IT BPO Industry

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  • 7/28/2019 IT BPO Industry


    IT-BPO Industry- Analysis

  • 7/28/2019 IT BPO Industry



    Wave I: Indian ITindustry started

    growing in the 1980s

    with first services

    being made towards

    automation of

    manual processes.

    Wave II: This was in

    the late 1990s when

    Indian IT offered low

    cost solution to

    American clients.

    Wave III:

    Consolidation of

    BPO,KPO, IT Services

    Wave IV: There is

    emergence of

    advanced services

    like Big Data,

    Analytics, Cloud to

    provide wholesome

    business solutions to


  • 7/28/2019 IT BPO Industry


    Indian IT-BPO Industry

    The 1990s heralded the golden era of Information Technology in thecountry. It transformed the economic landscape of a nation that wasunder the clutches of the government till 1994.

    Liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation became the norm,even as the Indian economy made giant strides in IT and ITes (IT

    enabled services). Today, with a total revenue of US$70 billion, theIndian IT industry is touted as one of the most robust industriesworld-wide.

    A study by National Association of Software and ServiceCompanies (Nasscom)-Deloitte shows that the contribution of theIT/ITes industry to the country's GDP has gone up to a share of 5%

    in 2007 from a meagre 1.2% in 1998. Software exportsfrom India have increased and account for about 60% of India's totalsoftware revenue.

  • 7/28/2019 IT BPO Industry



    Leadership in sophisticated solutions that enable

    clients to optimize the efficiency of their business.

    Proven Global delivery model

    Commitment to superior quality and processexecution

    Strong Brand and Long-Standing ClientRelationships

    Ability to scale Innovation and leadership


    Excessive dependence on US for revenues, 67% of revenues from USA.

    Weak player in domestic market. Only 1 % of

    revenues from India low as compared to peers.Low R & D spending as compared to global ITcompanies only 1.3 % of total revenues.

    Low expertise in high end services like

    Consultancy and KPO


    Domestic market set to grow by 20%.

    Expanding into new geographies Europe,Middle East etc.

    Acquiring companies to increase expertise inConsultancy, KPO and package implementation

    Opening offices and development centers in costadvantage countries such as those in LatinAmerica and Eastern Europe


    Global economic slowdown may continue forseveral years hence low IT spending globally.

    US Govt. against outsourcing.

    Shrinking margins due to rising wage inflation,Rupee-dollar movement affects revenue andhence margins.

    Increased competition from foreign firmslike Accenture, IBM etc

    .Increased competition from low-wage countries

    like China, Indonesia etc.


  • 7/28/2019 IT BPO Industry


    Competitive Analysis: Porters 5 Forces

    Medium rivalry

    No destructive competition due to low exit barriersEntry Barriers

    Intense RivalryLevel of Rivalry

    None; Input is manpowerSupplier Power

    Buyer conc. v/s firm concentration- Varies for

    companies. Tier II companies have higher Buyer concBuyer Power

    However switching costs are high

    Substitution with other vendors is feasibleSubstitute

  • 7/28/2019 IT BPO Industry


    IT-BPO Industry Growth Over the Last 4 Years

  • 7/28/2019 IT BPO Industry


  • 7/28/2019 IT BPO Industry


    Key Highlights during FY2012

    Milestone year for Indian IT-BPO industry-aggregate revenues cross the USD 100 billionmark, exports at USD 69 billion

    Within the global sourcing industry, India wasable to increase its market share from 51 per centin 2009, to 58 per cent in 2011

    The industry continues to be a net employmentgenerator - expected to add 230,000 jobs in

    FY2012, thus providing direct employment toabout 2.8 million, and indirectly employing 8.9million people

  • 7/28/2019 IT BPO Industry


    Software and services exports- 2012



    % of total Software and services exports

    IT Services


    ER&D, Software Products

  • 7/28/2019 IT BPO Industry


    Challenges faced by the IT-BPO

    Industry Working in a BPO, many feel is a job that does not require much skill. Any

    body possessing a basic education, good communication skills isemployable after some training. Companies do not mind taking in people

    who are middle aged, and homemakers. There is no sense of

    accomplishment among the employees.

    Financial desperation is mostly the reason behind a person joining BPO

    The tasks that BPOs perform are diverse like telemarketing, technical

    support service, customer support service, insurance processing, data

    entry and conversion services. Thus, there can be no standardized training

    program suitable for all the BPOs.

    In many cases, the outsourcers think only of achieving targets which can

    at times be unrealistic. Thus , this creates dissatisfaction in an employee

    Attrition in BPOs

  • 7/28/2019 IT BPO Industry


    Future Prospects

    Global GDP, which grew by2.7 per cent in 2011, is

    expected to grow 2.5 percent in 2012

    Developing economies togrow thrice as fast as the

    developed economies.

    Better economic conditionsin the second half of theyear signifying return of

    consumer confidence andrenewal of business growth,

    is expected to drive ITspending going forward.

  • 7/28/2019 IT BPO Industry


    Future Prospects

    Indian IT-BPO services

    exports expected to

    grow by 11-14 per cent

    while domestic servicesto grow by 13-16 per

    cent (in Rs terms)

  • 7/28/2019 IT BPO Industry


    Action themes for the IT-BPO industry

    to remain competitive and profitableTo increase operational

    efficiencies, reinvent and

    embrace new business

    models to offer customers a

    transformed business


    Drive concerted initiatives

    to strengthen theinnovation capacity and

    research capabilities

    through specific domain

    focus and by encouraging

    R&D collaborations and



    Continue to strengthen the

    long-term entrepreneurial


    Enhance the skilled talent

    pool in the country and

    focus on specialisation

    Continue the use of ICT for

    inclusive growth. Ensurethat the basic necessities

    like education for masses,

    quality healthcare and

    employment and skill

    generation is benefited by
