!aWlWWftWiaWUl JOaE0-fl- l oatraiiuii Vol. XfV.--.N- o HONOLULU, II. J., SATUJ1DAY KVEtflKO, MAT a I, WW. S3 CiiHTti f.unaordcnon part vorTrt f" -- c i ,r " THE .DAILY BULLETIN in printed and published iU tho otuoe, Ojiuen iilroOl, Honolulu, 11. I., every afternoon (3 inula-- 8 excepted). Euh:silpliun, BO ccnli par Month Adilro"! sill Ooitiiiuiiiluii.ioiis Dwt.v r.ui.i.aii:;. to tusoitlon, fhixiltt bo limiiioil iu before one o'clock r. m. 'A'AWiR IIIIL Editor and Piopiloloi UallaMa litc-c- i Printing Oifico. Ninjnin.;, Hools noil fol i'rlntlujj Of all blutlt done on Uio moil r.ioiablo licll Tulujihouu i?o. 35ii Mulittl TdlcpUnuo Ko. 05(1 THE DAILY BULLETIN UftJi'!j Summary. VM W An iiitfircitlux end comiirchenRlvc MiMlcailou, coutilim :) loiinnna ol roHilliiK i!i.'.ltiT on 1jc:i1 topioa, r.nd c Luraplotc li'ftuinuof Ilouolulii mid Newu. It is Uio bon ii.i)u'. I'libllvlied it. the Kln,;dptn 'o s.'nd to fjloudh i.liroMl. Siil-,rlptli- )!i : lal.unl : : : $1 00 year Korean : : : 5 00 " Comiuiaaion Hcconanta. f OHM T. WATIBKHOOaS, t Importer uud Ucalur in General MerohnndUe, Ciueou st., nounlnln. 1 WiLDan, i Co., DoqIcib In Lurubur, l'altits, Oils, Niiils, Sal, und Uullcliiia aisi.rlM.ln of uvyry kind, eor. Foil uud ijtiuuu bik., Itouolulu. 1 U.aaj aprtrkoln. V"iu. O. Irwla. f Q. IRWIN Si COMPANY, . W dutj:ti Jb'.ietura and CUaic8ion Aritit, Honolulu. 1 7- - ri. N. C:istle.-- j. 13. Atburtou-- G . V. L'n?tk IOTliS: A COOKK, iV Shipping and Cuniintmlon Merchants. Iniuortera aud Dualero hi ticiieral Merohtwtlise, Ho. SO King t. llunoluni. 1 . Lowers, K. J. Lowroy O. U. Cooko. & OOOKB, LEWEHB to LareH f Dlekson,) laiportera und Dculern in Lumbrr imd nil niiids ol Building Jlaluriulu, fort -- treut, Uouoluln 1 yfi HONOLUtiU IROH WOFJK3, jj5Kgj3ina:n engines, Migur mill", boil- ers, ouleru; lion, bruus und lwdcat-luga- j liiiiotiim-r- ol overy dcsunptiou ruude to order. I'ariluular attoutioa paid to bbip'3 bluek sinitluug. Job worii uxu. tuted at sborl notice 1 neseB i, i "i- -, :rx G.T.ut.U CoramiGaiou ceats. IIOKOf.ULC G. W. HACZAKLAMI! Co. MPOltlTKS AND COMMISSION ilKUClL'Td. Queen street, llouolulu. 11. 1. 1C13 GOXSALVEB & CO., Wholeiala Grooers & Wiri3 Tdcrolianta Beaver Ulook, Honolulu. i BiluWEJl St OOSJPANT, J, (JilimUdj UKNKUAIi MliKUAKYtI.1 AND CoiJiufeiON AaBiiis. TJST OP OFl'lOKEB: I'. C. Jonkr, .It ... .l'rebltlont i Manager I. U. 0nrivit. . . ..'i'rcMincr i Bcoretary muh.iJTonr.: lion. O. It. ISisitor. 8. C. Allbh, H. WATcnnounu. :ii3 ly Pioneer Shin Factory 104 Fort St., Upstairs. Tho utidcrsignd bops to Inform the public ol thcue Islands that be is waking fcSHirtw ! aioasnroraont J Directions forholf-mcasuremu- will bo given on application. YIMto Shirts, 07orsWrts k Nlgbt G0Yn3 A fit guarnnlcu by making a aatnpla Bhlrt to every older. Itl-n- ti crilor soli-H- Ucll Tulop-hon- 410 my A. 38. ITCKliliJIH. H. G. CRABBE, DEALER IN Wand GRAIN, 81 King Street, oppojito the Old Btatlou House. Mutual Xolowliono N. '. i'roi'oaalonals. T M. MON8AIIHAT, Attorney ui Latv iV Mutiny I'ubilo 13 Miiiulmnl btrect, Uonolulu. if T" ALFRED MAQOOM, ' Attorney ut Law it Notary t'ubllc 173 IS Merchant street, Honolulu, ly J. E. BROWN, Old Capitol miUdlng. Agont to take Acknovlcdgmiiiit to Co- ntracts for Labor In the Dlstilet of Uouoluln, isl.md of Oaltti. JbO lm David Dayton Will practice lu Hie lower poipH of lliu Kingdom as attnnioy, intend to rolled lug in all Hi bianche, renting of hoiifc and any other buslnes-- " ijiiuipd to liim Ofllee J1 KIiir Street Upstair- - rebn-s- a Will I BOO. UlW J?IOrI32flli STEM CAfflY FACTORY 1". HOKN, Practical UonfecUoner, Pastry Cook uud Baker. 71 Hotel St. -a- -lST Telephone 71. California : Lands CSr Apply to A. 3I?5,5- - 183 tf 12 Merrtiaut t., Honolulu. WEHMER & CO. "nimilir.tui'ii'.ic .1 owi'lU'rs, 3VO. Ja JFOllT HTUJEEX. Coiistuntlv on hand i birco assoitraeu of every description ot dewelry.'Watchca Gold aud Silver Plated Ware, &o. U.')8 ly Thomas Lindsay, & Manufacturing Jeweler &. Walohmaker Kukul Jowolry a Gpaclslty. Kins Street, Honolulu. H. S. Nuxt door to the Hawaiian Traiu. j.y C'onipany' OfDcu. Kr Particular attention paid to all kinds of rpp'ilis. j'iii.10 o9 iiysiaoe orison, $$m& uSSEii OKAYMJiiN. LI ordoiH for Cartage promptly at-L- . tnnded to. Particular attuntlon paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods in traaBit to tho other IlandE. Also, Black am! White Sand in quantities to suit prices. Olilco, next door to Jus. F. Jlorgan's auction room. 932 ly Mutual Telcphono No. 10. U King st. -- -jf Jf .4 King st Importers of Rattan & Reeti Furniture Pianos &l Furniture Moved with Care. Matting and Carpets Laid. 0ORHICE POLES. Fine Upholstering & Bedding A Speciality. CNA5RS TO RENT. apr-IOS- . . ISnx IJr.l. -- St- 1('!I 'INilr. X7I. lawniiiiii Business Agency Corner Port i, Merolmnt streets, Honolulu, 11. I. COMMISSION MF.P.CHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. AcfottufutUti U Calloctotn FOIl ill" Hawaiian Boil Telephone Co. Muuagor of AdvcitlsiUj- - Dcpttrlmuut ion itiK "s2upspa SCuekoa." DEPARTMENTS of DU3INESS: Collodions will irccive epcrlal alien, lion and rcuniH promptly mad1. Real tslali) bouulil, roltl and Iracd. Taxes I'ald and prupeily sattly intind Mouses, Ccttscc:, Koarns and OKIcei. Icaul and renud. ami rents rullectui. Flro and Lite Insursnco in Ural class IniurAnee Coinjinitivi. Convcyanelno a tpoclalty IU'luhIh dsarrbcl and correct Abtri.clh ,.f Title fuinUlifd. Local Doeumcnli and Papers of every ilcierlptlon eaii'lully dran end hanil Bomely enero-se- d Copying and Translating in all limpungt.", in iuc In this Kingdom. Custom Kcuso Business transacted tv i 1 i iiccuracy and dlnptilcli. Loans ncjiotlHtvd at favorable rules. Gold, tlUcr end Cmlllicatai buut'lit ime obi. AdvorlisoniPnls snd Subscriptions toll oitcd for publltbuis. Any Article purchased or B'.ld on favor able teims Intcr-lslsn- d Orders will receive pnrtl. cular lUteiilli'U To Lot, Furnlilicd and Unlumlsiiud Cot- tages in iluiiinblu localities :il rennils Several Vbablo Properties lu ami around t'ie city now lor si.lv and leacc on easy tcimi. Say-A- ll buinesi entruslcl lo nut care Tiili ru; ivf p.oinpt aud taltliful atten ilii i ni'.it, rain ehHiifi Ki'b4,',l MllWlfl LB The undtrslgucd havirj? ben appointed sole agents for the U&waliRii Islands For the Celebrated Baldwin-- : Locomotives Prom tho worU of Burnham, Parry, Williams fi Co., X'lillaUolpHlii. Xc.nr.. Are low prepared to give 09tlmatcn aud recolvi! nrriets for Ihooe cni;inc'i, of any size and Mlc. Tho IUi.d-vi.- s Locomotive Wor.us are no v manufiictnrini n style of .oooiuo-tiv- e particularly adapted For Plantation Purposes, A number of which have recently boon leccl veil at Iht'Rii Inlands, aud wo will have pleasure in fuinUhlng plantation nitenta aud managers with particulars of fame. The superiority of tbeao Locomotives over all of her makes is i.ot only known hero lint 1j acknowledged throughout tliy Unittd htales. Win. G. IRWIN & Co., Solo AccnlB for Hawaibin Islands. 102 d.134 w.ly COMMERCIAL SALESROOMS ! V.itv. Uiiccu A .Vuu ami Be. EST Goods of all descriptions cold on coiiiiulf-lon- . Mutuil Tolcphono 031. feb A. U. ItASEMANN, Book-hinde- r, Papor-rulo- r & lllaclt-boo- k Manufacturer, Ho. Merchant ftroct. Up Btalra. ly O. MULLER & CO., PRACTICAL GUN & LOCKSMITHS llethol Street, "Damon's Block," Corner store. Butglcal iSs Musical InitruniPnla neatly refaircd at icasouible intes, Scwiny Machines and repairing of nil kinds a specialty. All kinds of Safes & Scales tepiiied. lloasihold Sewing Machlnm for sa'c decU.eU O LUSO IIAWA1IANU. ALL persons who want to communi with tho Poitueucso, either for bufilucss, or for procuring workmen, orvanti or any other helps, will Und it iho moat profitable way to advertise In tho Luso hav.aiianot tho now organ of tbn I'ortiU'iK'Rd colonv. which is ntlb- - llshed on Hotel Rtrcet.'andpnlychnrgof ruaaonnblo rates for udvertlswncnta. 'mmi'&'rwMiMvMxSt &MmwPyWmtMmM!i&3i ?wyyMfwWyw atest Novels! AT- - N. S. Sachs, 104 Latest Novelties ! EJlousii WaSots, Biouse Waists, Cool and comfortable; all mzi a. n;i:jrs cs-JjOve- Uiidicsicd Itid Glovca in tan and cvi'niti MimU'C. Kid GIovoa it: ull colore, lilnck Ivid Gloscs. Uhiek J Colored Driving Gloviin. In cic.iin and all colore. Surrah Sashes & Sash Ribbona, In all widths and colors, Lace Flouncings. Lace Flouncings, Iriih Ouipure Luce Klouucea, Oiieul.il A Vuleticienno, in ivb.it.', cnatn mid cciu; l'liick Luui! I'Kiuncc) in Spanirli lluipuiu Sc Clinutilly, eiy leiieonabb'. Lace EdgeingSi Lace EcJeins, Ininiense ateortuicnt ; nil tin; newest. i1umu. Kiftd it Vandykij Point J, in while and c.ru. Embroidery Flounces, llenitncdHtitch I'Moiiiicl-h- , latest .losifin-- . ntul elegant wink. Embroidered BOX SH5RTS, New designs in Worsted fc Wash Muteiial, all oolir Iiifuut'.s Complete GutlUii in JJo.vvh POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE. ESi'n ..,o r.C "Lit hutifcd, J IOU.IUVU ll vll 2&wtS o- - BREEDING DEPARTMENT. The follow Itiif Kiue Aiilnmli will stand for service at the ranch, Wulala1-- ': Well-bre- d Stnlllon "MARIN." Xormnn Stallion "CAPTAIN GROWL." Thoroughbred Stallioi "MIDNIGHT." Two Native btnllluti "PILIAOAO" & "FRANK." A Well-bre- d "KENTUCKY JACK." 103-1- tf St., Honolulu. Tun Jfet nvuvs rvKi. "J;' SALE DEPARTMENT, you s.M.k.' fltalllotH of various bteed. Marcs with or without foal, lloraes for any puipn-t;- . BREAKING DEPARTMENT, Skilful llicakcr aud Trainer U em- ployed the ranch. ".ST" PntNf.ictlon guaranteed in breAitif- - and training 1ioim.i.. WAJ1LAS BREEDING RANGE PAUL 8SEgSE8C. H- - E. MelMTYRE & lMl'OUTiHti A5it) DS.U.E1W IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed, EAST UOHHKK FORT AND EINO STRKKTS. o How Good" rtcolvcil by every Packet from tho Ka-ter- n ."jlntea and Europe, Ficsh Uallforni.i Produce by every Htuaruor. All orders faithfully attended to. and Goods delivered to any part of thn citv freo of charge. Island orders foil. oiled. Satisfaction guaranteed. Poft Oftlco lioi 145. Tolophone No. l3 fnov4 8i UUweWL.t3rri ; yjt ak. . jjhak ifu.iu tntrnvtr'vji. rat Chas. Hustace, ling Street, c HA3 JUST HECEIVED per " AUSTH ALIA," AhiBka Sen Trout, Kila Mackorul, Kits Salmun Uelliee, Kita Tongues and SouihIh, Caacs Yiuunn Saiu-ngc- , Hum Sausage, Snlmou in 1 aud - lb, Hub, HaniH, Hacon, Codllph, Tiiin Snuscd Mackerel, Moiled Mackerel in To-mat- n Sauce, Top O'Cun liuiiid Butter, Honed Gliickon and Turkey, Twin Brothei ' Yeast Cakta, Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats! Ccraliuo Plakcn, Oerincn, Brcnkfiiht Ciom, Whito Ontn, Ilighliind Hulled Oat.- -, Dried ApiicotH, Dried Peaches, 1'rtincn, Table Fruits, l)utt., Figh, ltido's" Food, Oelutino, Sardines, Wheat, O.itw, Brim, 1'otntoen, OnioiiH, unit a General Assortment of (iioccries at Puptilni jirieen. 40"Leiiv(' your ordern, or ring up lelepbono i;i0.- - A on U R- - Kiln &P1' KSH1 No. 111). -- J. O. Box s;n. P37 -- "Xfitto2J" LEWIS & CO., Ill Street, HONOLULU, H. L, IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IH GROCERIES fi PR0Y1SI0KS. By taeli sto'ituor of tho O. S. S. Uo. from California Fresh Cala, Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Gala. Frails, A completo line of Crosse & Blackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canued Sl Bottled Goods Always on hand. Also, Juat iceeivtd a fresh lino of ;emuwt I'att'M & i'otteil B.uitH A. ttottloil lroMirvi'il t'l-uIlK- , low Is & Co.'s Mnltepn Brand Sugar Cuicd Huns .t Bacon, Hew Brcukftt't Cereals, Oream Oat Flakw b Cream WheM Plakiw, Sictly Letnocs At Cain. Riverside Orauees, Oregon Bnrhauk Potntoea, Kte Etc, Etc. ai-- 10 l l 15't Irtt'lXGtl&ll Fort iuyyrynmcyfsssaTxaftzi - Fort BflWHB-UALO- OS The Go;J Lunch tn Town, Tea aud Cofibo at 111 Eoura TUl Plne.--t I'.ranlof "sl?::,-l:t. .Vfwiiyy on, llutvtl. II. .1. tfOIrK, VMtijirlcOir. 'VlllC y i... gMoiropolilanl; I Meat Company 81 KING STKEi:T, G. J.. WALLER, - - Kansiger Wholonslo & Itotnil Uutchers r NVVV CONTRA C'TOS. 1717 lv & Sv3 Wm K !?S T & 5 ($ 5s PLAN1HQ MILL, b3 At!iu, irenr Qtteutt Si. H Ti'lfi.bduo Au. ii.'.. K.S3 WALKEK & KEDWAill), CoiitrnutorH V IlullUiM-n- . llrlck, trtone and Wooden Ihiildingn; es timati'3 given. Jobbing pinmptlv at- tended to. Vi King tii-i'i. jii'llTelo-phon- N".S. P. O Uux, JW. aj.My riKORGE LUCAS, jJ J Contractor t&&"M& ami uulldcr,' hB Uonolulu Steam Planing Mills, hspla uadu, Uonolulu. Mimnfacturcri all kinds of Mouldings, Hracket, Window Vrainea, J'.IIihIm, t'lsliPD, I)o')i-s- , and all kiuilH of WooI-wor- l; flulBh. Turiihu-- , Scroll and liatid Hawing. All ItlniN ot Sawlnc and l'Pia-ui- Morticing and Teninrlng. Ordei promptly attended to and work !aarantvcd. Or.lera from the other ! hnds ttollelU'd WRIGHT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY, Fort Slroot, next Lucas' Mill, m- i- t'J.-T- - -- 'mwm Carriage Builders, Ship's Blacksmilhing, Orays, Carts & Waflon Building as specialty. T!cry descriplion of work In the abuve llntM pjrformi'd In a firu-I.e-i- i manner and uMcuted at. bhort iiotiee. ALL VORK GUARANTEED. Cf" Ordir from tho other Inlands solicited. Will be pleased to poo all our old ciifltomers an well n& nex onc-- . Mutual I'clephoHC No 575. apr.19.S0 W. W. Wright & Son 3 70 &8I Bell Tele. King St. No. 381. (I'he Hose Premises) All orders for wheel vehicles of every description tilled with promptness. Flr.suebiis mechanics employed. Fine Carriage Work a Specialty TIt.VM OAltH, O'IMIICNMS'H, Plantation Yagoss, Mule & Ox Carts, Made to order, uttered or repaired. Cnrrirtgc Painting, Trimming, KTO., K7C, I IC, ETC. Our HORSESHOEING Department Is under the nmingi'mcnt of B. Cay. lor I, who will colli-c- t and teeeipisall bills due that branch of our busiiica. (Sigued): oct l.ri Hm W. V. WRIGHT & iOS. VOLCANO STABLES Wnkiuiicmic Stieet. Carriages at 1 Minute's Notice, Also, Baddlo Horso, Carriages, Buggies, Brakes or Carts, 11,1V ui MUltT. WILSON BROTHERS, Propiletors, Ililo, Mawiil. Jkiy Onlers leceived by Telephouo iiii nth VETEIUNAItY. It. ROW AT, Veterinary Surgeon, !-. ointo and nharmacv at Uawaliun Hotel Stables, corner Hotel and Itlehard streets. Scientific treatment lu all dis- - iRses of domestic animals. Orders for plantation ami ranch nock ........ promptly attended lo, Mutual n..i... uk. P. O. Box 30. uih.lS.S9 irusiSidn Tifttionai Insurance Comuy lU.TAUMljIIKI) lift. Ciii'.j 9,000.000 'UH r.irferlcd, ajrent of the i.bove i I'linpmo lor Ibe Uawaliin Islands U tr' -- fiI to ncccpt rlek.i, ng'ilnut tire, on lli.lldlucR, Kurnltuie, .Morcli'indie, I'riMliid', Mit'-.- r MUIt, IHc., on tliu tnobt favorable term. losses Promptly Adlu:lod and Pijttl In llof.olulu. ly7.1y U. l'0.M,Ii:. Union, VLvu & Iitrino Insurance Co., L'd, Of Xeiv Keitlunit. Capital $10,000,000 Pirn rliks taken on Dwellint: Stores, and Contents. Alo, Sucar ami lllce Milla, Machinery, Uio . Kto IllflllO lUMll'.'tUCO On Hiill. Cargoes and Piulghts. l.'- - pild lure J. S. WALKER. Attnt for tlawidijn iHland' Jin-'- l 90 CASTLE & COOKi! Life, Fire & Marino E nsurance AgentG ! AOKNTS TOlt Sew England Mutual Life Ins. Co., or cobto.n. etna Fire Ins.. Co. ot Itertlord. I'MON Insurance Company, Vlr A. .'.larlur. OH SN KHANCIWO, CAJ.IKOHMA. .laallt'O NEW YORK Life Insurance OOtWPANY. Assets, : : $105,003,600.96 "Facts are Stubborn Things." At cory ago, on every invmium tabic, and in overy year, tho AC- TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policies of the Xow York Life Jnauranco Co. hnvo been LA RUHR than thewo OF ANY OritKR COMPANY ittiiiK Miiiilar policies. SX3T For particiiliirn apiily tu v.. o. ic'ituEie, Oeu'l Agent Hawaiian lslwudn. iUU tf FlTtE, LIFE, A" MABINE INSURANCE. Hartford Flro lnsuratico Co. AssoU, S5.238.00O Commercial Luuronca Co, (Fire and Marino) Awete, $130,000 Anglo-Nevad- a AMumnco Corporation (Vlre and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 Tlniri03 A Mersey Merino In. Co (Limited) Af sets, $0,124,067 Now York Lifo Inturance Co. AMOta, 5,105 053,000 SO C. O. BEIIGKR HONOLULU. General Agent, llaw'n llanda lOW ly CASTLE & COOKE, Ilardwiiro, Shipping Conunission Morohants. DKALKI13 IN General Merchandise 1 Plantation Agents, Life, Fire & Marino I Agouti jmi4jj HONOLULU, H. I. ISM V'l" i?1

