It Don’t Mean a Thing (If It Ain’t Got That Swing) & b 4 4 Relaxed Jazz (q = 104) (q q = q e ) 3 Œ opt. Solo P (4 measures introduction) œ œ œ What good is œ œ œ œ Œ mel - o - dy, Œ œ œ œ what good is . œ b j œ œ Œ mu - sic, & b Œ œ œ œ œ if it ain’t pos - j œ . œ œ œ ses-sin’ some - thing w sweet? ˙ end opt. Solo Ó & b Œ œ P œ œ It ain’t the œ œ œ œ Œ mel - o - dy, Œ œ œ œ it ain’t the . œ b j œ œ Œ mu - sic, & b Œ œ œ œ there’s some- thing . œ j œ œ œ else that makes the ˙ rit. œ # œ tune com - w U plete. & b Fast Swing (q = 186) 3 Ó Œ œ F It ˙ j œ œ j œ don’t mean a thing ˙ œ œ if it & b ˙ b j œ œ j œ ain’t got that swing. ˙ Ó Œ œ œ œ œ œ Doo wah, do wah, & b j œ œ j œ œ œ œ doo wah, doo wah, doo wah, œ œ œ j œ œ j œ doo wah, doo wah, doo ˙ Œ œ wah. It Words and Music by DUKE ELLINGTON and IRVING MILLS Arranged by TOM ANDERSON Copyright © 1932 (Renewed 1959) and Assigned to Famous Music LLC and EMI Mills Music Inc. in the U.S.A. This arrangement Copyright © 2007 by Famous Music LLC and EMI Mills Music Inc. in the U.S.A. Rights for the world outside the U.S.A. Controlled by EMI Mills Music Inc. (Publishing) and Alfred Publishing Co., Inc. (Print) International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved

It Don’t Mean a Thing · 2015-08-28 · It ain’t the œ œ œ œ Œ mel - o-dy, Œ œ œ œ it ain’t the b œ . j œ œ Œ mu - sic, & b Œ œ œ œ there’s some-thing œ

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  • It Don’t Mean a Thing(If It Ain’t Got That Swing)

    & b 44Relaxed Jazz (q = 104)(q q = q e )3

    Œopt. SoloP(4 measures introduction)

    œ œ œWhat good is

    œ œ œ œ Œmel - o - dy,

    Œ œ œ œwhat good is

    .œb jœ œ Œmu - sic,

    & b Œ œ œ œ œif it ain’t pos -

    jœ .œ œ œses-sin’ some - thing


    ˙ end opt. SoloÓ

    & b Œ œP

    œ œIt ain’t the

    œ œ œ œ Œmel - o - dy,

    Œ œ œ œit ain’t the

    .œb jœ œ Œmu - sic,

    & b Œ œ œ œthere’s some-thing

    .œ jœ œ œelse that makes the

    ˙rit. œ# œtune com -


    & bFast Swing (q = 186)

    3 Ó Œ œFIt

    ˙ jœ œ jœdon’t mean a thing

    ˙ œ œif it

    & b ˙b jœ œ jœain’t got that swing.̇

    Ó Œ œ œ œ œ œDoo wah, do wah,

    & b jœ œ jœ œ œ œdoo wah, doo wah, doo wah,

    œ œ œ jœ œ jœdoo wah, doo wah, doo

    ˙ Œ œwah. It

    Words and Music by DUKE ELLINGTONand IRVING MILLS

    Arranged by TOM ANDERSON

    Copyright © 1932 (Renewed 1959) and Assigned to Famous Music LLC and EMI Mills Music Inc. in the U.S.A.This arrangement Copyright © 2007 by Famous Music LLC and EMI Mills Music Inc. in the U.S.A.

    Rights for the world outside the U.S.A. Controlled by EMI Mills Music Inc. (Publishing) and Alfred Publishing Co., Inc. (Print)International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved

    82460 MXP Stu JF06 10/31/06 3:30 PM Page 10

    Don't Mean a Thing Vocals: Don't Mean a Thing Accomp: