'•'•-'/(' t -'.'' a.' : ' ' ' ' - ' . ' . ^ , •',/,:t\0sl < ^'-:j:M A ,\ -1. T^ ^tm y For the Now York Rcivrmor, A Kaniple 0!»<»PS tho'farmew, , / H I E REITJJIN OF SPRING, « Abroad;, abroad: Q 1 orthb«wal«>nSng flolila, Eiehlyy 8 Wco"Uy, th*e spring-time yields; SiimniS*is coming,'incur hergaysong, llia.borao*n'tliofl1igwmtg«los4wg- •••• • • SdMy,W i cotlyiin ;0 > iei y8 rcivo ? ' * Binlsnro-waiiTjl(iig:tli6>rWea-of love;. ^ . . M^n1Ty.pourai , roin<»nntls,88tliro;jtBr , : "™At the departure of cold Winter, come* the! •ttfatui? sol't brp«th'vof SpHrig,the niUd atmos, ner e' the gentle showers, and .the, flitting shad-' "' ows of .cloud.an^ su'ris'bine.' the•sweet'waffiling.; bird3 ; r^wvto.makev»ocat the^re'eri grove, and: ftd ^aje^aTforistr W ^ v e r pVPfy-^ehdbw'aTui ggnp^tiire, tW carotin's; latk, on. noisy whig; oars away to thesup,and the^sieal chatter of tlionoisy bo.l)^iiHl?',*wake>tlie'eeho'of therosy * bktk of W8itt> a P^ >ve'come the rcturjiingUfe - and"i beauty to;Nature. The fountains and streams, long bound in tjie cold embrfieeof icy: : fetWs;a\vak^ned,fi|om tjieir djiear,)?. by the mag- ic t o M of '$^ing;,Tar§ free, arid ieirpjrjg an)I flasliingliu thei bright sunshine, babbling their eioAUcafc.tffl'e^^ rushing thro' thesmihrig vales to the parent sea. And'Nature is npt alone .to her rejoicing.—^ With the awakening life arid animation in her, wide domain i ;with the.springing,grass, and the budding trees; with the gentle showers, and the warm, bright; sunshine, returns new life, new aii- ini'ation, renewed'exertion,jn.tltffarmer^hop/e, The golden; hours of Springrtinie must be irriV proved^ the earth miistbcturnedupto thegen- ial influence of the sun's warm' rays ; and the •lengthened furrqws/ fa every valley, and upon: ^very hill-topj tells the tale of his determination, to.iniprpye the sped time, and3ring about the golden harvest, w h o m w e ca.ri at least hope hotter, examples, ho.. ^tfee^A^Wr*''' " •"' — '. ' ' Yegonerpus Americans, "venerate the plow! And o'orypur hills and tpng withdrairing valesj Set Autuinn spread his,tronsiu:es to tliosuii, luxuriant and unbounded. AS'thosca Farthrpughhisnzurd, turbulentdomain Yo^r empire owns, and from a thousand-shores "Wafts all the pomp of life into-your ports j §° ^^l 1 jyujerior- boon;may your, fielrsbil, S^beranfrSBtnre'sijQtter'btWSltlgB^ar"™" - ""flfhilo through '(ho ncighbpfing^cldjs th° spwcrstalks \yBU measured t r e a d ' ^ Into tlio faithfulbosom eftho'-gToundj Tljo'liarroVfplIqiTO-h^^ Bogrooioua-llcaycn 1' Eor no*laboripusinaa Has doppJiiB part, Ye-fqstpHhg breezes'hlPWi Xe softeiiiag dews, ye tender, showeW.descehd, And .temper nil, thou worhUreviving sun." Ah! what ajgloriou'.s occupation is that of the. fee, independent farmer! IJis home is hiss heart,' his farm-is life Wide. -3^hmi the earth yields up" the treasures of .her bosom with a lavish hand,, and he reaps of tho abundance thereof>r- And,' how timc-hbripred thd calling! In ancient times,,kings,, and the fathers of mankind, em' . jployed iHtf^jiJow,' and ho whoi field within.his 'TMa^Ene- destiny 'bkebipire,- turned from the; . pires.pf state,, to follow in tho'up-turjicd furrow. The mighty warrior, ivhe.ii pence returned; ;.nnd Iiis'eountry had no* farther need of his services*;,' returning with the laureUwreath of victory en- twined upon his brow, disdained deliOate-handod ease, but seized the plow, " und scorned the vile stores corruption can bestow." The Statesman whoso'voice was heard, contending/or his coun- try's weal in the halls of Legislation, retired from the forum to speed tlio plow and labor in the golden harvest field. 'WHAT I LOVE TO SEE. I love to wander far from tlio town that lies buried in smoke and dust, away over the dewy Holds, whore breathes Nature's freshness, andtho trembling dew-drqps glistening in' the morning light, hang pendant upon every leafy bush, and the sweet breath df the wikWopd flowerscome borne upon every passing, breeze of the laden air, " Andeco the-countiy far diffused around, . One boundless blush, pup whitc-cmpnriilcd shower Scarcely ever was thore such',' aft ; expose asp that Of the arrests recently made, at.DetrQit, of a despsratp gang' pf yiUaiiis, 'The Tribune, of 'Tucsdn^sjiyS;: Tlio. bounty Court, Judge "WithercH, presiding, corri!ii.Qn«(i(l i t s sesaipii in this city to;day. We; andcrs,^ajid the Grand: Jury have-in hand tjie car sea off, tlio gang <J| do8perad'oes liiteiyiitrestcd and »w in pai), fo\r Various crinies,- firing railroad <?or every land;;-the'iiaiedrntibnaolptlio,. ~— •wpvJ«V^iri^g«i!i^t|ienMJlroad4nw'cf tjibalsriieting*: ^ll^lietrisalvof^f^hatWtter^wHHmvp:!^ Andpe.thoexliaustloss^aiiarypfawQdil!"' WATEiiTO^^MayiVi^],:' 5 "l ' •.. JttOVJEE, - ' "Paintings of Adam and Bve. , The": citizens of Watertown and vicinity are. iopn toliavoan opportunity, of. e.J!amijiihg the. splendid[Paintings of Adam and %pW.Paradise ^—t|ie.mostbril|iant artistic^chiev'eraejqt ever ihr, troduced i; bofib,re an American^ audienpe, These Paintings by "Diibufe, executed', expressly for. Charles X. of Erancc, have twice crossed the Atlantic,and have becnexhibitod^a thousands' in almost every city an5 largo toWn in t h e "pni:- tcdStates,. The. proprietor informs us that he exhibited them six weelesm the cityof Utica |o largeahddelightedaudiences. . <,*&% "They open at Apollp Hall next "Mphpiy eve- ning, for one week only; See advertisement.. ^ TBaKy's Trio Band. *' We had the^ pleasure of listening "to the well executed performance of this trio, ojl Thursday and Friday evenings of last week. Their pieceBr are^\v:ell chosen, and artistically executed, and, their merit orjtitles them to better houses than than they received here, the rciisoh.of which, we suppose, is, they woro entire strangers previous t<itheir visit. "Should they visit'us again they wovjld prpbablydo bettefr.'" ~. Another Victim of Intemperance; The Wilmington (Del.') Gazette annonnecs. ^ The' Anested tSang at Detroit* ca+siiiialfingrtnd-^assiBgicountcrfeltmpney^&o,, &.e. Ipdlbtcoeiits,'«ivil„aiidc>i!nih.al»ill:,proba- :l)ly lo_fo|iid agafnstthe,m,ajl.' s We are, inform^ !od tluit" tlio bail required, in the civil-aetitlns alone ogaiiist ,thoni, is 15,000-each^rtheMiroad Cb'ni- ipahy'laxing' tlioir damages at f tS^OOO'.; Wliat, Mil will bo exacted iS the eriniinal suits,agaifist theiii: i s not yet Knp\vri. It'. wjjl doubjless; be lieavy-^aiiditilioul'dihe, if the evidence elic'ited' by tlio grand jury is Wil and satisjaetory ag^inst ; theiii, fffr the .ciiines with wiiieKTliey-arc charge edi^'Extensive as their prganizatipa and .depfCT, dations-liiuve "bi)oji>;{li^''^)frityiind''V\;^1 r ^iig'Ofi soeiotv-i'tiqurrcs'that tjioio who are'really guilty: should tiot be;iil,lo\vo(l ;thejir 3ibiftyv"to-depredate StHIIurthor xipOu cotntauiiity., ' ' -•.' . "... Ther"Spiritual" Knpekirigs" of "the Misses": Pox lia-yo been exposed by'orto of the^pnrtiesih' tercsted." It was one oftlie grossest impositions over practiced upon an intelligent community.. Hud they belonged ;tp the other sex, "before this fiiapthey w-puld: have "been rode ond rait-^Os- weso Journal.. ',_ • . ' > Of mingljid blossums i where therapturedeye, Ihuries fro.inj,py.tpjny.^, thp death of Professor Ahstey, lately .connected with St. Mary's College at Wilmington., ije was. dismissisdfromliis station onaccpurtt of his in- temperate habits, butcontiiiucd hiscareor of dis- sipation and wanderpsla^aiithotneless and'fri'ehdi' less. Hie wasdiseoyored_sonio:wcckssince('inatt. almostfrozon state;j in an old hovel, with a bottle of Svhiskcyby his side* and'sppadiedfrom the ef- fects of hiisunering. Professor Anstqy wasa youngmanof finecliuwiil attauimonts,'aijd' was the author of :a work published a year "or two- since in Philadelphia, entitled "'Eloinents of'Lit- ; crature,oranintroductionto the Study of Rhct-.. prie and BellcsrLettres." Whata mPlanolioly in- stanbe'oT'theTaUil power of adeprnved appetite, and how. fill! of sqlcrnn teuiiing! . With how muchiruihfulncs&inay itbesiiid: of the Monster Inteniperaneej,iliut ' ^ ' ! Hosparesnotthohigh lior the limnhlo, . •• WhileMngs'of the earth Sink balofo him, ''-. "Andwisdpinnnrdgonjns fiUlprostnite— < H 6 withers thp-yigor of youth, And dishonor^ thogray aidraof ago; AllbwrityhotflrnstocPrniptiorC' - And conquers ih>: hiight or the brave 1" ' F. P. CARTEU: returned late on Saturday night last, having in custody Seymour VViiigate, for- inerly of this village" . **" Mr. Wingatc was arrested on cVmrgoof hurg- lariously entering L. AJPiorco's Periodical Dopot> and stealing therefrom articles of jewelry, &c. Ho was.exnniincd before Justice Dfttton ori"Mon- day and fully committed for trial oo the charge." Mr.-Carter is entitled to great, praise for the manner in which he executed the warrSntfor.his arrest. ." CHABI.ES SUMNER KIEOTED.—Huch good feeling and enthusiasm prevail in Massachusetts in t'onsequenco 6f the final election Of Mr. Sum- ncr tO"'.tlie~IJrS.rScinrfe"for six years, fronrths •Itli .oL.Mardi.lagt. The friends of freedom^ EptATOis.^-Tfie^Danal boats are carrying to New V^prk potatoes of a fine, quality from t a k e Champlaiiii— They soft for6s,. p)er bushel.byllie quaiitity, French" potatoes;of a quality hpt disr sirxillnr, arc t o be had i n considerable quantities 'at Cs. perhamper in New York. - T|iefollpvying was posted op the door of the.' Ludlpjv Church, in Hcrlfortshire, some time back;4^-"T'hi8 is to give notice that no person w to bo burledr in the churchyardi hut those living tTrtho"paflsrEr"Thpse 'who/wfsh-tpbe huriesdi are: desircq: to apply to Ephraifii Grubb, parish clerfc" "To p l e a s e tlie" old folks wTiiie Voa ,cpurt the -danigliter,'ngi^nY4tintlip' : fatlieFitf|)^h^ea^ -' rawtWHo aooim. D teNTHOBIf, GalJiojinM Blp>k; <?6urt~ stropti « lias just rcoeivod'WI supply of 6ooda'iidypto4 ; - to .the Spring tracloj consisting lhpai't of Dress Goods, Laces, (Silks, Bohneto,: CJoths, Casslmores,' Carpets, DpiHlistie,Goods,, CfrixscricSi jtep., where no'is.p1oaB,o<l,: torecoivo a\lls ffiom lilis former ciistpmotsiuidtliopuV liogpnohklly-febeUbving.tlint his Goods ,>vi|l,»8inpnrO: fiivofnbiy wi(li n n y J ? w f Stock, iti this tpwi^wlipa^ vcriiso'* Tlio largos^, clieapcst,. iuid* bcs.t' assortment ey,er'broug!iriifio.tlii8Country,>' . • . ' 'i TJwiikfirtfqrp^tfuvors.^csolleitB fjuture patronage- and iseoiiiidonttl^his«oods,#i«ssont prieos,.Snl p'ximiiiie. tjio;go<>d.i,. : Cash Oaisli.'IS Cash -111 paid for snv quantity of.wool.- -^v '•- - - v< imamm. * ., Wnlcrtpiyiii April jV,.J85U, , .-,..• 3,11 . roft olra wi>i>Bom.T! vym pjpep: (op-;iixhjWtionvat APOMUQ; HAL|^ - ' : ~ ph Monday.Evening',.May 5i ' -^ 3 J)imCFE'B-C«l«BHAIKPQRIOlfAi.l*AI§TlNbSjftK ;. In fiatwUsoI "representing the TciiiptetionS pud the Expmsion, paintod-for Churlos^X. of-Franep.'.Those, rablinjo works-'of art, which aro'nclfnowlejiged to be the iilicst spo"cimons,ovor0'exhibited : in tlio States;; wtra oxlubitcd-in Noyr-iYprk ahd-pt)|pr. eitics.frpni: l§32;to 1837 jind tliffpjssi II years iji Kufofib, to the univcraid atoiirtttonbFovor.;.favo,'mHIiQn.porapii8.-'' ' ' <--Xte-ajjcnt-havlilgbe.on iiifornicd thattwaftpuripus Pictures, purporting to lie eppics, haveifepehoxliibltcd inlfimiy-of the cities nhdtowiisof theWPsfpraStatps,'.- ; deeina i.t nccossayyitlftitato: thatjheso are. thp priginal ! and oiily- pictures of,^jth'o same siibj&tfoVerpajhtcdby' Dubafc-^-hii\'irig,never been allowed to bp copicdjand liayoieenin the ppsscssion of the: presont proprietor 8lncs,.i829."' '•: -'•• ' Open from 9 ii) the nioruihg. tlll-9 atnight. -. BSTCahlaof admission at all times during-the stay, 25' cents.; children half pnee,' '..,'. Schools ndmltled.on tho most liberal terms: . . . Eaoli eychingthe I?aintuig^ '|prIlHaiit)y3nuqili)at«d.'.' A.dcscnption^iU'bpgivpn every oyeningat8o'eloplc. ""•«.** •••'Oi"*-Ji->«AkBHi(uai; '>•*• •' •TTAV&routp^tlipinidais sforo'iih^njirensBloolc, J^L'.on Court-vst.,AV!itort<)wn, % y., aiia.'worppen- mganpxtpnsivostopKor • ..; ; , ,;" '" - ','.',':?•' I>i7-4k>ods, Oarpet% «nd nuilnerv Obbds. - IVliioliwoinvito'tlie luliiibihui^'of apll^Jfa nndtho^ adjoining^countiesto^oxftmiho. It iS iihn'ccPlarrto" omimprntp every artiolO Pftwhioh-purstPqfeiscpmposv oilvSnfflco ittp sny tiiat o\ir nssprtmont ofDros'a, Wifiito aud.Domestio goods, Shawls,. Gjoth's, .Pufepls, dljjycg; u»rtallykopt;inajt).ry-Oao,ds^torp>. O u r C A H M T *POW,cpntams eywy, stylo/mfuJrty" aiidnrap./tont piiPBhilhngtQ one .dolluF-po/.yard jialso OW.bEOU'HS ofvariouswultlis, AVo'liave^inadditipritopurliollTO stock ot Dfy-Goods tad (5urp.cts/ t\m moat complcio' assortment ot M i l l i n e r y O<iod«'tpv'l><j ionifdiii Jljis-ppupty, .cpnsJBtiag;, iii. part pf. Upnnpts, JtiUbonH,.- itjielws. Tabps,Arfafieiar i fpwoiy, Boniiet and KiUboii. Wire, Koundatfo'iK &PHvu';MitslinpitmT^aircolors"of' tnrlton Muslin, eiiino.'Xoiao. i'lproneo and'•feminist Sijks, and Silk ijlnsioii tuces.' keep tlac nipthor in snuffi 3Co. please the broth- er, fond hitti your rlfjp, andJiuy him a dogJ To please horsSstcr, buy her a dvessr^To ploase your duiomeffj keep he> i|i jewelryyapdeaHher "angeh' 1 . To please yourself,.be a-foolj How apt men are to c'ondeinfi in others What. theypraC'tise tliemsolves OTtllpTlt , serupler~Plu- tareli tells of a wolf; who, peeping,- into a hut whore a;coinp.any of sliqphprds were regaling tliomseiycs^P'a joirit pf ihuttpfl, said/'^'liat a clntaor they would have raised if they capght ; m e a t such: a banquet'." Tlia GSrairiissiptiersofijampdpnCounty.have uttoiiy rofttsodall licensesforthe sale pf liquors, and w e ate happy to learn that the rum shops of Spilngfieid aro all clnsed-upk- This is good; riewsi' apd Ave hope they will bo'closely looked after and promptly prosecuted if they violate ^helaWi Fouvlfiih. - • nXtSOTZON KOjTXOll. Ti, • SiiBRiFF'i'OFnpi!,, Jitrritrsos Copsir,,) '•_"*- •"•-'• ••--••''•• jifhrCw, i-851."' . }• TJIfBElO NOTICE is hereby given, :iapn'r?uanco of ; *T:'tlto subjoined letter Pf the .Sepretiiry^f State, as Well ns tho lVocl.omation of the Governor of;thp..Slate of Noir York, (alsosubjoined, alidihnilQa pnftofthis. hptieo,) that ah election will bp held in the county of: Jpfforsori, on tlio 1?WEN.Ty-S.EVI!Ntir 1)AY 0F JiLS3t,in:theiyc'ar pfour-I.ord one tlioiisahd pipht hun- dred nncl:fljL.y-ono, at Wli'ieli is to hooleotpdnSlatc goriatpr,.jh the place of Alanson Skinner, -wlidso tonw pt^pfflee, would.have bxplVod pn.tnp81stdhy of^Up- pexjibar, 1851, hut who resigned SaidCilice Pn-tho'i7th .da.y,flf, jjIptilj-lBM ..." ,/ ElIEIISJf i'lproneo ajid-lJoimot ... ,.i;-' •--.»;--, Tr-r-K- Milliners willbp-sui^ plipdatasitmllndvunce frofnSNow YpAeost. Itin'ay .bo:asl!od.svhy lljlotligr iirysiBood*.^Storo shpuW'bl "^"S?!?, * *t«rto*n1- We-»nswor .beiimso tlio trade ottl^pliusojwansfaiitlj- iUcrcasihftTbiiittho prthoinlo" roaspu Wliy.Uii8.stoie is opoilpd is tp. try itAeShfc "p C ^* i V ? H ! < i- v k c . , 1 1 "i t wo f n «4 th0 Bilui « "riioiiut .-•of..faoodsi*r.*8,SOntl at you havofor'mor!y.pa|d$Ji,'6'Q- ;jbr?-atany nitp siCHf. !F&r jr/6$ obTect ,is.tpshowtlIq;)iePplp„h<5w- low goodft^arahosoil— We-aroawaro t[iafW&.sVo'ri#,tfiq nrstwlmiavd,prom- ised to" uiidosollall creation," but wo askjho people noMpjudgo u3-,bV our prodoeossorsy It isfriie t i&t oUiew havo.issued JaiiungadvcrHsoraonts/ahd^ae": fled the world to sell as low ip. tlioy,"b'nt"alai!! tlieir ppinises-and PngaM))ioiJts : l,Hiy.e inelteadway like dow.. before thp .su.m •Upbii: .pximilniiig>the>f gopds lindn 'l!^"^^ t '•!l^^ 1, W ,,at ^%^. ; lov^a*naWen((o* tor their Wand 881^3 per pt, proilfj .^."beenuso oth- ers have failedtorftulnltheir oiigngemontSj is no reason that wo sballiuot complete-ours; •' WshaU?kcpp ff^ <?^*,.rind,SPll tlipm..far- hicen .^"^ The President, lias issued'his Proclama- tion against the now Cuban Expedition,-vvliie.h is supppsccl to b e fitting frut iri Nevy York, it was this wriicli .required MOr; Webster to hasten his return to Washington. tJV - Thepjiun^e^OTgedin tlJpgtpatMotbPx dist Church suit in .behalf of the South, are Dan- iel Webster, Iteverdy Johnsoii and Daniel Lordj and fpr tlio Jfojth, Bufus Choatc, E. JL. Fancher arid Geprgft Woodi f ' * -'••'. IT. ShcritTof the County of JeffiSreo'n; f&fct±Jl/iUk$-Seeret(irt/.qf$Me, referred to «}«!«.] .. STA'JiJJ OB NEW YOKK,., l : StflRETAnr's Oiribu, Albany,,AVril 21^3851. (' To 4lii> Sllerillfs pf flip couhties of Sufiblt, Rioh'nbnd, Queens, J)iifelibss/Columbia, Orah|;b,-SnlliWrfrSfc- £awrenco, ^riiuklm. -Fulfprij 'Herkimer,; Montgom- . erj',Dc)a\yare,Seho!iarIp, Otsoi?Ptpuenangp,Onoida, madigpn, Osw5got"3S6ferson, liowisfBoneea, Toiiip^ kiiis,. Cliomung,.StouboiV: tlio Governor of tho State havin." by Proclamation, Uiado thisdayyorderedaSpeeinl E'oetion, to bp held on fnesc'ai/ t ; /s tw;ity^teitenih.<l{ujof ihy, in thp^siar 'one tlioostind eight hundred and iity-oiic, to Bupply vaeatioies inthp First, Eightli, Ninth, Fifteenth, Fix- teentli, SiSvouteorilh, Eightcehtli, Nihotceiitli,Twe;i;i- eth, Tffbnty-Eirsl, TwcntyTFiflh and TweiiLy Sixth BeiuitbrialDistriCiS, aiidirt thcFirst' Assembly XJistrici of Oswego county t . Notice.ishcrcbygiven, that,pusuanttotlioneten- titloil" An act toamehd tho actentitledanactfpspeet- ing cleetionsotlicr than for militia- aud.tuwn ofBcers, pfcsaod ApriLS, 1842," passed May 8,1847, ah election willbo held onTuesdayi the twontypsevonth day pf *>Iay, orio thoi^nd oitrlit'huUilrod and -flfty-pno, at "which tho followina oniocrs aro-to bo elbeted,to wit:—, A Senator in Mstnst number one, in place of William H. ]!rbwn,'who has resi'jnPd'; a Senator in Dlstrict : number cl«ht, in place of- John Snydorj who has ,re- siguod t a Senator in District^umDcx-iiinp, in plaopof JaiiiosG.Curtiss, whohasresiTttbd: a^enatoriuDis- triclinnmbbr fifteen, in place pf Williiim A- Dart, who has resigned; a Senator lu Pistricfcuiimbor sixteen, in place or George EL Fox^Who has resigned;. a Senator in. District number seventeen, iri pJaoe-.Pf Sidney Tat^ tliijivhohosTesignod: » Scnotpr in District number eiprliteon,'iirplaco <if Volm NpycS, who hasjesighod.; » Sciiatpr in -JJistrlct htii'nber nineteen, iii plaeb of Charles A,: Marin, •whphnsresignoa;; a'SonatorjnPis- b;ict nunilwr twenty, in.- plapo.of Asaliol C. S.tonP,.who COLUIWN. ADnminwBMains «gp 'iMirMlfer^'"'""" A <wrARTJfaaaBxr -".. aJTJAS:thU*aayfi^nv:"M«M-^t«SMw^^ •J3L -S^ERMNQ^a;. ::to;;s,i,r;!I^pE.|^, i,und«r„t^ -i, iialuaoaiidnrm;:pfv-«: : : ' i . " » r . ' " '„''•«;'.•«•.>,'''•'.' ' •-. •'r •TBaxoifa <t HIDDBUH ' S in the' BPSkSPllintf'^ittf^Stntipfibry 'Bpjiiicss. Th*.- «bevo'hu«ib'b»'8 1 will 51*. coHtinuouJjaVtIieipId Mmd^qf ;jr-Q,^ai%'iw, : ^p^^!i^BUiofe^tr;>v ; :>•• • •*•-. Qonrtantly^onBandi ' . Atargeandqhoic*A«*Ortni»nt , • Of Pomr If«v0iaini.0:li»jei«i%! "CWiAiii Pifiie <j«4, ' afe&siitttyji •'m^y'Mmmm&iP^rJlMi.^'''' •• -SubllbAtioiiswithP'Aiilppbgn'Pi^^lIhiPh'ii^ .leanTractSpeibjy, lit.JSh.PTesnlo.ft'ndKptiiill.''"'. ; ." •', »• •.' ' '< msmim&smTijsaj: sliBUnotadypnise'q^icpatS.ochts.p^ :iti;.'eall.pd for; show you iigurpd'hrowVpapor, tiMell- youtho,?<(4yar(ibusjiist beensdld,": .'-.--:-' '--•' Wb shall not, sbllfciidiiig arHcrosht cost or loss than: cPs^and'obftrfeo.on^..oxpr,h.W'Priee:fcrotherMtiai». the yalup of which is iipt so goncfnllylirioWh. We shall not misrepresent any article wo offer for sales; m intend to dohustiicss liolioatly jjri.pt at ail. Wo arp-satishod that •an;6xnriii.natioB' -orciir 'lissoftmorii yodpricesj will cpnvmconll-tbatwn»» ivHahitemu.; ., fe invite those w to.desiis^pldiuGoPdiitooxantfne .oiira.tnokiPivd recpllc<ifr4|ii)|r-f6r UV-uiy fo- wprtlHa*' R™AsyPu;.waiit, yon can savp $i,flO-hy p,iii«hasiiig' them at this estpblisliiapnt, "Wo have no'rofmiaiiS. mspiled, shop.wom goods, nor anything out pfldiite t h o s e m pursuit; pf, mh gpods,..Will findthoin ^fnrtli- or.up." •. '. ; . - ^ifS^H'" 1 *l'' 8 °»hlbli91inient is n*u>, andtwill Tio-sold:*the Uwtst j>o«iiibkgrice*. 'Aiiythihg'gPtiglit 'of lis, wliich does nPtTrovo as rct'ouiiliendba, caifbo returned, iiiidithe. money will bo rofundod. Epinomberj ours is tlio last Dry-Goods Storo on C ^r t JSS^ ft<! ' l '' I y oppwaito the Kirbv Uoiiao XfkW ' B6'riKS'"a"'STFKMN,6""'^°%iQ> < 6$.ti>^ rt -iM /No^W.-IJadd^cWs-BlpclS'-' -' •'-•• •"" "-' V- '"•*. - . * .^rnmp?sTr<iyWs-.niSil>prja,.2:.v«ls,,.,-'• •• ...'..» Turfepy ailtl'-iW Wstiny, by^l^oFiirliin.a ; ('.2vbIg,j' ilungurS'an'dTrtinsylyiminihy*5ig«S, 2Voht., - - •; '•- -. ' $li^l'ilInr4'Of'^OTp.nJc^)H)r^l^v^shiS}^n^d.Ko^> .. , rpepo,.§,yP>„ . ' ,'" '••' "-,.'-' ' - * ' ' •- •'' Indiattilfl'thte'Hmdbosi ; ;-."•• «'---•-,-,.:--•: - . -' . ... Annals of thp,Xiueciis pf Spahii ,.- .•-,.". Ishmd-AVorld-ot^he Pacific, byJBeV'.n;:fiChoeverj ' Thornton!*Orp^t^jin^.^lUKiMi^J^^^,-. ' ' . - \* 3Silo' NotOB pf ifBgivadiij:.. *.,' -%».',••„ . . - Fivo'voirs irr^Je^htpiipr 1 'Pf ! SPtttte'Africa,2Vo]i'i> •" -JiiograpIiv.-O'f'&PPdtWivbs, •- ,.- -.*•'. ••'•, : *-xV"..-'"" •*•'•% Small Bppfciiroh*fe"atSul)jcbtej.a,volSi,.\ ", .', ;• : ,:'»;v JphiiBtoh's Agricidfi;ral-:011e^ijg%;;cpinplQtp«> - - •, The S4tiitC8:df^litStatft' : of-«P'w : Y^^ //j^te^^'^ia^"^^*.'',,.:;,''-^-..;''; i: v - .j ji.r^«*6o»J/iWiai^,byvMUF.r^cUi^ . '• ' •' • . ' -^Q',:-' -i\-' ,"'..,.. . i .• Bprtinils Method :fbr-tIioJ,'jan.p>FPHpi F>,: .— A ? HSntoii'srBiajio Fpijto-ans.truc.tion lloplc,.-j-f-r •'" db:.-' do. ,.'. dP,"•'. dp,;,',:»brKigedf ThoVJpliheoinpleto;; '" .'."":""', ' ••, i: .'"-."';' .:• "JiIeihP^p!r^hcVSpa.W^ •- - •1*-.- SprapliinomidMolp^pPuli^t'racSipfr —aiurroM-'svKiUiP^p^yrlinPrj. ••' r - ^Ipw'pla: Violin-Bpokj rs*. O H T J H O H F t T B " O A T I O K » / irtlrp^'MclUillu'sa'eiuiu'us,,..'" 1 •;Ai#pS c Png,, ?^fL , „,, . :-•*-*• Manning'sSeriiiohs,' : '""NVilpbrfprcei ptt-tlie.Inpar-, .Soerics : 3ri itlie Xifb' 1 bt<i- .riatipn,:'' - -• - v.? ' •. •iSlorgyrtion,,; J,.--, FcsttvalsiPnctFcttsUi, 'Walks.iJboul Zion, ., . CT)ristiaivBidl^a%,. Ohapmau's Sernion'si'. x .. IientbiV Fastj;.;..• «-•• Hawfepno. """•' ..r:M.ir.k 7 Wllt,onj ! ,?t^i Togbther with many other,:of: Stn'nford.&Word'a puSlic,1tions. - »TlJRIJKO, fc«X»l>»lX. .ApfU;a^;'"' I love to see the neat, tidy, farm-house, half hid from view by the shady mftplc, the evergreen and the sweet smelling lilac, whilo from tho woll cultivated garden, comes the balmy odor of the . full-blown rosg,.tlio hyacinth, ijj^dafTpdil^Jhg, weepingprimroso,and the ijoautiful lily. I love to see*\vithin its wall* the bright eyes, and the peerless s'milo of beauty, that shall make ita> worthy arid joyful havon of rest to its owner, and the g§m of love and 'contentment reigmng within, Ilovetosoo tho fences that extend in range aftpr range over the pleasant fields, substantialiy built, and tastefully arranged, while' the fields they enclose, .are free from stumps, stones, this- tles and briars, and in their.duo time, the lender shoots of porn springing fresh and 'green from the bpsoui of _the" gonial earth, the niendows clothed in their beautiful garb of green, and the different varieties of grain waving in tlio summer breezes. I lovo to see the fhrmpt who has mens conscia recti, and believes that labor otiiiiia tincii^ taking hold with a willing handj and a joyful countenance, to beautify, build up, and make to pfosper and flourish, tho home* of himself,,the home of his family, and the inheritance o f his children. ' • ' q* Arrdj we do not have *o look long, to find those tokens of prosperity and hnppiiiess'i They are located, upon nearly every hill,jind.,i'n nearly ev- ery valley of the Empire State, although there are some nice ier*<i. I could point out many abodes that are-Bdens upon earth, njijiost neigh- bors. Tliereis friend iU—r—, hut a few miles from town, wlio is truly one of that happy class, I know that peace and contentment can but al- ways be enthroned upon the -altar of hrsdomesj tic circle; It is tho double reward of seeing published tlWfair author gtves tho following ac- ihroughout the East, North and West, will sym- pathise with themiii their congratulations. ..Cel- ebrations have beeh had in Boston, Lowell, Lynn and Other^placcs, in honor of the event. Tinnd SH(les"I>eploral)leJ)isastcrs. We lenrnfrom"La Minervei" (Canada,) that eighty-two superficial ncfes.of )arid,pn tlie borders ofXnrnnska riyerj five miles from the village of SL Aime, fell into the river during tho night of the 8th.jnsf. Tlvrep houses and their putbujld- Irigs were drilgged^ilto tho witier. 'A. Wotiiah.arid": •her two "children, together with all the cattle in i the out-hoUBes, were drowned,. The husband of this woman has become deranged through fear. Another indh idual has received so many injuries thatliis life is despaired ofi This phciionienon. has caused the \vater of the rarer to rise, wo are informed, to the. roof -of 5L G. A . Massue's .oorn_jm6V_gjrjstrriill) three miles above the place where tliewuikTLlias fallen Jii- Thofta6i7ariis of the neighborhood have lqstaliout f«urthpu- sand cords of wood; and those of tho river Sal- vail as much more; The water in escaping or forcing its wny froto the dam hiis done much; damage. , Wu learn also, from-the Gazette, tlint on the 10th inst., about two o'clock in the afternoon, a ponsiderable landslide took place'ih the"paTisirof St. Leori, near CXhebcc, invtho saniciieighbofliood a"8 one of the same kind some years ago. Ab'out four" acres of land begah to move all a t once, carrying along a house-and the family within. The slide being stopped fpf an instant in its, progress, the family had time to, rush from the house, which inn moment afterwards disappeared from before thetn tp'he eiigulphcdin the masses of earth. No person was lPstjaiid theinhahitants of the parish turned out with celerity andcotjr structcd-another house *tb proteettheni from tho inclement weather.— ^ <, - 104i and.^ •..., , tlieivantof vcssels'rcstricts thohusincss as well as the advnuccil freights demand; sales S5,C0O "bnBh..»t62e.. for (liuniigodt, G2cv for.Jieated, 02a"<181-2o. for.sound uiixnd-, 65o. forrpund Jcreoy, OlcvfPr flatyelloW|.»l90 Southern ycllpw at 65c. ~ l'novisioss^Salcs of pork nrb limited- and for pld mess.tho market is heavy; it is freely offered •without buvors at oux,qnotation»; sales MO larrols at $11 IS for ' • NCTrTbBKJ-'Apia 47." KocK-TSioro i s but little doing in sfete iiild wcstein anil the ninrfect is heavy- Therpls something dpinar-in. the low grades \VlucTi"arc coming-in. more freely. The inferior gracies nro less plenty and- holders are -Arm at $418 a.42S for No. 2, il.O. is-dull: and plentyand offerca. ftccly nt * 4 721-2 fbr good "brands. Catiadiah is dull and aeniy at W- SO a *456 in bonds -Salesof dqiucstio 2700 tarda. nt-W 87 1"2 a U SO for common tostroiglit, #4 60 a-8i 82 l-2forMicliigiia an'dlndlana, anil H 81 a *4 91 for Genesee. ' OBAIN—TThcro i s a raotlerato dernand for wheat for milling mid part to go np.the river; prices are steady anil.fu-rti for prlitfp Genesee. . Canadian is more freely ofisrcet mid tlioitcarketis lieavy nud inactiveatlOO •Ic. Eyo is not plenty and Hr5iaF75e. •©at3:ure.plcnty ideaaier, but for- prune yellow closes rather- firmeri pltlpmMC, $ i o for^orriie«Sr*^-for^biriOTiiie-iMHl-#15: ^4h««-&"di8rW]U for 5o-iiHHS- Pcef is better, bat inactive at$9 87 l<-2a $11'50 Olid *5 371-4 a. ^8 50. Erimb mess dull-and hcan-atfl§50a 3118,50, Beef hains.diiUand inoro freely offcie<lat*lSa*lS50o.- Xdrd is inH(lr demand, but less buoyant; sales 300 barrels.And tierces at't-1-4' a 91-2c, QSWKOO, April 27. Sjiles. Tostenlny ef 2400 bush. Sandusky wheat at, 0()o., 500,do..ktieyftt98o., 5(>0do. r} i e.»t58c. a'floofc Rccciveitby liiltc, 10,4»fi biish. wheat, ,8423'dp„cprn,. 08Plwirrels'twrK, .Clearedby ebual 8146 barret)flour, 10,600 hunlwils of ^mflj 2010 do. whoiit, 2168. do, bar- ley. - ' .. tar rwmQAxn, tJiimaws frmomw C, W.il.ARsii.vix-, ' .. 'J'.A.MWISUAW- •ApnW., 1851; \ -.-J.^-.. . r,-i-..-.:- : ; - |g, . V.r'O-,* *• KABIBAXZ,, . A HF,ppohing:inArigPl!?iBlpcktpnConrHt,,nearly X X ppppsite-the. hirby- House, pno j f tho moat c^-.' tonsiVp assortment* of': .„ .'.'..' , Btapl* and Fancy Sry-doodci •Eyer.ofrered.iatliis place; epiisistintriii part of ..Spnntf Dtm Goods, JSofimU, . ^'jK'Wa,..- llwnet iSiMb/Mt, fflach djulJtmeySilhii Veil*,* -' Im'liM&eect' ileal ThwdlSilitwgM,*- -J/«#»> and Gttnditic jSify- , , , ... . -, iririwndlniekinp*, And ovcrytlyitg else, usually .kppt in a Dry CoodJ Storo, lorTurthbr purtioiflara Sco, advertisoiiiont, headed *5 for 3|50, CT^?J. MAESUALL. .vyatertown, ApriljS.: ,,'... CloUii, J)ome*tic Ooaelt, PaMitfk,. ^ ,. .'-. NeedU Wottta Good*, Gtovtt, Mllintrj/GooJf,' llotUtjl, Trim Dreu. Hmminfftj 83 Henry B. Stanton, who4iaa-5rq3igncd; .a Bohator.m: District numbpr twcnty-sbt;in place of,GeorgeB. Guin^. iBJl, who^lins'rosigned phnil' "a"Mdmtier of"Asslpirilily' ih;.JUeJFirat Assemblyllistrict of Oswego County, in place of Moses P. Batch, who has resigned, .whosp term* o'f ofBcdrespbctlvely, -would, expire' tlio tldrty- firsttlay'of Ucoombor, one UionRmnd eight hundred ahdflm-pue.- Very respectfully, yoursi ' CIIRI$TQrHEBM.OKGAX' *' Secrotary of State.. A TROCLAMATIQN ' •-'."• J}#-\rA$IIZNaTOirHWtT;Gov«rikr »/(hfSMiof .. . rm>:rerh„zi . .. . "WirentAs, it is represented, to .me, by Concurrent Eesoliitionsof tUe^nate^Jd^As^emolyrthatS-the ac- tion of tlio IiejjiBlature. has l^&'arrc»teUn>y thetesig-' BHlterF<Sl twelve members ot the JSenato, ,caus«!ljiy a diffottSrlbopf opinion respecting a puWiortloasuro, be- tween the majority and tho minority of tho Sciiato; and it being; evident that in conScqucuee of the seces- sion froriithaf.bpdy pf'auch a number of its members, ^ h d ' t b o disappbarane«' of another, kills refjuirinjr'a, tirtethird vote: could not be passed, und a.quopim for. somsTHXN'a mrerx A STOCK of Entiife A'tm Gowh can^^bo*bPn atrC". & •±\. J. iUnsiiH.t?8,and:at liootliir'vhct-inAUtqen'. Call and look at the bonutifiil-fircss. Opoda, Rich Shawls, Splendid Lapp triuniiea Kosotts and Visitcs, Boniiett, Parasols and F.ney Gpods, and if y,ii are pot satisfied that this is tho richest and ehcapep't Stock tiniigTin urPi*orid'-^ir4rf,)i^e*jOT.--i-»^-,*;- •»:. Watertuwn,April8. 88 *C. & J.MATt^HAIX, tho tmiiftaction iof business, rcduirthgtheprosencopf 13 cntlrebgdejienderit-iippri the caprice of- rS.lirDEAInp of tlioUiiitod-Statcsand Ou,«d»r ViT- Kailrpntl, Sto -nibpat and Telpgroipli Jland-B forlAmcrica,- . ,..'-* v'.--'..-'" '•,- V ^ow'T-dmiship Mripof Be'wJ'EojfcttaJS, , ApplCtoft!s.-N^rflton;n^d^Mteni;T£i^ jUst.receiyod. ~ Aprilac, [or^&uHe, F OMTXOmtHSMiii-'imi- «6»ortrn«nt'in market.;: Ooldr.na with »ilr»r "'-^ ,Jl -^"'"" - ft':t4. iwrnmrofc ii,:n , om:l|il,ap: -»«UU-' T^-AKKBNl'AH^t bx'tlip.JSdjjbr of'^^uartfrty,, •Tho C»»at?i%'KQnihe>f.ttirdpiriro \E*tef.: ; ' : . CiuiWis^ from^tho Eiiid b',CaWB, byJohuKnoi. rOldlJbd Sahd-Stoho; Ky Hii,?hMiljer. . .',.••' '. N AitioWciiiiBirdTiihcJer,. a Guide tp flip Rearing and Tbnding of Birds. .'- ,.- '•:--'-'" ,\ Ornamental and Doincstle Ppultnv-Sd IkwdonEdi-, tionA •• - STERLWG *3«»D»1I<. . ' ' April .2,/; 1 - - .-,'- .'• '.':. - •"?-•'-8* ;' Tr*st : rxAw« j «Aitai»r.'-- ^ A COMPIiETEABSorHnchtof Tissua T , appr»,:0»-. nairibhtallieavcs, GlaiedT?i(per»f.«ndV«ricJated Colors* . . STEEM^G &BlDI)Efli, April 2.. . -.-.- .'•,••- ••:'. 'V-"::'..; : , b , •'. -//''»». . ' ••-•- -..'".•.•• -mif lio^r'.. •:,, j ,- •"OEGEjVEDto-orubit bycr#flveek ; , >A,?ar#«:ded«* . X\i:tioii;mud«'to-Jfi«wiflMaiidT«j«*«». .,"• V ^pril2j '••':•> STjSai,TWGA|Bipi)M.Ti. .' AUl > ET!3,Mattinst, and OU'CIotlis, all prices, «nul-: itics aad styles, at C. St. 3, MARSH Ahli'S? " »? , . •".;.". Cblirt Street; : •hmwla and XKaatillaa. TVrE\y">tylcs-»nd.latc«tmtterhs,.at,' «', 1~ , - ^ ^ . a&.J,-MARSHAH&'8,." , gs ;- : • -.:. --. - •'•..'•/:'.06mSfhfit^-- L ADlfe'Sno*^^CmpjKEsVSnoyi^ii'cPnipiOte osftirt- BienMHdalhncw stylos,-at ' i " 8$ . •- -; •- C.*.^|MAKSHAth'S. rAvintBAiraxswa, --- B EAB4i?DajsJ)wignii andBcst-gthUity, from M a p UKUTOOOM. -*,NTTHlNGrffO!ii a llilluiorlainoilc-toa splendid" ±\. Bonnet,canbbohtplhed at-ismaltadviuicoffoirfl NowTorkcost; C. * J, MAKSOAH,." ' - aomntrm. - •p^EW Sty-los frpni.Si;.'tP«4,juit<«!«rfiiW at iy- as.-'.-; " -. -?:- •;- q>a J.;MABSHAEL'S. "those arou"rBTnm happy andcpntcntcd, that sheds the bright sunshine ef happincssaround and upr onliis path, and woos him" to renewed exertion. Here • ' ''Noffiingstiikesthp eye but sights of happiness, JJotirementj_iural quiet,, friendship, hooks, Ease; alternate labo^ arid usefollifo." y Wlla,i! I( SO. MOT EOVE TO SEE. Tdo hot love to see.thereversp of all the above picture. I do not Jove to see a poor farm-house, fast hastening to decay, and discord and unhap- py broils with the inmates thereof; the garden : Uneiiltivatod; the fences ail downj.Or faatbecom- ingso.andirregularly and digtastefuljy. laid out, thistles andbriarsVahkly defacingthe otherwise fah fields and beautifuLmeadows, I'do not love to see the farmer idle and shiftless,:stauding upon the sunny side of the barn, with his hahds'in his pockets,,86 constitutionally tired that he ciinnot whistle VahkCc-doodle, idling away the valuable hours; gaping, and gating at every pnsseiriby^with imperaieiit, idle. coripsitViTvhlle'he hasiio We at home,, no (sympathy abroad, Icould also'point oht many sueh,whom I know -^•thosc too, who hro capable of bettof things, and whom Icould call'by name,but "a\yordto the foolish is not:sufficient'''T!iey arc &8t work- ing their own downfnilj and in % onward march ofprogrcs-sipfi, others must take their places, p f Inoculation with the Venom of Rattle-Snakes In a Work called " Life Jn lUexico,'' recently count: " Wchavcjust been liearihga cUripus circumstance eoDiiccted With poisPnous reptiles, wliich I lliiye heKrd for the first timfe. Here and all along the coast, the peopj.e are in the habit of inoculating theinselves with the poison of riittle snakes, which" renders them safe from the bite of all veiiethpus arijnjato- The person to be imSculatcd Is pricked'^villi tfe tooth of "Ste serpent oil the tongue, in both nrms,and on va- rious parts of the'liody, and tlio venpm intro- duced into the wounds. Kii eruption comes out, which lasts a few days, Ever after, thesp per- sons can handlo the hiost vene'motis snakes with 'impunity:; can make them come by calling them;) have great pleasure in- fondling them; and the bite of these persens is poisonpusl- ¥ou Wilt :n6tbeiievo:this; but we have the testimony of Seven or eight respectable ffieretinntsio the fact, A gentleman who breakfasted here this morning, says that he has been" vaiiiljr endeavoring to make up his mind to submit to (life «perntioh, as he is very much exposed wherohe lives, arid, is obliged to travel agreat dcM on the coast; ind : when be goes 6°n theso cxpoditiptis, he i s always accompanied by liis servant, an inoculated negro, Who has'the power of curing: Jiimysbould h e bo MttcnJ.by^uikiiigth<!- poisori. frpihthe wound, WATBRTO-Wlf KAHXBT. -Butter, per lb, , -" - ' Ciiceso, " " - - - - %gs, per do?, - - - l'otatoos, per hush. - Onions, -'• - *- Apples, .-' Apples,Dried; "' - . - Beans, »" -1'lo.ra', por W. - Wbc;itr-^icr.busli. _.- '- Wood, pcrcord, - Oats, jmrbush, l'ork,raessur. lib).. . Hams, per lb. Sliotilders, liov. lb. Salt' per fcbb - . lliirltMypxyvuush. - - Tliiy, per ton, - Orass Seed, por hiiii 1 !. - - ClffiVcr'^Scd, per bush, - - " 14 a Ha a - 28 a. 25 a 106 a - 75 a ' 5 00 a - 1 08 a 1 76 a " -' a * 16 00 a 10 la 1 81 * 5 00 a 2 00 a 6 00 15 7 ia 81 88 50-, 1 00 6 0O 1 13 2 00 83 00 63 8 00 single m'ombbr, •wiio/Titer liis attendaneS.lvaa bpori comnclleil by order oC the Sehatp, inigaiii doiiartedwith- out Wloavo, and thereby prevented the tonnatipn of. Bucha quorum. _ . . . AhdwliDreas,,tho:SBnato and Assohiblyj after re> 3 .ucsting the Governor, to call an ExtraS.css.1pn.0f thp xt^islaturc, at such thno and place as. ho miglit.docm exptdieiit for the IStorcsts pfjho State, tlioftuiion ad- journed miw dit, having fiuled fopass "tlie'Annual Apr prbpriation Bills, and other pending measures doomed essoiitiifltothepiiblio welwre,'aadtho^rdijunrysitp- pPrtof Government; And whereas, the disprganiiation (if tho Legislative. Department, and its consequent inability tp cpmplete tho perfonnancoof its duties ill thenmunor'presenbPd by the Conslitution,. ;form' an extraordinary occasion niiprecedcnted 10 the past history of this' State, and- rendoTingncccsitoyfinmyjhdgmc^tjunlxtraSessioii pf the legislature: .'Now; therefore, by v-irtno of the anthofityvestbdin mo by the GonstitntiofijI do horcby bojiyonoiKo Sc^» islnture,tomcotattho Capitol,intho clty.pf Albanyj 1 : pnTucsdoy; tho lOthilay^of Jiiii6iib.xt,atn6on. Aiilj tho meml^rs^ortEo Senato> ^dAssoiiibly arc .required, •theji and thcro to assomblej iri their respective Cliam- ^bfirs, focbnsidOr the severalbllla-pbhiubgatthe tcrih.'- .hatiori of the last Sessioflf-and to transact BUchpBhor business as may soerri to theiii expjodic'nt. In witness *hcrcpf IhsveliPreuntPsubr- seribed my name arid affixed the privy seal: ]L S.]- ntthecityofAlbapyithPWthdayofApriti, inthbyear of orir -Brdj prie thPusandpipjht huudred-andflftyrprici *:-:• •" WASHINGTON HUNT, —- -— Vf-". TAMAMOI*. ' .. . , K IOHEntbr.ZiiHdJ'uratolt, now: Ppenintfilt SS '. P ". O.^J.3tAKSlIAjSL'g,, Q V etcry dcscriptionaridnllfreSh, at - - r - . .-' •. . , 'o.itj:.mR8irALv& A l>MlNiSTRA'foRStN r Qlle£;-*i«ii»ntto:ari order of Xysa»dcrjl;-Brown,'SirrrPgiitiPf'th* County of JbtTorsoft, Jfpficpis hProbyiglvcntpallper-, senslia,v'ingclaims,or demauds agaiustthce«tate:df William' II. Ohilds,Into of the fPwnof IiPBay;insaid; Conntv, deceased, to exhibit tliesnni'o, wltli vouelicn theveof to eitlicrof the,Sub»ribcrs, •dmlrilstratbSi.ai 1 tlioTiu Shop of.C.H. WElGIlTf in tlio village: of Walprtown, On or boforo the.thirtieth day ofiVujrunt nexl^ CAUguSt$0,t?51.1. Jtatodj. Fobr««ryr20i.l85^ "WARDE.KASSEY," '•',•''. ... - AdmirilstratPri. ;-...• - u. -"-I!BEEEpVE8i'GinEPSi' . gOsiiS; '- .: '.; Stajhiigfrafrixi-- ' ; 'aooxs OAW B_ „_____... - . •A SI) received -every;.week., "Ttiere«Jre;:p*»moitf ; J\. wishing AriytMng%;tltrBPPWil^hy ; J^^ni5*r- aendineiathbl?ordem; can havothempromptlyillltd. Aprfl:27. ,.• , STEBLINeABiPflKIdV-.. TVtBWROGkSju.tre«ivedby8TE^iaifG«i .'JX-DEtL-:-:.'. ••-' . . . - . ,'- : j ; '.'. .; '•---'•-., w . "..' TheJfedinBof.Pppery »M it*;»»«c»VihyBey;l|i rMnrrny,I>,:D. . , •/- ,- • :' • „ / •'••;-'i ! -.'-V" - t:.'.-U j ''-.-V : '' i i The religious duty.of obcdiencoftPiaw,'PyR«v1J>- S.'Spciicer.B.D. ' •- -;;-.: ••.•.»>.,_,''. .'.TheSards' ortIie-BiblPrby-eiI8lli|n; " ••''-. ;••-' 8alf-deecption, or the lustory pf/» hriinanbo»rt.:l>y\ < Mr»,,Ellis, --*.- '---'JT-- '•••'-• -'i 1 '-" To-lovo and to luiioypd, by /f.fl. KPb, ^^ T^T,1ft, nfTcnriyT,i nd^Vy^;irillit. ; .:" Tlje.Qnecnspf Scptland; byffgnmStijcMtna IHiig•jlhnaDne-f'pr-iSSl.: ^\ •.' *" " Ebvcries of ,a JJaohclor. V , ' Pastors .Sketches. •+*¥-. ncwuapply.'-; . .i<rripid's Kth) jffopfc. .;.)' "-,.; "j: afcripture and Gbology, by J.JPyiH8fljl8i. aJrid-^-Tol. ODS TZIXLOW« TB«TXVAZ^ At IVatertown, M a y 1 s t , 1 8 S l ? Address at tlio Agricultural Hall; at lr2 past 1, by V.ii. AVa. TDnwTf, Esq;. " "' ' . The pubBo'iirc respectfully invited, tp bo present on thocteciision. By Order of Gommlttee. TO TBIB r UBXIO. The iradersljruedj.at tlio argpnt .soUcitaU'on of nu- merous Mends,, has the hoiior-pf presenting, his -name.. as the Fwplj*/ndependM Cendidate for the office-pf ^Slnte-Sonafeoriiif^tlio.placo'of Hon. AiASiipjr SXINNIH, xoalgnod'-^iliil'williiddipss tlio rildbpendont Ejeetoni npoA ail the exciting topics of the present canvass at -tliofollowi-cgtimeBanclphees-: " n' —.. Cli«bcipionr on Monday,Mayl2,-»tearlycandlolight, Onrthajo, Tuosaay, 18, ' '* Antwerp, *Wcdiiesaay,,'lti: " StorlingvllTe, Thursday, ' 15, " Eviins'Mttls, Eridav, 16; " Tlieresn, . 'Saturday,. .17* " l'lcsfeis, Monday,. 19, " OxBow,, Tuesday; 20, " Eolt's Mills, •Wednesday, Jl, «» Thursday, 22, " Saturday,. 24. . " CALEB JflfON) of Lybnsdale,, lx^wjs County, April %, 1851. , . By theGovernPr iOBsS. -Rl'OGLi PrivateS^CTotary;. TVTOMneh of eduotipn 11 pf frcater importance: IS thantheartpf Wri«na\ Ifrwasaqnalntrpniarlc irof, He also sawthis ne^grp euro the bjt&given byan irioculatedlndiaiiiboy to awhite.boy, with whom he was fighting, and who was the stronger'Pf the two.-^-The stories of the eastern juL'glem, and their power over these reptllfes, may perhaps, be nceouhted fbir in this way. I canriotsay that I should Ifke to liavespmiich snaky nature trans- ferred into my coinpositkm nor,to live among people }Vho«t bite 13 venomous,' 1 Siiokctsllarbpr, Wiitertown, Br««d WithoM **«rt! B AllBIST'S KwnaVMolira COKPPOUP, forsaloby •: ™*l« , ' . M.»i-w.... fit&r )T,.,MAll6BAt.L, '""- -' "-'Zjia^MMa^U^. -'•"• ~~ I N iiddaiontdoiir ibnner:iSBffiptfi BtoeTcTbTtSP ,p>etliigi wohavo jtmtrtceiVbd^Sbftje.npwandbcan- titat Tapestry Pattcrnsin IiigraM. earpbts which ire offer lbwer tliatt thoycatt bevjurchasbdwiflwhore; ' 4 : G.MK|P^CP,, Coiirts;t = . . tnaafor tlio aecotnplisiiments Pf business than toho-mastcr of a good and mpid-haftdyritin^.. This bcanUmlac- coniplislimentliasbeen (dmost entirely negleptodin tho great mass of our. eoriiriion sclipolii; Tcaclicrs have iipt been qualified, arid scholars havp had no igrild*,' '••:.' . . .", '-- Therefore, Mr. J. eiHTTENDEN, would respect- fully inform the-cittzoris-bf^Watcrtown-and-viciuity;: tlitt bo is giving lessons hi tlie artpf Peninaaship, on an entire new Systeiri, called the sepii-ahgtilar falling •hand,-whibh1s the latest i m p l e m e n t , and equalled bynonoin tho wortd:fortliat p*s« of iriotiori attached to it, -wliioh.is etfectedby tlio slide of the arm, and is: iniioh essierleamodandrPta'-ied;th»nthe oldsystcni, o'f wrifihjr. ,Pcr»6hs.tipuhlod: with.nervousness, or, hsvihg stiff fliiger' jb'njS*, stiiTenPd" by hard labor pr tithcrwiso, msyiesrn tp write t h f s ^ t e m withporlbjt ease. Hb iuvitesall, both Pld and yoring; tocah upon Kim and .examine his SpPcimPhS at the WPPdnif. Block, 2d floor, iioit door to Wheelock']!) ^rdhitcot Boom. School horirs.'-2 to 4, Pi W.,.anJ 7,J« 0 in, tlio evbrilrigl Terms—$1,00 for a SohesPf tori lessens and perfect a»tisl»c«on:w*rr«ntea.pf no chargpWll.W: mndo. ' z ' .. :, i '• ' * ts " •' W atertpwBj^ril-Sil^ WPUUTSZO 9IUBM OOOSt. Jkd, f ff. ADJCWSifi OO.t Cbi^«. t arB nowroeei-' . .. . v i n g n n d i«spcctfu))y.irivit«.tu«'oxaiiilriatiori : of thoir-custbmers and llip public gonerally to bap pf tho richest and inost elopmf stocks pf Spriai: sl]i4 • a m m « r Ooo^biibver hpforp Pponed iii thi« country' consisting of - , . •'• '-. .. > '-,',•.-.••.: " "*"""* 3biid*iM^r: •;".; •". 'iPi^irZawitti-' - ; litrinft Iklaihtt, JPriitltd SmU*, ^EMr^Stcw,., •,. „_ ...;i Silfand Wool:%<ragi,[ ''; auk Pomtu,. . --•:-. Mmlin Under Sifted, -. PaniuStmie'/t, ', P'amJS<tGU>»n', SiliLitU••-,- di- -". -'•" _ . JBMJZaoVfieifti i, •'•.- Together with a complbto aSiPrtmo'rit of/ybnsewif* and Family^-iopd'it ErPhch ."Quilfi,.-Iitiea'Shcetuig»i Pillow Linori',,I)i:iuaSkTjibI«Hclotlis>»ria Jf«pHri«i T*i; bio and Piarib Cbi'Srs, jOupptiagj KodrMiGJ»t3&i -per-mixii^m^m^mw^ssk mi b»»oiai chbapor than at ariypthor. pstablishiriorit laJtfprJaeirB New York- ,Bo-snre : »fla:calr-i«'t::. :'•'-,'."- "-•-•,•".'"-, ' 88 , -' ; ,-,T*t^i6^:^::(^rj^ Wa^hm*;, E N Jnrke^MprPcco; (Mflya «ns^a^ ---^ . -84' v, -' uvMBXtOM:- m ! r mm Hi' TVjso'a&iriiiiBginouM* m^ukyitm^ieiMi laL. Pr-to.j*ht'if:nfc4sold-'by V^Sm^6»M^:^:. •+H' , Hm'oiri™»rTcrino?^ X S»ill PPra'niericPo»tWgiWc«ai^^y«raii»ingi i ' SH^ENDEDasSortirientPf 3a«brpid*rie»cor«iS^ iLtang c*f Swiss arid Muslin E^iHrigs ahd'Insp'rting? """ari, Crifl», Under Sleeves, Un&rU'dlt'fc, 4*., Collars, . . . Justrceeivodby AWONS-AtCoV CbnrtStropt; ^pril-aU:/^' JRavcnMtikSWki, Baciifjfflad: Satenfj C/iiitaSitt*, - filth Cliangeal7*SiU 4 »f Jiieli Gotortd fbuhtid ,• do •' MPt WaUtyi Jo - Mint ~ Sills 'Siawh, Thulet . do iSfotatdid.Crapb do doViSBk I db Black Mifct do J>drU Entbr,(kiiaitj S^nd^P.ata'fdu, . -^Bjwnrttirrr is """" viaiV^. ».„,_..._„—,_„ -.—,r, .-.,,-,„ ,. _,.--,- epurity to pa^cipatp-itt the beneflt. tpbe_d«rived frpaa , :herviwttoAmeS,^;Waaiy.altowW.J^ , '*si*:^':opj?n'*''Ko%l,;iMdo*%-At^«;-^^ih* ' .Ml^-aW54raiv'df'|i ! yil#(»-<»l*Jfllj;'&r.^ ,:""' ,. '" Tim !»••» %Mi'Wimttit whowuicy Kraaow^Mngand-oi^i^ aridiidirtfasliiPna'blj aSsertnient-M gUSfc^orrtad iDreas-,Goods, Shawls, ClPakr audlBrewTirhtolM*, «*errin^redvm:3c«!n»pn Ootfrity* aild theyWottW adv vi»> thPSo wishing rich arid fMhJphabla gopdfr»t«wr i i fo*«rip>. tpgivptliom an eftfly,c»lU AuiPagM Uw*a .aooas.will'^e.fpund^^,;, ,'1 w.-*'.:; '>'-s,'i^-i-:,''-.-" v ?; Pl(an;_ chan|cabibr-ft&ajr^L ^ B j ^ ^ a o i ^ M j i ^ : ; Plain^^aniohang*iiol«¥ar«<S%*-^3Bwn*«*W»- ,- Figur«dariU^Ja^-BI»pk'G»a)»3tbi»s«J;.".'• •}. : i Bl»ek«ria-CPloM:S,Htin;dPchln«,% ,-t. . ".BonnetBilksaridSatina,--' . \r-<:*J'-. ,•"•>• •..; ' Jlpiinot"Velvets, -• -";•.' :^-.f, - .JI.- r Pitta ahdWnterbd,Er^I»hand.Irl»KPppJ)nlf,, •.,-. r Mantilla Vclvpt's^ _' ; - •.» -%*" - - *' « , " ' " •' Embrbidcr'd aridPIalriCjttbmer**,?.-.'-;•;. • ' ^ Br^^oGj»poi(,,-; .,*;-/ . ... ,..•"• --Brocade: and. Plate Tissue*,' ,-,•'.•.•: -.':'-" ErabrPidcr'd.Swls»;MuliHnii^ . . - -/.. * 'ErehoWandKnglisfcHeriilps,- ..- ',; •> ParwrictfitCIPths; . , ;•'. , •'•'-' '-.--. %?dahaPWaBpimbalrl»i«»i PltoaBdl^pa^Jjihi^ Black Alpaejia, ^asflt*" $haY0JM*"reoeiM:,'* complete aMOrtmcut or , , tho.follpwlni.stylbiS.Pt.SprinxShawIi;^-' Spleridial&WiaorPSCrapPShawlsj;. ( . dp.' ; «iabSBsca., ".,dp. - :ad.:. db;; BljickGi'P>I)«;I.ypii» ; SiIk:Sh*%lsl •i-'dft>-X%moM--'' v .--'-'' yt -- ; -m-"-- j a*'' •• •'*d6i , :^tteai»ifa'eolp**aaaaWt""--do5"-f-*'.- A^i^prairiand.EmDr. • ?d6' do* "' H-<E*oT '--•"-•'" call-w Uibrh "" "til*.'.. ,. _ .. ., FAF»» HAliailf«* . •*- A' RE: how tfpenihg (heir;fprlftf J 8W6k'p('?Pi ^ritsimriceinpfardB, ; ,•'"„" Ittthbtt M«*rb^nt ,wnl bo TPrihd ^- T ,.., -,. bitinanti:-atyjite.-'o.f:3Bwaeh,: apd,^aphlrie 8;#iJ! •c«nli^-^8l«.r«:lri , 'ah:.*naie»» 'Varieijy^ ••A1^-f;lMge, iaii^ta^teidr«V«a!ra%?-)9li!ai»> iiu^n^|nii>^4l<Malriaieji: :'i 1%'firid Staniried Velveli for pliildreo,. VVh Enibo«^TabkSr*»aj|,. . , ,.,,,.. -V«vetSr,d-Kibb/)niDr^TrnjMBgi, .-••-•>•...,}- .... BorincVaria'iCapdlibWof, .-" , :•'•*?:.L± ' ••'•i ^ FrciibhEriibrpiaor'aCpII»W£C»n^aBdiin4*r«Mi^ f IMie»Silk.W6rsted*BdlMGld*e»;;: ' -.' -. " Cotton. rWtoatcd arid Silk Hose,'; > ':.,,«/ ' PUSriWcwstcd iiose tprchlldreni;:: V: 'V *",^t.^ r Plairi.»haEmbr#d^riTOp»mb^ „•%_ rioiuothprlhTiclcshotmerit^ « , .1 .;*& ••:#., MftoKimighS-be * i d withr«fcr>ri^:te-flh*:kw.MKl -i,,-' A»a^MiHe1«»Prjn)ehtPf Gbp^'nWtaingpftwdirt thft «l*f»ntSt<«i6sbut W f t > i itaWiRwot » » | « : t t # - ! , •'b^terid"roP*^ai<)dcra,'S^^;or•G<l&a»*.'• < W « f l M » ' . . i " ^^rtpwri;:l^e(:4,vi8p^i:? -: -:"J"-" :•,.-•: :<-':j- »- ! ;".v.-t »ome mwand "•---•"^i^aha' -!*•' -lajftdl-' '• ' "•' TrCAt'riwWt>jNo'Ft*it!d^ip»t;-'-' TjIANO,CPrmM'"Pf.1{«JHPO* ; *V*^i^""rbePlv^l':*.-|«rgP-iiii»nt% , r . --„-.„.„. JWK , MrislhVde li«ines,arid '^rajft . d e ^ W , » n | ar* MlUrijrthpiniSthbsainb l64rrates.>tth«j'^Jiv Aprils, .. ..•: .... :.-^.'.•'-.^..'•.:'***' . ' XOAJUKmk ,. * ! --^EWBP»fa«m--c*n'--be-'a^!irliri^ti^i^^ il:ihoard«#prprni«r,Mrid«$i$«iMWM»l«1i, PM a^.n^-'P/.^lte^oclrr.: 'ca,:.,^;,. '.W, T*AP|B&:Marigltw»» Borde% J*kn^ilpHl«tPWP|^^^ Iittelhwc-auaiftora'hy'-l?;^ ^||y%H^t&riV h/T^Sjjha^i^Irtf: •>, --6f-^*fa|s»P*'i:ia«o'pf;'MariPn,:^-;:-. -•• •?,- --4,.:^,,,....-, I/mgfcllow's PO«BI». a «*jr edlUoa h a w o 0 n * r - It-' rut-:

