f/-7 // / , < It J,;2 / ' MEDIC OURNAL JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION SATURDAY- MAY 22 1948 TABLE OF CONTENTS Pulmonary Oedema G. R. CAMERON, D.SC., F.R.C.P., F.R.S.. ..965 New Conception of Angina Pectoris R. WYBURNM-MASON, M.D. .. . 972 Tolerance Limits to Radiant Heat D. L. LLOYD-SMrrH, M.D., B.SC., and K. MENDELSSOHN, M.A., D.Phll..977 Sudden Death after Intravenous Bismuth LONARD CGOODMAN, F.R.C.S.Ed......... ... ..978 Case of Murine Typhus in London T. B. DUNN, M.B. Two Cases of Tetanus Neonatorum C. A. ST. HALL, M.B., and H. LEDERER,-M.D.... MEDICAL MEMORANDA Fat Indigestion in a Breast-fed In- fant. J. D. L. REINHOLD, B.M., M.R.C.P. ........................ 981 Case of Multiple Embolism with Re- peated Embolectomy. E. N. CAL- LUM, F.R.C.S.Ed. ........................ 981 The "Kang Cancer" of North-west China. H. T. LAYCOCK, F.R.C.S....982 GENERAL ARTICLES AND NEWS Working of a Hearing-aid Clinic. R. SCOTr STEVENSON, M.D., F.R.C.S.Ed . ..................................990 MEDICAL PHOTOGRAPHY .................. 993 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION .......... 994 NEW LOOK FOR HEALTH.................. 994 TRAVELLING FELLOWSHIPS IN MEDI- CINE ............................. 995 IMPERIAL CANCER RESEARCH FUND.....995 A "Trilene" By-pass Tap. A. H. GALLEY, M.B., .B.S., D.A ................. 996 UNIVERsITIES AND COLLEGES ......... 1009 MEDICAL NoTES IN PARLIAMENT ...... 1010 MEDICAL NEWS.1012 REVIEWS The Liver.983 Current Psychotherapy ...................983 Occupational Skin Disease ..............983 St. Thomas's Hospital.984 Books Received .......................... 984 MEDICO-LEGAL Alleged Conspiracy to Procure Mis- carriages ............ ............ 1008 REPORTS OF SOCIETIES ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE: Hvpothalamus and Water Meta- bolibm ........................... 996 Lempert Fenestration Operation ... 997 Social Medicine ........................998 LEADING ARTICLES Organization for Specialists.............0985 Cutaneous Cancer . .986 ANNOTATIONS Smegma as a Carcinogen...............987 Health Centres for London.............988 Microkymatotherapy ......................988 Risks of Dicoumarol Therapy ..........988 Heat and Humidity in Operating Theatres ......................... 989 OBITUARY A. H. Burgess, F.R.C.S .................... 1007 Arnold Caddy, F.R.C.S . ............... 1007 D. M. Strathie, B.M . ..................... 1007 C. H. T. Ilott, M.B . ..................... 1007 QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS Pleural Effusion-Alternative to Vene- section-Removal of Tattoo Marks -Proetz Displacement Method-Stilb- oestrol and New Growth-Diarrhoea due to Salmonella typhi murium- -Surgical Treatment of Peptic Ulcer Acne Rosacea-Antrochoanal Polypi -Congenital Deafness and German Measles ...................... 1013-4 CORRESPONDENCE Erythroblastosis and Kernicterus. Sat LEONARD G. PARSONS, M.D., F.R.S., and H. BAAR, M.D ....... .. .......... 998 Poliomyelitis and Lymphocytic Menin- gitis. DOUGLAS MCALPINE, M.D. ....998 Juvenile General Paralysis. ROBERT THOMPSON, M.B. .................... 999 SUPPLEMENT Proceedings of Council.12S CONSULTANTS AND SPECIALISTS OR- GANIZATION ...................... 127 ASSOCIATION NoTICEs ...................... 128 Acute Intussusception in RALPH H. GARDINER, F.R. Antihistamine Drugs. H. L.R.C.P.Ed. ........................ 999 Penicillin Treatment of Scarlet Fever. R. F. CAMPBELL WARD, M.D. ...... 1000 Diagnosis of Periarteritis Nodosa. A. P. M. PAGE, M.D. .............. 1000 The Problem of Caries. J. F. VOLKER 1000 The Process of Ageing. HANS BAB, M.D. 1000 Medical Photography. J. H. TWISTON DAVIES, M.B.; R. G. W. OLLERENSHAW, B.M. ...............0...... 101 Treatment of Pruritus Ani. G. A. GRANT PETERKIN, M.B. .................... 1001 Unusual Inguinal Hernia. A. F. FOWLER, M.R.C.S. ...................... 1001 Waiting for Tonsillectomy. WILLIAM IBBOTSON, F.R.C.S.Ed. ............... 1002 Advantages of Impure Penicillin. H R. SEGAR, M.B.; HANS ENOCH .. 1002 Viennese Twilight. BERNARD ASCHNER, M.D. ....................... 1002 Health Centres. JoHN A RYLE, M.D. . . 1003 Full-salaried Service. W. E. R. BRANCH, M.B. ............... ........ 1003 Terms of Service. DESMOND LONGFORD, L.R.C.P.Ed.; SIDNEY F. FOURAcRE, M.B. 1u04 The Young Doctor. G. J. E. ANSELL, M.B. 1004/ Breach of Confidence. E . SHIPMAN, M.R.C*S. ............ . .1005 Go in Whole-heartedly. C. H. BARBER, D.M. ..................... 1005 Refuse Service. E. D. BROSTER, M.R.C.S. .......................... 1005 Postpone Appointed Day ALLAN DEWAR. M.R.C.S. ................ 1005 Postpone Service. RONALD KERR, M.R.C.S. ........................... 1006 Delay Entry. H. D. FORBES FRASER. M.R.C.S. ...... .......... 1006 Planned Chaos. R. HERMON, M.B. .... 1006 Rota of Pharmacies. L. S. WOOLF, M.R.C;P. ........... ...... 1006 Points from Letters ............... 1006 Epidemiology Section . .............. 1011 BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, TAVISTOCK SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.1 No. 4659, WEEKLY, PRICE 1/6 Copyri&bt REGISTERED AS A NEWSPAPER on 18 May 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright. http://www.bmj.com/ Br Med J: first published as on 22 May 1948. Downloaded from