It Stf in I r I 3 - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · Dried ApiicotH, Dried Peaches, 1'rtincn, Table Fruits, l)utt., Figh, ltido's" Food, Oelutino, Sardines, Wheat, O.itw,

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Page 1: It Stf in I r I 3 - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · Dried ApiicotH, Dried Peaches, 1'rtincn, Table Fruits, l)utt., Figh, ltido's" Food, Oelutino, Sardines, Wheat, O.itw,

1i jppn f JWI.J'yilUIMWBlWWiBPBgWB'T i'' Wswfp'TOPR? T5 Tj F"vmt yry&mK&g&Mmrhirj?TfWW fJPT'7 "s"- - ' HMW!TOW?' ' ' ft- - ir " '"J t' ' ) ' r -- : f - t

f' .

J B2r9B833S WSwilfesfls

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ri&tffc i.1" V feSJfiSfei A M .iWW-- & t - fe



-- ra





It lg& A33J I Stf f 1 in & ir &'

,743 " fffi 1 1 I I 1 I& s v a i ir i fift w. BL PL si 0 pByt & Hffe? rtf--


tf3 Cmiiwvwm-.rytw- r3iimnjmTn.zaxrvxrxxamje K4iiyimumt citftiiiatww w Pqtygqavi !TfT" n'l Wii'in MWKMJfMl.l.-fVgT- r J!aWlWWftWiaWUl JOaE0-fl- l oatraiiuii

Vol. XfV.--.N- o HONOLULU, II. J., SATUJ1DAY KVEtflKO, MAT a I, WW. S3 CiiHTtif.unaordcnonpart vorTrt


-- c


,r "


in printed and published iU tho otuoe,

Ojiuen iilroOl, Honolulu, 11. I., every

afternoon (3 inula-- 8 excepted).

Euh:silpliun, BO ccnli par Month

Adilro"! sill Ooitiiiuiiiluii.ioiis Dwt.vr.ui.i.aii:;.

to tusoitlon,fhixiltt bo limiiioil iu before one o'clockr. m.

'A'AWiR IIIIL Editor and Piopiloloi

UallaMa litc-c-i Printing Oifico.

Ninjnin.;, Hools noil fol i'rlntlujj Of

all blutlt done on Uio moil r.ioiablo

licll Tulujihouu i?o. 35ii

Mulittl TdlcpUnuo Ko. 05(1


UftJi'!j Summary.VM W

An iiitfircitlux end comiirchenRlvcMiMlcailou, coutilim :) loiinnna ol

roHilliiK i!i.'.ltiT on 1jc:i1 topioa, r.nd c

Luraplotc li'ftuinuof Ilouolulii midNewu. It is Uio bon ii.i)u'. I'libllvliedit. the Kln,;dptn 'o s.'nd to fjloudhi.liroMl.

Siil-,rlptli- )!i :

lal.unl : : : $1 00 yearKorean : : : 5 00 "

Comiuiaaion Hcconanta.

f OHM T. WATIBKHOOaS,t Importer uud Ucalur in GeneralMerohnndUe, Ciueou st., nounlnln. 1

WiLDan, i Co.,DoqIcib In Lurubur, l'altits,

Oils, Niiils, Sal, und Uullcliiia aisi.rlM.lnof uvyry kind, eor. Foil uud ijtiuuu bik.,Itouolulu. 1

U.aaj aprtrkoln. V"iu. O. Irwla.

f Q. IRWIN Si COMPANY, .W dutj:ti Jb'.ietura and CUaic8ion

Aritit, Honolulu. 1

7--ri. N. C:istle.-- j. 13. Atburtou-- G . V. L'n?tk

IOTliS: A COOKK,iV Shipping and CuniintmlonMerchants. Iniuortera aud Dualero hiticiieral Merohtwtlise, Ho. SO King t.llunoluni. 1

. Lowers, K. J. Lowroy O. U. Cooko.

& OOOKB,LEWEHB to LareH f Dlekson,)laiportera und Dculern in Lumbrr imd nilniiids ol Building Jlaluriulu, fort -- treut,Uouoluln 1

yfi HONOLUtiU IROH WOFJK3,jj5Kgj3ina:n engines, Migur mill", boil-ers, ouleru; lion, bruus und lwdcat-luga- j

liiiiotiim-r- ol overy dcsunptiouruude to order. I'ariluular attoutioa paidto bbip'3 bluek sinitluug. Job worii uxu.tuted at sborl notice 1

neseB i, i "i- -, :rx

G.T.ut.U CoramiGaiou ceats.IIOKOf.ULC



ilKUClL'Td.Queen street, llouolulu. 11. 1.



Wholeiala Grooers & Wiri3 Tdcrolianta

Beaver Ulook, Honolulu.

i BiluWEJl St OOSJPANT,J, (JilimUdj


CoiJiufeiON AaBiiis.


I'. C. Jonkr, .It . . . .l'rebltlont i ManagerI. U. 0nrivit. . . ..'i'rcMincr i Bcoretary


lion. O. It. ISisitor. 8. C. Allbh,H. WATcnnounu.

:ii3 ly

Pioneer Shin Factory104 Fort St., Upstairs.

Tho utidcrsignd bops to Inform thepublic ol thcue Islands that be is waking

fcSHirtw ! aioasnroraont J

Directions forholf-mcasuremu- willbo given on application.

YIMto Shirts, 07orsWrts k Nlgbt G0Yn3

A fit guarnnlcu by making a aatnplaBhlrt to every older.

Itl-n- ti crilor soli-H- Ucll Tulop-hon- 410

my A. 38. ITCKliliJIH.



81 King Street, oppojito the Old BtatlouHouse.

Mutual Xolowliono N. '.


T M. MON8AIIHAT,Attorney ui Latv iV Mutiny I'ubilo

13 Miiiulmnl btrect, Uonolulu. if

T" ALFRED MAQOOM,' Attorney ut Law it Notary t'ubllc

173 IS Merchant street, Honolulu, ly

J. E. BROWN,Old Capitol miUdlng.

Agont to take Acknovlcdgmiiiit to Co-

ntracts for Labor

In the Dlstilet of Uouoluln, isl.md ofOaltti. JbO lm

David DaytonWill practice lu Hie lower poipH of lliuKingdom as attnnioy, intend to rolledlug in all Hi bianche, renting of hoiifcand any other buslnes-- " ijiiuipd to liim

Ofllee J1 KIiir Street Upstair- -rebn-s- a

Will I BOO. UlW


1". HOKN, Practical UonfecUoner,Pastry Cook uud Baker.

71 Hotel St. -a- -lST Telephone 71.

California : Lands

CSr Apply to

A. 3I?5,5- -

183 tf 12 Merrtiaut t., Honolulu.

WEHMER & CO."nimilir.tui'ii'.ic .1 owi'lU'rs,

3VO. Ja JFOllT HTUJEEX.Coiistuntlv on hand i birco assoitraeu

of every description ot dewelry.'WatchcaGold aud Silver Plated Ware, &o.

U.')8 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

&Manufacturing Jeweler &. Walohmaker

Kukul Jowolry a Gpaclslty.

Kins Street, Honolulu. H. S.Nuxt door to the Hawaiian Traiu.

j.y C'onipany' OfDcu.

Kr Particular attention paid to allkinds of rpp'ilis. j'iii.10 o9

iiysiaoe orison,$$m&


OKAYMJiiN.LI ordoiH for Cartage promptly at-L- .

tnnded to. Particular attuntlonpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in traaBit to tho other IlandE.

Also, Black am! White Sandin quantities to suit prices.

Olilco, next door to Jus. F. Jlorgan'sauction room.932 ly Mutual Telcphono No. 10.

U King st. ---jf Jf .4 King st

Importers of

Rattan & Reeti Furniture

Pianos &l FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.


. . ISnx IJr.l. -- St- 1('!I 'INilr. X7I.

lawniiiiii Business Agency

Corner Port i, Merolmnt streets,Honolulu, 11. I.


GENERAL AGENTS.AcfottufutUti U Calloctotn

FOIl ill"Hawaiian Boil Telephone Co.

Muuagor of AdvcitlsiUj- - Dcpttrlmuution itiK

"s2upspa SCuekoa."


Collodions will irccive epcrlal alien,lion and rcuniH promptly mad1.

Real tslali) bouulil, roltl and Iracd.Taxes I'ald and prupeily sattly intindMouses, Ccttscc:, Koarns and OKIcei.

Icaul and renud. ami rents rullectui.Flro and Lite Insursnco in Ural

class IniurAnee Coinjinitivi.Convcyanelno a tpoclalty IU'luhIh

dsarrbcl and correct Abtri.clh ,.f TitlefuinUlifd.

Local Doeumcnli and Papers of everyilcierlptlon eaii'lully dran end hanilBomely enero-se- d

Copying and Translating in all limpungt.",in iuc In this Kingdom.

Custom Kcuso Business transacted tv i 1 i

iiccuracy and dlnptilcli.Loans ncjiotlHtvd at favorable rules.Gold, tlUcr end Cmlllicatai buut'lit ime

obi.AdvorlisoniPnls snd Subscriptions toll

oitcd for publltbuis.Any Article purchased or B'.ld on favor

able teimsIntcr-lslsn- d Orders will receive pnrtl.

cular lUteiilli'UTo Lot, Furnlilicd and Unlumlsiiud Cot-

tages in iluiiinblu localities :ilrennils

Several Vbablo Properties lu amiaround t'ie city now lor si.lv and leaccon easy tcimi.

Say-A- ll buinesi entruslcl lo nut careTiili ru; ivf p.oinpt aud taltliful attenilii i ni'.it, rain ehHiifi Ki'b4,',l

MllWlfl LB

The undtrslgucd havirj? ben appointedsole agents for the U&waliRii


For the Celebrated

Baldwin-- : Locomotives

Prom tho worU of

Burnham, Parry, Williams fi Co.,

X'lillaUolpHlii. Xc.nr..Are low prepared to give 09tlmatcn audrecolvi! nrriets for Ihooe cni;inc'i, of anysize and Mlc.

Tho IUi.d-vi.- s Locomotive Wor.us areno v manufiictnrini n style of .oooiuo-tiv- e

particularly adapted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently boonleccl veil at Iht'Rii Inlands, aud wo willhave pleasure in fuinUhlng plantationnitenta aud managers with particularsof fame.

The superiority of tbeao Locomotivesover all of her makes is i.ot only knownhero lint 1j acknowledged throughouttliy Unittd htales.

Win. G. IRWIN & Co.,Solo AccnlB for Hawaibin Islands.

102 d.134 w.ly


V.itv. Uiiccu A .Vuu ami Be.

EST Goods of all descriptions cold oncoiiiiulf-lon- .

Mutuil Tolcphono 031. feb

A. U. ItASEMANN,Book-hinde- r, Papor-rulo- r & lllaclt-boo- k


Ho. Merchant ftroct. Up Btalra.ly


llethol Street, "Damon's Block,"Corner store.

Butglcal iSs Musical InitruniPnla neatlyrefaircd at icasouible intes, ScwinyMachines and repairing of nil kinds aspecialty. All kinds of Safes & Scalestepiiied. lloasihold Sewing Machlnmfor sa'c decU.eU


ALL persons who want to communiwith tho Poitueucso, either

for bufilucss, or for procuring workmen,orvanti or any other helps, will Und it

iho moat profitable way to advertise Intho Luso hav.aiianot tho now organ oftbn I'ortiU'iK'Rd colonv. which is ntlb- -

llshed on Hotel Rtrcet.'andpnlychnrgofruaaonnblo rates for udvertlswncnta.

'mmi'&'rwMiMvMxSt &MmwPyWmtMmM!i&3i ?wyyMfwWyw

atest Novels!AT- -

N. S. Sachs, 104

Latest Novelties !

EJlousii WaSots, Biouse Waists,Cool and comfortable; all mzi a.

n;i:jrs cs-JjOve-

Uiidicsicd Itid Glovca in tan and cvi'niti MimU'C. Kid GIovoa it:ull colore, lilnck Ivid Gloscs. Uhiek J

Colored Driving Gloviin.

In cic.iin and all colore.

Surrah Sashes & Sash Ribbona,In all widths and colors,

Lace Flouncings. Lace Flouncings,Iriih Ouipure Luce Klouucea, Oiieul.il A Vuleticienno, in ivb.it.', cnatn mid

cciu; l'liick Luui! I'Kiuncc) in Spanirli lluipuiu Sc

Clinutilly, eiy leiieonabb'.

Lace EdgeingSi Lace EcJeins,Ininiense ateortuicnt ; nil tin; newest. i1umu. Kiftd it Vandykij Point J,

in while and c.ru.

Embroidery Flounces,llenitncdHtitch I'Moiiiicl-h- , latest .losifin-- . ntul elegant wink.

Embroidered BOX SH5RTS,New designs in Worsted fc Wash Muteiial, all oolir

Iiifuut'.s Complete GutlUii in JJo.vvh


ESi'n ..,o r.C "Lithutifcd, J IOU.IUVU ll vll2&wtS o- -


The follow Itiif Kiue Aiilnmli willstand for service at the ranch, Wulala1-- ':

Well-bre- d Stnlllon

"MARIN."Xormnn Stallion

"CAPTAIN GROWL."Thoroughbred Stallioi

"MIDNIGHT."Two Native btnllluti

"PILIAOAO" & "FRANK."A Well-bre- d


103-1- tf

St., Honolulu.

Tun Jfetnvuvs rvKi."J;'


you s.M.k.'

fltalllotH of various bteed.Marcs with or without foal,

lloraes for any puipn-t;- .


Skilful llicakcr aud Trainer U em-

ployed the ranch.".ST" PntNf.ictlon guaranteed in

breAitif- - and training 1ioim.i..



H- - E. MelMTYRE &lMl'OUTiHti A5it) DS.U.E1W IN

Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST UOHHKK FORT AND EINO STRKKTS.


How Good" rtcolvcil by every Packet from tho Ka-ter- n ."jlntea and Europe,Ficsh Uallforni.i Produce by every Htuaruor. All orders faithfully attended to.and Goods delivered to any part of thn citv freo of charge. Island orders foil.oiled. Satisfaction guaranteed. Poft Oftlco lioi 145. Tolophone No. l3 fnov4 8i

UUweWL.t3rri ; yjt ak. . jjhak ifu.iu tntrnvtr'vji. rat

Chas. Hustace, ling Street,c

HA3 JUST HECEIVED per " AUSTH ALIA,"AhiBka Sen Trout, Kila Mackorul, Kits Salmun Uelliee, Kita Tongues

and SouihIh, Caacs Yiuunn Saiu-ngc- , Hum Sausage, Snlmou in 1 aud - lb,Hub, HaniH, Hacon, Codllph, Tiiin Snuscd Mackerel, Moiled Mackerel in To-mat- n

Sauce, Top O'Cun liuiiid Butter, Honed Gliickon and Turkey, TwinBrothei ' Yeast Cakta,

Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats!Ccraliuo Plakcn, Oerincn, Brcnkfiiht Ciom, Whito Ontn, Ilighliind Hulled Oat.--,

Dried ApiicotH, Dried Peaches, 1'rtincn, Table Fruits, l)utt., Figh, ltido's"Food, Oelutino, Sardines, Wheat, O.itw, Brim, 1'otntoen, OnioiiH, unit a

General Assortment of (iioccries at Puptilni jirieen.

40"Leiiv(' your ordern, or ring up

lelepbono i;i0.- -



R- -



No. 111).

--J. O. Box s;n.


-- "Xfitto2J"

LEWIS & CO., Ill Street,HONOLULU, H. L,


By taeli sto'ituor of tho O. S. S. Uo. from California

Fresh Cala, Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Gala. Frails,

A completo line of Crosse & Blackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canued Sl Bottled Goods

Always on hand. Also, Juat iceeivtd a fresh lino of;emuwt I'att'M & i'otteil B.uitH A. ttottloil lroMirvi'il t'l-uIlK-,

low Is & Co.'s Mnltepn Brand Sugar Cuicd Huns .t Bacon,Hew Brcukftt't Cereals, Oream Oat Flakw b Cream WheM Plakiw,

Sictly Letnocs At Cain. Riverside Orauees,Oregon Bnrhauk Potntoea, Kte Etc, Etc.

ai-- 10

l l 15'tIrtt'lXGtl&ll






The Go;J Lunch tn Town,

Tea aud Cofibo at 111 Eoura

TUl Plne.--t I'.ranlof


.Vfwiiyy on, llutvtl.II. .1. tfOIrK, VMtijirlcOir.

'VlllC y i...


Meat Company81 KING STKEi:T,

G. J.. WALLER, - - Kansiger

Wholonslo & Itotnil Uutchersr


& Sv3 Wm K !?S T & 5 ($ 5s

PLAN1HQ MILL, b3At!iu, irenr Qtteutt Si. H

Ti'lfi.bduo Au. ii.'.. K.S3


CoiitrnutorH V IlullUiM-n- .

llrlck, trtone and Wooden Ihiildingn; estimati'3 given. Jobbing pinmptlv at-

tended to. Vi King tii-i'i. jii'llTelo-phon-

N".S. P. O Uux, JW. aj.My

riKORGE LUCAS, jJJ Contractor t&&"M&ami uulldcr,' hB

Uonolulu Steam Planing Mills, hsplauadu, Uonolulu.

Mimnfacturcri all kinds of Mouldings,Hracket, Window Vrainea, J'.IIihIm,

t'lsliPD, I)o')i-s- , and all kiuilH of WooI-wor- l;

flulBh. Turiihu-- , Scroll and liatidHawing. All ItlniN ot Sawlnc and l'Pia-ui-

Morticing and Teninrlng.Ordei promptly attended to and work

!aarantvcd. Or.lera from the other !hnds ttollelU'd

WRIGHT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,Fort Slroot, next Lucas' Mill,

m- i- t'J.-T- - --

'mwmCarriage Builders,

Ship's Blacksmilhing, Orays, Carts &

Waflon Building as specialty.

T!cry descriplion of work In theabuve llntM pjrformi'd In a firu-I.e-i- i

manner and uMcuted at. bhort iiotiee.

ALL VORK GUARANTEED.Cf" Ordir from tho other Inlands

solicited. Will be pleased to poo allour old ciifltomers an well n& nex onc-- .

Mutual I'clephoHC No 575.apr.19.S0

W. W. Wright & Son3

70 &8I Bell Tele.King St. No. 381.

(I'he Hose Premises)

All orders for wheel vehicles of everydescription tilled with promptness.

Flr.suebiis mechanics employed.

Fine Carriage Work a SpecialtyTIt.VM OAltH, O'IMIICNMS'H,

Plantation Yagoss, Mule & Ox Carts,

Made to order, uttered or repaired.

Cnrrirtgc Painting, Trimming,KTO., K7C, I IC, ETC.

Our HORSESHOEING DepartmentIs under the nmingi'mcnt of B. Cay.lor I, who will colli-c- t and teeeipisallbills due that branch of our busiiica.

(Sigued):oct l.ri Hm W. V. WRIGHT & iOS.

VOLCANO STABLESWnkiuiicmic Stieet.

Carriages at 1 Minute's Notice,

Also, Baddlo Horso,

Carriages, Buggies, Brakes or Carts,


Propiletors, Ililo, Mawiil.Jkiy Onlers leceived by Telephouo iiii


VETEIUNAItY.It. ROW AT, Veterinary Surgeon,

!-. ointo and nharmacv at UawaliunHotel Stables, corner Hotel and Itlehardstreets. Scientific treatment lu all dis--

iRses of domestic animals. Orders forplantation ami ranch nock ........promptlyattended lo, Mutual n..i... uk.P. O. Box 30. uih.lS.S9

irusiSidn Tifttionai

Insurance ComuylU.TAUMljIIKI) lift.

Ciii'.j 9,000.000

'UH r.irferlcd, ajrent of the i.bovei I'linpmo lor Ibe Uawaliin Islands

U tr' -- fiI to ncccpt rlek.i, ng'ilnut tire,on lli.lldlucR, Kurnltuie, .Morcli'indie,I'riMliid', Mit'-.- r MUIt, IHc., on tliu tnobtfavorable term.

losses Promptly Adlu:lod and PijttlIn llof.olulu.

ly7.1y U. l'0.M,Ii:.

Union, VLvu & Iitrino

Insurance Co., L'd,Of Xeiv Keitlunit.

Capital $10,000,000

Pirn rliks taken on Dwellint: Stores,and Contents. Alo, Sucar

ami lllce Milla, Machinery, Uio . Kto

IllflllO lUMll'.'tUCOOn Hiill. Cargoes and Piulghts. l.'- -pild lure

J. S. WALKER.Attnt for tlawidijn iHland'

Jin-'- l 90


Life, Fire & Marino

E nsurance AgentG !


Sew England Mutual Life Ins. Co.,

or cobto.n.

etna Fire Ins.. Co. ot Itertlord.I'MON

Insurance Company,Vlr A. .'.larlur.



Life InsuranceOOtWPANY.

Assets, : : $105,003,600.96

"Facts are Stubborn Things."

At cory ago, on every invmiumtabic, and in overy year, tho AC-

TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policiesof the Xow York Life Jnauranco Co.hnvo been LA RUHR than thewo OFANY OritKR COMPANY ittiiiKMiiiilar policies.

SX3T For particiiliirn apiily tu

v.. o. ic'ituEie,Oeu'l Agent Hawaiian lslwudn.

iUU tf


MABINEINSURANCE.Hartford Flro lnsuratico Co.

AssoU, S5.238.00OCommercial Luuronca Co,

(Fire and Marino)Awete, $130,000

Anglo-Nevad- a AMumnco Corporation(Vlre and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000Tlniri03 A Mersey Merino In. Co

(Limited)Af sets, $0,124,067

Now York Lifo Inturance Co.

AMOta, 5,105 053,000 SO


General Agent, llaw'n llandalOW ly


Ilardwiiro, Shipping

Conunission Morohants.DKALKI13 IN

General Merchandise 1

Plantation Agents,Life, Fire & Marino


jmi4jj HONOLULU, H. I. ISM



Page 2: It Stf in I r I 3 - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · Dried ApiicotH, Dried Peaches, 1'rtincn, Table Fruits, l)utt., Figh, ltido's" Food, Oelutino, Sardines, Wheat, O.itw,

HSw9isSnflHHfflBBlS8P ffiSi. afiffiwsMDMdPS3K?WPHffifflHwBEffitirf'" 'r i'IrRr7. , "x'-i-ftm- wrAwsMRfmp





Poitponoment of Tinio for ltieclvlns;Toadera for Erection of New

Market BniliUug.

The tunc for leeching londei? lortin; erection of the Sow lion Mail.elBuilding is hoiehy postponed toMONDAY, .June 'Jnd, ut I'J o'clucl.noon.

1.. A. T11UKSTOX,Minister of tin: Iiitouoi.

Interior Office, May 29, 1890.G67 3t

Til 13

StaiTu Ij&ulTvfitt

PnUrrti to neither Sect nor Party,Hut established for the btnrit of all.

SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1890.



Hditok 111 LI.UTIN :

Mr. Saytord claims that the bibleis the standard of Christian liv-

ing, and that the same book s,

that he "who is a friend tothe world is an enemy to Cod," ete.

.Professor Cheney of Boston (theAthens of America), saya: "Thisworld or one world at a time is Mif-licie- nt

tor any man. Let him dohis duty here, and if there is an-

other world beyond, he will be bet-

ter able to discharge the duties ofit."

Now the Christian according tw

Mr. Say ford must abhor this worldand the gloriona beauties thereof.He confines Christians within anarrow circle of bigotry and heath-enish superstition, with the uncer-tain expectation that after dissolu-tion, he will reach a paradise wherebe can indulge al the appetites de-

nied him here.We denounce (his irrational creed

as unworthy of our common human-ity, and of those who profess to fol-

low in the steps of our great exem-plar. Know TIivsklf.

Honolulu, May 30.


I'xiTr.D iJrATi.s EniiI.nkuu Ofhi im

Sa.v Fiiancisco, May 8, 1890.Messrs. Coit, Farton A. Cowlos, San

Francisco, Cal.Dear ir3: Vou treated two

piled for me with the ventura as-

phalt. They were driven into thewharf at Goat Island. A9 the coat-ing appeared to me to be brittle andf thought would not stand driving,the pile driving man was asked toitrike the most severe blows possi-ble ; his hammer, which weighed alittle less than 8000 lbs., fell .'2 feetwithout disengaging the asphalt fromthe pilo. I consider tho test an ex-

ceptionally severe one, as the pileswere driven through a tangled massof broken rocks, and I am more thansatisfied al tho results thus far ob-

tained.Very respcctfulh,

fSigned "W. II. Hnuhit,Major of Kngrs., U. S.A.


lion. Chief .lustiuc .Itultl returnedfrom holdinf; Court at Hilo, witli hiswile and son, by the Kinau.

Mr. Daniel Porter, Clerk of theThud Circuit Court, is in town.

Mr. C. McLennan, manager ofLaupahoehoe plantation, with hiswife, is in town.

Mr. .Tas. Neall. an Australiannewspaperman, paid the Btt.i ivmolllco a vIriI this morning.

Mr. F. W. Ward, late editor ofthe Sydney Daily Telegraph, andMr. "West, an agent ot the VictorianGovernment, arc through passen-gers on the Alameda.

The New York Journalist has nportrait and literary sketch of Mr.C. S. Noye, editor of the Washing-ton Star, who with his daughterlately visited these Islands.


The "press gallery" are dulygrateful to Minister Tliurstoin forsecuring them the usual privilegesof documents laid before the House.

Noble J. Marsdeu made hismaiden speech yesterday business-like and to the point.

Hop. White stands well to be theleading funny man of the House.His election on the Governmentticket proves to have been a funnyincident.

If provision for the pay of mem-

bers was distributed over all thobills introduced, what a brief sessionwould be the result I

"While- Germany, Austria andFrance are increasing their battal-ions Italy is preparing to cut downher military establishment in obedi-ence to the diclates of hor emptytreasury and overtaxed population.Minister Crlspl is the first KuropcnnPremier to take even a step towarddisarmament, and it is suggestedthat tho motive in his case is ratherto placate the growing popular

nnd to win Parliament tohis side on other and vital measurespending and in view, than to nliow agood example lo Europe.



Adjoiu'iicit Moellna ttetil nt Hip V..11. C. A. l,ftfliir..!outltiltluiiAituiitClt.

Wednesday aftrrnoon an adjourn-ed meeting of the Hospital FlowerSociety was hold in the parlors of

?53FrT "". st 'app .,wip' . irt7.p'w'wt,iHP'(, f" rtr?,y' '3?,V?5'8


the Y. M. C. A. The 1'resiUent,Mrs. S. II. Wow sett, wag in thechair. Amongst thos present were,II. K. II. Piincess Liliuokalant.Mrs.Alex. Mackintosh, Mr3. K. W.Jordau, .Mrs. Kobertson. Mrs. W.V. Allen, Miss Guiy, Miss HornUowsctt, .Mist von Holt, Mrs. .1. N

S. William, and l!ev. Alex. Mackin-tosh. The minutes vert lead andapproved.

The constitution was then broughtup. It was read and oted uponarticle by article, and finally adopt-ed as a whole.

The Treasmer, Miss Marie vonHolt, read her teport which showedthe society had $50 in the bank.

M.'ss Dora Dowsett, from thecommittee appointed to visit thesick at the Hospital reported, thatthis new work was much appreciatedby all the patients. The latter saythey are happy and .veil eared tor,but a visit from the outside cheersthem up and makes life worth living.It was distressing at llrst to lindhow few Hawaiian (especiallywomen) there were in the place.But Mrs. Miller's reputation forcareful and untiring nursing hasalready had a telling inllucnce amongthem. They have nothing but praisefor her nnd ihe oilier nurses con-

nected with the Hospital.Mr. Mackintosh pioposcd that a

piece of land in the Hospital groundslie cultivated for the purpose ofgrowing llowers. Queen Kapiolani,Princess Liliuuknluni and l'lineessI'oomaikalani kindly offered to payfor this work and the society ex-

tended a vote of thanks to them.The committee for the next three

months is as follows : Mrs. C. 1.Iaukea, chairman, Miss Stevens,Miss Widdilield, Miss Mary Carter,Miss Hillcbrand, Miss Nellie V.'ater- -

house, Mits Kva Neumann and MissSoronson. "Advertiser.


Ti ksuav, 31 ay 27.

DiaoltL r.U'KKKlOX, J.L. Ahlo v. Ainu. Ejectment.

Suit for a half interest in certainlands as per U. 1'. No. 1148 I,. C.A. No. 101 1, at "Waikele, Ewa,Oahu. Jury waived April term,1890. Heard and decision reserved.Later: Decision filed in favor ofplaintiff. W. K. Castle for plain-tiff : S. K. Kaue for defendant.

rturoiti: m'cui.i.v, .i.

In re estate of Kealaiaina (w) ofHonolulu, Oahu, deceased, intes-tate. Petition of Ilooipa (w) thatletters of administration be issuedto herself. Ordered that letters ofadministration be issued to her un-

der if'200 bond, that she file inven-tory, give notice to creditors, etc.Enoch Johnson for petitioner; J.II. liaronaba for Nahalau.

The Karl of "Wemyss and Marchaccused the Government in theHouse of Lords of paternal legisla-tion, which was destroying the fiberof the nation. Salisbury, in reply,said there was nothing so socialisticas the mint and the postolllce, yetnothing is more justifiable. Toomuch importance is attached to thespectre of Socialism. Nobody coulddeny the existence of great evilsfrom which arose socialist agitation.We are bound to do all we can toremedy these evils, oven if we arccalled Socialists.


if Househ'd FurnitureA.rr AUCTION,

On Tl'EHDVY, .Tnno .'J. JBIK,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 33..

At the leshleucH of the Hon. J. Phillip?,Jierctiiiiln street, opposite Mr H. 0. Da-mon's I will thn whole othl

Household -:- - FurnitureConsisting of

2 II. W. Dcdroom Sets, 1 Painted lled-roo- m

Sot, 1 11. W. Parlor Set, uphol-stered hi Haw Silk; Lounjje, MarbletopTabic, Whatnot, Combination HookCai & Secretary,

JLurge Center Itnx,JJ. W. Dlulii;: Table & Chairs Chande-lier. Lamps, Pictures, Winds, Curtains,Mnsipiito Xet, Mattrasso, Meat Safe,Kitchen Stove .V. UtunslK, CroeKerv,nitKswiuo, Warden Hose, lite., Kte.

LEWIS J.LEVEY,"Mifi 't Auctioneer.



jl.J US. CASCOYXE haviiit; returnedIt 1. from San Kraucl-e- liasher Drc-smahhi- Itusiticss, corner orHotel and Alakca streets. Hell Tele-phone 260. GOO 31

Dritl.NG my nbcnco fromJ. Jlotln-f- , Ksij., hold my

jiower of attorncv.R. S. CILVI1A.

Honolulu, May 31, 1800. CUD iiw

THE WEEKLY BULLETIN-- X2d columnn, purely local matter

Malle-- l to foreign countries. 5 persnnuin.


TIU!i:jnltntilo l.irn AMNiirnncc Hurl-"t- y

nt Oucu Tiiyt ttie i'. II. Jurtillcnth Claim

Mr. A. J. Curlwriidit", GeneralAgent for the Equitable Life Assur-ance Society, leceived by the Aus-

tralia the Company's diaft for twen-ty thousand dollars, in payment ofthe policy of the latu Col. C. n.Judd.

Proofs of death left Honolulu Mayflrd, and company's draft was re-

ceived in Honolulu May flOih, or injust twenty-seve- n das.

In this' ease also as in the lateIViaisdcll claim, before the Kwutorreceived his appointment to admin-ister on this estate, the company'smoney was in the local agent'shands for payment.

J09 lvk

Auction Sales bj James F. Sergan.

A.UCT10N SALE-- or


On MONDAY. Jtitie !21,Al' l!i O'l'liOCK JiOWSr.

Ill front nt mv Half-roo- Queen siieet.1 will 'oil at'l'tiblic Auction, by orderof this Oiihu Uall.iy & Kami Co.,

m, iioSVcol'k,I'rom tin- (N'li'ltnilr.il Kaliul.ii


Sf"rhi'e Aniuiiils luve nit beendilven anil handled, nud aie In liist-clii- .-


(3i In euniii'utlon m I tli lUa Iwould Inform tho public, thu It Is ouriiitenttoii lo hold monthly sales of livestock, theicby giving nn oppoituuiiy lopuich.ise jronil I.la"nd anlinaN In

to Inipoilcd stock.

IAS. I? .MOHCSAJN',uC'j It Auctioneer.

RacsiTefl liy Australia

a LAiioi: invoice or oris

'Clinf Bate Powder

-- WITH-

Crystal Onyx & Adamantine

Will lie opened and displayed on Sat-in day, May :il.-.t-.

Henry Davis & Go.rCS L'l

r 23r 1 frozen

it fe& p2OC5 f7 X& CTD



At The Beaver SaloonW. ,J. SOSrS!,

5U'J lit


Steamship Comp'yj'&ip


The Al Htcr.mship

"AUSTRALIA,"tVill have Honolulu lor tho nlnne

port on

Friday, June 6th,AT KOO.N,

For Freight or Pfmr.gc, apply t

VM. G. IRWIN & CO., Asjoau.r.iii iw

Foi'YoMsi&HiiilOEiPSS:r- -

mmmT!ie Al HleiminMi

( Eiagami Maru n

U.000 'Pons.

Will loavo llonnluhi for thu above pi itson or about


Kf" For freight or pasiaae, Imvlnf;Biiporior cabin auit Htcuragu kccommn-rlatiom.- ,

apply to

Vro. G. IRWIN & Co.,

60fUl A(jenli).

Auction Salos by James F. Morgan.


USL u WJUBaOu WEDNESDAY, Juno 4,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 23., j

At the residence of Mns. It. D. MOK- - !

GAS, Herctnnln street, I will tell nt t

Public Auction,

Tho Entire Housofi'Id Furnlturo, Cash Asfi&fcs,Compiling

One Oottago PIANO,(lly .I.Doll);

eraud.i Phali-H- , .Maibletop Table,Decorated llaugliig Lamps.

Conter & Sola Rugs,1'iiient ltoeker?.U'lekerClinliv, Whatuol,

3 fi.W.Marblotop Bedroom Sets,

Ilnir & Spring Mattrai"5.Cm tains, Pictures,

B. W. Extension Dining Table,

lll.iek Waliiul llhilm; Chairs,Crockery .

Meat Site, IMi Iterator.i:te., LCte . Km . Kte.

JAM. l ASOIlfiAX,JilS It Aueilonuer.

Portgs gee's

riOllbJli 0.L feiiiiilj,lt dlreellou of Sannu'l r. Allen and

Mink P. Kohliiaiin.Trii'.li'ea of Iheof .liiiiu ISuliln-ni- i, ik'eei-ed- , tho

iiHirlgiiRei"- - iniined In certain inden-lui- v

of imuigago dated Kobiimry 10,ISS3. ui.ide hv I'Mwniil l'li'tlon, I aiudheeieil to .e!l al Pulille .Miction,

On SA.TUltUAY, Juno 7th,AT I!i O'CI.OSIU MHiX,

Of lb it day. at my Saleroom. In Hono-lulu, O.ilni", fill thbio tight sevcial

Sssreclr or uoti.Xnmbcrcd leiectlvelv ISO, 1SI. 182,K). 210. all. 212 and 2til on Hie Oov-enimu- nt

(im vey of ICulaokahua amibeing the same pieml-e- s occupied liythe late Edwaitl Pieston as a honie-'tea- d.

For further particulars Inquire of

JAS. V. HIOKGAN,Auctioneer,

Or, Cecil Iliown. Atiornev-nt-La-

Dated Hoindulu, May ii", 1&H0. 61.C td


Sale of Real Estatelly direction of Cecil Hrown, theTi lis-

ten "under the hist will and testamentof Phi ip Milton, deceased. 1 am

to sell at Pulilic Auction, at mySalesioom, iu Honolulu,

On SA.TUJUDAY, .Juno Tlh.AT 1 'UMH.'!L XOOS,Of that diiv. tho.io ceitiuu

Pieces or PARCELS of LABS,Situate In Lahahn, Inland of Muni,

and beliii;1 That certain PremUes in said

on lliu Guveniiiiciit roadleading to the Ploneor Mill, and beingthe former loideueu of the s;ild PhilipMilton. The above property Is underlo.i'-- c expiring .lu'v 1. l'JO, jeailv lental

2 Two piece ol Tnro Land situateat Kahoma, Laliaiua, and comaiuiiigrespectively 2J-1- mul of an acre.

3 Three Slimes In the laud of Ivi- -hana, at Kaanapali, Kland of Maul,being the shares of Maueiia, ICahev.a-hewau- ui

and ICaiakeko.t,

DeetK at e.pono of the pnr-cha--

Poi further parliculars aiqiiy to

JAS. F. MOCI AN,fi07 til Auctioneer.

itlorlyngue'smTrtp r o sn

ii UlJ5y direction of Ceull Brown, Exeeu-to- i-

and Trustee of the last will anil tes-

tament of Philip Milton, deceased, Hits

uioilgagcu nauied in certain Indeutoroof inuitai;o dated January II, 1SS1,made by Aiona and Kiiuial.i, bi- - wife, I

am directed to sell at Public Auction,


Of that tiny, at my Salesroom, In Hono-lulu, Oahu', all that ceitalu


Situated in Lahalna, of Maul,being a portion of the land of Puna, amibounded and dceiibcd ns follows:

No. 1 liegtmiliif: at Its X. W. cornerwhich is fill llnl;, ilUtnut S. from tho .

E. corner of thu meeting house calledMauaolana, and iiinnlug X. .ViV !;. i.--

chaliih along Puaa Ikl, to road K. iini'K. 1.71 chains, along io.ul, rt. IIOJ- - W.0 SO chains alonji KooKa, S. I!!)- - W. l.lilchains along Konka, X. lilii- - Y. 2 illchain? a'oug Walokama, X. liij- - W 1 .!'.)

nlong WaloUaina to the begin-ning euntabiluii acre. AKo,all Hint


Situated In Piiih Xul, In said L'lhalna,which Id bounded and described usfollows:

Xo. l' Iioghinlug at tho S W. cornerand running X. f0. E. ii.liO chains aloiurKooka, X. L'l'l' 1'" "-

-( chains alongKoolm, X. flp K. O.lil chaiiis alongKnnlxii, N. as- - W. 1 02 chains along a,

S. 0!). Y, :t.ll chains along a,

H. II. E. O.hj elialns alongS. V. 0 !)0 clialim along e,

S. Wi- - V l.oil chains alongb. urij- - W. l.'J7 eliaius ahumb.H7' E. 1.18 chains ulotig public

load to thu beginning containing t7-1-

acje. For further piirilctilars Inipilro of,7 AS. F. MORGAN,

Auctioneer,Or. Cecil Hrown, Attornnv-at-La-

IUtMl Honolulu, Ma 27, ISOn. fidO id

r " ' j?E4SRfWraBWWWWfWw'' ,j; Kt'i ;RWrwjBBHHHBBHfct,'r'.irW!S?v

Household Fflrniture'lilTOflf


ijf For full pnrtieuiats apply to

lssukd tiiu

Dce-'- J

1 JJ 0$ $a

N ffJ

Milk Bread,(iiabani lircud,

JiyoI'luimh ISreml,

Kamily Hrend,Twi.-i- t



And will be KP.EE of t any

LiXZ.. oiCofkc, 'J'cu. Choeolrtto

ri&ir i.in.iis?.:riv-i- C

i-- Ciixv & Holdbrs.G Open from H.30 I. until r. open all nic;lit. Bill 2F2.

iUl. I'ot lh-- ; 173. -hfJa-..- lOJJf UIVA

it 'fi .' h SiL! K fi.H fi i fc


u 6. & fi 13

P Ms! (fZisM?& BatrsK'lS n Haiftj

uivdrameex i


Lire HEtaUroANbE

PE't fjil


& AH

,'kSi) 1 in-.ga Bttgtta

MfriislSi'JVBJSr& KfXiV SUS.



I am lntruett-- by bit. TROl'ShjIlAl'to at I'ublie Auction.

.I.ti.o.JAT I 'OJ.O:iC SiKIJI,

(Cnloss previously dispoi-.-i- l ofntpil- -ate sale) the follnn tug VHlunblu

(the only ica-o- n tor lug Is didol time to use the 1! nit;,

With Palls. Auehor, chains,Etc . Etc.. splendidly ilitd our amii fatly lor iim-- ;

MO Callous of N.ipthn lor Fuel.1 oi Xaptha Lnuiieh, open boat,

with Awning Oars;Man-of-W- ar (ilg, Willi Oars, Ma.st nnd

.Sail; a vciy pvetly bo it;


Probably tlm Fastft Pall Uoiit Intlie haib'or, Cutter Kiggetl;

1 Hnrnegat Sncakbnx, wtili Mn?tnndSail, and Fokllng ('enter-biuir- d,

ilnNhed In Woods;1 ot Life Iloat with Copper Tanks,

I1 English Coracle,1 Coppered Pi'uw,Sails. bp:ir.s, Illocks I'lulnj, ol all

descriptions,1 Foot Liitlin it Toids for Wood, lion

and ISrass,1 Power Shlpman Engine, ready

to iut in a boat with propellershall;

Anchor" & Mnoiliigs; also, the


Ot thu best deseilption.The proximity of the new maiket

makes litis boat house a very ValuableProperty, thero Is eery coiivenlencostowaway and lift light and heavy bonis,

U.suitable torn bo it or yacht club,pilot house or life Hiving

Ciouud is i'M per annum, fromMe.s'r?. Lyle & borreuson.

CyThu HoatH mo icndy for trial at1 mo by applying at the bo.it house,

and every Jioat U In order.

W3WIS J. LEVEY,R.a td Aucllorieej.

MJfOSSASta A. Vcfti(let,


W y 0J 0& ft ST ST

CJ IS jrJ! EGr.lT.


iiuttorUo.-lo-n Ctnokei.',

CiHokerx,Giuliani Craekorc,

Shocfly Ciackotii,


Poda Ci



Soused PiV Feet, Cold Ham,Spiced

in rA u s 2 a ..,,. a sh rs

tefl-M- , Jusblas,DELIVERED CHARGE

1T.VII2I.::..': Milk,


Tongue, Beef, Elc.

-- '' vswKn

Tobiu'HO, PijutK. Cold Kin..'.. m. s'..ilitiday nighl, Tele bono

Mutual Teh-phon- OllieoXZTtollT?S'rL?&ACiat'A40ZMrtZr






Folding Boat









liiiin Giflinr Burrns,




U 3 S Ca, ic. U-- B'JI

m .j rniirtVf !3 23 Wt hi f tE h EU a rw

Baa u &mw a a

't ELEPHOWE 297.

- iCcs." -- " ,rvzlt:


Agent Islands.

ackers,Cracker-- ,


Coin lie,

Spiced fc'nlud.,


IMpt." CSgnrcUe Ciaari'.Uo






SinpF Ale, Hon Ala, Mineral







itiul orders gliould :uUlr.Msort

& CO.,

1? T P. TT "0 F "H A TT If ci


Ohas- - J.Loading Millineiy ilou.-'e- , Coiner Fort ii Hotel

l',tif i Pallerna iibho. Fashionable Dressmaking upnlaiia .jJfS

fi .. w M UMi em ri f?3gtiBi?afia trc

Yi'ilhuut n I.lvul & QnnlltOne-thir- d Frico tho Royal

Every Should Uso

p$r A Saving Cent Qualily Very Uehl.



U n 11 R

lMM cat;s mV2W5(tta Li i B


WA'l'iiit WHIT

.tliiiiitt'.ii'turetl I'.x'ts'CKNly

'..H. OAVIES&CO.r.iir, tf


OX account of ill health Dr. J. M.Whitney has appointed Dr. K. L.

Ilulchliison to take of liU olllcountil his letiiru. 517 tf


"PlIK People's ,v. ItefilgnrathigL leu fiom after

dato iu qunutltlcs to Eiilt atpilco at gioeerv Btoiu of

IIKXitY DAVIS &Ilonnlnlu, May 18P0. Ml:! int


for the Hawaiian

loughniiis, Picnic lolls.

dies, Elc.

of thu c$



1S7 (Jm

b o , t! fwrr?-:- 0.: 1:o ;



tfi t; S ii rV-- ? B




Proprietors of WATES,

OrGiiaaino, BBsghBrryflfla. Sarapirl, VeWte.









Lo to





F232-2EL'- S,



Gi?tJ m

III Win I'rUso I

I bo of !

Houaokoepoi' It !

of 3D Per in Cos-- t and the jg$JOBBERS.

551 (!m





leuCo. will sell and





HEftftY DAV8S & CO.,Agents for the Hawaiian Islaniln.

Union loo So.Ij. O. ABLE3, Mannccr.

Fort Sfcroot, : Jlonohilu.Aro ww propjred U deliver Ice to any put

of tho City.

Thu packing and shipment of countryonleis will lecoivo mo.st careful atten-tion.

All of our Tee Is manufactured fromPino Mountain Water, carefully filteredby thu Hyatt Pure Wuter Co. Filter,which is unlver.aallv acknowledged tobo the best filter made.

Packages of llutter, Oamo, ITsh,Ments, Lte., received for cold storageIn our Jtefrlgoratlng Rooms at mode-rate rates.

pp- - Ice for sale at Ihe Factory at anyhour, day or night. 5(k! lilt


(litAPES lu rpiautlllea to suit, cutfresh from the vine, at T. Crist-loy'- u,

Fort street ; 0 pounds for $1, anytime nfier 1) o'clock a. m. GIUJ tf


I q VOLUMES EncyelopuMlla Urltan-Xe- C

nlca, Morocco bound, iu goodcondition, never used. Apply at thisofllce. noaiw

- 7






Page 3: It Stf in I r I 3 - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · Dried ApiicotH, Dried Peaches, 1'rtincn, Table Fruits, l)utt., Figh, ltido's" Food, Oelutino, Sardines, Wheat, O.itw,



r r itat.TS.ja,-N- .. lCmHIII)iKllfMl t,S..l , MYn JI IWfUHla-- - 0iftlt4 Jdk fct1 U'--t Mttf.'rjn.Mf?gy.l' '.Vj ' 'tTlMMB!lJl'0-t-HrVtWfBaiWNIC- fU.-- Tleym.'.iVmi-mw4-






A. M. r. M.

Leave Honolulu. . .. .. suoo 2:00Anivo Mamma ,. 0:4:2 2:4Sl,i;:ivo Miumiia ..11:00 1:00Arrive Honolulu ... ..11 4:1b'

--.I.'NIIAV I lt.Vl.NS.

A.M. V. M. )'. M.Leave Honolulu... 9:i;0 12:;10 li:0uAiilveMnnana ...1U:1S 1:18 31-1-

Leave Mamma.... 11:00 l:i:i 1:05Alllvc Honolulu... 11:43 Ui'M 1 iM



Stuir Kiiiitu f i oin Hawaii aud 3Ir.nlSchr luivvallanl fiotn KoolauTern Alll:iifioni Komijiclir KnMolfioin t'nna11 B MS Acorn, from Esquimau, B 0,

oci-'a- runts!May 81 -I-

lk A 1?:: McNeil, Frdj, lor San Fran- -Cisco

Selir Kaiiikeaoull for Kohalab S Alameda l(ii San Francisco at 11

a hiAm bktlrtngard, A 11 I'aul, lor San

Fianehco 1 I) inAm bKt Mnry Wlido linsn, 11 Nlsseti,

for Poit Tovviisend


fctmr Kiiulu lor Kllauea aud llnunlei at'1 p in

fltmr Mokolll for MoloUui at 5 p inShnr .(At ummlns for Koolnu at 9 a inStmr Lclitia for Ilam.kuu 5 p inScbr Kawallani for Koolau

-- chr Mlllc Moiris fur Koolau


from wlndwaid ports pertmr Kinan,Mny'Sl lion A T .)iidd, wife aud son.Mis C Fumeans, 'ra A B Lobeusteinand '2 children, U MeLenrrin and wife,Mrs A .lolinoii and 3 chlldien, h M

llllebeock, jr, II U Ketehum, II Clutes. J SCaii.nio, I Poiter, D Pul-lar- d,

Z lui!.IU, 0 Kokl, 211S3 Ida West-e-

l, Mis .1 S Smithies, s MoL'nuley,Clun-- r Kim. Bovs S L Dcsba. L K Ka-law- v.

V Kaiiiuu, .1 Kaliuo, tj C Lnhiau,A Pall, S K MaUahiki. J K Hlbln, (J MKamak'iwiwoole and S W Kekuevva;

! Latlnop, W li Wood, F 15 Uiiuulejjee,liro HertrHin, MUs Kcpola Koki, i.Usludakla Kokl und 8.1 deck.

For San Fruuuhco per S S Alameda,May Ul V II G Amemann, E'H unlia,MUsV L Gllllland, J H (JilUUiiid,.!llymin and wife, .1 V Boyke, V i leavesand wife, II Ewinj; an I wife, Miss LAtwood, F Atwoocl, V S , H CAVard and 208 in transit.

For San Fr.incl'co per bkt Irmnrd,May 31 Mrs Phillips and 'J chlldien,31r5 HmIiii, II (J Meyer. Mrs Lundy andchild, Mrs Todd ancl'Capt Aoki-rman- .

For Port 'i'ewnsend per bkt MnrvWiukcln)3ii,May31- -J , Iliissard, WOIeon,nnd MUs M Stambaugli.

For ban Francisco per bk Alex Mc-

Neil, May 31 J K Blown and son.


II B M S Champion, St Clair, from Ila- -nalcl

TJ S S Xlpslc, McCurley, from SamoaU S S Adams. .1 G Greene, from SamoaBr Bonowdale, Guthrie, from

LiverpoolBkt Planter, How, from Pan FranciscoAm bkt O U Funk, A C G laser, from

NevvcnrtloBr bk Omega, A V Brown, from Hong-

kongAm selir Go'den shore, Honder.

sou, from Newcastle, N S vv

Haw bk Andrew Welch, W JI Marston.from San Fiancls-e-

Am bkt Kobert Sudden, II O Ulberg,from Newcastle, X S W

Ain bk Maillda, bwlsson, from PortTownsead

Am bk Colusa, Backus, from Newcastle,X S W

Am pchr E K Wood, N C Lar- -aeu, Itom Xeweanlc, N H W

Am miss packet Morning Star, G FGarland, from South Sea Islands

siiipFirTt: notes.The Klnau this morning brought 8S30

bags sugar, 82 bags potatoe, 10 bagscoin, 3a eases pineapples. 00 plus, 103bdls hides, 1 house, 1 mule, and 150pkgs suudiic.s.

'ihe ftmr Jus Makce brought yester-day bags sugar from Kapaa, and the.1 A Cuunnins 700 bags of sugar fromKoolau.

The stmr Kaala brought 2100 bags sugar from Kauai vesterday.

The Brit bk DcanileUI, Captain Ir-

vine, was loiding at han Francisco forUambmg, .May 2.1.

The bktue Mniy Wlnkelman, Capt IIXlssun, sails this afternoon In ballastfor Port Tow nscud.

The tern3 Alcalde and J G North, bothlumber laden for Messrs Leweis &Cooke, nro at anchor hi sticaui. Thcvare walling for bcubs where to unloadtlielr eargoc-- .

The bl: A lex McNeil took y forSan Francisco, S3,So bag3 sugar and1503 bags rice. The eaigo was valuedat i?l 1(1,197.23.

The bktue Irragard takea 18,W-r- bagsfugar valued at 093,'.'el.57 lor SunFrancisco.

MAIIUKONV.' Arrived: May 22, stmr Kllauca Hon,Kawiiiliae; 2t,tmr Ktn'aii from Ilono-I- n

u and vv ay ports ; CO, stmr Kiuau fromHllo and way pons.