It-' · 2012-01-10 · stores corruption can bestow." The Statesman whoso'voice was heard, contending/or his coun try's weal in the halls of Legislation, retired from the forum to

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Page 1: It-' · 2012-01-10 · stores corruption can bestow." The Statesman whoso'voice was heard, contending/or his coun try's weal in the halls of Legislation, retired from the forum to

'•'•-'/(' t -'.'' a.' :

' ' ' ' - ' . ' • • . ^

, •',/,:t\0sl<^'-:j:MA

, \ - 1 . T^ ^tmy

For the Now York Rcivrmor, A Kaniple 0!»<»PS t h o ' f a r m e w , ,

/HIE REITJJIN OF SPRING, « Abroad;, abroad: Q1orthb«wal«>nSng flolila, Eiehlyy8Wco"Uy, th*e spring-time yields; SiimniS*is coming,'incur hergaysong,

• llia.borao*n'tliofl1igwmtg«los4wg- •••• • • SdMy,Wicotlyiin;0>ieiy8rcivo? '

* Binlsnro-waiiTjl(iig:tli6>rWea-of love;. ^ . . M^n1Ty.pourai,roin<»nntls,88tliro;jtBr , :

"™At the departure of cold Winter, come* the! •ttfatui? sol't brp«th'vof SpHrig,the niUd atmos, „n e re' the gentle showers, and • .the, flitting shad-'

"' ows of .cloud.an^ su'ris'bine.' the•sweet'waffiling.; „ bird3;r^wvto.makev»ocat the^re'eri grove, and:

ftd ^aje^aTforistr W ^ v e r pVPfy-^ehdbw'aTui ggnp^tiire, tW carotin's; latk, on. noisy whig;

oars away to thesup,and t h e ^ s i e a l chatter of tlionoisy bo.l)^iiHl?',*wake>tlie'eeho'of therosy

* bktk of W8itt>aP^ >ve'come the rcturjiingUfe - and"i beauty to;Nature. The fountains and

streams, long bound in tjie cold embrfieeof icy: : • fetWs;a\vak^ned,fi|om tjieir djiear,)?. by the mag­

ic t o M of '$^ing;,Tar§ free, arid ieirpjrjg an)I flasliingliu thei bright sunshine, babbling their eioAUcafc.tffl'e^^ rushing thro'

thesmihrig vales to the parent sea.

