The role of IT leaders to build an IT Business Centric Organization Dr. Pablo Vidales CIO Mexico, RSA Insurance Group

IT Business Centric Organization v2 · Dr. Pablo Vidales CIO Mexico, RSA Insurance Group. Food for thoughts IT relevance today and the role of the CIO How can we take the driving

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  • The role of IT leaders to build

    an IT Business Centric Organization

    Dr. Pablo Vidales

    CIO Mexico, RSA Insurance Group

  • Food for thoughts

    IT relevance today and the role of the CIO

    How can we take

    the driving seat?


    Think Tank

  • IT needs to find the right space in the organization

  • IT relevance today

    • Struggle for a clear value

    • IT is becoming pervasive but indistinguishable from business processes• Consumerization of IT

    • Outsourcing of IT services • “Shadows IT” services (IT providers)

    • Software factory

  • The role of the CIO today

  • The role of the CIO today

    • Traditional role needs to change

    • Too much focus on infrastructure and not on information • Not involve in the business outcome

    • CIO is the gatekeeper

  • How can we take the driving seat?The future CIO

  • An IT Business Centric Organization

    • IT not only supports but drives the business

    • Business organization evolves with IT changes • IT department addresses business needs

    • Total transparency• Total understanding of the business

  • IT Business Centric

    IT service broker model

    IT Business centric

    Business needs

  • The Business Centric CIO

    • Technology expert• Service provider• Response request• Operation• Cost-driven plan

    • Business leader• Service broker• Add competitive advantage• Innovation• Profit-driven plan

  • Recommendations

    • Get involved in the numbers

    • Develop your team on the business side

    • Detect regional synergies and use them

    • Do care about your providers and their internal organization

    • Measure your performance

    • Explore new IT operating models

  • New IT operating models

    • Software as a service

    • Dynamic services• Self-services

    • Cost vs. investments • Infrastructure as a service

    • Use Big Data to “own” direct channels• Mobile enterprise

  • Synergies in a global organization

    • Shared services

    • New licensing models• Common IT architecture

  • Remarks

    • Bad news: The CIO role as today is gone

    • Good news: We have the conditions to evolve into the future IT Business Centric CIO

    • Understand and use the new operating models in the ICT world • Exploit synergies in global companies

    • Add value to your organization

  • Think Tank