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TABLE OF CONTENTSPulmonary Oedema G. R. CAMERON, D.SC., F.R.C.P., F.R.S.. ..965

New Conception of Angina Pectoris R. WYBURNM-MASON, M.D. .. . 972Tolerance Limits to Radiant Heat

D. L. LLOYD-SMrrH, M.D., B.SC., and K. MENDELSSOHN, M.A., D.Phll..977Sudden Death after Intravenous Bismuth LONARD CGOODMAN, F.R.C.S.Ed......... ... ..978Case of Murine Typhus in London T. B. DUNN, M.B.Two Cases of Tetanus Neonatorum C. A. ST. HALL, M.B., and H. LEDERER,-M.D....

MEDICAL MEMORANDAFat Indigestion in a Breast-fed In-

fant. J. D. L. REINHOLD, B.M.,M.R.C.P. ........................ 981

Case of Multiple Embolism with Re-peated Embolectomy. E. N. CAL-LUM, F.R.C.S.Ed. ........................ 981

The "Kang Cancer" of North-westChina. H. T. LAYCOCK, F.R.C.S....982

GENERAL ARTICLES AND NEWSWorking of a Hearing-aid Clinic.

R. SCOTr STEVENSON, M.D.,F.R.C.S.Ed . ..................................990

MEDICAL PHOTOGRAPHY ..................993WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION .......... 994NEW LOOK FOR HEALTH..................994TRAVELLING FELLOWSHIPS IN MEDI-CINE ............................. 995

IMPERIAL CANCER RESEARCH FUND.....995A "Trilene" By-pass Tap. A. H.GALLEY, M.B., .B.S., D.A .................996


REVIEWSThe Liver.983Current Psychotherapy ...................983Occupational Skin Disease ..............983St. Thomas's Hospital.984Books Received .......................... 984

MEDICO-LEGALAlleged Conspiracy to Procure Mis-

carriages ............ ............ 1008REPORTS OF SOCIETIES

ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE:Hvpothalamus and Water Meta-bolibm ........................... 996

Lempert Fenestration Operation ... 997Social Medicine ........................998

LEADING ARTICLESOrganization for Specialists.............0985Cutaneous Cancer . .986

ANNOTATIONSSmegma as a Carcinogen...............987Health Centres for London.............988Microkymatotherapy ......................988Risks of Dicoumarol Therapy..........988Heat and Humidity in OperatingTheatres ......................... 989

OBITUARYA. H. Burgess, F.R.C.S.................... 1007Arnold Caddy, F.R.C.S ................ 1007D. M. Strathie, B.M . ..................... 1007C. H. T. Ilott, M.B . ..................... 1007

QUESTIONS AND COMMENTSPleural Effusion-Alternative to Vene-section-Removal of Tattoo Marks-Proetz Displacement Method-Stilb-oestrol and New Growth-Diarrhoeadue to Salmonella typhi murium--Surgical Treatment of Peptic UlcerAcne Rosacea-Antrochoanal Polypi

-Congenital Deafness and GermanMeasles ...................... 1013-4

CORRESPONDENCEErythroblastosis and Kernicterus. SatLEONARD G. PARSONS, M.D., F.R.S.,and H. BAAR, M.D ....... .. .......... 998

Poliomyelitis and Lymphocytic Menin-gitis. DOUGLAS MCALPINE, M.D. ....998

Juvenile General Paralysis. ROBERTTHOMPSON, M.B. .................... 999

SUPPLEMENTProceedings of Council.12SCONSULTANTS AND SPECIALISTS OR-GANIZATION ...................... 127

ASSOCIATION NoTICEs......................128

Acute Intussusception inRALPH H. GARDINER, F.R.

Antihistamine Drugs. H.L.R.C.P.Ed. ........................999

Penicillin Treatment of Scarlet Fever.R. F. CAMPBELL WARD, M.D....... 1000

Diagnosis of Periarteritis Nodosa.A. P. M. PAGE, M.D. .............. 1000

The Problem of Caries. J. F. VOLKER 1000The Process of Ageing. HANS BAB, M.D. 1000Medical Photography. J. H. TWISTON

DAVIES, M.B.; R. G. W. OLLERENSHAW,B.M. ...............0...... 101

Treatment of Pruritus Ani. G. A. GRANTPETERKIN, M.B. .................... 1001

Unusual Inguinal Hernia. A. F. FOWLER,M.R.C.S. ...................... 1001

Waiting for Tonsillectomy. WILLIAMIBBOTSON, F.R.C.S.Ed. ............... 1002

Advantages of Impure Penicillin. H R.SEGAR, M.B.; HANS ENOCH .. 1002

Viennese Twilight. BERNARD ASCHNER,M.D. ....................... 1002

Health Centres. JoHN A RYLE, M.D. . . 1003Full-salaried Service. W. E. R. BRANCH,

M.B. ............... ........ 1003Terms of Service. DESMOND LONGFORD,

L.R.C.P.Ed.; SIDNEY F. FOURAcRE, M.B. 1u04The Young Doctor. G. J. E. ANSELL,M.B. 1004/

Breach of Confidence. E . SHIPMAN,M.R.C*S. ............ . .1005

Go in Whole-heartedly. C. H. BARBER,D.M. ..................... 1005

Refuse Service. E. D. BROSTER,M.R.C.S. .......................... 1005

Postpone Appointed Day ALLAN DEWAR.M.R.C.S. ................ 1005

Postpone Service. RONALD KERR,M.R.C.S. ........................... 1006

Delay Entry. H. D. FORBES FRASER.M.R.C.S. ...... .......... 1006

Planned Chaos. R. HERMON, M.B. .... 1006Rota of Pharmacies. L. S. WOOLF,

M.R.C;P. ........... ...... 1006Points from Letters ............... 1006

Epidemiology Section. .............. 1011


on 18 May 2019 by guest. P

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r Med J: first published as on 22 M

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