And'Nature is npt alone .to her rejoicing.—^

With the awakening life arid animation in her,

wide domain i ;with the.springing,grass, and the

budding trees; with the gentle showers, and the

warm, bright; sunshine, returns new life, new aii-

ini'ation, renewed'exertion,jn.tltffarmer^hop/e,

The golden; hours of Springrtinie must be irriV

proved^ the earth miistbcturnedupto thegen-

ial influence of the sun's warm' rays ; and the

•lengthened furrqws/ fa every valley, and upon:

^very hill-topj tells the tale of his determination,

to.iniprpye the sped time, a n d 3 r i n g about the

golden harvest,

whom w e ca.ri at least hope hotter, examples, ho..

^tfee^A^Wr*''' " •"'' — '. ' ' Yegonerpus Americans, "venerate the plow! And o'orypur hills and tpng withdrairing valesj Set Autuinn spread his,tronsiu:es to tliosuii, luxuriant and unbounded. AS'thosca Farthrpughhisnzurd, turbulentdomain Yo^r empire owns, and from a thousand-shores "Wafts all the pomp of life into-your ports j §° ^^l 1 jyujerior- boon;may your, fielrsbil, S^beranfrSBtnre'sijQtter'btWSltlgB^ar"™"-

""flfhilo through '(ho ncighbpfing^cldjs th° spwcrstalks \yBU measured tread'^ Into tlio faithfulbosom eftho'-gToundj Tljo'liarroVfplIqiTO-h^^ •

Bogrooioua-llcaycn 1' Eor no*laboripusinaa Has doppJiiB part, Ye-fqstpHhg breezes'hlPWi Xe softeiiiag dews, ye tender, showeW.descehd, And .temper nil, thou worhUreviving sun."

A h ! what ajgloriou'.s occupation is that of the.

fee, independent farmer! IJis home is hiss heart,' his farm-is life Wide. - 3 ^ h m i the earth yields up" the treasures of .her bosom with a lavish hand,, and he reaps of tho abundance thereof>r-And,' how timc-hbripred thd calling! In ancient times,,kings,, and the fathers of mankind, em'

. jployed iHtf jiJow,' and ho whoi field within.his 'TMa^Ene- destiny 'bkebipire,- turned from the; . pires.pf state,, to follow in tho'up-turjicd furrow. The mighty warrior, ivhe.ii pence returned; ;.nnd Iiis'eountry had no* farther need of his services*;,' returning with the laureUwreath of victory en­twined upon his brow, disdained deliOate-handod ease, but seized the plow, " und scorned the vile stores corruption can bestow." The Statesman whoso'voice was heard, contending/or his coun­try's weal in the halls of Legislation, retired from the forum to speed tlio plow and labor in the golden harvest field.


I love to wander far from tlio town that lies

buried in smoke and dust, away over the dewy

Holds, whore breathes Nature's freshness, andtho

trembling dew-drqps glistening in' the morning

light, hang pendant upon every leafy bush, and

the sweet breath df the wikWopd flowerscome

borne upon every passing, breeze of the laden


" Andeco the-countiy far diffused around, . One boundless blush, pup whitc-cmpnriilcd shower

Scarcely ever was thore such',' aft; expose asp that Of the arrests recently made, at.DetrQit, of a despsratp gang' p f yiUaiiis, 'The Tribune, o f

'Tucsdn^sjiyS;: Tlio. bounty Court, Judge "WithercH, presiding,

corri!ii.Qn«(i(l i ts sesaipii i n this city to;day. We; andcrs,^ajid the Grand: Jury have-in hand tjie car sea off, tlio gang <J| do8perad'oes liiteiyiitrestcd and » w in pai), fo\r Various crinies,- firing railroad

<?or every land;;-the'iiaiedrntibnaolptlio,. ~ — •wpvJ«V^iri^g«i!i^t|ienMJlroad4nw'cf tjibalsriieting*: ^ll^lietrisalvof^f^hatWtter^wHHmvp:!^

Andpe.thoexliaustloss^aiiarypfawQdil!"' • WATEiiTO^^MayiVi^],:'5 "l ' •.. JttOVJEE, -

' "Paintings of A d a m a n d B v e .

, The": citizens o f Watertown and vicinity are.

i o p n to l iavoan opportunity, of. e.J!amijiihg the.

splendid[Paintings of Adam and %pW.Paradise

^—t|ie.mostbril|iant artistic^chiev'eraejqt ever ihr,

troducedi;bofib,re an American^ audienpe, These

Paintings by "Diibufe, executed', expressly for.

Charles X. of Erancc, have twice crossed the

Atlantic,and have becnexhibitod^a thousands'

in almost every city an5 largo toWn in the "pni:-

tcdStates,. The. proprietor informs us that he

exhibited them six weelesm the c i t y o f Utica | o

largeahddelightedaudiences. . <,*&%

"They open at Apollp Hall next "Mphpiy eve­

ning, for one week only; See advertisement..

^ T B a K y ' s Tr io B a n d .

*' W e had the^ pleasure of listening "to the well executed performance o f this trio, ojl Thursday and Friday evenings of last week. Their pieceBr are^\v:ell chosen, and artistically executed, and, their merit orjtitles them to better houses than than they received here, the rciisoh.of which, we suppose, is, they woro entire strangers previous t<itheir visit. "Should they visit'us again they wovjld prpbablydo bettefr.'" ~ .

A n o t h e r V i c t i m of I n t e m p e r a n c e ;

The Wilmington (Del.') Gazette annonnecs.

^ The' A n e s t e d tSang a t Detroit*

ca+siiiialfingrtnd-^assiBgicountcrfeltmpney^&o,, &.e. Ipdlbtcoeiits,'«ivil„aiidc>i!nih.al»ill:,proba-

:l)ly lo_fo|i id agafnstthe,m,ajl.' sWe are, inform^ !od tluit" tlio bail required, in the civil-aetitlns alone ogaiiist ,thoni, is 15,000-each^rtheMiroad Cb'ni-ipahy'laxing' tlioir damages at f tS^OOO'.; Wliat, Mi l will bo exacted iS the eriniinal suits,agaifist theiii: i s not yet Knp\vri. It'. wjjl doubjless; be lieavy-^aiiditilioul'dihe, if the evidence elic'ited' by tlio grand jury i s Wil and satisjaetory ag^inst;

theiii, fffr the .ciiines with wiiieKTliey-arc charge edi^'Extensive a s their prganizatipa and .depfCT, dations-liiuve "bi)oji>;{li^''^)frityiind''V\;^1r^iig'Ofi soeiotv-i'tiqurrcs'that tjioio who are'really guilty: should tiot be;iil,lo\vo(l ;thejir 3ibiftyv"to-depredate StHIIurthor xipOu cotntauiiity., ' ' -•.' .

"... Ther"Spiritual" Knpekirigs" of "the Misses": Pox lia-yo been exposed by'orto o f the^pnrtiesih' tercsted." I t was one oft l ie grossest impositions over practiced upon an intelligent community.. Hud they belonged ;tp the other sex, "before this fiiapthey w-puld: have "been rode ond rait-^Os-weso Journal.. ',_ • . ' >

Of mingljid blossums i where the raptured eye, Ihuries fro.inj,py.tpjny.^,

thp death of Professor Ahstey, lately .connected

with St. Mary's College at Wilmington., i j e was.

dismissisdfromliis station onaccpurtt of his in­

temperate habits, butcontiiiucd hiscareor o f dis­

sipation and wanderpsla^aiithotneless and'fri'ehdi'

less. Hie wasdiseoyored_sonio:wcckssince('inatt.

almostfrozon state;j in an old hovel, with a bottle

of Svhiskcyby his side* and'sppadiedfrom the ef­

fects of hi isunering. Professor Anstqy w a s a

youngmanof finecliuwiil attauimonts,'aijd' was

the author of :a work published a year "or two-

since in Philadelphia, entitled "'Eloinents of 'Lit- ;

crature,oranintroductionto the Study of Rhct-..

prie and BellcsrLettres." Whata mPlanolioly in-

stanbe'oT'theTaUil power of adeprnved appetite,

and how. fill! of sqlcrnn teuiiing! . With how

muchiruihfulncs&inay itbesiiid: of the Monster

Inteniperaneej,iliut ' ^

'!Hosparesnotthohigh lior the limnhlo, . •• WhileMngs'of the earth Sink balofo him, ''-. "Andwisdpinnnrdgonjns fiUlprostnite—

< H 6 withers thp-yigor of youth, And dishonor^ thogray aidraof ago; AllbwrityhotflrnstocPrniptiorC' -And conquers ih>: hiight or the brave 1"

' F. P. CARTEU: returned late on Saturday night last, having in custody Seymour VViiigate, for-inerly of this village" . **"

Mr. Wingatc was arrested on cVmrgoof hurg-lariously entering L. AJPiorco's Periodical Dopot> and stealing therefrom articles of jewelry, &c. Ho was.exnniincd before Justice Dfttton ori"Mon-day and fully committed for trial oo the charge."

Mr.-Carter is entitled to great, praise for the manner in which he executed the warrSntfor.his arrest. ."


feeling and enthusiasm prevail i n Massachusetts

in t'onsequenco 6 f the final election Of Mr. Sum-

ncr tO"'.tlie~IJrS.rScinrfe"for s ix years, fronrths

•Itli .oL.Mardi.lagt. The friends o f freedom^

• EptATOis.^-Tfie^Danal boats are carrying to New V prk potatoes of a fine, quality from t a k e Champlaiiii— They soft for6s,. p)er bushel.byllie quaiitity, French" potatoes;of a quality hpt disr sirxillnr, arc t o be had i n considerable quantities 'at Cs. perhamper in N e w York. -

T|iefollpvying was posted op the door o f the.' Ludlpjv Church, in Hcrlfortshire, some time back;4^-"T'hi8 is t o give notice that no person w to bo burledr in the churchyardi hut those living tTrtho"paflsrEr"Thpse 'who/wfsh-tpbe huriesdi are: desircq: to apply t o Ephraifii Grubb, parish clerfc"

"To please tlie" old folks wTiiie Voa ,cpurt the -danigliter,'ngi^nY4tintlip' :fatlieFitf|)^h^ea^

-' rawtWHo aooim. D teNTHOBIf, GalJiojinM Blp>k; <?6urt~ stropti

« lias just rcoeivod'WI supply of 6ooda'iidypto4;-to .the Spring tracloj consisting lhpai't of Dress Goods, Laces, (Silks, Bohneto,: CJoths, Casslmores,' Carpets, DpiHlistie,Goods,, CfrixscricSi jtep., where no'is.p1oaB,o<l,: torecoivo a\lls ffiom lilis former ciistpmotsiuidtliopuV liogpnohklly-febeUbving.tlint his Goods ,>vi|l,»8inpnrO: fiivofnbiy wi(li nnyJ?wf Stock, iti this tpwi^wlipa^ vcriiso'* Tlio largos^, clieapcst,. iuid* bcs.t' assortment ey,er'broug!iriifio.tlii8Country,>' . • . ' 'i

TJwiikfirtfqrp^tfuvors.^csolleitB fjuture patronage-and iseoii i idonttl^his«oods,#i«ssont prieos,.Snl

p'ximiiiie. tjio;go<>d.i,. : Cash Oaisli.'IS Cash -111 paid for snv quantity

of .wool.- - v • '•- - - v< imamm. * ., Wnlcrtpiyiii April jV,.J85U, , . - , . . • 3,11 . roft olra wi>i>Bom.T! vym pjpep: (op-;iixhjWtionvat APOMUQ; HAL|^ - ': ~ ph Monday.Evening',.May 5i ' - 3 J)imCFE'B-C«l«BHAIKPQRIOlfAi.l*AI§TlNbSjftK ;.

In fiatwUsoI "representing the TciiiptetionS pud the Expmsion, paintod-for Churlos^X. of-Franep.'.Those, rablinjo works-'of art, which aro'nclfnowlejiged to be the iilicst spo"cimons,ovor0'exhibited:in tlio States;; wtra oxlubitcd-in Noyr-iYprk ahd-pt)|pr. eitics.frpni: l§32;to 1837 jind tliffpjssi II years iji Kufofib, to the univcraid atoiirtttonbFovor.;.favo,'mHIiQn.porapii8.-'' ' ' <--Xte-ajjcnt-havlilgbe.on iiifornicd thattwaftpuripus Pictures, purporting to lie eppics, havei fepeh oxliibltcd inlfimiy-of the cities nhdtowiisof theWPsfpraStatps,'.-

; deeina i.t nccossayyitlftitato: thatjheso are. thp priginal ! and oiily- pictures of, jth'o same siibj&tfoVerpajhtcdby' • Dubafc-^-hii\'irig,never been allowed to bp copicdjand liayoieenin the ppsscssion of the: presont proprietor 8lncs,.i829."' '•: -'•• '

Open from 9 ii) the nioruihg. tlll-9 atnight. -. BSTCahlaof admission at all times during-the stay, 25' cents.; children half pnee,' ' . . , ' .

Schools ndmltled.on tho most liberal terms: . . . Eaoli eychingthe I?aintuig^ '|prIlHaiit)y3nuqili)at«d.'.'

A.dcscnption^iU'bpgivpn every oyeningat8o'eloplc.

""•«.** ••• 'Oi"*-Ji->«AkBHi(uai; '>•*• • ' •TTAV&routp^tlipinidais sforo'iih^njirensBloolc, J^L'.on Court-vst.,AV!itort<)wn, % y . , aiia.'worppen-mganpxtpnsivostopKor • ..; ;, ,;" '" - ','.',':?•' I>i7-4k>ods, Oarpet% «nd n u i l n e r v Obbds. -IVliioliwoinvito'tlie luliiibihui^'of apll^Jfa nndtho^ adjoining^countiesto^oxftmiho. It iS iihn'ccPlarrto" omimprntp every artiolO Pftwhioh-purstPqfeiscpmposv oilvSnfflco ittp sny tiiat o\ir nssprtmont ofDros'a, Wifiito aud.Domestio goods, Shawls,. Gjoth's, .Pufepls, dljjycg;

u»rtallykopt;inajt).ry-Oao,ds^torp>. O u r C A H M T *POW,cpntams eywy, stylo/mfuJrty" aiidnrap./tont piiPBhilhngtQ one .dolluF-po/.yard jialso OW.bEOU'HS ofvariouswultlis, AVo'liave^inadditipritopurliollTO stock ot Dfy-Goods tad (5urp.cts/ t\m moat complcio' assortment ot M i l l i n e r y O<iod«'tpv'l><j ionifdiii Jljis-ppupty, .cpnsJBtiag;, iii. part pf. Upnnpts, JtiUbonH,.-itjielws. Tabps,Arfafieiar i fpwoiy, Boniiet and KiUboii. Wire, Koundatfo'iK &PHvu';MitslinpitmT^aircolors"of' tnrlton Muslin, eiiino.'Xoiao. i'lproneo and'•feminist Sijks, and Silk ijlnsioii tuces.'

keep tlac nipthor in snuffi 3Co. please the broth­er, fond hitti your rlfjp, andJiuy him a dogJ T o please horsSstcr, buy her a dvessr^To ploase your duiomeffj keep he> i|i jewelryyapdeaHher "angeh' 1 . T o please yourself, .be a-foolj

How apt men are to c'ondeinfi in others What. theypraC'tise tliemsolves OTtllpTlt,serupler~Plu-tareli tells o f a wolf; who, peeping,- into a hut whore a;coinp.any of sliqphprds were regaling t l i o m s e i y c s ^ P ' a joirit pf ihuttpfl, said/'^'liat a clntaor they would have raised if they capght ;

m e a t such: a banquet'."