Saled: May 22, stmr Kllnue.i Honfor Honolulu and way pons; 21, stmrKlnau for llllo and way ports; 30. wtmrKliuufor Honolulu and way pons.

liii-O- .

Anived May 21, brig Lurllnc, Matron,San Fraucisi-o- , with a lull cargo; 23,fehr Dora liluhm, Moore, San Fran-cisco.MMWgJI'a-ltfw,w,,"W- I "'


At a meeting of the Board ofUnderwriters, held Thursday after-noon, the committee- previously ap-

pointed for tho purpose reported ontests made of kerosene oil in theGov-einme- nt

warehouse, l'earl oil, ex-

cepting in otic caBo, was found to bo

below tho requirements of law.Aloha oil stood tho lest. Messrs.bwanr.y, Paty. and Opfergelt weroappointed a committee ,to presenttho mattcrto the Government. It wasthought that thu legal test should bo

rateed to U0 degrees at least.

LOCAL & CEt&fiAl. HW3.A position' of head lima Is ivanttd.

- - - -TIoNoi.ct.i; and Hawaii play lull

nl '!:."().

Tin; native preachem annul bytlio Kinau.

.Lvs. F. Morgan will hold monthlysales of live stool:.

J. IIoTtxo h ildi i:. S. Cunru'upower of attorney.

A G. A. It. badge found awaits it:owner at this office.

G. O. BEt'CER ii agent for theTlmmcd it M.oik".v Maiino insuranceCo.

.Lvs F. Morgan will tell houses midcolli fo: Iho O. R. it L. Co., Mondaynoon.

Mil. H. W. Schmidt has our thanksfor newspaper ripoiis of llio (.irilldtbnlr.

June 1st, Tiinily Sun-tin-

an English sermon will be de-

livered at the Catholic Cathedral ofHonolulu, at the 7 a. m. mats

Captain-- Tl G. Morto, of tlio S S.Alameda, hurl hi. left knee whiletaking ln- d.iily e.teiciso Thursday,and was limping ycalciday in eonsquenco.

Tin: (teainship Alameda loft forHan Francis-c- at 12 o'clock noun Animmente crowd was on the whaif tobid adieu to departing frio'-nls- Theband played r.a Usual, to the delightof the ptusenyors.

On-- the police force Lieut. Kauiauay becomes Captain inttad of

W. Iireen, resigned, fiergeant Kai-em- ;

take3 Kaiiiaua's pi. ice as Lieu-tenan- t.

Private J. Knuhanc takesKftiena'.'i place asi benjeant.

Tun b.'iu-- l w.io laying nil day andevening ji'oli'id.iy, .mil .it the de-

parture of I In- - Alaiin-ii- '1 herowill there foi e b nobody me in enoughto complain :U lb'1 omission of theEmma Square emie' rl this afteiiiDon.

3fn. J. E. Bioivn, of the linn of J.E. Brown it Co., left on the Alex-ander McNeil for fiiin Francisco to-

day. The object of the trip is be.illh.Jack hat been pretty sick htely, andhopes to be ietorcd to health by l liefen air.

Ak unusually lnigo concoui?" ofpeople gathered at tho HawaiianHotel In liaten to the band conceitlast night. Tho Australia's andAlameda's pnssenois weie pioini-nen- t

in tho company, and ninny ex-

clamations of admiration iejpeetingthe band's plajing w'eie her.nl.

Bif.LY Riclifudson, driver for thorcojdo'H leo Co., and Hosier, diiverfor the Union Ice Co., had a quarrelthis morning, nnd ltichaulsou bo-ca-

a bloody eight. When seen atthe Police Station, Richardson's headand chest were coveted with bloodwhich llovvcd from three ugly wounds.Richardson said llopier btruclc himthree times with tho ice tongs. Hewould not care much if hi-- , skull hadnot been fractured. Dr. McGicw wascalled to attend to the injured man,while the other fellow was locked up.


Several weeks ago, Captainof tho btigantino G'onauelo

reported having passed at sea aboutloO miles from Knhului a largebeacon buoy with a bell attached toit. Last week, that buoy reachedIlnnauiaulu, Kauai, nnd caused nolittle excitement among the quiet in-

habitant-!. Mr. John Gandle, thehead luna of Mr. Wilcox's planta-tion, with the assistance of his men,hauled the buoy over the reef to thebeach, where it lay till it was ship-ped .o Honolulu by tho steamerJames Makee arriving hero yester-day morning. The buoy is nowlying at the Fort street wharf wherecurious sight-seer- s are visiting it.


The Central Union Church waswell filled last night to hear Mr.Sayford preach his last week-evenin- g

sermon. Ho read tho sixthchapter of Isaiah and then spoke inan able,intei esting and powerful man-

ner on tho verses read. His themewas "willingness to do Christianvvoik," and he stated that ignoranceand selllshness were the real hind-rances to missionary cfl'oit. At theclose was a short testimony servicein which iunliy young peoplu tookpart.

Evangelist Sayford will preachby request and for the last time inCentral Union Church on Sundayevening, at 7:30 o'clock.


It was slated during the month ofFebruary last, that tho O. R. R. &

L. Co. 's trains would have connec-tion with tlio deep wuter in the'bay,by Juno 1st. Tbu connection hasbeen made two days ahead of time.Yesterday, two ochooners, ono attho railroad wharf and the other attho scow landing, wo io unloadingGOOO i ail road ties for tho company.A 22$-to- n locomotive was takenacross thu bay on ti scow tho pre-vious day and hauled up on thetrade on the new wharf. Tho O.I'. It. & L. Co.'s traitm now run asfar as Mr. C. A. Brown's place,Yalpio, and the extension of the

road is being continued at tho rateof one-thir- d of a ratio per day. Thecontract, Mr. Dillingham says, willbe finished next Tuesday or Wed-nesday, and tho lino will then boabout 15 miles long,

rHEVORKINGMAN'S PAPERJL "The D.itlv Bullutlii." (50 ecntH

I or month-


H ,TVMWV.4aW-.,.kT'lrft'-


Tlii.Wiitcr (IVistun) lor Apill,icfcrring to llie "mine than oidin-ni- y

hiicecss as a veisu wiiter'' ofMis. Fiance- - L. Mncc, author of"Uinh'i I'alin and l'ine,"".Mis. Mace ii thu miluiir of manyreligion pooiun, the most widelyknown if which is "Only Waiting,'In use for thiity yean in manyhymnals and books uf -- acre. I song,aud leccntlv translated into Hawaiian ond frequently sung by thenatives in tin- - bumlnkh Islands. It j

was originaliv printed ne u contrlbu- -

tioa to the Waterville (Me Mail,September 7, LSOi,"

The Writer, in a iiit'iiWuu of Unb-

elt Loin- - Sleveiinon's intciillo'is,says tliitl "in biniina Mr. Stcveii'-oi- i

had ns his companion Jorcpli Storytho artist." .Such is Intnc. Ofcourse our eld friend Joseph Slnitigis meant.

Thu MIs-so- Dill have stalled uschool in Loudon for women com-

positors, tendcis, shiirthiiml w liters,reporters, and journalists. Afterthorough Ins'.ruetioti ilicir note-laker- s

ate despatched to repoitmeetings,or write descriptive

of e'very-dn- y ocouiicnees.Representative Iawler lias intio-d- n

(I in Congress a resolution di-

recting the public printer, in allworks for Congress and hr the de-

partments hcgnii after tin: passaacof the resolution In adopt tlio fol-

lowing rules for amended spellings,except in educational and otherworks where a diffci cut orthographymay be lequhed: (I) "Dtop ue atthe end of words like dialogue,wheio the preceding vowel is short.(2) Diop Until o in such words asdefinite, wliie the preceding vowelis short. (.'!) Drop llnal te in wordsliUe cpui telle. (4) Drop final mein wruds like programme. (.))Change ph to t in words like phan-tom and telegraph. (6) Sub'-tilut-

o for the diphthongs ie aud c whenthey have the sound of that lettt r."

Colonel Iligginson and Mrs. S. A.Bigelow havo in preparation a vol-

ume of about two hundred und fiftyscicctid sonnets by Ameiicau v.ril-ci- s.

"A Digc-- t of English und Ameri-can Literature," tho last vvoik ofthe late Prof. A. II. Welsh, is nowin the press of b. C. Griggs A. Co.,of Chicago.

The Chautauqua Press will issuein the spring an English Literaturepiepared by Prof. Hoary A. llecrs.of Yule University.

"Thou Shalt Not" is in its onehundred and twentieth edition, aiccord for llio first twelve iiiouluprobably unexcelled by auy Ameri-can work of fiction. A year agoMr. Portor ("Albert Ross") waspractically unknown. Now the pub-lic demand for his works is said tobe nearly a thousand copies a day.

Harper's Magazine will reach itsfortieth anniversary with tho Junenumber. It was in tho beginningpurely eclectic, containing only tliobest work3 of Dickens, Bulwer,Thaekerpy, Lever, and other distin-guished writers, culled from Eng-lish periodicals. Henry J. Ray-mond was the first editor. The"Editor's Drawer" in Harper'stakes its name from the accidentalfact that a drawor in tho desk ofFletcher Harper had become the re-

ceptacle for all soits of odds audends of senii-bttsiues- s, somi-litcra- ry

coirespondcuce, hits of pleasantryin prose and poetry, and miscel-laneous clippings.

It is s.iid the Scribners paid S 10,-00- 0

for the American rights toStanley's bock.

G. P. Piitnam'rf Sons are begin-ning tho publication of a series' of"Heroes ul the Nations," under thueditorial charge of Evelyn Abbott,of Baliol Collego, Oxford.

Tho Author (Boston) says:"Tho beautiful poom by JamesJeffrey Koclio in ilia Atlantic Aiontnty ior April was

by liic tragic death ofhis brother, Paymaster John Roche,of Ilion, N. Y., who was ono of thoAmerican naval olllcers that perish-ed in the memorable storm in Apiaharbor, off Samoa."

A Woman's Press Club ha-- ; beenorganized in Atlanta, Georgia, withten menibeifl.


A portion of the Rijoii Company,by Mrs. Darto, the talented

book agent, gave two perfoimancesin Koliula, first night at KaiupihiHall, well attended by all llio eliteof the district; second performanceat Mukapala Hall, not so well at-

tended. From what wo hear onodose is always sufllciont for the goodpcoplo of Kohala. The companyloft Kohala in a whale boat for

to catch tho steamer Iwa-lun- i

for Honolulu.Rev. Father Oliver, thodoscrvodly

popular priest ot Kohala, gave huEaster Feast to bin parishionerslast Sunday, '25th inst., on the churchgrounds at ilalawa. There was avery largo attendance of parishionersand other friends. Sociability andreligion always mix well and producegood. This feast had been post-poned from Easter Sunday on ac-

count of thu continued late rainsand in consequence of had roads.

May !10, 18'J0.

Gladstone has written a letter inconnection with the matter, in whichho says Russia is justified in return-ing the note in regard to this treat-ment of exiles with a communicationcalling the attention of llio BritishGovernment to Iho brutal slaughterof tho Irish puoplo at Mltcliellstownlomo timo ago,




Vuli'iilia.-It.Uoiili.uial- i,

Mr Louis T. Valentino, ofi llono i

lulu, Hawaiian Hands, mMary T. Ridenbangh, of StMo., were united In marring-- onMav f., 1MI0, at Philadelphia, i

l'oiin. , by the Rev. William M. de-fied', Rector of the Chinch of the j

Nalivitv . j

Mrt. Rideubaugli belongs to oneot the oldest and must aristocraticfamilies in Kentucky, being the onlydaii'.'href of tho late Oeotge Yomijt.picsiiliiit and otwicr of the Ashlandijauuoi grauii itaugu-tc- r

of the wriri'd-ienowe-d emgcoii

Uphr.ilui McDowell the father ofovail ilomy also gtand-nlec- e of theillustrious statesman Henry Clay,and great giand-datight- of IsaacSliflhy, tlr- -t govenmrof Kentucky.

All. Valentino is from one ul tin!old Kuickeibocker faiuilic-- . of theCity of New York, and for manyyears occupied a prominent positionns head uf a large importing andcommission house in that city. Dur-ing tin: past two years Mrs. Rulen-haug- li

has bron engaged in writingthe biography ot her illustriousgrandfather, which woik is now in

pipy, and after the adjustment ofher business affair.s will make herfuture home in Honolulu, the resi-

dence of her husband. Americanpaper.

miohTaTTaTGeo. W. DeLotnr Post, G. A. R ,

observed Memorial Day yesterdayafternoon by inarching lj NuuauuCemetery and there decorating wlihllovvcii the graves of American

The Post under CommanderV. Turrill was attended by the RoyalHawaiian Band and escorted b theHonolulu Rillfs battalion and de-

tachment 3 of marines and blue jackestfrom tho United Stales ships Adamsand Nipsic. There was a noticeablediminution in the miisler of localveterans from former years. Somehave died, others, once prominentfigures, were ill or absent fioui othercauses. His Eiccelloiiey .1. L.Stevens, United States Minister Resi-

dent, and Mr. 11. W. Severance,Consul-Genera- l, in a carriage fol-

lowed the Post. The orator of theday was Quartermaster R. J. Greene.Rev. E. G. Beckwith, D. D., pro-nounced tlie benediction. As usual,besides the decoration of soldier'sgraves by tho veterans, other graveswere strewn with flowers by bereavedrelatives and frieinh.

An address is ptiblshed in Eng-land, rigned hj J251 persons, includ-ing lords and commoners protest-ing to the Czar against the treat-ment of Siberian exiles. Tlie sign-ers ask the Government to addressthe Czar diplomatically in regard tothe treatment of exiles.


AG . r. badgt:. Owner pb-ns-

call at this ofilce. .C'J lit


QIX Good Needle Women. Call atO Mis. Mtills's, Fort street, imine-diatcl- v.

a;7 1w

VAXTEl;POSITION as Head Luna on aA plantation by a man of lone; ex

perience on these Islands. Unexcep-tionable lofcienees. Address Luna,"this olllcc. '") lw

' LOSTGOLD Glove Btittoucr inaiked

i: X." Delivery bv tinder willbe ie wauled by Paul Neumann.

rm.-- i if


DRAFT M3, dated .May I , KS00. draw n&, Roblncoii on J. T.

for si:j.").:il in f ivor of Xnl.ii-iniir- a

has been lost. PaymeiiMs stopped.Anyone finding the above draft willplease return It io i hnl in A Co. ".fill 1 w


DRUTdia hy (,ay A Ilniilns-oi- i

Waterhoiiie for iSH'.l.nsIn favor of Akanuua and endor-e- d byAl.'amura aud Ahko. Not eel lain aboutthe number of cents. Pnym-- nt Isstopped. OML'vv


7 URN I SHED or Unfur- -d Room-,- , slunly or

In suite, oh King treet nearthe Reformatory School. Lai go andairy; b.iiliiooiu conuccied, Applv atthl olllie. ."ii!" Iw

Hawaiian Bell Telephone,

THE follow Ins new telephones havebeen added to the

pinco the issue of tho hut subfei'lbcvs'lUt, dated A jnil, 1S0O:

I Schmidt .t nn, II V,'

100 llnin-.- , Mrs. I II. jr, ici121 llushee, .1 L, resKU liascinaiiu, A II, ics220 Waller, G, ies214 Xaone, A B, ie2.15 Aid it Co18.1 Smith. A L181 McGluty'sh"t Dodge, I" S, hm4S0 Engine Co No I

157 Wells, (1 II, hm158 Davis, M, iessj I'll, . I W, ies

1U0 King. G WR.ieitill Men RingIH2 Dyer, Mis 'J'l!i:i lion W II Rice, ieID I lu'ohoknlole, A II K, res4 OS Matthew, T VV, iesl!)0 UII, ies197 Arnold, C W, iesIDS Kelling, Win, ieslilt) Omtw right, A J, res (WnlUU)000 HoiiJ W Kulua, ies601 Scliiuuau, Gfi02 Castle, .las. resr.0'.l Iloaeau Ranch (Robert-on- )001 llobroii, Mrs T II, res (Walklkl)603 Df Files Henry, res ;07 St


or ltir

ffciUii li, 1600

ltM ti) CclU-- l W 6t 10 O'll jck t3fclLTJ..

1st Itic: ' QUECfJ'S MLftTC." U0O.

RUNNING KACB. t Mile Ilrts-b-

Five lor all.

ZnJ H.-.-cc "FUrUltli CfAKI.S." swsi'(i- -

sialics 52U.

ItCNNINO K('i:. ' , MPe Dnsii.Ilawidlaii bi ed '.' ve.n old-- , liiitlli.'jclosed J mi. 1, lst'O.

3rd II is- - "KI'jG'S PLAfL." V3.TROTTING and l'A''tSG. Ha-

waiian bred hui'vs, be-- t 2 In 3, toharness.

fllti P.fiec "WA1KAPU CIULIENGF. 0UP."$50 aitii.

WINNING RACK. Mil- - t)i-- h.

lies for all. liiin-- i to beat therecoid of Hancock. G'.j.

5:li Pa:c "HAWAIIAN D6HCV." fiwccji-t!:kc- s

$50 nit) jockey Club CupiuIUo J.

p.unning ;:ii:. 1 Mile his!;.II.ivvill in bred 3 this. Kill! I'M

.hoi" 1, IsL'o.

fc'.ti Ri:c- - ''.VAiMAf.'AI.O rLAlE." $50adilod.

TI'.OTriNG.'.tidi'AC NG. ihhlnutocli-- . lies! - In .:. Ti fu-al- l toleu mi . Plate in liet'ouic. iropeuyof one vv lulling ii twice.


RUNNING 1:aCJ:. A MIIh Heats.ISim: 2 ill 3. Hawaii.iu lncd.

Bid Hid 'KtiwITA CHALLriG: CUP,

SI 00 nJile-J- .

RUNNING RAi'T.. 1 Mile IJ.ish.Fiee lot all. Winner to beat thelueoid of "Angle A.," 1 : l."i.



TROTTING and PAOING. Freelor all. Btaiiihi.:.', to lirtiucss.

10:'i Hico-"0CE- SIEA-JSHI- P CO.'S


NOVELTY RACE. 1 Mile lia-- h

lUnallui bied. lft. 2nd and 'ltdQuarter, 62.i each; Last ("uartei,

."i0 and Cup added.1 1 tli fiacc VICE.PKESIlir.NT'S cur


RUNNING RACK.Free for all.

I2lh llac) "1113 MAJEfiTY'S CUP." $100added,

RUNNING RACE. Mil" Horn.Hawaiian bred.

13lh Race POST MATCH.

TROTTING and PACING. &20"acb. Free for ill. To be driven

bv members ol the Hawaiian Joe-ke- y


14!!i nice "..'AWEIIAAltllA PLATE." $125

RUNNING RACI y. Mile Da'li.i'iawaii.'in bied,

151li llace "POKYHACE." $7G wlili RacIns Saddle from Hon. II. A. Wide-man.- 'i


RUNNING HACK. Tor all Pomes1 bauds aud under. Hawaiian bitd.

All entries to elne at 12 o'clock noon,on Wedncsdn). June I, 1M)0, at theolllce of the seciutaiy, and all entrantefees to be 10 per cent, unless otheivvlsespeeilli'd.

Alliaee'to be urn or netted underthe Miles of the IJawulkri .loekey Club.

All hnr-i'- s aie eNpeeled to -- tan unlessdrawn by 12 o'clock noon, on June 10,lS'.Kl.

All hnr-e- s aie expected to appear onthe track at the tap of the, bull fioin theJudge's "stand, othciwiac will he lined.

AdiuUslon .in cts'l'o Giaud est in., no ct A allCarriages, Inside of course.. . . .$..o(iiiailer hlietch Badges tf.l.OO

C!. O. ItEUOEII,.1C0 id sfcictary 11.. I. C.

Ex. Alex. McNeilHARTMAN'S

Wire FenceC--3

- .icirrs.-- 7. s o

L li' !' 'J Q'

C- -sCOls


-- VOn SAXiU BV--

.11311 E

A05 Foit sticct.


MUS. OSBORNE Is now incpuied toInstructions In Funey Work

at "Tho Arlington," Room 0, ClassReasons : Mondays, Wednesdays andFridays, Private lessons by specialarrangement. Stamping and orderspromptly attended to,. ' feb2l-l- y

T It n E t ? g 5f& hiq


Society of the United States,Ate now selling their Bonds, mid uoou easy tonus. The additioncl (tt,-lur- e

of insurance goes with every Bond.

The following are a few of the mniy attractive fora-.- s offered by thhoriginal and progressive Compun :


The Coiupany - eipaJtable, its prompt aud certain, and itspopularity unbounded.

('Vein ho Xcio J'oK" .'miii, ArUtht 1(330. )

Tho r,u.rjfir.f "liUMincrts livcv Tr.'isiPiuito' by a LIt'o Asaur- -aiu:c Consult ny.

Tin new btwinenrt of tlio Equitable Lif-- j Assurance Society of NeYork for the first quarter of the present year is reported to exceed 1'ifitMillion Doll.vus. This is at the late of tir, Uumlrol millions ofxuaur-att'Vj'- or

(( :etr, and is unprecedented in the annals of life issitiauue.

inyioiormaiion chreifully fnrnrdied to auy who will v.'rito to or cllupon the undersigned at his t Slice.

ALEX. J. CAKTWR5GHT,General Agent for the Ifawrniarrlhlands, I '.(UiiluhSc Life Assurance Society

of tlie U. S. J:ii'-l-!- 0

H O L IiMi'ORrr.R-- s .t

D R IT G S & CUilti-- t Artiel. Fiiic P rfurne- - (fi

s. Ilon.e i.mlhii It

Of Evrry


Hollister's Dinger Ale & Soda WatersEXCLUSIVELY THE


tOW 5'OStT HTItKSrr. :::::: IffOSOMII.IT.

E. R. HnNDiiv, PiesidentX-- Manager.Uoi-Piti'- BnovvN, ftcciciury

ffu csl C & 9

ievii:rs in-

H B M I C ALS'jip', Patent Modi- -

loedit-s- ,

Dctcili tinn.


John Ena, Vice-Preside- nt

Cuou. Buow.v, Auditor.

r. .r..r-k,'-

and Tin Ware !


ppo, SprC"ckvli' Etnnk, : Vovl Wtreet, Oouuluiu.IMPORTERS and DEALERS IN

Gen'l Hardware, Glassware, Crocker,H?.viland China, plain and decorated; aud Yodgiwocd

Ware.Piano, Libiury it Stand Lanijic, Chaudeliors A Electoliers,L.iui) Fixtuies of all kinds, A complete nnsorlni't of Drills & I'iW,


Tho "O.uolle" Riding Plow A Equalizer,Bluebeuid Rico Plow, iiantem' Steel A Uowsencukt-- Hoes,


Paintd, V.uni-ilie- A Brushes, Manila A Sisal Rope,


IJTor-;o- , Hose, JLTLom"?,

RUHBER, WIRE-ROUN- of superior quality, A STEAM,

Afute Iron Ware, Silver Plated Ware, Table A Pocket Cutlery,Powder, Shot A Caps, Tho Celebrated "Club" Machine-loade- d Cartridges,

AG IOTA'. ISO i iHart's Patent "Duple-:- " Die Slock for Pipe A Bolt Threading,

Hart mini's ritcl Wire FYnec- A Hteul Wire Matf,Win. U. Fisher'rt Wrought Steil Range

Gate City Stone"Now Proctf" Twist Drills,

hov-2!)-S- 0m

XealV Oarriaj-- e Paintn.

john'kott,' l!niituit IJSluoU," Now, .. ! Uf lvinjr Wtrr.

'Jp,"'r':.f'. v. sr . . . 1

ft"! v fss -- t '--' '--, . ..

i&ranitB, IronChandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,ISouso Keeping Goods,

PLUMBING, TIN, COPJfEE AIB993 Shoot Iron Work.

itjiwblAuv-iiiJ- it ih.tfiW A - -- iMAviif!2ikl

Page 4: It Stf in I r I 3 - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · Dried ApiicotH, Dried Peaches, 1'rtincn, Table Fruits, l)utt., Figh, ltido's" Food, Oelutino, Sardines, Wheat, O.itw,




II IMMAnii ria&&

ppfuyq.wwv"!!imvwttr$- - "n" p" - f. ( " r8Jy& SUWBSffii SOTQMM, IS, In HAY H U88SRSrCS?S3r


KEW 4400IM J 8RW (ioOJVS 1 ATW ;H1N !


Dry tf Fancy Goods iWhich are now upeued out for inspection,

Choice Selection of French Sateenes I

Fust Colors, about 150 Pieces nt 25 cents u ynid ,

SCOTCH ZEPHYRS, tho Luteal Noveltio,A New Line of TOYAJ. BATISTA;

PERSIAN MULLS, in the Latest Designs;

IIucmi LnwiiH I I.lncn JLuvnw J

t w!p1i to call the uttcnlion that I Iiiwh this Reason imported tho Finest amiDent Selected frtoek of

WHITE GOODSOf Every Description. ISO pes to btlect from I Imvo bought

1,800 Pisces of BiMirlK h Bust fni Ue BintAn Iminouso AMoittncrit,

lCffi Ladies in want of Embroideries can sac 30 per cent on uvcrypurchase.

S. EHRLICH,Fob Corner Hotel i'c Fort KtreotH.


Staple & Fancy Dry Goods,LADIES' & CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR,

KGnt"t J5ivni tailing; GoodN, Cc"., ?k:o.All will be hold ut llcithuimblc Price--

JF" Our Dressmaking Department under the management of MISSCLAKK will bo about May 12th.

. .- i ii urn mi num i ji hi i. II j .....11.1


A Choice Line of Dry & Fancy Goods,ISTI.C111NO

ivii (.uivi'h rrum n to uu undone.Hosiery, Satlnes, Scotch Ginghams, latest patterns; Wcolcn Dress Goods,


Boys', Yonllis' S Children's Clotting, Trunks, Bags & Valises,



hipping & Commission Merchants,



Bnilders' and General Hardware, Agricaliiiral Implements,


diTpntHir', J'.liirkermth.V, Muchir.ibts' A Plurisbeu' liiC.U,


Kitchen UtcDailf, Taiutu, Oiln, VniiHPlu( J.amp Go-.d- ond

Bkke's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrilugal?,

Yitlcox & Glbbs, & RunlBgtou Seeing Machines,

Dr. Jajne & Sons Family Medicines.

Jan-- 3 VO

IV- -



Edinburgh & Queen St a,





Ginger Ale, Sareaparilla, LGmon, Cream & Plain Sodn.c.iiA3iiiAGr;j': cn:it, -


T raMutual Tolephono 330 -- a o 86T Boll Telophouo 298

Srifiland orders piomptly attended to. nov-S-S- Oiu


. o

CalH'oinla Huy, Outs, Kran,Oil Cake Meal, Unseed fllenl,

Uarley, Jlolled Bniioy,

Middling Ground Hurley,Wheat and Corn Fionr.

FLOUlt ttSr-Altt- i, Golden Gale & Sallnas-e- a FLOUR

lolopbonoe, No, 175,



F:assfr'syE, B. THOMAS,


tilltnMfs Given on Drlefc, Iron. Slonc tiWooden Buildings, fobbing

Atlcndod To,

KKKffl von SAM; )1

! fiBrick, Lime, Cement, Plaster ot Paris, A

Mm Me. Hu-- t, Who Lath,

California North Beach & Santa Cruz

HAN L,Quarry Tiles OMi red. white and blue,Mlnton, Plastic and Encaustic lllos Invatlous patterns, all hinds of DrainageWare.

Csiy Orrici:-Sonthc- iit corner Ala-ke- u

and Queen stieeta.Muluil -- TELEPIIONnStSrUjII 351

mh v

-- Ot-


C8CAR3Imported Direct fiom Ilavuim.

O - BERCEH.Sir "Jni

Sugar Maclilaery For Hale1 Putnam lnglne lSxIitl,1 Tluee Holler Mill,

1 5 feet Vacuum Pan,Willi '.0 Inch Uth it rmiiiKi,

complete;1 l'2.1flv.i.t:l C'oiiihlueil Vacuum

I'uinp,1 12sli!x7xl8 Cointiliied Vacuum

IMimps JJlnKcj-.- "

tiy All hi jrood order mirl condition,and ready fin dulUery at the md of thepresent prlndln season. Jlii) he

at llaniaUua Mill, l'.nudlo, lia-wa- li.

Apple Id;.IG im Theo. HP ivies &Ca.


Atci.Uat, t'ollcctcrs, Ccmuls'lon AgeaU talCntDm R.jCso laiori.

Aro at nil tlmei jnopuid tniuij clr'Cilptlon if I lenciii W'oil.,

such an Amlitlnj: Acpimnta, Iistii)gniTrndrsaicn'R liooks, MaUInt; lincntiiiiunf ttock, KngroJKltii; Lugnl Documnits,Km. Compviciii aid iklmhlc KifLhtCluik for the delivciy imd tallying ofc,in:ir.

K$Onh e ut llnsTACKvli liOiiKinpov'p,Qmcti stnet Post Ol'leu IJiv 1tV.i Mil.t ml Toh'pl one 1!; Kill Tele; Urtio il I

Mi 1 f

G-usta- v A. SchunianCnrriatjo Ti imxnor.

K'u. 70 Ji 81 : : Kinj Kirosl.

At Y. V.'nght it Son's

HiuhiT teeeli'd 'i full 'issoiin cm niui Mice Trimming Mnteilils fiomihe

rist, J am prepf.ifil tocerutenll ordnnHl'h niatniss inn! dtapntch ut ery nn.son.ible rati t.

tJ.A. BUUU.MAN.ipr7'0.lv

Eavaiian LimeMflu )t:n n.ti:iti:r.

PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'D,ftlfl Sole Agents. tl


l.YAVIXG bought out Mr. V. II.XX. l'i(!c in thii "Huuohilu t'iiirlaijcHtnuJuuoiy," at 123 fori stiett, I dmI n pared to continue ihe iiI.omi Ipuslne- -'

under the old nitno of Honolulu C.ir.ri'igv Miuuifactory, and lining u uhles(ieriuncid enruao builder I solicitlb.- - nulioiMgu of my old fi lends ami thenubile hi general, and ullh my llioroiighkuuv.lcdpu of thu bushifss and with e.nenenred 'workmen and ufaiug only thebest material I guarantee general satis-fictio-

Please call and see me beforegoing clncivhurc.

(dljjiiid): Oil) RON WLST.Ifiinnlulu. (Vt. 28. issil. iifti if

runiisluul llotmo To lt.)LA A Waikikli a wo story

&$$& i- - Ilouso, containing nixE2(Sa2iiS rooms nicely furnished, withkiichcn, lonai, bath and sciv.iul's room",stible, etc , to let for u fo.v mouths in artiiFonahlo rato. Or iooiiib will be letsingly villi i'Ood table hoard.


Valuable l'ropert y For Sale

tttti. (fN NUUI.IUJ AOllle, hijTfji J uowly lumUhci y.suuvESSia&S Houce cniilalning h rooms,kiti'lieu, h'Uhrootn, cloiets, carriagehouse, stable, hcneiy, etc. Oiouiidticontain 2 2 10 lines, wtlllald out Inlawn0, rhadu and fruit Irrc-i- , llowets,etc. Will be sold low, with or withoutfurniture, horses, carriages, livestock,and nil tho appointments needed In atlrst.clasi rcsideace, na the owner in.tends leaving these Islands.


SneUerlno.rpHK best lemedy furi woundti, ulcers.jjulls, pi out! flesh and

32a sores of oiciy desctip- -tloii to pel sous or ani

mals. Adopted by leading horio lall-roa- d.

club and livery stables, etc., hitho United States and elsewheie. Wenro prepaied to proo this statement bytestimonials aud lefeicnces to plaiuui'sand liverymen In this Kingdom.Applv to


iHland VriowH.

A LAHGE assortment of FhotogiaphsJT.S. uud Rtcreoscoplo Views of themost attractive scenery, buildings, eto,lu lliesB Islamls, for sale at reasonableprices.

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.Corner Fort nnd Merchant streets,

'.1808 W

jmwt&wm jkimvAh mowsunwiOF 1HE

iw fork Life InsuranceOfllce, Nos. 310 & IMS Ihotuhvay, N. y.

Amount of Not Atisots, Juuupry 1, 1889 989,824.330.19

REVENUE ACCOUNT.PnmiwinH $215,021, (155.00

Lepsdcfcried premiums, Juit.1, 18tU. .. . 1 l.Sfl ?'J i ,5S1,9'2 1 10

Interest und rents, etc . . . 5,028,050.38Lc?r Interest accrued Jan. L,

18SU. .... 451,605.24 4..177.3J5.1I $2i,Hl3,2CG.SA



I.ojtrs by death, und Kndownicnls inalur(dnnd (including reion.ionarvudilitions' to suiiiu) flf25210iS.30

Dividends (including tnortunry - dividend?-)- ,

annuities, anil purcluucd insurances . ri,H01),O2(l.lt3Total paid policy holdcis. $12,121,121.(10

Tuxes and 252,T.'t7.17Commissions (including advanced and com-

muted commissions), biokomget., agencyexpenses, phyBicians' fees, etc .. . . 1,i25,GT2.(i1

Ofliiie and law exjicnic, rontu, sal.tiie, ndvei- -Using, printing, etc hGOJliS.f.O $ 17,000,279.97

ASSETJ;nh nn deposit, on hand, nnd in transit.

Uuili d htatcs lioudti and other lionds andstocks (market vnltic,iJ0O,-138,-l41.9I- ) ..10,412,103.41

Iteal estate 13.212.871.b7lionds mid Mortgages, first lien nn ie.il estate

(huildtngs theieim insured for $11,400,-(f0- 0

and the policies assigned to thoCompany as additional collate! ul senil-ity).. . . lS,10G,512.nO

Tcmpjiaiy Loans (market value ol Meuiitioiheld as collateral, 4,C71,otW) 3,700,000.00

"I.imntf on existing policies (tlio Jtc-eiv- ontliof-- policien, included in Liabilities,amounts to over $2,000,000). . 207,304.30

tjusi Icily and semi-annu- preniiums on ex-

isting policies, due subseiiuent to .limn-ni- y

1, 1800 1,035,W5.87Ptomium! on existing policies in courso ol

transmission and collection. (The lie.seive on there polieies, included inLiabilities, is estimated at $1,700,000) 1.104,253.0,2

Agoncy It.il.inces 00,200.51Acciutd inleicsl on investinents, .lanuarv 1,

1S00 . !... 4 11,::44.04-$101,027,322- .40

Market valuo ol securities cvor cost value un


A dtaifd fcmlulo of these ietus v.ill accent any (he intuit --ujhthe tuauiict! the A'tati. of A'tw YotK,

Jan. 1, 1890

hm fillnt:in course of

Losses proof," Ac. . .

Matured duo and (claimsnot

duo and (claims not pie- -

Minted)Reserved for on policies

table 1 pet cont. ..Heserved fo'r

to Tontine Dividend Fund,1, 1S&0J over and

a 4 jiur cent. lJeseroon policies of thatChi- -

Addition to the dining ISbO

?H,72 1,3 17.20Itetiirned to Tontine pohcy-hold-ei- n

during tho vor on ma-tured . .

Jhihince of Tontine Fund, I, 1S0OHcLened for paid in itdoneo.

Divlslulo Smp'.Ui Now

Surplus, by tho New York Stato StandardTonllnc Fund) .

the sin as (he of haea to in to

their to on of net


1880 .


Jsn. I, 1GGS .

Jan. 1,3an. 1,

Jan. 1, 188ft

Jan. 1,Jan. 1, 1S0O




saiH.87,oa.-i- 3

6101 027,3tiS.4C$5,017,837.72

book. .$1,026,278.50


597,535,777 C87,517,823.20



nnuuul rrfottHedDcfartritHt of

TOTAL ASSETS, 3105,053,600.06

A:ioi'lfitri!Apjrood losien 440.ftJ7.07Hoported awaiting 375.308.S0

endowments, unpaid,presented)

Annuities, unpaid,20.032.5-- :

existing(Actuaries' ii.tertl) SS.OOl.lSOOO

contingent liabilities



Fund 2,300,510.10




(wompany1 Stamlard),







Kioni undivided plus, above, Bord Trustees de-clared Keer.sionary dividend participating policies proportion

contribution surplus, avnil.tblo M'ltlement annualpremium.







If 0,535,21010.073,070

. 12,121,121



$ 83,070,515. 03,480,180. 105,053,000





Number of Pollolcs loiud during tho year, 39,400.

New Insurance, S 1 5 , 1 0,088.Total number of Policies In foroa Janunry I, I80O, 150,381.

Amount at Risk, $405,60 1 ,070.




C. O. JBERGEK,General A cent for the Hawaiian Inlands


Ikie Llanhw (la,,


I 'i I

Ii Vi ttlllsgkfrJi rtHitt i t. fyii'.'MKiwgM) l'i L. Wlstw Jri!ifi


Piano Lamps, Banquet Lamps,

Hall LarapB & Ohnndcliors,Just ltccclved from tho Knctoiy.

A Now Line of Refrigerators,

A Full Line of the Favorite

Eddy's Refrigerator's and Ice Chsets,

Dltetaa'a S.iwi ti I'lUnj New Llaei cf Lo:i,Sholf-Hurdwnr- o, Etc.,

lMtuict, Jr., CitltlvatorH.

Pictures Frames & Mouldings.

Paolflo Hardwaro Co., L'd.MOtf Foit& Merchant sts.


Just Arilved fiom Tlostou.



Variety of Vehicles I

Consisting nf--

Side Bar and Corning Buggies,

F.strnslon Top Cabriolet,Village Caits.

Extension Top 2-s- Side Bar,

From tho celebrated manufactory ofGeo. L. Brownell. New

Bedford. Also


Surry Carryalls,

Pianobox Buggies,Kxpicsi Wagons,

Of the Mcll-know- u Dole & Osgoodmake.

ItiP The pub'ic are Invited to InspectthoM; Good ot the stor of

C. J1REWEK & Co.,337 lm St Queen street.


iS-O-ur New Aitotypo IllustratedCatalogue sent free on application.

1IH SI'TTr.K ST,Ban : California.



Manufacturer of Ladies'and Gentlemen's

French Kid, Calf & KangarooSKIN SUE03 MAPR TO OIIDKU.

I'euaea or Metvedj nlm, HuddlPM.08 Nuuanu rit., : : : P. O. Bos 201.

apl 7.r0.1y

GOO K8&1 & CO.,No. CO Nuuanu St., Honolulu,

MERCHANT TAILORS,And dealers In all kinds of

t'BaHlmercft and Kni-nlsliln- Uooils.Alsp, a full stock of Dry and Fancy

Goods. Good lit guaranteed. C47 3m

TO RENT or LEASErpiIAT desirable PremisesX on Fort street, lu the

"Mclnernv Block. '' recentlyoccupied by J. N. S. Williams, suitablelor oittco or store, For informationnnply to ofllce Union Iron Works, Es- -piaunuo, or to6MI I m ,T. N. S. WILLIAMS.


NO. 0 King street, near tho Bridge,Open day and night. Meals at all

hours. Oidcrs for California producereceived. E. T. GIL55Y,M'J2m 1'iopilotor.


A COMPLETE outilt for making anddispensing carbonated beverajjts,

an lu ijuuu oruer. AuuressO. MEINECKE.

31 flm Walohlnu, Hawaii.


MHB. MONROE, ladies' nurse. hnto No. S, Eukul lano.


Kf..e ' r y V V ".

u'A- -' trMmwKmwvamtar vmrt anwmB v (WiwintAi3r.isAuj: T'.v j?iL,i)rj .iri t . .;. -r

- I.VJ'; w ' U1 t-'- "- WfcWMPWi HII Siyt 'MWWIhillltwiW'U'WIf'IWimM'tih'lP !1"t" - V H .v4av'vvV6Vi ..H. - l. - :".jtJU,!' i5fiair.n,.,-- ' - ' m lfett&p&qH0iTBB'l"Bi IW8ffifciW&iiKii sJkSmMmiSk.

rMIKOceaals SMipConft

TmV. TABLRtFrom San Frnnoltoo.

Lenvo Due ulS. F. llonolttln

Xeiilandlii ... May HI Juno 7

Alaimda hum 23. July w

iMaripofn . July 2(5. ... Aug 2Zcalandia Aug 23 Aug 30Alameda Sept 20. Sept 27Murlpiwii Oct 18.. ..Oct J!5

Zcalandia .... Nov 15 Nov 22Alameda. .. . Deo 111. Dee 0

For San Francisco.Lenvo Due til

Sydney HonoluluAlameda May 14. ...May 3LMailposa Juno 11 .June 28Zcalandia July 0 .. July. 20Alameda Aug 0 , ..Aug 23MaiiK!.ia. . . Sept 3... Sept 20Zealandia.. Oct 1.. .Oct 18Alameda Oct 0. .Nov If".

Maiiposa Nov 20 Dre 13Zealandia.. . . Dee. 21 ... Jan 10

Intermediate S. Q. AustraliaLeave H. V, Lenvo Honolulu.

Friday .Mav 23 Friday June 0Fiiday. June 20 Friday. July 4Friday . July 18 Ftidav. . Aug 1Friday .Aug lti Ftidav.. Aug 20Friday Sept 12 Fiiday Sept 20Friday. ..Oct 10 Fridav Oct 21Friday. ..Nov 7 Friday... Nov 21Friday. .Deo Fridav ..Dec 18

Australian Ball Sornce.

Tho cow aud flue At steel stutuuiklp

Alameda,"Of tho Oceanic SlcitmnliliiCniiiii'inr, ill

ho duo at Honolulu from Sydno)and Auckland on ul init

IViay 31, leso.- -

And will lcavo for the above port withmalls and passengers on or JOIlt til. 1 1

date.For frelsht or p image, having


WK. G. IRWIIt & CO.. AKoatp.

For Sydney and Auckland.

Tho nev? and lino Al steel RteMuMu.--

it Zealandia,."Of the Oceanic Steamship Compimi , viJI

bo due at Ifonolulu from r?,,Francisco on or about

June 7, 1830.And will have prompt dhpatrh withmalls and nassongers for tlio above poitii.

For freight or paHge, rmving KUPERIOIt ACCOMMODATION?, flpiiljto37 TO. Q. IRWIN & CO.. Afjeuts

Pitt & Scott's

Parcels ExreasCklcf CSlco, 33 Caanon Etrott, LcLdou, Englaml.

Pucknacco booked to most parts of theworld. Packages obtained from abroad.Through orders issued to destination.

J. E. BROWN & CO.,- -

Agents for Hawaiian islands, Old Ca-pitol Building. 55C lm

GEORGE GRAY!(Late of the Customs)

Begs loavc to Inform the public, mer-chants and others, that ho is preparedto uudeitake the collection of bills, ap- -pralser work, and making inventoriesof bankrupt and other stocks. TypoWilting done with neatness and dis-patch und at model ate rates.

Siy Ofllce ut Snuders' Express, Klntrcet.

Bell Tclopluno 401: P. 0. Box 333.013 lm

Anderson &Lundy,

Xexnist.Artificial Teeth from one to an entire

sot Inserted on gold, silver, allnmlnuninnd rubber bases. Ciown and BildguWork a specialty. To persons wenrinVrubber plates which are a constantsource of hritatlon to the in out h andthroat, wo would recommend our Pro.phy lactic Metal Plate. All opeiatlonsperformed In accordanco whh tho latcttraprovements In dental fclenco. Teeth

Extracted without pain by tho uso ofNitrous Oxide Gas.fSTOfllco at Old Tregloan Hef Idenco

Hotel street. I'eb.Sr.SO

A NATURAL Mineral Water. Forxjl sale only by

Sole Agent & Importer for tho lin-wall-

Islands. 023 t(

CHANGE of RESIDENCE.r. uiaviwt

Has removed from Fort rtreet to Ko.hollo Lane, Ptilr.na.

Ofkicb nouns; 0 a. m. to 12 m. aidr. m. to 9 v. m.

Mutual 470J 410 tf

FOR SALEfor ralo at Hawaiian

Commcrolal Salesrooms, corner ofQueen and Nuuanu streets, 418 tf



