It is the attribute of a great administrator/leader/planner, to rise above ordinary human vices enveloping every ordinary mortal, viz: anger and lust; and in her/his tenure as an administrator establish bodies and institutions which prove to be great and far-sighted. Akbar was one such great ruler who appeared in the horizon of the history of the Indian subcontinent in the late medieval times, and who in the truest sense of the term, took to the path of just dealing and chose to be content and honest over being angry and lustful. Hence, he could create numerous systems and institutions that not only establish order and prosperity in his empire, but also curb dishonesty and fraud, were of mass-welfare in nature and intention, and most importantly, ahead of their time. They, in fact, became the base for many modern systems of organisation. So, his agricultural regulations of measurement helped boost up cultivation and checked dishonesty; his military reforms and the beginning of the concept of branding (dagh) organised the army along scientific lines; his objective methods of tax collections resulted in far spread good governance and prosperity; the systems of record keeping made the administrative apparatus transparent and accountable; while, payment in cash kept active checks on the embezzlers. Hence, through various methods- each a display of sheer far- sightedness and a commitment towards bringing happiness and prosperity in the empire, made Akbar an iconic figure in history and a truly ‘Great’ Emperor.

It is the Attribute of a Great Administrator

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It is the attribute of a great administrator/leader/planner, to rise above ordinary human vices enveloping every ordinary mortal, viz: anger and lust; and in her/his tenure as an administrator establish bodies and institutions which prove to be great and far-sighted.Akbar was one such great ruler who appeared in the horizon of the history of the Indian subcontinent in the late medieval times, and who in the truest sense of the term, took to the path of just dealing and chose to be content and honest over being angry and lustful. Hence, he could create numerous systems and institutions that not only establish order and prosperity in his empire, but also curb dishonesty and fraud, were of mass-welfare in nature and intention, and most importantly, ahead of their time. They, in fact, became the base for many modern systems of organisation.So, his agricultural regulations of measurement helped boost up cultivation and checked dishonesty; his military reforms and the beginning of the concept of branding (dagh) organised the army along scientific lines; his objective methods of tax collections resulted in far spread good governance and prosperity; the systems of record keeping made the administrative apparatus transparent and accountable; while, payment in cash kept active checks on the embezzlers. Hence, through various methods- each a display of sheer far-sightedness and a commitment towards bringing happiness and prosperity in the empire, made Akbar an iconic figure in history and a truly Great Emperor.