Tlia GSrairiissiptiersofijampdpnCounty.have uttoiiy rofttsodall licensesforthe sale pf liquors, and w e ate happy to learn that the rum shops o f Spilngfieid aro all clnsed-upk- This is good; riewsi' apd Ave hope they will bo'closely looked after and promptly prosecuted if they violate ^helaWi —Fouvlfiih.

• - • n X t S O T Z O N KOjTXOll. • Ti, • SiiBRiFF'i'OFnpi!,, Jitrritrsos Copsir,,) ' • _ " * - •"•-'• ••--••''•• j i f h r C w , i - 8 5 1 . " ' . } • TJIfBElO NOTICE is hereby given, :iapn'r?uanco of;

*T:'tlto subjoined letter Pf the .Sepretiiry^f State, as Well ns tho lVocl.omation of the Governor of;thp..Slate of Noir York, (alsosubjoined, alidihnilQa pnftofthis. hptieo,) that ah election will bp held in the county of: Jpfforsori, on tlio 1?WEN.Ty-S.EVI!Ntir 1)AY 0 F JiLS3t,in:theiyc'ar pfour-I.ord one tlioiisahd pipht hun­dred nncl:fljL.y-ono, at Wli'ieli is to hooleotpdnSlatc goriatpr,.jh the place of Alanson Skinner, -wlidso tonw pt pfflee, would.have bxplVod pn.tnp81stdhy of^Up-pexjibar, 1851, hut who resigned SaidCilice Pn-tho'i7th .da.y,flf, jjIptilj-lBM ..." ,/ ElIEIISJf

i'lproneo ajid-lJoimot ... , . i;-' •--.»;--, Tr-r-K- Milliners willbp-sui^ plipdatasitmllndvunce frofnSNow YpAeost. Itin'ay

.bo:asl!od.svhy lljlotligr iirysiBood*.^Storo shpuW'bl "^"S?!?, * *t«rto*n1- We-»nswor .beiimso tlio trade ottl^pliusojwansfaiitlj- iUcrcasihftTbiiittho prthoinlo" roaspu Wliy.Uii8.stoie is opoilpd is tp. try itAeShfc "pC^* i V? H !<i-vkc.,1

1"it w o fn « 4 t h 0 Bilui« "riioiiut .-•of..faoodsi*r.*8,SOntl at you havofor'mor!y.pa|d$Ji,'6'Q-;jbr?-atany nitp W£ siCHf. !F&r jr/6$ obTect ,is.tpshowtlIq;)iePplp„h<5w- low goodft^arahosoil— We-aroawaro t[iafW&.sVo'ri#,tfiq nrstwlmiavd,prom­ised to" uiidosollall creation," but wo askjho people noMpjudgo u3-,bV our prodoeossorsy It isfriie t i&t oUiew havo.issued JaiiungadvcrHsoraonts/ahd^ae": fled the world to sell as low ip. tlioy,"b'nt"alai!! tlieir ppinises-and PngaM))ioiJts:l,Hiy.e inelteadway like dow.. before thp .su.m •Upbii: .pximilniiig>the>f gopds lindn

' l !^"^^ t ' • ! l^^ 1 , W , , a t ^%^. ; l ov^a*naWen( (o* tor their Wand 881^3 per pt, proilfj .^."beenuso oth­ers have failed torftulnl their oiigngemontSj is no reason that wo sballiuot complete-ours; •'

WshaU?kcpp ff^ <?^*,.rind,SPll tlipm..far- hicen

. ^ " ^ The President, lias issued'his Proclama­tion against the now Cuban Expedition,-vvliie.h is supppsccl to be fitting frut iri Nevy York, i t was this wriicli .required MOr; Webster to hasten his return t o Washington.

tJV- Thepjiun^e^OTgedin tlJpgtpatMotbPx dist Church suit in .behalf of the South, are Dan­iel Webster, Iteverdy Johnsoii and Daniel Lord j and fpr tlio Jfojth, Bufus Choatc, E. JL. Fancher arid Geprgft Woodif' * - ' • • ' .


• ShcritTof the County of JeffiSreo'n;

f&fct±Jl/iUk$-Seeret(irt/.qf$Me, referred to «}«!«.] .. STA'JiJJ OB NEW YOKK,., l :

StflRETAnr's Oiribu, Albany,,AVril 21^3851. (' To 4lii> Sllerillfs pf flip couhties of Sufiblt, Rioh'nbnd,

Queens, J)iifelibss/Columbia, Orah|;b,-SnlliWrfrSfc-£awrenco, ^riiuklm. -Fulfprij 'Herkimer,; Montgom-

. erj',Dc)a\yare,Seho!iarIp, Otsoi?Ptpuenangp,Onoida, madigpn, Osw5got"3S6ferson, liowisfBoneea, Toiiip^ kiiis,. Cliomung,.StouboiV: tl io Governor of tho State havin." by Proclamation,

Uiado thisdayyorderedaSpeeinl E'oetion, to bp held on fnesc'ai/ t;/s tw;ity^teitenih.<l{ujof ihy, in thp^siar

'one tlioostind eight hundred and iity-oiic, to Bupply vaeatioies inthp First, Eightli, Ninth, Fifteenth, Fix-teentli, SiSvouteorilh, Eightcehtli, Nihotceiitli,Twe;i;i-eth, Tffbnty-Eirsl, TwcntyTFiflh and TweiiLy Sixth BeiuitbrialDistriCiS, aiidirt thcFirst' Assembly XJistrici of Oswego county t .

Notice.ishcrcbygiven, that,pusuanttotlioneten-titloil" An act toamehd tho actentitledanactfpspeet-ing cleetionsotlicr than for militia- aud.tuwn ofBcers, pfcsaod ApriLS, 1842," passed May 8,1847, ah election willbo held onTuesdayi the twontypsevonth day pf

*>Iay, orio thoi^nd oitrlit'huUilrod and -flfty-pno, at "which tho followina oniocrs aro-to bo elbeted,to wit:—, A Senator in Mstnst number one, in place of William H . ]!rbwn,'who has resi'jnPd'; a Senator in Dlstrict:

number cl«ht, in place of- John Snydorj who has ,re-siguod t a Senator in District^umDcx-iiinp, in plaopof JaiiiosG.Curtiss, whohasresiTttbd: a^enatoriuDis-triclinnmbbr fifteen, in place pf Williiim A- Dart, who has resigned; a Senator lu Pistricfcuiimbor sixteen, in place or George EL Fox^Who has resigned;. a Senator in. District number seventeen, iri pJaoe-.Pf Sidney Tat^ tliijivhohosTesignod: » Scnotpr i n District number eiprliteon,'iirplaco <if Volm NpycS, who hasjesighod.; » Sciiatpr in -JJistrlct htii'nber nineteen, iii plaeb of Charles A,: Marin, •whphnsresignoa;; a'SonatorjnPis-b;ict nunilwr twenty, in.- plapo.of Asaliol C. S.tonP,.who

COLUIWN. ADnminwBMains «gp

'iMirMlfer '"'""" A <wrARTJfaaaBxr -"..

aJTJAS:thU*aayfi^nv:"M«M-^t«SMw^^ •J3L -S^ERMNQ^a;.::to;;s,i,r;!I^pE.|^,i,und«r„t^ -i, iialuaoaiidnrm;:pfv-«: : : ' i . " » r . ' " '„''•«;'.•«•.>,'''•'.' ' • - . • ' r

•TBaxoifa <t HIDDBUH ' S in the' BPSkSPllintf'^ittf^Stntipfibry 'Bpjiiicss. Th*.-«bevo'hu«ib'b»'81 will 51*. coHtinuouJjaVtIieipId Mmd^qf

;jr-Q,^ai%'iw,:^p^^!i^BUiofe^tr;>v; :>•• • •*•-. • Q o n r t a n t l y ^ o n B a n d i '

. A t a r g e a n d q h o i c * A « * O r t n i » n t , • Of Pomr If«v0iaini.0:li»jei«i%! "CWiAiii Pifiie <j«4,

' afe&siitttyji •'m^y'Mmmm&iP^rJlMi.^'''' •• -SubllbAtioiiswithP'Aiilppbgn'Pi^^lIhiPh'ii^ .leanTractSpeibjy, lit.JSh.PTesnlo.ft'ndKptiiill.''"'. ; . " •',

• »• • • • •.' ' '< msmim&smTijsaj:

sliBUnotadypnise'q^icpatS.ochts.p^ :iti;.'eall.pd for; show you iigurpd'hrowVpapor, tiMell-youtho,?<(4yar(ibusjiist beensdld,": .'-.--:-' '--•'

Wb shall not, sbllfciidiiig arHcrosht cost or loss than: cPs^and'obftrfeo.on^..oxpr,h.W'Priee:fcrotherMtiai». the yalup of which is iipt so goncfnllylirioWh. We shall not misrepresent any article wo offer for sales; m intend to dohustiicss liolioatly jjri.pt at ail. Wo arp-satishod that •an;6xnriii.natioB' -orciir 'lissoftmorii yodpricesj will cpnvmconll-tbatwn»» ivHahitemu.; ., f e invite those w to.desiis^pldiuGoPdiitooxantfne .oiira.tnokiPivd recpllc<ifr4|ii)|r-f6r UV-uiy fo- wprtlHa*' R™AsyPu;.waiit, yon can savp $i,flO-hy p,iii«hasiiig' them at this estpblisliiapnt, "Wo have no'rofmiaiiS. mspiled, shop.wom goods, nor anything out pfldiite thosem pursuit; pf, mh gpods,..Will findthoin ^fnrtli-or.up." •. • • '. ; . -

^ifS^H'"1 *l''8 °»hlbli91inient is n*u>, andtwill Tio-sold:*the Uwtst j>o«iiibkgrice*. 'Aiiythihg'gPtiglit 'of lis, wliich does nPtTrovo as rct'ouiiliendba, caifbo returned, iiiidithe. money will bo rofundod.

Epinomberj ours is tlio last Dry-Goods Storo on C^r tJSS^ f t < ! ' l ' ' Iy oppwaito the Kirbv Uoiiao

XfkW ' B6'riKS'"a"'STFKMN,6""'^°%iQ><6$.ti>^ rt

-iM /No^W.-IJadd^cWs-BlpclS'-' -' •'-•• •"" "-' V- '"•*. - . * .^rnmp?sTr<iyWs-.niSil>prja,.2:.v«ls,,.,-'• •• . . . ' . . »

Turfepy ailtl'-iW Wstiny, by l oFiirliin.a;('.2vbIg,j'

ilungurS'an'dTrtinsylyiminihy*5ig«S, 2Voht., - - •; '•- -. ' $li^l'ilInr4'Of'^OTp.nJc^)H)r^l^v^shiS}^n^d.Ko^> .. , rpepo,.§,yP>„ . ' , '" ' • • ' "-,.'-' ' - * ' ' •- •''

Indiattilfl'thte'Hmdbosi ; ;-."•• «'---•-,-,.:--•: - . -' . ... Annals of thp,Xiueciis pf Spahii ,.- .•-,.". Ishmd-AVorld-ot^he Pacific, byJBeV'.n;:fiChoeverj • ' Thornton!*Orp^t^jin^.^lUKiMi^J^^^,-. ' ' . - \ * 3Silo' NotOB pf ifBgivadiij:.. *.,' -%».',••„ . .

- Fivo'voirs irr^Je^htpiipr1'Pf !SPtttte'Africa,2Vo]i'i> •" -JiiograpIiv.-O'f'&PPdtWivbs, •- ,.- -.*•'. ••'•,:*-xV"..-'"" •*•'•%

• Small Bppfciiroh*fe"atSul)jcbtej.a,volSi,.\ ", .', ;• : ,:'»;v JphiiBtoh's Agricidfi;ral-:011e ijg%;;cpinplQtp«> - - •,

The S4tiitC8:df^litStatft':of-«P'w : Y ^ ^ / / j^ te^^ '^ ia^"^^*. ' ' , , . : ; , ' ' -^- . . ; ' ' ; i: v - .j

ji.r^«*6o»J/iWiai^,byvMUF.r^cUi^ . '• • ' •' • . ' - ^ Q ' , : - ' -i\-' ,"'..,.. . i .•

Bprtinils Method :fbr-tIioJ,'jan.p>FPHpiF>,: .— A ? HSntoii'srBiajio Fpijto-ans.truc.tion lloplc,.-j-f-r — •'"

db:.-' do. ,.'. dP,"•'. dp,;,',:»brKigedf ThoVJpliheoinpleto;; '" .'."":""', ' ••,i:.'"-."';' .:• "JiIeihP^p!r^hcVSpa.W^ • • - -


SprapliinomidMolp^pPuli^t'racSipfr —aiurroM-'svKiUiP^p^yrlinPrj. ••' r-

Ipw'pla: Violin-Bpokj rs*. OHTJHOH F t T B " O A T I O K » /

irtlrp^'MclUillu'sa'eiuiu'us,,..'"1 •;Ai#pScPng,, ?^fL , „,, . :-•*-*• Manning'sSeriiiohs,' : '""NVilpbrfprcei ptt-tlie.Inpar-,

.Soerics :3ri itlie Xifb'1 bt<i- .riatipn,:'' - -• - v.? ' •. •iSlorgyrtion,,; J,.--, FcsttvalsiPnctFcttsUi,

'Walks.iJboul Zion, ., . CT)ristiaivBidl^a%,. Ohapmau's Sernion'si'. x.. IientbiV Fastj;.;..• «-•• • Hawfepno. """•' ..r:M.ir.k7Wllt,onj!,?t^i • Togbther with many other,:of: Stn'nford.&Word'a puSlic,1tions. - » T l J R I J K O , fc«X»l>»lX. • .ApfU;a^;'"'

I love to see the neat, tidy, farm-house, half

hid from view by the shady mftplc, the evergreen and the sweet smelling lilac, whilo from tho woll

cultivated garden, comes the balmy odor of the . full-blown rosg,.tlio hyacinth, ijj^dafTpdil^Jhg,

weepingprimroso,and the ijoautiful lily. I love

to see*\vithin its wall* the bright eyes, and the peerless s'milo of beauty, that shall make ita>

worthy arid joyful havon of rest to its owner, and the g§m of love and 'contentment reigmng

within, I l o v e t o s o o tho fences that extend in range

aftpr range over the pleasant fields, substantialiy

built, and tastefully arranged, while' the fields

they enclose, .are free from stumps, stones, this­tles and briars, and in their.duo time, the lender

shoots of porn springing fresh and 'green from

the bpsoui of _the" gonial earth, the niendows

clothed in their beautiful garb of green, and the

different varieties o f grain waving in tlio summer • breezes. I lovo to see the fhrmpt who has mens

conscia recti, and believes that labor otiiiiia tincii^

taking hold with a willing handj and a joyful

countenance, to beautify, build up, and make to

pfosper and flourish, tho home* of himself,,the

home of his family, and the inheritance o f his

children. • ' • ' q*

Arrdj we do not have *o look long, to find those

tokens of prosperity and hnppiiiess'i They are

located, upon nearly every hill,jind.,i'n nearly ev­

ery valley of the Empire State, although there

are some nice ier*<i. I could point out many

abodes that are-Bdens upon earth, njijiost neigh­

bors. Tliereis friend i U — r — , hut a few miles

from town, wlio is truly one of that happy class,

I know that peace and contentment can but al­

ways be enthroned upon the -altar of hrsdomesj

tic circle; It i s tho double reward o f seeing published tlWfair author gtves tho following ac-

ihroughout the East, North and West, will sym­pathise with themiii their congratulations. . .Cel­ebrations have beeh had in Boston, Lowell, Lynn and Other^placcs, in honor of the event.

• Tinnd SH(les"I>eploral)leJ)isastcrs.

W e lenrnfrom"La Minervei" (Canada,) that eighty-two superficial ncfes.of )arid,pn tlie borders ofXnrnnska riyerj five miles from the village of SL Aime, fell into the river during tho night of the 8th.jnsf. Tlvrep houses and their putbujld-Irigs were drilgged^ilto tho witier. 'A. Wotiiah.arid": •her two "children, together wi th all the cattle in i the out-hoUBes, were drowned,. The husband of this woman has become deranged through fear. Another indh idual has received so many injuries thatliis life is despaired ofi This phciionienon. has caused the \vater of the rarer to rise, wo are informed, to the. roof -of 5L G. A . Massue's .oorn_jm6V_gjrjstrriill) three miles above the place where tliewuikTLlias fallen Jii- Thofta6i7ariis of the neighborhood have lqstaliout f«urthpu-sand cords of wood; and those of tho river Sal-vail as much more; The water in escaping or forcing its wny froto the dam hiis done much; damage. ,

W u learn also, from-the Gazette, tlint on the 10th inst., about two o'clock in the afternoon, a ponsiderable landslide took place'ih the"paTisirof St. Leori, near CXhebcc, invtho saniciieighbofliood a"8 one of the same kind some years ago. Ab'out four" acres of land begah to move all a t once, carrying along a house-and the family within. The slide being stopped fpf an instant in its, progress, the family had time to, rush from the house, which inn moment afterwards disappeared from before thetn tp'he eiigulphcdin the masses of earth. No person was lPstjaiid theinhahitants of the parish turned out with celerity andcotjr structcd-another house *tb proteettheni from tho inclement weather.— ^ <, -

104i and.^ •..., , tlieivantof vcssels'rcstricts thohusincss as well as the advnuccil freights demand; sales S5,C0O "bnBh..»t62e.. for (liuniigodt, G2cv for.Jieated, 02a"<181-2o. for.sound uiixnd-, 65o. forrpund Jcreoy, OlcvfPr flatyelloW|.»l90

Southern ycllpw at 65c. ~ l'novisioss^Salcs of pork nrb limited- and for pld

mess.tho market i s heavy; it is freely offered •without buvors at oux,qnotation»; sales MO larrols at $11 IS for

• ' • NCTrTbBKJ-'Apia 47." KocK-TSioro i s but little doing in sfete iiild wcstein

anil the ninrfect is heavy- Therpls something dpinar-in. the low grades \VlucTi"arc coming-in. more freely. The inferior gracies nro less plenty and- holders are -Arm at $418 a.42S for No. 2, il.O. is-dull: and plentyand offerca. ftccly nt *4 721-2 fbr good "brands. Catiadiah i s dull and aeniy at W- SO a *456 in bonds -Salesof dqiucstio 2700 tarda. nt-W 87 1"2 a U SO for common tostroiglit, # 4 60 a-8i 82 l-2forMicliigiia an'dlndlana, anil H 81 a * 4 91 for Genesee.

' OBAIN—TThcro i s a raotlerato dernand for wheat for milling mid part to go np.the river; prices are steady anil.fu-rti for prlitfp Genesee. . Canadian is more freely ofisrcet mid tlioitcarketis lieavy nud inactiveatlOO

•Ic. Eyo is not plenty and Hr5iaF75e. •©at3:ure.plcnty ideaaier, but for- prune yellow closes rather- firmeri

pltlpmMC, $ i o for^orriie«Sr*^-for^biriOTiiie-iMHl-#15: ^4h««-&"di8rW]U for 5o-iiHHS- Pcef is better, bat inactive at$9 87 l<-2a $11'50 Olid *5 371-4 a. 8 50. Erimb mess dull-and hcan-a t f l§50a 3118,50, Beef hains.diiUand inoro freely offcie<lat*lSa*lS50o.- Xdrd is inH(lr demand, but less buoyant; sales 300 barrels.And tierces at't-1-4' a 91-2c,

QSWKOO, April 27.

Sjiles. Tostenlny ef 2400 bush. Sandusky wheat at, 0()o., 500,do..ktieyftt98o., 5(>0do. r}ie.»t58c. a'floofc Rccciveitby liiltc, 10,4»fi biish. wheat, ,8423'dp„cprn,. 08Plwirrels'twrK, .Clearedby ebual 8146 barret)flour, 10,600 hunlwils of ^mflj 2010 do. whoiit, 2168. do, bar­ley. - ' ..

tar rwmQAxn, tJiimaws frmomw C, W.il.ARsii.vix-, ' .. ' J ' . A . M W I S U A W -

•ApnW., 1851; \ -.-J.^-.. .r,-i-..-.:- : ; - | g , . V . r ' O - , * * • K A B I B A X Z , , . A HF,ppohing:inArigPl!?iBlpcktpnConrHt,,nearly

X X ppppsite-the. hirby- House, pno j f tho moat c^-.' tonsiVp assortment* of': .„ . ' . ' . . ' , Btapl* a n d F a n c y S r y - d o o d c i

•Eyer.ofrered.iatliis place; epiisistintriii part of ..Spnntf Dtm Goods, JSofimU, . ^'jK'Wa,..- llwnet iSiMb/Mt, •

fflach djulJtmeySilhii Veil*,* -'

Im'liM&eect' ileal ThwdlSilitwgM,*-

-J/«#»> and Gttnditic jSify-, , , . . . . - , iririwndlniekinp*, And ovcrytlyitg else, usually .kppt in a Dry CoodJ Storo, lorTurthbr purtioiflara Sco, advertisoiiiont, headed *5 for 3|50, CT^?J. MAESUALL.

.vyatertown, ApriljS.: ,,'...

CloUii, • J)ome*tic Ooaelt, PaMitfk,. ^ ,. .'-. NeedU Wottta Good*, Gtovtt, Mllintrj/GooJf,' llotUtjl, •

Trim Dreu. Hmminfftj


Henry B. Stanton, who4iaa-5rq3igncd; .a Bohator.m: District numbpr twcnty-sbt;in place of,GeorgeB. Guin . iBJl, who^lins'rosigned phnil' "a"Mdmtier of "Asslpirilily' ih;.JUeJFirat Assemblyllistrict of Oswego County, in place of Moses P. Batch, who has resigned, .whosp term* o'f ofBcdrespbctlvely, -would, expire' tlio tldrty-firsttlay'of Ucoombor, one UionRmnd eight hundred ahdflm-pue.- Very respectfully, yoursi •

' CIIRI$TQrHEBM.OKGAX' * ' Secrotary of State..

A TROCLAMATIQN ' • - ' . " • J}#-\rA$IIZNaTOirHWtT;Gov«rikr »/(hfSMiof

.. . rm>:rerh„zi . .. . "WirentAs, i t is represented, to .me, by Concurrent

Eesoliitionsof tUe^nate^Jd^As^emolyrthatS-the ac­tion of tlio IiejjiBlature. has l^&'arrc»teUn>y thetesig-' BHlterF<Sl twelve members ot the JSenato, ,caus«!ljiy a diffottSrlbopf opinion respecting a puWiortloasuro, be­tween the majority and tho minority of tho Sciiato; and it being; evident that in conScqucuee of the seces­sion froriithaf.bpdy pf'auch a number of its members,

^hd'tbo disappbarane«' of another, kills refjuirinjr'a, tirtethird vote: could not be passed, und a.quopim for.

somsTHXN'a mrerx A STOCK of Entiife A'tm Gowh can bo*bPn atrC". &

•±\. J. iUnsiiH.t?8,and:at liootliir'vhct-inAUtqen'. Call and look at the bonutifiil-fircss. Opoda, Rich

Shawls, Splendid Lapp triuniiea Kosotts and Visitcs, Boniiett, Parasols and F.ney Gpods, and if y,ii are pot satisfied that this is tho richest and ehcapep't Stock tiniigTin urPi*orid'-^ir4rf,)i^e*jOT.--i-»^-,*;- •»:.

Watertuwn,April8. 88 *C. & J.MATt^HAIX,

tho tmiiftaction iof business, rcduirthgtheprosencopf 13 cntlrebgdejienderit-iippri the caprice of-

rS.lirDEAInp of tlioUiiitod-Statcsand Ou,«d»r ViT- Kailrpntl, Sto -nibpat and Telpgroipli Jland-B forlAmcrica,- . , . . ' - * v'.--'..-'" '•,-V ^ow'T-dmiship Mripof Be'wJ'EojfcttaJS, , ApplCtoft!s.-N^rflton;n^d^Mteni;T£i^ jUst.receiyod. ~



F OMTXOmtHSMiii-'imi- «6»ortrn«nt'in market.;: O o l d r . n a w i t h » i l r » r "'-^ ,Jl-^"'"" -

ft':t4. iwrnmrofc ii,:n,om:l|il,ap: -»«UU- '

T^-AKKBNl'AH^t bx'tlip.JSdjjbr of'^^uartfrty,,

•Tho C»»at?i%'KQnihe>f.ttirdpiriro \E*tef.: ; ' : . CiuiWis from^tho Eiiid b',CaWB, byJohuKnoi. —

rOldlJbd Sahd-Stoho; Ky Hii,?hMiljer. . .',.••' '.N AitioWciiiiBirdTiihcJer,. a Guide tp flip Rearing and

Tbnding of Birds. . ' - ,.- '•:--'-'" , \ Ornamental and Doincstle Ppultnv-Sd IkwdonEdi-, tionA •• - STERLWG * 3 « » D » 1 I < . . '

' April .2,/; 1 - - .-,'- .'• '.':. - •"?-• ' -8* ;'

Tr*st:rxAw«j«Aitai»r.'-- ^ ACOMPIiETEABSorHnchtof Tissua T,appr»,:0»-.

nairibhtallieavcs, GlaiedT?i(per»f.«ndV«ricJated Colors* . . STEEM^G &BlDI)Efl i ,

April 2.. . -.-.- .'•,••- ••:'. 'V-"::'..;:, b , •'. -//''»». . ' ••-•- - . . ' " . • . • • - m i f l i o ^ r ' . . • : , , j , -

•"OEGEjVEDto-orubit bycr#flveek;, >A,?ar#«:ded«* . X\i:tioii;mud«'to-Jfi«wiflMaiidT«j«*«». .,"• V

^ p r i l 2 j '••':•> STjSai,TWGA|Bipi)M.Ti. .'

€AUl>ET!3,Mattinst, and OU'CIotlis, all prices, «nul-: itics aad styles, at C. St. 3, MARSH Ahli'S? "

»? „ , . • " . ; . " . Cblirt Street; : •hmwla and XKaatillaa.

TVrE\y">tylcs-»nd.latc«tmtterhs,.at,' « ' , 1 ~ , - ^ ^ . a&.J,-MARSHAH&'8,." , gs ;- : • -.:. --. - •'•..'•/:'.06mSfhfit^--

LADlfe'Sno*^^CmpjKEsVSnoyi^ii'cPnipiOte osftirt-BienMHdalhncw stylos,-at ' i

" 8$ . •- -; •- C.*.^|MAKSHAth'S.

rAvintBAiraxswa, ---BEAB4i?DajsJ)wignii andBcst-gthUity, from M a p

U K U T O O O M . -*,NTTHlNGrffO!ii a llilluiorlainoilc-toa splendid"

±\. Bonnet,canbbohtplhed at-ismaltadviuicoffoirfl NowTorkcost; C. * J , MAKSOAH,." '

- aomntrm. -•p^EW Sty-los frpni.Si;.'tP«4,juit<«!«rfiiW a t

iy- as.-'.-; " -. -?:- •;- q>a J.;MABSHAEL'S.

"those arou"rBTnm happy andcpntcntcd, that sheds

the bright sunshine ef happincssaround and upr

onliis path, and woos him" to renewed exertion.

Here • '

''Noffiingstiikesthp eye but sights of happiness, JJotirementj_iural quiet,, friendship, hooks,

• Ease; alternate labo^ arid usefollifo." yWlla,i! I( SO. MOT EOVE TO SEE.

Tdo hot love to see.thereversp of all the above

picture. I do not Jove to see a poor farm-house,

fast hastening to decay, and discord and unhap­

py broils with the inmates thereof; the garden :

Uneiiltivatod; the fences ail downj.Or faatbecom-

ingso.andirregularly and digtastefuljy. laid out ,

thistles andbriarsVahkly defacingthe otherwise

fah fields and beautifuLmeadows, I'do not love

to see the farmer idle and shiftless,:stauding upon

the sunny side of the barn, with his hahds'in his

pockets,,86 constitutionally tired that he ciinnot

whistle VahkCc-doodle, idling away the valuable

hours; gaping, and gating at every pnsseiriby^with

imperaieiit, idle. coripsitViTvhlle'he has i io W e

at home,, no (sympathy abroad,

Icould also'point oht many sueh,whom I know

-^•thosc too, who hro capable o f bettof things,

and whom Icould call'by name,but "a \yordto

the foolish is not:sufficient'''T!iey arc &8t work­

ing their own downfnilj and in % onward march

ofprogrcs-sipfi, others must take their places, p f

Inoculat ion w i t h the Venom o f Ratt le-Snakes

In a Work called " Life J n lUexico,'' recently

count: " W c h a v c j u s t been liearihga cUripus circumstance eoDiiccted With poisPnous reptiles, wliich I lliiye heKrd for the first timfe. Here and all along the coast, the peopj.e are in the habit of inoculating theinselves with the poison of riittle snakes, which" renders them safe from the bite of all veiiethpus arijnjato- The person to be imSculatcd Is pricked'^villi tfe t o o t h of "Ste serpent oil the tongue, in both nrms,and on va­rious parts of the' l iody, and tlio venpm intro­duced into the wounds. Kii eruption comes out, which lasts a few days, Ever after, thesp per-sons can handlo the hiost vene'motis snakes with

'impunity:; can make them come by calling them;) have great pleasure in- fondling them; and the bite of these persens is poisonpusl- ¥ o u Wilt

:n6tbeiievo:this; but we have the testimony of Seven or eight respectable ffieretinntsio the fact, A gentleman who breakfasted here this morning, says that he has been" vaiiiljr endeavoring to make up his mind to submit t o (life «perntioh, as he is very much exposed wherohe lives, arid, is obliged to travel agreat dcM on the coast; ind

: when be goes 6°n theso cxpoditiptis, he i s always accompanied b y liis servant, an inoculated negro, Who has'the power o f curing: Jiimysbould he bo MttcnJ.by^uikiiigth<!- poisori. frpihthe wound,

W A T B R T O - W l f K A H X B T .

-Butter, per lb, , -" - ' Ciiceso, " " - - - -%gs , per do?, - - -l'otatoos, per hush. • -Onions, -'• - *-Apples, .-' Apples,Dried; "' - . -Beans, »" -1'lo.ra', por W . -Wbc;itr-^icr.busli. _ . - ' -Wood, pcrcord, -Oats, jmrbush, l'ork,raessur. lib).. . Hams, per lb. Sliotilders, liov. lb. Salt' per fcbb - . lliirltMypxyvuush. - -Tliiy, per ton, -Orass Seed, por hiiii1!. - -ClffiVcr' Scd, per bush, -

- " 14 a Ha

a - 28 a.

25 a 106 a

- 75 a ' 5 00 a - 1 08 a

1 76 a " -' a* 16 00 a

10 la

• 1 81 *

5 00 a 2 00 a 6 00

15 7

ia 81 88 50-,

1 00 6 0O 1 13 2 00

83 00

63 8 00

single m'ombbr, •wiio/Titer liis attendaneS.lvaa bpori comnclleil by order oC the Sehatp, inigaiii doiiarted with­out Wloavo, and thereby prevented the tonnatipn of. Bucha quorum. _ . . .

AhdwliDreas,,tho:SBnato and Assohiblyj after re>

3.ucsting the Governor, to call an ExtraS.css.1pn.0f thp xt^islaturc, at such thno and place as. ho miglit.docm

exptdieiit for the IStorcsts pfjho State, tlioftuiion ad­journed miw dit, having fiuled fopass "tlie'Annual Apr prbpriation Bills, and other pending measures doomed essoiitiifltothepiiblio welwre,'aadtho^rdijunrysitp-pPrtof Government;

And whereas, the disprganiiation (if tho Legislative. Department, and its consequent inability tp cpmplete tho perfonnancoof its duties ill thenmunor'presenbPd by the Conslitution,. ;form' an extraordinary occasion niiprecedcnted 10 the past history of this' State, and-rendoTingncccsitoyfinmyjhdgmc^tjunlxtraSessioii pf the legislature:

.'Now; therefore, by v-irtno of the anthofityvestbdin mo by the GonstitntiofijI do horcby bojiyonoiKo Sc^» islnture,tomcotattho Capitol,intho clty.pf Albanyj1: pnTucsdoy; tho lOthilay^of Jiiii6iib.xt,atn6on. Aiilj tho meml^rs^ortEo Senato> ^dAssoiiibly arc .required, •theji and thcro to assomblej iri their respective Cliam-

bfirs, focbnsidOr the severalbllla-pbhiubgatthe tcrih.'-.hatiori of the last Sessioflf-and to transact BUchpBhor business as may soerri to theiii expjodic'nt.

In witness *hcrcpf IhsveliPreuntPsubr-seribed my name arid affixed the privy seal:

] L S.]- ntthecityofAlbapyithPWthdayofApriti, inthbyear of orir -Brdj prie thPusandpipjht huudred-andflftyrprici *:-:• •"


—- - — V f - " . TAMAMOI*. ' . . . ,

K IOHEntbr.ZiiHdJ'uratolt, now: Ppenintfilt SS '. P". O.^J.3tAKSlIAjSL'g,,

QV etcry dcscriptionaridnllfreSh, at - - r • - . .-' •. . , • 'o.itj:.mR8irALv&

Al>MlNiSTRA'foRStNrQlle£;-*i«ii»ntto:ari order of Xysa»dcrjl;-Brown,'SirrrPgiitiPf'th*

County of JbtTorsoft, Jfpficpis hProbyiglvcntpallper-, senslia,v'ingclaims,or demauds agaiustthce«tate:df William' II. Ohilds,Into of the fPwnof IiPBay;insaid; Conntv, deceased, to exhibit tliesnni'o, wltli vouelicn theveof to eitlicrof the,Sub»ribcrs, •dmlrilstratbSi.ai1

tlioTiu Shop of.C.H. WElGIlTf in tlio village: of Walprtown, On or boforo the.thirtieth day ofiVujrunt nexl^ CAUguSt$0,t?51.1. Jtatodj. Fobr««ryr20i.l85^

"WARDE.KASSEY," ' • ' , • ' ' . ... - AdmirilstratPri.

; - . . . • - u. -"-I!BEEEpVE8i'GinEPSi' . gOsiiS; ' - .: ' . ; Stajhiigfrafrixi--

' ; 'aooxs OAW B _ „_____. . . - . •A S I ) received -every;.week., "Ttiere«Jre;:p*»moitf ;

J \ . wishing AriytMng%;tltrBPPWil^hy;J^^ni5*r-aendineiathbl?ordem; can havothempromptlyillltd.

Aprfl:27. , . • , STEBLINeABiPflKIdV-.. TVtBWROGkSju.tre«ivedby8TE^iaifG«i

.'JX-DEtL-:-:.'. ••-' . . .- . ,'- :j;'.'. .; '•---'•-.,w. "..'

TheJfedinBof.Pppery »M it*;»»«c»VihyBey;l|i • rMnrrny,I>,:D. . , •/- ,- • :' • „ / •'••;-'i!-.'-V"-t:.'.-Uj''-.-V:''i i The religious duty.of obcdiencoftPiaw,'PyR«v1J>-S.'Spciicer.B.D. ' •- -;;-.: • • . • . » > . , _ , ' ' . .'.TheSards' ortIie-BiblPrby-eiI8lli|n; " ••''-. ;••-'

8alf-deecption, or the lustory pf/» hriinanbo»rt.:l>y\ < Mr»,,Ellis, - - * . - '---'JT-- '•••'-• - ' i 1 ' - "

To-lovo and to luiioypd, by /f.fl. KPb, ^^ T^T,1ft,nfTcnriyT,ind^Vy^;irillit. ; .:" Tlje.Qnecnspf Scptland; byffgnmStijcMtna

IHiig•jlhnaDne-f'pr-iSSl.: ^ \ •.' *" " Ebvcries of ,a JJaohclor. V ,

' Pastors .Sketches. • •+*¥-. ncwuapply.'-; . .i<rripid's Kth) jffopfc. .;.)' "-,.; " j :

afcripture and Gbology, by J.JPyiH8fljl8i.

aJrid- -Tol.

O D S T Z I X L O W « T B « T X V A Z ^ A t I V a t e r t o w n , M a y 1 s t , 1 8 S l ? Address a t tlio Agricultural Hall; at lr2 past 1, by

V.ii. AVa. TDnwTf, Esq;. " "' ' . The pubBo'iirc respectfully invited, tp bo present on

thocteciision. By Order of Gommlttee.

T O T B I B r U B X I O .

The iradersljruedj.at tlio argpnt .soUcitaU'on of nu­merous Mends,, has the hoiior-pf presenting, his -name.. as the Fwplj*/ndependM Cendidate for the office-pf

^Slnte-Sonafeoriiif^tlio.placo'of Hon. AiASiipjr SXINNIH, xoalgnod'-^iliil'williiddipss tlio rildbpendont Ejeetoni npoA ail the exciting topics of the present canvass at -tliofollowi-cgtimeBanclphees-: " • n' —.. Cli«bcipionr on Monday,Mayl2,-»tearlycandlolight, Onrthajo, Tuosaay, 18, ' '* Antwerp, *Wcdiiesaay,,'lti: " StorlingvllTe, Thursday, ' 15, " Eviins'Mttls, Eridav, 16; " Tlieresn, . 'Saturday,. .17* " l'lcsfeis, Monday,. 19, " OxBow,, Tuesday; 20, " Eolt's Mills, •Wednesday, J l , «»

Thursday, 22, " Saturday,. 24. . "

CALEB JflfON) of Lybnsdale,, lx^wjs County, April %, 1851. , .

By theGovernPr iOBsS. -Rl'OGLi PrivateS^CTotary;.

TVTOMneh of eduotipn 11 pf frcater importance: IS thantheartpf Wri«na\ Ifrwasaqnalntrpniarlc


He also sawthis ne grp euro the bjt&given byan irioculatedlndiaiiiboy to awhite.boy, with whom he was fighting, and who was the stronger'Pf the two.-^-The stories of the eastern juL'glem, and their power over these reptllfes, may perhaps, be nceouhted fbir in this way. I canriotsay that I should Ifke to liavespmiich snaky nature trans­ferred into my coinpositkm nor, to live among people }Vho«t bite 13 venomous,'1

Siiokctsllarbpr, Wiitertown,

Br««d W i t h o M * * « r t !

BAllBIST'S KwnaVMolira COKPPOUP, forsaloby •: ™*l« , ' . M.»i-w.... fit&r )T,.,MAll6BAt.L,

'""- -' "-'Zjia^MMa^U^. -'•"• ~~

I N iiddaiontdoiir ibnner:iSBffiptfi BtoeTcTbTtSP ,p>etliigi wohavo jtmt rtceiVbd^Sbftje.npw andbcan-titat Tapestry Pattcrnsin IiigraM. earpbts which ire

offer lbwer tliatt thoycatt bevjurchasbdwiflwhore;

' 4 : G . M K | P ^ C P , , Coiirts;t

= . . tnaafor tlio aecotnplisiiments Pf business than toho-mastcr of a good and mpid-haftdyritin^.. This bcanUmlac-coniplislimentliasbeen (dmost entirely negleptodin tho great mass of our. eoriiriion sclipolii; Tcaclicrs have iipt been qualified, arid scholars havp had no igrild*,' ' • • : . ' . . .", '--

Therefore, Mr. J. eiHTTENDEN, would respect­fully inform the-cittzoris-bf^Watcrtown-and-viciuity;: tlitt bo is giving lessons hi tlie artpf Peninaaship, on an entire new Systeiri, called the sepii-ahgtilar falling •hand,-whibh1s the latest i m p l e m e n t , and equalled bynonoin tho wortd:fortliat p*s« of iriotiori attached to it, -wliioh.is etfectedby tlio slide of the arm, and is: iniioh essierleamodandrPta'-ied;th»nthe oldsystcni, o'f wrifihjr. ,Pcr»6hs.tipuhlod: with.nervousness, or, hsvihg stiff fliiger' jb'njS*, stiiTenPd" by hard labor pr tithcrwiso, msyiesrn tp write t h f s ^ t e m withporlbjt ease. Hb iuvitesall, both Pld and yoring; tocah upon Kim and .examine his SpPcimPhS at the WPPdnif. Block, 2d floor, iioit door to Wheelock']!) ^rdhitcot Boom. School horirs.'-2 to 4, Pi W.,.anJ 7,J« 0 in, tlio evbrilrigl Terms—$1,00 for a SohesPf tori lessens and perfect a»tisl»c«on:w*rr«ntea.pf no chargpWll.W: mndo. ' z ' .. :, i '• ' * t s " •'

W atertpwBj^ril-Sil^

W P U U T S Z O 9 I U B M O O O S t . J k d , f ff. ADJCWSifi OO.t Cbi^«. tarB nowroeei-'

. . . . v i n g n n d i«spcctfu))y.irivit«.tu«'oxaiiilriatiori:

of thoir-custbmers and llip public gonerally to bap pf tho richest and inost elopmf stocks pf Spriai: sl]i4 • a m m « r Ooo^biibver hpforp Pponed iii thi« country' consisting of - , . •'• '-. .. > '-,',•.-.••.: "

" * " " " * 3biid*iM^r: •;".; •".

'iPi^irZawitti-' - ; litrinft Iklaihtt, JPriitltd SmU*, •

^EMr^Stcw,., •,. „_ ...;i Silfand Wool:%<ragi,[ ''; auk Pomtu,. . --•:-.

Mmlin Under Sifted, -. PaniuStmie'/t, ', P'amJS<tGU>»n', SiliLitU••-,- di- -". -'•"

_ . JBMJZaoVfieifti i, •'•.-

Together with a complbto aSiPrtmo'rit of/ybnsewif* and Family^-iopd'it ErPhch ."Quilfi,.-Iitiea'Shcetuig»i Pillow Linori',,I)i:iuaSkTjibI«Hclotlis>»ria Jf«pHri«i T*i; bio and Piarib Cbi'Srs, jOupptiagj KodrMiGJ»t3&i

-per -mixii^m^m^mw^ssk mi b»»oiai chbapor than at ariypthor. pstablishiriorit laJtfprJaeirB New York- ,Bo-snre:»fla:calr-i«'t::. :'•'-,'."- "-•-•,•".'"-, ' 88 , - ' ; , - , T * t ^ i 6 ^ : ^ : : ( ^ r j ^ Wa^hm*;,

EN Jnrke^MprPcco; (Mflya « n s ^ a ^ - - - ^ . -84' v, -' uvMBXtOM:- m!rmm

Hi' TVjso'a&iriiiiBginouM* m^ukyitm^ieiMi laL. Pr-to.j*ht'if:nfc4sold-'by V^Sm^6»M^:^:.

•+H' ,Hm'oiri™»rTcrino?^ X S»ill PPra'niericPo»tWgiWc«ai^^y«raii»ingi

i ' SH^ENDEDasSortirientPf 3a«brpid*rie»cor«iS^ iLtang c*f Swiss arid Muslin E^iHrigs ahd'Insp'rting? """ari, Crifl», Under Sleeves, Un&rU'dlt'fc, 4*., Collars, . . .

Justrceeivodby AWONS-AtCoV CbnrtStropt;


JRavcnMtikSWki, Baciifjfflad: Satenfj C/iiitaSitt*, -filth Cliangeal7*SiU4»f Jiieli Gotortd 4« fbuhtid ,• do •' MPt WaUtyi Jo -Mint ~ Sills 'Siawh, Thulet . do iSfotatdid.Crapb do doViSBk I db Black Mifct do J>drU Entbr,(kiiaitj


. -^Bjwnrttirrr

is """" viaiV . ».„,_..._„—,_„ -.—,r, .-.,,-,„ ,. _ , . - - , -epurity to pa^cipatp-itt the beneflt. tpbe_d«rived frpaa , : h e r v i w t t o A m e S , ^ ; W a a i y . a l t o w W . J ^ , '*si*:^':opj?n'*''Ko%l,;iMdo*%-At^«;-^^ih* ' .Ml^-aW54raiv'df'|i!yil#(»-<»l*Jfllj;'&r.^ ,:""' ,.

'" T i m ! » • • » %Mi'Wimttit whowuicy K r a a o w ^ M n g a n d - o i ^ i ^ aridiidirtfasliiPna'blj aSsertnient-M gUSfc^orrtad

iDreas-,Goods, Shawls, ClPakr audlBrewTirhtolM*, «*errin^redvm:3c«!n»pn Ootfrity* aild theyWottW adv vi»> thPSo wishing rich arid fMhJphabla gopdfr»t«wrii fo*«rip>. tpgivptliom an eftfly,c»lU AuiPagM Uw*a • .aooas.will'^e.fpund^^,;, ,'1 w.-*'.:; '>'-s,'i^-i-:,''-.-"v

?;Pl(an;_ chan|cabibr-ft&ajr^L ^ B j ^ ^ a o i ^ M j i ^ : ; Plain^^aniohang*iiol«¥ar«<S%*-^3Bwn*«*W»- ,-Figur«dariU^Ja^-BI»pk'G»a)»3tbi»s«J;.".'• •}. : i Bl»ek«ria-CPloM:S,Htin;dPchln«,% ,-t. .

".BonnetBilksaridSatina,--' . \r-<:*J'-. ,•"•>• •..; ' Jlpiinot"Velvets, -• - " ; • . ' :^-.f, - • . J I . - r

• Pitta ahdWnterbd,Er^I»hand.Irl»KPppJ)nlf,, •.,-. r Mantilla Vclvpt's^ _' ;- •.» -%*" - - *' « , " ' "

•' Embrbidcr'd aridPIalriCjttbmer**,?.-.'-;•;. • ' ^ Br^^oGj»poi(,,-; .,*;-/. . . . , . . • " •

--Brocade: and. Plate Tissue*,' ,-,•'.•.•: -.':'-" ErabrPidcr'd.Swls»;MuliHnii^ . . - -/.. * 'ErehoWandKnglisfcHeriilps,- ..- ',; •> ParwrictfitCIPths; . , ;•'. , •'•'-' ' - . - - . %?dahaPWaBpimbalrl»i«»i P l t o a B d l ^ p a ^ J j i h i ^ Black Alpaejia,


$haY0JM*"reoeiM:,'* complete aMOrtmcut or , , tho.follpwlni.stylbiS.Pt.SprinxShawIi;^-' Spleridial&WiaorPSCrapPShawlsj;. (.

dp.' ;«iabSBsca., ".,dp. - :ad.:. • db;; BljickGi'P>I)«;I.ypii»;SiIk:Sh*%lsl •

•i-'dft>-X%moM--''v.--'-''yt-- ;-m-"--j a*'' •• •'*d6i ,:^tteai»ifa'eolp**aaaaWt""--do5"-f-*'.-A^i^prairiand.EmDr. • ?d6' do* "'

H-<E*oT ' - - •" - • '" call-w Uibrh "" "til*.'.. , . _

.. ., F A F » » H A l i a i l f « * . •*- A' RE: how tfpenihg (heir;fprlftfJ8W6k'p('?Pi ^ritsimriceinpfardB, • ; , • ' " „ "

Ittthbtt M«*rb^nt ,wnl bo TPrihd ^- T , . . , - , . bitinanti:-atyjite.-'o.f:3Bwaeh,: apd,^aphlrie 8;#iJ! •c«nli^-^8l«.r«:lri,'ah:.*naie»» 'Varieijy^ ••A1^-f;lMge, iaii ta teidr«V«a!ra%?-)9li!ai»> iiu^n^|nii>^4l<Malriaieji:


1%'firid Staniried Velveli for pliildreo,.

VVh Enibo«^TabkSr*»aj | , . . , , . , , , . . -V«vetSr,d-Kibb/)niDr^TrnjMBgi, .-••-•>•...,}-....

BorincVaria'iCapdlibWof, .-" ,:•'•*?:.L± ' ••'•i ^ FrciibhEriibrpiaor'aCpII»W£C»n^aBdiin4*r«Mi^ f

IMie»Silk.W6rsted*BdlMGld*e»;;: ' - . ' - . " Cotton. rWtoatcd arid Silk Hose, '; > ' : . , , « / ' PUSriWcwstcd iiose tprchlldreni;:: V: ' V *",^t.^r

Plairi.»haEmbr#d^riTOp»mb^ „•%_ rioiuothprlhTiclcshotmerit^ « , .1 •.;*& ••:#.,

MftoKimighS-be * i d withr«fcr>ri^:te-flh*:kw.MKl -i,,-' A»a^MiHe1«»Prjn)ehtPf Gbp^'nWtaingpftwdirt thft «l*f»ntSt<«i6sbut W f t > i itaWiRwot » » | « : t t # - !

,•'b^terid"roP*^ai<)dcra,'S^^;or•G<l&a»*.'• < W « f l M » ' . . i "

^^rtpwri;:l^e(:4,vi8p^i:? -: -:"J"-" :•,.-•: :<-':j- »-! ;".v.-t

»ome mwand "•---•"^i^aha'

— — -!*•' -lajftdl-'

'• ' "•' TrCAt'riwWt>jNo'Ft*it!d^ip»t;-'-'


;*V*^i^""rbePlv^l':*.-|«rgP-iiii»nt% , r . --„-.„.„. JWK , MrislhVde li«ines,arid '^rajft . d e ^ W , » n | ar* MlUrijrthpiniSthbsainb l64rrates.>tth«j'^Jiv

A p r i l s , . . ..•:....:.-^.'.•'-.^..'•.:'***' . ' XOAJUKmk ,.

*!--^EWBP»fa«m--c*n'--be-'a^!irliri^ti^i^^ il:ihoard«#prprni«r,Mrid«$i$«iMWM»l«1i, P M a ^ . n ^ - ' P / . ^ l t e ^ o c l r r . : 'ca , : . ,^; , . ' . W ,

T*AP|B&:Marigltw»» Borde%


Iittelhwc-auaiftora'hy'-l?;^ ^ | | y % H ^ t & r i V h / T ^ S j j h a ^ i ^ I r t f : •>, • --6f-^*fa|s»P*'i:ia«o'pf;'MariPn,:^-;:-. -•• •?,- --4,.:^,,,....-,

I/mgfcllow's PO«BI». a «*jr edlUoa h a w o 0 n * r -

It-' rut-: